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Homosexuality and the Bible: Has Anything Changed?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
July 21, 2021 4:20 pm

Homosexuality and the Bible: Has Anything Changed?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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Is it possible that we've misunderstood what the Bible says about homosexual practice stage for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown, let me strongly encourage you to take advantage of our life calling format today to pick up the phone and to give me a call if you have any question whatsoever with the Bible says about homosexual practice about same-sex quote marriage or the Bible passages Hebrew, Greek, translated correctly today. Is there any misunderstanding, any ambiguity, if you differ with me. If you identify as a gay Christian or an ally thereof feel that I'm missing the point.

By all means give me a call 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. So last week. The new episode of that's debatable. A brand-new show on the brand-new awakening TV network. The second episode of the show aired. It was a friendly and lively short debate. Every shows short debates 30 minutes show with Brandon Robertson who has been a gay pastor was a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. So a conservative Christian school identifies as a queer Christian today. We got to know each other over the years we spent some time talking national religious broadcasters years back spent some time talking face-to-face and participated in a forum together and I think the debate went very well in terms of both sides were laid out in the time that we had very very clearly so you can really evaluate things based on Scripture, and of course through civility and grace towards one another. Now you can watch the entire debate on the awakening network of your subscriber there, but every week for everyone were allowed to pull out a three minute highlights of first let me play this for you so you can know some of the arguments the issues back and forth and and then one player trailer for you for a new movie coming out soon it's gonna come out with tremendous amount of fanfare.

It's going to be announced is while the big thing the dealbreaker and you'll see in a moment. There is nothing capital and OT H ING nothing about it that you concern us in terms of what Scripture says, but it's going to get a lot of fanfare and you know what happens once a myth get circulated once misinformation get circulated become strips to people becomes gospel truth to people in your best to to get out good helpful biblical truthful information first.

Highlights from the broadcast with Brandon Robertson's take a look. Everyone welcome to that's debatable with me. Dr. Michael Brown where everything is debatable is only one true today show their be asking the question is Jesus pro-LGBT Q graduate from revivalist to rep.

Brandon Robertson is an author and activist works with political and social leaders to promote LGBT rights around the world over hundred $32,000 on tick-tock is also a social media influencer reduces platform to state his case LGBT inclusion in the trip. I think the question is kind of funny questions. Those letters represent real people. So the question is, is Jesus pro-people and I would say yes.

Anyone who seeks to follow Jesus is welcomed to become the disciple first that I don't believe there's a single verse in the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality second, I don't believe Jesus ever explicitly condemned of people or article of that he does speak words that are in assignation of the sexual and gender minorities escape units and lastly I believe that God also reveals truth from science, nature, psychology, reason, and all of that overwhelmingly shows that homosexuality is natural and normal part of God's expression in the world. Of course Jesus is pro-people, which is why he dies for us, but he tells us to follow him. We must leave everything Jesus did not practice affirmation will inclusion when he spent time with the tax collectors who were corrupt and the prostitutes unit and affirm them where they were. Rather, he practiced transformational inclusion and through being with Jesus. They were change every reference to homosexual practice in the Bible is decidedly negative.

Jesus very explicitly defines marriage from the beginning as union of one man and one woman. People didn't know about loving same-sex relationships that did exist in the world and if Jesus wanted to condemn that Jesus would've condemned back. You never… As for Jesus and his teaching is explicity just say all sexual acts outside of marriage or sinful.

We know there is no question about the definition of marriage being male-female at that time. And as for UNIX ceasing at your welcome and you are not second-class but there's no sex was no marriage talking about all the other sexual things that are condemning the biggest, most of them are sins that people in the modern world are not considered, I think we just need to be clear that the Scripture is not all black-and-white experiments is there is no ambiguity in what the Bible says the word really is clear. Love says transformational inclusion get to know Jesus. When you get to know him, he will transform you and then look at the fruit of where LGBT can quote Christianity goes and that's a further proof, you'll see the generation of morals, not a racing art that's just little excerpt back and forth. Try to give you little overview of who Brandon is and little overview of the discussion of the argument would be look there are any Christians.

LGBT Q Christians across a wide spectrum of backgrounds and practices they have in common that they love Jesus. They love the word God made them gave God made them trans and and they they go to church just like you do that seek to raise their families just like you do and they share the gospel.

Just like you do and how can you condemn such good and kind and find people what my goal is not considering condemn anyone. My goal is to love God and love my neighbor so I need to understand who God is. Need to understand what his ways are what he requires of us what he offers to us and do my best to live that out personally and to share that with others. I'm 100% sure based on the clear testimony of Scripture is basically never disputed until after the sexual revolution and in the beginning of the gay liberation movement on time at the speed and a wide church level of there's a reason that things have changed.

Only since society has changed, but we want to do is be fair I spent years studying these issues and in writing about these issues not to reinforce bigotry but to say God, what is your word say there are some very precious people. People who are hurting people feel rejected by the church people feel hated by God. People who think that God looks at them is abomination simply because they have same-sex attractions that they never asked for desired which are stance towards the father. How can I best reach them. Is there anything in your word that I've misunderstood the translators of most interested scholars have misunderstood anything at all you civil distance is clear you that a man being with a man is as ugly walkouts repulsive to me that if a man having sex with the bands repulsive to me.

Yeah it is this me out. I don't love people and want to see them find wholeness new life repents and Jesus. Nonetheless, if someone says but just look at what Scripture says okay let's run a start when the Scriptures people say look when little kids first hear about the birds and the bees, like me, not my mommy and now my not my data.

That's not how it happened, socially hey which is culturally acclimated to certain things that seem weird to us just have to get used to it. That's the argument is that, get used to it and then get to know the people and see how loving they are and see a committed they are to each other and see the great moms and dads that the art etc. moms, moms, dads and dads get to those families. What I'm all for getting to know people. I've even offered and in the greater Charlotte area where lived hate you get folks together that identifies gay Christians guess all the room together. Put this off route quite a few times and I just want to hear their stories. I want this.

I won't respond unless the woman responds.

I want them to tell me their stories and tell me everything they want me to hear right with that. Let me give you a preview of this movie that to me as much to do about nothing of scholarly level but but is going to be a major thing that's pushed and skinny reporter like while you have to hear this and see the so let's check this out and then we'll get into the Scriptures together. It's the forthcoming movie 1946, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals shall inherit the kingdom of God. I went in this research wanted the answer no matter what it revealed that God said you are such a horrible abomination that I needed to rid this planet of myself.

I was willing to do that because I love God that much when I dug in.

That's not what I found Lindel and finally definitely are asking out was a letter written by €21 and to the translation team say hey I think you chose the wrong word. Sexual as I write this after many months. Artwork to point out what is a theory of misinformed people may use the RSV translation. He wrote in the letter is dated and we found him and he is still alive. So I wrote a letter to my mother's mother got a reply back about three weeks later I received your letter though there may be something to do what you say Domino had our falling and that work follow through all the other mainline translations that we had today. I started beeping because I was thinking about all the damage time over the last 60 years lifestyle of some male homosexuals has triggered an epidemic Bible condemns homosexuality is a sin. Why did they put the word homosexual into the Bible.

What were they thinking the church is doubling down on this issue because they sell politicized it is. So this is not by the executive producing initiative where you make this thing right now. This shows that there was a mistake.

It's not stinking. We had an opportunity to change all 1946 the mistranslation and shift in culture. It is completed.

Bogus on all fronts.

Putting aside the question whether homosexuals the best word to use their exit was as it wasn't because that would mean even if you living a celibate holy life, but you're attracted to the same sex to just say no to those attractions that somehow you're still damned to hell to their better ways of saying it meant our sex with men. For example, in many modern translations say it like that but the bottom line is to make this shift at the culture it's completely bogus. It is much to do about nothing will show you shamefully realize we come back we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown is in this video the fifth of gentlemen saying that if he himself was an abomination. God said he would rid the earth of himself experienced take his own life. Why was that the question. The question is does God approve of men having sex with men and women having sex with women does God approve of male male intimate, romantic, sexual relationships of female female intimate sexual relationships answers know if you love God, Lord, how can I please you.

How can you, when you change these desires must be celibate.

Whatever that's not my myself in abomination I should read the process even coming into that the questions were wrong but what about this translation 1946. What what should we make of it.

How influential was it and if you have a question about the Bible and homosexual practice. If you think I'm wrong in any of these points by all means give me a call 866-34-TRUTH so first let me lay out for you why we hold to what we do a quick six minute summary it's our video.

Can you be gay and Christian floor.

Consider this series. If you've never watched it you can just watch it by going asked Dr. this and you'll see a bunch of videos like this, but animated videos, but this is the very first one that we did can you be gay and Christian were I lay out the basic biblical position. Can you be gay and Christian will. If you claim to be a Christian in Jesus as your Lord and the Bible is your authority to the real question is what is Jesus have to say about this is the Bible, God's Word have to say no.

We know that every Christian struggles in some areas, whether it be pride or anger, luster, jealousy or greed, but we also recognize that these desires and attitudes are sinful. Saying no to then and yes to the Lord in the same way.

Some Christians struggle with same-sex attractions saying no to those attractions and yes to the Lord. But what about those who say cockamamie gay and I'm in a committed relationship, then the Lord is pleased several God is love and love wins with the Bible poses is his abusive relationships, like homosexual pederasty and prostitution and promiscuity.

That's what Scripture condemns God bless is committed same-sex relationships as is true. Well, let's look at what the Bible God's word has to say. Starting at the beginning there in Genesis 1 we learn that God creates the human race in his image, male and female and blesses us with the ability to procreate.

In other words, he designed us for heterosexuality and it doesn't take the Bible a rocket scientist to figure that out and it's true that there are heterosexual couples who are barren but their relationship doesn't violate God's design. Then in Genesis 2 we see that God didn't want Mme. the first man to be alone, so he decided to make him a suitable helper, not just a companion but helper why because only with Eve would Adam be complete and able to reproduce and how do you make Eve he took her out of Adam's rib porcine which is why Adam said that she would be called woman, because she was taken out of man. And then note this Scripture says that through marriage to become one. That's because they once were one. The woman taken out of the man. This unique complementarity between the biologically and spiritually and emotionally. That's why man plus man plus woman can never equal man plus woman and responsive. Gay theologians ask if homosexuality so important as the Bible mentioned so infrequently you see there looking at this exactly the opposite way there looking at it backwards, it's because God designed us for heterosexuality that there are so few references to homosexuality. In other words, every single reference in the Bible to marriage, family and relationship presupposes heterosexuality as in the 10 Commandments on your father, mother, and Paul's directives to husbands and wives in a same-sex relationship. Who's the husband and who's the wife. Also, we know that there is not one single positive reference to homosexuality in the model worth every single reference to it is decidedly negative. As we move on to Leviticus we see that there were some loss God gave Israel to keep them separate from nations like dietary or other loss God gave it apply to all people like do not murder is for homosexual practice Leviticus, cost detestable and it doesn't get any less detestable. If you do it over and over with the same person come to the New Testament teaching of Jesus, and he really did need to address this because first century Jewish teaching clearly forbade homosexual practice yet in three different ways Jesus did address this first in Matthew five Jesus said they didn't come to abolish the law of the prophets, but to build and when he came to the moral laws of the Torah, he fulfilled them by taking into an even higher standard. Second, in Matthew 15 Jesus taught that all sexual acts committed outside of marriage to file and then in Matthew 19 he taught that marriage is God intended in the beginning was one man and one woman together for life.

Coming to the teachings of Paul in Romans one week, we see that because of God's judgment on the human race.

We were given over to idolatry and sexual promiscuity and homosexuality with males and females exchanging natural sexual relationships for unnatural sexual relationships and when Paul talks about natural sexual relationship.

He's talking about natural as God created us in Genesis chapter 1, then enforced within six pulses that those who willingly give themselves to homosexuality alone. A number of other sins would not inherit the kingdom of God. In fact, Paul's teaching is so clear that one lesbian scholar Bridget Britton says I see Paul is condemning all forms of homoeroticism. But Paul did. He also wrote that's what some of you once were.

But God forgave you and transformed. That's because Jesus died for homosexual sins the same way he died, heterosexual sins. As for the notion that Moses or Jesus or Paul did know about long-term committed same-sex relationships and the fact is, they spoke and wrote by the inspiration of the spirit not only sober Jesus, the son of God could look into the heart of every human being. Surely he understood the struggles of some of the same-sex attractions and yet he didn't affirm them where they were offered them transformation. So rather than put homosexual practice into a special category is if it's the worst of all sins recipient God is fine with it, put it where it belongs. Like other sins but one for which Jesus died, and rather than finding your identity and your romantic attractions and sexual desires. Find your identity in Jesus. That way, rather than interpreting the Scriptures through the lens of your sexuality can interpret your sexuality through the lens of the surveyors we know that none of these, like trying to just jump in their regard will add to encourage you to subscribe and support. Okay, so, so I want to consider this in my consider this video. The video six out six minutes long. The end is preaching the gospel and laying out God's love for all and transformation for all and I don't even mention first Corinthians 69 with the RSV translated key Greek word as homosexual even mention that until about four minutes and 30 seconds into the video and points of fact if that verse did not exist. I could make the exact same case God made men for women. Women ferment, I could based on Scripture as well as natural law. I would then look at not just the pattern without a mini but throughout the entire Bible that everything presupposed by God and was marriage, family is mother, father, husband, wife, to this moment is not a single human being walking the planet who was not the product of a male and a female even if artificially done, or some other ways it still takes a male and a female to produce human being that remains exactly the sense of natural law tells us to set the whole of the Bible and look if you're reading this you try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who identifies as gay or lesbian in their struggle and that that they love God. The raised in the face with a heavy, same-sex attractions, when they do with them and if you read through the Bobby waterfront to something because God loves you. The father's gracious compassion will find something there were God says to a gay couple ham with you and love you have blessed hey this is this is another form of normal and it's fine is nothing there that a hint even that the mini debate with Brendan Robertson he plea points to Jesus speaking to UNIX and somehow, and again a unique is someone who is incapable of sexual actions and does not have normal sexual desire that see you Nick. It is something to be born that way, incapable of sexual desire or ask or a man can be castrated and made into a unit set up to look to that you think with all the people that Jesus met. He must've looked into the souls of many a person who struggle with same-sex attraction and get not a syllable to them that that would give them any hint that he felt anything differently than what was previously laid out in the Hebrew Bible and was currently taught in Jewish circles and then Leviticus 18 and and and the biggest 20 that this they stand alone in terms of unambiguously saying this detestable for man to live the man the man the way man lies with a woman and and in particular the at the idea of penetration would come in their it is detestable it will all the artists blessed with peace. Jollity has to do with idolatry that will when you actually read through everything. Leviticus 18 and realize this wasn't just for ancient Israel. This was this was something that was sinful for all peoples. That doesn't change, and then as Jesus lays things out and reinforces the ethics and morals of the Torah and the and and reinforces the meaning of marriage.

One man one woman joined together for life and reinforces that all sexual acts outside of that or defiling before the Lord and they defile us and then Romans one where Paul talks about the dissent of human beings. The rejection of God in giving us over to idolatry, sexual morality, sexual perversion and all kinds of other sins as a human race. You don't even need first Corinthians 6 or is repeated. First Timothy one to tell you that God did not intend meant to be with when willing to be with whom he has a better way as many, many thousands of ex-gays test error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown is a translation error RSV, the revised standard of the Bible in 1946 opened up a floodgate of misunderstanding towards homosexuality and caused Christians in the English-speaking world to now condemn homosexual practice will, in point of fact, the church was unified in saying that homosexual practice was sinful for 2000 years as the synagogue had been unified in that before hand, there is not discussion you can read through the ancient literature and read through the church fathers. The early rabbis. There was no place where they said it's fine for a man to quote marry a man or woman to quote marry a woman. In fact there Jewish traditions that may have existed in Jesus day, we can't say for sure. They may have been centuries later but they because Jewish traditions were often passed on orally. We can't say whether they existed in Jesus day or not, but we do know their Jewish traditions from the early centuries of the Sarah that said, one that the pagans don't even practice a man marrying a man that that was one thing. Another stated that one of the reasons that God destroyed the earth in Noah's day was because they were issuing marriage certificates for two men. If this is ancient Jewish tradition now again I'm not saying that that's actually the case of what happened nor my saying for sure that these were known in Jesus day but they well could have been that just reflects Jewish thinking on this. Through the centuries and then the law codes explicitly made it sinful both for men and women and of course Paul is explicit on that Romans one. Both men and women.

Then when when you you you look at church history.

When you look at discussions, church fathers, etc. you and I can find any ambiguity you and I can find any sanction and use other John Boswell prove that that they sanctioned in the same situations. The scholarship there has been so thoroughly critiqued, and though he did not prove that they were ever same-sex unions sexual romantic unions male male female female that were blessed by the church and that's why you don't hear that argument cited so much so, aside from the clear historic testimony of Scripture as witnessed by the church to the synagogue. What about 1946. Was this some pivotal point that again. The key thing that I'm trying to underscore is is that the church already had this stance long before 1946 that's one and two verses like Leviticus 1822 and others stood alone with out first Corinthians 6 needing to be mentioned, and in the RSV and then you have the solemn story, though some of the more is not a statement about all gay relationships everywhere, but it's really striking things that the manifestation of the sin of the city with Ezekiel 16 indicates is that the culminating manifestation. The toy father detestable thing they did was was out of control. Homosexual practice, so I'm just relating these texts. Of course I'm aware that you have plenty of gay men plenty of gay women who seek to live in committed relationships. The women tend to do much better than the men in that regard, and among gay men often monogamous means one principal relationship in their openness with with others. So let's not exaggerate the facts here, but bottom line is, is that the 1946 RSV translation of one word one verse was not the pivotal moment that it is being made out to be is a new movie soon to be released is is make it out to be for all. All this is this it, as I said earlier in the show is much to do about nothing and remember in the larger evangelical world. Remember that the RSV was not accepted that people in some parts of the art of evangelical actually burned it, felt he was a liberal and dangerous translation that they change certain fundamental biblical truths and is much as there is some good scholarship with the RSV there. There were some methodological errors relying which much of the Septuagint of the Old Testament translation and other things that can easily be critiqued but has always been looked at with great skepticism and if if there's a translation that's been more widely used in some evangelical circles would be the end. RSV but even then it's it's hardly used 86634 what will take some calls shortly but let's let's dig a little historically. Okay so let's let's go back to John Wycliffe right that the two earliest translators of the of the Bible into English.

John Wycliffe get his exact dates right died 1384 and then William Tyndale so to delegate his exact dates as well. A Tyndale comes after him and then is the more influential in terms of blessing Bible translation so he dies 1536 he's put to death by the church for translating the Bible into English so it's going back to list. Let's look at the Wycliffe translation. I'm not even letting digging into.

Let's parse the Greek. Let's look at all the lexicons so whether ye know not that wicked man shall not wield the kingdom of God's that would be inheritance old English right is he dies late 1300s do not ye need the lectures.

Neither men that serve mall minutes. The men serving titles explained are either adulterers knew the lectures against kind, either they that do lechery with man okay so this is John Wycliffe will leave this up for moment, John Wycliffe, you guys in 1384. He translates first word mala costs as neither lectures against kind of treatment without visiting with me then arson the collectives. That's the word that's really in question here that the RSV transit is translated with homosexuals.

He translates that neither they that do lechery with men. So that's talking about committing sexual acts with other men that that's a Wycliffe understood it in in the 14th century. Okay, let's look at William Tyndale William Tyndale now in the 15th century. Let's look at the tender. Tyndale translation and I'll just report with would be not deceived for neither fornicators be the worshipers of images that's dollars neither horror mongers and obviously the English spoke very differently that neither weaklings so that's his translation of Malachi, which could be soft week contains his effeminate love debate about the exact meaning of that in context. Scholarship generally accepted that next to the word arson the court case, it means that the passive partner in a male homosexual act and then look at this. Neither abusers of themselves with the mankind. Neither abusers of themselves with the mankind.

This is how the King James then goes go back and search out what that was understood to mean this also was understood to mean homosexual practice. Okay what homosexual did not exist yet there is not a category.

There was the active people who do this many left sex with men is what explains it all. They didn't understand the people born this way they didn't understand that that that it's a loving thing at such as the sexual act is romances relationship. Yeah, I understand that this gay romance on the syndicate committee can relationships understand that gays get engaged in the they cry like everybody else in and cry at weddings and so on, and it love each other.

Send got got that their love their their relationships or desires was natural for them is as a heterosexual desires are for me understand that God yeah all clear all clear and and there plenty of decent moral gay men and women outside of homosexual practice. They say will it proves it's funk is remarkable as it is III get that I understand all that but the fact is the Bible is speaking about relationships and acts. Those are always wrong. Plus, as I indicated, we know from ancient Jewish literature that the concept of men marrying men or women marry men and women was something known and we know in the ancient Greco-Roman world, against which backdrop Paul and others wrote their letters that that there were there was debate about like are lesbians born this week is the blonde or certain saucers question my people born being born this way and and young Nero marries a man. These are things that exist in the day and you're saying that there were no gays back then with long-term relationships seriously. Nothing about this is the world around and one commentator on first Corinthians said the world of the Corinthians, the Christians rent is very similar to the world wherein today. Okay, before the King James Bible, there was the Geneva Bible. This was widely used by many of the pilgrims coming over to America so let's look at the Geneva translation know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived.

Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor Watson's okay so would simply biggest visit mean no butters butters that that male homosexual that is men engaging in sex with other men. That's what it is.

This is centuries before centuries before the RSV and centuries before the word homosexual what was invented and in the word homosexual was not invented by the church to put people down. It was invented by scientists and sociologists and others at that. That's where the term comes from so this whole idea is ours. We changed everything. I'm I'm going back to the 1300s. The 1400s, 15, 1600s and you're seeing how things register and then the King James, the King James famously translates Malachi with effeminate which if you understood would be saying would not be talking about a guy that that may be enjoys watching ballet instead of boxing it would be more someone that dresses in the family way more of a cross-dressing aspect.

If you look historically have the term would been used, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.

So following Tyndale but again, how is that understood how is it understood for centuries.

We commentaries on the discussions of it was understood as forbidding homosexual practice. This is not some new idea or new development. Please urge you. Don't be misled by this movie as if it's going to tell you something that we figured it all out and first it doesn't deal with creation it doesn't deal with God making us male and female. It doesn't deal with God's intent for the human race.

It doesn't deal with everything having to do with marriage and female and and family presupposing male-female relations. It doesn't deal with the prohibition of homosexual practice under the law. Men having sex with men, etc. it doesn't deal with Jesus, reinforcing the moral ethics of the Torah and reinforcing the meaning of marriage, it doesn't deal with everything Paul wrote Romans one so friends much to do about nothing but I'm telling you in advance.

This is going to get a lot of attention and more will be deceived. The good news is truth will triumph. It will take a while. The truth will triumph and people who sincerely seek God will find the truth is more it's the light a fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown veterans for joining us on the line for each 664 truth, and the been talk about going to the phones for a while. Okay I'm going to go very, very shortly… Let's just do this really quickly. Let's look at a bunch of modern English evangelical translations for strength in 69. I'm just going to concentrate on on the embassy, CSB males who have sex with males.

It it right. I think the best way to do take those last two words together is even gay scholars. Those have have doubts aside all that in Kenya began. Chris there you go. Males who have sex with males CSB to seduce the homosexuals there.

No, I thought it was so influential okay about that. The CJB complete Jewish Bible David Stern that speaks of those who engage in active or passive homosexuality. So there is very specific. It's engaging in those specific acts and giving both sides of it. All right, let's scroll down and let's see what the ESV says all right scroll down a bit to the ESV and the ESV speaks of men who practice homosexuality as a homosexual, such as a class of people. It is practicing this this is crisp and in spite of those two words together in the HCS be anyone practicing homosexuality of the ISV says male prostitutes homosexual so that that would be similar. Now to the RSV and then out outs is not the best, so that's that's one similar, but so far all the others have gone in different directions.

Let's just see here. Let's go down to the yellow EB passive homosexual partners in her dominant homosexual partner suits, focusing specifically on the sexual acts. Again, that would be relevant NASB adulterers, nor homosexuals, or puts both words give us homosexual that the best way so that you got a couple following in this tradition, the NET passive homosexual partners practicing homosexual so explicit again. I agree with those those would be accurate. Here is the let's see the NIV men who have sex with men this the new edition of the NIV was, what in 2011. Let's take a look at the NLT male prostitutes are those who practice homosexuality, so you once again you've got this pretty consistently. What will stop there. The point is, it's not that after the RSV all the evangelical translations followed, I'm giving you examples from the last 1020 years, they didn't and I differ with saying homosexuals because, again, that makes a class of people were supposed timeout actions, adulterers, drunkards, fornicators, those who live a certain way you can be a happily married man devoted to your wife and your tempted with adulterous thoughts. You see attractive women and your mind goes to one of the sleepily say no to that. Don't go there with your mind and give place to it.

You don't pursue that person like you married your wife you, none of the adulterer and adulterous Christian know you say no to in the same way there plenty of of ex-gays that still struggle from time to time since expression, but they say no to. It does know it's displeasing on site and millions of seen great wonderful change so what what pains me is that people get misled people get deceived and if you wanted digging deep to what the Greek words actually say the relevant Greek words and for strength in 69 and then again for 71 was the quotations used, then check out Robert Gagnon, Hans book, the Bible, homosexual practice or in simpler form my book Kenya began Christian and then dig into the endnotes in each of the books were were wheat we dive in and go deeper or gorgeous color to Robert Guy Don's website Rod Gagnon and look at the many articles he's written and that the many responses that he's given in and you understand why so few are willing to debate him on this or watch the video, Dr. James White and I did together is homosexual practice consistent with New Testament obedience debating a gay pastor the lesbian pastor use your love you'll see our commitment to Scripture and you see where the truth was a minutes. It's really simple and then just remember watch where things lead Watergate activism goes in our society what it leads to, and then all those that I know that her ex-gays, those that used to be in gay churches tell me hate you. You hear a lot about morality. But there is a whole lot that gets justified goes on very differently in many many circles and even it regretted Robert's book and see what he says is fine how far he's willing to go and why he couldn't answer me about will if you take Leviticus 18 of the Bible. On what basis is incest wrong between consenting adults between two brothers and two sisters to the camp. Any risk of having kids with genetic defects.

What basis is that wrong biologist Robbie Noble. I just know that homosexual practices wants to do more that we can have a scriptural basis and foundation.

Anyway, this just can't help just trying to help naturally popular and not try to show arm in arm arm immovable.

God I love Jesus and the love the were the love people smile holds well that's spent so many years praying and studying cry out to God, even laying on my face and tears before Mona want to hurt people just want to help people.

Truth is truth friends, we deviate from truth in the end we hurt them. Don't help them all right. Let's go to Tina in Indianapolis Indiana. Thanks much for holding welcome to the line of fire thanked Dr. Brown and thank you Mike but then forgive me if you answered that I was able to light have already bent several holiday friend of mine are questioning everything about what the Bible about sexuality and they are listening to someone or reading the online hit that in the Bible the word for man language man was referring to pedophilia and not to you now consenting adults. I guess you'd say and they say that the original language with translated incorrectly.

Can you please comment on that is, completeness 100% myth is mythological as saying that Santa Claus is the king of the moon, and is returning again.

There is the syllable ounce of truth in it. The only thing that they would ever say is that when Martin Luther translated the Bible into German and Lutheran is not a top even Scully did his best when he translated the Bible into German that he brought in the subject of use but it's not there in the Bible is not there in Heber. Scott hinted that you won't find it in in any ancient or modern translation whatsoever. It's, it's, it is an intranet myth and it's gotten in actually responded to way to a tick-tock video that allege that in and made that claim and these things go viral Société Latina if you will give our call screener your information what I want to do is this you think these these young people read a book. If we send it to them or what I mean I okay think what I took. The lesson I tell you Latina unflinching hold in a moment or call screener is gonna come on and get your mailing address I'm gonna send you my book Kenya began Christian art Kenya began Christian also given your email address will send you the link to the video where I debunk this nonsense by the sum of the PhD and near Eastern languages and literatures whose devoted decades to stay in the Hebrew language as written academic articles on the Hebrew language in written commentaries on on biblical books in the Old Testament, Jeremiah, Job now Isaiah, I can assure you that there is not a syllable of truth to this whatsoever okay and entirely for everybody. Thanks team so Tina, the tick-tock response videos if you go to Esther to Brown on YouTube did Bible translators invent the word homosexuality. That's what I'm responding to in this comes up as well.

Did Bible translators invent the word homesick choice. Everybody else that's right deal with this myth about Leviticus 1822 and if you want to get the information in my book.

Can you be gay and Christian yeah it's it's painful to see so many people believe myths is what is this a look it'll my cousin John is the nicest guy in the world that he loves Jesus and he reads the Bible and he and his partner Fred. I mean there I mean the nicest guys and they pray together and they that they did to outreach the old folks home and how consider going healthy. Now we have some of the talk on terms of the emotion in terms of the people, etc. and we can have an honest, loving, gracious conversation about that. But please don't try to miss translate. We translate the Bible decrease in theology sum of people yet and how we can help people find homeless all right. Let's go to a rough EL in Fort Lauderdale, Florida time shortly. Please dive right in and looked around. My name is Rafael Weathersby computer really love the show watches pretty much everyday solid accession. Yeah, you're very welcome.

My question for you is when it comes to like the conviction of theirs. So homosexuality I believe it different type of note quantified with murder Billy and all these kind of things but everybody intuitively knows that it's wrong now when it out like people don't doubt that murder is wrong for people to bigger issues of but when it comes to homosexuality alive and don't believe that Christian are the way really truly believe I was born this way so that I bit of ignorant bear and wondering how far God's grace reaches with nurses like James for the third a note for that him that think it is the judgment because Ricky Henderson James for the terms of what you know and don't know about since God's incredibly merciful and will overlook a lot of things done in ignorance but will leave us there.

In other words, if someone.

If a gay couple is doing with you doing in ignorance and somehow genuinely believe it's right outside to destroy them doing that he will bring them to repentance and bring them out of it if they were sincere, that's for sure. Another program powered by the Truth Network