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We Will Not Be Silenced

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 2, 2021 4:50 pm

We Will Not Be Silenced

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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He said loudly and clearly we will not be silenced for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry getting to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. We will not be silenced. That is the title of a brand-new book by Dr. Owen lets her and he'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour. As we talk about cancel culture as we talk about the rising tide of cultural Marxism and then the question what can we as followers of Jesus do about that. We will not be silenced. 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Have you wanted to cancel culture yourself. In other words you are afraid to speak up on a certain subject because of the potential consequences your job, your school, your your reputation or you have spoken up or you state your conviction, and it cost you dearly. 866-34-TRUTH 87884. If you've encountered this or your kids have encountered in school. I'm writing a book that is is very different than duck… In terms of its its totally taking things from different angles and different strategies is very similar in terms of addressing the silencing in the culture and the tyranny of big tech and things like that and to be candid, I I just have to have a separate file unfolding in numerous numerous headlines and stories to say okay I will incorporate the book.

Now when I'm writing a book actively about things happening in the world around us. I'm always having other files throwing in links here and links there and keep in on what's happening so that the book comes out can be as up-to-date and relevant as possible, but I gotta be honest, this one there such a flood almost every day. I think I get it. Add to this chapter or gotta add to this chapter. Gotta say more here.

I mean, who's the latest one to get cancel. Have you heard Dr. Seuss.

Let's let's throw the story up store here Dr. Seuss has been canceled numerous books, six different Dr. Seuss books that have been read regularly as a reading cycle your kids things that you know that the presidential ministries doesn't know no more, that in schools note Camry Dr. Seuss yeah here's a report on daily wire six Dr. Seuss books yanked over racist and insensitive imagery. We were just looking my team and I were just looking at some of the pictures involved that were allegedly racist and this is caricatures that Sue's book is full of caricatures and when I think of what children are reading with sex ed curriculum and in their schools and little children exposed to stuff that would cause adults to blush. In some cases and that's fine and dandy and and kids come home from school we heard last week crying because there there white they've committed the sin of being white. I'm sure the black kids in past generations that went home crime because they were black and discriminated against. Now it's a sin to be white and what we can learn friends you got all kinds of crazy stuff taking place in our schools but no Dr. Seuss got a go now I'm a look at all the pictures in the storylines and all that so I will look at – and then perhaps if I feel inspired right at home in the style of Dr. Seuss about the canceling of Dr. Seuss things have gotten that they become so extreme it in the book I'm writing on this, which is scheduled to come out early next year. The book I'm writing on this. I I deal with what's happening on college campuses a deal with what's happening. A big tech in the larger society and in come either from from different angles and the assault on her and her children, but I have quite a few quotes from liberals from feminists from lesbians from popular entertainers, none of whom professed Christian faith and people who would probably differ with me on point after point after point of belief, but they are sound the alarm and cancel culture and one of the aspects is is is totally unforgiving. 20 years ago you said something stupid 15 years ago it when you were 17 years old you you posted something inappropriate and you grow you've grown since then.

Hey, I was shooting heroin's and break into homes for fun when I was 16 years old if we had social media, then the idiotic, ridiculous foul things I would've posted I could anyone imagine you get penalize at years and years later it's getting so extreme that you even have people like Bill Marr, Bill Marr famous or infamous for a whole documentary attacking religious faith in America and in a certain level or real God mocker. He may be doing it completely in ignorance and he may have a solid Tarsus type of account of the wonderful but things often get so extreme that that he'll speak up as well listen what Gilmore had to say about cancel culture. Liberals need a standard ground law for cancel culture so that when the woke mom comes after you for some ridiculous offense will stand your ground.

Stop apologizing because I can keep up anymore with who's on the list. Cancel culture is real. It's insane and it's growing exponentially and it's coming to a neighborhood near you. You think it's just for celebrities. No. In an era where everyone is online. Everyone is a public figure. 62% of Americans say they have opinions. There are afraid to share 80% of Americans young, old, rich, poor, conservative, liberal white minority. All hate the current atmosphere of hypersensitivity.

Yet everybody hates it and no one stands up to because it's always the same thing to swallow what you really think I just joined the law.

Abraham Lincoln was now canceled in San Francisco and there thinking about it. In Illinois yes the land of Lincoln might cancel Lincoln memo to social justice warriors when what you're doing.

Sounds like an onion headline stop onion being a satire website and that is Bill Morris point look.

Here's the deal.

If so many people think it's wrong then if we just speak up then that does away with cancel culture. You can't cancel everyone at the same time, you can cancel a voice here or a voice there. That's too extreme or that's too loud or that's too controversial but you can't cancel millions and millions of people who have the freedom to speak up and do speak up hey, this is not like communist China, where people get quote disappeared.

Use it as an active verb and that's how it's becoming a child with that of the verb is used on not just to disappear but you disappear so summa gone, what happened to so so they were disappeared. They were taken away. This not the case in America. If right now no one is disappearing me no one shutting down this this radio feed in this intranet feed and in their many many other voice. No one shut down Bill Marr yeah there might be consequences if one or to speak up.

You may get fired from your job, you may lose your your your pension here. You may have it. They can be negative consequences.

People are suffering. The list of people getting cancel. This is frightening, but it's primarily because most people don't speak out and opening being nasty about me being mean-spirited. We use wisdom. We don't to speak to get in trouble. God forbid we are peacemakers of troublemakers. However, if we are true to our convictions and speak our heart and speak our mind, then the cancel. Culture gets canceled here. I want to play another voice that is a surprising voice and that you with this associate, Pres. Obama with many of the causes on the left for Pres. Obama is at a symposium and Eddie has some very interesting things to say about the judge. Mentalism of today's culture.

This is what 2019. Let's listen to what he had to say what I do get a sense sometimes now among certain young people, and this is accelerated by social media. There is the sense sometimes of the way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people and that's enough like about Twitter hashtag about how you didn't do something right, or use the word wrong verb or been I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself because Majesty I woke I was. I called you are good on TV watch my show watch rubbish, you know that's not that's not activism that that's not bring about change it in for all your doing is casting stones your your department or did that for that's easy to do exactly exactly that. If that's the primary thing that we can do is just cast stones and we are the saluted us our smug self-righteousness that it's gonna come back to haunt us, and it doesn't accomplish good in the process, so there are things to call out and there are things to address that we have gotten into a hyper sensitive culture and then it seems that those on the left are the most hypersensitive of all this noise driven. In other words, Dennis Prager made the point that he's invited endless numbers of leftist activists and others to join him on his radio show and he's basically had two people take him up over the decades of him being on radio and yet whenever he's invited to schedule France for him to go on a leftist show he takes the opportunity in a heartbeat in a heartbeat. Why because he wants the open dialogue and others often want to suppress it. Listen with Dr. Ben Carson had to say he's being interviewed on radio network and serious of Breitbart station and Dr. Carson is asked about the cancel culture and that in terms of transgender activism, the interviewer, Alex Moses, it seems like this one issue. People just not being vocal enough if your vocal your book. It's cancer you get thrown off social media. You can see a man is a man or woman is a woman rescue risk and cancellation.

What are we going wrong here where we going wrong here transfer activism. Ben Carson says this what you know it's in our national anthem in the last line of the first stands, it says the land of the free and the home of the brave. You cannot be the land of the free. If you are not the home of the brave. You've got to be willing to stand up for courses and maybe there some consequences. So what there were consequences for founders, but if they weren't willing to accept those consequences would still be under British rule. So stop being chickens and get out there and fight for what we believe in.

We just allow them to have a platform to dictate everything without resistance. Then they win and he said if the opposition wins America loses if America loses the world loses take a stand is mingle on fight with weapons he means, take a stand for what's right, and if there consequences. So be it. Dr. Carson says each of us stop being chicken got some encouraging words for you. We come back the filename line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown as friends on the line of fire. This post on Facebook telling us about the book that Dr. lutes wrote, we will not be silenced to mention it at the beginning of the broadcast, he's gonna be my guest. In about 15 minutes of the bottom of the hour will be joined by Dr. lutes are and he'll tell us about his book, we will not be silenced. I want to encourage you to be people of principal first and foremost three people principal. Here's the Jesus principle if you save your life, you lose it. If you lose your life for my sake and the gospel you find it. That's what Jesus said, it doesn't just mean martyrdom be willing to die for the faith that it's something much more practical on a daily level. In other words, unless save my life is and avoid controversy. To save my life because of a compromise rented take a stand. I was saved my life by by putting my light under hiding it under a basket, rather than be ashamed as it shines on to save my life and preserve my crew.

Jesus said usually you become a slave to my opinion, you become a slave to it to what people desire you, put your finger up and say which way is the wind blowing in the wind of the culture you go you don't go against the grain. You don't swim against the tide save of you've lost your life, you're not free you're not a person of conviction. What happened those convictions on the inside of you that the backbone integrity.

That's all gone but try to save your life. You lose it, but by losing your life you find it by saying hey understand if was right and true. If I get rejected I get rejected if I could find I get fired it if if I lose my my career opportunity. I lose my career opportunity.

If I get the platform I get the platform and ultimately if I die I die. When you have that mentality free. You've now found your life and no one can take it from you and it's interesting Jordan Peterson. If you go back five years was a little known professor of clinical psychology, University of Toronto, he had written a book.

I think you worked on it several hours a day for 13 years. It came out in 1999 was maps of meaning 564 page academic volume sues one of hundreds of thousands of professors in North America and little known right respected but little-known lecture, the Harvard things and it was high-caliber but anyway Canada. They pass a national law, and it's going to enforce certain speech regarding transgender activism. Dr. Peterson protest against. That's is wise not to comply. The University can't make them compliant does some interviews about explains his views and leftist ideologues and things like that Tony has to do is sucker back.

I was going to prison put in prison on a hunger strike that is I can allow you to tell them what words he must use and phrases you must use it must be reasonable and accommodate people, but he also must be realist and he had studied communism for years. In fact, in his youth. You'd been really into socialism thought that was the solution. Then he saw the oppressive nature of communism and and and the thought police and the speech police so he saw all of that, he thought, whoa this is dangerous to many saw coming through leftist leftist activism.

He resisted it. I member having them on the radio shortly before he became famous and I thought he was a beleaguered Christian professor, be like knowing it's really hard and I'm having a hard time.

First, he was not perfect. If he's busy Christian now really knows the Lord. Five but but he was not coming probably from a Christian perspective. He valued the Bible was not coming from a born-again Christian perspective and the last thing he was was beleaguered like poor me like 10 this guy strong and bold and courageous. Next thing he becomes internationally famous. He writes about 12 rules for life, it becomes an international bestseller is sold over 5 million copies worldwide goes from no money, no similar small circle people know to to some say the most influential public intellectual of our time how that happened. He said no to cancel culture. He stood by principal and before you know it. The thing exploded for good around the world with much good wisdom and and really taking down a lot of the radical leftist ideologies enough to agree with everything he says but it's the principle and talk about friends look. Think back to the civil rights movement was the spark in the modern civil rights movement that ignited public consciousness of the horrors of segregation in the South and and that became that the picture that became the image that was associated with the civil rights movement was Rosa Parks here. She was just just a regular work. Day job, not some political activists with the platform not someone on Dr. King's team and going around the country giving speeches or something like that and and those involved in civil rights, black Americans were waiting for the right scenario, there was a heavy. The right person at the right time. Rosa Parks is tired. She's been working long hours and she had predetermined, as I remember the story that if she was told you've gotta move a white person need your seat moved to the back of the bus she was going to say no that particular day. She says no she gets arrested for in all of America knows her name to this day and and every civil minded American considers her a heroin someone who stood up for what was right. She refused to live as a canceled person and in doing so helped spark a movement that shook America out of its sin and complacency.

Let's lift. Let's look at something not so dramatic not so dramatic at all and I'm not making the comparison between one and the Jordan Peterson, Rosa Parks of the sex would just using different examples Sen. Josh Holly. He writes a book on the tyranny of big tech and how Google and YouTube, Facebook and twitter and other social media giants are acting oppressively or affecting elections and things like that and really it's it's undeniable that those things happen where where I look at election issues.

It's it's not so called election fraud. I a look at the influence of social media and left-wing media with the report.

It did report with a suppressed political force. In any case, erasable, turn your big tech, and on January 6. He, along with Ted Cruz just a few Senators with a look for the good of America and so that everyone can feel confident about our electoral process moving forward.

Let's have a full review of of our past election. Let's examine the charges. Let's have a hearing and then can put the thing to rest.

Okay, it was fair. Let's move forward. It wasn't fair that we have requested. How unfair was let's at least flush the thing out so that we can have a way to move forward and then the storming of the capital happens and Holly gets blamed as if he somehow incited it was part of an evening. Of course you can eat flatly and plainly condemns it. What happens is the next day his publisher, Simon & Schuster, one of the biggest publishers in the industry. They announce their trucking's book and because the dangerous conduct of Sen. Hawley on that date their droppings without frankly I had not heard about the book before that I didn't know he was writing the book then announcement comes out about the book because it's getting cancel and I said to myself. Conservative publishers can pick this thing up so was going to pick it up and skin to get a whole lot more circulation than before. Sure enough regular e-books of the largest conservative publisher in America going back to the days of William F. Buckley regularly says we're picking up the book that was what that 11 days later, January 18, and they they cried with hapless Simon & Schuster just bowing down to the woke culture and the cancel culture is, in fact, Holly did not engage in unpatriotic or dangerous behavior that day while they're going to put the book out in May of this year, Simon & Schuster's can have out in June. Breakers move the data for months to to may, but I just checked on an Amazon presales and it's doing very well. It's doing very well with presales.

I could almost guarantee you I can't absolutely guarantee because we don't have empirical data in front of us, but I could almost guarantee a mean 99.9% sure that that book will do far better now and will will do far more in sales and will get far more attention because it got canceled. Then, if it never got canceled.

Here's the deal, people are hurting right now because they have been canceled. There has been oppression. There has been suppression. There are real challenges and they are not to be downplayed and those of you who been hurt my heart goes out you. It's not easy those of you who been departed from those of you who lost friends. Those of you who lost her promotion.

Those of you get kicked out of programs. It's not easy. God bless you for doing the right thing and holding to your convictions and and he will give you grace. You may not have the same story that these others have had with this amazing bounce back or result or platform that you want of the Lord and he will honor you and if you stay free from bitterness and anger and hatred in the consciousness and and bless those who curse you got him will be on your smile will be on. I want to sit.

Everyone else don't look for flight to look for trouble.

Don't be obnoxious, use wisdom always speak the truth in love when the opportunity is there, and the Holy Spirit's leading.

Or when you are required to take a stand or when your conscience is convicting you. Let's not be chicken. Let us take up our cross and fresh and say whatever the cost. Whatever the consequence we are going to follow Jesus and we do what's right and we can hold to our convictions was one of our ministry models hearts of compassion backbones of steel.

Let's live it out friends, let us canceled the cancel culture by speaking the truth in love without compromise.

Regardless of cost and error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown. We will not be silenced. This earth title of a brand-new book by Dr. Erwin lutes are he served for well over three decades as pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, best-selling author of numerous books and if I just read the endorsements for his newest book. That's what we do for the next half hour, but it's so good to have them on the year I bought the book for myself before even having a mom because it's it's of such interest to me. I'm writing on similar topics, so we really want to explore this, we will not be silenced responding courageously to our culture's assault on Christianity.

So without further ado I got… Thanks so much for joining us on the line of fire.

I'm so glad to be with you again.

Michael God bless you and thank you for holding to the truth and preaching it far and wide. Only only way to live, sir, I'm with you. Yes, so you you write certain things out of intellectual interest in topics that the that you find when looking to share with in a pastoral way, but then you write other things because there's a holy alarm going off inside of you and you feel the need to shout that warning to the nation what happened to you starting your own heart to cause you to write. We will not be silenced. Michael when I began to realize that the radical left in America does not believe that America can be fixed. It has to be destroyed and built upon an entirely different foundation, a cultural Marxist foundation and once that happens, you will have the end of white supremacy the end of income inequality the end of racism and everybody, so to speak, will live happily ever after that. Once I began to understand that what Michael does is it applies that a history that is to say, why is it that you know our history in America. Our Judeo-Christian history is being vilified.

What's the long term goals. There and that you know one of the reasons I wrote.

It is also to help parents to understand why it is that when we send our kids to university. Why do they come back hating America, but I also applied to race and show that the diversity studies are not intended to solve anything, or to bring about reconciliation.

They are intended to keep the races in perpetual conflict and accusations and all that that is intentional because in the Marxist view the open pressers have to be overcome by Bureau pressed and we can talk about that, but I also applied to freedom of speech and docent. You have a copy of the book, you'll know that I also have a chapter on such things as propaganda and the purpose of propaganda, of course, is to associate people's perception of reality that even when faced with a multitude of counter evidence they will not change their mind and then the rest of the chapters you know about the sexualization of children and on and on. Yes, so it's really interesting when you describe cultural Marxism that you point out the utopian goals that people say we just have to have equality. It is so it's not just an equal playing field but but equal results and in which it have the same it in there certain things that in the Marxist Utopia sound very appealing, but in the end it ends up being a tremendously oppressive system so do you actually think that that we need to take warning from what happened in communist China.

What what happened in in the Soviet Union that we need to really look at what happens when when Marxism becomes the dominant way of life and is government-sponsored.

It is isn't a real threat here in America. Of course the real threat and cultural Marxism says that we can bring about Marxism without a blood he revolution, what we have to do is to capture abuse of the family. I discussed that in Marxism the family has to be destroyed because of the unit of oppression. So we have to capture the family.

We have to capture the media we have to capture law and we vote for the right people, and pretty soon Marxism begins to take place incrementally and before you know it that's for we are now. I have to say, even though it's appealing. It has tremendous flaws but we can talk about but I want to just say right out there that the Bible is not a socialist book, not even God treats everyone alike… Treat, Robbie the way in which he did Abraham and Jesus your member told a parable about the man with 10 talents.

Another had 5321, and so forth.

So the idea that we are to have uniform outcomes is of course nonsense and can only be attempted by the open oppression of a state.

Now we should seek equal opportunity. You know in this book I distinguish between biblical justice and social justice. So what we have to do is to seek for equal opportunity, but the idea of income equality and seeking similar outcomes is of course not only impossible, but it can only be attempted by the most oppressive regimes in the most oppressive laws and yet that's the big dream that is happening in our country and the people think that that's something that should really be work toward, of necessity, it must failure to one of the longest chapters in my book is on socialism and I show why necessity, though it's attractive must fail. Yet through the book when you deal with race issues you deal with them is tremendous sensitivity you still repudiate America's past sins you don't just slip them under the rug and sweep them under the rug and and deny evils in our past. You recognize the sinks full Ottoman very compassionate races was, I was struck by how you went out of your way to speak up for justice and to stand against the iniquities and sins of the past and yet you're saying that the way things are going today and critical race theory is is ultimately going to be counterproductive and will not produce biblical justice and in this you keep bringing things back to the church and you emphasize that you are much more focused on redeeming the church in the church to live right in reclaiming the culture. How have we gotten some of her emphasis wrong. Well, if you talk about social justice sounds right. Because everybody's in favor of justice. But when you begin to take it apart.

What you discover is that what the label says and what's in the package is entirely different.

But getting back to the church. Michael this is so important for people to realize that the church has an answer that critical race theory which intentionally divides to the races.

I can't say that too often critical race theory is answered in the church where we say no there isn't that much difference between us. We are all sinners, we all come to the foot of the cross with great need.

We all admit our sinfulness and then having received God's grace and becoming members of the body of Christ. We now ask, what can we do together to make things better. That's not what social justice teaches social justice based on Marxism puts people into different categories.

If you're white you are a person of privilege. If you're not then you're a person who isn't a person of privilege and someone like Kim Lebron James was famous with lots of money is not a person of privilege because of the color of his skin, but the poorest white child born in poverty is a person of privilege because of his skin color. This is totally opposed to what Martin Luther King taught when he said we should judge one another, not by the color of our skin but by the content of our character and that is being lost today and that is being vilified in all of these diversity studies in our university that you pastor for years.

A multi-race of church. So what would you take on the systemic racism question. Well, you know, if you asked is there racism. Yes, there is because everyone is have braces thoughts. But here's the point.

It's not as if one group has all of the vices and the other group has all of the virtues. That's the big mistake the sin of trying to use other people for our benefit is part of original sin.

It is born with Annas so it's not just those that are white but may have some racial tendencies we have to see that this is across-the-board. You know you look at history and you see that there's always been conflict between the races so some of my black sisters and brothers can tell me instances of systemic justice in Chicago I'd listen to them very carefully and I realize exactly what they're talking about, so I'm not denying that is the answer to be shouting at one another across racial fences, dividing each other into groups as if we are part of the caste system blaming one group for all the failures of the other, and one group having to take full responsibility for all the failure failures of the other. That's not going to bring about harmony and so forth. You're right at Moody church on any Sunday morning when I was there and that would still be true if the church were open today, but on any Sunday morning we had people from 70 different countries of origin because the Bible says that in heaven there going to be people from every tongue and nation and group and they're going to be giving thanks to God.

So that's what the church is all about, but critical race theory.

Let me put it as clearly as I can put it.

Critical race theory terrors.

Apart what Jesus Christ died to put together just to spend it with an amenity for the break. That's too profound to leave their take another minute please. Well the point is simply this, but Jesus died to show that all of us are sinners that we can come together at the foot of the cross you look at what the apostle Paul talks about in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek bond freeze ¥50 barbarian. Whatever we are all one in Christ and critical race theory says we cannot be one we have to be torn apart and put into the different Marxist category until the old press overcome the open. Oh, it must be continual conflict friends the gospel has a solution for everything and this would not dilute suit speaks of biblical justice David Jeremiah wrote the forward to this book and he said this if I could I would put this book into the hands of every Christian in America. We will not be silenced responding courageously to our culture's assault on Christianity doctor unless you can get it anywhere on line.

I'm sure in the review scoring and have been tremendous. He so graciously agreed to stay a few more minutes with us so we get another segment I got of lunch of questions for calculus. If you like Aeschylus mingled the phone lines 8663 virtues made to collect.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us on the line of fire. I'm speaking with Dr. early looks or so thrilled that his new book, we will not be silenced is getting a lot of attention and ductility in the book you basically argue that that the whole idea of political correctness is a deception in what sense will deception in many respects.

First of all it uses language to reorder our view of reality. That's one thing I mean when you get into the he/she gender a kind of debate in all of that nonsense.

What they're trying to do is to reorder the fundamentals of society. So that's one example. The other example has to do with the Council culture you know in the book that your referencing.

We will not be silenced.

I have the chapter on propaganda and people must understand that there is collective demonization collective demonization was perfected in Russia. The idea was this that when the elites took somebody NBT platform to them. They'd abused a different word.

Of course everyone else had to chime in and the people wrote letters affirming and cursing out this man, even if they had never heard of him or knew anything about what you said what they were saying is when you come for us. I'm on your side. You know Michael you know that I wrote a book about Nazi Germany and I know that you know a lot about that period of history you had a great deal of interest in it. But you know there were German churches that put a swastika on the door of their church saying, in effect when you come for Christians don't come for us because we are on your side note was Churchill who said that in appeaser in appeaser is someone who feeds the alligator with the hope that the alligator will eat him last. Yep. So what you have in political correctness is a desire to control the culture. What we can say and if not, will be universally condemned and also universally punished and by the way, Michael. I like to make a prediction on your program. I'm not a prophet but that which is canceled today is going to be criminalized tomorrow.

That's where we are going because when the Bible says that there are those who call evil good, that's only half of the equation.

They are not finished until they take that which is good and call it evil. So the whole political correctness is a form of controlling people.

So what we can say what we can say what is appropriate what is not appropriate and people are so fearful that they keep their mouth shut because you know any remark can be twisted and suddenly held against you, and thanks to social media. You can be vilified very quickly yeah you did vilified and now you canceled your accounts are gone you. You are now can't you too toxic to be higher than normal going near you. It's it's it's extraordinary I actually play the quote earlier in the broadcast from Belmar so you don't get much more liberal and anti-Christian anti-God.

The Belmar decrying the cancer culture and and where it's actually going. You even have more and more liberals speaking out lesbian feminist is speaking out because they said they see what's happening that they see that this thing is is feeding on itself and and when you set up this cultural elitism, you might be next year. I read about with with Stalin in his repressive regime that he would give a speech and everyone would clap and the clapping would go on because the first one that stopped clapping would be the one that they'd spot in the person would be executed. So you just better keep clapping and begin a Facebook comment from one of our viewers and listeners. Pastors are afraid to say with this man is saying CERT you pastored for decades that a radio voice as well and you pay the price.

Over the years by determining to speak the truth in love, regardless of cost or consequence. But for many pastors it's it's difficult because you may have a small budget and and and some people get offended and leave and that you can't pay this money. You can't keep up the soup kitchen and and people kinda calculate like well I better keep my ministry stay away from controversy in the end end up losing their own souls in the process, spiritually speaking and you know the other thing that's very important is that I know the pastor that you don't want to put up unnecessary stumbling blocks to the gospel.

Okay you want to be loving and hopefully as inclusive as you can be. But the problem is, of our view of love.

You known not all love is of God. Some of it is evil when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. They didn't stop loving they just started to love the wrong things, lovers of pleasure, lovers of self, and so forth. So pastors and this is the heartbreak and I know that you have it to are so concerned about coming across as loving that they sacrifice truth and we've had some examples recently of that. I'd rather not mention names but the point is that that is a dilemma. Now how do you do that I personally never endorsed a political candidate or political party, but I spoke about issues and I always made sure before God that my heart was right that I would preach with offensive humility and brokenness leading.

Of course, with the cross of Christ, the gospel of Jesus Christ and in this way what you do is your instructing your congregation, but you're also helping them to understand what the issues are. Think of how terrible it is just to mention one thing that our president would I think on the first day of office, say that biological men can compete in women's sports if they so identify this is absurdity. Michael were living in a day and age when absurdity no longer is an argument against anything. In fact, the most absurd absurd. It is probably the most quickly it should be believed. So here's what you can do you can preach these things about gender. Genesis 127. You can preach that this is God and you recognize that there are those who struggle with dysphoria and that there is confusion there and they need help and they need counsel that you stay with the word of God, you are welcoming, but you're not affirming and that's the line that pastors have to walk now I differ from some pastors because I think a pastor has a responsibility to talk to the congregation about the controlling realities of the culture that doesn't mean that he's going from topic to topic, but when the culture is swirling around you, for you to ignore it I think is a mistake. It can be done and if you pay the price will then you pay the price. You know, one of the things that I emphasize in the book that were talking about.

We will not be silenced is that we as Americans have me on some other time. Michael and we can talk about this in detail.

We Americans have to rethink rethink our whole concept we think to ourselves that we should always have freedom what you and I know that through 2000 years of the history of the church. The church has not had freedom and you don't even need freedom to be faithful. Just ask the martyrs yeah and you start your book off quoting from Matthew 16, where Jesus says if you save your life, you lose it. What good would be to gain the whole world is your own soul versus that I talk about constantly in this very context and NR freedom is found in in obedience to God, then we really live and whatever the costly consequences that the gospel is is thriving around the world is incredibly oppressive, difficult situations where Christians are dying and being tortured in prison in the gospel is thrive for centuries in that setting. And yet we got this convenience Christianity America were Jesus comes to make us into bigger and better images of ourselves and we we we we lost out the heart of it, and friends were not no time to get to this call asking about the proper way to prepare congregations. It's an important question friends read the book, read the book, we will not be silenced because it will give you boldness and it will give you understanding. I want to go back to one last thing and we didn't even touch on in any depth, sexualizing the children so many of the other relevant chapters in the book which he said was being canceled today would be criminalized tomorrow. I began saying in 2004. Speaking of particular groups of gay activists that those who came out of the closet fighting for what they felt was equality and freedom wanted to put us in the closet and and I was mocked for saying that for years and then I noticed a shift when people began to say people like you belong in the closet whether my Christian attorney friend said Michael take it one step further, those that once went to jail for their views will put us in jail. Will I said that on Christian TV once and got blasted for but then when Kim Davis was put in jail for refusing to write a same-sex marriage certificate. People were cheering and comparing her to ISA so less 30 seconds you're not exaggerating in your warnings at all. No, not at all. And you know, if you ask me in the last 30 seconds. The last chapter of my book is the words of Jesus to Sardis, strengthen what remains and dare I suggest a letter that Jesus might write to our church today to the American church and it would be a letter dealing with some of our issues and then it ends by saying, but there is still some of you in Sardis.

Even though the church was dead but there still some of you in Sardis were walking and white and you are worthy, so my last challenge is. Let's be among those who still walk in white and be worthy and stand true and take the consequences. As a badge of honor. Well said Douglas. We've got to do this again, thanks so much for spending time with us. The book friends. We will not be silenced essential reading today and friends we won't be in Jesus and God bless you. Thanks again