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The Enigma of Trump and the Quandary of Evangelicals

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
July 14, 2020 11:49 am

The Enigma of Trump and the Quandary of Evangelicals

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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July 14, 2020 11:49 am

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 07/13/20.

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So how can we unify around Jesus when we don't agree about Donald Trump stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown in time to be alive.

What time to make a difference if you like me believe that God is central in your life. Jesus first then by all means this our hour to shine. This is our hour to stand and make a difference in America, a nation that is confused surfing all kinds of people and does not know which way to go Michael Brown. Welcome to the broadcasters number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and I'm going to ask you to call in today. If you are an evangelical Christian.

We consider yourself a Christian, conservative, and you believe it is imperative that we vote for Donald Trump to be president. I want you to call and make a case succinctly clearly why you believe it is important that we as evangelical followers of Jesus or his Christian conservatives why we vote for Donald Trump. The president conversely if you think it is a bad move for evangelicals.

If you think it is damaging destructive first vote from. I want you to call and make your case. My goal today is not ultimately to argue a political position, you know, I voted for Trump in 2016. After posing in the primaries and I plan to vote from 2020 if it's Trump versus Joe Biden however however, as things work out.

That is not my biggest issue, whose president is important, but there are bigger issues to me in terms of the well-being of America and the destiny of America, one of the biggest issue is the state of the church, the state of the people of God, how are we living in the midst of this society and how are we treating one another and treating those around us. Because long-term that's going to have an even greater effect than he who is or is not elected, 8663 for those watching for the first time on America's voice. Welcome to the line of fire broadcast. Okay my book evangelicals at the crossroads will we pass the Trump test is out now you can order it, Amazon, and you know places you order online evangelicals at the crossroads will we pass the Trump test in the opening chapter is called the enigma of Donald Trump in the quandary of evangelicals because once again, as we all know if evangelical Christians were taking a poster boy candidate to be pro-life and profamily, pro-Israel and pro-religious liberty and pro-all those things if they were picking that person. A person not look like Donald Trump. The question is was he God's choice in a strange way to fight for all those causes or is the collateral damage that is brought about in the collateral damage of our association with him to set out weigh the good. This is the great question the great debate that was interesting as my book is just out under a lot of radio interviews on different stations and Skype assume interest different things and it's really interesting because most of the shows I'm on reflect my own views and it would be similar to many of your abuses listeners and viewers, but then I'll be on some that are really, I mean radically conservative and super super Pro Trump and others that are radically liberal and super super antitrust topic and to talk it, it's like I'm speaking a different language to some of them I thought this isn't this absolutely fascinating, but where you communicate with each other so we can better understand our positions. Listen for the end of the day. We still have a difference of opinion. The question is as follows in Jesus can we love each other.

Can we walk with integrity towards each other or are we going to make a vote for president. One or the other. The dividing line. That's it.

That's if I break fellowship with you over this is that was gonna come to so I have this dialogue in in the first chapter of my book, and I'm a little back-and-forth the Trump supporter versus the Trump nonsupport, but both, the perspective of being evangelicals right 86634 the number to call so here's the Trump supporter right. Here's evangelical Trump support so he is rough around the edges. He offends people exaggerates sometimes even laws what politician does not believe the fighter's fearless is pushing back against forces that will destroy a nation effect. He's done more for evangelical causes.

In just a few years that other presidents didn't to full terms of Trump Eddie day of the week. Many of you, and you had yeah that's that's me that speaks right then and evangelical opponent of Trump says this yeah he's done a lot of good, but at what cost. Forget about his past immorality and godlessness with the issue is dangerous. Is Greg on the office of the president is been abusive and divisive is brought out the worst in us as a people, to the extent we make excuses for his behavior. We bring reproach on the gospel. They say who you're quoting here.

These are words that I'm putting in the mouths of supporters and Trump opponents, both of whom are professing followers of Jesus and conservative in their biblical and social views so these are at condensations of arguments that I that I've heard listen to interacted with for a few years now and I'm pulling down putting them out like this in the first chapter of evangelicals with crossroads. Okay, so the Trump supporter response with this is the most effective pro-life president since the Roe V Wade decision is a champion of religious liberties.

He's pushing back against aggressive LGBT activism is the best friend Israel ever had cares about some nasty tweets, you're missing the forest, the trees deponent and says yes, those are all good things very good things that will minimize them words of the power of life and death as well. His words have degraded us nationally as words of open a flood tide of hatred vote in a subdivision that's outrageous for the present United States. The most powerful man on the planet chooses office to disgrace and attack in the line of the little others we stand with him. We degrade ourselves to that in response to what we do set out the 2020 election cast a meaningless protest vote, just enough you let a radical liberal become president of chance Trump is the man for me in response. I'd rather stand on principle and compromise my convictions for the sake of lyrical expediency in the end what we gained. If the laws are changed in the courts for change, but hearts are hardened to the gospel. Maybe we would do better for radical liberals like maybe then we wake up as a church and stop putting our trust in the government. The White House response always messing that's a great idea. It kind of like not treating cancer so we can see God perform a miracle, not on my watch that some of the give-and-take.

The back-and-forth once a look at all the goodies than the others and look the damage is done this and look at these the goodies and for the Christian because healing the damage is done for the Christian because I speak to people on both sides who are absolutely passionate right now.

Let's hear from a couple of black leaders, not even coming specifically from a Christian viewpoint, but more sociological viewpoint. The first, so the most respected economists in the nation itself black 90 years old this what he said in an interview this weekend. If the election goes to Biden. There's a good chance that the Democrats will control Congress and considering the kinds of things that they're proposing that could well be the point of no return for this country to Thomas soil is is saying that the vote is a consequential that there are things that could be instituted the way of socialism and other radical causes that are so detrimental to the overall well-being of our nation so contrary to who we've been that we would not recover from that. And remember, there's no guarantee that Americans always get to be a strong, prosperous nation or free nation or superpower.

Weaving together is no guarantee showmanship over this guarantee remover that's written in ink by God telling us the future. I just read a commentary from an Orthodox Jewish rabbi from Orthodox Jewish perspective saying I never thought I'd see America go the way it's going, but it may go the way other nations and empires have gone in terms of a collapse is possible. So the possible could it be that a vote for Trump is now the last gas stop for that happening until Americans come to their senses and starts going the right direction. Could that be another wedge in the door before it slams there's a black historian Jamar to speak and speaking of black Christians.

He says this sum by Christians of lay down a marker saying that if white Christians vote for Trump in large numbers again racial relations in this country may be irreparably harmed if they've made all these gestures in the wake of George Ford's murder, only to go back to voting for man who embodies racial bigotry it will do more damage than if they had just remained silent.

So here's another black voice. Mr. Thomas Ola and he say the exact opposite in terms of the damage that will be done. If you're voting for Trump, a white person voting for Trump, then you are voting for racial bigotry and black Christians will forget that they'll just leave those churches at at and they look at why Christians differently and in others like former NFL player was Jack Brewer he at least talk about how he threw himself in totally again another black American. He threw himself in totally in support of Barack Obama and then was very disappointed in his policies and the way they worked out and felt it ended up being more divisive.

He's now strong supportive competences look at what is dunamis prison reform is help so many black Americans standing with historic black colleges has done so much good. I mean major things that that the presence done and and helping unemployment the black community and and other things that are positive and he say have a mauling for Trump. You see how divisive the issues can be here Shane Claiborne tweets. This yes Shane is is more that the left-wing evangelical side. He said I love Jesus and is precisely my love for Jesus that creates my outrage at Trump look at the things Jesus said into primitive things.

Trump says it's impossible to reconcile the two. I don't know how any Christian can defend Trump and then Pastor Robert Jeffress mega-church pastor to the right as an evangelical Christian. During the primaries and and then leading up to the elections. This is what Robert Jeffress said it in this headline the Christian post from a few years back. Christians not voting for Donald Trump of his nominee or foolish and prideful so I mean you've got these voices on exact other sides of the fence.

How do we work this out and and how do we determine to walk in unity in the Lord and seek to do good for the country. However, we can if we don't agree on the vote Donald Trump and by the way, that's why I wrote the book evangelical Crossroads health Associates the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown that he lay it out. That's what the nation needs this what I'm here to help spark, not with hatred, not with anger, not with violence God for bid with gospel principles. That's the best way to change nations yes we vote yes we get involved otherwise. But ultimately, by changing hearts and lives by changing the direction in which people are going that's how lasting change will come.

86634 going to go to the phones in a moment I want you to call in and make your best case as a Christian conservative for or against voting for Donald Trump. All right want to make a best case for that when Mark Allie, Senior editor of Christianity today published an editorial. It's got more tension than anything they'd ever done in the history of the magazine, a colleague of Mark.

Allie told me that that her directly from Mark Allie Mark Allie during impeachment hearing said Trump should be removed.

Country step down and Christianity today being a leading well-known evangelical pub publication.

This was a watershed moment massive responses overwhelmingly against galley and while I personally appreciated that he wrote it articulated some of the anti-Trump sentiments among evangelicals. I really disagreed with his reasoning and felt he fell short.

One of the most discussed articles that pushed back against Mark Allie was written by Wayne Gruden, Prof. Wayne Gruden and and he wrote a response. Trump should not be removed from office response to Mark Allie Christianity today and in the midst of it. He listed 20 was actually 19 items that that showed the accomplishments of trumpets okay here the negative tweets as nasty as the bad stuff. But here's all that he accomplished so let's look at that and let's weigh it out according to know was if you say hey, he's fighting for the life of the unborn. You think an unborn baby really cares if Trump is nasty and is tweets relied about something. If you say the baby's life or his pushback against the tyranny of China you think oppressed people in China are saying yeah but you know he's nasty so would rather that someone was not fighting for us.

Probably not a man presses evangelical super associated with him and his mistakes, hearts can we say it gets my vote, but not my soul is my present but not my Savior.

Can we say that that's the most important thing in the world is not the elections or other things more important… Report.

Let's put them in the proper context. So flip side opposite perspective in terms of the reproach and damage. The trumpets brought comes from the Los Angeles Times and I'm just looking at an editorial that says that Trump's presidency is a train wreck. Let us count the ways. And it you know they circle through arguments looking down the page. Trumpets cause thousands of children to be interned in inhumane conditions, often for months, resulting in deaths, injuries, traumatic separations from family, but accessed even rudimentary schooling is insulted and alienated the nations friends and allies, rendering the Democratic world leaderless.

He's flirted with repudiating repudiating NATO skip down these he's cozied up to right-wing nationalist dictators and autocrats scroll down these record rejected the honorable American presidential tradition of seeking unity of all you all the presidents before him. So even resort to stress from the White House, which promote policies based around internal world capital, ignorance, dishonesty, misinformation, and on and on it goes okay now. Some of your trump supporters as is all bogus assist left this fake news is an answer to. I'm just laying out the polarization that's their and may be the strongest example is, is this so the Christian post I've written probably over thousand op-ed pieces. The Christian post, among other places a Christian post put out an editorial, February 2016 a Donald Trump is a scam.

Evangelical voters should back away.

This 2016.

He's a scam they should back away. One of the men involved in editorial was that now is worth is both a PhD in history something like that and was one of the senior editors and Christian post often interacted with him and things were working on, etc. then when Mark Allie wrote his article and in his article was bashing the president. Why should be removed. Christian post response and this was to the senior editors John Granlund, Richard land, Christianity today, and the problem with Christian elitism and and they basically said the operators is off the operators based on Christian leaders and that's not really in touch with the rest of the population, like a Beltway Christianity. You could say. And here is why we should stand with Trump not Nazareth was so grieved over that that he resigned all right and has since contributed to a book, speaking of the spiritual danger Donald Trump as an evangelical now again depending who you are your outraged at one side of what I presented in total agreement with the other side. All right I understand it, but this is the reality. These are the divisions within the body right now, not just within the nation.

We understand the left and the right Democrat, Republican, and we understand those divisions. These divisions within the body.

Among evangelicals of multiple colors, races can we sort this out. I say we have to. I said we have to sort out that I want to get into a bunch more important issues with you today. But of late.

This foundation cover those material.

Let's go to the phones now and will start in Des Moines, Iowa Shane, welcome to the line of fire. Thank you Dr. Brown I like to make my case.

Donald current of the greatest president we've ever had Christian number one we look at how you stood up for our constitutional freedoms, especially religious liberty for the lives of the unborn, how he has promoted the free enterprise system that gave us the best economy in history how he has resisted socialism, which is now Marxism on the left and finally the biggest Dr. Brown the greatest supporter of Israel that is ever really never had his president. He is a chosen man before this time. Having said all that I do not consider Donald Trump a true born-again Christian and I think it's very important that we decipher that one thing is our leader. Another thing is we identify with is is a true Christian brother and I like to make one more point. Dr. Brown I have noticed and I'm a pastor myself about a church of Hispanic people and it's interesting to note that if you interview Christians if they support Donald Trump are not what you will find Christians that believe the Bible believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God will almost none of it for hundred percent Republican 99 per point something percent support Donald Trump. The cortical Christians that are against him. If you really look into their life. A belief system they do not believe in biblical inerrancy.

They want to create a Christianity according to their own their lifestyle, and I would challenge you to to do a survey on that and that's all I meant to say I really appreciate you call you another. May God continue to bless your ministry.

I thank you. Shane winged and friends will need to do is just let you when and unless I have a question I have to ask, just to let you win and not respond either way and and please please if you are on the other side. If you do not believe we should vote for Trump please: raise your voice as well.

Let's go to Bob and Mount area, Maryland. Welcome to the line of fire. Thank you Dr. Brown I have a product. German, but I'll try to describe it briefly like and imagine that you are a Christian in the first century and by some strange turn of events.

Defendant Roman Senate invite you to join the committee to pick the next Emperor.

You have two choices. Caligula who is a good administrator favors the rule of law and of the known womanizer and then you have Nero distribute breadth of the people and circuses and wrapped Christian children for and puts them in the arena for the animals. Can you imagine looking at those two choices and thing. Jesus told us to care for the poor Sangha have to go with euro or you know you didn't speak for presented Hewitt involvement in politics at present you with a specific duty. You don't look at that, if they which one of these is the closest to a model believer, you look at their policies and the word of God and you know if you go through that thought experiment per minute, and I realize there's a hyperbole unit but it has to be in order. Useful example.

Yeah there's a lot of things you expand on their right so so Bob distant to add my comment since you put in the sense of thought experiment. I appreciated and and I like like the thought behind it. So on the one hand, obviously every Christian casting a vote can find something biblical with a super voting for you know, this party strong pro-life. We think this party stronger and caring for the poor, and you could make your arguments. Accordingly, but ultimately it if we are going to vote in less it's just a principal matter for us to bring the Salem I'm just casting a vote as a protest vote or sitting this out relatively making a binary choice between two large parties leaders directions and say hey since I get to vote since I get to be part of the process. Which way do I feel is the better way to go.

What happens is the way the media pushes things in the way we can often do it. It becomes this black-and-white, you either voting for good or for evil, as well as your voting for human being it's never a perfect vote. There's never been a candidate must Jesus himself was was leaving all right and he will he will come and set up his kingdom when he returns. But other than that were choosing between imperfect candidates in an imperfect system so yeah I'd love to have someone with great moral integrity and honesty and and and Felicity to his wife and many many other characteristics as well as strong and ABCD but I may not get my ideal question is how close we come and we vote.

These are choices that we make, but hopefully we can better understand how we can come to different conclusions and still walk together in peace. Discuss the role that hates the church is right back with your call 866 number plan and and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown of your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown or if you are nasty and mean spirited people, which is opposite once good quality is better quality.

If you are making a character judgment on someone will be more important to you if you choose between the two. I raise that because some of pointed out hey you tack Donald Trump's character of resolve his failings and shortcomings and wise exaggerations nastiness on the flipside is kept his word and stood up against incredible opposition that another aspect of character my summary answer is yes to both character issues the -ones hurt the positive ones help and that's why that's the whole package we get with good and with bad 866-34-TRUTH this is Michael Brown you have tuned into the line far thanks for watching. Thanks for listening over new podcast… Welcome to the broadcast.

Those watching for the first time in America's voice.

Welcome to the broadcast. Those on Facebook.

We will consider your comments have asked you to weigh in with your views on for or against Trump as Christian conservatives watching on Facebook stand with us by clicking on the donate sign that go straight into our account to help us put up more cutting edge broadcasts or on our YouTube channel right beneath the chat boxes it $. Click on that every contribution of every size makes a difference.

So thanks for standing with us. I'm looking at some of the comments on Facebook Cindy voting for president Trump is been a man of his word. I'm thankful he stayed the course. Timothy's Trump spends like a liberal enough said. Denise Trump is only president that cares about this country.

Mike Trump is the lesser of evils. Again, this time so will have my vote. Voting for Trump is he's pro-life. I vote for pro-life candidates. Biden is not electable, etc. I've seen others say Trump is so hurt the evangelical cause.

Yes, he is appointed certain justices, but Gore such as ready disappointed us of the major ruling in who knows what to expect next. So what's the use of it. Have we sold our soul proceeded the power table. These are the arguments and again for me. Friends, here's what I want to proclaim to the whole world. Jesus is my Savior Trump is not my Savior.

Jesus is my all in all Trump is not my own little Jesus is my hope, my life my affections my desires. I belong to him. I want to please God. That's why I'm here. Donald Trump is a candidate versus Billy Clinton or Kennedy versus Joe Biden. I prefer him and his policies to the other is really is to me it boils down and it's that simple is nurture witness only if I let it hurt my witness. In other words, if you sign a likely Trump does. This is down like that either.

I agree with Jonathan that bothers me watch motor because it was this or this again my dogcatcher analogy never heard you've got Rottweilers with rabies running wild in your neighborhood and there there biting children in the playgrounds to getting infected infected and could die if you don't have a dogcatcher in your community slow community don't have a dogcatcher with two people say hey I like to I like to run for dogcatcher. One of the nicest guy on the world. I mean everybody likes never once heard him use profanity. Not once never his families is never set spoken a crossword test he's aesthetic. He's amazing. He's a wonderful man and everybody likes him.

No scandals in the no tax corruption or sexual issues or anything, but the guy could not catch a single dog if you give a nuclear bomb. The can do it if if you if you gave him thousand net send contraptions and you can catch a single dog. The other candidate is nasty mean all three of his wives divorced him and Hatem's kids don't talk to him and he's he's known to be a loudmouth and an EB piece was mining when you don't want to hear it and without profanity. But this guy will catch a dog with his bare hands and within a day will have the whole problem cleaned up pretty vote for is a dogcatcher you vote for the second guy could care about kids but you say hey I like this this this this is not according to my values and my convictions.

But as for dogcatcher, the smart prefer.

That's the choice make the here's the challenge for years, evangelical subs said character counts morality matters where the character people with a whale Bill Clinton bad evil Bill Clinton adult you know the and this one's a liar.

This weekend we once and with integrity and ultimately we do want some of integrity. But again, when it comes to making a binary choice and less. I'm not convinced the person voting for will do the things I've asked him to do, or asked her to do, which is a long folded all right to vote for the lower offices, then it it still comes down to that simple binary choice and that's that's the question but I respect people having different views. I just wanted to articulate them right 866-34-TRUTH of its go over to big mole in Raleigh. Thanks for calling the line of fire. During point counterpoint shows recorded at record a country to live out the way it really is their patient captured Alexandria rebroadcast anything yet. Number number one. Everything is immediately archived on on D2 and asked Dr. Brown sorceress document Talbot did know I wanted you one better when we're done. I want you to stay on the line for moment Howard will get your info and I want to send you a free copy of my new book evangelicals at the crossroads because I took that straight from the first chapter of my book has that you bet my joy to do it.

I will give way but today you got it. Yes, so go ahead, so your own view and go to Babylon.

Counterpoint lessons are when he came in character counts down to this character counts are problem is he has very little now in the process of getting on the gun a good job so long expected to grant was originally for me to use the mouse down the street to get down now.

He's going to this country. No is a respected military" intelligence goes some way people do because the 2011 to any position on the witness is our position include evil and evil good sees all evangelicals of the chance to explain about its obligation is the US Green I'm failing agreement, but doesn't see you at your funeral and for people living in terms of a man like this, no grantor list to know when some languages but I'm trying to teach them not to pick up in school comes out of his mouth to destruction taken by you because we need to pay closer except position I will agree with him on Christian that our president right now Scripture judgment justice systems. Interested everything he touches the court's best friend is sessions as you turn on him.

So she celebrated out to go and pick it destroys the check and balance systems with the Inspector General for the last because people are investigating him. So I think the road is on the road to destroying the very foundations and as we go for you. I live in the same in the country right now and live to fight another day as we won't have the laughing was a short dictator is really evil intention of destroying our state how it can be done is always sharp as you do everything you see that he does. If you check it is for his benefit so we can get elected is now shown to, you can get into the United States and to start from the inside at all like to invite countries like Russia, China, and all get involved with elections. You can't do that is not defending us is not defending those bad put out. The student wanted to show viewers to come out strong thing about that at all on one volume.

My best to save this country is evolutionist and our foundation to be thank you so much I thank you from winning in big mole stay right there how we can get your info so I can send you the book. In keeping with what I'm doing. I'm not pushing back either way. Regardless of which side you're taking when you call in less of a clarifying question artsy heard from big mole is obviously want to speak and get your viewpoint across. Let's go over to Justin and Grace in Georgia.

Thanks for holding welcome to the line of fire. So my question back with them about the situation I have right now I cannot hate you hang out. I'm really sorry.

I thought this was directly related to how to vote.

So stay right there on the do my best to get back to the otherwise vehicle later in the week that that would be great. I saw a question relating to biblical text about believers being unequally yoked together with unbelievers and assumed that it was about how do we vote and get involved in the political process.

All right, listen, I want to hear from a few more of you on the other side of the break so stay right here 866-34-TRUTH but this is friends. The reason we do like talk radio is because it is really important to get exposed to one of his views out of the horses mouth.

Regardless of what the positions are and both based on passionate Christian convictions. So some of you are listening to one: pulling your hair out, cheering the other next well on and then the next one you're pulling your hair out share in the other caller on cat.

Can we sit in the same room have a conversation on this and get on our knees and pray together and going to the neighborhood and share our faith physically. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown and voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86634 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown and we listen to things that reinforce what we believe. We read things that reinforce we believe we only interact with those who differ, from a distance and always in caricatured ways because that we don't have real useful conversations. That's what were seeking to cultivate here because this is the reality on the ground and his God looks down at his people on the earth. This is the reality in his family. Then you have leaders, spiritual leaders, intellectual leaders, political leaders during their analysis and saying the only way to save the country's devout trump over Bible destroy the country. We just heard someone saying vote for Trump to destroy the country vote by the save the country and an people good faith any set a single watt one again. I've I've made clear of own for Trump in 2016 and in plaintiff vote in 2020, but I am 100% 1 million% one trunk and one gazillion percent not putting my trust in the White House or the president or the political system Congress of the Supreme Court on truck put my trust in the Lord and telling everyone I know that's a believer. This is an urgent time need to get on our faces and pray and repent of her own sins, and make a difference in the communities where we live. Otherwise America. If the church doesn't wake up if if we don't see awakening and live in America, the mother whose elected next word for big trouble. I like that so I believe 866-34-TRUTH let's go over to Sarah in Iowa.

Welcome to the line of fire. What are your thoughts, Sarah, talking and calling. I'm really great. I think you are a little nervous actually. I used to admirable and I didn't appreciate my community. I pray that I have very merit assist us just the two of us talking, though it's a casual chat. So what are your thoughts who you voted for anyway. Okay okay well I did the bow and afterthought. In a perfect world I'd love for you on that bed.

I am Republican, I I would back Joe Biden. I don't ideal. They… And I do think that we need trump to get the nonprofit world here and everybody writing a combination sorry people if it occurred, the business thing and you know that and unfortunately you know I wrinkled Arcola back while it uncomfortable. He read company back like Mike Kim in the traffic down and becoming hot-blooded in all good Lord going to be hot-blooded but you know maybe going against the grain about that but needed, and happy different views and expecting upcoming in no ill caliph that I just think I'm fantastic and I'm not big political pickle compel the call because you allowed me to get you what I feel and out. First of all, it know I need the Lord.

I got it on my needing to stay north to Denver and back all the wrong people at the end of the day during think barely know how that will alert the Connecticut back and be pretty and here so not look back. For a nation we know we can get the Lord for that to happen and yet not what I want to hang out with think it is very Christian like and that bothered me personally, but that and down I don't know. I think that we get somebody that any and all I have sent.

Thank you, Sarah, and let me just say this universities president America does not need me as president of political office vote for me as a radio host, but by listening and watching and tell your friend or supporting the broadcast devotion is an author by buying and reading my books but no Americans, not the president, Michael Brown, I can assure you of that. And Nancy would precious bride would give me shouting the loud amen to that question to ask is, say, Planned Parenthood, who they want elected the abortion giant or tyrannical China who they want elected or the Islamic Republic of Iran who they want elected or the radical Marxist movements in America. Who do they want elected. This is ultimately where I come down in terms of voting, making these decisions all right. Let's go over to Charlotte, North Carolina Brian, welcome to the line of fire. If you very well thank you sir, really good paper. Pertinent background, until I quickly go ahead. I'm a little door number BR hundred leading up to now. Up until this year.

I will all you know of African-American and Christian, I would like to know what good, looking at how pertinent Trump is good up there so many thing from Christian belief. I was going all out with my you know what, that's where I got it go the direction I will go by leading up this year. Feel how he had based the adversity when the nation is seemingly being provided it is kind of annotate that for me personally in his.

If this is worth the how you shoot from the hip pocket from chronically by another time. Really really lie by and then not all support because market for up until now, with the bank this year: but when I'm talking to some supporters like this week and I had a gushing notice discussion are political) supporter when an all in and I wasn't even I'm not black lives matter ugly manner. You know two different things. I didn't get that right now but when arm went when it gets to the point when understating a point in it was just like they did to people or who were supporting level exactly how how clean in your birthday trump egg and carry himself in immediate things that nature to appraise when will all be Christian, you have to shoe in for a baby named trying) downplay that if I submit really think any any inner hurts because I am decreasing one of vote for what the Christian beliefs are not only I will very you know you get a lot more not going to do you coming on but and it hurts me to say that this one. I really don't know if I'm going to call Morton to play for who God put and death a tough choice for me to say and I know when I, hate that because it will ever get our really havego out you Brian or not. I'm in the same state as you are. We live not not that far from Charlotte so in, in point of fact, North Carolina could potentially be a close vote. If you live in California you might think out with this voting it's going to go one way clearly or some other states might feel the other way, but yet it's obviously some. You need to continue to prayerfully process you ask yourself the vote the other way would that bring things, you know what I found, though the most regrettable tube to be honest and is one of the chapters in my new book the third chapter is called have have we failed the love test and answer's yes glaringly and what what really distresses me as I have seen the never Trumper's attract the all attack the always Trumper's right and there and they're attacking the always Trumper's younger nastier this year. Maturity lies exaggerate the exact same things like that here I and that's what bothers ongoing most that that we can't say okay look, these are big issues and the direction of America's big issue, but ultimately as followers of Jesus.

Let's not kill each other in the process. Let's not savage each other in the process knowing when big Mo called in and and then shoot I did know which direction he was going to go sit here glad to send you copy the book etc. and then he he waited in the way he did. I could sit down with him and and have a meal and pray together and and talk about the Lord and moments he's expressed himself, and interact. I push back on some points get his perspective etc. but it's not to get in the way of our fellowship and it's not to say that we don't have opinions or viewpoints or convictions, but is to say that we we don't we don't become the thing we hate you know and and and as I see, for example, making the same distinction you do in my way of simply saying is black lives do matter, but I differ with the BLM organization so went when you see the hatred that gets generated like racism as I can drive out racism. You know that there'll… You can quote the darkness can't drive out darkness so in all this we need to step are and it's great that Brian's last call because he's stuck in between and trying to get wisdom seltzer Brian way the big issues and think things through and then and then come true clues to what, let's get away one more book Howard grabbed Brian's mailing address.

If you can, Howard.

Let's grab that I want to send you a copy of evangelicals at the crossroads friends.

If you haven't ordered the book yet you can do so on Amazon on our website evangelicals at the crossroads will we pass the trump test. I think you'll find it really, really helpful. We lay out all the arguments both ways and then say here so we can vote, but more importantly here's how we should live