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From the Conflict in Ukraine to the Shroud of Turin

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
February 24, 2022 5:20 pm

From the Conflict in Ukraine to the Shroud of Turin

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network from the conflict in Ukraine to the shroud of Turin exhibit at the Museum of the Bible got you covered today. It's time for the light a fire with your host biblical scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown your voice for more Centerview and spiritual clarity called 866-34-TRUTH to get him a lot of fire and now there's your host Dr. Michael Brown transfer through the Jewish Thursday world events taking place that are so critical that we are going to focus on them today, and then a little later in the broadcast is very important.

Having to do with the shroud of Turin exhibit coming to Washington DC the Museum of the Bible talk about that. We got some expert guests joining us. But there is a connection between Ukraine and the Jewish people. It was in Bob Villar in 1941, a ravine in Ukraine that roughly 34,000 Jews were slaughtered in cold blood rounded up there slaughtered in cold blood in one of the worst massacres of the Holocaust. In particular, outside of Germany or outside of the camp systems in the in the one week.

And anti-Semitism remain strong in many ways. In Ukraine, and yet the current president is Jewish presidents Lenski, who was known as a foul mouth teacher, a comedian and in his act on TV was being a foul mouth teacher and anyway he's the president's Jewish president so it does tie in with through the Jewish Thursday I got this email today from my assistant's brother is married to Ukrainian wife and her parents live in. I like to mention the city they now have Russian flags planted in their city roads and bridges and some airports have been blown up this Alexis to fuel the grocery stores have no food and then they rescinded their Russian neighbors here in America say hey this is not our heart. We don't want this. Most of the citizens of Russia want this, but they can speak up so I am anything but an expert on European geopolitics, so I've asked to join me today on short notice. Dr. Fred Markert, who is the international director for use with the mission. It was converted out of atheist communism in Berlin and 73 began his missions ministry by smuggling Bibles into the communist countries of Eastern Europe served missions for the past four years is ministered in over 150 countries is much more I could say about him, but to bring Fred right on hate. Thanks so much for joining us on short notice today. It's great to be with you. Michael assume Fred.

First, the big picture. Why has Russia invaded Ukraine from your perspective bothers you a lot to talk about here we actually two competing priorities that are or can't number one we in America don't understand how Russia thing Russia has no natural barriers on their orders from Russia all the way to the left Europe one big plane and Russia has been invaded a fixed time in the past few hundred years as Army right across the plains and estimate Russia so Russia feels like it needs proper countries because there were no mountains or rivers running natural barriers.

In America we don't have that thing in security. We have the two largest boats in the world. We have the Atlantic and Pacific ocean on either side to protect the bus to Canada and Mexico to friendly countries to the north and south so we have never felt that same insecurity that Russia feel so it absolutely feels it needs boundaries and that's really their perspective is they want foundries to prevent being aided of course the Western countries of concern is the spread of democracy and we want to preserve and help promulgate democracy in countries that want to become more free democratic sense of these two competing values are what we are facing here Russia's need for security and our desire to see democracy spread so just jump in the sack that that countries that were once part of the Soviet Union served as a buffer against other potential forces. Almost all those countries have become a NATO aligned and therefore would be considered as potentially hostile to Russian the time of conflict. Ukraine would be the one country that hasn't so it is that part of the issue here that that adds to this desire to have a buffer absolutely at the end of the Cold War. We actually committed NATO committed that it would not expand into the Eastern Bloc countries and then it violated that commitment by embracing countries in the Eastern block which made Russia incredibly nervous because NATO essentially they saw as their enemy. So we thought his defensive they thought his offense and so we broke back, but we also broke some other commitments. Michael and Budapest memorandum in 1994 we told Ukraine if you give up your nuclear weapons, US, England and Russia will protect. And so we broken that security assurance and that that's a big problem.

We broken a number of the shirt. We broken a number of of assurance is given over the years. Then in April 2008 at the NATO summit, NATO declared, we will bring both Ukraine and Georgia into NATO NATO that was shot across the bow of Russia so that was another thing that got Russia up in arms is my enemy is coming right to buy doorstep in the Ukraine and Georgia. It would be like God shine over Ron or Russia putting an army in Mexico on our border or Canada on our border very similar to the Cuban missile crisis so that also cause Russia to be insecure than in August 2000 8 April 2008 NATO said will bring these two countries said in August. Russia said no way and invaded Georgia to prevent then in 2014 as Ukraine was making noises to move closer to NATO was again feeling insecure and invaded the Crimea and took that and then the most recent thing that provoked this is that Ukraine declared in September 2020 that they intend to join NATO and were actively pursuing that. And so I agree with those desires for democracy at the same time Russia saw that as a defensive rat. Alright, so it is their truce to the idea that Putin, who has been serving as the leader of Russia for many many years. Now it's it's hardly just a free democracy as may be used to here in the West. Is there any truth to the idea that he has goals to reconstitute AAA Soviet Union and that this is a lot about his own megalomaniacal desires absolutely true that the collapse of communal shortly after the collapse of communism in to Stephen Michael. He said the greatest geopolitical disaster of the last 100 years.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union again because they feel they need all the proper countries all the stands of central Asia to protect them from Iran and other countries in the Pakistan etc. and the buffer countries of Eastern Europe to protect them from the west, so it is his goal to reestablish that empire once again, which is problematic because those former republics of the Soviet Union want to remain independent. One of the difficult things is that Stalin mixed up all the nationalities on purpose. Michael he took Russians and put them in authored by John met her commandant, but the in Ukraine. The reason is this, it would produce racial tension which then force the people to look to a strong central government to keep the peaks so there are Russians in all of these former republics – the pretext that Putin is using to go into these countries. Everything I must protect the Russian nationals of these country so we have a really challenging situation.

Greater implications actually for the global order and the growth of the global church. This is really a dramatic thing. Alright so so before we we get the Christian perspective in terms of how we should look at this and the implications of the gospel and that's ultimately your great focus Fred got old couple minutes before the break.

What's the worst case scenario, something a political global level of what could happen right now. Well, Michael.

We can talk about this in the next segment is what the sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan and now Russia's invasion of Ukraine demonstrates is that America is no longer the world old superpower since 1992 America's been the world's sole superpower, and that has insured that there is no great power war.

What we call world war, but this demonstrates that now there are three great powers that have arisen on that in America, Russia and China and this is probably this is one of the most critical of that of the century effect. Michael knows century has been without a world war in the 21st century will not be any different. And this is a harbinger of that world war World War III, which is, and so this is not a minor thing. This is a major kinship history of pivotal moment and how the West responds right now is going to determine the next hundred years or so and is there is there and review a right and wrong response from the West.

We are between a rock and a hard place. You know, there are no solution. We got in America. We often think there's gotta be a win-win scenario given situation, but the resident we are in a lose lose scenario with it. The last engages militarily, it could easily escalate into World War III. If we don't engage. It also emboldens both of Russia and China as well as Toronto North.

Others to rise up and take similar action. China once I hear talk falling dominoes here and then take plaintiff like that with the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 86634 true here again is Dr. Michael Brown reminds us, it is early Jewish Thursday. We are shifting our normal Israel Jewish focus over to the conflict in Ukraine right now is massive. My guest Fred Moore who is the international director of youth with the mission has explained that this could well be the harbinger of World War III and that there is no easy solution. If America gets involved militarily, it could trigger this next global war. If we don't get involved militarily.

Then it decides a single hate go in take over these countries when I can stop you.

866-34-TRUTH's afraid. I don't want to be pessimistic or alarmist, and one step back in a moment, and to skip a larger global Christian perspective, but what what might be the falling of the dominoes. If America and Europe get involved militarily to tell Russia. You can't just do this, then how might the dominoes fall with with Russia and some of these other players that you mention North Korea, Iran, China, well in international relations that really deals with how countries go toward having the power we are now in Estes and call testing. It's like when a little kid you know is testing his mom and dad's.

He would get away with right and so that's what's been happening the past few years that going into Crimea was and many other situations like that. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are testing to see what they can get away with what we're showing under the current administration is that they can get away with allopathy. The so that means it clears the way for China to take Taiwan take to be more domineering, even in Hong Kong and give the signal to other regional powers like a Ron deadly enemies with Saudi Arabia that they can continue their proxy war in Yemen and actually try to.

So there are many far-reaching implications of this. Michael and and it's the core root of it so is America is in the process of facial collapse. We can stop and turn around. But if you do to our immorality in Daniel 221 God says I change the times and seasons.

I removed Kingston I set up King's rights of God is the one who raises up nations with tears but down right raises them up to global power could tear down and why does he do that. Proverbs 1434 righteousness exalts a nation, but Chin is a disgrace to any people.

And we are far from righteousness.

And that's why since our morality has decreased our global power is decreasing and we're in the process of God carrying out now.

But the great hope is Jeremiah 1878 where God says it at any time a nation or kingdom, on whom I judgment retention of its evil ways and I will relent of the Evo. I had planned for. So I do believe there's hope this is happening because Americans become immoral.

God says you no longer have the right to be the global superpower because you are damaging the world were not graffiti immorality through the movie. If you export the music you export. And so I must let you decline. But if we return to morality.

I believe we can see this turned around friends. I encourage you to visit as an great awakening project Movement.calm strategies.

There great commission strategy strategies for awakening in America that could then enhance the filling of the great commission. So Fred Fred you you sound the alarm you've made us to understand how critical and dire the situation is one of the most critical moments we faced in the world in many years from from your perspective you administrated over hundred 50 countries, you are in touch with Christians. Global globally as much as anyone I know in terms of knowing of the leaders what the end maybe get the short answer to this but was there a general consensus of how Trump was viewed as as our president. The last four years and help widen his views or set to general question. Well, very generally, I can tell you people did not like Pres. didn't like him as a person, but they like his policy because his policies protected the world.

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea had no idea what is going to do next with body capable of anything.

So that kept them suppressed for doing things like invading Ukraine or taking Taiwan, so they didn't like him as a person. They did appreciated policy on the currently they see the current administration as we and they understand that that's why were seeing the rise of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. And so that that would be a very general statement around the world right now and since it makes a lot of sense.

Even as to why many of us voted for Trump.

Not like this person and not finding his character.

We wanted to be a knowing there were negative implications within the policies is important nationally and an globally and in any case in your bio mentions your focus is on the 3.2 billion unreached Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists in the 1700+ languages, many of them small dialects still have no Bible so just looking at this as as believers North America we we know almost nothing about Ukraine.

Generally speaking, but Russia bad put bad invasion bad so was just the good guys versus the incident Ukraine.

This is kind of look that may be naïvely and in that way and I don't it in no way minimizing what Putin is doing in the horror of this invasion, but as far as the gospel is concerned I was to be don't want people slaughtered. We don't want people killed want them to live and have the opportunity to know about the Lord. But what are some of the possible implications of this for the gospel, both good and bad okay; very briefly brief international relations left the world goes through three stages that are repeated, now 27, I 5000 years of recorded history. There is what we call a multipolar world where there's three or more great powers which is which. Fight it out.

Control the world then it moved to bipolar. Some of those powers lose their power in the war and to power fight for control the world that it was unipolar when there's one hour to just go back to cycles. It was the colonial period when the European powers multipolar went bipolar England and branch that went unipolar with the British Empire for 100 years. When that their power collapsed in 19 she would let both bipolar again and you had the great powers Germany, Russia, Japan, America, you know England fighting World War I to then we went bipolar at the end of World War II America USSR and then unipolar again at the collapse of communism. At the end of 1991, and what history shows Michael is that when we have a unit world when there's one superpower kingdom globally rapidly advancing, but as soon as that global power loses its power, and we walked over into a multipolar world, then the kingdom globally declines dramatically and I proven this writing a book that documents all this I proven this true history, and so the greatest implication of this is that as we've now entered a multipolar world. And when you cross that boundary unipolar older we get great power wars. After what we call world war left out.

We can tell it's coming at the implication is that we will not get the gospel to the remaining 3.2 billion unreached Muslim countries are Buddhist Bible in the 1700s remaining languages what analysts say if America doesn't turn around than we could have 100 to 300 years of overworld full of war in a while and will be after that will will have the ability to complete the great commission. So it really is morality in America is the whole issue here because were moral. We've lost our power.

God is leading us lose our power if we returned to Jeremiah 18, he will restore that power and once again we can hopefully without war suppression.

The bad boy countries or the countries that resist the gospel.

That's a better way to say it, we can press them which will allow the gospel to go forward be afraid that's that's a brilliant analysis hundred times better than I could give on that subject and dented with incredibly concise, incredibly concise weights reminds me of being it at one of our missions conferences with our with our organization.

Fire and I was overwhelmed during one of the song singing about the nations and I felt my knees weeping and said God I'll go anywhere send me anywhere under servant and then the thought hit me.

Why, why am I so focused on the gospel base moral and cultural revolution in American immediate. I heard the words as America goes, the world goes. So this is about the nations. Fred keep up the great work friends visit Movement GAP gap

Thanks for this analysis. I'll write it up Freddie get this out slightly as I can hear. We focus on what we must. Jesus himself yeah they were here to the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866342 here again is Dr. Michael Brown broadcast. We are changing gears today because of world events and because were major event in Washington DC get away from our normal focus on Jewish events is real, etc. but what could be more Jewish than focusing on what is purported to be a relic. The shroud in which Jesus, the Jewish Messiah himself was wrapped with marks of his resurrection, I was invited to the event a media event yesterday was unable to be in DC for but everyone museum of the Bible.

Beginning February 26 has a brand-new exhibit. It is a high tech interactive exhibit about the shroud of Turin and my guest today from the Museum of the Bible. Dr. Jeffrey CLO ha chief curatorial officer at Museum of the Bible and Brian Hyland who specializes in treating medieval materials Jeff Brian, thanks much for joining us on the line of fire.

Thank you. Great to have you so suggest. First, the big picture. What is the shroud of Turin. Why is it so famous worldwide chart of Turin is a 14 foot long linen cloth that has a gripping image of a crucified man with a crown of thorns and the blood he sustains the spear market beside and it has been an object of intense interest and devotion forever for over 700 years and is probably the most familiar image of any person from the Bible. It's been known in pop culture's been on magazine covers is been the subject of scientific interest and so the structure and this is an object that points people to the crucifixion and a very unique way. So Brian went when Jess mentions the image what was image painted on was the image get there while to be honest, nobody no the when you look at the image. It's an image that shows the both of the front and the back of a man who had been crucified, and before that had been scourged and crowned with the crowned and none At the head always piercings on the head and stab in the side of the blood actually soaks through the entire plot, but the image itself of the face and the body of the limbs of the of the man that that's just on the top layer of the vibrant thought that something like two or 3 µm in when this image was studied in 1978 the people studied at the work called the start test group of scientists from a place like JPL Linda Los Alamos state studied the proper five days around-the-clock and they concluded after studying it, that there was no no evidence at all that this was painted so it's it's they said they couldn't explain the radiocarbon dating. 10 years later suggested it was a medieval medieval artifact, but at the same time, really, no one has been asked able to explain how it got. I got there because there are no visible brushstrokes or anything like that and Brian went when you describe what it looks like you mentioned crucifixion. Where was that the nail marks in the hat with a in the palms within the wrists that that's that's another thing about this is a relic that is been well-known and documented since the 14th century and it shows for the hands that the nail marks are actually in the wrists and then in the feet. It looks like that the that they both been pierced but the thing about it being in the wrists, is that the tip whole ancient and medieval art iconography of the crucifixion shows the nail in the in the palms of the hands. What was done in the 19th century and 20th century people doing tests they discovered that nails in the palms of the hands would not be able to support the weight right the they would tear out between the between the finger bones. But if you put it through the basically through the carpal of your risk is that it gets much more support and it also causes the palms to lock over in a position if you look at the hands. There are no external function on their so it's it's a very interesting thing that this is that this image shows that right. So at one point people data did this and carbon-14 dating back to medieval times. But then in medieval times if someone was trying to make this this is some elaborate forgery. Some type of proof of the resurrection they would've thought that the nails would go through the hands rather than through the wrist. So again this curiosity okay so suggest.

I remember following this if I didn't have Catholic background, I would've been more familiar with the shroud as an evangelical Miss image you III knew about it but I do know about in detail. I thought well that this would be this would be amazing and a very scientific medical doctor friend of mine who told me back then yeah I think it's really I have looked at this, but then the carbon-14 dating him outside all I I guess not. What's happened since then and and was there anything in terms of what part of the cloth was actually examined.

People still pour over the data from the steamboat in 1978 in 1988 and make comments about where the sample was taken for the carbon testing. For example, which was up in the, upper very upper left-hand corner, which is an area cloth that was regularly handled and we have numerous depictions of people holding shroud in exactly that area, we know that there were repairs in various ways to shroud in particular in that area. So for some people, carbon-14 testing is not conclusive because it didn't take multiple locations. Samples from multiple locations and and so there's not new.

Testing the shroud itself is actually owned by the papacy and they have not permitted testing to scientific test to be carried out since 1988, but there are enough questions about the way the tests were done both at 7888. The other still unanswered questions and and what would point back to the first century date.

We just have the.

The anecdote about that. The positioning of the Psalms and the nails through the wrists would've been unknown or not widely known at the time of the shrubs allegedly created in medieval times are there more indicators that point back to the first century while experts problem apart from the image itself and some no unique very unique features of the image and and the way it's what you use impressed on the cloth or however was put on the cost. There isn't much that will put it back to the first century. So for example there's no documentation of the shroud of this particular object is say specifically prior to the 14th century. There are some questions about the clock itself and the nature of the weave as to whether it goes back to the first century, but on the other hand, there are pollen samples and some characteristics of the materials left behind on the clock itself that do put it back of her century and into a Judean context, so that others like any historical question. There's there's just tiny shards of data rather than the sexy piece together to try to put a picture together and and it's it is intriguingly incomplete picture in France. Just, you know, my guest today just call Brian Hyland are not apologists for the shroud, so they are they are giving you is dispassionate in the county she can get just information here information that there are many who give very passionate lengthy arguments for the authenticity of the shroud on many many different levels. So you're not getting that today you're getting hit such as governance this way. This way were looking at it. Brian let me let me ask you these last two questions out when when you have a media event yesterday of what was what was the effect on the people there and what are you hoping to accomplish with this exhibit you will how was it high-tech interactive well as people went through the exhibit. That is the there's a lot of wow factor is the way in which we put the exhibition together. The most important of thing within the space actually is. We have this incredible facsimile of the shroud that was made forth by Leno from about on Dino near Bergamo, Italy, and what they did is they took an heirloom strain of flax they raised it yet traditional ways in a field with no chemicals harvested by hand spun it in an ancient wafer with a thinner thread and and they wove it into the characteristics herringbone pattern and then there's this incredibly detailed laser printed image on it so that when you have the whole thing there in the space you're looking at something as closely as you can that resembled much as possible.

The. The actual shroud, but the big differences you can actually stand there and stare at where if you were there failing to determine for one of the public expositions of the shroud you are in a lie you get to go by a thin spend maybe a minute or two minutes it in front of it and you can't get us cloaks is we allow people to get here so I think that that was a think and you don't with debates about fantasy versus medieval manufacture. Honestly one of the one of the ways in which we put the exhibit together is we looked at what Pope John Paul II had said about the shot he called at the mirror of the gospel and Pope Benedict the 16th said that it's it's an icon and that it's something that's best viewed with the eyes of faith. So if you look at it through the eyes of faith Eve you know if 6 1/2 dozen the other whether it's real or it's a a medieval artifact. The image is still there and what the image represents is the passion and death of Jesus, and it does so narrowly. When this the exhibit runs until July 31, my friends, I plan to get there.

February 26 the end of July.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see virtually the shroud of close gentlemen, thank you so much for doing this today. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866342 here again is Dr. Michael Brown and positioning from skillet the resistance into a thoroughly Jewish Thursday music and I got it down to a science now all right I do have a few minutes for random Jewish politicals 866-34-TRUTH 87884. I do need to make a correction just heard back from Fred Markert.

He was international director of youth with a Mission up to five or six years ago when they changed a lot of the titles involved, etc. so he is still in his his world Christian leadership capacity but he is the founder and lead catalyst of the great awakening project which was to unite the body of Christ in a coordinated effort to birth revival in America which will result in the completion of the great commission in the whole world again for info.

There go to Movement.consulate to make that correction. He has served in that position, but that is no longer his title okay go back to something and tie this all in together with thoroughly Jewish Thursday there.

There is there is a perception often that when when Jewish people look at world events. Their big question is has an effect. This has affected Jews and its natural to think like that because Jewish people until 1948 did not have a homeland from us 2000 years were scattered all around the world and we just want to know what's the bottom line for us and we have safety we have to flee to another country or we can have freedom, etc. and and even in America were looking at the conflict in Ukraine and some wonderful houses can affect gas prices houses can affect the economy so yet. We don't want to be a bloodbath and and were concerned about the implications of this. But many are thinking that way.

Well, how does all this affect Israel I can answer that because I'm I do not have the expertise I have to dig in research and consult experts to explain how the Russia conflict would affect Israel that the obvious I could say this to the extent Russia is able to flex its muscles because Russia made clear. It has desires for the Middle East in terms of control and that's all Russia got so involved in the conflict in Syria and to the extent that Russia and Iran were to get so that's that's bad news for Israel.

In that regard that the larger implications precut. Potential global war. I can comment on. However, want to back it down to is this. We have 3Rs that we focus on in our ministry. The first is revival in the church that's that's her first door seeing believers awakened around the globe as were based in America seem revival in America. The church coming alive. The church getting healthy that that the people of God being all that God called us to be thriving shining for him. The second are his revolution meeting gospel based moral and cultural revolution radical transformation in the society, but it's gospel based that will not and cannot happen without a revived church we heard Fred saying the first half of the show that for the great commission to be fulfill the needs to be right now.

Revived church in America in a more healthy America and then with that there can be a positive ripple effect so and again he got into it in more detail than that. So in order to see the second are namely gospel based moral and cultural revolution in society.

We need to see the first door the third OR is redemption. Israel the third OR is seeing the lost sheep of the house of Israel come to faith and it is only Romans 125 that is the fullness of the Gentiles comes in that in this way or subsequent to that all Israel will be saved. Romans 126 that the Jewish people worldwide will turn to the Messiah and mass so in order for the second to ours to come to pass.

The first star has to come to pass. It is only a revived ecclesia a rev a revived, haul it in. In Hebrew it is only a revived and energized in a holy and passionate and spirit filled and evangelizing in mission arising church that will turn society around the site and be totally Krista before Jesus returns me understand it, but will will push back against the moral decay and will provoke Israel to entry, so went out waiting to see the first part happen before we get to the second part in this report we we we stand for what's right in society. That we do all the time we we contend for the salvation of individual Jews all the time. We continue to do that while we also seek to stir hearts a great hunger and desire for a while so here's a works out my my last post, he came out in October. Revival redye the great awakening. His only hope that that book will be relevant. I believe for many many years to come. My newest book comes out next week. The silencing of the lambs. The mistrust of cancer, culture, and how we can overcome it. That comes up north we have to address this anyway comes a fortress.

We have to address the Senate, we have to address the issue of the silencing the lambs.

Either way, we can we can't get away from that, it remains critically important.

Speaking up freely and openly here in America and helping to turn the moral tie, but to see everything in its fullness meet. We need to see the church revived and friends.

It's my hope and my prayer that if you listen regularly if you turn to this broadcast regularly, that your heart will be stirred.

That spiritual hunger will grow in you that your desire for goblet your desire to see God move in your life, your family, your church, community and neighborhood, city or state or country that your desire to see God visit will grow and that you yourself will be used. To make a difference were here to see you healthy and strong and thriving in the Lord but II do have time for some calls but for all those that would've called, but we were taking calls into right at the end of the show good news 20 minutes back on YouTube so head over there. Susan shows over if you're if you're over there ready watching just stay there were going to be on the Esther Gibran you to channel ASK DR Brown.

If you are a subscriber. When you go first thing subscribe and hit the bell so you will be notified when a new video is posted okay and then I'll just be taking questions for 45 minutes or an hour over on YouTube that is, as Kate DR Brown all right with that. We go to the phones Troy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown in line of fire. I have a question that we are celebrating the cultural and African-American people in the month and I was wondering your thoughts on the lost tribe of Israel and our role in supporting identifying and helping to do ministry to get group of people right so there are three levels of understanding comes to the lost tribes of the houses of the 10 lost tribes. First there is the myth that they are completely lost in her living on the other side of some mythical river in the 1B be discovered that that's found in some older Jewish texts, but it it's it's complete mythology that the 10 were completely lost and will all be rediscovered one day and some people believe it and that popularized way. The second thing is that within the Jewish people today so those of us who are recognized as Jews regardless of our skin color or other ethnic background, that among us are all the 12 tribes. In other words, what happened when you had the separation and of kingdoms that you still had people from different tribes who lived in in other regions, but then you had some from the north, fleeing to the south.

Either they wanted to be by the Temple in Jerusalem or there was warfare, so, so this happens over periods of time even have Hezekiah reaching out to them just sigh reaching out to them and you do have some responsible among the people that we refer to as the Jewish people today.

I do believe there is a representation of all 12 tribes. Even though the largest representation among us would be Judah Benjamin and Levi. The third thing is really what you're asking about. And that's the remnants of these 12 of these 10 tribes that were scattered around the world.

A beginning with the Assyrian destruction of of Jerusalem at 722 721 BC and the exiling of many of the people, and then the scattering to different parts the world. Since then his estate traveled from country to country, etc. so while in continents like Africa, there is some of these lost tribes intermarriage and they intermarried out so the lost history but in other cases, people intermarried in so they now convert it. They intermarried in so that's what you have Ethiopian Jews still maintaining and preserving a Jewish identity or or other dilemma tribe Zimbabwe with with proven DNA connections and and some euros or the seventh day Sabbath practice circumcision things like that, but how widespread is this the idea that America or Israel or or excuse me England were actually lost tribes that that's bogus. The idea that that all Blacks are some lost tribes are all Africans. That is, is obviously bogus and of the black Hebrew Israelite ideology and and that kind of thing but for sure there are legitimate remnants of these 12 tribes or 10 tribes excuse me consent. 12 of these 10 tribes in China. In India, different parts of Africa, Latin America, different parts the world and I believe this is a work of God that that little by little. He's is bringing back this consciousness and it's not to me. It's a priority that we should be focusing on. It is for God together Jewish organizations that you focus on this, but it it, we could pray Lord we gather regather, but ultimately we want people to be gathered to you sure that's the key that we want these these people, these remnants of lost tribes to come to faith there some who even argue that that some of the Taliban in Afghanistan' that their origins actually go back lost tribes and then many of the Palestinians in Israel today can trace their lineage back to back Israel, so it will be fascinating as God brings this up slightly 15 minutes from now join us on YouTube SK DR Brown another program powered by the Truth Network