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Reexamining What the Bible Says about the Second Coming

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
May 11, 2020 4:21 pm

Reexamining What the Bible Says about the Second Coming

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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May 11, 2020 4:21 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 05/11/20.

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You know all the talk about the virus and the end of the world and plagues.

It's got people talking about the second coming. Some important themes to focus on stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you for joining us on the line of fire. Each portrait, this is Michael Brown last year.

Prof. Craig Keener and I put out a book joined with chosen books called not afraid of the antichrist. Why we don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture and I noticed over the last only be six weeks or something with your seem to be a fresh interest in the book. People ordering the book nor talking about the book more of the reason being there's just a lot more talk about the end of the world and the second coming and things like that sought to revisit some of that and if you hold to pre-tribulation rapture and feel it's very important to believe that I feel that we are very wrong for not believing it.

I'd love to hear your strongest argument for pre-tribulation rapture up. I'm not trying to set up a formal debate or something like that. Obviousness is not showing or just calling and I love to hear what you feel is is really strong reason that you personally can't believe or don't believe in a post-tribulation will rapture which is the same as the second coming of the words to sides of the same coin, 86634 to before we get into that, though, I want to want to start with another subject I been interacting with different pastors different churches that are trying to navigate whether or not they should be opening their doors for meetings again. On the one hand, it seemed prudent and wise to not have our normal public meetings for period of time from months or months of 1/2 for maybe two months, for various reasons, flatten the curve of infections and deaths. With this dangerous virus and there were local authorities that were extreme and that went too far, and I feel it's good that different churches leaders push back against them. Say we are to do everything safely, but you cannot stop us. For example, from having to drive up service will we sit in our cars in and listen to broadcasting because were still seeing each of that's important to us whether she said they were gonna follow safety guidelines carefully, but if you got abortion clinics open liquor stores open is no reason other church buildings have to be closed.

In some cases there was pushing back liberty Council is been in the front lines of pushing back where authorities went too far with called out people like Mayor de Blasio, New York City for threatening to permanently close church buildings and synagogues. If that permanently if they defined his guidelines of certain things, there should have been pushed back but now, just in general a church is okay with. We are going to start to gather and we will follow safety guidelines, which means if we normally have, say 300 people packed into a building and we have two services on Sunday when I get a habit where we have more services but with less people from meeting where will have to a mask use.

If use the bathroom. Here are the requirements were encouraging you if you fall to certain categories and are to be potential health risks if you been sick when contact with a minimum of the virus were encouraging you to stay home and they're trying to do this, then, on the other handsomeness, it will what is this, we people of faith are not were afraid to hug someone were frail, how farces go.

Understanding can be frustration and I am a man of faith here my normal way of thinking right, it just if house is left to myself without divine wisdom operating in my life. My normal mentalities just dive in and trust God. Now sometimes you have warnings and you think you're trusting of attracting presumptuously right but my normal mentality. If it was just me without wisdom from God, but being a man of faith, right.

So part of me being a man of faith, with the part with wisdom not existing. I just some kind of course we are.

I would've I would want to find things from day one and it was, we gather together we believe God together with people of faith, what you can never perfectly avoid disease in your sinkhole could open up on your building. Everybody could be sucked in your meteor could farming anything can happen. How many people die on the way to church service of the drunk driver.

You come back from an all-night binge crashes into the car. The church people kill these things happen you can avoid death right I mean, that would be the faith side of me but without the wisdom side of me, but what I'm saying is I tend not to be cautious. I tend to jump forward to move forward.

If I feel God's. And so they jump forward, but there is also wisdom and the other side of it is okay even if you are personally willing to risk being in fact it's like if I die I die if I live I live whatever your life is not promise really know know you live to be 500 years old. Anyway, whatever. And I'd I'd rather be around people I'd rather live a normal life just like people make food choices find. I may be more prone to heart attack. With this, but I'm I could just eat seaweed.

The rest of my life. Eventually, some people think it was so hey we make choices like that all the time right so we want to hug each other will go to service when abnormal meeting in Reese Truscott okay, here's the problem with that is the problem's not just you and is not just of Treeview choose to hug each other.

It's just it opens up the risk of you now carrying that to someone else shows up at your own life. The government can't tell you to stop overeating is that you know you're digging your grave with forks and knives to solicit that government can't stop you for not drinking too much. They can arrest you for drink or drinking while under the influence right driverless influence they can arrest you for that but they can arrest you for signal drinking and you undertook yourself drama that's you can do that right so we can all make choices that are destructive to ourselves and that the government can't stop us from making most of those choices, but this is not just about you. This is about others not look to be honest it feels very odd to go ahead with the meeting but with everyone sitting 6 feet apart, you may be families together.

Consider together anyway and everywhere else.

6 feet apart and greet one another, but from a distance. Hey, hey, how you are blessed by good to see the fist bump you know but don't come within 6 feet of each other. Obviously it feels odd to be doing that right but it is a matter of loving your neighbor is.

This hasn't been tested out yet, but if suddenly everyone thinks oh it's fine we can go back to normal and then they start getting infected and infecting others. Where's the love of God in that soul. Here's my own take at this point in my book, when the world stops which was written basically begin a certain beginning of March with a the both were written March 18 to March 26 to give your time context rights wasn't speaking about 67 weeks ago and then scheduled to come out mid April.

So the e-book came out April 21 and the print books are still waiting for this a chapter on whether by the government that when I wrote it I said when the government goes too far. We push back his son. At that point yet in terms of, by and large national now if the government is still not allowing you to meet together, even with all safety precautions. That's what I believe there can be healthy, push back, that's where you can say hey you are going too far and you work with Liberty Council alliance defending freedom of these national Christian organizations to see what exactly are rights relentlessly rebellious.

But if the government's going too far, then we want to be able to to push back just what ever you do don't hurt your witness for Jesus in the community. Pray through things that might happen. In other words, how do you know every stranger that walks in the door whether they've been infected or not. There was, you need to think through the potential consequences. This is not fear.

This is wisdom and then then having done that, you need to determine if it's important enough for us to begin meeting.

Are there things we could do in homes with proper social distancing where it's it's gonna be less uncomfortable.

You know those you can have four people meet together a home and all sitting in different parts of a room and have a great prayer meeting you do that the feels of little less force than have everybody separated in the building but keep thinking about how to be the church rather than just go to church keep thinking about positive redemptive things that you can do online ministry people reaching out to one another, making sure that everybody is touched by somebody in the body that nobody is alone that nobody is left alone. Use this opportunity to really do that with you. Gotta make a church with more staff to do it put more people to touch her smaller congregation warehouse network of churches, do what you can to emphasize being the church pray more about constructive ways to be reaching your communities and neighborhoods as people are home and maybe they can talk to a neighbor was social distancing. They can they can still do that. Look for ways to share the gospel served as rushing back to normal and then whatever you do, just of the consequences's thought through their gotta be. People are looking for frivolous lawsuits and things like that. So you may need to bounce things off of others. And if you're absolutely sure that the Lord is giving a word you got a track record, you've heard the voice of God leads you clearly for the last 30 years you've never missed it once and God told you to gather together no masks.

Everybody sitting next to each other and God told you that that's between you and God. I'm just not so sure that he saying that right now. Take just a little thought for you right I don't question that there are people who have ulterior goals with this virus right now and and people want to see America going a different direction, and they will use this virus. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt there are people with economic goals, people with political goals. People with nefarious goals to take over things and change. I don't question. I believe there are. I don't know what came out of China with intentionality how much collaboration there was, with whom to two to not spread information and so on this but the worst case scenario on all of it right. The reason that I know that this is still serious is not just because of people that I know that died had friends that died of the virus such as that.

It's that with all the money that's being lost. All these business people. The sports industry and all of that if there were simple ways to just get everything back up to normal. They'd be pushing to do it. No money talks.

Alright, so the fact that that the big sports industries in these others. The fact that they are still slow to move and even as they're moving their movement with great caution it indicates to me that there is seriousness to sit. Doesn't mean our responses been the best we could do done things better. Just be wise and be careful and remember this is not just about you, it's also about your neighbor. All right, 86634. We will be right back file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown on the line of fire just posting something.

If you haven't read the stream got a few articles that have gone up in the way all the last 24 hours this morning getting a lot of attention speaking to those that hate the church, despise the church feel tax-exempt benefits and all this no good to those who hate the church. Be careful what you despise.

You'll find that to be a real eye-opening read in one just posted moments ago and it's probably up on other websites as well. God hates unequal weights and measures we talk about the hypocrisy and dealing with the sexual allegations that come against different leaders face the way it works out is if a jury guides our charges are true. If it's the guy you don't like deathly true and we can be hypocrites about this on both sides thing. There should be is fairness and consistency, and another article also posted over the weekend.

Digging deeper into race issues with Chuck just raises a basic basic question. All right. And on those can be controversial but you know I don't shy from controversy always try to speak the truth in love right so here's the basic thesis of the article and so they will come back to when you have the shooting of of Oxford are very in Georgia to white men for this black jogger going to the neighborhood race motivated by with arrests in all of this and incidences in fabulous Blacks those Blacks is black young man in a high crime rate source okay so so slow enough or sick. Yeah, with lack Americans higher crime rates than white Americans, which are prison population than white Americans.

A much lower family income than white Americans, much fewer high-level CEOs of major companies than white American. So go on out.

The list unless you believe that Blacks are somehow genetically inferior to whites, which is an outright sinful ugly racist position unless you believe that that would say will sums this not right in our system here that we've never fully recovered from slavery and segregation so that there is an equal playing field. If you have a racist bone in your body and another on a field guilty being white America does the current water feel guilty and I love our country and a blessed to be an American, but we have a checkered past his work regular color part of the world. Okay the kingdom of God is artfully arrived, so you know that the fact of the matter is that the system is not equal for everybody and I've heard from enough black Christian friends, law-abiding God loving solid people who see Dr. Brown you're not racist at all, but you will you have lived life we lived. You haven't had it have the talk with your kids about dealing with police having been racially profile you haven't gotten the looks work, and so on so forth and look their race baiters out there. There are people pushing their intersection out of the arguments. Critical race theory, and various things in an to me.

They do more harm than good and they deepen division adult reconstructive answers, but bottom line is there is systemic unfairness, systemic inequality, whether it's intentional or not, some cases it is race is almost on some synergy can be racist if you're in the Majority Leader of the can be racist if if you have us a simple attitude. A wrong attitude. Judge people by the color of their skin or ethnicity. You be racist even if you're in a tiny minority, but one way or another folks have told me white folks who adopted black babies and they had some white kids and then a black child this and you have no idea. The difference in terms of how they are treated. But we dealt with in schools and on synergist things and our overall system that either never got fixed from the past, or just remain a legacy is the time of making reparations.

I'm just talking about let's recognize the problems and sit down together to be aware of them and intranet think constructively together to make sure it's an equal playing field for everybody in America.

To the extent people want an equal playing field.

We see that happen. So that's that's in that article all right because the phones and then regular with this switchover to the subject of the second coming and if you if it's very important for you to hold to a pre-tribulation rapture you feel that that's very important. Spiritually, doctrinally important you personally love to hear why you feel it's so important 866-34-TRUTH superstar in Florida with Sarah welcome to modify, thanks for calling. Dr. Brown hi doing very well thank you are trying article chapter 9 verse 24 File Revelation Matthew chapter 24 ground that we are going 40 tier length of the antichrist of anger or persecution, my question actually it on the Kevin yellow.

We are in the beginning of Cairo than the current pain because the directors asked below the line. It's not like that. Like making things like that. Actually technical world fell. My question and if the beginning of Cairo separate from the field are to believe the spirit are it being here at your tribulation and letting your… Yet assert. Thanks for thinking these issues through number one no II don't see the beginning of sorrows is related to seven seals.

I see those things is is all within a final tribulation will. I would also say that we have to remember that the book of Revelation is written in and was called apocalyptic language.

So you know, unless we literally believe that Satan has seven heads and 10 horns, and things like that or all of the visions are to be taken literally, which would be contrary to the to the nature of the literature then a lot of this is symbolic and so it's it's intense words that the. The symbols are intense and the reality is intense but it's not necessarily that every Cisco look like the way it's it's laid out there you know warhorses with tails like locusts and right you know them say so irreligious that the dislike of you have a dream sometimes the dream is full of symbolism so I don't have everything worked out in terms of a chart or clock as much as larger themes and as I understand the larger themes and was spoken of the shake, the level of shaking seems beyond what is happened in the beginning of sorrows. The early labor pains is Jesus saying all this stuff is going to happen, but the end is not yet in these things in terms of the final outpouring of wrath and revelation. The final shaking of the world I see on a very intense level and and God working mightily in the midst of it is everything shakes. If you just think for a second so many more people watching online services seeking out spiritual answers wondering about the meaning of life just through this. Can you imagine what everything shakes your some people will be shaking their fist against God and cursing him, but others will be crying out, and remember in Revelation 7. If this is taken is a picture of the end that there's a multitude that no one could number that is wash their robes, they been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and they have coming out of the great tribulation. So if that is talking about the final harvest. There's a massive harvest of souls as this is going on so will know that that we are in. Clearly the beginning of sorrows when using again. Think of of birth pains. So Sarah your mother okay, but I'm sure you been around women who have given birth. Yes yes yes so so the deal. The deal is that you know you first you have Braxton hicks contractions and a false labors like I did something was happening but it's not the real thing and then you know it's the real thing because it stays and and and the the contractions get closer together and more intense and closer together, more intense until it's time to give birth to the child so if this is that. Then when I can have a long lead up. This can be something else of world shaking and something else and something else and economies in it and then then will know that were now approaching us that final and and I don't sink to be honest Sarah that once were in those spirits describe the revelation that you need to call my broadcast asking for it is just my opinion but thank you for your question.

I appreciate, you're very welcome 866-34-TRUTH of articulate want to share a few other things.

Now when we go to the break get your Bibles open and will will be starting in first Thessalonians chapter 4 were going to second Thessalonians 2 and then to Luke chapter 21. This will save the book that Craig Keener I wrote not afraid of the antichrist. Why we don't believe the pretrip relational rapture of the publisher suggested that title we agreed to a considerably keen on it. We were really happy just with the subtitle what will believe in the pre-tribulation rapture result with her name recognition between us and the audience, you will reach the that's the message we want to get out and non-divisive non-attacking way.

This is a discussion in-house among brothers and sisters of the reason I mention this is that some people were offended by the title is civil. I'm pretrip but I'm not afraid of the antichrist is that if you're the I understand it, understand that and I appreciate that. I also understand that many do preach the tribulation so terrible that that we must be saved out of it and I've even heard salvation message, especially in the early 70s I was a new believer, I hear these messages which were not so much gets saved to get right with God.

Have your sins forgiven escape future judgment of hell and be with the Lord forever, but rather get saved now so you don't go through the tribulation.

That's not a gospel message is not the gospel right now. I hear on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown transport us on the right 7884 Michael Brown delighted to be with you phone lines or open or it so a lot of fresh focus on the return of the Lord.

Many Christians the moment the Seo world calamity, wonder, could this be a sign of the end and then the debate comes up about rapture, tribulation second coming was the Bible say so I was saved in the church that taught pretrip rapture. In fact, in many ways heard about the preacher rapture before I heard the full message of the gospel. My two best friends playing the band with me getting high together started going to this Italian Pentecostal church in Queens New York and they were hearing a lot about the end of in the world in the book of Revelation and things like that and they come back over my house and merely get high together and they're telling about what they heard in church and assist when reliving at that time.

Then little by little, they got serious about the Lord really got saved and then I want to pull another church and God convicted me of sending save me. But in 1971 all to his mercy and and all through his mercy all to his glory.

But it's just that was like fundamental to me that there's a preacher rapture and all the exciting prophecies in all this and then a repeat of years.

I concluded it was not in the Bible that I'm not insulting any woman to say that I am not putting you down if you study Scripture for years and convinced it's there. I'm not insulting us of the singers as an out and I don't mean to.

As I study Scripture as I dug in the word that that assault wasn't there they saw there was that there was a second coming that a second and the third coming not not a second coming for us because were were looking forward to his coming. Yes, throughout Scripture, so not a second coming and that 1/3 coming. There was one event Jesus returning in the clouds of glory for the whole world to see of the, the righteous dead being resurrected and those of us rely remain caught up together to meet him in the air and then we dissent together with him as he sets up his kingdom on the earth.

That's what I concluded over 40 years ago and have not questioned it or doubted it since subscriptions very clearly. Some people some way to say you saying we're going to go through the tribulation. My answers the church is always going through tribulation if I can give you numerous verses in the New Testament that promise us tribulation numerous verses it just look at John 1630 3X 1420 to start there and Paul talks and in Romans five. Our faith grows through tribulation in Romans eight that tribulation can separate us from the love of Christ. We've always gone through tribulation and believers beheaded, tortured to death in left to rot in her underground prison hole in never been delivered from that we we've always gone through ECF but the tribulation is different this with the wrath of God poured out match that is God's will protect his people from his wrath is through various means. He's covered the enemies move the enemies is doesn't dinner through various means and he says in the end of Isaiah 26 to the hideaway in the inner room until his wrath passes by me know the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and are safe, but what concerns me is verses that are used in a filler or misuse even by good people who love the Lord. Let me give an example.

First Thessalonians chapter 4 Paul says this now we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters about those who are sleep meaning died so that you may not grieve like the rest of the hope of believer who dies Scripture says they fallen asleep its New Testament terminology.

In particular, right. So what's he saying I don't want you to be uninformed about believers who have already died so that you may not grieve like the rest of the hope so others grieve because that's it. It's over will never see them again and pulsing no no no it's different for us it's different if we believe that Yeshua died and rose again.

So with him.

Gobble also bring those who fall asleep an issue right so to an end. By the way, this idea of God bringing them we believe that the moment you die, you're in the presence of the Lord. So when the Lord returns and said that he sees bringing saints do you then meet up with resurrected body. Those are interesting questions that happens right that the notices for this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall in no way precede those who are sleep for the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with a commanding shout with the voice of the archangel with the blessed God show for in the dead and Messiah shall rise first unnoticed. This is the rapture but he's coming with his his his people. Okay, so again that's when it says is coming with his people. Yeah that's that's how he comes right. So with his angels, and then with the soles of his people. I will explain it but but here's here's overfocus on okay Lord himself shall come down from heaven with a commanding shout with the voice of the archangel with the blessed God show for and the dead in the social route rise first that we are alive are left behind will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord there and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words and I say this happens at the end of whatever tribulation.

Here in this earth. Lord comes visibly. This is a visible public event. The whole world sees it caught up to meet him and we dissent together with him, so therefore encourage one another with these words. I can't tell you friends how many people have said to me was not encouraging with you through tribulation is not encouraging. Excuse me. I used a certain tone of voice there to indicate the way some people said to me, but that that's insulting to others so let's just stated without the voice some people quite a few of said son encouraging to me that we go through the tribulation house that encouragement was simple subject, there subject is those who died. You can see them again and when he returns to be with them together forever. That's the encouragement. It has nothing zero to do with escaping tribulation zero. It's not the context. Nothing is the end of the next chapter. It says it has appointed us to wrath yet, but each is not even trauma tribulation wrath there in the first chapter, first Thessalonians in the fifth chapter he says it he started believers then then go through the final seven year tribulation. Nobody in history has done that.

If there's a final distinct seven your prayer tribulation, but none of us are appointed to rat every generation of Chris's nonpoint threat. No we will not suffer God's wrath because were his people will be with him forever will go to hell.

We will perish as the wrath it's been spoken up or the wrath becomes to destroy the wicked at the end, it is no we are not subject to that wrath. He described in second Thessalonians 1.

This is Jesus can come with flaming fire taking vengeance on those who don't know God is a public event at the end of tribulation. He comes to judge the wicked and at that point it says he's going to give us rest to be delivered. So Paul is not saying hey, be encouraged.

Be confident. You likely go through the tribulation. That's not a subject. There is a 100% latent misuse of the Bible. To quote that argue for pretrip rapture is nothing of this the sort will not encourage will be encouraged by the fact that God says I'm with you no matter what and nothing not even tribulation can separate you from my love.

Be encouraged by that and be encouraged that we grow by going through these things right now.

Second Thessalonians chapter 2 Paul is very explicit.

Remember he is just said he has just said in second Thessalonians 1, that when Jesus comes in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who don't know God which everyone agrees happens at the end of the tribulation. When he does that.

That's when we received rest.

Okay, the rapture and the second coming two sides of this of the same coin. There is not a second coming, and 1/3 coming is one second coming. Dig into our book, the Craig Keener I wrote not afraid of the answer.

Christ why we don't believe in the pretrip relation rapture. We didn't write it in a highly academic, highly academic, scholarly way with 8000 footnotes 100,000 references you and and endless references to human Greek, but we wrote it based on solid Hebrew and Greek scholarship and then with that presented it so that anyone can understand and the book is full of encouragement book is full of faith from beginning to end. So Paul writes this in second Thessalonians 2 and a reading from the tree of life version. The TLV that we ask you, brothers and sisters, concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah and are gathering to him. So notice coming gathering same event is coming, what we looking for, not a secret rapture but his coming. His appearing. We are looking forward to his coming is that a second coming in the third coming through is one second, concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah and our gathering together to him not to get shaken out of your mind or disturbed by spirit or word or letter. Is it through us, as though the day of the Lord has come.

Some other was teaching circulating that gave them the idea that the day of the Lord that the eschaton, the final land that commonly had somehow missed it. Let no one deceive you in any way for the day will not come unless the rib billion comes first. That is the correct meaning of apostasy. There is not a taking out it is a falling away that day will not come until one. The rebellion comes first, there will be some type a world wide spiritual rebellion/apostasy. Jesus warns about many falling away the love of many waxing cold because of iniquity abounding right so that's one that they will not come unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness.

Speaking of the Antichrist is revealed. The one destined to be destroyed. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called God or object of worship that he sits in the temple of God, proclaiming himself that he is gossypol saying look has that Antichrist that end of the age Antichrist been revealed no more than the day hasn't come.

If you follow Jesus limited in the age you will live to see the Antichrist issue will you will not be taken out first.

Don't remember that I was still with Yost tell you these things and you know it now holds back from to be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already operating over there is one who holds back just now until he is taken out of the way to really keep reading. I got a call about this in Friday's broadcast and so when asked who was the restrainer and I pointed out as Craig Keener does not afraid Antichrist that there were more than 30 different interpretations from scholars wrestling with those words and there are many many many different interpretations of the idea that the church must be taken out of the way is really without support for many recent so just finish what Paul wrote there, he says, then the loss will be reeled out. Paul December can be there to see the walls will reveal the Lord Yeshua will slay him with the breath of his mouth and wipe them out with the appearance of his coming. What are we waiting for his coming and it is with his coming that he destroys the Antichrist the coming of the lawless one is connected to the exit of the of Satan with all power and signs and false wonders with every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing, perish not accept the love increases say for this reason, the sensitive delusional force to leave. He was forced to nothing like Scripture is clear on the University Antichrist hi I'm John it's so light a fire with your host activist and author, international and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown here. Whatever could come away because God is with us and that's all we need to know and I've been saying this a lot lately but there's a dangerous escapism escapist mentality that we can hold it in in that mentality we think okay is a bad habit before they get really bad will be taken out of the way and again I feel that's dangerous because what if things get worse than this now and start the final tribulation to get much worse than this and work not taken out or what about the mother for marriage or husband for 20 years who in an agonizing decline over a period of two years, dies of cancer. She and her family weren't taken out before that happened.

Overseers, there's always suffering in this world, there's the suffering that comes from persecution of the faith that were promised, there's the suffering that comes to a fallen world, sometimes God miraculously heals and delivers us from that but other times we go through things like others differences God is with us, but if we have this mentality will before it's really bad right here with that subtly unfolds what what then you look at it. It's like an athlete training for an event the train for the full event you know boxer in championship fight. Fighting 12 rounds they know they may win by a first-round knockout that they train for 12 they can think I'll get rid of this guy halfway through because if they don't. Now they get a whole fight to fight and they're not ready for so my trust is in the goodness of the Lord's grace of the Lord.

I trust this and is keeping power. My trust is that he will not allow us to go through something that we cannot bear with his help and grace my trust is in his help and grace more than in some aspect of escape not only the back to the phones in a moment, but Luke 2121 one a look at what Jesus says there he's answering his disciples questions with the end of the world destruction of the temple. Mrs. nation will rise up against nation, can we can scan in the be great earthquakes along with famines and epidemics in various places there be terrors.

Along with great signs from heaven but before all these things the grab you and persecute you, heading over to the synagogues and prisons and legal way to kings and governors. I, name. This will lead you to be a witness some synergies saying hey I know this can be roughly 68.

They will share the faith through this so make up your mindset to prepare ahead of time to defend yourselves from myself with human speech and was none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute you be handed over even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends. The puts on his death will be hated by all because my name is not a hair of your head will be lost by your endurance again your souls when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies and recognize that their desolation is near the notion today must flee to the mountains. Those inside the city must get out because August 23 woe to those who are pregnant to those who are nursing babies in those days will be great distress. The land wrath on this people before but it's sort for 20 father be signs in the sun and moon and stars upon the earth. Nations will be confused by the roaring of the sea and its ways people lose heart, for fear, anticipation was overtaking the earth.

Verse 28 and when these things begin to happen. Stand straight. Lift up your heads, because your salvation is near and then he says in verse 34. Watch out see your hearts, and it way down by carousing stronger inquiries of life come rushing upon all who live on the face of the earth.

It's their little towns praying you may have strength to escape all these things and okay's notice. It praying that you have the strength to escape all these things about to happen to stand before the Son of Man. So here's the point. Let's just say let's not get into a debate about Luke 21 and how much a pasta first century.

How much postage. Let's just say Freud mistake.

It all applies to the end of the age before regular escape. Whatever it is that were supposed escape is going to be crazy before then you're here to be handed over to death after fleeing your your there's gonna be tremendous hardship and and all these things gonna be happening and then there's gonna be a final wrath is in Kraken escape and of course you can escape it. Just honoring the Lord and being here and he protects us right you know you you many how many of us have escaped the virus so far right. Maybe it went right through your own community or the nursing home or your grandmother was and she escaped it she escaped it by being regular we can escape things. But beware, he remembered John 1715 Jesus prays for the apostles and in my application for us but for them. He presented for you to take them out of the world, but that you'll keep them from the evil one so well taking us out of the world I can keep us Revelation 310. Keep us from from the evil keep us from the hour of judgment is coming on the whole earth right but bottom line is before that happens. He's saying all these intense things will be happening on the earth and happy persecution and judgment. That's all going to be happening. You will be here for that and pray.

You can escape what now here's the interesting thing let's think of this again if he talks about your to go through this really go to this are immigrants of Israel to go through this. This is Kraken escape I 30. Just as you go through this.

Either he means really go through all this until the final final point, wrath, and all I'll shield your protect your take you out or he means you know here, right here.

Go through everything pretty you can escape me.

Pray for God's grace to go through this and come out whole, on the other side anyway some food for thought. But don't have an escapist mentality heaven endurance mentality have a faith mentality or 866-34-TRUTH back to the phones Isaac South Carolina.

Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown appreciated him a call. Think real quick.

I know your opinion order familiar with brand generic purism printers printers printer is okay yeah looks like. Start what your opinion on that on that be a part of the entire discussion and everything of that object. From what you think about it. I had only recently read about it last week and noticed how real you, Isaac.

It was really cast aside for many years and is making a comeback in recent years. What is called full printer is much I'll explain in a minute is heretical.

It is on biblical is dangerous is wrong. It is completely unknown to church history until recent decades. Full printer is in says that every prophecy in the Bible has already come to pass that we are presently in the new heavens and the new earth that Jesus has a ready spiritually come back. There will be no physical second coming, but there will be no future resurrection of the dead of because that has already happened spiritually so full printer is an is an extreme doctrine that should be wholeheartedly rejected as erroneous unless you believe that were currently living in the new heavens and the new earth in this you believe that there is no more death or suffering or pain. And no one is marrying and giving in marriage, unless you believe that then were not new heavens and new earth not now here's the thing that's that's remarkable out go to my website Isaac Esther. or my YouTube channel Esther Karen Askey dear Brown and type in either type in Sullivan. I debated a general and a Michael Sullivan on this and he tried to argue in front of our student body who who unanimously were shocked consider was the most ridiculous thing ever heard. Their lives are that we are presently living in the new heavens and earth, that's full printer is him completely reject that now there's something called partial printers printer isn't just earnings past in the past right so partial printer is in says that many of the major prophecies have already come to pass.

For example, they would say all of Matthew 24.

Much of Matthew 24 is ready come to pass that when Jesus talked about coming in the clouds. That was a spiritual coming to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem, and there will be a physical second coming, but there really was a coming of the Lord they would say. The final chapters of the book of Revelation new heavens and new earth that still future, but the book of Revelation itself is past that it it spoke symbolically of the persecution of the early church under Rome of the shaking that took place in the ancient world, and it's not future prophecy that something that we can have a discussion about now.

I I reject that and in other words, I don't believe in the printer's reading of of Matthew 24 with when when Jesus spoke of his coming in the clouds, I don't believe that that happen with the destruction of the temple, the destruction of the temple was momentous, but there are things yet to happen either with his coming that have to do with Matthew 24 he said, why is that important. What's important because it means that physical Israel today is part of prophecy a predator. He says no all those promises to Israel are ready past. We see no no you still future. God is regather the Jewish people out of the ashes of the Holocaust reestablished the modern state of Israel promises still remain for Israel. That's why I say it's important that we understand that as for the book of Revelation.

I believe it had to have meaning for the first generation of readers right that there were things that were immediately relevant for them. But then in a spiritual sense. Best ever meaning for every generation it reads that your reading of a thousand years ago. What is it mean right people in on every generation people that were at the end of the answer right so that the readers if it's now up right so what I say is it deftly had to have meaning for the first generation we all read it spiritually every generation.

But at the end of the age it's going to have special meaning as well.

So I see certain aspects of printer is him that that are acceptable. That that gives think about how to interpret revelation and prophecy and things like that other aspects. I categorically disagree with in full printer is him. I reject as heresy as dangerous heresy denying the second coming. Denying the future resurrection of the dead saying that were present in the new heavens and the worse it it makes a mockery of the Bible right so check out the debate with Michael Sullivan that's on our YouTube channel. Askey dear Brown, or just check for his name on our website aspect of the Lord. Keep praying for us will be able to do everything God called us to be during the season to better equip conservative health view world changes in press that lives in these unprecedented gutless