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The War on Christian Psychotherapy

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
May 28, 2019 4:10 pm

The War on Christian Psychotherapy

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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May 28, 2019 4:10 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 05/28/19.

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There is a war on Christian counseling Christian therapy you'll hear about it today stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us friends on the line of fire Michael Brown, the lighted be with you.

Phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884. If you are among the many Internet critics that like to post comments disagreeing with just about everything that I say or don't say you call love to talk with you, 8663 or truth. If you have a question of any kind that you like to ask a get to some generic calls as well. At the bottom of the hour, a very important interview with Christopher Doyle's new book actually wrote the forward to it. The war on psychotherapy was sexual politics, gender ideology and mental health collide. It's good to be an eye-opener. It's really going to be an eye opener. So I encourage you to let your friends know about that that will start at the bottom of the hour. All right, so, so much going on in the world all around us.

Elections in Europe, what's gonna happen with European Union which direction is Italy going which direction is England going which direction is Austria going in Israel will Prime Minister Netanyahu be able to form a coalition form a new government or not.

In India very very strong national victory for the militant Hindu anti-Christian BJP. The BJ party and therefore a strong mandate for the anti-Christian Prime Minister multi-at the same time, Andhra Pradesh, the state that I go to every year is 1993 were my dear friend, this eponymous based they've had an overwhelmingly strong Christian vote. There overwhelmingly for their state Congress and for their estate leader strong Christian man so that that's quite remarkable. These are things happening in the world around us.

There is there's never a dull moment in US politics in which way things will go. But as many different subjects as we could talk about today want to focus on a subject that ties in with the interview will be doing that ties in with the challenges we have living out our faith here in America want to make this perfectly clear, I'm not a victim. I don't feel sorry for myself. I don't feel sorry for other believers in America. I don't feel sorry for other believers, even in other parts the world who are suffering, knowing, knowing that ultimately those who suffer the most for the gospel in this world will be much most richly rewarded in the world to come.

Knowing that ultimately the ones to be pitied are not the ones being persecuted for the faith. But the ones doing the persecuted that look there is real hardship being experienced horrific suffering, Jesu Potter, my friend was just in Sri Lanka, meeting with leaders, pastors who were involved whose church buildings were were bombed, meeting with families going to the hospitals seeing the wounded. There are about 50 orphans now that as a result of the bombings 50 kids without parents without homes and in churches all working together ministries working together to support them to meet their needs. I want to minimize the suffering that's going on around the world.

But let's use that and say where it went on suffering here in America compared all right what when I sound the alarm and I raise my voice. It's not. There's a real bedroom.

I love it is a pity party and pour us know of.

If I for I am going to feel bad for the believers. Ill be in a country like Sri Lanka where people were blown up alive and severely injured and will suffer life injuries and in kids without parents at the if I'm going to feel bad for them. I will even there though. I know God's grace will help and and there will be great reward in the world to come and and great grace put out here now certain America I I am not walking around my head. No, no, I live in the victory of Jesus every day. I live in the celebration of the resurrection. Every day I live with the reality that Jesus is Lord, that one day he will establish his kingdom here on the earth. I live with that reality all the time.

I feel bad for the mockers. I feel bad for the militant atheists. I feel bad for those of the radical left. I feel bad for those who oppose it. I I do. I feel bad for them. When I sound the alarm when I give a warning.

It's not poor us. It simply wake up.

It simply say this is what's going on this is reality, 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. Now I've said for years going back to 2004 to 15 years now so you listening ability 15 years old and I'm glad to have you listen to me 20 years old. So when you are five I was saying to me with 30 we were 15, I was sinus.

Those who came out of the closet.

Talk about radical militant pro-homosexual activists, those who came out of the closet want to put us in the closet. I began say that in 2004 been mocked for it, ridiculed or until a few years back when the tide turned. The pilot began to say, bigots like you belong in the closet. Note the please hear me what I'm talking about is the silencing of opposing views.

What I'm talking about is if you different with gay activists. If you hold to a biblical stance on marriage and family.

If you believe that people can change and be set free from same-sex attraction from gender identity confusion. If you hold to these things. There is a concerted effort to silence our viewpoints to marginalize us, put us in a closet to intimidate us with fear or with shame or whatever were watching front across look friends in California. It was very, very narrow it came down to the wire with her sponsor of the bill, AB 29, 43, we that's right number withdrew it for now, but this is a bill that in the state of California would've made it illegal for anyone of any age not just talking minors. Minors are ready been discriminated against will pick that up with with Christopher Doyle at the bottom of the out but it would've been illegal for anyone of any age. Hear me anyone of any age to receive counseling to help them with unwanted same-sex attraction or with gender identity confusion is illegal and the bill would have passed and probably would have been signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown but the author of the bill himself gay activists withdrew it. Now did he withdraw it because of the pressure from Christian voices because of testimonies that were coming for the people who'd been changed was at the strategic to wait for different time. That's debatable. It's a victory that was withdrawn, but already in California. It is the law. It is illegal in California illegal in California right now and what does other states for a minor with unwanted same-sex attraction to get professional help. Note here is what it means. It means that let's say your you got lesbian couple and their raising seven-year-old boy and this boy says I really feel like I'm a girl.

I feel like I'm really a girl what you can now go for that child and the child can get counseling and now the parents will be encourage those men moms will be encouraged. Send them to school instead of as Sam sentiments Sally send them an address if you must wear dresses. I use the ladies bathroom. The girls bathroom in school when he gets what little bit older, 10, 11, whatever the ages then put them on hormone blockers to stop the onset of puberty.

Then when he gets to be no 1516 start to get ready to transition with with with with vasectomy and and sex change operations by May 1780 as radical extremist letters as much as many medical professionals say that is child abuse. No, no problem no problem perfectly legal now is turn it around. Okay your heterosexual couple your raise your seven-year-old son. He says hi, I really believe him a girl mommy got I know is I think I feel like I'm a girl and I heard in our school are talking about that. Maybe I really am a girl and a boy's body to look God made you a boy and and look at your biology and and look at the way he made you invoice are different than girls in until let's go to it to Christian counselor to talk to you and with a talk to all of us together though.

Talk just you. Let's try to find out what you feel is what I mean look. Would you agree that you have a boy's body. Yeah, what wouldn't be good to be at home and that bodies do not have drugs and surgery and that be good okay let's go and and and let's get count enough that's illegal that's illegal. So if it's not illegal to point the way of of radical transgender activism, but it is illegal to help someone be home in their own body. If you're minor okay the same with unwanted same-sex attraction may be 14-year-old girl, maybe you were you raped several times by an uncle went when you were 11. As you're getting now infuriated coming to puberty things you have this animosity towards Manning. Like all manner rapists and evil and I want on the eighth of do's men you start to find more solidarity with women in ghettos. Maybe Eric made him a lesbian or something you go for counseling to affirm that lesbian identity, no problem. But if you want to go for counseling cellulite.

Some feels Rawson feels messed up since I got raped, I'm not.

I'd like to marry a man I'd like to have kids in a family, but right now have a desire that goes beyond in my head on kind counseling illegal in California if you want the parents want even he was sexually abused illegal other states as well. Look, this is just the tip of a giant iceberg. The tiny tip of giant iceberg. I am not saying for us.

I'm not saying for me right now no one is beheading us for faith know is literally putting a gun to her head for faith only to wake up to reality friends. This is the world in which we live. By the way it's it's even worse in Canada or in OSPF Canada Juno that the movie unplanned disband Canada.

You do a private showing, you know you could rent the place and was showing but in terms of movie theaters at the site that nobody will show you that this will different subject, but that's that's how bad things are in Canada right now and we know this for a long time. I member years back, Focus on the Family with James Dobson leaving it they would they could not air certain shows in Canada if they were deal with the subject that this they could narrate in Canada so we went back want to go to your calls and then after that to speak with Christopher Doyle in his book the war on psychotherapy pillow anywhere ever say it's the light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown has on about these variations, those men of the closet. The closet here's the headline send me Virginia future fired for not using students preferred pronoun. This is someone who, because of Christian faith. I could not in good conscience based on my Christian faith. Call a girl or boy and God fired 866-34-TRUTH for your the phones were just open the phones for any random question that ran few but random on RN any random question before I speak with Chris Doyle at the bottom of the hour for the phones special announcement.

We have a birthday boy in the studio to that's right, I our expert media man, audio, video, yeah, a dear friend of Caleb that was taken from us assist suddenly last Christmas.

Kai is with us just about full time now and it is his birthday. So Kai just put up on the screen. Your age here so we can we can celebrate that with let's see .0 Matt. 21 years old. I feel like 2164 Philly 21. So congratulations, your tremendous blessing here.

Great servant heart and helping us take the vision forward in so many ways were blessed to have you here buddy and just wanted to say that I would always sing I was I would sing to you, but that would spoil the whole birthday party for saying okay 8663. You do it off the air.

Okay, here you 866-34-TRUTH we go to Ricky in Connecticut. Welcome to the line of fire hi Dr. what are you doing today very well thank you sir, thank you so much for your work.

I will know one of the questions by you. Yes, so I'm very interested in the divinity of Jesus of Bayerische coaching and have my thinking Old Testament is presented as the priestly King knowledge they want social political figure income then and the Pharisees were followed for faith of the fire that we were told to come from people also say that for the 18 or 14 years of Jesus life that's not documented that he went to Tibet and the keyboard in the Hindu is Buddhist philosophy but also interrogated out. That distinction then there's this other concept of why is it that when Jesus comes to two first century Palestine were expecting a type of Messiah political figure will not bring peace, but he makes it clear that Beck got him. He came to do. There yeah so request is Ricky let me the meat answer them little different order you presented them as far as the circle hidden years were from ages 12 to 30, which are accounted for in the Gospels. There is not a stitch of historical evidence zero that Jesus went to Tibet, but Jesus went to India that that Jesus went anywhere else some tumbler traditions if they are speaking about the same Jesus claim that he went to Egypt and that he learned sorcery there and and and things like that.

It's all 100% myth. There is no evidence that there is not a stitch of historical evidence nor is there anything in his teachings are in his ministry that back several the complete absence of any Hindu teachings or or teaches of sorcery or idolatry in any of his message whatsoever so that this simply myth by by critics of Jesus or by those who want to make them into someone that he is in this first thing the second thing is, there were different messianic expect expectations in the first century. I shot a note to Ben Shapiro did a great interview with William Ln., Craig, but I differ with him when he said there's always been one view of the Messiah in Judaism and that's a political view, knowing it gets codified like that ultimately and and become specially clear by the time you get to my modern these and in the 12th-century when he lays these things out but she did have different messianic expectations in the first century you had in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Michiko her own good, but this rail the Messiah's plural of Aron and Israel. So one priestly one Royal write a prophetic figure that was associated with the Messiah as well. The teacher of righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls later owes a messianic type figure, so you may have had a predominant view of a political Messiah. Or you could say Royal Messiah and that is absolutely part of Jesus mission and and there's no question that when he returns. He fulfills those passages like Isaiah 11 etc. and and establishes his kingdom on the earth.

We look forward to that. With many Jews were expecting the Messiah to do when he's revealed is what we expect the Messiah to do when he returns. That being said, God in his wisdom hit certain things in his word so that there would not be an attempt to manufacture or Messiah or to make false claims about a Messiah, and in let's also remember that the prophets were regularly persecuted by the people of Israel that their Jewish traditions that say all the prophets were persecuted that Moses receives the law on Mount Sinai, and days later, the Israelites worshiping a golden calf.

Another was we have a history in Israel of rebellion, of rejecting the law rejecting the prophets should be no surprise that that is a nation we rejected the Messiah when he came.

That being said, God's wisdom did things in such a way that once it happened. Our eyes could now be open and there is clear as day.

In other words, it's not like we have to manufacturer a suffering Messiah from the Old Testament. It's not like we have to manufacturer vicarious substitutionary atonement of the Old Testament.

It's not like we have to, manufacturer, death and resurrection of the Messiah in the Old Testament. It's there, it just wasn't clearly seen in events now, there are some scholars who do believe both Jewish and Christian that there were clear traditions of her suffering and even dying Messiah or even dying a resurrected Messiah before Jesus came. But that's hard to support.

Some scholars argue to the argue forward to this day. If so, would have certainly been a minority view so the things are there, but in the wisdom of God somewhat hidden until Jesus does die rise from the dead and now now this happen we can try to manufacture make it happen. Now we can see it clearly.

By the way Ricky on if you've ever seen this illustration of you look at a picture when you look at super face of an old man. Keep looking as the face of an old man. Keep looking. It's it's a beautiful young woman and now you can see the old man but insisted the same picture the same thing with reading the Hebrew Bible, and you don't. I don't see any suffering Messiah don't see anything and then there how did I miss it. It's so clear, laid out like this.

He Ricky maybe we can continue this discussion and flush it a little bit more money for thoroughly Jewish. There is this for thank you for the call 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to Josh in California. Welcome to the line of fire. Are you doing Dr. Brierley particular ministry.

Thank you sir have a quick question regarding treatment ornament going with the operative yeah envelope you know you're the apostle of Christ versus the apostles of the church are the department but if you get technical art, albeit often treated by Christ in you. Of the apostles that were in the old covenant, they were hand selected. But that was like an old covenant after the end of the invention and quite to get to the church.II wouldn't agree partially but but not fully number one I don't look at the apostles being set aside under the old covenant because the new covenant. It says resentful looks the 16th chapter that the long prophets were preached until John. Since then, the good news is preached and everyone is pressing into it so the new covenant is inaugurated with the ministry of Jesus and is then sealed with his with his death. So Mark 314 tells us that he took some and appointed them as apostles in Luke 612 tells us how Jesus prays all night and then in the morning he designates 12 as a possible soaks of the 12 they stand alone and then the one who replaces Judas they stand out alone and unique. However, for sure. Yes, there are people with apostolic ministry that have been called and appointed since then and people with prophetic ministry and evangelistic ministry as pastors and teachers, all appointed by the Lord or given by the Lord to to the church to serve yes. So in that sense, I agree with you, so they're the initial 12 uniquely appointed by him with apostolic authority that no one has had since then. But there are others who are called to apostolic ministry.

Yes, that are called by God and appointed by God's like hopefully a pastors pastor was called by God and appointed by got there, there may be a deeper newest your question, but want to try to get a few more calls in the short time we have. Thank you sir.

866-34-TRUTH Jared in Austin, Texas.

Thanks for calling line of fire out of the ground. I have a dog again by this verse from Isaiah 718 verse 23 you were said in our day there will be a highway from Egypt to Syria and the Syrians will come to Egypt and the Egyptians to Syria and the Egyptians were filled with experience. Yeah. So what's gonna happen in the fullness of the messianic age when Jesus the Messiah comes, establishes his kingdom on the earth that there will be with the Bible speaks of in Romans 1125 the fullness of the Gentiles. In Romans 1126 to 25 the phone so Gentiles 26.

All this will be saved.

So the be great harvest of the nations and some of these nations.

Muslim nations will have a massive turning to the Lord in the nation of Israel as a nation will turn to the Lord.

Here, Egypt, Syria and Israel in the past. Arch enemies at war with one another but both oppressive to Israel will not worship the Lord together that that there will be is in the millennial kingdom.

This extraordinary thing that happens that the nation of each of the national turning and Syria, national turning, so those that survive the nations that affect gruesome length of the millennial kingdom.

This would be part of it. With the amazing situation where Israel be the third among these is they all worship the God of Israel, it will literally happen literally thank you. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, friends, and it's an all out war. It's an all out ideological, cultural war, it's war that ultimately affects you and me affects our families or kids or grandkids affects our liberties. This is Michael Brown I'm speaking now with Christopher Doyle. Christopher is a licensed psychotherapist is the executive director of the Institute for healthy families is been on the show number of times he is a voice of the voiceless himself cannot homosexual practice is happily married with a bunch of kids is written important new book the war on psychotherapy. What happens when a sexual culture war is fought on the mental health battlefield I get constant requests to write endorsements to write forwards and obviously anyone else have to be very selected because of time, but I believe in Chris. I believe what he's doing and this is an important book the war on psychotherapy and if you don't know the relevance of this you are about to Chris, thanks for joining us again on the line of fire.

Dark brown pleasure to be with you and thank you again or your amazing or that you will important book, as you said were on psychotherapy and sexual politics, gender ideology and mental health collide and it's a war like you said, or that we can win, but Christian people repeat understand exactly the then as to what is going on and it's bad right now yeah and and friends. Chris knows the things of which he speaks a heat he reads carefully. He knows what's happening in the culture. He lives in the midst of it. This is not one of these exaggerated Internet sensations were timeout accurate fax information to Chris why do you refer to this as a war because of the war.

We know that war effective war on on many many many products. When we look at look at famous more than the past right there were many ways that the enemy fights on different areas different locations different geographic venues. Different types of strategic ways and it was no different. It is invalid officially started the band therapy back in 2012 but we can see that there's more acting as being fought. Now at least 450 years and I dated back to the 1969 Stonewall riots are starting to feel 50 years now as we get ready to enter June, which is you know there's no no Judy's Gay pride month out 50 years ago, the famous Stonewall right happen and after that time there. There began to be an all out assault on mental health field, which is where one of the first battlefront that the LGBT activists were able to basically remove homosexuality from the diagnostic and statistical manual of disorders and from that time back in 1973 and went on to progressively go into areas such as public education was rapid a chapter dedicated to the book on public education and now I either the final frontier is religion and we can feed at that. There's globally steady flow for to basically remove the Bible's prohibition. The Bible's values on sexuality specifically relates to homosexuality and gender identity issues. I saying that this is simply relative the path of the Bible scriptures are out of date there.

I don't why they conventional monogamous homosexual relationship that others are simply something in the past and I talked about it in the three main areas mental health and medicine, religion and and also bought education where the three battlefront of the gay activists have ethically tried to chip away trip wagered way. Also, the legal system when it mentioned there, but we can feed that mental health of the legal system in education they get gay activists expect only infiltrated the field and now if you have any opinion other than the so-called mainstream you are not only being shut out, but now illegal. 16 state, and over 45 cities in several countries look like a lot of the book how psychotherapy for clients who don't want to have the conflict but don't want to live a gay or or Trent lifestyle. Psychotherapy is illegal. Now these areas and I talked about it strategically, how they have done it, and giving example after example, strategically how the documents have done it. It's no it's no accident that is been done if the strategy and the campaign backed by tens of billions of dollars by the largest gay rights activist United States and abroad, and it happening and probably in your neighborhood yeah and and and Chris when you mention the early stage strategy of Gatsby's obviously in their mind their fighting for freedom for justice for equality they been mistreated the way they're looking at it. They've got two great enemies. So the late 1960s they get you great enemies. One is the psychiatric and psychological profession that says that homosexuality is a sickness, and the other is the world of religion that says homosexuality is a sin. That's why probably to this day. If you go to a gay church. You'll you'll find tracks your little pamphlet saying not a sickness not a sin.

So the first target was to change the thinking American psychiatric Association, American psychological Association, 1973. You have the first major shift. There and then that this goes like dominoes. One group after another after another agrees and then the battle ever since then has been the church and it's never been a matter of tolerance. It's been a matter of changing views to now embrace and even celebrate homosexuality and to say that even even the possibility of change that cannot be entertained so to Chris and I would also add that I thought about all he thought about the fact either back in the introduction of the book. I quote Neil Paglia you probably know, is a lesbian feminist from the art and thought out the and she says that we are now in a period of ecological editing. Black no longer matter. This is what I realized. Dr. Brown after lobbying heavily with my full-time work as you know, the psychotherapist 11 know I have to practice. I'm also a therapist at Patrick Henry College with which is a conservative Christian school in Northern Virginia.

I'm very very busy with client all week, but I several years.

I actually dedicated no almost an entire day each week to go in lobby federally and in many kinds of a local level and talk to politicians about this problem is back in 2013, 2014, when this really that pompous began and what I realized after talking with many many many unfortunately conservative Republicans with back. This was not a war about back that this is all about political correctness in all about feelings and ideology and culture not likely in the back of the book the culture war being fought on the mental health battlefield and unfortunately the fact no longer matter yet and again were timeout fight in the mental health battlefield SN abstract that's hurting people.

It's people who are struggling. When LB heard more were being told no, you cannot find a solution for your struggles and your pain unless you do it our way.

So, Sue, Chris, the argument that's commonly used and you know that people have to manufacture information like in New Jersey to get things past create scenarios that are nonexistent. But this is the argument that quote conversion therapy is like selling snake oil to a cancer patient that it won't help them at all. Your giving them false hope, but you're probably worse leave and abuse them like shock treatment or in a string him up either their toes and hanging to torture them to get the gay out of them. I'm exaggerating a little bit but this is kind was being presented and we've got to stop this abuse of the LGBT community and stop the horror of conversion therapy so let's that that's that's the current myth that is prevailing in 14 states and 45 cities. As you mentioned in your book, the war psychotherapy. What's the reality. One of the facts. Like any good story. There is always an element of truth in any lie and gay activists have been very very old and taking some horrible horrible experiences of thumb mistreated LGBT identified you that have been unfortunately hurt by their families and other community on sometimes and I think you could agree treated horribly not treated in a Christian way, but really abuse and they completed this essay that this is life and therapy and I talked about a couple of examples wanted. Later, acorn and Ohio another Alex Cooper wrote a memoir called baby Alex where the family unity did not get good light ethical therapy for their children and the children. These two children ended up having poor outcomes of Beckley committed suicide because of the fact that she felt like she had no hope of the boy that wanted you know that you like it was a girl and and out that the parents didn't get good help. The problem that I that you have with your 50 LGBT active been complete these stories and say that this is life in therapy and in a invented a category of therapeutic is a difficult conversion therapy and what they they think that that this conversion therapy, which is a really therapy at all know life of ethical therapist calls that were conversion therapy is torturing and abusing and mistreating taking LGBT youth out of their homes.

In fact, nothing could be further from the church with Dr. Brown every day I would be everyday, every week I get on average one but three new phone calls new client better parent that are struggling with their sexually computer-generated. A computer LGBT identified you in either Christian parent or religious parent, that person merely confirmed, and by the way, the fastest growing population client that you did. Client struggling with gender identity issues. These are parents that are merely seeking help for their children and they call me in my office because they know that they're not going to get conversion therapy is not going to get a counselor that's going to establishing work. Simplistic notion to stop feeling that way or doing something that you know it really the problem right what they're going to get someone to work with their family and work with her child patiently to help them understand potentially from the family and the underlying causes of why their child might be very thing that an ethical way out the right way of doing therapy along with therapy, which is now the prevailing mainstream way of doing therapy with an LGBT identified letter stickers import transgender young person okay all across the country. We now see over the gender clinic that popped up across the country and simply for the one protocol of having young people, and you have already identified as being transgender and starting them on hormone blocker puberty suppression form appeals as young as 10 or 11 years old, sometimes even younger simply for the protocol of starting to transition those young people into the long specter they own or the wrong biological change generate their friends understand why this is war psychotherapy get it. If you're concerned parent get a copy pastor team to read and understand these are urgent matters. This book will help.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown on every day the week and I was so thrilled to see that Chris Doyle as a counselor himself as a man whose command of homosexual practice himself and found liberty and freedom in Jesus and liberty and freedom and sound godly counseling principles. So glad that he took it on himself.

He's actively speaking actively addressing issues its trust me, it's a lot easier this retreat to say hey I got a good family get a good practice will discount to care for ourselves, but know he's put the time into right this important book the war on psychotherapy is quite comprehensive. It's very readable. It's very well documented and Chris.I just want to commend you for not getting off the front lines because you know how wearying it can be. You get lied about every day you get slandered you it you never have a moment of peace in that regard where we are not in the midst of some type of of ideological conflict that you realize you gotta be a voice for the voiceless. If not you that then who else is going to do it. I don't know how Dr. Michael Brown that we as Christians violet when we see the injustice in the lives of the enemy, affecting our children.

I think about my children, my wife and I are blessed to have five children. We have three children are biologically into China. Children are the ages of 620 a month 11 years old. My think about the culture that their growing up in today. It makes me shudder because there's so much misinformation from the enemy back ill. We talk about these issues already through our dine in our 11-year-old children about music of of gay and transgender and and I will encourage all parents that that if you don't talk to your children about sexuality and about sexual orientation identity and how spinning emotional brokenness believed to be things going here at school they're going to feed on the Internet regarding your on PDN you have to educate this generation on what the truth of these matters are and why people struggle with these issues. If you're just on what that was. The website at the Institute for healthy families.Ward we've got program and therapeutic help for families parent and those were some of these issues with lots of information you can our website to collect them as our Lord and out and also thank you Dr. Bunker you being a Boy Scout. Not backing down to the cultural and political imitation of the activist and mainstream so-called industry and in the Chris it's because we saw this coming. We saw this this attempt to suppress and demonize all opposing views we saw coming that we we had to speak up and by the way, to just echo what Krista said it. If your kid begins that the talk you know mom that I think I'm gay or thing on trans don't flip out over it. That is all what you think. Let's talk and then there are resources. Chris mentioned the website. And of course so much in the book points in this direction so so let's let's talk about what's happening with kids who identifies transgender Chris how much science degree. Scientific research has been done to understand the long-term effects of putting kids on hormone blockers and hormone treatments, beginning with the ages of 10 or 11 or even younger.

She mentioned how much scientific research has been done on something that's a radical or about about 5° or start on it and Dr. Michelle Capello wrote the preface of my book, she at the American College of pediatricians Executive Director and she is why we get Verbeek to be one of the foremost experts on gender gender transition and gender ideology and she calls the pushing of children into the gender clinic that just referenced in our before the break on this is the protocol. Now, the American Academy of pediatrics at the liberal so-called mainstream pediatric organization and they read recently revised their their protocol or those students. Gender just dysphoria which is become gender identity for not congener dysphoria, which is that subjective feeling that I was born in the wrong body and therefore I am something else and she she discusses the concept of the gender clinic across my face with a single protocol of helping young people of the earliest and 1102 gender transition into the opposite gender and how dangerous this is that we know of course from studies that sometimes over 40% of post operative persons that have gone through gender reassignment surgery had committed suicide. We know that for many, those many of those who experience them dysphoria that simply removing their genitals and placing your genitals and I need identity doesn't doesn't help resolve the internal stress and trauma that those two spirits of the sport often have and let me tell you that my status of all affected compassion. I've been working in the field of therapy for those who struggle with sexual and gender identity conflict for 10 years now and I can tell you without a doubt that the most suffering traumatized person that I work with are those who experience gender dysphoria. Families have a high level of psychopathology.

There's a lot of emotional brokenness within the person in the home and there are solutions therapy and healing can help these individuals and as Dr. Capello put we pushing these children into hormone blocking question and a lifetime of commented sterilization is akin to legalized institutionalized child abuse and we cannot allow this to happen we must say something for the sake of our children not to allow new ideology of gender to to define our our lives. To defective male and female so clearly in Genesis and the Matthew that God created the male-female yes there is emotional brokenness.

There's been in a world of you to work that out but cannot be 50 some gender ideology to become gender identity to guide us that is hogwash and we have to spin up for the truth.

And of course in a loving and compassionate way yeah and with when we look at things compassionately and we recognize the degree of confusion that's out there and even you know you got tampons in men's bathrooms at college campuses because after all men can menstruate and end this. It is the teen Vogue video where the teenager say hey if I identify a certain way than them. Then my that's what my biology is so from a biological male identifies female then my biology is female.

I mean it's it's now her perception becomes reality that you have not already ignoring the fact that you you know that there are something like six or 7000 differences in our DNA at male and female assets that we are genitals are not the only marker about it exactly word with third but which are pointing to the Chris's. Let's say someone comes into a Dr. in their losing their hair but sit there losing their hair because they have a certain disease in their body. I don't understand their hair all yeah okay right right sorry to better illustrate what he likes ministration okay but sorry mother my book I talked about okay my book. I used the example of the fact that I have alopecia universe follows right and this is exactly the problem that we have it that no one would look at my condition and they well you know to think of you have any errors that lead to perfectly normal. There's nothing wrong right might have. My point. My point was to be that if someone just said okay let's just get you a wig or let's just put hair on your head know why is it that the person lost they are made. That's that's commonly what we do we see a symptom and then why trace it back okay so what's behind, but not with this but when you got elected, rightly so, when it comes to the gender identity issues. The logic would be okay, let's try to find out why you a healthy biological male with the age of 11 really think that your girl, let's try to find out what is supposed to okay finally sketch on hormone blockers. Let's get you set up for 16 surgery we wouldn't we wouldn't chop off the arm of someone with with body identity integrity disorder because they feel like they've know their arm doesn't belong as a radical thing to hear. We did is these things even more radical with our own children's friends again. The book the war on psychotherapy by Christopher Doyle. We've got 2 1/2 minutes. Chris Kelly, when can we see the tide turn in America or is it too late with this is exactly what you're talking about with what you just said.the product we have entered a period of psychological stupidity where a one +2 no longer equals three okay one +2 equals whatever you wanted and however you feel and it's absurd, absurd. We have to start understanding what back what you feel inside of us has to be compassionate and loving and sensitive to those courses there was struggling with this backside of it that they get and this is the objective truth and we need to stick to the object through however compassionate we can get to that I totally believe we need to love people with where the right journey with them not be judgmental, but I believe it is one of the one is not only a spiritual war is primarily a spiritual war, but God has written the law on our heart and the laws starting the con in our favor.

I thought about this in the book and in a chapter in the war the courtroom we see that last year a very very momentous between court decision where pro-life pregnancy centers will be enforced by the state of California to offer free information on free and low-cost abortion. The state of California will try to force you collect part of the center's bravest authorities abortion Thursday to get there. Against the conscience and the Supreme Court came down the five board decision instead no you cannot do this is a violation of free speech and there is no such thing California inventor the ninth Circuit Court of the medical professional, speech, speech or speech. Why is it important to be the so-called conversion there began talking about while all the legal stuff for upholding these so-called conversion therapy band, the Ninth Circuit and Mr. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Evan upheld because of the very concept of professional speech here spinning the tires of his friends, time to go to order your copy on psychotherapy and the close share with us. Chris, thanks for joining us and for you to pray for Chris and his family