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Wake's no-win situation

The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham
The Cross Radio
April 16, 2020 6:01 pm

Wake's no-win situation

The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham

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April 16, 2020 6:01 pm

On this edition of The Drive with Josh Graham Daron Vaught joins to pick out the Imagine Dragons of Baseball on the Dodgers, Adam Gold gives his opinion on the G-League pathway, and Josh's NFL Mock draft.

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This is dry when Josh Graham drive. This support is on social media: the Brown made it official last night you would be departing weight warrants and without him in Winston-Salem, John Curry.

He's in a no-win position. Background he once told us that you're either selling hope for your selling success long before he showed signs of becoming a Hall of Fame coaching out is Mac went one intent. His first two years in Chapel Hill, but during those years without on the field results to lean on. He had his bosses and the donors convinced he was setting the foundation for something successful long term.

Eddie was right. Charlie Brown's departure takes away any hope of a successful basketball season next year for the Demon deacons. I really don't care who the coach is this roster doesn't consist of any players that right now I think could start for another ACC team.

So while it's good they bring in a Jew go or I guess it's just a transfer from Houston Baptist. In the end of blotto average 19 points a game over there. I doubt as a secondary scoring option.

He's good to have similar success in the ACC. It's good news. Wake Forest today Lance a transfer from Virginia Tech former Mount Tabor stand out. Isaiah Wilkins bought guy was averaging what five points a game last year Virginia Tech has two years of remaining two years of eligibility remaining. But this team I don't see one guy other than Olivier Saar who be starting for any other ACC team and I'm not convinced Olivier after being 1/3 team all ACC guy with a high upside.

He's not to put his name into the draft considering it's a thinner draft or he's gonna say much like John Dewey. I have one year left of eligibility here.

I'm going to transfer somewhere I can play in the NCAA tournament. Since I've never done so before. So John Curry, he's in a can't win situation. Nowhere near if you fire Danny Manning.

It's going to be awful. PR you got pay cuts all over the place.

Curry himself imposing a 10% pay cut big closet, a 10% pay cut all the other Wake Forest coaches taken a pay cut. Then you're going to fire Danny and by amount. Oh, and at the same time hire somebody else. I was reading that last week, 5 million more people in the United States became unemployed file for unemployment. That's about 22 million filing for unemployment and you're going to fire somebody and pay out $15 million agreed to do so. Of course it's not happening right now but you're going to extensively pay that some now during a national, international global pandemic.

That's not to be a good look.

There's no chance of success to sell for next year.

I'm somebody who was hopeful Johnny was on the roster.

If Olivier was on the roster. I thought this to be a team that could make the tournament like the 2017 team. I thought that was something that could happen without jaunty. There's no chance of that. You can't sell hope for next year and there's no way you could really sell hope with Danny as the coach, so my prediction is that Curry is going to make a change off Manning I think it's something he wants to do. I don't have any inside information on this Curry. He's kept very close to the vest.

As we discussed on the show sticking with him.

It would be just too damaging to attendance next year the attendance model. I mean, it's already bad, considering what we saw this past year it's going to get worse of Danny's the coach. I just can't foresee that happening.

It's all about the details they are going to iron something out there going to buy out Danny Manning. I don't know if it's going to be 15 mill. I don't know the rest of the details privy to Danny's contract because they don't talk about contracts, but I believe John Curry has a plan and I'd be surprised if he's not moving off of Danny.

At this point because you can't sell on the field. Success if he was going to keep them around. He would've already said so since he hasn't. He either wants to move off of them and can't wanted to do it already included or he's going to do it and has a plan in place.

You could tweak the show at sports of dryer 336-777-1600 if your Wake Forest basketball fan, I'm interested in what you think about this predicament. John Curry is in at the moment the NFL draft is one week away, and Robert, I have the three best outcomes for Carolina at number seven. The three best outcomes and I think the one that's most obvious would be if Tula felt a number set if Tula felt a seven Carolina races to the podium to pick would be immediately Carolina going with the quarterback from Bama piece.

The closest comp to Drew breeze.

We've seen come out the most accurate passer I've ever seen as a prospect Drew breeze worked with Joe Brady. It just seems like it would be a ready-made fit. You wont have to worry about draft position for the next handful of years to would be the franchise quarterback and he would be given time to develop behind Teddy Bridgewater Isaiah Simmons would be the next best outcome for Carolina if Simmons felt the seven Carolina has so many holes on defense D line secondary linebacker losing Luke typically Simmons he can fill so many different holes he could do so much on the defensive side of the ball, he can rush the passer. He could fill running goals.

He is excellent in pass defense sound like somebody else you know quickly. His big deal. It's intelligence I've compared him to Peyton Manning. He's the closest thing I've seen on defense to a Peyton Manning level player who can figure things out. Know what the play is going to be ahead of time read passes pick off quarterbacks left and right. Isaiah Simmons he would be the perfect replacement the Keithley even though I understand he would be playing more of an outside backer versus an inside back great in past events can fill the Ron I've seen him in person many times or maybe I'm biased of that but Isaiah Simmons that would be an ideal pick for Carolina and the third option. The third outcome that I think would be one of the three best trading down trade out of the pick. If Herbert felt a seven maybe the Las Vegas raters say we want to trade up and taken and Bill give you both their pics between 10 and 20, maybe you get added first-round value. If there's a Herbert or Jordan love that somebody wants the trade up and take a chance on tray back because there's a lot of good defensive line talent. There's a lot of guys you can grab if you want to go secondary in the first round, maybe a tray back five spots. Take CJ Henderson who was just a speedster out of Florida that there are a lot of options if you trade down.

I think that would be the third best scenario because of your trading down. That's also because people see players that they want to trade up and grab. Let's go to Mike Elkin who wants in on Wake Forest basketball Mike what you make of the current dynamic that I call no win situation for John Curry if he lets Danny Manning go it's going to be awful. PR during the global pandemic if he keeps him mad. That's gonna look pretty bad too and no one's going to show up. The way basketball games next or what you think Mike I agree with both of those but I was convinced when I heard last night that Chante would be back for spring year. That's it. Danny going to be let go. He hasn't promised her coach. I may have a greater Curry supposedly going to speak with some of the reporters when decisions made hasn't talked to them yet looking for a lab in my opinion. Try to let go of Danny without having to break the bank.

I don't know who they will be able to get for a new coach if they didn't fire Danny because of the money being paid out. They may have to keep one of the assistance in promoting as an interim per year. Until maybe the economic situation gets better yet, thanks for the call Mike you're quite well. I think I think what's interesting would be if your Wake Forest basketball fan and it's not economically feasible to hire a new basketball coach at the moment. Randall Childress is on staff like if Danny Manning was let go and they promoted Randolph Childress and said hey this is good to be the coach for just one year.

Are you not excited to see what Randolph could do. I was excited to see Timmy D. Go to for the hope for the Spurs that one time in Charlotte. I'm not saying that's going to happen.

I haven't heard anything about Curry speaking to reporters. Believe me, that would be something I hear about. We've reached out to his office numerous times and we've been told that they would politely that they will politely decline an interview at this time I get it. You don't want to answer the questions because you don't have answers to it right now. That's what you tell somebody who's doing an interview in Raleigh different Chris Lee hey I don't of yesterday think of how basketball it's because something is going on Johnny Brown last week.

He tweets hey Danny Manning's going to be back at work in a way that Wake Forest together.

He's our coach.

Now that tweets deleted and Chante is leaving way something is going on behind the scenes that we don't know about and we will get answers over the next few weeks we just don't have a lot of them. This moment there is lots to join us in over 15 minutes little over 15 minutes. As we have a throwback Thursday baseball segment today.

It's going to be the loss Angeles Dodgers but were were thrilled about the Michael series that's gonna launch on Sunday.

The last dance and coming up in the spirit of that out to you why there will never be another team that's more popular and more universally beloved, then the 90 Chicago Bulls. This is the drive really appreciates you listening and thanks you from the bottom of his twisted little congratulations one over a complete imbecile drive with Josh grandma's Pforzheim triad. Humans were never going to see again team that is universally beloved is the 90 Chicago Bulls were I think a lot of that has to do with social media, 20, 25 years ago it was possible to have a president that left office with a high approval rating today in the age of social media.

It doesn't matter if your God Almighty walking out of office. You can't do everything and you're going to be criticized for some of the things you don't do. You're going to be nitpick that sets us up, and that's bound to happen and I don't think there's a team that's that ever escapes unscathed. A release hasn't over the last 10 to 15 years. With the advent of Facebook and twitter and the proliferation of the Internet.

Think about it Golden State. There's no reason why you should really dislike the way they play basketball stuff Curry is so likable. He looks like a cartoon kids character and he plays like it is relatable. He's fun.

He's got a fun wife. He is great on twitter Clay Thompson I just saw the highlight from something I haven't watched in years. Yesterday where he scored 60 points and only dribbled the basketball in that game. 11 times. Think about that one. 11 dribbles 60 points for Clay Thompson and again dream on green. He could be colorfully could be polarizing in the same way Dennis Rodman was fun and polarizing. Maybe not in the same way as the worm, but you kinda get what I'm talking about here.

I think it Golden State played in the 90s. They would be seen as the most beloved team out there, but since the Chicago Bulls played in that time. Instead they were that team.

No other team paralleled their greatness, not Utah, not the rockets. They won those two years, but they didn't face MJ. He was out playing baseball. We are drawn the greatness we follow greatness. There's a reason why when Kentucky when Duke when North Carolina when cancer playing in the final four ratings go up when VCU plays Butler when Butler goes up against Yukon and that championship game. You get the lowest ratings of a championship game in years.

We like watching greatness. Duke great Carolina great Kansas great Chicago Bulls great Alabama. They draw ratings that contract the SEC just agreed to with ABC and ESPN they get.

That's not really the SEC contract. It's the right to carry Alabama games contract the Chicago Bulls.

They appeal to every body in the Eastern conference.

They played the Knicks they played the Pacers. You are relating to those in the big seat cities in the East you're playing a hard-nosed style of basketball they could pound it in the post. They had Dennis Robin blocking shot Scottie Pippen he can be physical, Michael Jordan, just a very versatile tough player talk trash gritty. It fit that era beforehand checks of the MBA but also if you're watching out West.

Their flashing they have stars and I think it's important that they played in the city of Chicago. So there right there in the middle of the country so people could relate to a team that's closer to home.

Then if the Bulls played, or if Michael Jordan in this team played closer to one of the coats. I think all that matters. Michael Jordan, he was seen to be one of the coolest athletes is a lot cooler than the Braun is a lot like you don't see MJ posting posting tick-tock videos that look like did you ever see Michael Jordan posting a tick-tock video with these kids. I'm not knocking Lebron for doing so. I'm saying Lebron's not as cool as Mike is. There's an element of curiosity of missed mystery with Michael the same way.

There was mystery with David Bowie prints other cool stars. Michael was that, but with social media. The wires they add Kd they become villains Mike Lebron James is a TV show chooses to go play for the Miami Heat. He's a villain you have several great teams, several great players that you could argue the great player of the time they get pitted against each other and you have to pick side nobody's picking sides in the 90s, nobody say, oh, Charles Barclays better than no. By the time he got to the mid-90s magic he was gone so was Larry Bird. So was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar so there was nobody who you can put side-by-side with Jordan and no team. You could put side-by-side with the balls so I don't know for to see something that level of dominance in the NBA again and it's not to be as long-standing as the Bulls dominance with six titles Golden State it looked like it would be that way but they went to five finals and they only won three of and I thought that went a lot longer than I thought, what you had to add one of the best players in the NBA. Halfway through, just to keep it going. The next few years. Social media is not going to allow for another team to be as beloved or as popular as the Chicago Bulls were in the 1990s there monster to join us in 10 minutes. Sharon with Darren Roback Thursday baseball over to find the imagine dragons of the LA Dodgers. Robert walls producing the show. Aaron Gabriel in the control room as well. Big news today in college basketball and really this is pro basketball news. It's a few big ticket ESPN top 100 players deciding against playing college basketball but not going overseas. Like Emmanuel Moody.

I did like the kid did last year, whose name slips my mind, but instead going the G league route jailing green is the ESPN 100 number one prospect and he decided that he was going to take a leap into the re-shaped MBA professional pathway program at the G league initiative to pay athletes $500,000 plus it's a one-year development program. There's media responsibilities for a guy like jailing green involved as well that will push things closer to $1 million summer say this is for college basketball this day didn't make a move and now the G legs going to take their good luck getting people to get charged up about Canton going head-to-head with the Rio Grande. Good luck with that one was it. I like the Julie were good friends with the folks at the Greensboro swarm Joe Walsh to be our guest of the Morrow show.

However, these things can coexist. People are but NBA draft snobs hard-core MBA fad, they're gonna want to see where these prospects are people follow mellow ball when the ball family did the Facebook live show people are going to follow jailing green it's gonna happen.

However, the one Don is going to be abolished in the next few years of a guy like Dale great he's jumping to the NBA anyone is not going straight into the Julie.

The truth of the matter is, nobody talks about this college basketball does provide things for these kids.

They do Zion Williamson gets the massive shoe deal becomes a household name where you only have to say the name Zion and everybody knows you're talking about because of Instagram because he played it Duke because he was on SportsCenter every night. I will jailing green is good to be on SportsCenter every night because he's playing for this California G league team that's being created so pump the brakes before you say that this is it for college basketball because handful of prospects who probably would be jumping to the MBA straight out of high school. If this happened two years from now decide that there go to spend a year in the G league exposure existing college basketball.

They have the lucrative TV deals they have the multibillion-dollar March madness product product. They have the brackets, which means they have a chance to give athletes enough recognition enough exposure to elevate drafts.more than you would playing in the G league and also it massive endorsement deals in a way that these G league athletes likely are going to get either just charges me up bad when people say that college basketball. These guys are leaving to go play G league ball that's going to the be be the end of the sport.

I spent long-standing decade after decade after decade and survived a lot worse than this, including a bribery scandal in New York with their champions. They survived that they can survive this. Yes Rob, I agree with you that it's knocking to be the end of college basketball but on the other end that the Julie is a good place for players to go if they do want to play and they do want to get paid for it. I think it's great I'm to the Greensboro swarm. What a great I'm interested the Astro wolf about this tomorrow.

Yeah. So this could've been a purely financial decision. I sold a lot of different numbers come out for him, but all of them way more money than he would make playing college basket now basketball needs to adapt it needs to change it is to allow for guys to do endorsement deals while they're in school were sure.

But the idea that they need to model things into paying athletes directly.

I don't buy that.

Yet I'm I'm not going that far yet) Vaught USA baseball are good friend joins us every single week.

One of my favorite segments, something I look forward to there a lot of baseball fans out there, even though it all the major league baseball team in North Carolina.

Baseball is just so big in this day I miss going to hoppers games are going to watch the Winston-Salem already, last week it would have been opening-day. It's Thursday summer catalyst off Roback Thursday Dodgers as we start Sharon with Darren next body is in your other drive.

Josh is safe we are.

Sharon with Darren Raab from the data going show we like getting nostalgic with baseball and since the Dodgers had one of the more interesting offseasons bringing in Mookie Batts bringing in David Price as well as a part of that deal. Also yesterday, being the anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking major-league baseball's color barrier.

It just feels right that the Dodgers be the team that we do today in our segment that you can play along with the imagine dragons of the Dodgers on Twitter at sports hub triad Darren you and I were talking earlier today about the Dodgers specifically and they're the team that has I think the most to lose this year.

If the season is shortened or God forbid, cancel yeah no doubt about it. I think they permit strictly follow standpoint are suffering the boat with the game did not currently being played. Remember Mookie Beth is in a contract year. So he essentially was a rental coming into the season and at the Capri talent and all of major-league baseball team that notoriously has failed to get over the hump the past few years. This was supposed to be there year and it's all come to a screeching halt. I can imagine someone listening to the Dodgers fan what what you're thinking and going through is the season it turns out, might not be played a role to cheer those people up we will play the imagine dragons of the LA Dodgers major-league baseball Johnny Estrada my top 50 best players. This is the imagine dragons of 2010 I feel a responsibility to explain this every single week the Nickelback's of the 2000 were essentially the idea was when I look at for the most memorable looking for the best guys the most talented players. The chipper Jones is of the world. The Alex Rodriguez is now we just what the memorable guys because we get nostalgic about old baseball names like Brian Roberts or Jay Gibbons, an Orioles fan doesn't be Nickelback's not imagine dragons there is not out there so we thought okay what's a band that fit that category. Trying to people an idea what we want poets Nickelback decade just ended the imagine dragons. I think are the last decades Nickelback so give me the most memorable LA Dodgers of the last decade. Not the best guys there give me a list of guys that do not belong on this list of people.

Don't send us on Twitter the wrong kind of player Clayton Kershaw heard for both not belong on the probably got week, I would.

I would maybe fight you. We go to was Gord Ellensburg Turner.

I don't want Adrian Gonzalez. I don't think belongs. If your MVP candidate. I'd say Matt doesn't belong either exact ranking got over that I think that Violet and Tenley Janssen. He was the best closer for a two year stretch. I don't think he applies it also a little bit too young. Here's a question I have for you. We need to establish for the rest of this game can rate to thousands players that were too good to be Nickelback be imagine dragons as older players. I think they care, and I've got the top guy on my lip that a flight was bringing this up on three.

I was thinking Jimmy Rollins that that's another thing. We did this with the Nickelback. I don't Rollins.yeah I don't think he applies either the same thing for Heron and back to play there long enough. Carl Crawford though provided with and I'll throw one more in this category takes up don't pressure okay narrative Robert the top one on my list is Ya's money ran down. I like it okay I like John's monogram down. I do give me a picture on your list a picture I have Chad filling Pat Billingsley.

He's borderline Nickelback right there with like Rod Barajas or James Loney but counted out counter go early 20 2012 mediocre reliever for the daughter counter with Rich Hill who Rich Hill better than Alex would yeah it would, and it was really doing what he did that so you little good but doesn't quite apply.

You got easier and the ones I had written down is? Right next to how we Kendrick MD Gordon oh, I like okay well's will need to be added to the less I got two more names.

I've got one that I think we cannot go without. With the second person on my list of Raleigh position player and put it behind on your first baseman James Loney.

I put them in the Nickelback category, but yeah Loney because I yeah he's an old player. How do you feel about Brandon McCarthy rule yet likable guy on Twitter but also a pretty good reliever but that is also why more memorable thing because it is Twitter credit. I think that plays a factor.

The last name I got is Jock peters and Juan Uribe are what they were doing before one all right die and Uribe close us out give me the next best one on your list who like this one because it was an older version of God probably would've been the Nickelback as well. Here is how the great one to finish up with Darren. It's good to hear your voice stay safe my friend how things go with with our good friend Michael Dyer on the USA baseball pot. Yet we drop that episode yesterday available on Apple product. Product by product out wherever you then begin covering the bucket with a baseball. He and I were on the phone for over an hour. I think in total.

The episode is just over an hour like 101 in length and he was off. Did you mention to him that he's a Nickelback I.

And he liked my case and in the interview, but while I had it on the phone I explained to the segment we could begin very very hard to do and not be long-winded get you to understand how he might be a Nickelback but would be too good to be imagine track because of course both of his authority. His work had 2010 dirtied in a batting ship in 2013 so you'd like the idea that even Nickelback, but too good to be in a bad good stuff down to like what that's Darren Vaught. I have a simple question to ask you guys something I've been thinking about all week address could be virtual Roberts can continue playing cuts here Roger Caddell he's gonna be announcing the pics from his closet or from his basement, not from his closet.

What do you think Caddell's basement looks like. I was probably swanky always late. Oh yeah, it's a slight granite countertops with the in the basement. Oh yeah Betsy looks like a library black leather mom mahogany well there you go there you go, was like a decanter on a nice silver tray was some good thick crystal glasses and LEDs don't do this right we can't have a backdrop. I don't want to have a backdrop. I don't want them to have a banner I want to see us. I want to see a bookshelf maybe a pet running around has to be like a white cat as if he is a super villain that he just turns his chair around, stroking a white cat when he announces each is expected to be where a person like a link could sleep. I do see him allowing fans the poem is good to be some opportunity there.

Yeah let random fans join the Zoom call Jessica Bunuel at the Carolina Panthers every single team is having to fans. Be a part of the broadcaster when the team picks a player pans to these two people what opportunity there all light of the national television, I would moon the camera so quick in Ravenswood would disown me as a fan because very first thing I would just moan it so quick. People I know who have met Caddell they say he so different than he seems on camera.

And that is actually a really likable guy. The image of him being the shield and all that the owners want them to be the owners wanted to be a meat shield out there protecting them from criticism.

I am hopeful about the draft week from the day I really am the way I looking to Dale is he's like one of Adam Sandler's friends of Billy Madison is just going along for the ride man, let's it lets Adam Sandler tell him whatever to do nor McDonald exactly he's like, hey man, or is Mr. Penguin the I knew the magazine this morning What gives me hope.

John Curry will fix the white basketball program you're on the drive. No mercy, no fear, you're on the drive with Josh Graham. Robert just notified me he has big big breaking news that is not to bring us right now, but in 15 minutes he's not kidding around, though it is national news and he wanted me to emphasize he's not hitting for a minute will get to that, Adam.

Gold early afternoon hose now joining us and I'm looking at the NFL draft be in one week away and all I am thinking about right now I probably should have better things on my mind but Roger Caddell what do you think is basement looks like all it cluttered. I'm sure you got a lot of old magazines, probably from old boys like magazine.

I would like reader so sure he got the highlight I was the search for the object hidden object. We love those country got a lot of tablet that the news last night on the brown he officially announces he's going to be leaving Wake Forest.

He says okay I'm in a go through the NBA draft process and as Danny Manning told us last week but that's not much of a surprise. The surprising part was in sync yeah if I decide to return the college I'm going to enter the transfer portal. I think this presents a no-win situation for John Curry if he wants to make a change. It's good to be a bad PR look, if he does so if he keeps Danny well it was already the worst attendance we seen in the in a year at the Joel Coliseum ever. I don't know how much further that can go down in your mind what's a worse look or wait buying out Danny in the next month or keeping him yet another year. Now that this team can't win without John the on the roster will transfer it back to work right. Yeah, I guess Mount Tabor Five Points again your or not I actually thought about that earlier today and Mike, my feeling is that time to move on from Danny will probably have bait on the current client probably not as much willing buyout money. You don't know everything look like come the fall anyway so I think it's a ride with Danny Manning type year because to be perfectly honest like that. There's John Curry, who sat in our studio all water. How many months ago when he first got the job he was doing cut of the rubber chicken tour.

He's a smart dude he gets it. He knows this is going to be a financial vision for the University will attendance be bad there that yeah is always better collected that continent and that's what right now what Danny Manning got too many fire too much player attrition.

Too many guys who really have no business going to the NBA draft going through it and then transferring cake. It got good enough player the finish line.

How many transferred in the Manning Eric I think you like where's Terrel Moore going where is the glue going to get drafted last year's finest run right Junior transfers output 20 Brown and these other guys were meaningful players.

I mean it just that that's gonna be what defines Danny know yet will again I get back to the fact that it got you recruited your work required and then they leave.

Not like what goes on at times the two would like and Alex O'Connell, or any OSHA letter you got you, you go to the product guide they don't get on the cordoned off the plane time issue. I mean 20 Brown was a three-year starter playing time issue now was playing time issue with the other guy that there's a disconnect somewhere. When enough players that they players they have not argued that talent there to be a better team in the Winlock talk that they just haven't been able to do it. I will pay for years that will be time to move on. Danny but to find the climate is not allowed to do it.

I don't think right now with this year the atom gold show new the three right here in sports on Fridays on Twitter at a cold fan so a lot of people I've already seen think pieces posted somehow it's happened in just two or three hours that the G league. They now bring in the ESPN number one prospect of the 2020 classic kid that was once committed to Michigan as a five-star he's now going to be going into the G league as well. In this re-vamp path for high school prospects.

A one-year developmental program in the G league summer handwringing and saying this is going to be part of the end for college basketball. This is a real issue.

On the other end of it. While the wanted duns get a B abolished in the next few years and college basketball there always benefits to the guys who end up playing in terms of exposure, and other elements BNI L legislation is being considered and that supposed to be. Suggestions are supposed to be brought up in the next month or so and hopefully enacted next year might change things as well. How significant do you believe this headline to be and how big of a problem is it for college basketball. I had it. There are no good, and I include the white required are not going to a better situation than they would deal with in college basketball College basketball is better for them to develop flight to Chile G league. You guys will both be playing again. Grown men who are desperately trying to make a career for themselves in pro basketball but this is not a first-year problem. I've been saying this for years and I've been told that I was right college game has created a climate that, for whatever reason, is not friendly to obvious one-year plate. I'll go back to Adam Silver when they made the announcement that they were going to get rid of the one year to one year waiting rule when he said the college game doesn't seem to want these players job thing in the history of sports. If the college game doesn't want great talented players, most of whom by the way Diane Williamson was a good you're creating a situation when you guys are welcome and there sort of blamed for the problem of the sport walk one euro players. It is logical to want to hear waiting. But it was fought by the players Association mellow yellow ball with the Australian RJ at the same thing. There are kids who have decided I don't want to play in college and go overseas differ greatly from with academic, but for the most part I don't have to go to I get money if the college game got off their rear ends and understood main image and likeness. The real open market for players like this was beneficial to their own game. This would this would cease to be a. Problem except for the kids who are academically eligible and that's okay you have to go to school, screw this up from the start by being very nearsighted and this is where we are going to get work better and have more and more players each year who opt to go elsewhere but the college to talk to Danny 21 dockets excuse me next hour about this particular issue. Also, you'll share some Michael Jordan stories as well. Going head-to-head with them. In the early 1980s atom gold with us early afternoon hose from the atom gold show let's go. An anonymous NFL scout said offense of lineman type back up Becton, who played Louisville quote loves to cook and eat more than football, so I simply ask you what's more important to Adam gold radio or food well worn, so we we we understand that but if one question really course cooking. Our are more for confident radio show the height of being overly football when that is the take away that Becton like the cook you just push a cart man. Yeah I think that's that's pretty good analysis there. He pushed the car the conversation Rob had breaking the national level and you and I can BS about whatever.

I think it's Fox football now this breaking news is going to be brought to Robert says it's big breaking news and see you just want to get to it right now. Sure Robert has his big breaking news. What exactly do you have here are a big breaking news. I know you guys have been waiting on it long enough. I don't want to drag this out any longer that I'm knocking to keep you waiting. Not one second more for this breaking certainly not 1/2 you have to keep as well. Not at all. It's big news.

The cat that interrupted the Giants and Cowboys game last year has been adopted and signed the San Diego scratching post guys. I am ecstatic huge sounds absolutely sure now that that's massive active score. Got it. I will look forward to hearing you tomorrow, Adam and hopefully this breaking news doesn't completely up and what you have planned tomorrow while I'm going to call Tony the Tiger for expert analysis tomorrow so that'll be on yet. We got Jill exotic to add just a little, but that's that's Adam gold is on Twitter at a cold fan.

It's excellent stuff is always noon to three. You can listen to the atom gold show right here on sports triad. Are you sure Shafter didn't scoop you they did not scoop me, but I have more breaking news Josh, this is unfortunately one sack don't don't bring the breaking news to me. Do you have more breaking news that we can bring later yeah I can. I can hold off it's okay it's it's usually we gotta pay the bills around here. Robert, we only have so much time for breaking news. Robert has more breaking news apparently is a big big breaking you all my gosh on top of that, three realistic homerun scenarios for the Carolina Panthers at number seven in next week's draft. This is the Drive Dr., Josh Gray. We are one week away from the grass and when the team you covered closely because it makes layoff has a confident, you naturally become a draft expert mentioned in our case college sports are huge around here, so I already have an opinion on most of these guys anyway Johnny Dawkins he's going to share Michael Jordan stories with us in 15 minutes. Okay with trades included. I have Ma, the first 10 pics of the draft. I reserve the right to adjust a few things if need be next Thursday afternoon, bought I've given this a lot of thought, so I don't expect that to happen. Let's dive right in since everybody seems to have a mock draft Josh Graham wants a part of the action Josh predicts the top 10 pics of the 2020s Cincinnati clock and this is the most easy selection Joe were always going to be the number one pick to the Cincinnati Bengals. He's the safest thing a quarterback no injuries with them Ohio.

Best case is Aaron Rodgers.

Worst case, these Tony Romo so Cincinnati is going to get a good quarterback with borough now on the clock the Washington Redskins with the number two in fact, Chase Youngs, the guy Ron Rivera has always had the best player available mentality as important as needs or when you're picking in the top five. It's always about trying to find a guy you think you to be a future Hall of Famer sliding across Dave Gettleman's pick of sake one Barclay number two I'm knocking to knock anybody you get somebody who you could deem to be a future Hall of Famer Chase Young is that Ron draft a lot of defensive players defensive minded coach Young is the perfect at number two, number three, the Detroit Lions same mentality as the Redskins best player available, it's Jeff Okuda. They have a lot of needs, including corner so I think they'll have no issue taking Okuda. They might feel some trade calls but I think in the end they will stay at the pics go best player available.

Somebody was going to be in the league for a very long time you're facing Aaron Rodgers the next hatful years.

You need somebody who can lock up guys one on one Okuda can do that out of Ohio State, number four, we got our first tray on the clot in the place of the New York Giants.

It's the LA Chargers moving in front of the Dolphins to select to wide to what over Herbert. I think there's a lot more tape one to be an excellent is easier to evaluate players in the SEC when they're facing NFL talent and on top of that the charges they need to start quarterback they need to sell hope to their nonexistent fan base in Los Angeles to does that. I think there's no pressure on him coming off an injury to play early on with Rod Taylor. There was the pick and the Chargers are moving into the poor spot where the Giants were in order to make it to a selection number five, the Miami dolphin they go quarterback they go just in Herbert. I believe all along that Dave valued Herbert more than two just because you don't get a chance to put your hands on Miami 13 if they wanted to they could drive up and be there for a workout with two they can't fly there's a way you could do so safely. No reports out there say that the Dolphins have met with two in person. I think they will be perfectly okay going with Herbert at number five so the Chargers trade up to take two at four Dolphins have their guy quarterback at number five Oregon quarterback Justin Herbert, the Giants are now in the clock at number six. Dave Gettleman's probably thinking okay the Chargers are trying to quarterback here. Odds are working to be able to get either the offense of tackle that we want for Isaiah Simmons in this spot.

I think the Giants go with a hard Molly. If I know anything about Dave Gettleman. He loves his big dudes interested in worse is a versatile, athletic offense of lineman that's for sure that things are going to find in the draft-I haven't felt this confident about an offense of lineman since Quentin Nelson who is now one of the best in the league for the Indianapolis Colts. Kristin worse, not Isaiah Simmons is the pick at number six for the Giants to protect their quarterback. They drafted last year protect sake one Barclay. They took two years ago.

It's gonna be worse which means Carolina raises to the podium, Clemson linebacker, Isaiah Simmons falling to Carolina. They need a defensive player. He's good at mechanically successor, very smart guy. Great system great in pass coverage. I think it's a great fit. Versatile player to they have so many needs on defense.

So this is going to be the guy they build around and it's good to be a good look to have KK sure on the defensive line Simmons at the next level with Jack Thompson or you just gave a lot of money to and Dante Jackson is somebody the Panthers like in the secondary. It's a great building peace Carolina needs to go defense. I think Simmons is the guy number eight the Arizona Cardinals on the clock. I don't by the report that general managers are concerned McKay Becton, the office of lineman out of Louisville enjoys cooking and eating more than football. That is an example of draft day for draft weeks spin the Cardinals they're going to get an office of lineman to protect their investment in Kyler Murray already traded the bring in DeAndre Hopkins. They have players that really should magnify this offense, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't protect Tyler. They're going to do that with the office of tackle out of Louisville.

McKay Becton think is number nine. The Jacksonville Jaguars go wide receiver CD layout. It's one of my strongest draft convictions that Lamb is the best receiver in this draft as a political floater.

I charted wide receivers every single week and Lamb. I think he's more diverse as a receiver. Then Judy is a better filled did more because he needed to with Oklahoma. It wasn't the ideal situation, or at least not as ideal as it was for Judy and Alabama alongside rugs who is just a burner divide, they spread throughout upon the clutch catches in college Ann Taylor models of rate return man. I think they go Lamb because past history has shown us the Jaguars they lean on guys in the big 12, including former political off winning wide receiver Dede Westbrook is been productive in Jacksonville so I think they go back to the Oklahoma well CD Lamb is the first wide receiver off the board at number nine and rounding out my top 10 picks in next week's NFL draft Cleveland Browns so like offense of lineman Shedrick wills out of Alabama. I just think he is a little bit more upside than Thomas.

I've heard interviews with wills and peace, and entertaining guy. Great story. He dealt with more bruisers than anybody you're gonna find SEC guys generally do that plot a great Alabama office of lineman translating to the process of judgment wills to the Cleveland Browns by number 10 picks for the recap things really quickly. Joe burrowed to the Bengals number one Chase Young to the Redskins number two Jeff Okuda the corner out of Ohio State to Detroit. Number three, a trade since the Chargers from number six to number four in the place of the Giants. They take their quarterback until Justin Herbert to the Dolphins at number five.

Kristin worse might be the biggest surprise pick of the top 10. The Giants go with him go with the hard Molly Dave Gettleman loves the hard Molly pics that it number six over Isaiah Simmons the Panthers race to the podium to take Simmons at seven McKay Becton offensive lineman out of Louisville is now protecting Kyler Murray's blindside Jacksonville takes the first wide receiver.

That being CD Lamb and Shedrick wills out of Alabama want to goes to Cleveland as the rounds they have a ton of weapons and now they need to protect Bill Baker of speaking of the rounds turns out mousses reporting at WFAN and New York might not have been very accurate because Adam Shafter and others have now reported that OBJ is not even on the block and no conversations had taken place between the Browns and the bike just doesn't make any sense.

The Vikings they had the font digs there. He was a headache.

They got rid of delay of Adam feeling they didn't needs to font digs.

Why bring in a receiver is a bigger headache.

If OBJ isn't happy in Cleveland. What makes you think he's going to be happy in Minneapolis and also he has a $14 million salary. The Vikings only have $12 billion in Space they select the pale. These rookies there about the draft so none of it made any sense, and that's why I'm surprised I'm not surprise the reporting was debunked earlier today by Shafter and others okay for the blue Devil great Johnny Dawkins is going to share Michael Jordan stories with us next on the drive