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Evangelicals and Trump: A Match Made in Heaven or a Marriage with Hell?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
October 23, 2018 4:20 pm

Evangelicals and Trump: A Match Made in Heaven or a Marriage with Hell?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 23, 2018 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/23/18.

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Assess the question evangelicals and Donald Trump.

Is this a match made in heaven, or marriage withheld stock for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown hello I'm gonna need story to tell your fun little story I'll tell you that in a moment, and will really probe some sensitive issues today, but as always it constructive, edifying God glorifying way evangelicals help get Donald Trump into office help vote him into the presidency is a pretty good move or bad move. I was speaking to an evangelical leader. During a conference with him in England and I said without question. Pres. Trump has done a lot of things that are important to evangelicals important to conservatives and he said yes but at what cost. And he was one that I will if you voted for Donald Trump or not, but recognize the goodies done but said how much has it cost us in the process I I just got today. A couple tweets that are really eye-opening and a couple texts that are even more eye-opening out and want to share these with you as we ask an honest question evangelicals Donald Trump white evangelicals voted voted roughly 81% for Donald Trump shocking in many ways, given his history.

Shocking, many ways, giving the fact that we always say character matters, but he's kept his promises and done so much good. On the other hand, has our association with him heard us more than helped us 866-34-TRUTH 87884 when you think you believe that the evangelical vote for Donald Trump has helped our cause a larger basis with conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court has helped our cause with many of the positive things he's done fighting for religious liberties pushing back against LGBT radical activism and things like that standing with Israel. He's done a whole lot of good from a conservative evangelical point of view, which is pro-life, profamily, pro-Israel, pro-religious liberty, or has our relationship with him tarnished our witness. Have we heard ourselves more, by association with Donald Trump. This is the first chapter in my brand-new book just officially released today. If you have in order to just go to Amazon or the paperback.

You can order the e-book and download it in a matter of seconds and therefore we are first couple reviews it just just came out so your first couple of reviews ready five-star real pleased to see that fact. I want to read.

Once you because I just saw it. Haven't even read it myself, but it's encouraging just a few words that I saw but the first chapter in the book I take some time to unpack this question about evangelicals and Trump a match made in heaven, or marriage withheld. Have we compromised our souls.

Standing with this president was far from perfect, or have we shown integrity and insight to recognize that God uses imperfect vessels to accomplish his purposes and that the president is different than a pastor 866-34-TRUTH I was one of those who really did not like the statement we are electing a president not a pastor were voting for president not a pope.

And I said yes that's true, but character matters but integrity matters. You can't trust someone like this. This is when I was really objecting to candidate Trump during the Republican primaries. Other said Mike you're looking at this incorrectly. God uses all kinds of people with all kinds of weaknesses and when you talk about political office. It can be very very different now the end of the show yesterday and by the way, the I'm only taking questions today that relate to the subject, I'm not taking larger questions about the Bible and this relates to politics unless it relates to the church and the culture towards the end of the show yesterday I got a call from a gentleman sir if you're listening today, I hope. I hope you hear and in he said that we have heard ourselves. It's a hypocritical grainy Christian to vote for Donald Trump now I don't have a problem with someone believing that if there consistent when I asked this gentleman if you voted for Barack Obama Hillary Clinton's answer was yes immiscible then you can't you can call me a hypocrite voting for Trump because these are pro-abortion candidates and God cares about 60 million babies killed in the womb. Now you'll notice that after he made his point. I way then you didn't hear from again.

We had a very poor phone connection. Our studio was barely able to hear him. So once he was able to get his point across. II kept him on long enough to hear his heart.

Normally I like to go back and forth. I like to have a give-and-take that didn't happen only because we had a bad phone connection and are still just coming week, we can't hear the call so I know that meant you could barely hear it.

But if you want to argue a point with me if you think I'm wrong here. If you think my perspective is off by all means share that with me but let me give an idea of how how emotional this is all right and how how deep this is a minister fellow minister godly man, probably similar my age maybe slightly older keep he sends me a text from his daughter. I reference this yesterday by the minister saying there's tension in the family. I can talk to my daughter about Trump.

She loves the Lord she loves me with this grading tension. She's totally against Trump us will just drop the subject with her, that don't fellowship around Jesus drop the subject.

You vote, she votes, and leave it there while he sends me a text that she sent him and with his permission. It's totally anonymous and have no idea what I'm talking about okay but with his permission, I'm sharing this. She wrote to her dad what Trump stands for is the opposite of who you are and the father I have supported and loved my whole life.

So what I hear you supportive and champion them and make excuses or twist things to fit the narrative. The Jesus is behind this a crushes me and makes me question what I've always known to be true about you.

I want you to be my hero forever, but what I see is my hero my champion when it when I see but what I see is my hero my champion supporting ability, and I cannot make sense of it know some of you are hearing this thing. Yeah exactly. That's how I feel this matter which colors this matter at your ethnic background is just your ethics you say yeah I agree with that. The dad then sent this note to me. I'm praying for wisdom and discernment had a breakthrough. This force field caused by Trump just have a conversation like you said today speak about me on radio come on he only gets my vote. I agree with the reasons you stated it's just politics is just the president. I don't adore him, nor my tether to him. My daughter knows that factually that she's not able to disassociate all the vitriol embedded in her judgments against the president for us to have a conversation about it. There is no question that many others feel exactly the same they are going through this tension right in their own family. Listen, there was an old friend from childhood. We had been close for many many years but we grew up together same neighborhood did things together at different times and he was still on my personal Facebook page for your first personal page. We have up to 5000 friends. He was still on there even though almost all of my other old friends from childhood weren't there because most of them are very liberal. They don't believe what I believe about Jesus than Oakley but I believe about the Bible because of that they really have an interest beyond the pages of post certain things that reflect my views, etc. but he was still there. He was there and it would interact friend in a friendly way about other things and if you ever challenge something I was saying about trumpets. It is a given space.

He's an old friend all Jewish friend from Long Island given space while roots and about Trump on think he wrote the read the article but because I was making a certain point device.

That's it. And he was gone he was gone. Then I saw another friend from childhood again that some of those of us close to over the years but lived down the block from me and and I and I saw that that she was on my Facebook page, agreeing with a lot of things that I posted so I sent a note hey have this happen because I assume your liberal Democrat like most of the others.

A group in the neighborhood. She said she was but she so what happened, the Obama administration and she began to cut out watch the news for herself getting past which side you're on is whichever side John, you tend to to listen to those who preach to the choir here conservative you you watch, listen to reconsider leisure liberal you watch and listen to read liberal news, fuels our fires and and each side makes the other side look bad and you don't really have a lot of debate, dialogue, intersection along the way and often if we listen to the other side we do critically. We just get mad and angry all this, but she began as an independent thinker usage always thought independently whole life that she began to sort things out and ended up shifting away it was. It is not part of that would scold walk away campaign.

Our people are leaving the Democratic Party leaving the liberal socialist radical left, whatever it is leaving that point of view, but she came to the conclusions and supports president, but she doesn't support rural Republicans and she has issues with other things and just doesn't trust the reason I think it's a good healthy place to be. But she said I told all that to say that it's causing division in her own family and among her own friends and she's want to speak her mind. So here's a big question on what I want to get your input.

I want to get your feedback today. Overall, if you look at what matters most in America. If you look at what matters most in terms of our role here as followers of Jesus. The fact that there are evangelicals who surround Donald trump a regular basis. The fact that he has an evangelical Christian VP. The fact that he has perhaps the most evangelical Christian cabinet. The fact that evangelicals are largely associated with Pres. trump even when we differ with him, largely associated with him has this helped overall. Has this been a good thing. Overall has this been positive overall or has it compromised their witness so we may have progress in religious liberty. We may have progress in the courts. We may have progress when it comes to Israel in the Middle East may have progress when it comes the economy we have progress when it comes to national defense may have progress when it comes to pushing back against a radical LGBT activist agenda. We may have progress in all these ways, but in in in in the process of making this progress witness has been compromised or is this just a narrative of CNN or MSNBC or Huffington Post or or other left-leaning or left-wing media is just there narrative that we compromise their witness because our witness has to do with what we do, day by day and if I was your next-door neighbor. You are reading articles or or or listen to the radio show anything like that. I just be your neighbor sharing the gospel with you and it may not ever come up where I vote or how I vote and if it did come up. I unloaded come up in the most gentle way that you can completely different with missing yeah that's fine is how the success of this difference is the son regular so might your life to help you on your life and tell you about the wars. Let's talk about video call center and share some tweets with you.

Fascinating tweets from today 866-34-TRUTH back with your call. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks so much for joining us today on the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH seven listen all of you know, if you listen to me watch the broadcast over period of years, will listen for years watched more recently, as we air as well on video but you know that we always waiting to the controversial issues the difficult issues and talk them through together. I cannot tell you how much I've learned from you my listening audience how much your calls have helped shape my understanding give me perspective that I didn't have. For example, going way back to to the the trave on Martin George Zimmerman case was it self-defense was it was it manslaughter, murder, etc. I've never been racially profiled, never have anything growing up is as a Jewish kid on Long Island where I grew up there was a lot of anti-Semitism so yeah that's part of our history employee. Terrible brutal anti-Semitism or people faced over the centuries but but I do grow face that have never been racially profiled, so I don't know what it's like to have to train my children when they get to a certain age to warn them about with their stop by police for X number of reasons. If I have a teenage son to one of the site and grow up with it. It was super helpful for me for me to hear from people, God fearing Jesus loving people, not people who are lawbreakers or despise the police people honored and respected police to call in and give me perspective I didn't have.

So I'm always listening.

I'm always learning. When I differ I differ of all be candid with you so I love to hear from people who disagree as well as people who agree and then people have entirely different perspective. So I've got a lot more to share with you only grab some calls and then share some more with you as we talk to the subject relationship between evangelicals and Donald Trump is like midterms are right around the corner and the results of these midterms could be really momentous and it could well be the Pres. trump will have the ability not the Supreme Court but other federal courts to shape the courts for the next 34 years. I can have massive effect on religious liberty massive effect on what's going on your children's schools massive effect on on on the life of the unborn massive effect on other things that are important to us on on the other hand, it could be that that we have a complete collapse and chaos in the nation. And that's probably what it takes for the church to pray for revival to come. God often works in surprising ways. Remember, Nebuchadnezzar was God's servant prejudgment firehose was God's servant for the liberating of the of the people of Israel. What was the servant to liberate the people of Israel by his heart heart.

The other was a servant to bring them into captivity by his heart heart. These are people raised if I got Cyrus was raised up by God.

None of these kings knew the Lord Cyrus was raised by God to bless the people of Israel all raised up offer different purposes, 866-34-TRUTH but start in Charlotte with Agnes walking to the line of fire background thank my call. It will not have topic but one thing I like how that evangelicals are dealing with for current 13 113 below you, Pres., and, create, and I pray for him like I have all of the president, Democrat, and I'm not saying in the county. The Republican, but some of that pain. I have been hearing all the new Night. It one channel 39 and all of everything at the fan and he had tried to tear down my government and he had started college so much racism and I mean talking about people that I know and people I hear all the main characters and some of the character and different places and now people felt evil he a lot of that stuff that had been dealt with and they might've been there. Like they say that it didn't it come out on the hip.

Why he had made it odd that the black white County that racism had started. And damn the way he thought him even with his when he was writing the way he talked to people in Dan Santos ugly remark about the lady that was running about how badly he laws in Dan and the only derogatory names can't be how that the president that love indent. Some people have they create yeah got that far as I'm concerned Christianity no way.

Nobody that guy is in Dorton apart like they talked about people and Callaway put people down to the regulate. And I can't put in the Agnes I guess you know your great job so something let me let me jump in right you may use a very clear and very articulate. So let me tell you I totally agree with you and Emma have a different take. Okay, I totally agree with you that the style of Pres. trump, for whom I voted that the way he does things the way he speaks about others. The derogatory comments the nasty comments the nasty tweets the just the ugly nature of the we can communicate in their way to chew the crowd cheers Amat I agree with you that that has made us worse is a country that that was one like my wife Nancy.

She voted for him with great trepidation, but that was her big concern that he would cause like the culture to degrade, she said, look the news they use profanity where they never used to. It seems like everyone can just get nastier and meaner with each other.

So that's deftly been a negative. That was a concern of mine.

That's why I warned about him during the primaries.

So on the one hand, I I totally agree with you there but it's a shame and that's why it to me as an evangelical leader. I need to say I voted for him but III hate this.

This is wrong.

This is negative, but this is what I was weighing what will I cast my vote. Here's right, I differ. Okay so so you understand the big thing you're saying I'm with you okay here's right differ. I found Pres. Obama to be extraordinarily divisive on the race of racial level.

I thought he could've been the man to unite the nation. Our first black president. Our first African-American president.

What a momentous thing, but he played identity politics. He played white against black teammate things into race issues when they weren't race issues at all you know he criticized the police when it turned out, the police acted rightly and fairly. In certain cases, and I felt them to be tremendously divisive playing black against white in class against okay. The media that was fast LOL almost, almost, yet I find the secular media playing up comments that Trump makes it that aren't racist at all that are taken as racist, but there played up to be racist so you got the fact that he says things I wish you wouldn't say that he's not careful in certain that he thinks it works him as he thinks this is effective, and he's gonna do it and it rallies his base.

I think it brings out the worst.

A lot of people worse than a lot of people and that now we're just we attack were just like reach like trump to each other were nasty to each other mean-spirited so II believe that personal background on how tearing down the house. How do you feel that way X explain how you really think I okay I when they read in the paper about who okay I'm not going back to the media. But want to be like pool and North Korea lead you know how you been not the tough guy all your life ending something that you want to Emily and that is not clear why he seemed like an Republican you never hear them say anything when he think about like that woman.

I'm not even got you were that him and you know yeah from so children should be able to listen to Pres. know they are not perfect. I should be able to say I would like one day the president because he would be showing that type leadership, the know how to lead a government and put your man about Pres. Obama thought something as well, and I didn't agree with it that way, Trop is so vocal only derogatory in no way our current 13 love… Say it. It you know if you all the things that he had done to him.

Not it probably no doubt met and and it fit out of the heart the mouth speak it and then put heat on it in his heart, and it is by country and that really bothered me from a Christian standpoint, I don't take up much time but Bob really cuts unit should be able to look at TV and enjoy commitment to their present and I always tried to back whatever president I see him try to get the government to work properly. Does he want to be like an alpha male, got there that's that's who he is and that's why people voted for him to be that coming. I was face down international leaders and tell the league leader of Korea. Okay you you gotta but I got a bigger button but look, I don't lie I am voting for policy not for personality. So bottom line is I could never possibly vote for a book of Barack Obama, who places they stand for the slaughter of the unborn is the only issue so I'd rather have a guy that's nasty and mean-spirited and profane center for the life of the unborn in some smiles and says go ahead Callum, that's just my take for thank you hate Greta Tom. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown evangelicals Donald Trump has been a match made in heaven or a marriage with hell. How can evangelicals who see character matters stand with a man who has such obvious character flaws. Others would say look this is not a pastor is not a Bishop dissenter Pope this our president time of political battles. We need a warrior will check out these tweets and then I will hear from you. 866-348-7884. This is a tweet from a woman named Alyssa all right. She sent this to me today. She said this, I write for another website whose American evangelical audience would constantly call us Satanic leftists, or otherwise not Christian. If ever we published an article saying anything less than glowing about trump and she's thanking me for my article yesterday.

Donald Trump is not the Christ, Donald Trump is not the antichrist, so she saying here's a website. She writes for it has an evangelical audience, and if they published an article that was less than glowing about him. People said it was Satanic leftist or otherwise attack how their you say a word negative about present if you do that is satanic because God raised him up. That's the one side, then I get this other tweet. Are you ready for this from Charles.

I disagree. He disagrees with me.

The trump is not the antichrist. There are many biblical warnings pointing at trump as being the possible antichrist like the number 666 being all over him in plain sight and antichrist peace covenant with Israel and many tribes work at a peace plan with Israel and many others now setup the care you get the one side, if you say anything less than glowing about the president at satanic. The other side woman always very good probability is the antichrist and I decided to leave this the more the city.

Please explain yourself. And then tear at it from there. But the number 666 being all over him in plain sight, but I'm at but he asked my faithful studio mates and here Matt, Caleb, Kai, could you, what am I missing where is the number 666 all over Donald Trump in plain sight. Am I missing something. I remember in the late 70s early 80s. A woman telling me Ronald Reagan is after Christ. So really he is. He said yeah because name Ronald Wilson Reagan six letters in each name. 666 I have to laugh because it's so absurd and so crazy but but I will the same stuff going out with Barack Obama is the chosen one is the server now he's there antichrist.

How about Mikhail Gorbachev's custom Pocket PCs that birthmark I scuffed the mark of the BS is God's people and she said this stuff believe this stuff yeah I believe there's going to be an antichrist for your one-day believe the personal wreak havoc on the earth and and and oppose the people of God and is going to be so a person so Barack Obama it's not Donald Trump. At least in their present incarnations.

If something changes in 20 years from now. Who knows 866-34-TRUTH has our relationship is evangelical Christians with the president been match made in heaven our marriage with a horn, go to the phones in a moment, but I really appreciate this review of my new book just came out today's was just at the first couple reviews on Amazon, but this this blessed me from Mary. What great books in my book. Donald Trump is not my Savior. You haven't got it started. You can download the e-book having the matter seconds or or or the paperback right just on Amazon, go ahead and do it and then tell a friend about it, but listen to this cassette. This blessed me. That means that when others try to convey. She got what great book. Absolutely love how Dr. Brown is taking us through his experience with Pres. Trump.

I choose not originally formed as the campaign went on I knew there was something more to him running a reason beyond our understanding something working in heavenly places where the Dr. Brown was written this book. I knew I had to get into it so worth the by I got on the pre-order and got book number 30 of people.

This book is worth the read. I might recommend that anyone interested as well as especially anyone judging it by its cover needs to read it. Thanks so much for that and the comment above that that that says that I help I help them understand the signs of the times first Chronicles 12 what's happening and how we should respond is God's people. I want to be constructive.

I want to give some suggestions some guidelines as to how we could have our political convictions and yet not divide and how we can vote for the good policies that the president is putting forward while differing with aspects of his character. If we's if we do anything to have a seat at the table. Then we sell our souls and other spiritual leaders have done that without administrations that if you give give me a little power, and I'll also you my soul give me a little influence and I'll compromise my convictions didn't give me a voice here so I can get my message out and and I'll tone it down over here.

Let's compromise that's that's the spirit of Jude is not the spirit of Jesus.

But think of this zoning go to the phones here are very loyal friends of mine right and even people that I develop a friendship with from a distance where I can do to speak with them first, and interact with them first and cover them. First, rather than differ public on them do it. So I've had my differences with Andy Stanley as you know, but I'll send him something because we've established a friendship by texting by phone. I'll send them, okay, here's right differ with you and also cattle think you're fair here Assyria about this him to lay it out on the publishers was great does affect our friendship. Maker differences known than let's talk about it on the air right.

If I have that same access to the president.

This shows some very different I would not say some things publicly because I have is your privately, and if I have is your privately and you come attacking him. I'm going to defend him more because I have is your probably just like you would do with a family member, so I'm thrilled that there are evangelicals who have the year the president there speaking to his life that are praying for him. I don't expect them to be the main public voice saying I wish you wouldn't say that sir I'm grieved over this because they have is your privately, I don't have is your privately so for the sake of my witness, I was a here's why voted for him. Here's why vote for him against Hillary Clinton again are the major reasons and here's what grease me and I wish you wouldn't do this and this. I don't like this in this policy, but he has my vote for these reasons that's important for me to do for the sake of integrity and and that's important for us to have the conversation for having integrity. If I have is your privately I was there. We've addressed those things privately unlock and criticize and publicly we address those things privately. He knows how I feel.

I don't have his ear is not a family member is not a friend him on his inner circle.

I have friends who are in his inner circle that's for them to work out how they interact with them. I'm not therefore as a voice on radio and voice and writing a voice on Internet and TV.

I'm to speak with integrity to say is a follower of Jesus.

My testimony comes first and that's based on who I am and how I live read all my books, real articles was told shows, watch me live so we preach to hang out with people and hang out with me. See my life that's my testimony and then I vote and I vote. I weigh this, this, this, and based on that, I cast my vote. Just like you do and I'm not going to let the world or the media or the Christians tell me that my integrity or my testimony is tied in with the president anymore than if you if if you felt it was best to vote Democrat vote for Hillary Clinton Barack Obama as a Christian I profoundly differ with that list on the issues important to but I like to judge your salvation or your testimony based on that, I will watch your life and judge you based on that in a positive way. I see godly fruit on simple I can understand how you voted for Hillary Clinton. But I see you love the Lord you love the lost.

You living a godly life that's run and evaluate your that's what we have to see things rightly and fairly. 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to Salt Lake City. Tom Wright was gonna say thanks for holding but I guess he didn't hold a let's go to Philip in Georgia walking to the line of fire.

Dr. Brown think take my call. Sure thing. I had a really appointment I wanted to emphasize the 2016 election for me at the Ed a I'm in my 20s. I've historically been a conservative voter believe I'm I would still be considered a very much conservative voter, evangelical Christian and just so you know FYI I ended up not voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. A lot of it all just a protest I just sit it out suggested. For example yeah I voted for third party candidate got on presidential ticket.

I voted Republican.

Most onerous the way and or directly a senator who was essentially just an hour by the name of the only thing remaining Republicans actually did not vote for him either. But I usually vote Republican because Republicans are more conservative than the consult for Donald Trump which I I fully respect.

I understand that, and then in awfully and get to my point is how I think evangelicals in terms of we got November coming up is very important for evangelicals to get out there and even joke about need to be very prominent America, but the reason I didn't vote for Vandana partly was because of being a valued voter, which I believe we should be as evangelical Christians, partly battery most of mine actually had to do a policy on believe that the president Donald Trump to become. There were many to any indicators of that and Donald Trump's life. The 6570 years prior, and what he said during the campaign have been very pleasantly surprise from a policy standpoint running his farm policy. Israel fighting off our enemies in terms of its tax policies and then how to handle the economy etc. etc. so it mom and will policy nothing I'm getting at. For fellow fellow evangelicals.

I think it we do for the most part need to have at least a certain separation between you and the way we approach the about box. I think we need to go for the public officials and representatives in this Republic which best uphold our values, but mostly the oaths to the Constitution that they take the president take the special written in the Constitution of two department there to protect and defend the Constitution. We shouldn't evaluate the president based off of how good a Christian he is or isn't. To be frank, there a lot of Christians at least two who call themselves Christians, wanting to be terrible president since Jimmy Carter, so the schoolteacher take place if you knew how Trump was going to act once you selected vote is a remedy for him how I would've voted got it all right.

Thank you, will be right back. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown and voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome friends to the live fire.

867884 so here's a question when it comes to president not to remember the title of my book. Donald Trump is not my Savior. I have one Savior only only one who bled and died from the only one who gave his blood for me on the one who sacrificed his life for me, my life belongs to him. My life belongs to the Lord, not to even be. Certainly not to president, certainly not to a political party, certainly not to the governmental system live and die for the Lord I honor my country and seek to better my country as a loyal citizen. However however when it comes to a matter of loyalty to Jesus versus loyalty to a man or to a country there's no contest whatsoever. I encourage you if you have friends who were never Trump was her friends is in no way could vote result from get them a copy of my book before midterms.

Donald Trump is not my safe.

Remember I voted for him if the elections were today. That was him versus Hillary Clinton.

I'd vote for him even more quickly that I did that you said what about the damages done. That's what I was afraid of. That's what's happened, but the issue of the good he's done to me has far exceeded that and I don't listen to the attacking media there with you credit for anything of whether the if the economy is important. You will that's big. He felt that immensely national security felt that immensely. Standing with Israel's help that immensely look. There are people in Israel talk to me that they were, they were willing to talk about the Lord after they told me that they like Donald Trump that wanted me to know that because I was American.

Then there have been talking about the war. Everything that happened while I was why was there and for the pro-life movement for the courts and pushing back against radical LGBT activism. Yeah, I mean let's just remember what we were dealing with it and I want to address this, for those who voted for Barack Obama. But the question how a Christian could vote for Donald Trump. There is that there is a cover on Newsweek magazine. I'm I'm looking at now a cover of Newsweek magazine where they call him the first day president. The first gay president and there he is with a a rainbow halo over his head.

Okay is it will heated nest for that. Nobody fee was considered to be a great champion of LGBT movement.

If you remember during the 2008 campaign. He said as a Christian marriage is important to him it's union of one man and one woman said that was important right that he was against homosexual marriage 12 is campaign director David Axelrod said he lied was to win the conservative African-American vote because he knows that African-Americans are conservative, socially, and therefore he lied about it and that's why said his views court evolved where he came out in favor of it and helped change the definition of marriage in America. The most fundamental of the fundamentals in our country, marriage, family, he led the way to help.

Seeing that change in without the added you could argue the Supreme Court wouldn't roll the way it ruled civil maybes views that involve what we know that years earlier when he was running for Senate. He was given a questionnaire to fill out and said quite emphatically that he stood for homosexual marriage.

This is known as a circulated well well known and well circulated. People want to deny it.

So here he lied about how his Christian faith according to everything we know and cling to his right hand and David Axelrod, and I've never heard Pres. Obama deny this, that he lied about his Christian faith to get a certain segment of the Christian vote. I voted for Donald Trump. Fully understanding this man does not know the Bible fully understanding that he does not emulate the character of Jesus fully understand that if he's a Christian. He is an absolutely brand-new creek if if he's a Christian. He's an absolute baby brand-new Christian and yet when it comes to issues like the genocide of Christians in the Middle East that I read in class doubly incredibly intense, detailed, damning article that the whole rise of Isis and the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Christians in the Middle East is a direct result of Pres. Obama not listening to people when he said we gotta pull our troops out of her got a pull out here in the Iraqi army was not ready and it's an absolute tragedy is a detailed detailed article from folks on on the ground there is a true or not I I can't speak to it directly. What I can say is that his Middle Eastern policy was ultimately a week and bad one that opened the door for Isis and that open the door. The genocide of Christians you consider what's pushed back further on George W. Bush and that he shouldn't gun into a rack and try to remake the government of the whole bit and goes back to him.

Maybe so. This is not Republican versus Democrat to me.

All I'm saying is I could sit here all day and bring all these massive charges against Barack Obama and say you're not a Christian.

If you voted for him and his his Christianity was false. This is the Christianity of Jeremiah Wright.

The race baiting Christiana Jeremiah Wright. But can I ask if you listen to me for 10 years. How if Maven mentioned the name Barack Obama I've mentioned his name more in response to callers through senior want to vote for Donald Trump and I voted for Barack Obama. I said is a more in the last week that I probably didn't many months and years before that and look at all my articles. I did not – I said more critical things about Donald Trump than about Barack Obama in terms of addressing things I don't like and I differ with in the first two years of the Trump presidency and during the campaigns. I said, more critical things of Donald Trump that I said about Barack Obama because my goal was not to be conservative talk radio and Basham and Basham investor in my daily prayer if it ever came up in conversation. My prayer was God making the greatest president we have ever had in our nation, and I wanted to have the privilege of voting for the first African-American president.

But I couldn't in conscience because of where I knew he stood on abortion and were I was convinced he stood on gay activism and the concerns I had about worsted with Israel, which ended up being worse than I thought. At the same time on company strengths and I don't like a lot of things the president Trump does and I wish he did a lot of things differently, but for reasons that I voted for him remain. And that's why voted for him.

That's why I'd love to see the things he's pushing for push forward while I keep hoping and praying that he'll change in certain ways and not be so divisive and not be so offensive, and I don't say that. I just offended people on every side.

But I'm I'm not trying to win your favor and try speak the truth in love and and then you learn for me and I'll learn from use this I could deal, I'll speak my mind. You learn for me. Sift out you agree with differ with that I learned from you and then we sit down and have a meal together and smile.

Let's let's go when the lost.

Can we do that, can we be mature enough to do that. I believe we can. I believe we can I let's go back to the phones we go to Russell Russell and I'll tell you what I can get to both these calls one defending prison. Obama won agree with me on Pres. Obama would love to get both you speak right Charles and Winston-Salem all Charles's got Charles was in a different with me all come on all right mold will go to Jeanette and drama, hope you're there bookings identifier right here. Thank you why I would given information out to be direct, but everything you say about Obama work grant map back.

I would put link I in my neighborhood. They bombarded up with him and it's amazing to me really is innovative what he's good for an all-day and Emmy and Eric believer II week I ever voted for Mike to and I me I don't have a lot of regrets in my life danced when I regret an airport, because I think it believer week to forget. We forget what Obama or even know a lot of us.

We can't allow one now you know it was how he was was was PR. It was awesome you not in the believer week. We need to remember what what the platform for which we forget, and it is African-American female. I felt really betray you know I have. But I do so when people come to me or what I hear from about trout. Unlike go back go back. Remember what you voted for and what we guide you right note with the gay thing and that come on as a believer, week the word we serious about the work, the word does not justify that.

But no Christmas Day what they want to say whatever. But understand we need to remember them get get is about trout. Come on — answer what is the miss you one question, are there are other other friends, colleagues, viewers that were in in your community that voted the way you voted that now see things the way you see about it early got it and and the rough edges of president Trump of the things he can say and did you feel that he is just rough edges as you feel he's divisive, racially eyebrow and a private okay. He was elected to do a job.they get Jeanette thank you for weighing in and I appreciated your voice to folks every sub thank you for Wayne and much appreciated. Thank you you too and you know it's interesting having regrets.

We all do. But sometimes Hilary get where we are today is by learning by our experiences you know, so I just want to say this, some of you that that are so positive on Donald Trump. You're upset with me for different with him on any level and some of you are so negative on your differ is different with me for voted for him. Okay, so what is not trying to offend them and try to not offend them to try to be honest and really prayerful and how can I is a voice help speak in the midst of this I will.

I want to stir up your thinking and have some good healthy conversation. Then at the end let's let's fellowship around it really matters, which is our our relationship to the Lord and put politics.

It's important for three secondary but even in my most anti-Trump days during the Republican primaries, even in my days of warning about this.

I didn't know that he would do the things he did or keep his word, even in those days I defended him and said is not anti-Semite and talking to private probably the Nancy and I sit here I don't I don't think was racist. I still think he's a racist coach resented semi. But he says a lot of things that play into a narrative that can make them look bad. That being said, in my book.

If you don't have a Donald Trump is not my Savior. When you really give us a call. Tell us what you think back tomorrow