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Why the Ungodly Attain Positions of Power

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Cross Radio
February 15, 2019 7:00 pm

Why the Ungodly Attain Positions of Power

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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February 15, 2019 7:00 pm

During the eight years of President Barack Obama, conservative Christians were regularly alarmed at the leftist policies he promoted: expansion of abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism, anti-Israel and pro-Islamic policies, climate change fearmongering, and above all, bigger government.

With the election of Donald Trump, the new faces of the Democrat Party—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Beto O’Rourke, and others—are even further left, advocating for more extreme policies than President Obama...

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So why do the ungodly attain positions of power, will discuss today right here on the Christian worldview radio program with the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christian and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God. Faith in Jesus Christ, I'm David. We host the program website is the Christian will during the eight years of Pres. Barack Obama. Conservative Christians were regularly alarmed at the leftist policies. He promoted Weatherby the expansion of abortion or homosexually, homosexuality and transgender is and never missed a beat in speeches to talk about those two issues. His anti-Israel and pro-Islamic policies whether he promoted climate change, and above all a more a bigger, more regulating higher taxing redistributive government with election of Donald Trump. There are some new faces of the Democrat party Weatherby Alexandria Cossey of Cortez, Cory Booker, Kemal Harris Elon Omar Rashida to leave and Beto O'Rourke among several others.

They are even further left in their policies advocating for more extreme policies then Pres. Obama says we've heard in recent weeks during the program and the news now aborting or killing a baby during or after birth is basically just openly supported restructuring our entire society to to end climate change is an urgency that everyone must be on board. We saw the green new deal and self identifying as a socialist. It is a career ender anymore. But if you have a biblical worldview. You're the one that's considered to be the extremist said today in the Christian world view were to look at examples of how far left.

The new Democratic leadership have moved and try to answer a couple questions is a how did we get to such a point where these leaders have become so far left and why do people with such radical policy positions get elected to positions of power. So I use the word ungodly today. I why the ungodly attain positions of power. I am referring to those who disregard and read God in his word and they promote ungodly policies. They may be probably living that way in their own personal lifestyles as well, but were to try to keep it more to their public policies than their personal lifestyle today. Usually one follows the other by the way, but today will focus more just on the policies now to those with on the left or those of a humanistic worldview president Trump P.

A number one example of the ungodly attaining power, they can't stand him.

They hated him they think he's the devil incarnate now for my a personal lifestyle position. You could say that Donald Trump used a lot of ungodly means to a rise to power amendment his willingness to basically fight dirty urine and say whatever he wants to say and and cut every other Republican candidate off at the knees.

During the campaign and what he does on Twitter, and so forth would be a good example of that. But from a policy standpoint. He certainly is not undermining traditional American values. Never he's promoting them. I think his his first personal character yes is flawed. All of us have flaws and sin her own personal character but he's not promoting policies of of wickedness or ungodliness. So today were going to be examining again more public policies versus personal behavior. Now there's nothing new that the ungodly attain power. Just think back to the Old Testament and all the list of kings that Israel had in the divided kingdom between the North and Israel in the South and Judah that affect II saw an interesting column on got asking the question who were the kings of Israel and Judah then got questions is a very good resource if you want to get to the one page answer to a question about the Bible or about some issue and they said that in the period that preceded the monarchy that the king, the kingdoms in Israel. Israel had no king.

Everyone did as he saw fit. Another as everyone did what he was right in their own eyes is from Judges 2125 God raised up Samuel profit to lead the people all of Israel knew that Sammy was established to be a prophet of the Lord. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life there is that period of the judges. Okay, that turned in the period of the kings so Israel rejected that the sons of Samuel and article goes on to say, refused to obey him and the demand of the king and when Samuel reported that request to God.

The Lord said, listen to them and give them a king. And then there's the whole list of kings as you read the Old Testament.

There is the first king was Saul and then of course king David and Solomon and then it goes into this long circuitous down word mostly downward ungodly kings rising to positions of power. The article goes on to say, after the death of Solomon. The kingdom was divided 10 tribes for the northern kingdom called Israel, Judah and Benjamin formed the southern kingdom called Judah. This happened around 931 BC.

All the kings of Israel the northern kingdom practice idolatry. The worst serve the idle bail.

Many of the kings of Judah served idols. Few serve the Lord faithfully, some bad kings were partly good. Some good kings probably bad. Then he is a whole list of the kings of Israel. There was Jeroboam the first.

He was rebellious Nay Nay dad was bad. Basye was wicked. Eli was evil Zimmer. He was sinful. Tiffany was iniquitous. Omri was extra bad.

Ahab was the worst. Up to that .88 74 BC Ahaz I was distal beaten Beatty in Johor and was mostly rotten Jay who not good but better than the rest. Jay Hoa has was noncompliant Joash with wayward Jeroboam the second was badly behaved. Zechariah was abysmal shallow and was full of vice. Manahan was horrible.

Pico Hyatt was idolatrous P cut was awful in her shale was appalling.

I mean, it is been a fact of history that the ungodly rise to positions of power working try to answer the question why that is just a little later in the program and I was for Israel, now and in Judah, the southern kingdom. They were quite as bad but you had Rehoboam was mostly bad the budget was mostly perverted ace that was the first one. The lister that is is ascribed is good. Jehoshaphat, he was described to be righteous, but then I went down again Johor and was terrible.

Ahaz I was bad failure.

The queen was devilish and he got Joash was mostly virtuous, a Ms. diet was mostly wholesome, use diet was mostly respectable Jotham was worthy of the knee go bad again down Ahaz was heinous in the best king of all was Hezekiah ring 715 BC member him story in Scripture that goes on to the restroom will go through the whole list but it just makes the point that this is nothing new that the ungodly attain power. It's just interesting how that's always the case that there's usually more ungodly people in power than there are godly so the Bible talks about this in the Old Testament, not just in the list of the kings but also in passages in Scripture in Proverbs 29 when the righteous increase. The people rejoiced. But when a wicked man rules people grown. Proverbs 2815 like a roaring lion in a rushing bear. In other words, don't get in their way is a wicked ruler over a poor people.

Isaiah 10 one. Woe to those who enact leadership's evil statutes, laws into those who constantly record unjust decisions. So this there's a lot of precedent lot history for this. This is Nothing New Has Taking Pl. in America the ungodly have always attained, risen to positions of power by thinking American revenue stage.

I'm certainly not saying that Republicans are personally righteous or or godly people personally but this new Democratic leadership visiting examples of it is pushing policies that I would have to categorized as far left socialist Marxist ungodly wicked and anti-American. So who are these this younger freshfaced is the been called in media leadership in the Democrat party. What first started to notice that there have been a major shift during the judge Cavanaugh hearings member this last summer and the Senate Judiciary committee basically tried to destroy the man and believed them brought forth someone who made an accusation that couldn't be corroborated by anyone and they basically just that we believe her in the in the accusations truth Aminah have been what 30 some years ago in high school and no evidence of it, but they were going to try to dirt, destroy judge Cavanaugh because he's not in line with their worldview. They knew he is pro-life you be in the Supreme Court and that was willing to destroy the man anything to be taken down was was possible. We saw this all before writing the news every day life TV we saw was taking place, but with now the elections that took place. There's been some new faces of the Democrat party of commented that the Congress some of been there for a while, but there's here's a list Alexandria Casio Cortez this is that the first three years are the trifecta. I think they're getting the most attention right now. Alexandria Cossey of Cortez from New York, Johan Omar right from here and in Minnesota and Rashida to leave from from Michigan and have soundbites and give you some examples of why were saying their policies are ungodly, then you have Cory Booker who is on the Senate Judiciary Committee center from New Jersey and Kamal Harris from California and Beto O'Rourke, the congressman from from Texas McGinnis some of their viewpoints, then some of the older guard is Elizabeth Elizabeth Warren, she's been around for a while, Andrew Cuomo, the one the governor New York just recently put this abortion almost unlimited abortion to the time of birth for a child and we saw the governor of Virginia Ralph Northam do saying the same in Virginia City. Taken altogether, having these folks and there are many others that I didn't even mention here.

Here's what they support.

They support abortion, not just you know before the heart starts beating in 18 days or in the first trimester know they support killing a baby at all stages of pregnancy and even afterwards you if quote unquote the life and health of the mother is somehow a stake in mimetic.

These are the folks that sat down didn't didn't rise up to even clap when trumps made some statements regarding your protecting most innocent among us in supporting life in a state of the Union address, they'll set down is this this is completely unimportant. There against it. They also support homosexual and transgender sexual perversion and non-conversion counseling.

This is a key tenet of what they believe you can hear and some soundbites today and if you don't believe that if you're against that. You better not apply for a job is regressive from Cory Brooke Booker today and you can be punished for it. If you have a sincerely held religious belief that would conflict with doing something to let's say service a quote unquote gay wedding. All of them are for open borders, no nationstates or for globalism they're all jumping on board this new green nude below to cover less last time recently with the Kalb Eyster different legalizing marijuana for hate speech codes there against Israel, therefore, that the Palestinian legitimacy. Basically they just have anti-American values their natural individual liberties is for much more a communitarian worldview they want take away the Christian influence in this country and I think a good example of this is the way they criticize Mike Pentz's wife, I present my pets as well.

When she went to go volunteer at a Christian school, she somehow a bigot for going to work at a volunteer at a Christian school or teach there. Maybe she was being paid and not sure either way. She went to go work there and because the school has standards about sexuality and marriage.

She's a big so with that is a little background will take our first break of the day here and come back and start getting into some of the soundbites for what these folks support why they attain positions of power and how Christians should respond to this new lurch to the left in America and David witnessing the Christian world view that had his parents have no chance of a human being all my benevolent that's Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, we ought to never become indifferent to the slaughter of the innocents taking place in our country. This is why we are offering a DVD series entitled life is best that will equip you to stand for life and against this injustice in his two DVDs that are 13 episodes that address all the facets of abortion from the worldview battle to what you can do for a limited time you can order the life is best DVD series for a donation of any amount to the Christian world view normal retail is $49 plus shipping. Go to the Christian world or call one AAA 646-2233 right to Box 401, Excelsior, MN 55331. The mission of the Christian world view is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ for when Christians have a stronger faith.

And when unbelievers come to saving faith lives and families and churches, even communities are change for the glory of God. The Christian world view is a listener supported ministry. You can help us in our mission to impact hearts and minds by making a donation of any amount or becoming a monthly partner. All donations are tax-deductible. You can give or calling us toll-free 1888 646-2233.

When you give like to thank you by sending you a current resource. Monthly partners can choose to receive resources throughout the year, one AAA eight 646-2233 or go to the Christian world Thank you for your support back on the Christian world view radio program on David Wheaton. Our website is the Christian world just encourage you to go there a lot to take advantage of their you can go and you can set up for a free podcast, and also we've been producing now short takes of the program every week so like audio highlights short little bit.

You can hear for five every week if you don't time to hear the full podcast that usually runs about 45 minutes or so, but the short takes when you sent for the podcast you also get those as well for free.

You can also get some of our recent resources that were offering for donation of any amount we have the life is best for the two DVD series with 13 episodes that usually retails for $49 and get a for donation of any not at any amount and also recently took as a mention Kalb Eisner's in the program with two resources. The whole environmental movement and how Christians need to understand and see through the nefarious scaremongering schemes of those super but promote human caused global warming and climate change with a DVD and that wheels of a booklet both again for donation of any amount to the Christian rule view discover a website or or give us a call today were discussing why the ungodly attain positions of power in the first segment went over some of those who are the new faces of the Democrat leadership who are very much the left at even more than I think Barack Obama was Vicki shocked a lot of Christians when it came it off as just how far left. He was well this new generation is even further left.

I think they are taking positions, policy positions again that that maybe he would've gotten to her. Maybe he was there but he didn't. Maybe a better job of hiding it, but these folks are just outwardly supportive of abortion at all stages of pregnancy homosexual and transgender rights at all levels and punishment for those who don't concur with the Bible calls degrading passions and a natural there fully on board with that, open borders, receiving that in the border debate right now. They don't want borders they want no nationstates.

They want to global global governance green new deal environmental as a radical environmental debacle is what it is legalizing marijuana.

How can that be really good for society hate speech codes anti-Israel. I just anti-American values from a standpoint of constitutional values of individual liberties, freedom of speech and religion. The Christian influence they want taken away in this country, not not not again just so you don't hear me wrong not to say that there is no ungodly Republicans out there. It's not no Democrat bad Republican good that is not at all with the point of this program is today. It's that the policies that are being pushed by view this leadership down the left is ungodly, I think, is not traditionally American at all and if it's the fact that Republicans they may be living ungodly left else granted that point possibly. But I don't see any Republicans supporting or pushing these sorts of ungodly policies. There might be some pro-abortion Republicans out there with her so that you are trying to expand abortion rights.

Up until the time of birth, and afterwards so of a woman can kill her child, a infanticide not so much talking about the inner also not talking so much about more the old-school leftists like like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, that there very much. Look to the left to but this new generation is loud and proud about it and not trying to hide in any of the left as many more as men affect the national review that is so with the most conservative all website, said Schumer and Pelosi and their establishment cronies may have the power and the Democrat party years change, but it's obvious that Alexandria Cossey of Cortez, Rashida to Lieb and Johan Omar for the trifecta. There are winning the hearts of Democrat voters and liberal journalists in ways that are bound to affect the national debate in the 2020 presidential race Republicans a more moderate Democrats dismissed these three at their peril. They are not outliers who are merely fodder for stories on slow news days as the last few weeks show, the trio will be among the loudest figures in a party whose rank-and-file members are hungry for angry radical voices that are more in sync with hashtag resistance than with the uninspiring shock and Nancy show so let's go over a few of these new leftists in power and go over what exactly they believe will first so you have Alexandria Cossey oh Cortez you remember her last week from saying this about her reported her announcement of the new deal.

The green new deal that she is supporting which are basically overhaul our complete society so incredibly excited that we are going to transition this country into the future. We truly embark on a comprehensive agenda, social and racial justice in America. The resolution just 14 okay will play the rest of it, you're ready for that one. But it's just if it's environmentalism used as a as a bludgeon to completely take over society and by the way she got the only one that this fort all kinds of Democrats are saying that this is what where we want to go with this is what we want to do to this country with trillions and trillions of dollars it would completely cause this country to be a basically a socialist.

It would be borderline communist country.

If you had that much of a government takeover is not just the younger leadership, by the way, that wants this. Chuck Schumer had to go on record this week. Now they might remember, the more the old guard. Now the Democrat party. Look what he had to say about this green new deal. They're taking their lead from the president, a man who was so willfully ignorant and foolish that he thinks he's clever by ridiculing the global scientific consensus on climate change whenever it snows well the American people are not laughing.

The rest of the world isn't laughing either.

Not when basically every country in the world, including Syria and North Korea ran a working together to reduce carbon admissions. While the Trump administration has forced the United States to sit on the sidelines.

I would say to our Republican colleagues. This is no game is no joke. Climate change is deadly serious, and the time for all of us to treated that way is now before it is too late. Coasts is just a perfect example of the scaremongering before it's too late.

This is an existential threat and Trump is a climate denier and he denies the scientific evidence out that me is it is exactly the opposite worldview that with them like hell blaster comes on the program from the Cornwall Alliance for the stewardship of creation, someone is lying here folks, because you can have diametrically opposed truth claims and have both people telling the truth and he setting up did you know so he set up Syria, Iran, and North Korea as examples like that, that they should be are examples of working for climate change. Why would you that that is just it's a ridiculous assertion back to Alexandria Cossey oh Cortez just another example of the radicalism this week that Amazon was going to build a a office space or a business credit but have a business presence in New York to be huge.

It was going to some something. Estimates imply like 25,000 people in just outside Manhattan in actually a Cossey oh Cortez as district. What turns out this week that the city of New York and in in people there didn't want some people are who are interdistrict didn't want this big corporate entity coming into their area. Despite the fact it was and bring billions of dollars in there and that all these jobs are going to come in so Amazon quickly decide just to pull the plug so okay fine you don't want to steer and it's it were given give us a lot of trouble trying to bring industry and economic growth to your area. If you don't want us what will go find someone else is more favorable to what working to bring to the table and so what is Cortez say about Amazon pulling out most people think well some negative huge corporation coming in town, but the focus of really big benefits for people who need jobs need to feed their families here, so she had to say when asked about Amazon pulling out still have the power to organize more same. So it's a big positive for her that that that Amazon would not build a new plant there and 25,000 jobs and billions of dollars of infusion of of money in the economy would come to them.

That's a completely socialistic worldview described right there.

So go from Cortez was go down to the next person and that trifecta of the ones influencing now. The Democrat leadership is Johan Omar and we in Minnesota are very familiar with Johan Omar. She served in our state legislator for I think a number of terms used to a refugee from Somalia. She's in the Minnesota fifth district.

She's a Muslim. She wears a huge job and she and the Rashida to leave by the first Muslim women ever elected to Congress the first Muslim in Congress was also from Minnesota.

Keith Elson is now the Atty. Gen. of Minnesota and Johan Omar has a long history of anti-Semitism just call it what it is she said and tweeted back in 2012 Israel has hypnotized the world. May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings minutes not to us, not to Cody. That's pretty plain to plane to hear what she means by that. And then she there's been a lot of things since then. Like I have time to get all of them but just this past week she got into this anti-Semitism again from article online. The first term Democrat again. The eldest came into power and in January 1 term Democrat representative for Minnesota something ugly Saturday night. Responding to a tweet about the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel called BDS where they want to boycott, divest and sanction it Israel because they are an apartheid state. The young Somali American suggested US lawmakers defend Israel because it's all about the Benjamin's baby, that's what she said and outside anti-Semitic trope and she says who's paying these American fish officials. These Benjamin's slang for $100 bills to be pro-Israel AIPAC. She said the American Israeli political action committee, as though she had to walk this back with them will the next segment will get into her kind of non-apology and what we should know more about her worldview and the rest of these Democrats were lurching further and further to the left.

This is a Christian rule of you will be back after this environmental scaremongering is the favored tactic of the left to gain massive government control.

After all, if you can convince people that we are imperiling our very existence by human caused climate change. There is no tax law or reordering of society that goes too far. Christians need to be fully informed of this nefarious climate change scheme.

That is why we are offering to resources by Kalb Eisner, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the stewardship of creation who brings a truthful biblical worldview to this issue. Climate change in the Christian is an 80 minute DVD message in the cosmic consequences of Christ's cross working is a 15 page booklet one or both are available for a donation of any amount to the Christian were to order go to the Christian world or call 1888 646-2233 a right to Box 401, Excelsior, MN 55331. Be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview.

The first is the Christian world view weekly email which comes to your inbox each Friday. It contains the upcoming radio program along with need to read articles, teacher resources, special events and audio the previous program. The second is the Christian world view annual letter, which is delivered to your mailbox. In November it contains a year-end letter from host, David. We had a listing of our store, including DVDs, books, children's materials and you can sign up for the weekly email and annual by visiting the Christian world view.calling one AAA 646-2233. Your email and mailing address will never be shipped and you can unsubscribe at any time: one AAA 646-2233 or visit the Christian.why do the ungodly attain positions of power that is a topic we were discussing today on the Christian rule. The radio program in light of many of these young new faces in the Democrat party were extreme left now. Even from the predecessor of Barack Obama and presidency that many Christians believed to be very left it open and out now on the policies that supported all abortion all stages of pregnancy and even afterwards, after birth, homosexual and transgender degrading passions. The Bible talks about the unnatural actions of that sexual immorality punishing religious rights. Open borders agree new deal legalizing marijuana hate speech codes anti-Israel pro-Palestinian anti-American values and it goes on and again were talking about the policy position is not so much the personal lives were knocking to delve into that because we know that their personal lives is everyone's a sinner. Some are worse than others. Of course, but were not dealing with the personal side today but the policy positions that these people are advocating for before this last break you're talking about Johan Omar are Congress woman here from Minnesota here in the fifth district and she's come into the U.S. Congress U.S. House and she's already continued with their anti-Semitism and so she headed up she had a cortical apology because not apology me to read and show you that this is not an apology. She's just sorry that it created a bit of a fit for your she said anti-Semitism is real. This is what you said after her anti-Semitism as I submitted trope she's anti-Semitism is real and I'm grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes. My intentions never to offend my constituents are Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity identity. This is this is why I unequivocally apologize last paragraph. This is where the apology turns new, not apology. At the same time I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics. Weatherby, AIPAC, the, the American Israeli particle action committee. The NRA National Rifle Association or the fossil fuel industry rethink your political views lie is going as good as been going on too long and we must be willing to address it. In other words, I'm sorry. Is that what I did but I really don't not really that apologetic about his with true what I said and it a day later, Pres. Trump spoke out against her tweet about anti-Semitism and she treats him back and says hi Donald Trump you have trafficked and hate your whole life against Jews, Muslims, indigenous immigrants, black people, and more. I learned from people impacted by my words, when will you. This is a first term, Congress woman person is tweeting to the president just a day or two after her anti-Semitic remark and she went into she's on the I believe the Foreign Relations Committee you can believe that in in the U.S. House, and she wanted to question a lessee who was it was the Elliott Abrams, who had been involved in central American policy in Central America and just listen to the line of questioning as she goes after this man you can really discern what Johan Omar's worldview.

Her leftist root worldview really is Mr. Adams in 1991.

You pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress regarding her involvement in the Iran Contra affair with for which you were later bargained by Pres. George H.


But she I felt understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful if I can respond that I am wasn't a question I wanted that was not that was not quite that lesson I lived there right my time is not is not right that was not much that he can attack on February 8 who is not permitted to reply that that was not a question. Thank you for your participation.

On February 8, 1982, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about US policy in El Salvador in that hearing you dismissed as communist propaganda report about the massacre of L LaSalle 10 in which more than 800 civilians including children as young as two years old were brutally murdered by US trained troops doing that massacre some of those troops bragged about raping a 12 year old girl before they killed girls before they killed them you later said that the US policy in El Salvador was a fabulous achievement yes or no.

Do you still think so. From the day that Pres. Duarte was elected in a free election. To this day. El Salvador has been a democracy that's a fabulous achievement that should tell you everything you need to know about Johan Omar's worldview. Look at the line of questioning to say the question you today but why should we believe anything you're going to tell us because you've already been charged with lying to Congress now 30 whatever was back in the 80s costar so that that's not a question that just a statement on the American them and to go into charging you for you.

Do you know if it wasn't US military that did this rampage as she called it is rape.

It was US trained people down there who did it and I don't even know what the incident was, or whatever he's talking about. But the point is, that wasn't US. This guy didn't call for but she was attributing to him this massacre that took place down there still everything you need to know about what kind of person.

This is Mckenna policies she pushes for now, open the phone lines together and get to some other ones the lower plans to more soundbites.

I want to ask these two questions. Why do you think these new faces of the Democrat party have moved so far left. Why is the leadership of the Democrat party. So far left now in their policies. Question number two is more back to the topic for the day. Why do the ungodly seem to attain political positions of power may assist appears to me that it seems like some of the most extreme people from a policy standpoint seem to get these positions of power. Why is that 1-877-655-6755, 1-877-655-6755 now over getting a few of you up on the call screening board want to get to the next one talked about all Alexandria because your Cortez, Johan Omar and the third of that trifecta is Rashida to leap. She's a new congressperson from Michigan Muslim as well. I think you probably heard this sound bite and her first day in office hears that she had to say about Pres. Trump, love you one really know anything know that this this sound but if she has the personal aspect as well kind of person she is. But the policy of my whole point of being here in the Congress is to impeach this president. She said between the hardest part of serving in Congress as a woman of color as a first is a Muslim is how people here you differently no matter how much we take on the hate and stay true to who we are.

Through our experiences, our voices are shushed and reduced we are perfect, but neither is this institution that's that's the Rashida to leave been ill had Omar, of course, retweeted that she liked that tweet going down to Cory Booker. She's he's a senator from New Jersey. Now he is on the Senate Judiciary commit committee and he's also running for president he was interviewing this week as part of his Senate Judiciary Committee appointment.

A woman named Naomi Rao she is present. Trump's nominee to replace Brett Cavanaugh is now the Supreme Court to replace him on the US Court of Appeals for the for the DC circuit court, so just listen again to this line of questioning by Cory Booker and what he's asking her trying to find out 2008 article you criticize Supreme Court's landmark decision in Lawrence B Texas which invalidated the state laws that that criminalize same-sex relationships. You said that the courts decision, quote shoes. Older traditions in favor of an emerging awareness of the meaning of the and the scope of liberty. What interview should the Supreme Court have been in the business of upholding older traditions. You said of laws that criminalize same-sex relationships. Senate does hurt some comments made in the course of an article that dignity in constitutional law and and of course Lawrence is oppressing the Supreme Court which highlight which I would faithfully follow if I were gay relationships in her.

Tomorrow senator and I'm not sure the relevance of that to yelling my robe in your opinion if you think African-American relationships are immoral to think gay relationships are moral person would believe you do not believe the person. Senator my personal views on any subjects here are things I would put to one side and I would faithfully not willing to say here that what you what you believe is sinful for a man to man to be married. Well, centered at the tell you a lot you can learn a lot from these soundbites about what the worldview of Cory Booker. These others is he's basically putting a religious test on this person to serve in the US Court of Appeals and in DC by saying if you believe that homosexuality is sinful than you, you're not. You're not allowed don't don't even apply for this job that nothing that's not constitutional by the way, you can even do that legally but this is the what it's become is that you know. Again, you do not see how he equated the moral equivalency of you know if you're against two black people marrying each other.

How can you be against two men marrying each other because member as you said gay is the new black not is not a moral choice, homosexuality, it's just like being born that way with the color of your skin learn a lot from this kind of worldview is receding in this new face of the Democrat party to kill comeback will get your phone calls after this next break here in the Christian real view.

As we discussed why the ungodly attain positions of power. There is an abundance of resources available in Christian bookstores and online sad reality is that many of them even some of the most popular do not lead to a sound and strong faith.

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You can also order by calling our office toll-free at 1888 646-2233, one AAA 646-2233 or visit the Christian world view.or disease have been all my that's Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, we ought to never become indifferent to the slaughter of the innocents taking place in our country. This is why we are offering a DVD series entitled life is best that will equip you to stand for life and against this injustice.

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There featuring right now in our store for donation of any amount to the ministry to the callers in just a second to be ready to to get to that two more quick examples of just want to get through a couple more soundbites year of this new faces of the Democrat party what they believe this is Kamal Harris. She was asked about marijuana, legalizing marijuana and she's a candidate for president as well. In 2020. Here's what she had to say in an interview about marijuana.

Have you smoked okra and I and I and Alan, I didn't. I didn't have a long time ago and I just broke the joint is hey I full of it was legal. The medicinal would you do it is and I think that it gives a lot of people in July and a Democrat candidate for president talking about getting into an altered state with drugs. That's of the stand for the last one is Beto O'Rourke. He was asked recently in a very charismatic congressman from down in Texas nearly beat Ted Cruz in the senatorial race down there and probably going to be running for president hears that what he had to say about border walls.

During this border debate would you kick the ball down the cattle WILL not take the walled city take the wall down. We don't need borders but whoever wants to come across the borders come across the borders so you can see from top to bottom. Here the policy positions aren't hidden. I don't think Democrats would've said this 10 years ago the kinds of things that were were hearing from the audio today. Let's get to that of the phone calls. Now let's go first to Scott in Florida. Welcome the Christian real view of what he think the Democrats these new Democrats have moved so far left in their policies and the bigger question is why the ungodly attain positions of political power. All about this a lot. The liberal social surety position at the thought that we in the past, but I think because it trumps rather black-and-white bold conservative stance or hamper the only political philosophy available with socialism. And that's the only pathway to power that they can conceive of today and didn't house in the name of good new ideas because of never been tried here it all and people want new ideas, but I think that's the real reason.

Thank you Scott for your call might be some truth to that because Trump is so so you speak so clearly and so starkly and so black-and-white is this enraged the other side of trying to position a difference between them and from that's that's problem may be part of part of the reason was go next to Kevin in North Carolina. Welcome to the Christian real view where your thoughts on this topic with their memory core didn't go there the wicked prosper on the correct time urgency and warfare got the wicked prosper in the first or their American and unfit. It's just an explosion and got it did not realize socialism is and what extent the country like Argentina and the Venezuela for sure. Kevin gets us more callers. Thank you for your your call. There was go next to Jake in Louisiana. Welcome to the Christian real view take what are your thoughts on why these Democrats have moved so far left in the ungodly attain political power get anyway. We need to go get stuck take a piece of your calls.

You know it is an interesting question how they get elected now to someone like Johan Omar with her political views get elected is it that people in her domain district align with her political views are extreme leftist views measure such a strong delusion, that somehow her policies are going to help this country are consistent with this country's values is that the impact of the educational system here on people. Now that the educational system is so leftist and they're just immersed in that growing up.

That there just they just think that this is the way America needs to go mean the fifth district here in Minneapolis is an is an urban district, but still 67% white, 17% black, 9% Hispanic, 6% Asian, 1% Native American, and an ill hot Omar 178% of the vote. Okay, now she's replacing Keith Ellison is to be the congressman from that distro. He's also Muslims was obviously a liberal district is not like it's no the with a lot of Somali refugees yes delegates the majority Somali or something like that. There are lots of people voting for Johan Omar to be in power. They want her values in Washington or is it just the fact that the ungodly attain positions of power because they are pushy or and louder than their opponents are willing to use any means necessary to gain power.

This is nothing new in the past that the strongest older ones are willing to fight the dirtiest usually win know that the people that are willing to do that that they have more integrity the way they live their lives are aren't willing to go to those lengths to win at all costs. So that may be part of the reason as well. His again, nothing new. In America the ungodly have always attained positions of power was go to one more call real quick. Scott in Florida.

Welcome to the Christian real view wedding.

The Democrats have moved so far left and why did the ungodly attain opposite of star Randy in Kansas got the wrong person. Randy in Kansas welcome the Christian real view. Go ahead and write it on my church in America you way too long and get it up around him and you not what Laura Blanc and their seed are deceived as well.

Randy please the call that goes well as well as to conclude with today.

I think the real answer to this question is the is the get is the principle of being given over in Romans chapter 1. If you read that passage ever in Romans chapter 1 encourage you to read that today. This explains when someone starts when someone rejects God and doesn't turn and repent and hardens their conscience time and time again God gives them over and you get worse and worse and get further and further away from him for the wrath of God. It says, Romans 118 is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them and then it goes on to say. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions and just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God in longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, that's exactly what's Taking Pl. in America right now. I fear for this country that God has given us over, and this is going to be more of the same going forward. And even worse need to pray for our country.

We need to pray the righteous will flourish that those promoting ungodly policies will be stopped in their tracks and be in the deep conviction of God, we thank you for joining us today in the Christian real everyone go to the website here. The podcast until next week. Think biblically and live accordingly.

We hope today's broadcast turned your heart toward God's word and sought to order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ go to our website the Christian, call us toll-free at one Tripoli 646-2233. Christian worldview is a weekly one-hour radio program that is furnished by the over comer foundation is supported by listeners and sponsors request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount go to the Christian world or call us toll-free at one Tripoli 646-2230 3.2 was sent Box 01, Excelsior, MN 55331 that's Box 401, Excelsior, MN 55331. Thanks for listening to the Christian world you until next time think biblically and live according