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Within Israel, a Major Messianic Jewish Ministry of Compassion

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
February 19, 2021 5:36 pm

Within Israel, a Major Messianic Jewish Ministry of Compassion

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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February 19, 2021 5:36 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 02/18/21.

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Thanks friends for joining us on the special edition of thoroughly Jewish Thursday on the line of fire it special for two reasons. One, we have a dear friend from Israel who's in the states now before heading back to the land of she and her husband have an amazing ministry there helping well you will hear for yourself the people of help with the been able to do over the years. Also, amazing testimony will get you share the other reason this is special is because of all of the weather problems the. The power outages in Texas. We have a satellite that broadcast some of our shows out from there. Because of that we are not doing live radio redoing exclusive Facebook, YouTube, beats all of you that watch normally on Facebook or YouTube live or subsequently sold the same view except no commercial breaks don't have to divide anything up. We don't have to stop in the middle of the fall the conversation so it is just yours truly, all of you and my special guest botches Siegel about your husband Barry lead vision for Israel in Israel, decades long ministry there so much that they do and in particular Joseph storehouse which has been an incredible way of serving in a humanitarian way as messianic Jews serving the larger messianic community. The larger Jewish community Holocaust survivors so many others living in Israel have been helped in blessed so Boettcher it is a joy to have you with us today on one of our thanks for joining us. Thank you for the privilege to be here are some budget to tell our viewers how you will raise your background what your views of God were as a child and as you as you grow into young adult allow him I have a very rich background and growing up in a Jewish Orthodox home. I was the youngest of five children. My parents came from Yemen and they established our live in Jerusalem and the yeah Heights was just an amazing experience. Being in a family that love God, love the Bible very warm family, very loving family and down. I actually learned how to relate to God in a personal way, which is also an amazing thing because my father since we were very little. He was always telling us when you go to sleep. This is how you pray and you always prayed to God in a personal way because he hears your prayers all your needs and all your cares and all your worries, give before God and you pray to God and he hears you.

And so that was something that was planted in our hearts is very very young age, and so I cherish dad and I am very grateful for the way my father raised a stop so it enumerates growing up in Orthodox Jewish home for you is not just a matter rules, regulations and laws for person. It was for you in many ways something beautiful. Being raised in the environment.

Yes, absolutely. You know I mean is, there is a little child I mean I was you know I was pampered. I was a in a very warm environment. Growing up later on I had a lot of questions, you know, being a teenager when I turned to be 12 years old. I remember that day I asked my parents if I can go to the school secular school and my parents asked, you know, especially my father. He says why you interested to go to to that school and I said because I don't think that you know fulfilling all the that the rules that are in a set of rules. We have the mitzvot as they say will get me closer to God.

I said I know who I am and I'd like to explore other things in my life did to be developed and he was totally supportive of me. My father both my mom and my father and so I can just say that I started having some questions about certain things when I was a teenager I can just say you know the amazing thing to was that I was very blessed and very fortunate to have good friends in our neighborhood from school and still my life was very rich. I was very involved in so many different things as a child that I was exploring that night I felt like you know I had a gift and I have talents and I always wanted to move forward in my life.

You know you know that the feeling of like being curious knowing you learning more about you know what life has for me and so learning to leave in a in a secular school was a little bit of a shock for me in some ways because all of a sudden I I came across teachers that were not teaching the Bible from faith point of view. There were total secular humanistic and you know were agnostic and so it was a real challenge, because it was really a testing time for me to you know to to learn how to answer. And where is my faith in God. If I still believe in God or if I'm following her teaching that is like that that the Bible is just book of a very nice compliant relations of you know all stories and so that was another challenge from the other side that I can just tell that even as a 12-year-old.

I was already experiencing going through the war in Israel that the Six-Day War and down.

I knew without a doubt that God is in control of the history and the destination of the Jewish people, even as a teenager some recesses the perspective of someone not even a teenager yet, the Six-Day War, so it's 1967 were looking at it from outside the world I would've been 12 years old at the time as well and we are hearing about it and it seems like Mira: but again were distant. We don't know how threatening it felt as that began to unfold. What Ward would feel at what he remembered feeling like his 12-year-old was the atmosphere how how did Israel feel like this could be it were being attacked were being threatened was there a sense of the whole nation. Praying what would feel like being there. Well I tell you in. In Israel it said maybe not liking the United States but in Israel almost every single family had one or two or three members of their family serving in the military so we feel it's pretty close to our home and I felt it because both my father and my I mean my father and both my brothers were serving in the military at that time and so of course there is fear. There is great fear and is a teenager, hearing the bombs and hearing the rockets in hearing just the sound of of the war is horrible. It's totally horrible. You hear destruction and the fear is is very strong and you know they were teaching us training asked how to going to the shelter and what to do and how to do and still when there was a like a little bit of quietness. They told us. Now you're released to go home and this is how you go home and he said you have to be very close to the walls and if you hear any rockets you have to lay down on the ground.

Things like that self course as a teenager it was very scary and we felt like we were about that our nation may be destructed may be completely destroyed because we knew we were surrounded by so many enemies all over and so we would appreciate is a little as as a little girl I remember I was just praying and praying to God that got your good health class and and you know keep my father alive keep my two brothers alive.

And so when I got home my my mother was not there and I was told by the neighbor that were going to use the shelter at our neighbor's house so we ran into the shelter and then my mom came in my sisters and the only thing we had was the radio so we would like for families in a very tiny apartment of our neighbors and we were listening to the radio and we were really pretty.

I was a kid I remember I was playing with the kids, but we were very very tuned into the to the needs and so then we we heard the second great miracle that easement is been able to defeat their enemies and child. I just remember doing so you know if you of our soldiers and were defeating these huge enemies, and I knew that God is there for us for the Jewish people preserving amazing amazing just to feel like you know it's not solid out there somewhere.

Were Americans fighting a battle of the portable. This is where you live in family members involved, but with a few years later in 1973 Yom Kippur war.

You have an interesting neighbor that you yeah yeah about six months say before the war began in October 1973 I moved to help an elderly woman evening in Jerusalem and in her house. Her apartment was literally next door to Golda Meir, the prime minister of Israel and still when the war started a during Yom Kippur, 1973. At that time I was already 17 years old and so I realized that today something is happening because I remember you know, it's a total quiet day. No cars are moving around know you don't hear anything except the people that are praying at the synagogue, and then coming back home to rest and at about 2 o'clock. It was 130 or 2 o'clock. Ice I sold so many cars coming into the prime minister's house will Meir and down and I said something must be happening.

Something may be happening.

And of course we heard the news that a war begun a few hours later, the rate it was announced in the radio so friends, real life in Israel by the way if you if you want. You say how come you don't have both guests on the camera. This is set up as a radio studio versus TV studio with a giant set and all of that so we have a guest in studio. It's wonderful to see each other face-to-face and and it's it's more intimate and with North Carolina also connection but you get to see the face of the personal injury or but's turnaround you go to the buyer there on the screen. Her daughter just got it on Facebook aileron good to have you with us. Okay, so, so, as you growing up now. How is it that you come from Orthodox home referral if you love God, no severe beliefs challenge and secular setting. How do you get from that to becoming a believer in your shoe, especially when when hardly anybody in among the Jewish Christmas is sovereign. Nativeborn is really hardly any believing sure about them. What what happened. So in is the word begone you know I was right about to go and serve in the military.

I actually joined that the military in January and the war begun in October to two months before IM I was the joining that the forces I already had friends that were in the military serving and I lost some of my friends in the war and it was very devastating because I knew that there must be a life after death, and so questions were coming to my mind because I was at that time in my life I was totally secular. I was, not believing in you, knowing that way that I was raised up as an Orthodox Jew, and I knew that there is much more to God than just to, you know, feel for them. It's a follow-up and to to do all the traditional things because you know I did. I did feel obligated to do it because that was my identity but I didn't feel like that was giving me satisfaction in my life as I was searching for something, you know, it was like almost like a feeling or sense that there's something more to God than these.

I love God I and you that he exists. But I didn't know all the capacity of his love and compassion to me and so a in 1974 when I went and served in the military and date. Of course I realize that some of my friends passed away, I decided to unite to search more for spiritual things. I joined them.

I did like it to residential transcendental meditation. I did all sorts of kind of weird staff. You know, like I think every Israeli searching and like I just found that there is something really fake and not fully Nate I just said this is not to be anything to do with my foundations and so I went on and I a I think it was like a year after after my service I got married twos to a person that actually was a friend. He was actually serving in the military and day we got married and after like four months. We realize that it was not meant to be. And so we decided that were going to part ways and when we went you know when we that day that specific day. We said okay the next morning would go to the rabbinical court and were going to try and get processed. You know, for the divorce. And so when this came. He wasn't involved in a very severe traffic accident and down. He was between life and death and he's friend was was killed in back traffic accident and so I remember coming back home going through the shock of hearing that he is like severely injured and he may not survive. I cried out to God. I don't know.

I didn't know nothing else to do about out of my desperation. I was crying out to God and he said God why is this happening just last night we spoke with got separated and this is happening. Something must be going on and I said I know your you exist there. I know you're there. I want to know more of you please show me and guide me what I'm supposed to do now. And of course the first thing I did is I went to the hospital to see him at the intensive care and while he was there and he was he was like a vegetable for like a month had a concussion and down A's so for one month. We didn't know what will happen with them that time I found out that I'm pregnant and I said well, wow, what am I going to do, and I knew without a doubt that I that this is a gift from God and so that was just my conscience.

And so later on a about. I think six and on towards that.

I was looking for a job. I needed something more with better income.

I felt like I can do more. I was working as that is secretary administrator for the head of the financial in the Ministry of finance. He's like the head of the budgets department and I said I need something more with more interests than I was job. Somebody came a friend of the family, and he says you know there is a place printing place. They wanted a get somebody to be trained to work as a typesetter graphic to set designer, translator, editor, would you be interested. I said I said I don't know what it is but it sounds interesting.

I went for an interview. I was accepted to the work they trained me a little bit and the very first thing they gave me was the Hebrew New Testament to take and I'm like Hebrew New Testament said, what is this place as the guy I asked the boss. I said tell me more about what you're doing here and he said the well where messianic Jews and we are you know it's okay for you if you don't want to do the book just ask you before this you ever heard of the term messianic Jews or knew that Christian Bible had the Hebrew Scriptures. The Old Testament in this New Testament were you aware those things no never. Never. I only knew about the issue Jesus, they called yes to that was the only thing I knew, and I knew a little bit about him, but I was not really you know I was searching for God I was to for something more and more interesting in my life more in depth, something that can give me an answer about eternal life.

So many people died around me and that I wanted to know more about life after death, and so you know when I was you know introduced of these place and got the New Testament. I knew without a doubt that I need to do the typesetting of this of this book the New Testament in Hebrew, and so I started reading it and I learned so much about the issue and who we and I like it was coincident that I got these place I said maybe God appointed me to be there at this time edit that at that place a and 2B able to because I love books and reading is like my number one love. I love books I love to write that love to read it.

I and so God wanted me to read it so I can you know experience it in a struggling so so yeah it was. It was quite an experience to do the New Testament and to learn about issue being a Jewish Messiah and and and and learn the words that he was speaking and everything was in Hebrew and I said wow this is so powerful and so for me it was like since the dish was a secret missile gap that nobody wanted to tell you about him and here I am really mean and like you say something in my head it makes sense to believe name that and and I did it and I just said it does make sense that he is the true Messiah and soon doing this, though. Here's transfer grass Boettcher did not have the feeling of, I'm leaving my people. I am abandoning my Jewishness. I am embracing a foreign religion in a foreign God, rather reading the New Testament in Hebrew about Yeshua who came not to the tour on the prophets, but to fulfill the one is called Michelle Christ right Messiah. So reading this, she was he's he's our massage. That's what was happening right you were coming to this realization that Yeshua is also this been hidden from us.

We don't know it is our massage. It wasn't like you were thinking about converting to Islam becoming a Buddhist or something like that in your mind.

This was something you were doing Jews are correct yes absolutely. I felt like he was the one that I was searching for many many years and so when I read the New Testament and I read the words of God in those in the New Testament it was almost like somebody was like you know soothing my my wounds, giving me like it's like a hungry soul waiting to to be you know head or I'm so thirsty I wanted and I was like every word that was written I was like thinking and meditating upon is this is exactly what I was searching I was searching for night life of what is interesting here is Yeshua coming with such passion/love for the Jewish people told me about it.

I didn't even know that that he had, you know, I mean you he was existing, but he was like no you know I do know that he was a Jewish my Jewish Messiah.

Yeah. So at that time is coming to faith as a young woman, if you had a guess this is a guess from what brought you newer. Looking back, what you know how many other sovereigns were the nativeborn Israelis that also believes in Yeshua back to get a rough guess what would you think the numbers work and you mean like real cypress nativeborn Israelis dislike you, in those days, very few.

I think the ones that I knew I could count may be maybe 30 or maybe, maybe 30 or 40 that I knew and so and the rest were like a lot of them like people that came from America from other countries yeah yeah so friends don't you realize there are a few hundred.

Your tongue tiny tiny tiny tiny numbers just a handful of nativeborn Israelis realize that Jesus Yeshua was the Messiah and and I read that the founding of Israel 1948, probably less than 10 subsidy to less than five that had been born in the land previously that were believers of this, of course, growing and growing to thousands and then messianic use and length of come from other countries as well, though several tens of thousands, but these early days. Obviously opposition so just start to fast for their there's a whole amazing testimony want more details.

Everything that happened with the that that first marriage and separation and divorce is not your new life in Yeshua and all the battles with the rabbinic court in custody of your child. We have to we have to skip over that. I just just for sake of time, but we we bring it along the way here of someone who's got one common with me.

Barry watches husband because Barry and I both Jewish believers, Barry and I were both rock musicians you guitarist your drummer and Barry and I both interface in 1971 and Barry are both interface in Italian Pentecostal churches in 1971 God calls Barry over to Israel. God brings the two of you together get an amazing family just chatting about your totally wrong that I could see all these different settings.

It was to say hi on Facebook, but God gives you a vision of not just traditional evangelism and outreach God gives you a vision of helping people in Israel and in the met humanitarian way. So before we get to today and even a few questions about covert hidden things on a long talk about how this vision start because it's not like you had multimillionaire backers saying hey we want to get behind you and help poor people in Israel have the vision start with you and Barry and what is it become since that yeah they it's really a miracle of God.

We were doing a lot of that you know the graphics and then you know we were in business we were establishing congregations in Jerusalem doing a lot of praise and worship that we are you know we were ministering all around the world like you do. We were traveling to South Africa and when we came back it was in 1996 when we were coming back. We turned the radio on the taxi and as he's driving us home and doubt we heard about the explosion of our bus number 18 in Jerusalem and we were so worried because we knew our daughter, our oldest daughter may talk was taking that bus and she was serving in the military and and at that time and so we did have a cell phone in those days, so we had to rush home and when we came home we heard the news that she was not on that bass and down we waited till you know they counted the bodies very horrible tragic, tragic stories and still in the evening. I remember that they were announcing the names of the people that were killed and I should say murdered and and four of her friends were marked for murder… Exploded in disguise and Barry and I were like tears in front of the TV we could said it could happen to our own flesh and blood, daughter, and so we sit God use us, use whatever weight we can do to help the Jewish people who want to be a good testimony wanted to feel like you're doing something to change the life of people because we felt like okay this is like their last chance maybe to receive Yeshua or two to you know to know about the love of God, so we just prayed about it and got just opened an amazing door that we could go gone to visit 40 of the families that were in this vast explosion because it was a Sunday and a week later and not about the explosion of number 18 was happening in another devastation of like 40 people that were killed and we said no.

We have to do something and so we started going because a lot of them were very poor families and a lot of new immigrants from Russia so we started day going at an amazing door was opening price and we were able to go and visit the families we were giving them financial help to just help them meet the needs and immediate needs at that date, they had and so that was the and an amazing door and since then we were not the same. I mean, God had a plan. Five. That was much bigger than our own imagination or even prayers. We didn't even think of you know, starting at humanitarian aid. We had a little fun. You know that we were helping people but it grew up to heading containers coming into he's row and down and connecting with lots of people in Israel that had the need a lot of disaster medical supplies that were coming in school. School tax for thousands of children every year that they were doing and it grew too much bigger than that than anything we expected extraordinary and you and you you talk about the pain and the devastation obviously one wife is one and you live in a country of 10 people in a country of 10 million people when life is one wife and one family that suffers loss. One family that suffers loss to get a grasp of the trauma of this on the nation's most Israel.

40 people are murdered in a terrorist bus and taxi, men, women and children innocent civilians. Others just people taking a bus you're talking about something up of the magnitude. If you multiply the Israeli population compared to the American population to be very, very close to when 9/11 type of event you have one after another and God cares, God cares, it's not just a matter of preach the gospel preaching the gospel is showing the love of God in a thousand different ways so it's extraordinary to hear what would burst the ministry.

Then you start to see God's favor on the ministry so just paint a picture over the years. This is glorify the Lord not boasting about what you and Barry have done. This is only done with the help of all the supporters of all those that give and praying and go and serve, but from serving the elderly survivors of the Holocaust to terror victims of the poor and needy Jew and Arab in the land just just share some of what you've done over the years.

Yeah so it's it's really started with the terror victims that we were helping and then later on it was like God is like completely opening the door for us to reach out to many of the poor and needy families. A lot of the children at trace. We've been connecting with a lot of the educational centers. Also, we were doing amazing work amongst the medical centers and did disaster relief operations in Israel and so I mean God was just like unfolding things right in front of us as an and and you know we saw it as an opportunity to move forward into be a blessing to so many of them so far, we've been able to help over one point I would say 1.4 million people.

A just with the school bags. Where do we are doing an average between 7 to 10,000 every year and you know so is just such a hard heartwarming to know that we can make a difference in their lives. The Holocaust survivors what we've done is we felt like a lot of them are very lonely and sill area in recent years, we decided okay. What can we do to help them. Being an environment where they all feel like they are. You know altogether and doing fun things together and being excited and very educated people and so we've created this groups of people that are coming together once and or twice a week. There is the Hebrew speaking group and of the English-speaking group and also now there is a Russian speaking group and that they come together we provide for them old refreshments. The food we provide for them a speaker and artist that comes in and do things with them and big surprise is the day that God really gave us a center a big center in Israel in Medellin and its 8000 m˛, which is like 80,000 ft.˛ which we dedicated about three years ago we moved into the building in 1988, 2018 and out. We've been able to do events in the facility, which is the real big blessing and a great miracle of God, credible, credible, and what was so interesting is that people know Barry and Boettcher or issue that they don't everything they do yell out to real believes in Yeshua but but their testimonies and on their ministry is known and you were just embraced his fellow Israelis who love their people right. It's just another words, when you show genuine love and you just with an unconditional way. People are people touched by that love what what about now with with Mr. Peck and Estes mentioned that the schools of helping children and things like that.

How much poverty is there Israel I much need is there among Israeli children. Yeah the statistics are saying that one out of every four children is that living under the poverty line or I was sorry. One out of three is living under the poverty line and it's it's it's heartbreaking to think that children go to sleep hungry to think that families cannot meet the basic needs and a you know we we are there to provide them with food to provide them with the school's education. Whatever needs are the needs are. We normally don't turn people off if somebody is asking for help when we work with the authorities week check.

Of course the situation and we are approaching them and were trying to reach out to them in terms of faith poverty.

Now it's even increased since the club made a because of you know people are on employed people do people do get some kind of benefits if they were not fired or or if they are out of work. There is a lot of good things in Israel. In terms of like the support they get, but imagine if somebody's already starting the salary you know the salaries are much lower than what they are here and then they have to leave out. You know, 30 to 40% less than what their normal income if they can't meet their needs of their many many that have fallen under the poverty line, the newsroom friends as if you're watching what I want to do something will help listening in vision for vision for go there check out with. Dr. Siegel doing with the help again. The folks giving from all around the world making a real legitimate difference in people's lives.

Let's some. Let's talk about covert for a moment, Israel has been on top of that, early on, Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking about of this pandemic. But there's a lot of controversy and that you have about 12% of the population is ultra-Orthodox roots of the very, very religious.

There their living off in very poor communities, it's it's very common for them to have 1012 kids even even more as much is possible that the mentor or studying Torah and rabbinic tradition all day.

There's not a goal to make a lot of money, but rather to be there studying and praying that Parthia underwritten by the government and they have been very everything is lived in community that everything is done in community praying in the synagogue children studying together celebrations of holy days and things like that. So the there's been a lot of controversy among the rabbis as to whether to go along with shutdown or not to the five than it had higher percentages. Maybe 20% of the cases of covert and Israel Westinghouse reading. They been hit harder now millions of been vaccinated and there is the goal to require everyone to be vaccinated so it's a lot of controversy in Israel course in America as well.

With vaccination, but what what's happening with that house it affected covert affected the society as a whole and the more that what we make of the whole vaccination controversy. You know, Michael. What I'm feeling is that there there is like you know such a torn nation because we have to choose between one way or the other way. I think that I think you know the bottom line is that yes there is a big argument even amongst the Orthodox Jews about how much they they should keep of lack the social distancing and the quarantine and how and if they take their vaccination not take the vaccination and there's a lot of a lot of like were all torn and I think the same kind of division is happening here in the United States and III say well I think Benjamin Netanyahu Bibi Netanyahu he he he he brought in the vaccination to Israel and the unique things about these rallies that we have this very special medical system that day. You know helps monitor a you know about, you know about the results. Out of this vaccination and I if you asked my personal view on it.

I know I I just said look, if we can save people's lives.

That's great if we can if we can reduce the rate of those that are seeking and those that are dying from the Koran that that's great. The question is that was attested in math. Do we know enough about eight was what was really that there the thought behind the action of getting all these vaccinations to Israel and try and vaccinate the entire population. What was behind it. We don't know. I just know that the problem is the problem Israel is facing right now is the British mutation in the Brazilian mutation and some other mutations over variance of of the of the Koran or the cultivated which today are saying now that they don't think that the vaccination is effective to the other mutation. The mutation came from England is highly contagious and they say that they actually because it's highly contagious. That's why there is a rise in the numbers of people seeking Israel today. Unfortunately, as you said and you said it very accurately. There is a high number of the people that died that are from the ultra-Orthodox community, also from the Arab community. So I think what is rallies is definitely torn between you know doing the vaccinations and not but I think the majority now is a almost forced to do the vaccination because if you don't you will not be allowed to get into shopping malls. You will not be allowed to go to concerts, you will not be allowed to go to performances and things like that so there is a way that they said okay were not going to force you to get the vaccination back, you will be and eliminated from going to ABCD places and and now they're saying you will be fined if they find you in the place safe. They find joy in in a store and the end and you don't have the certificate that you've been vaccinated, you will be fined 4000 shekels. Things like that so it's it's really hard for us to comprehend what's happening. Things have happened.

So fasting Israel and any in the world they think with coffee. Yeah the difficult situation.

Obviously, on the one hand, the idea will vaccinations can save lives the same.

We can force us to undergo medical treatment that you know so little about me than the side effects and other ethical issues sources is very tough and then people say liquid read rather working in the public intake or take our chances then be closed in all the time that's even worse, you mentioned their community so that would often be poor community and with larger families and and also very much community oriented like the very religious Jews so obviously the disease could spread or the virus could spread more in that setting. Fox's Israel needs prayers and the steward has unique unique combination of things taking place and then a goodly percentage of Israel's economy relies on tourism that people come from Roby. We have a reschedule or tour several times or less toward other students been shut down because of that, so that's gotta be just a major blow to the nation as a whole.

In terms of the economy was notorious and correct. Yes, absolutely. I think it is right is hurting very much from the fact that these completely closed now for tourism almost a year now and so yes it's it's definitely affecting the economy and mean Mike and it's really really sad to go in Jerusalem or any of the cities and to see these huge hotels that always had lights all over and full of people and full of life. It's all totally dark and closed and it's it's it's really heartbreaking to see that so hopefully things may change but you know, our trust is in God and our trust is in the Lord and I'm just so thankful that there are so many good things that are happening out of these colonnade which today I believe is bringing us more into a perspective of where God want us to be in so many ways to tell some of the good that's happening. I think you know the good. The case from my perspective is that I think people are a little bit more aware of how they spend their time how they spend their money how they they they have better better value time with her own family members.

I think there is a people you know people have time to house, they discover their own talents all of a sudden. So there's a lot of like you know things that you can do positively and move towards the other amazing thing is that you see a lot of volunteers people are volunteering now I is as it is a humanitarian aid organization I'm receiving so many calls from so many places to say we want to come want to bring young people to come and help you and and you know what we never lack anybody that comes and helps us with the distributions of food we do every week and so if that's amazing. I mean for me to see people there that have been retired from the Army or from the police forces that they want to come and join forces with eyes that's awesome that's great to know we can reach out to the people that are in need. Yeah, it's got to maximize the moment all around the world and say okay, a lot of people even asking questions to him. What's the meaning of life and things seem so frail and I know this one died in that when God's time for us to come of the message of hope in life intrusive and to be there. The tangible way of loving living on our neighbor as ourselves and friends to get involved to help vision vision for see what you can do even from from a distance from outside the limits were great amount of support is gonna come from about you and you and Barry been involved in music ministry. Just give me some your CDs have listened. There is the Yemenite so there's the Middle Eastern touch and some of the music as well. Messianic music you can find out about that other resources that have on the website but right now we have with shifting presidents so Donald Trump very popular in Israel and with the embassy to Jerusalem and then the accords with with different nations it was just amazing tapping referred the Joe Biden and and Benjamin Netanyahu finally talked a few days ago and this this is very good talk between their old friends.

You were together, but obviously no one really knows what's happening yet another election coming is really is a time of great shaking and uncertainty.

How do you feel what what perspective you and Barry have with yet another round of elections in Israel as is there a message as there is, is there consensus among believers. There houses look from the inside because he also just looks very chaotic. Yeah it is.

It's I think we leaving a very very unique times because they couldn't form a government for the last two years and BBs still leading. I mean even in the posies deleting. I think the majority of the people in Israel are definitely our four you know more right-wing than left-leaning more conservative agenda that it's it's to be honest it's really painful to even think about what we were going through and I told Barry on the way here. I said I don't know that if there what will be the result. It looks like it's going to be almost the same way that they will like Arab. It's the area of a parties that may have the same here so you know I mean it's like what you doing far nation I would like to see more like you know a majority for one side, but even among that he could which is the right-wing guy were beeping at the now he's leading even there it was a split, you know, between the two of them get on Salve just was split from the liquid and he took back half of the people from there so still there is no half-and-half it's like balance think is as as a believer that is bringing us to our knees in God is bringing us to a place where we know we are the people that can bring the answer. The answer for us is search the Lord look up to the sky from where our help is coming and did you know something very interesting that the Sunday at 6 o'clock. I believe these real-time everybody all the Jewish people all around the world are called to pray for the Messiah to reveal himself who is the Messiah Messiah come Messiah come. I think it's amazing you, you bunch. I didn't even know about that to one of my friends sent me a link early this week and I didn't see the link. I saw his email ensuing a strong watchlist.

Not so all the missing that every Jew on the planet's computers would lose a call multi-multinational leading rabbis, Orthodox rabbis of the signing on sin.

Yes me to pray the arrival of Michiana. So the belief would be that he's here among us who can be revealed or another is not looking for him to come across with the some of the reveal, but I remember last year, the health minister in Israel Orthodox rabbi said M. Michelle, forget it will come before Passover and and that'll be the solution for the coronavirus and then others say we don't want to leave Israel right before that because she office is near and so so there can be believers praying around the world the same time forgot to open hearts and minds but you it reminds me of it was intervention in Cleveland and was 1988 we had Israel sold messianic Jewish worship group and they were they were playing, administering, and that I was preaching afterwards and it was in a former reform synagogue or he gets used to go there. In fact, messianic worship leader solace. Marty gets used to go there wings growing up now is just rented out in general. Big big stage and auditorium everything so as I was preaching local religious Jews came to the meetings, rabbis, ultra-Orthodox Jews, and afterwards I talked over the first night late into the night just talking back and forth with one of the rabbis and so was the Saturday night service and and after Shabbat now men are finished with their their prayers everything ugly was in October 1988 so they begin coming out to see the end of the meeting and to watch with something they want. Coming there, at least outwardly, as seekers they were coming to to oppose what we were doing so.

The meeting ends and now they're outside that their lighting candles and praying, praying prayers. After the Sabbath, on the steps of the building. Police are there.

It's kind of a crazy scene I go down start talking to them interacting and it ends up after an extended period dancing together and interacting there on the street and they start crying out God.

We want Michiana said Michiana now there on the streets yelling at the top of your lungs. So I get right in their midst that I sit all golf revealed Michiana to them, show them who the real Michelle his and they start yelling… One the real magic that is Michiana. The real Michelle. It was a surreal scene. I got back to my room that night was Nancy there with me. I just wrote weeping. I just felt so for the Lord there so near their cry out for Michiana. I don't know who is so this is a remarkable thing and and we believe that God is going to open up our eyes so last thing we just have a few minutes left. What have you seen over these decades in terms of Israelis coming to faith in Yeshua having their eyes open. You are one of a handful in your day.

But now the numbers growing, it's still a very very small percentage of the population. The number still growing what what you seen from secular to religious in terms of Jewish people in Israel coming to faith. It's really amazing because just I think to three months ago around Hanukkah time. We had a friend of ours with his congregation coming to visit asked just to show our place to he said people at the congregation so they can be all very encouraged about God's miracles are taking place that still today and one of the guys I was and he said he guy and he we were lighting the Hanukkah candles and I got to talk to him afterwards and said well you you know you did II don't think I've met you before, and that he's a young guy is in his 30s and he told me very very encouraged of his testimony and and I said I really want to know what brought you to the Lord and he said that there from the south and he said that David about five years ago.

He's a brother-in-law was suffering from. He had a big tumor in his head and the doctor says that they cannot do anything to help him to be too dangerous to even do surgery on his head and out of their desperation. There were secular family out of the desperation he just started flipping through the you know through the website looking for rabbis to come and pray for his for his brother-in-law for his nephew and die.

He he found to say Rybak come to the hospital.

We are really needed in prayer and he says the will and at least rabbis.

They told him yes with in a calm and he was waiting.

They said were coming the next day and he was waiting and nobody came. Then he flipped and he just kind of looked at through his iPhone and he was like searching for prayer for healing something like that in Hebrew and came up was a messianic Jew and that he called them and they came immediately, and they prayed for the bully and the boy was healed. The boy was he was four years old of five years old and died – and he was healed literally almost instantly, and the doctors. It was a test when they took him to do the x-ray on his head. They so that the tumor was shrinking and it was gone and the doctor says he was a miracle.

He was a medical miracle and and and and and he remembered that when they were praying for his nephew that they're going to be. They said God if you you know were going to dedicate our life to you.

You know is they prayed with a messianic just to you Israelis to add these readiness images that come from Orthodox background and so it was when I heard his testimony.

I got shivers all over my body and I said wow your testimony really needs to go out. People need to hear about the ceiling and you know I just felt so many of those people probably with testimonies of great miracles that are happening to them that are not even going out to the public but God, you know, it's like in the book of Joel at my my my children.

My sons and daughters will see visions, and, and I believe people will be healed. I believe God is already doing huge process where people are coming to a revelation of the personal encounters with the Lord with Yeshua and I believe it's happening and maybe we don't know about it.

But one day very soon a lot of things will be revealed to us about all these great miracles that are taking place.

Yes, there are many believers. Many Israeli born believers that are coming through supernatural visitations of the Lord about your couple years ago I was with a small team in Israel and we were working with some other Jewish believers in the land and some of the city command just to do outreach and we were we were doing TV interviews we were telling people to scare on Christian TV or ask questions about Messiah and things like that. So the first goal was maybe someone is interested to talk more than we had. We had Jewish believers there messianic Jews, that would be happy to talk to someone more and the second goal was to get some really good footage to air on Christian TV to give an insight to Christians about what Jews believe were doing very openly clearly who we were a fellow with the group you're looking that you know very well that you missionary very disruptive group.

He comes and start filling missionary missionary disrupts the meeting the district disrupts the videotaping and ends up he's following me through the local shoe market, there, and I thought his losses yelling at me as I can chase me out so slow, so I'm just gonna stay in that I sold them uses this up as an opportunity to preach or messed up you frowns it okay to have these beliefs would be free to have these beliefs agree. So anyway, end up surrounded surrounded by ultra-Orthodox Jews when they hear that I believe in Yeshua very angry began to spit on the ground and to them. Jesus is an evil person they don't know who he really is. They connect a straight line from the New Testament to the Holocaust in their thinking and here I am preaching him and remembers one guy was spitting on the ground and stand there so angry the thoughts that were going through my head but yeah I was wondering how God can open their eyes wonder how men like this you can come to faith in Yeshua's nose happening in the Muslim community little bits and trickles in the very religious. I think is a lot more happy. We just don't know about because it's also secret, but just got a minute or two.

Botch of the you share that same heart that there's a lot happening that pretty soon to find out how much has been happening behind the scenes, I believe so. I believe that government. I believe that there are many born-again believers. I believe that God is is started the process many many years ago and also look going to come out and were all going to be very surprised about what the future had frosty know I personally also was healed of cancer and I think these great miracles of like you know visions provide a data happening. I think out of these desperation to all that people are going through so much suffering now due to the coveted so many people lost their loved ones. I believe that there is this time is a time of of I say of engagement with Yeshua with Jesus and all the work that you and Barry have done with Joseph storehouse vision for Israel and the teams and all of them work together to just show genuine love because your photos are you sure it's the natural thing to do that that is planted sowing seeds and and make people realize God's goodness and the reality of the Messiah to change or your loss of friends because vision for Pray for Barry and botch of their wonderful family and all those working with them in disbelief for amazing harvest for God's grace to be poured out in extraordinary ways. For Jewish people for every background to turn to God and recognize Yeshua. Jesus is the Messiah and and will will post a link probably today or tomorrow on Facebook letting everyone know about this prayer for Messiah on Sunday will post a video that you can watch from religious Jews and secular Jews talk about road and we praying for this so join us in believing God for eyes to be open that all Israel will be safe God bless