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Why a Worship Leader Would Run for Political Office

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 17, 2020 4:10 pm

Why a Worship Leader Would Run for Political Office

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 17, 2020 4:10 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/17/20.

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Would you be more practical thoughts and update; virus and then speak with a worship leader in California who decided to run for political office stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us on the line of fire.

Yes, the voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church. All too often in compromise. What a wild world we are living in today how things continue to change on time.

Went to the store yesterday just to get some produce in the store. The grossest are often subspace the out of almost everything is in in all the produce and all the organic and the truck was delayed, and so on, but that I never seen it like that in the midst of the board buying everything going on with the virus. You think old Mrs. Wilde now different states say no gatherings of more than 10 people. The nation of Israel, saying that we live in a wild day and yet God's word remains firm God himself remains our rock and refuse to give you its wisdom when offer some spiritual reflections, then the bottom half the argument be joined by California worship leader Sean Foy who decided that he had to run for Congress and was unsuccessful in his first bid, but he decided he had a run for receipt in California and and make a difference. Try to be a positive agent of change. So I have up great show today, so glad to have you, listening, watching, number call 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-TRUTH 7884. I just seconds ago, literally seconds ago immediately before the show started, posted a poll on Twitter again. All I want to know is what you're thinking, that's all I want to know what are you thinking so I asked the question what is your understanding of the coronavirus. Is it a purely natural phenomenon was developed in a lab. Is it a satanic attack. Is it a divine judgment. I just want to know what you're thinking what your understanding. Feel free to call and if you feel that you have insight to share some very interesting things with you in a little while.

All right if you think you have some real insight.

Would love to hear your viewpoint. If you study looked at this, we have a spiritual insight for choices. I gave here online were again just natural phenomenon to me that God is uninvolved with nature, but just it happened to circumstances in a fallen world or was developed in a lab to some kind of bio weapon or some experiment that went wrong is a satanic attack the enemy trying to destroy lives right or is it divine judgment. Put those questions out interested to see the responses 866-34-TRUTH all right.

Do you remember you're my age turned 65 yesterday. Do you remember the sci-fi classic the Day the Earth stood still cannot 1951 there was a remake 2008 and see the remake, but I did see the original.

Like magic.

I sought more than once. It was kind of a classic movie back. That was 155 so the movie was known and was out and out here let me play a clip from the movie for you ship is now resting exactly where it landed two hours ago and so far there is no sign of life from inside it troops rushed across the Potomac River from Fort Meyer and phone accordant around the ship there supported by tanks, artillery and machine guns behind the police lines.

There's a huge crowd of curiosity seekers the Army has taken every precaution to meet any emergency which may develop every I every weapon is trained on the ship. It's been that way for two hours. The tension is just beginning. Just a minute. Ladies and gentlemen, I think something is happening. Something is happening.

The spaceship port opens an alien spaceship spacesuit comes walking out. He's theirs with that he's clot to these accompanied by an 8 foot robot name for it. Yeah, these were the names there aliens after all.

And they came with an international message that they came with a message from the universe basically saying listen that you develop these weapons of mass destruction. Remember this is admittedly after World War II that you develop these deadly weapons of these rockets that can take so many lies you're going to have to put them down. You are going to have to pursue peace or the earth will be obliterated.

Well, that's the beginning of the plot.

It ends up as a sign that that this is a serious message shut everything down, the earth standstill for a day. Everything gets shut down to get you can't movie Elevator stop in their tracks. Car stop in their tracks thing stop working. They just shut it down to say get the message. Get the message so it struck me that suddenly were in a situation know is not that extreme, but you're talking about. We know have rush-hour in certain cities. No rush hour. You talk about people planning a wedding for year and the wings postpone your talk about stadiums empty your time of people that one week replanting the vacation next week for your out how we can pay our bills and feed our family. Your you're talking about situations in Italy, where they can cremate the bodies fast enough yet. This is this is happening. Sudden dramatic change out of the blue out of the blue and on this level unprecedented in our lifetimes. In terms of the whole sports world could just be suspended for months. Don't know when things go change and now is coming down governments saying you can have more than 10 people gathering in public together restaurants shouting at other places business shoving stores, etc. one after another after another after another to to stop this from spreading exhibit the numbers are that baguette you know how many people are actually infected but the thing is this is to stop it from spreading it to get it under control. Hence the radical measure so it struck me that a lot of things can turn on a dime. You know, I am looking at the state of America and I'm always looking from spiritual perspective.

First and foremost right your you're looking at the nation. You think what's gonna get us to our knees and what's going to get us praying about Scalia's cry out to God or get anything Unitas you look at these things. They seem so impossible so far-fetched. I'm always looking from the viewpoint of revival of awakening what's going to take to get the church crying out were so complacent was so caught up with the things of this world. We are often more interested in sports and entertainment and the things of God. I don't think I'm exaggerating the least and saying that this is so much the state of the American church so much complacency. So let's compromise some worldliness all right and we have so much we got soft in so many ways and would just as this man pleasing everything is going to be good, happy, happy gospel, like a positive life coach message as opposed to the biblical gospel puts the world that we live in. You think what's going to get us thinking differently. What's a give-and-take and you don't want to crisis that the company don't want to be an economic collapse or plague or war you want crisis to come.

You want people to awaken because they're hungry for God want people to awaken because they want God to move. You want people to awaken because they become conscious of sin were so unconscious of so much of this and even the concept of judgment shaking at it. It's is very very foreign to us with the truth be told, and yet suddenly everything shipped. I don't mean all the Americans in prayer at. I don't mean that everyone is crying out to God, but suddenly things have shifted suddenly overnight.

Really, I mean it very very short period of time.

Things have shifted the ways that we are not used to that the world is not used to it makes you realize nothing certain not just our next breath, but nothing in the world is certain. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to look anything like today, which is all the more reason that we need to have our spiritual roots down deep and live in the light of eternity. Let me read something to you that pastor and evangelist Rodney Howard Brown has put out run Howard Brown was one that early-onset the Donald Trump was giving the president and that God is raising up to combat the new world order sounds conspiratorial. You wonder Rod is been looking at these things for years and and and he's revivalist is an evangelist and he put something out that's been widely shared. I was sent a link to someone else during Facebook. So whether you agree with his views or not. He said this is not a conspiracy theory it's been playing out for years, so here's what he says. I talked about what is coming more than 10 years. The people in our church are ready for this there for nothing of what is happening out as a surprise to me. Every God of America has fallen sports have fallen. Hollywood has fallen, television shows, television shows, cancel even a God of some mega-churches felt this church is empty today. I've worn for years.

The churches will disappear in one night.

He says I hold my hands. The Rockefeller organization document which was published in 2010 here's the script we met today with happening now is not an accident. Everything was planned that you can agree with Rodney about things being planned or not this what you hear the sound Bill Gates talked about the pandemic four years ago. The document is called scenario for future technology in international development, 53, pages it says here that the result of the scenario will be quote 20% of the worlds population will be affected people's mobility will be blocked. Airports will be closed sports events will be canceled. Shops closed, theaters closed churches astounded pandemic will produce shortages including disinfectants and toilet paper. If people refuse the vaccine they will not be allowed to travel political assemblies will be illegal. Public protests will be banned. Martial law will be introduced in the new global control system come into effect people around the world will be open to sharing their security rights now skipped out a little bit. He says what is written in the book of Revelation is printed. Globalists lead us to a single government, a single monetary system and the coming of Antichrist, and I believe that God raised Trump to suspend okay. You can agree or disagree with Rodney Howard Brown about this being planned. You can agree or disagree about God raising up Trump to combat a new world order. This can't but what's very clear is that people have been predicting a scenario like this whether they're planning it or just forecasting what's can happen and that you could easily see how it suddenly through a real pro plague or hardship, way, way, way beyond were experiencing now that suddenly the whole world to come under one world leader or or or world power. When Antichrist system you're here if you don't have the vaccine. Maybe will be you can do certain things. If that happens, if such a scenario happened. So again all I'm saying is this gets our attention so that we understand how things could shift overnight of the world to look very very different. And and and how perhaps America be great to be cry out for the revival in the wake and that we been speaking about to be crying out desperately for that in a way that a month ago.

We can see it's a wild time to time the kitchen reflecting the time to get you play here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and friends for joining us and one for go to the phones in a moment again posted this poll on twitter right before the show started, so 19 minutes ago maybe what is your own understanding of the coronavirus is a purely natural phenomenon developed in the lab. Is it a Satanic attack, a divine judgment and will all right we we just posted those watching first hundred 80 votes, 33% say natural phenomenon 38.8% say developed in the lab 10% 10.1 Satanic attack 18.1% divine judgment interesting so so that that means basically 72% of those responding. Do not look at this is specifically a Satanic attack or divine judgment. This interesting terms of the responses.

So, for I let's go to Patty in Mooresville, North Carolina. Thanks for calling the line of fire will Patty are you there is not okay.

So one, one other interesting thing. One interesting thing before I go to another call that will be related to what I'm about to say it's very easy when you have a crisis to scapegoat right and you're trying to stress scapegoat America in is is America rightly blaming China or Turkey, Iran, trying to blame Israel in varices at this it's it's easy to see if you have saved an economic collapse which what we don't have right now, both civic and economic collapse. We had a real plague and people dying in the streets and and and putting the fear factor 10×100 times greater than it is right now very easy to scapegoat group and individual very very easy. Next thing you have crowds bring down buildings that create hoarding people to gathering people together and attacking them crazy while things sold. No surprise that that some Muslim nations are trying to blame Israel for this. No surprise, that's what happens. That's how anti-Semitism raises its head, that's a different people groups get scapegoated at different times in history and bloodshed overlies listen.

I remember will what will strike at the year straight okay late 80s early 90s we were vacationing with some friends that that a homeowner on the lake in Virginia and the husband of the family was informed Greenbrae from Vietnam served in Vietnam and there was a lot of talk at that particular time by Christians stockpiling goods and others can be a crisis coming, there's gonna be some some terrible thing happening and and we should stockpile goods and things like that so he asked the question, he said, let me ask you this, he said I did two questions asked. Number one are you stockpiling goods for yourself or for your neighbor Christmas post love your neighbor as yourself are Christian right number 23 cell facility. Are you also stockpiling weapons is because I'm telling you I've lived and he said I been in countries stricken by famine. He said because if people find that you have food LSU stockpile weapons to come take your food as if the shooter first. A lot of our thinking friends I think fails to realize how desperate human beings can get what crazy things they will believe here for the Trump critics that you have a crisis like this in trouble emerge with you will save us from the crisis to get the economy strong and then and it sets up like a Hitler type scenario that's with the Trump haters will say and then those on the other side will say no to Trump is the only answer in the earth right now to stop this, this one will take over. You could you could easily see that people can believe all kinds of different things do not 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to justice in Niagara Falls, New York. Thanks for calling the line of fire or Dr. Ron Howard doing well thank you good art at Birkbeck.

Thank you.

Welcome welcome what I are all messianic and attended local synagogue Buffalo while the boys where I first heard you question how can we as believers by become strengthened and empowered wives to discerning and boy strategy to overcome in America.

Anti-Semitism and level yet so justice it's important question is anti-Semitism is raising its head once again. Now around the world and even in the church of America and must be combated out. I would encourage everyone. First, to get educated themselves believers need to be educated in terms of history in terms of spiritual reality.

So my Booker hands were stained with blood, new edition of the 92 book coming out last year is important. Let every Christian read it and understand how anti-Semitism has come into church history, and ugly in horrific ways. Ultimately, paving the way for the possibility of a Holocaust how anti-Semitism is a spiritual phenomenon that cannot simply be bought with truth.

Total truth is a big weapon but it also must befall with prayer and with love and so we get educated first, we share the truth with others.

We go out of our way to expose lies so share the truth expose lies and then deal with us in prayer.

Ask God to turn the tide come against demonic powers of deception and ask God to deliver and protect his people. All I I mentioned that in the context now of Israel gets blamed for certain things in certain countries with coronavirus this this is what happens Jews get scapegoated. It doesn't mean that Israel's perfect country Jews are perfect people know, Israel, Jews like everybody else right.

The reality is reality as though that there is a target on the back of Israel in the back of the Jewish people say going to wipe out the Jewish people and thereby make God into a lie because God promise the perpetuity of the Jewish people as a people, until the end of the age and Satan understands the Jewish Jerusalem Jewish leadership must welcome back the Messiah for he establishes his kingdom on the earth all the more effort than this, the enemy make to to divide the Jewish people keep them away from us. I keep them out of Jerusalem, so this must be combated spiritually but that also by speaking the truth by exposing the lies I've got another book that will come out in September, gobbling on combating anti-Semitism in the church today so our hands were stained with blood. The whole history right up until today. The theology it's it's a must read and then this will be a supplement to just focusing on what's happening to thank you for the call 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go that Adam in Utah walking to the line of fire. I think you welcome the girl at what point darling and left her without fear of getting yeah it's it's it's a question that the church is dealt with through the centuries often ministering to people in the midst of plague, ricin quotes about that yesterday off in determining not to flee.

Not to run but to stay in the midst of epidemic to serve in compassionate ways. Even if it means death, and to pray for miracles so the first thing is that we want to follow guidelines, government guidelines, not primarily for her own safety, but for the safety of others. In other words, the issue is that many young healthy person is highly unlikely that you get sick, but you can become a carrier say with the virus right you could become a carrier and bring it to someone else. So the reason that were complying with the restrictions is is not just for own safety, but primarily for the safety of others. That being the case, you have healthcare workers that are to come in contact with sick people and I would first say if you are in contact with anyone that sick that you should immediately pray for them that that that should our first thought should be all your sick let me pray for you that you be the very first thought comes to mind.

The other thing is this that we must build ourselves up in God so that we know that we know that we know that we are strong in faith and then from that vantage point of being strong faith and without of director from the Lord.

We go and obey. Here I give an example. I've been in situations where I knew if I went into a certain country that I might not get out alive because the country was in the Civil War and what when I prayed about going into one country.

In that setting Liberia in the will. Probably the early 90s I heard the Lord say to me travel at your own risk. The words you going there you got no guarantee of protection and the missionary said you can get in. You may not get out and I knew I wasn't to go that it would be foolish that I would be walking into danger in the missionaries there barely got out with their lives.

I've had other times like in India where new Hindu radicals when the crowd and that they had been violent and killed many people of and in the neighboring village lower caste people are untouchables in the neighboring village years earlier.

So they were radical and they were violent and I prayed in and felt clearly from the Lord go in the midst of it and preach, and I knew I didn't think we get killed but I knew that there could be a violent attack we might get blacklisted for get back in the country and perhaps there's a threat of death but I want right into it because I felt constantly their preach and we went in and that the meeting second. I was taken over by radicals in the shut everything down and we were hurt but it's all a matter of knowing the voice of God first shifted know that you know that your strong faith. If you walk in fear than you gotta separate yourself, but let us pray for opportunities and then the leading of the Lord to go and minister. But be sure, whatever you do, second, and make you vulnerable to being a carrier to hurt someone else is a fine line this be people of faith will of God lack the technical for plan and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown status own understanding of the coronavirus purely natural phenomena was developed in the lab to the Satanic attack, a divine judgment to state an idea of what people are thinking. Kendra said natural phenomenon exacerbated by a communist government. Michael was developed in a lab that we really had wars and rumors of wars, no rehabbing pestilence and famine keep an eye out for earthquakes here just fine here developed by CIA bio weaponry research and development at Fort Detrick, Marilyn, for targeting China and around divine judgment is that he came home to destroy America. Claremont is reading these to let you know some people's responses to the phenomenon for sure for sure. We must step back is God's people and reflect. Let's say a few weeks from now if you months from now. Life goes back to relatively normal sports back on, and big events back on and restaurants filled in the economy booming and and all that. Let's just say that that's what happens. All right, we don't just want to go back to normal.

Scott's people we want to do more reflecting on living in the light of eternity. We want to do more reflecting on on what it means to be a disciple. We want to do more reflecting on why he or here speak of what were sheer. I have now on the line with me Sean Foyt 36 years old, married, kids, hey got a dream life worship leader at a mega church and over billion downloads of YouTube videos with music he's participated in an for years, decades, you can give yourself to write new songs worshiping bringing people to encounter Jesus and not get involved in so much of the mark in the Meyer pot politics of this world and yeah Sean recently ran for political office in and he felt it was a divine calling to do so. So want to talk this through and bring Sean on the air today. Hey, thanks much for joining us on the line of fire. Of course I can be on here. Thank you so Sean obviously the whole nation.

Think about the coronavirus and everything else but we would talk about it day and night as well and and want to step back from that.

Look at some larger issues and and why it is that you felt the need to get involved and I think is where international crisis. Now all the more. Should the church rise up and make a difference but but share some of your history and what it is that moved you to go from just leaving people to encounter Jesus, which is his heavenly things you can imagine to get involved in something so earthly as politics well be on it.

I never have plan are carrying or even trajectory in my life.

Politics. I was always you have always been a man of conviction and I've always been a leader that can move by injected my convictions and that you know over the lack year yeah I've been reading worshiping and giving author stuff like that but I've actually pioneered a mission that have invaded boards not and I myself was in Iraq with my family, not the height device that an elite gone into North Korea starting to Afghanistan after 9/11 and Janet rushed into the dark places around the world that we have been new because injustice within the diction and helping refugees to bring the level Jesus in the midst of utter devastation and I think over the last I don't know probably a lot here, father with it now. I look at the state of America, and I look at the future of the handoff for my kids knowing what the nation you look like when they grow look at the on both again the values in the conviction that I hold dear and even including First Amendment have just loaded away and caught in the act when I could go on and on and me stepping up that in doing that was really kind of just taking the next Other than a prayer rally or service not been a part of helping lead 80 of the people to create deep issues and bandgap for abortion and things like that but I think for me there. There had to be a point where we know, became the fulfillment of my own prayer and you know II did it because of concern really for the future and and wondering what America still look like my kids specially living here in California which you know is it for it. Often times the left. It now and in the ocean and yeah and it's been pioneering so many of the kind of setting the standard for a lot of the most anti-Christian and anti-in all the things that we hope to hear that they've been on the cutting edge of promoting ideology felt that I would be significant and and eight and in and be part of the solution social why you think it is that so many of us will pray for political leaders, and then support the election of a leader.

Some will endorse a leader and things like that but yet very few of us think of actually running for office. It's almost as if politics is off limits. Politics is separate from ministry. Politics is just dirty and bad.

So some people are in it will pray for them and support them but we are not to get in it. When you think that mindset comes from what you know I'm not that with our micro history, not to like in the church right now you know that you have not mandate you know we want you know what will work finally developed theology.

You know where were excited about people like Kanye West and entertainment world doing a worship problem and we walked in a millionaire to get saved movie start on Jesus and you know when quarterback for the touchdown. Thank God you know the church celebrate, but the church really know how to rally around sending somebody into the political realm like it's just it, and I know this because a big part of my strategy continued to rally the church to engage and one of my favorite brand in years. Sen. Kennedy growth she's she's the basically that the top Republican in the state in the state government, which is a super majority, you know Democrat but I love what she said. We did a little too around churches and she said you know unless you are unless you come to the table, you end up on the menu yeah and and and it really is true I mean no Christian can get on Facebook they can whine about the things Nick got Twitter and they can be frustrated but it takes a whole another level that you know what I'm going to engage directly felt my heart like and and and I came out with learning quite beeping that I did well but but I'm glad Dan Youngblood left for yeah so so you didn't win in this in this at least initial attempt work will come back to that some the lessons you learn what you mention seven mountains mandate. Some Christians it's a great thing to some it's this terrible heresy. I don't know how you can answer this questions for some of ever talk. But what is it mean when you say 7 ounce mandate what you mean what you understand what I'm referring to. I'm referring to the quality of you know that the go to God. You know the every year, every diet eat ever. I'm referring to the prophecy of Malachi 111 from the rising of the pipework that no infant will fill every plate you know I believe that were called as salt and light note were called to invade every area of society and I think that you know so many Christians are dualistic and make you know that it's funny because if you look at the seven mountains like I won't rattle them, but you know the media and religion at art and entertain businessmen education. If you look at the one of the government.

The government amounted the only it's the only mountain that had tentacle in all of the mountain. In other words, the only place of influence that regulate all other and yet I found that it the place where the church is least engaged in lease are permeated through now, having said that I met for making a lever for making people on in government but but no voice of the church is largely large than her and I think you know you have to go back to know Mike Huckabee. Ukiah came out of the a little bit out of the faith they know Ben Carson and he a brain surgeon but you A strong believer. Obviously Mike and was you know a Bible school teacher. You know yet but I have printed circuit is Bible study court but what I mean there's a lot of parts of government where there and especially out here in California where I did not find other believers and I felt like mandate that just the farmer that we created this really strange theology where this is the place where God candidate. This is the place where God doesn't want his voice to be heard and I did not agree with you. So again friends.

If you're hearing the word invade was it was it mean I understand to mean that we preach the gospel everywhere.

We seek to bring the influence of godly values and principles everywhere that we don't and band in the educational system.

We don't abandon your media that rice eats it to live as Christian witnesses in the midst of it. There's some inherent know that we will take over and impose Christianity on the nation establishes the right idea. I made it. It's a strange for you to hear that is for me to hear it for us is like will now all right we can yet we are planning for example, about how bad things are, how how left-wing the universities are and how radical they are and how the government is anti-this or anti-that's like, okay, let's make a difference. Let's get volunteer.

It's it seems like common sense is Christians were supposed be the salt of the earth like the world that moonshine it where we can write their yeah I mean I think they got the gospel any like the great can it not not a great option. Not not optional, not knowing if the very aggressive terminology unity conflict telling the disciples listen Benny about a sheep among all your getting misunderstood your August die is very pretty little commissioning but he said I can empower you to go and I just feel like you know we, especially in the and I think what in the West are currently at weekly deftly have a harder time and if not, I been no a good bit inherent in different nations than there's other cultures and nations, but they don't have trouble. But an American think like you and you know I mean it like don't don't we walk believers right now. One of the laboratory bring to God at the.

The antidote to the virus of court like he's the creator of the world. He knows he knows the solution were the ones that have acted felt to come up with a mindset that you don't want believers to be a part of every fact that the body no anti-biblical in my opinion yeah I listen will you be right back was showing Floyd a song he wrote a great message about getting involved and then what he learned his first attempt to run for political office that speaking with John Floyd Fenimore's name spelled F you see HT it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. This is from Sean voice showing Floyd for Congress. Page grew politicians in Congress can't be trusted to solve the problems they create, grew politicians have created the mass of the rest of us have gotten stuck with the cleanup and the bill goes on to say one thing is clear, more government isn't the solution. That's what Sean Floyd is running for Congress is the opposite of the 45 year incumbent, currently serving California's third national district. John is a man of integrity and action was found success as a businessmen missionary musician reducing releasing 20 albums in authoring five books shows a looking for new job is plenty of those is determined to bring integrity, hope and inspiration and common sense our nations capital social Christian I'm looking at it and I thought Sean was qualified.

Why wouldn't I want someone godly values and process to be qualified and able to lead and function political rumble. Why wouldn't I want someone that loves the Lord. Some of that seeks to raise his family in a godly way. Some in the holster similar foundational biblical values that I hold to. Why would not want that voice influencing things rather than maybe a radical gay activist atheist that wants to shut down some of our liberties. Also, Sean is you got involved with this was the attack against you was the pushback in certain ways uglier or worse than you expected. What what surprised you in the process.

Yeah, I mean I think it out. They record all but I've been pretty darkly mentioned. Or, you know, in Berkeley. Aunt died of Audi have gone on a rock during heightened by I've really never been in a in a row. Mark peered at really dark and the political realm and I think I was really II really I deny I knew the Army you know politics between 30 and all that stuff but I mean just the intent spiritual warfare. You know, the act of people coming get you and really I think the hard that it overrides your old world young you know you either you know you have it you know Peter and R or AP hang above your head and you know and and most people people for the most part, like the missionary that goes into countries to help people and right thong I know you know where you fit some pushback but I do not use the pushback tomorrow. Frank and I think that that's the part that was surprising was the great clarifying mechanism. Figure out who your real friends are not on the millennial and I'm in the creative world a lot down. The musician creative world and you know you could see some definite no definite belief that would line up with knee running at Republican California though… With that would that I would shock and and I realized the other thing Michael is note you have to rate remained but that to try to even make their light and and that is a heavy pressure me. Not great hundred money for orphans and refugees and wrecking kids that infect a lot done around the world, but note to Ray $3 million or a congressional rate at Republican California that that's a whole another thing though. I mean that I was just an added dimension of pressure on top yeah and you know there are lots of things about the way Pres. Trump conducts himself and treats others that I don't that I don't like out from his writings. I also understand that it's that you not justify the behavior but we have no idea the level of attack paddle swamp that you're dealing with in a lesser person would of been swallowed up a long time ago, so it's yeah I is I saw you running I thought all boy because I am not an insider in the political realm, but it I interact with this world enough with writing and and and people that me out on the inside it's like oh boy.

Comes so yeah the lessons are intense, raising the money and the more your opponent raises. You have to raise it just from what for ads and then if they hit low how the respondent yeah arise right so now, and I think you know, I mean trumpet is obviously huge. Are you departed because you know your name and quickly link the hamper better for workman yeah you know if I was running in Arkansas are out right in Oklahoma are out in Ohio that might be helpful. Running in California that's not helpful notion though and and in the meantime, you know, the Republican don't have a lot of money or resources out here though you know I don't know, I kinda want my desire. I will if I would pick any color to run and I would pick purple pick loyalty and not little red but no California you have and we are very think the corruption of the police think that thing run like this for 40 year you and though there is a certain amount of any that people are feeling with the wildfires in the note, the power getting shut off and I acted in a homework that you don't run short of it… Yeah and think clearly in all of these cases the gospel was simply sound biblical reasoning has has a solid solution.

So in, in the midst of this, a friend sent me a song. Colligan said while you gotta listen to some foresail have it ready to pick you up and play. But but it's a song calling on Christians to stand to get involved in this. This is an area we can covet rise above the political divide and get a message out to the whole church like you used to doing so, how did the song come about and what's the main message you try to communicate well I wanted. I thought it be really fun to do.

Get out the guy you know ran my campaign and are continuing the endeavor of what we do.

Moving forward, which brought shameless plug up their work with it like we have a lot of national momentum. It didn't translate entered it into the amount of vote needed locally but elected God-given international popcorn issues that were continuing. Develop that will be more like the following on the meeting to find out what that what the, but you know that the guys that ran the rate or the they ran Dr. Ben Carson president Rick really I was one of the main reasons why I wanted what was even willing to do this because I really love way to think heart rate, I really his approach. He was the only guy in the primary that didn't attack, trumpet, trunk didn't attack him and 90 rate 59 the dollars with annual ducky had been the primary a while. But what I think they came to me instead with patient lying right on that I carry your heart now. But God easy like like I thong on anything that it little get beaten. I thought you know Mike like and maybe we can come up with like it together and talk about like Howard to get a raise her voice and let thing about note the marginalized and look thing about the forgotten what about the unborn.

Let let let my diphthong about that in and then let me bring my video in the last part of the thong of the court, but but have been thing. So anyway it ended up being really fine like better than I did and not with the thong raise her voice and really the perfect was you know if we can get people being devalued the amazing you know how thong go to place where experiment can never go and if we get people to think the value thing our campaign.

AA could go viral. No doubt, that was our what you know why I have a special interest in that Sean and S. That's a great story held your kids. By the way their nine that been I and and almost okay God. It's what one amazing joint effort. There course, getting involved with. This means that your your wife is subject to the pressure in the rejection you go through. It's so this is a family endeavor, but Aruba came out a year ago. The cold power of music God's call to change the world one song at a time and will send you a copy will get contact info and send it to you that you may put but I go through history and I go through how music is having impact for good for bad I'm not.

I got into drugs. Chris rock music, and that was part of my entrée into Gatton and of classical music in the protest songs of folk music and civil rights songs and then with the word says about it to constantly inspire people like you. Not that that you needed it, but to people like you. In other words influential songwriters to say hey, what if we can get a message out that impacts the nation, not just worship song, but something with a message that'll stir hearts or if you can get people singing the same tune you know give PRI a chance enough you get the tune out to get the words out there. It has massive impact so if it would draw this of everything else. It's happened. A song came out of this calling on Christians to raise their voice. What's the name of the song again called rate report rights of friends.

Check it out on YouTube raise your voice. Check out what Sean is doing and less than spelled FUFEU CHT and I'm glad to hear that you're moving forward that this this initial defeat was a learning experience and it was before we got one minute. How can we pray for you Sean you know I don't care. I would love it. Pray that that accurately you are the momentum of we had one of the largest social media presence of a congressional race in America and we had people all of the world that were jumped into the political world because this bracelet that we just want with them guidance on how to move forward and what that looked like love you got the paper. Awesome. Hate Sean. I was so surprised to see your name come up in this context, and so thrilled to see it happening. Let this be a paradigm shift. Let us make a difference in every area of culture through our gospel values including the realm of politics and government. God bless you man. May he keep you safe in your account. Can't wait to see what the future holds. Thank you, thank you so much my comforter all right what friends we are out of time and of what can I say government should get involved in your school board may be some local office made so we can serve make a difference is bring your values and maybe