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The Spiritual Battle in Israel

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
February 4, 2019 5:40 pm

The Spiritual Battle in Israel

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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February 4, 2019 5:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 02/04/19.

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We are live from Israel is the one to miss today's broadcast stage for the line of fire, your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown difference. It is great to be with you today Michael Brown coming away live from Tiberius in Israel and hence are. This is a devoted tour group here in the wake up call I think is seven in the morning right seven in the morning and then they been out touring all day, then right after dinner came in. We did a meeting tonight with many of them here for the meeting and now a boisterous remnant is here making a joyful noise so we we want to hear from them in a little while just moves to get a question I want to share a little bit about what has happened on the trip so far but when I'm over in Israel. I am always super conscious of the fact that there is a spiritual battle that this is the ultimate place of spiritual conflict and that is much as I love to be in Israel and feel absolutely home in Israel and love to share Israel with others and share the gospel while here I'm I'm always deeply aware of the spiritual battle of the spiritual warfare of the intensity of things and we were looking together the passage last night.

Isaiah 24 to 27 are often known as the apocalypse of Isaiah. It's like a mini book of Revelation and in the book of Isaiah, a book about the end of the world the end of the age, and it talks about in these chapters, how how God is going to deal with the powers in heaven and in it even says in the 27th chapter. That is gonna smite Leviathan and what's interesting is the text there. Isaiah 27 one speaks about God with a strong sword destroying this this swift serpent, the sweet syrup of this twisted serpent and what's interesting is that there's a text in a and a sister language close to Hebrew code Ugaritic that is about 700 year but there it's ball Bale who takes credit for destroying Leviathan on the point being that it was known that there were the spiritual beings at L elsewhere. The Psalms talk about God's victory over these these chaos monster 07 headed monster or Revelation the 12 chapter Satan is pictured as a seven headed monster in an ancient recent literature Leviathan is pictured as a seven headed monster. The point is, there are real spiritual beings with a look like seven headed monsters and that's not the issue whether Satan looks like this Dragon with details of the issue, but there is a real spiritual battle and it weathers for the soul of America. Whether it's for the soul of Israel, whether it's for the salvation of Gentiles and Jews are battle was ultimately not with people are battle was ultimately a spiritual battle I spoke about that on Mount Carmel replacer Elijah called on fire from heaven because it's so easy to get caught up with what's happening politically. What's happening socially was happening in the church world and you people do have responsibility for their actions. But Paul wrote in Ephesians 6 that we don't wrestle with flesh and blood wrist with principalities with powers that there were there was organize spiritual demonic resistance it's it's not just fantasy.

Yeah, a lot of people say the devil made me do it, and people blame the devil for their own thoughts in their own actions. Conversely, Israel devil, there are real demonic powers and when we engage in. In prayer it in a way where engaging directly in spiritual warfare only.

We always have to be addressing the devil rebuking demons, but that's what we're fighting in the spiritual realm and and often as God's Spirit moves as is the truth of the gospel goes forth, it pushes things back and there's a reaction when light shines in darkness as a reaction.

Have you ever wondered where all the demons were before Jesus showed up in certain places, you know, he goes into a synagogue right and and a man begins to manifest demonic liens and screams out in things. People convulse fall to the ground. It's very possible that those people were going to the synagogue for years, but they were never confronted with the life and power of God. It was only when they encountered the life and power of God that at that point that the demonic manifestation came up so yeah you had the man with a legion of demons and that was already known, but probably many other cases people just go about their business living their lives. And when Yeshua came the light shown in the darkness, and it brought a reaction. I remember being in a meeting in Italy one time and ministering to people they came up to the altar and one woman came up well dressed Italian woman look very sophisticated when I began to pray for next thing she began to violently manifest in demonic Wyoming you never if you had to pick out some of it would not seem to be demonizing you very sophisticated together in and yet she needed deliverance. The powers of darkness. I'm reminded of that is a look at what's happening with the battle of abortion in America got an article should be going live on the stream. Any minute now it's it's up on other sites as well. It eroded of. With the last 24 hours on the fact that in America were heading for either the great awakening that changes hearts and minds were Civil War of abortion will mean that we take up weapons, but I mean America could literally be divided and torn apart over this. We have to remember is as much as were looking at people making decisions and Pollitt politicians make decisions in courts making decisions and activists doing what they do there still ultimately a spiritual battle. Ultimately, this battle must be one first and foremost of the spiritual and in this article I was talking about Charles Finney and a friend of mine, a young colleague who's done a tremendous amount of study.

The American Constitution and in the history of the nation was looking at some quotes from Finney about slavery and it reminded me of Finney Stansel Finney was one of the great American evangelist lived from 1792 to 1875 but he was not just an evangelist.

He was also an abolitionist. He stood very, very strongly against slavery and the slave trade when he passed in New York City.

If you were part of his church and were part of the slave trade in any way. Maybe you had a plantation in the South was lazy when serving communion and he was president of Oberlin College and Oberlin College actually became an escape route part of the so-called Underground Railroad for slaves to to escape and and and and make it to other parts of the country are out of the country but Finney fully understood that revival had to come first.

Otherwise there would be a national bloodbath and Finney's most faint, most famous book is called revival lectures or lectures on the revival of religion and Finney had been pastoring in New York he he got sick and some of the recommendations in the old days to recover your health would be to go out on on a ship at sea and spend weeks out and see the sea air was supposed to be healthy and all of that.

So Finney went away just to recuperate and they they had a newspaper that went out from the church and that had a strong emphasis on evangelism and revival and also talked about abolition in the war against slavery and he told the. The gentleman who would be responsible for the publication. He told them while on the way. Make sure you keep the priorities in the right thing spiritually to first cultivate revival in the church that the church turns from its backsliding's as well as to reach the lost with the gospel and that's ultimately how were you to turn hearts and minds about slavery while while he was away. The other brother who was so passionate to fight against slavery. He ended up changing the focus of the newspaper. So by the time Finney got back weeks and weeks later the subscriptions are greatly declined because that the priority was was in the wrong order and when Finney was away on the ship he was in deep prayer and travail didn't know why but just groaning and agonizing in prayer and out of his time away this passionate message on revival was freshly birthed in him. So in order to correct what had been happening with the direction of the newspaper he began to preach every week once a week a message on revival and a brother in the congregation took down what he was writing in longhand if you can imagine it and then after the service.

Finney would subsequently review the man's notes, which he thought were tremendously anointed. You really conveyed what he was saying in these ended up published at his fate as his famous lectures on the revival of religion and those writings greatly impacted me years ago as I was praying and fasting for revival and Finney in his lectures on revival has one sermon called hindrances to revival and and I want you to hear how strongly he felt about the evils of slavery.

This we understand that that this was a critically important issue to him and yet for him first thing had to be national conversion revival voice. He said there's gonna be a bloodbath. Finney said this revivals are hindered when ministers and churches take wrong ground in regard to any question involving human rights take the subject of slavery. For instance, three dollars and through true Christians involved in slavery, but he said it was because the sinfulness of it was not apparent to their minds, so ministers and churches to a great extent throughout the land have held their peace and bore no testimony against this abominable abomination existing in the church and in the nation. But he said no more, they can continue. He said light is now shed upon the subject as it is been upon the cause of temperance facts or exhibited the principles established in light thrown in upon the minds of men and this monster is dragged from this horrid Dan and exhibited before the church and it is demanded front of them. Is this sin so Finney was confrontational. He's laying out and and and he said look, ministers and Christians in general are duty-bound to tell the truth what would they say, Finney said, it is impossible that their testimony should not be given on one side or the other. Their silence can no longer be accounted for upon the principle of ignorance and that they have never had their attention turned to the subject.

Consequently, the silence of Christians upon the subject is virtually saying that they do not consider slavery as a sin. The truth is it is a subject upon which they cannot be silent without guilt. The time has come in the providence of God when every southern breathes is loaded down with the cries of lamentation morning in wall to millions of degraded heathen in our land, stretch their hands all shackled and bleeding and sent forth to the Church of God. The agonizing cry for help shall the church in her efforts to reclaim and save the world deafen her ears to this voice of agony and despair. God forbid the church cannot turn away from this question. It is a question for the church and for the nation to decide and gobble push it to a decision in the eyes of Finney quote. It is doubtless true that one of the reasons for the low state of religion at the present time is that many churches have taken the wrong side of the subject of slavery have suffered prejudice the prevailing principle related apply that today will be right back here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution of your exam is Dr. Michael Brown and friends welcome back to Tiberius Israel. Yes, we've set things up now for this broadcast where we are in the past we had to go to a remote location walk about 1520 minutes squeeze just a handful of people and truly couldn't even hear anything happening but we set up in the hotel.

Proper so that anyone wants to calm conducive gun speaker set up and and hopefully you can hear me loudly and clearly but just want to find out from a few of you folks that have come on the tour. Just for two days, insofar so establishing a warrior from Sean from lecture Pennsylvania I and and Shawn you are a student of ours. Our ministry school, but I found that to my surprise that this is your ex, your fourth Israel tore correct okay so first, why for tours well. Repetition helps for me for one to learn is just learning such great information that can hurt you too much of it so agree with that. So you see a few things now a few times, correct correct. How is it impacting you this time compared to the first will for certain things or maybe a little less impact. But it's still like Associates repetitions getting the information in there and is just that way whenever somebody asked me back no background front were back in the states is something that about something I can give it with in a certain clarity can be seen at number times and just cool arts out so far in these two days on this trip. So, for what which has the earth which is been the most enjoyable or the most spiritual impacting will action on this trip.

It's just been, it was we went on the Sea of Galilee today on a boat and it was really windy and it can't give some perverse perspective about were somewhat when it says about when Jesus calls us calm the storm every year we set up like that Yahweh had all that comes out of a big thing here Israel that we do for CPI new teachers very well-connected, so I figure she has some yeah Adriana yeah so we set up this clause a lot of effects here Israel. I figure that yeah so it it gave your realization of what what could of been like in the Sea of Galilee exactly yeah and as I've set out from the hotel. Just some days is going out and by the shore night just praying they think it yet. It could get pretty wild. There missing middle of the night Jesus was sleeping in the boat anyway. Awesome. Thanks, Matt writes that someone else's come up real quick, don't. Don't be shy, you're all here enthusiastically.

All right, this coffee real quick and tell us your first name, where you're from Robbie from Virginia all right so and hold that Mike up real close to Robbie. So what's been so far that the highlight view of the first two days, displacing the image of Jesus did while he was here and put a picture with where he walked and what he did and and bring your Bible and see this come to life. So what's the difference between doing this versus being at home and they be with the Bible at last sewer you know some books. What's the difference here. You can look at a map and you can learn a lot from a map like a terrible wife, astonished by how green the mountains are you know when you picture this rough territory and it is rough not to play down but we see this lush green when you see what actual mustard tree looks like versus something you see in the Bible don't know why thought this, but I looked at your the hard times.

Jesus suffered while he was here. I was expecting a more rough Drive desert environment environment. But here initial everything is just vibrant, beautiful you can really see why it was the center of your the world and at times her sister before. What's interesting. Those, of course, it was totally desolate for many centuries and and when the Israeli pioneers came here many of them died draining swamps, no malaria, and things, but their other if you go, I've only been 1 Time Way out in the wilderness of Judeo where referendum went outcome with four wheeler and then went further out and that was just when the most devastatingly beautiful places are seen in just nothing you just mountains and desert and and quiet absolute quiet but is yet coming here, nothing else. Hey thanks somebody else real quick just look at this all men. So far the ladies room very, by the way you are familiar Israel stuff you are allowed to speak just to let you know that all right yet switch your first and where you're from I'm billing from Durham, North Carolina. All right, so highlights for you so far weathers been in a number of them and not just in terms of what Robbie was just down from the South, but on the transplants have asked and he has, but just having it come to life and really the root we can read the Old Testament and we can read the New Testament. I know it's connected. But honestly speaking what the tour guides provide what you provide in terms of little nuances of the culture and little nuances of their fit of the faith of Judaism and how they connect up as just been really really overwhelming.


Given were only two days and yeah it is overwhelming. Overall awesome.

Thank you, thank you so much.

In fact, is as we were introducing everyone meeting them at the hotel executive. One day early electronics will. Here's a couple that was with us two years ago back again for the same torso wasn't going with someone else's torso.

Obviously that was that was a blessing to see. I tell you what, what is my consensus shoot should be given a book away. Okay I like so 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH more school talented musician plays multiple instruments.

She just finished my new book the power of music on scalded change the world one song at a time and was is raving about it. She's been telling all her music friends worship friends got to get this book and of you know here in Israel member David of course led the way with the some of the music revolution God used to play playing the harp liar to to drive a demonic spirit away from Saul and then he paid for these expensive instruments to be made as part of the tabernacle, which is really quite remarkable.

The importance of that in praise and worship many examples throughout Scripture, and David all of his writings sing a new song to the Lord sold out.

Let's do it. A caller number eight caller number eight 866-34-TRUTH eight 784 got a free copy of the power of music. We want to send out you. This is error if you're in the anywhere in the United States are rejoicing in the call number 88663 for 87884. All right anyone here on our Israel tour you get priority here. If you have a question of any kind and bear in mind friends on the bus we been doing Q&A over dinner I've been doing Q&A site we been doing Q&A, someone asked me if I ever get tired of answering questions and my answer was no question as you get tired of asking them. But you got a question anything biblical theological ministry related whatever, appear grabbed the mic and Gingrich your first name, where you're from and then go and make sure you get that Mike Wright closed her mouth to speak your question and where you who you are, where you're from I am Stephen from Chattanooga right so I liked what you said earlier about finny and I have a question regarding the true Christians who were involved with slavery you are mentioning earlier today we mentioned John 21 about Peter accepting the fact that he would be martyred. And he's responding with the follow me, follow me, follow me, because he is denied three times right earlier in Luke it says he was forgiven little loves little.

I believe that Peter loved Christ a lot, and I've believe that he was forgiven a lot in those three times when you look at the slavery in the South and just in American history or just the terrible times in history of people doing evil things. How do they come to conviction, how how did they see their sin greater so that they can love greater is it something that they can ask for is it something that his conviction is it something they hear from other people. Do you understand the correct address that absolutely and and we do have a winner. So thank you thank you for your because we do have a winner okay what's really important for us to understand is that we all may have blind spots and the thing with the blind spot is not aware of it right right so when you think you got everything covered in your living righteously before God, there may be a blind spot so I always try to be open before God. Is there a blind spot I have is there something that I might be missing if someone comes and brings her perspective to me and we are all products of her own environment right so slavery was normal life. Slavery was the way it was. There was a group of people that were of lesser quality and of lesser value that you grew up just thinking that people may have grown up in the South thinking that and you know the days of segregation, etc. so what what's what happened is that slavery just being the norm, even someone like George Whitfield, 17, 14, 1771 of the greatest leaders. Christian leaders of the 18th century a tremendous revivalist used in England and in America, one of that spark plugs of the great awakening he he didn't realize the evil of slavery and thought. The thing was to treat them well and to be compassionate toward your slaves so you can read the Bible through certain lands you grew up in a certain way and you don't see it the same way with abortion.

For the most part it's out of sight out of mind.

Your average Christian can tell you where an abortion clinic is in their in their city and and it something here.

A lot of people even think about the evil of it sometimes doesn't strike them until maybe they look at pictures of the her testimony so 00 it isn't a matter of awakening. It's a matter people waking up from slumber. So we pray for awakening that the Holy Spirit will just stir hearts.

That's one thing that lives you do your best to get the truth out in the truth out in a way that doesn't just preach to the choir of your own people, but will get others from a different viewpoint to think things they haven't thought before you know one of the that we call it a meme today, but it was a visual that was used during the fight against slavery and and in England and here's a man and in chains and basically the questioner at MI, not a human being, you know was it was hard to resist that. I just retweeted the testimony of a of a young man probably in his 20s with down syndrome whose been a special link. The entities appeared in movies and things. Some is clearly down syndrome and yes to the question he asked to think in your response will slowly but ditto he said look I don't want abortion to be a legal I want to be unthinkable. You know it's just an end, and how can you make it unthinkable by meeting people like him. Everybody wants so you have to find ways sometimes just preaching the word faith and prayer conviction of the spirit of dialogue in his eyes open and limited realize many of them abortion doctors become champions the cause. Thanks.

Thank you right back for cleansing and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown and we are live in type is on the Sea of Galilee, we start off the Mediterranean Sea was out of view or what now Sea of Galilee actually get down to Dead Sea one day and you can float float on the Dead Sea right but welcome friends to the line of fire. I am going to give away another copy of the power of music very shortly. Don't call yet, but just a number that 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Okay, so last night was the Super Bowl. But in Israel time it started at 130 in the morning. Now last year working with my friend Sid Roth who owns an BTV Middle East TV.

I recorded short evangelistic messages to play during commercial breaks and just try to get some angle to get somebody's attention long enough, you know, the first, second, so they don't turn it off and then from there talk about football and somehow turned into an evangelistic message so I didn't know what they were doing this year what was going be happening with it, but I knew that they had the rights to air the Super Bowl as it did last year to draw people into Middle East TV, a civil also hear gospel programming and basically if you have cable TV you have you had believes to be subtle. I don't only put the TV on the hotels and stuff but less than I was curious so I I fell asleep earlier in the night and I said if I wake up and it's time to put the TV on all put it onto Cecil.

It turned out that during the commercial breaks they just played normal commercials, but at half time instead of the halftime show. It was said, giving an evangelistic message so there was a live audience.

Sharing his testimony in doing outreach and quoting Scripture etc. so, so I thought that's that's cool.

Those those sweet salt or here's something interesting you seal a lot of the sports events and like that the Philadelphia Eagles their whole story. Last year, and their strong Christian quarterback and so many professing Christians on the team and the coaches been out they know now he's coaching and and then the top quarterback and VP candidate gets injured another quarterback comes and he ends up in a strong believer and when I was hearing about all the testimonies on the Eagles and and how how so many how so many were committed.

I want my part way through the season.

I asked myself, is God going to do something unusual with Eagles just to give these folks a platform for the gospel is remember what you been just a football star but a Super Bowl winner for the rest your life you have a platform you can speak in schools you can you know you have a tremendous platform so anyway. Of course they won the Super Bowl and everybody that spoke at the end was just glorifying Jesus, but Tom Brady is not having Tom Brady will thank us his family for it to be very gracious and all that and honoring, but you're not can hear a lot about Jesus and not doesn't mean that only the God glorifying people when I understand that you know we read and God will you work through sports like a million other things but but what happened was while I was here. The first night I had dinner with the young man who works at the local sports station is like kind of an ESPN thing here in Israel and I said to him, so you're rooting for the in the Super Bowl is rarely most of the patriots and comic, of course, and I civil it on the states because they're so successful on people hate the patriots because they went all the time in all this and and he said not all Robert Kraft know the owner is very, very strongly pro-Israel, and he mentioned that when Israeli soldier died sometime back in a moment of silence there at the stadium and craft brings people overall, the time so I thought it out to the extent I'm gonna route either way.

I was rooting against the patriots by so off they win, that's cool because Robert Kraft strong friend was nothing in any of this matter.

Suggest making it evident that matters is a friend of Israel doesn't matter that they won, but of anyway, I wake up this morning and I see a headline on one Jewish website that for the first time ever, the MVP of the Super Bowl was a Jew Julian Edelman who that a religious you obviously tough little guy but he was the MVP of the Super Bowl. A Jew for the first time she got Robert Kraft loving Israel, but I just saw this one quote from from the other running back to score the one touchdown and he's been prolific in these kind of game son Michelle. He said without Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

There is none of this we get all this glory, but the glory is not for us it's for him. We do this for him.

So there was a Jesus exalting testimony as well. 866-34-TRUTH there is a call from Ben from Alaska who wanted to know who is Messiah. According to the Jews.

So a secular Jew really doesn't think much about Messiah either discover living their lives in the next generations very, very liberal Jews who were somewhat religious may look for a messianic era through human self-improvement about religious Jews pray daily for the coming of the Messiah and confess that they believe in the coming of the Messiah to get away from every day even though he's delayed their gonna wait for him and a traditional Jew believes that the Messiah will be flesh and blood that will be a highly exalted human being, but that he won't be divine in any way that will be a descendent of King David that he will be obedient to the to the written law and to the Jewish traditions and that he will lead the nation of Israel in repentance that he will rebuild the temple, so build the third Temple that he will regather the exiles that he will fight the wars of the Lord, and the one that does that is surely the Messiah and then of course he will defeat the wicked and establish peace on the earth. That's with her, waiting for there are Jewish traditions that there is a second figure, so Messiah son of David, is the primary one, but another one called Messiah son of Joseph. According to Jewish tradition, he will fight the wars of the Lord, but will be killed and then David will ultimately raise him from the dead. Most of the traditions don't don't speak of him so much suffering in our place suffering vicariously suffering for our sins, then emphasize that mainly that he's a warrior and dies in war, but there are some of the traditions associated with Messiah son of Joseph that do speak of him dying vicariously dying for sin, suffering on our behalf, so there are Jewish traditions about the suffering Messiah and then a ruling and reigning Messiah, but there considered to be two different people and not having the identical roles. We of course can use that as a bridge to say will yeah there is a suffering Messiah and reigning Messiah but it's it's one and the same Messiah Messiah son of David, all right someone else from our tour group here with a question Kaman officer and grabbed the mic tells your first name, where you're from and then your question, it's a Richard from Belton, Texas all right in the New Testament at the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70. Doesn't seem to be much regard from the. The early church writers, including writers after the New Testament about rebuilding the temple or the necessity to rebuild the temple in modern times lot of Christians and including myself.

Don't like the dome of the rock on top of the Temple Mount.

Is that something that Christians should be concerned with, or is it an issue for Christians right so first thing when you get to Jerusalem and actually there you see the dome of the rock and and also all oxo Mosque which of course were built after the conquest of Islam. It is, it is bizarre to see if there there's no temple that's been destroyed and you have to realize that that the reason that these things are built it. It is a statement in his long it it it is it is a a Muslim way of saying we have conquered and that's why there is such a passionate battle for for Jerusalem and for the land of Israel because it was once Muslim territory, even though according to chronic tradition. Mohammed ascends to heaven on the steed from Jerusalem. Jerusalem doesn't play a major role elsewhere in the Koran. It's not it's not mentioned it in the crawl directly. So it is especially important now and the land of Israel to the Muslim world because it was Muslim territory and and now it's no longer Muslim territory. So that's kind of an ultimate insult like someone stole your wife, and ran off with her and is parading. Ultimately I look at this as part of the larger issue that God will fix when Yeshua returns. In other words, there's all kinds of injustice in the earth is all kinds of suffering. There's all kinds of wickedness there many wrongs that need to be right if and they will be righted when he returns.

As for fulfilling prophecy. Remember, for the, the earliest of the earliest believers that their issue was bring the gospel to their society and ultimate working for the Lord to return and even though there was a belief in a physical return and in the Lord ruling and reigning on the earth of I don't think there was a focus on some of the details. We look at artist in all the centuries with the Temple destroyed and other Jewish people brought back to the land of Islam didn't exist. In those days a Jew in the juice it up and fully scattered in the earliest days that when they were scattered beginning. You know, especially after the first destruction of destruction 70 within the destruction for the warm 135 to reduce further scattered when they come back. It becomes more of an issue.

So a lot of these things when the bid on their mind they may have thought the Jews will be in exile till the Messiah returns and regather them.

You know, but to us. My big issue is seeing people come to the Lord and seen the Lord return and then how these things will work themselves out with the Lord begone thanks thanks for the question. All right Taylor let's okay hang on a giveaway in the book in a minute. We just got a free up our call screener here Vincent from Hawaii is there a blind spot regarding spiritual war regarding Calvinists and charismatics. That's an interesting question through blind spot regarding spiritual war Ocala come back to that second but Taylor let's shall we giveaway another book I okay will make this really quick call in number six: number 686-634-8780 486-6341 send you a copy of my newest book the power of music God's call to change the world.

Once on the top of your worshiper musician, music lover, singer-songwriter, this book is for you: number six 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Okay so is is there and just showing or letting folks know what it looks like when you call and showing our audience here.

Okay, so is there a blind spot regarding spiritual regarding Calvinists and charismatics. I think that often there's a blind spot in general among believers in terms of spiritual warfare. Forget Calvinists versus charismatics and by the way their Calvinistic charismatics and and and and not and and non-charismatic Arminians, etc. I think many times we don't recognize how much the devil wants to divide that I would say this blind spot is the personalities, doctrines, and while weekly hold to hold to eviction matter, forget our unity is really important.

Lord, the devil really wants to divide us and that we have to be alert will be right back. It's the light a fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution generated a light a fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown rightly or live in Tiberias sunny right we could go 50 feet out and we be in the sea of Galilee. Yeah me maybe not even that far maybe 90 minutes for your so II posted this I will know how many of you folks saw this but I posted this on Saturday. I will always 1980s when I was 28 and he was a teen's and 63 and 53, and any lives here, American Israeli skids been mainly raised here and we were we were grabbed a meal together were just walking by the side of the beach and there are many, many religious Jews in Israel and if you're in a religious Jewish community.

Everything is completely shut down on the Sabbath in a confined store open your note.

You and I can find the streets bustling except people going to and from synagogue services or going to the to the wall to pray and then having meals at home with her family and that's that's what's going on.

All I should've should've said this before the break, so if we had a winner for a while.

Sorry sorry Howard to wear you out there answering answering calls. We have a relevant regularly. One more book. So if we can clear the lines which regularly one more book before the hour is is out.

By the way you're allowed to buy, just to let you know you're allowed to like you can buy it. Just go ahead and bide it's worth, that's why I wrote it. Trust, but so if you're if you're in Jerusalem you'll see us as attribute there our last day will be Sabbath in Jerusalem. You'll see the degree of observance and and how religious Jews really have tremendous influence there but Tel Aviv is very secular city and it's, it's, it was voted years back overwhelmingly the most gay friendly city in the world, you'll find every every problem you know from porn to drugs, to whatever annual fine just a very spirited people. So, here, here we are in a walking down the beach and you got this music play and your this Israeli folk dance disparate dozens and dozens of people and couples just dancing in and then like salsa stuffs house just your people are surprising. Israel's legalities most of Israel's not not religious in the religious part is very, very religious and growing this deep consciousness to being Jewish, but it's still still is different than than some expectant and that's what was a look we stand with Israel. Not because of Israel's goodness, because God's goodness because of Israel's perfection, but because of God's promises and calling at the same time. What you'll see as you learn more about the nation's is ethical principles really do matter when you're in the Israeli army, the IDF, of course, their abuses and things that go wrong got allow young people in very difficult situations, but they start by studying ethics, but when they start their military training.

They start studying ethics you get online to search for IDF ethics and they cannot leave base that have their identification.

I'm see their weapon but they cannot leave base without their ethics card and and we will often hear from the parents of messianic Jews who are who are on the front lines and they'll call us and say, or the email pray you might my son is on the front lines and in going into Hamas territory and they said it so difficult because they have to check go through this checklist of precautions to make sure that they don't endanger citizen so they have to put their own lives at risk.

Miller protect others, but that's that's is really ethics was much as there is can be worldliness and people in all of the Lord there still a high athletic that's important.

Just as part of Judaism okay will will giveaway one more book the power of music my gift to God's call to change the world.

Once on a time and remember, when you get a book post review on Amazon.

Even if you didn't get it there. A lot of folks go there. It's a good waiter to recommend it to others.

Serve your music lover if if your worshiper worship leader songwriter singer, lyricist, the book is for which center loves music you find it eye-opening. 866-34-TRUTH Ohio what what color number should be somebody 30 snow X. Thanks. Not seven or 8777 it is call number 78663487884: number seven the book is yours right. Anyone else with a question. Come on up.

Go ahead, we got a few folks on their way up here. Go ahead, it's up to have your first name where you from Jenny and from Jacksonville right and some of the folks that wrong. So for the night have been rebaptized in the river George that you're one of them, yes. So why was it so meaningful to you. You know, I just stop. I felt sort of a spiritual battle that I had in a long time during the trip, and I was just praying and before the before the actual baptism I was able to ask for prayer from a couple of people on Angela and my friend Danielle and you just feel the spirit of God and then when I actually got baptized. As I was saying on a Mike has a laugh that I never cry, but on it was just so emotional in the Holy Spirit just came and he just delivered me and I just and my daughter also said she. She also got baptized.

She had to go to the bathroom under the bathroom afterwards and just wept in the bathroom for several minutes, it was just on, it was really incredible. Yeah what was called to serve. People can my Lord like credit was.

They were they were they were blessed by the way, we were ready put on schedule on our schedule a tour for May of next year, God willing. We've never done it two consecutive years, but just as real to do that so if your listing cement.

I love to go pray with us. Okay your question, yeah. When Malachi prophesies about John see me about Elijah coming. It the prophecy seems really clear that Elijah is going to come and then but when Jesus discusses that he says that you know John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah and and it just seems inconsistent is or something I'm not catching from the Hebrew we do have a winner. So thanks for your calls will should we give away more books from Israel. This week I said well will do this again.

At least at least one. One more night is always easy to be generous with other people stuff right there dirt during that the browser revival meetings, a Steve Hill used to say look just reach into your neighbor's pocket and give the what you always wanted to give okay but the first thing is there are references to this beginning in Luke's gospel, the prophecy of his birth in terms of his forerunner status and and and then we have. For example, reference to him and in Matthew the 11th chapter of Luke the seventh chapter where it's it speaks of him, you know, if you were to receive this if you understand it and I believe in Matthew 17 with the disciples asked Elijah must come first, and restore all things in civil if you could see it. He has so on the one hand, we know there to comings of the Messiah right and and there is no indication that Elijah is going to come twice because Elijah really has is one primary role so it could well be that the first time around. It was John. It was not Elijah risen from the dead, and we know that Jesus actually speaks with with Elijah directly present the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17 Mark nine and Luke nine. These he meets with with Elijah.

So of you could say it's possible that Johnny Mercer comes in the spirit and power of Elijah that at the end of the age there will literally be Elijah who comes in that prophecy will still be fulfilled as one of a lot of prophecies like return from exile. It's part happens, but only the part was God's as you come back and rebuild the temple do this, this, this and and it will be glorious and whole nation will survey and the nations will turn to me and only part of that happen when they returned from Babylonian exile will the rest be fulfilled and is an ongoing fulfillment right. The same thing. Prophecies of the Messiah will be highly exalted before suffer and die. So this part one and part two so it could be the same with this Johnny Mercer comes to fulfill part one Elijah will literally come or Elijah could be a metaphor for the prophetic. It could be that it's can speak of a prophetic company at the end of the age, or certain prophetic witnesses. There have been Christian leaders over the years who fallen into deception, thinking they were Elijah the prophet, and it does it happened that anybody falling to Jerusalem syndrome yet, but we haven't gotten to Jerusalem though. Okay, so there there is something that we tell the tour group. The first night I did this time so that she call Jerusalem syndrome or people get to Jerusalem and they think you're religious visitors.

They actually think they become Elijah the prophet appear remarry or something and that there is a high hospital the mental hospital in Jerusalem that specializes in people with Jerusalem syndrome and the organizer of our tour of living here in Israel for decades that he has their direct number to the hospital of but that's why some people. Some people think that that know there are Elijah because of Scripture about it so to me the two possibilities. One John plays the role the first time and there will be a literal Elijah at the end. Or, just as John came in the spirit of power.

Elijah that there will also be those who come in the spirit and power of Elijah before the Lord returns and I'm I'm not really clear what to expect. Judaism definitely expects a physical real Elijah and expects them to settle legal disputes in rabbinic law because that's how it thinks like you thinks we can sort out will sort out many Christians look for like an Elijah company needing to prove that the church raised up as a prophetic people to be a witness to the world are Elijah type individuals.

The question of the thing to be careful for those if you do believe in some type of Elijah type people that it's very easy to fall into spiritual deception and think of one of them.

I remember the day a guy called me a believer to tell me that that God had revealed to him that he was one of the two witnesses in the book of Revelation out that was the bad news. The good news was I was the other one so you know some people think you know the two witnesses are Elijah and Enoch or you know what Elijah and Moses are Enoch and Moses you know we we don't know and to me. John plays a role, he does indicates that it will be better for the second time around.

Most of the prophecies you literally fill here and there is a metaphor and stance was lined out as it comes to pass right will be back live with you from Israel