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1310. Are You Available? Part 2

The Daily Platform / Bob Jones University
The Cross Radio
August 5, 2022 7:00 pm

1310. Are You Available? Part 2

The Daily Platform / Bob Jones University

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August 5, 2022 7:00 pm

Evangelist Aaron Coffey concludes a two-part chapel message entitled “Are You Available?”

The post 1310. Are You Available? Part 2 appeared first on THE DAILY PLATFORM.

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Welcome to The Daily Platform from Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. The school was founded in 1927. The evangelist Dr. Bob Jones Senior's intent was to make a school where Christ would be the center of everything, so he established daily chapel services today. That tradition continues with fervent biblical preaching from the University Chapel platform today on The Daily Platform were continuing a message from evangelist Aaron coffee, which was preached at an evangelistic service at Bob Jones University. Aaron graduated from BJ you and traveled with the Steve Pettit evangelistic team in the early 2000's and this was before Dr. Pettit became president of Bob Jones University today. Aaron leads his own evangelistic team that ministers to Christians all around the United States. Yesterday we left off where Aaron was teaching about God's graciousness to us even when we do not trust. I'm so thankful that God is long-suffering like he was with Moses. I mean I mean God had every right to say what Moses had been wrestling here with you for a few minutes and you have enough to find somebody else is not what God does.

You know what God does listen, this is so awesome. Moses is still struggling with this lack of authority. God does over the next eight verses you know the story. It's awesome. What is what is God differences Moses, would you take your hand and stick inside your cloak. When he pulls out what was already leprosy Oliver's horrible disease would've killed eventually. He said Moses take a put back inside your cloak. When he pulled out it was made whole pieces Moses take you on the ground and and what happens, it becomes a serpent. He takes it up and pick it up and it becomes Ron once again what does God do over the next eight verses in his kindness and his love to know what he does he gives to Moses his power not I want to talk to you for just a minute okay so he's already given Moses his authority. He's Artie given Moses the promise of his presence.

Here we find we know what God brought in the land of Egypt through this man Moses but here we find God giving to Moses his question for you tonight. Do you believe that you have God's power now on one side and were you know I'm a sensationalist.

I think sometimes we get a little a little weird when we start hearing the word power when he mean I got do you believe that you have power, I was a look in acts chapter 1.

Another place where we find the great commission where God where it's recorded by Dr. Luke that that that Christ ascends up into heaven, and what we find there and asked in acts chapter 1 verse eight.

Listen to what Jesus says before he ascends out. This is another place we final recall the great commission. This what he says. He says, but ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth, quizzing mainly sigil receipt Perry say he just said that back in Matthew chapter number 28.

He says all powers given to me now send you go, not as I mentioned mango. That's the Greek word X to see us talk about authoritative power. This is a different word. How this is the Greek word Dumas.

It's really a word where we get our idea of something that is dynamic. It's something that is powerful really ultimately whenever, back in the early the early 1900s with with explosive called dynamite. They actually took from this Greek word because it's the idea of an explosive how now I ask you this one more time Christians do you believe that you have power because Jesus just said that once the Holy Ghost is come upon you can receive power. They say what we think like me shoot across the across campus. What does it mean for a believer to have God's power in his life. You know what it means.

It means the ability of God, the power of God to what God calls us to do even though you think you can't do it even though it's the ability to obey everything about you doesn't even want to. It's the ability of God to say no to last power of God to say no that's the power of God to say, no discontentment.

Do you believe you have.

I think there are so many Christians who live in faded Christian lives and enslaved to sin who do not believe that they have the power of God in her life over sin through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit folks God has given us his power over sin in this life but Moses still struggling.

He shown this lack of adequacy. He shown this lack of authority. In spite of all of God's promises that keep coming to him. He still struggled look up the next verse, verse, number verse number 10 Exodus chapter 4, and this is what he says next Moses shows a lack of ability. He shown a lack of adequacy, lack of authority Melissa what he says and Moses said to the Lord all my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither here to for always been a little funny sounds pretty eloquent to me, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servants but I am slow speed and of a slow time methods. I don't know what was going on with Moses. But here's what Moses Moses has the audacity to say to God. God, I can't do this and here's why I have something wrong with the way I am physically and what you don't find God nothing wrong with you. Moses said, I don't know. Apparently he had something wrong with the way talk I don't know if he had stuttered how to get a speech and I will be like from southern Egypt and talk like I do. But the bottom line is this.

Listen to what God says in the next verse, verse, number 11 what we find is God showing him his plan for his own personal life just the way he was my and the Lord said unto him, who made man's mouth or who maketh the dumb, or the death or the sea or the blind have not I the Lord now go therefore and I will be with us. What does God say God didn't say right now you're right, Moses know what is God say he says Moses let me tell you something, I need you limiting what else I make Moses I make blind people. Moses I make Moses, let me tell you what I don't make Moses. I don't make mistakes Moses you are exactly who you're supposed exactly how you're supposed to be.

According to my plan.

Now go. Do you know how many people sit on the sidelines of the Christian life and they blame it on something about them physically so much comparison how much comparison has gone on from the people in this room to day between you and somebody else.

Menopause like him. The house like her it be different. Whether it's something physical or maybe it's the way Eurasia Valley people with five minute back if I didn't have all these that because of the way I was.

What folks and we can go on and on and on and I want to know something that when you would wind God has a plan for you and yeah we mess up people around us mess up but nothing can thwart God's plans for you and everything in your life has all fit together to have you point where you're sitting here sitting tonight.

Those we have a sovereign God is in control of all things and all things to gather the every thing happens in your life.

I'm telling ultimately is according to plan.

Moses though is not done one last final struggle Moses shown a lack of adequacy, lack of authority, lack of ability and finally and you know the story. He ultimately shows a lack of availability and Exodus chapter 413 and he said Moses settle model send out crazy by the hand of him whom I will send and I think here.

It's maybe a little confusing. What it what he set out to exactly what he says is is God, would you send somebody else I'm not available and folks I want you to know that God has been so patient so long-suffering and forbearing with Moses he's given promise after promise, promise, promise, look at the first phrase in verse number 14 and the end of the Lord was kindled against Moses. You sincerely tell me that say no to God is mad at me folks. I mean, I don't know where I could go in Scripture to show any better how long-suffering God is with us. We hear so ready to come alongside and help us. He gives us promise after promise. The promise of his presence.

The promise of his personal problems of his plan, but I think that comes point for people people say God I don't care what you've given.

I don't want obey you. And this isn't a God who's quick-tempered, he has proven how slow to anger, he is but I do think that God as a good, kind, loving father comes to the point can come to the point.

Many times does what he says enough is enough. This is me with my little Joby.

He saw the picture Joby as he is reason that he's afraid of nothing.

We wanted to be a little bit you know disorderly alert when you just a little guy. He's going out in the middle of the parking lot at some field of church that we might be happy to come like a euro to-year-olds out there and run around his older siblings who know to be careful in my community when I need getting agreement hailed by no no no you got to stay right here and I make them hold onto my pants my pants and the man I'm talking next thing I know he's gone and he's right back out there again getting in like no earnest right no question.

I mean, Joby. Just as I mentioned when you turn around, he's right back out there, point into his life. Yeah, me know because I got plans for him and it really involves both of his legs working and as a father who is assigned I'm going to intervene and folks, I'm telling you God knows how to intervene and I want I want when we look at this idea of of of.

Are you available I really know on one side I want. I want to I want to bring the challenge in a couple of ways and and and will will be done here, but on on one side.

This is very specific for for Moses. This is a vocational change on a Moses is a shepherd with sheet and then all of a sudden God is calling him to be a leader of this of this huge nation of people so this is no doubt about it a go.

Patient change and it's a big deal and I think that I would love to 222 for just a second here draw and that narrow of an application. Maybe you're here today and in the midst of trying to figure out what God wants you to do. There is a wrestling match going on and you write down your own heart, even as you think about what major you're in your wrestling through a lack of adequacy and a lack of authority and a lack of billeting and the lack of ultimately maybe you've landed on a lack of availability and I do think that right now at such a crossroads. Perhaps time in your life. Maybe vocationally the question of Emma really available is something you need to massively wrestle with, and I think you need to wrestle with it in light of the promises he's made he's promised you. His presence, his purposes, his person, his power, and maybe tonight you need to surrender God's going to go with you is not sure you believe in, so maybe there needs to be that narrow of an application and some of your hearts and lives tonight. I like Rondell because I think I should folks this idea of being available to God. It really touches every part of my life though because these promises are the same for all of us. Maybe your vocationally had a just the direction that that that you know God want you to go and end but still when it comes to being available, folks, this is every day of my life and my available to take a stand in the dormant available to turn the TV off because it's getting raunchy and I am available to the tell the truth even though even though it that there might be some consequences available to get out of bed and spend time with me.

When you start thinking that phrase and I available. I got saved I got saved when I was 21 until just a little bit of last night.

I was going real tech 21 years old I get saved I was so overwhelmed. God's mercy and his grace that he would save a sinner like me is blowing my mind would save a sinner like me, and I mean I'm just I am absolute. I have such an appetite for the Bible for for the for the understanding of the gospel and what happened to me and I I was so all I mean it's like inviting God into my life and in my everything. If I got here. I am especially that's what felt like I really understood I didn't really understand then with what power he moved in from my perspective it was just like I let them in. But that's just because I didn't quite understand yet but I I mean is I got here I am here I am, you can have every part of me, you, you can have everything here I am. Here's my coming to life like my life was a house.

I'm all ears got. He had every part of me. After a few months of being saved cannot come off cloud nine came back down the real world.

The ups and downs. The Christian life got started doing its meaning. He's been doing it ever since. He walks up to these little these little closets in my house in in my heart and psyche knocks on these little these little areas of my life. He doesn't tell him he does it all the time is going to sit here and so what's what's what's in this little secret compartment of your heart this little closet of your house to have this to and he's constantly showing me little areas that you know what, I'm just not want to give to him and some of it I don't even realize I'm going through life that this is become such an idle to me any consul.

Sometimes it's things are given to them in the past and then you know I've taken them back in. It's just amazing how God is constantly at work showing the areas of my life that need change that I need to give to him that I need to surrender folks. It is for ever in front of me and I available.

Are you available and and it's just so funny. My my son Joe – I have a story very similar to this with with Leah my eight-year-old and then Joby would Joby was much more recent, but in a Joby they so funny he come into his bedroom one day and he and he's been over and right as I walk in the bedroom. He's pick something up. He puts behind his back and I said hey buddy what you got and just got takes a step back what you got to give the daddy anything. Just got back.

I like come on dude, what is it I don't even really care but is challenging ears like my buddy right now back up against the corner.

I mean, I literally am pulling his hand out. I am peeling fingers squished.

That probably wasn't squished 10 seconds ago. They discount like something about that stupid.

Spiritually, the things that I think I got had and on how many times God in his goodness.

I'm telling you, in his goodness.

I sometimes it's like he he's like Esther Peel fingers off of some stupid idle, but I think I got half what it means that, then here's me. It's like by the time I finally let go by the time I turn around something that I've already started to construct another idle John Calvin said that the human heart is a bacteria's that means that means that this isn't some one time decision well enough surrender to God and never struggle again learn of the day that I made myself available to God and I do think we have moments in life. There's no doubt about that but you want to know how often I have to come to God's and God you got to have all of and I need you to help me surrender it's got happen every day in my life folks again tomorrow morning. Aaron Coffey's gotta come sing God here I am. This is a daily dying to myself, making sure that God's were he supposed the at the center of my life. Folks, we are such foolish people who think we know what's best for us.

God has better plans. We have to be people who live life available. You available to God in every area of your life. You know, speaking of an ant heard a pretty funny fact about ants that you know that ants have overwhelming vision when it comes to the ability to see. It seemed ditzy teeny-weeny little bitty microscopic things ants have vision that is beyond hours they can see incredibly for 2 inches beyond that they can't see anything. Folks, that's how we are. We get so wrapped up in this temporal life and folks winning God help us see who he is and what he's doing and how he's called us to be a part of it.

Are you living your life available to God in the big picture of your life and the little bitty moments of your life and just actually just doing a Bible study with my team this morning were read the book together.

How do people change by Paul Tripp and even that book, he was talking about. He was talk about the little moments of life there's there's these big moments you have a few big moments in life.

Your life is made up of all these little moments and folks, we gotta be available to got all of he's given us everything we need. That pertains to life and godliness. We got trust and what this really comes down to is are we can obey. I'm in the Christian life really just comes down on a daily basis. Am I going to trust and obey trust in God help us, you know, I don't know the need of your heart. I don't know what God is doing in your heart. I don't know how you need this message tonight is thinking about just college students and where you are, where I was when I sit with you when I sent when you sent. I needed to believe God's promises to me to believe that he was forming. Given everything that I needed to live this life in obedience to him. Folks, he has, through his son Jesus Christ. We have everything we need. May we submit to him, may we live lives of obedience to him you would listing to part two of the sermon from Aaron coffee in American evangelist, which was preached at Bob Jones University. You can learn more about Aaron and his that's COFFEY I'd like to thank you for listening to The Daily Platform. I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope it's been a blessing and encouragement to you. We are living in very unusual times.

This is just such a crucial time for all of us as believers to walk closely with the Lord. So I hope you'll take the opportunity to follow us up on these other things that we have it be and find out what it is that God is doing in through the ministry of Bob Jones University with our 2500 students who are coming here to get a biblical worldview and see life from God's lenses and then go out with an accredited first class education and go out in the world and make an impact for Jesus Christ in the workplace is a go out and serve in local churches not only hear the United States, but our students are globally and demand Christ centered servants who were trying to serve the Lord throughout the world for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So thank you again for listening and encourage your friends to listen and to be nourished and strengthened through God's word. God bless you. We hope you'll join us again next week as we study God's word together on The Daily Platform