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Israel: The Place and the People

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 6, 2019 5:10 pm

Israel: The Place and the People

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 6, 2019 5:10 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/06/19.

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Israel, the people Israel place will talk about it today. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I woke up today with Ashley early this morning and I thought today, Scott's early Jewish Thursday to remember but the day was Michael Brown. Welcome to the broadcasts. I've got one of my dearest friends, special guest in studio with me today. Scott bulk got a lot to talk about regarding Israel. The place Israel, the people. If you have a Jewish -related call that's 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 your Jewish related calls warmly welcome Scott welcome back to the line of fire. Thank you so much. What a privilege to be here. Thanks for asking me to come in.

Of course, absolutely, and we have another tour may 11th to 20th next year so it's less than a year away the 11th to 20th were going back to Israel it it's it's a perfect time to go isn't Scott it's an amazing time. It's good to be a beautiful everything is going to be in bloom. It's knocking to be too hot, but most of all, were going to a land that God calls his own and everybody that goes with us to Israel comes back saying I can't believe I waited so long to go and I can't wait to go back again and and Scott how many amateurs now have you lead the part of Israel.

I just got back on Saturday for my 33rd toolbar that I've gotten to lead okay so so hang on again you get Jewish related calls of any kind, 86634.

Truth is no medical Scott when you do the tour it there variations. Each tour is little bit different.

You may have different people with different agendas, but basically it's a similar tour similar ground is covered and there's an awesome tour guide fish fish Michelle.

She's done she's done tours for Mike Huckabee and Glenn Beck and others.

Is there chosen tour leader does it with us when we do them a she's out doing tourist Bureau you are there with the tour group every guess you've done this now 33 times. Are you getting bored you getting sick of it. Bro I just got asked that question a week ago and the day I get bored with it is the dam to stop doing it.

But the way the way I kind of explain what happened.

What's happening is it's like when I bring my children to a place that they absolutely love the joy comes from seeing my kids totally and completely immersed in what were doing so going to Israel and seeing the faces of the people is God's opening up their hearts and minds as were as were standing on Mount Carmel and really understanding that this is where Elijah face the profits of bailing people's eyes are wide open with wonder. That's what brings me so much joy so I'll all be there hundred and 33 times and not get bored as long as the Lord keeps sending people with us who are hungry to know more about the Jewish people in Israel. The Arab people in Israel, and God's heart for that land and that people so Scott for years I've been asked to do tourist Israel. I said I've no desire to my brother and minister only go there and just pour into believers. The return believers of no desire to leave the tour and then finally you and so my team persuaded me to do it.

We did our first one a few years ago and and then we did one, two years after that and then against.

We had a break each year, but as I have seen people so incredibly impact, just like you're saying and in their impacted bite by the places in the the history and in the reality there some political torts.

It's a spiritual to buy will be stored there so impacted that I'm blown away by how impacted they are and how and and how much they love being on the tour and how much they really can't we bring family or have others come in and we worked out a rhythm like I get to do ministry as well. We have special night meetings and times just with our tour group by pouring answer questions so I'm enjoying it there getting blown away.

So for the first time going out two straight years 11th to 20th is our next trip. By the way, were limiting numbers to two busloads that that's were limiting numbers to so that means it 100 people max which means it's it's actually intimate conjure together all day all night. You see each other, build relationships, spend time with each other and in some industries are able have been attend 20 buses that's great for they do, but our purposes are more intimate gets us better time together, but the sooner you sign up, the better right so go to Esther to asking your brother you'll see that the banner right on the homepage. Find out more about the tour and to get your deposit in social Scott, let me ask you question. As I mentioned at the outset, there's Israel. The place in this Israel, the people so it you have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people you love the most of people as well.

Your wife Beth.

This is an Arab Christian, but recently there has been an upsurge of ultra-Orthodox pushing back against messianic Jews try to disrupt meetings and things like this.

We are not saying that the people of Israel are perfect people were saying.

There's something about the land and the promises and the dealings of God, that cannot be denied, and people have to go there to experience it for themselves. Absolutely. As a matter fact if there if it was a perfect land and it was a perfect people. I'm not so sure God would have chosen them. I think that that the very fact that there is imperfection there is the sign that God wants to come in and be glorified when we can do things in our own strength. We can take credit for it, but when things are utterly impossible. Like Abraham bearing a child at 99 years old. That's when the Lord is glorified, so this is anything but a political trip and that that's one thing that I'm really really blessed by because as long as there are people in governmental positions that are not given over holy to the Messiah into the king of Israel. There's got to be corruption. Whether it's the American government or the Israeli government, but there are people in the land who are specific fulfillment to God's prophetic word that he would regather people.

I mean this land was dead. Basically for 2000 years. No Hebrew language know Jewish people, and God has resurrected this land and this people.

So in the days and seasons ahead. God's promises as surely as he's drawn his people back into the land. That's how surely one day all Israel shall be saved and he's using the nations of the earth to provoke Israel to jealousy. So as we go into Israel were going to an imperfect place but were going with the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world in our hearts going to provoke the people of Israel to jealousy through the love of the Messiah Jew and Gentile American Scandinavian it doesn't matter. We brought all sorts of people there and the message still remains the same. We love the God of Israel, and we love the people of Israel yet and know it's fascinating. I've been in the book of Isaiah a lot dialoguing with the Rabbi friend about certain chapters in the book of Isaiah's reading it even more meditating on it. Listening to it on audio and and as as I've been as a been doing that, I'm struck by some things. For example, Isaiah 1 God is rebuking his people in the most severe ways because the leaders that the rulers of Sodom and and he talks about how he doesn't want their their prayer or their worship because there are so corrupt and yet he calls the my people, my people do not know, and then right towards the end of the book of Isaiah. Not just listening on audio audible as I was driving up to the office today and end there.

The stern words of rebuke and correction for the PI me heart words of rebuke and correct and yet right, interspersed with love love love and hunger restore a minister because he said God keeps his promises to and Scott when I find so interesting as many Christians who preach grace, grace, grace, grace saved by grace are saved by grace were saved by grace and supper works is by God's grace is by God's grace. Then they turn around and when God deals graciously with the Jewish people. They are problem with it. Unbelievable. It's remarkable to me because I believe that the very picture of Israel is the picture of God's purpose for the earth. The fact that he has grace on a people not only does he call that land his land but he calls those people, my people through out history is really something grow that you would even bring that up and I am blessed that even when the people of Israel were exiled from that land.

God told him that he would bring them back to his land and your Lancet so it was Israel's even when Israel did not possess it.

So our trip.

You know many people say well I don't want to go on some political trip to Israel. We we don't don't we don't not political at all. We go with the biblical paradigm. This is what God says and the very fact that it might seem impossible now for that promise to be fulfilled, does not in any way negate God's promise to Israel. So the people in the church is a God is through with Israel. I would say wait a second.

If you're giving up on Israel because they're not yet where the Bible says that they're supposed to be your giving up on a God who throughout history has taken utterly impossible situations and turned them into situations where he is glorified. I was always on the phone last night with my dear friend James Robison and he just wanted to share his heart with me about a few things. And, Pres. and and worries that where he's not at inflated and etc. in and he just be an open sorry sir breakdown to solving this start of the poor. As part of the love of God is at 11 God leave David the Bible and why did God leave Solomon in the Bible and all the sin they committed, it was still of the Proverbs of Solomon to me. Some of the Psalms of David and and that's that's just a picture of Israel as a whole because a covenant promises Solomon's name at birth was the DJ which is beloved of the Lord, beloved of Yahweh and and and yet he was born to David and Beth Schaefer. So there is this extraordinary redemptive love of God, yes.

Sin has tremendous consequences and nobody knows that better than the people of Israel have suffered over the centuries, the very sins we commit our shortcomings but the fact is God keeps his words right and when you see Israel thriving as a nation today. Not because of its goodness.

But because of God's promises that should encourage the church right Scott. One minute before the break. Quick testimony of something that happened on one of your recent Israel trips to one of the folks on the tour that we were just recently in Israel and this gal who works for a very very important firm in the United States, mostly left-leaning thought that our trip was a little bit political with the fact that we had no political anything going on. We were on a boat on the Sea of Galilee, singing worship songs when you would think God would arrest her know it wasn't that when they started singing a Jewish song that talked about thankfulness coming back into the land this girl comes over to me crying saying what is this song about what is it wasn't even a song about Yeshua. It was simply a song thanking God for bringing us back into the land and this gal who was supposed to Israel on a boat on the middle of the Sea of Galilee was arrested by God. She went from being one who despised Israel politically to one who embraced Israel with her whole heart and I just saw her when I was there last week who said that that fire is still burning God touches people's lives when they come to his room friends join us on this tour.

May 11 20 is here for 11 months and now thousand positive and pray about this trip Oestreich around the Lord who see the banner on the homepage going back and going straight to your question on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire. This is Michael Brown that is thoroughly here Thursday city with my guess God folks gotta be joining in and save the tough questions for Scott.

You still get a Jewish related question 866-34-TRUTH okay go to phones in a moment, but probably told the story before with Scott here with me. If you wonder why he's not on camera is so handsome. He is so charismatic and it just kinda glows that I mean just walk over there behind your seat right now grocer people can see me yet. Yes, just not on distract from it, not seriously well-intentioned but ill seriousness. Our studio is been massively transformative set up for my daily live streams and all the video recording and production that we do in here.

We do not yet have the extra camera. It's it's a whole lighting set up everything for second guess, but at some point that will happen. We trust okay so that the most famous Jewish scholar of the 1700s was called the Vilma go on and he lived. I think 1720 1797 something around there and dusted one of the greatest geniuses in Jewish history and the story is told that he was going into a town so they all and heard about them into the Vilma Gomez coming repeatedly study 22 hours a day, etc. this incredible genius to have all these questions for him and by the never seen him so don't know what he looks like. So, according to the story.

He's he's being driven and its through the night that his coach drivers are driving in.

The follicle realizes the coach drivers starting to tire so certain point they stop a sissy or I'll drive.

I'll drive the rest of the way there both Orthodox Jews. I'll drive you get the coach so he drives up and he arrives now driving the coach with the driver in the coach so everybody all the rabbis of the town. There they surround the coach and they start peppering the sky with questions, thinking that's the Vilma go longest dozer so simply because my driver could answer them anyway okay. Thought you'd enjoy that story and with that we go to phones Russell in Louisiana.

Welcome to the line of fire your welcome what your questions are well in a not so my question would be, would unrepentant Israel, meaning that Israel hasn't accepted Christ yet as their Savior would they be considered the harlot of Revelation 71 would you single out Jewish people don't believe is the harlot of Revelation as opposed to the world system or Babylon or know people's of the Roman Catholic Church or America. I have there been all these different people groups that the that have been identified are the one, what would you just say nonbelieving Jews because then I don't need to reformat you because I feel like I need a little bit of a little bit of guidance maybe on it been looking into it and it to me when I read Revelation 17 and 18 present in Revelation 18 this is that in her was found the blood of the prophets and what else that one is similar language. Right now St. what went right out of the land I want from you, but exact the prophets and the site right out of all the times in history so so here's here's the deal Russell.

It's it's it's it's a fair question to ask and it's excellent that you're comparing language with. For example, Matthew 23 and 13 were Jesus talks about blood shed of Jerusalem right and some have tried to argue that Jerusalem is the mother of harlots. But like I said it's been arranged from that to the world system to Babylon, the Babylonian empire and some reincarnated form to America to the Roman Catholic Church, but notice it it it it speaks of her of verse four of chapter 18 come out of her my people is to take part in your sins that you share in her plagues. It says in her was found the blood of of all the martyrs was certainly not the case with with Jerusalem, the vast majority of people being killed for the faith of been killed outside of Jerusalem to being killed. To this day. So there's a lot of debate about the subject matter.

Revelation 17 and 18. I'm not sure myself, but it could be more the. The picture of the world system of some satanic entity that that is bigger than just any one of these various ones and that's who's spoken of that. In other words, Babylon is a system that that the great harlot is a system as opposed to one particular location or one particular organization with there's room for differences in debate promise one thing disqualifies another and another. Does note note know one thing seems to fit it all. If we limit it in that way, 866 repurchase. But thanks for asking us got anything you want to add to the know you that this was your specialty artists. I'm just thankful that you're driving my chariot.

I coach coach artichoke a lot IRA. Let's be honest, Scott insists on traffic and private jet.

He has a chariot carried with horses and right when he goes to the airport. It's a chariot with horses ego when he gets picked up on the Israel tour. That's one thing insists on it doesn't care where he stays or anything else but you must have a chariot with horses that greets him of that by the great question I did. I just don't know that there's a simple definitive. Once there, one thing that I would add is it just II do appreciate the heart which he asked it but it just seems like were living in a day that is continuing to see anti-Semitism rise and with with people with Jewish people being pointed out as the harlot to or or this or that, although it may be a fair question. I think it's endemic of if that's the correct word that I use there of our current society where it seems like people are just pointing fingers at Israel and blaming them for her for things that we can't even explain in the Bible but credit Israel is always the fall of the Jewish people are always both Ann and I said almost daily.

It's perfectly fine to criticize Jewish people less than anti-Semitism is perfectly fine to criticize Israel that's not anti-Semitism when you demonize the people as a whole would be demonizing the nation as a whole. When you spread mistruths about the people in the nation. That's anti-Semitism.

Yes, I was just telling a German grad from our from our ministry school ministers in the Middle East out the Muslim community ascending Germans like déjà vu, is the rise of anti-Semitism, and in Germany.

I told him I've confronted anti-Semitism in the church more in the last two months.

Probably the previous 47 years it's it's a shocker. All right, let's go to the Salt Lake City, Utah, Ross, welcome to the line of fire and expect Dr. Brown I really enjoyed your program. I have a two part question the matter on Zechariah chapter 14 and that is on a brawl. The nations come against Israel.

And then there's the bottle and an afterword. Then, to require that all nations will come up with the festival of Ocracoke with a pronounced now my the first question is if this is the battle of Armageddon and the second question is, is that when they have to come up or they come about by delegation or will it be a local people because it puts all of the people you are talking about hundreds, the million flocking into Jerusalem for the festival right I will hang up and listen to your answer. I great. Thanks for the question number number one.

Zechariah 12 Zachary 14 speak of all nations coming up against Jerusalem and God's upbringing and their work judgment, but obviously it is that all human beings be because you have armies that fight wars so we had a coalition of armies against Iraq, and the goal for the early 90s fighting against Iraqi incursions into Kuwait. That was on all the people.

Those were armies reach in that but that would represent all the nations, so soon as I can be all the people plus we have later in Zechariah 14 explicitly that the survivors of the nations that attacked Jerusalem the survivors will now go up to worship. So not everyone will turn against Jerusalem that everyone will will sin against Jerusalem and the Jewish people so there will be survivors of the nations then do not regenerate, but they will now go to learn of the God of Israel, and those that don't will be punished.

That's what happens the millennial kingdom where the Lord rules with a rod of iron as to what this is Armageddon. You could say this is part of the larger conclusion, or the larger end of the world with Armageddon and in with that Scott will redo the Israel torts early on that the first full day that were at Mount Carmel and that's one of the places brawl ugly teaching during the dam it will look out over harm to get a will look out over Armageddon.

What what you feel, what people feel when they look out residence history is going to unfold here it's it's it's amazing. I think Napoleon said that that was one of the most prolific battlefields in the earth.

This vast valley surrounded by mountains in the middle of which is actually the Israeli Air Force base which is quite incredible. But people are blown away as they look out, and they see the place where everything is going to come to a culmination and you know that the caller made reference to people coming up to Jerusalem and celebrating the feast of booths or Sukkoth. It's really remarkable to me how although that was first mentioned back in the in the Torah. In the book of Leviticus.

It's interesting to me that in the end for for those people who would throughout the Old Testament say is no longer relevant. In the end people from all nations not just the Jewish nation are celebrating the feast of booths in Jerusalem.

Yeah, that's how much God values that that land and that people in in the quote attributed to Napoleon. All the armies of the world could maneuver their forces on this vast plain of the first time are they coexistent was standing right there along with our tour group a few years back all right well will be back with more of your Jewish related questions and will talk about some things going on in Israel.

Some recent developments elections.

Other things like that. Remember your son for the ass around the mind right on the homepage, the opportunity of a lifetime for cleansing and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown both wisdom of Israel, the people and the place also. Our next tour May 2020. So May 11 2/20.

It's a perfect time of the year to be going very special, in fact it did to book everything was even more challenging because it's such an ideal time and some of the folks go through and have a wonderful time.

The Mason tour by day.

We do meetings and Q&A hang out time at night you draw me when I do live radio show Mr. the word to you and sit around and ask questions is just a very very special intimate wonderful time. The inflows are what set Esther right on the homepage you'll see the banner. Hey, I'm sitting here with Scott Voelker who organizes and helps lead our tours and what we've got Kelly from Zamora Iowa Kelly, you are on the trip with us back in 2017. Is that correct yes I was all right. Kelly this time after time in 2016.

Her stomach spoke on the radio talking about effective at asking her advice on how to learn a little trip really alright so so how does the trip impact user was a believer before, but it's just absolutely amazing. I want your talking about Mel Cartmell because I think for me that was probably the most impactful part of the trip at all.

It was, but to sit there and look down upon that galleon like this is the footsteps the prophet my word, and you were speaking and that you should Scott were there and just just amazing. I encourage everybody ago. I hope I can make it next made unbelievable all the deity of that the amazing to see you again and we we vented some things were more stuff with everyone at night so is more intimate time. Hey have you learned a little Hebrew on the way.

I have a little bit, I ran into some people here in a computer model that are actually from Israel and I'm actually wearing my IDF shirt and they never really perk them up. They couldn't believe it.

Like all while cool to be of the idea. Yeah most is made most every Israeli has served listeners lust to male and female, is really sad knowing that the servant in the IDF two years and three years and many Israelis work at malls three social people very outgoing people.

Nearly all the often seen them although I Kelly would be awesome to see you again next year. God bless you. I'm trying make you Dr. Brown. All right, thank you for the call 866-34-TRUTH you know Scott I was just looking at some of the YouTube comments in RL and our life.

YouTube feed and I noticed one fellow saying that you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. You know is if you send this in Israel and natural vendor defined Israel the spirited, and he said I will oppose your Zionism and the reason Scott I love is in opposing us is not my Zionism. The same God who scattered our people regather our people to your argument is with God and your battle is with God. You Napoleon oppose me, but not my Zionism, the Charles Spurgeon lived in the days before Zionism.

He was that a dispensational list not leave a pretrip rapture and the same with Bishop JC Robbie's with through the greatest leaders in the church in England in the 1800s, and they both claim. He said if there's anything plain in the Bible is that God is going restore the Jewish people by Carla and Casey Ross. It is as far as he can see you come back to the land and unbelief right and then come to believe the Messiah Scott while you chuckle when when I read those comments only because I think anybody can make Scripture into anything they wanted to be so many of us are predisposed from from from our childhood to think a certain way and and as MI, but what's remarkable to me. Dr. Brown is that there are Muslims who are being awakened in the middle of the night with visions of Jesus at the foot of their bed and not only are they bowing their knee. Now to the Messiah, but they go from hating Israel to loving Israel and these are people who definitely were predisposed with the hatred towards Israel, but in its infancy, and following the Lord in its infancy. You cannot read the Scriptures without saying God has a special love for Israel that God God has put his name on that land that he chose Jerusalem is the place that his spirit would abide his presence would abide forever. I love Charlotte but God didn't say anything about his spirit abiding in Charlotte forever.

It's Jerusalem. If you're Zionist Dick than God's eye and a stick of people are opposing the third opposing God.

That's why I chuckle and look the fact is you.

You can believe God with the Jewish people back to the land and not sanction everything Israel does right, you know, for example, there is a rising tide of of the Jewish extremism you have, and among some of the settlers were radical Orthodox and and mistreat their Palestinian neighbors you have it with ultra-Orthodox to continue the growing population in certain ways gain power and are overtly trying to push back against the gospel. We understand that no one is trying to say this is the perfect people. But I'll tell you what you go with us to Jerusalem, and in you go with us to the city.

The old city and you go with us to the wall to the hotel that the Western Wall and and you pray there side-by-side with Orthodox Jews pouring out their hearts and crying out for God's mercy for the coming of the Messiah and it'll change your perspective all right. Let us go right back to the bones and let's see in Louisville Kentucky, Matthew extra holding welcome to the line of fire. Hello Dr. Brown, are you very well, thank you. So I go to a specialist church to basically teach that you can come to Christ until he returned and I have a group of problems with that. If the fact that you took that unit when it is morning of Jerusalem that he wouldn't come back and tell the truth that Barack Obama shall not here said that of governments in Christ until the Jews repented. I just want to hear your thoughts.

Yeah, you're exactly right that you quoted Matthew 2339 you quoted acts 319 to 21 where the heavens must receive the Messiah until Jewish people repent so number one home explain in Romans nine through 11 that every generation there is a remnant there are multiply thousands, tens of thousands of Jews who believe in the first century there's been a remnant. My guess because both are both Jewish on both sides of mother and father Jewish a Scott's parents came to the Lord before he did so. Jewish people coming to faith left and right all over. In fact, there is increasing number in the land of Israel. There probably about 30,000 Jewish believers there and that's a tiny part of 6 million Jews living in the country. But if you go back to the founding of the nation 48.

As far as known Jewish believers in Jesus in the country's first another less than 10 okay is government that the 30,000 there's a great harvest of Jews in in in Russia. Hundreds of thousands came to Jesus in a wave, though probably about 20 years ago. In particular, Latin American the same thing in America alone. Probably several hundred thousand Jewish believers in Jesus certainly at least 150 200,000 if not substantially more so. Jewish people get saved like everybody else. Romans 1012 there's no difference between Jew and Gentile same Lord is Lord of all richly bless you all who call on him, for whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. God is doing his work and will return about the Muslim world, and Muslims getting radically saved and becoming lovers of Israel and the Jewish people. Little by little written about ultra-Orthodox Jews and their coming to faith and in their experience of the grace of God and yes, in the end, a Jewish Jerusalem must welcome the Messiah back cedar right now the so the final turning the final transformation is in conjunction with the return of Jesus, but we expect to see ever-increasing numbers of Jewish people coming to faith.

It's a major part of what I live for every day of my life is to see my people Israel saved anything to Escott Millwood you just clarify something. Though bro, I've heard you speak about this and I love it in when David was apart from his people. He did not want to go back and assume his role as Kania until his brothers welcomed him back. Isn't that the case, what, what's that Scripture because I think it's it's a real picture of Israel and what Israel is supposed to do in order for the king Messiah to come yet so in in second Samuel, we have the account of Absalom coming back getting exiled by David he wins the hearts of the people he becomes the King David is strictly for his own life. Absalom was then killed in battle and second Samuel 19 he still is in exile he still in the wilderness because of what happened and and what happens now is that the different tribal leaders they reach a David you know your King. We send we please come back and rule over us, but he won't do it and he writes a letter to his own people.

This is from the tribe of Judah and rights of the others. This is why should you be the last to welcome the King back your own flesh and blood. So I see that is a great parallel of it and I met saying it's a prophecy that's history right, but I believe that same principle why should you be second Samuel 1911 asked the elders of Judah. Why should you be the last to bring the king back to his palace is what is being said threat is real is rethinking the scores you are my relatives about flesh and blood, so why should you be the last to bring back the King so II see that as a prophetic parallel what you have been causing wonderful, absolutely wonderful that the gospel is going out all around the world and God's heart beats for the nations and the multitudes of same Marana thaw thing is Mark Maranatha. Our Lord come and Jesus says wonderful but but what what about my own people and interest was interesting, what, when I was in Israel last year and got surrounded by these ultra-Orthodox Jews in an and some of them spitting on the ground that the mention of the name of Jesus and one God is counter missionary disruptive.

Call me me a mission or try to get me arrested all the synonyms. Wyman was arrested for. There's nothing to it is just the part of the adventure but literally Escott diagnosis as I'm talking to these ultra-Orthodox Jews in my modern Hebrew is is is weak, a biblically restorable mama. He was pretty weak Sunday to get that better shape so I'm I'm only able to go so far in my in my witnessing was a deceptive quote Scripture give us all I can do it straight but there they are furious because the Jesus they know that to them. He was this arch deceiver and and this false teacher led Israel astray, and any go straight from Jesus the New Testament the Holocaust that's that's how they view things as I'm standing there.

Scott and watching this one man spit on the ground, a Jesus name and say we don't believe in him at discursive because of the what they understand and and that the evil in his own heart. I'm standing to think and wonder how Gus can save people. Five. I wonder how we can open their eyes. What kind of vision that were going to open up to the house is going to happen as I know that I know is can have no it doesn't guarantee the salvation of any Jewish person today and it certainly does not touch on the salvation of those who die without knowing him. We mourn them being lost, but does speak of something that will happen yes in the future right will be right back and go straight because of the it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown, Carmichael, Brown delighted to be with you.I remember the day after I got arrested and harassed by Orthodox Jew in Israel real troublemaker and I was walking the next day to meet with some Jewish bleeding friends is better half hour 45 minute walk in the morning and I was walking through Israel and I was just saying to myself why people my whole yeah the oppositions there. Listen, I expect my expectation.

My my understanding of Scripture is within my heart is that as we get closer and closer to the end of the age that a lot of what we saw in the Gospels and acts in Israel, the conflict over the gospel between the Jews who oppose faith in Jesus and the Jews who follow Jesus where you see almost the same things play out, which would also suggest the be more government power for the very religious.

We shall see but but Scott in Israel since sitting with my friend Scott bulk up right now by Mr. Netanyahu has called for new elections. Nothing like this ever happened where your elected can't get a coalition government does have new elections, paralyzes the government evangelical Christians in America there largely rooting for Netanyahu and think he's the man messages within Israel is a lot more division or who to vote for who not to vote for.

But the concern is that Prime Minister Netanyahu was reelected. He so strong in many ways is real security he such a great ambassador for Israel nations a strong relations with Pres. Trump right now but to get his coalition really means is to work with ultra-Orthodox and then that means that they can make it difficult for is Jewish believers in Jesus are people making all the are immigrating to Israel as Jewish believers in Jesus always displays difficult situations to sort out you find a wide range of opinion among Jewish believers in Israel on the elections very wise and affect. I was there on the day when the deadline happened to where he couldn't get his coalition together and having dinner with one of my friends who might not necessarily be right or left leaning but is very, very concerned about this whole issue with the Orthodox because he's he's immersed in a community where maybe believers are getting married or want to make aliyah. I think it situations like this in and even in America you know so many of us, you know, were raised a certain way were raised either in Democratic or Republican households.

But when when believers simply bow and say Lord I know it's you who put men and women in places you raise up kings. You're the one who puts leaders in our post. I think the best thing that we can do for our government and the people of Israel is to pray for God's purpose is to be established and try to put our own political leanings.

However, biblical. We may feel that they are put them aside and say Lord you raise up the one who's going to be global.

Who's going to glorify you.

Most through his or her leadership and and then rest in that and I and I think I think that would go a long way to seeing God's man or woman in power that you have a great line Scott about having God's heart for Israel in terms of Israelis and Palestinians and how you have a wrong heart, a right heart could you share that again.

What will. Here's what I like to say I like to see if you look at Israel through a political lens you're going to end up hating either Arabs or Jews or both. If you look at Israel through a biblical lens, you'll end up loving, both Arabs and Jews, the lid of the political lens is the key because it leaves no room for hatred. You know sometimes people say what are your pro-Israel and I just have to back up a second, and even that terminology Pro Israel seems to intimate that if your pro-Israel your anti-Arab you know God is pro-Israel. God is pro-Arab God is pro-people, so I'd like it if there's any way possible that we can remove our political ideological ideologies just peel those away. Go to the Bible.

What was God thinking God has made amazing promises to Ishmael and his seat. He's made amazing promises to Israel and to Jacob and his offspring time a desires to see Jewish and Arab people not try to find common grounds politically but try to find common grounds biblically and go after the God of the Bible and watch and be glorified in the land of Israel. Yeah, and I was just looking at the question here and in the YouTube chat jockeying for you in and he was wondering, he or she wondering as to whether the big problem with the ultra-Orthodox is that they don't serve in the military will. That's one issue. The roots Israelis resent the fact that ultra-Orthodox cannot power go.

For example, you can't get married in Israel without Orthodox Rabbi and and and the only Judaism that's fully recognized that Israel is Orthodox so there's a lot of control your thoughts have some Israelis just go to Cyprus nearby Cyprus. The December secular marriage because they don't want to have a traditional marriage or anything like that so there's resentment about Unilever serving the military. We all serve in the military and dripping the trumpet your standards on us and make us live bye-bye yes Torah but we don't we don't follow the same way you and then the other thing is that the goal of the very religious view is to study all day for the man to study for the wife to be raising the children, etc. and and and for them to be devoted to Torah so that means that they live on sips subsistence level poverty level on their happy to do that so they can devote their dazed after praying and studying and they say that's helping Israel our prayers and studies are more important than any any weapons of the IDF and its room were sitting 1680 hours a day, etc. and having families. 1012 working children, but then that also means that they get government welfare those roasting on helping to pay for you to study older urine fighting in the Army in your controlling some of the society. So yeah there is resentment over that. Understandably, all right, let's go to Paul in Bellevue Washington.

Thanks so much for holding welcome to the line of fire barrier very well, thank you.

Our yard about Gregory, her mother matrilineal wondering. I know that our career could go I are you I would warn my own good. My mother mother mother was Jewish, and so I was went through a robot and like nine years ago and they are forthcoming with their mark. The can I come in like no school or while building a great view, but they require that I like children Mark family tree because they wanted to charge your mind. The top line of mother but I want them to Israel, and it was all good there. The government married. Cut me out of my belief yet you become a missionary in Los Angeles, McNary with Robert. Robert Benjamin Kravitz. He's refused to have dialogue with me for decades. Yeah, I know her brother would look other than the product failure required Christian belief: I am sure is nice. Very sincere and I'm sure that there are many fine qualities about him as well. Yes. And so thank God for his keeping power and for the reality of faith and she withdraws you get hit with arguments that you don't have answers to, and unless this is strongly your background with the reality of God's work in our lives is is hard to deny that and then Scripture Scott, I just want to encourage this brother working to be in Newcastle, which is maybe 15 minutes from Bellevue Washington into weekend September I'm sorry June 21 the 23rd Dr. Brown to be speaking on Friday night the 21st at the congregation called bait teak.

The congregation are also so if there's anything you order our murmur order number courier change that. But anyway you the question about her manager Paul you you could make a case biblically that the idea Israelite identity would come through the mail in the right have a man with foreign wives and instill the genealogy is traced through him. However, the rabbinic argument and this does not seem to be settled in the first century New Testament times. It appears that this was not yet settled. But all and and you can see that are interacts from every Kierkegaard rubber vertical helper gravure Gartner were struck barrier or government datagram ever along with the able event happening in traditional Judaism.

It's it's it's a major turning point event things been codified, etc. but bottom line, it seems that there was still debate about with you traced dissent to mother or father at it at the time of the book of acts because Timothy circumcised his mother was Jewish and and Paul has some circumcised, so there would be any stumbling block.

There, but when there is pressure to write a concise Titus was a Gentile.

Galatians 2 pulses no but but just really quickly that the rabbinic argument is looking in the books of Ezra Nehemiah when the men had married foreign wives and they divorce them. They not only sent away the wife with a sense with the children. The children are also considered far as news existed of social and who else you raise the children. The men are out working the water to raise the children. But that's part of with rabbinic argument comes from reform Jews would say it's in the mother the father of many messianic Jews would say if your mother or father or Jewish and you been raised with the Jewish consciousness, then you should identify as Jewish. Again, this does not make a Savior not say it's just part of our spiritual heritage and background. Eight. Let's continue to pray for the rabbis and the counter missionaries, the government open their hearts and their minds together for Israel conference is in Seattle, September 21 22 and 23. I'm sorry. June 21 22, 23, you, me, Bob Gladstone, Paul Wilbert seen appearing time together. Awesome. So there's info. Just go to Esther to Brown, double-click on itinerary and join us. Yeah next year in Jerusalem and next year in Israel May 11-20 with Scott both self that the tour the trip of a lifetime. You'll see it is worth every dime. Esther went on the homepage is the batter right back with your questions