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Robby's Gift Picks

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
December 17, 2011 12:20 pm

Robby's Gift Picks

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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December 17, 2011 12:20 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian card I radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book the blue book.

Now the orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 18663421 866-34-TRUTH 7884 as being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out.

Here's your host Robbie Gilmore is it hello hello hello are no no no, what are the best and what are the words car accessory choices that you can make.

What is the ultimate auto accessories stocking stuffer and which would be unsafe or even destroy the resale value of your car. We are out to determine that this morning and we also are certain when you hear our view, but what about you, you know what it what can someone give you that lit up your auto world you give us a call. We'd love to hear from you maybe got a question about an auto accessory 866. We got lines open 866-348-7884. We'd love to hear your auto accessory question 866-34-TRUTH 87884 something that lit up your world.

Or maybe, maybe you got something one-time like a tire iron or are you know maybe it was like the family Christmas time every year you got its purple paisley formats like the Grinch, the gift of a Christmas shave. You know I was at. We'd love to hear the we'd love to hear that story.

866-34-TRUTH 87884 the number to call us with a course in a car question. We are so blessed this morning.

If I was to get somebody to help me out with this particular topic.

You know we have our own body shop guy, but in this case today. He is our gift guru.

He is the present peacemaker and most importantly, he is the superintendent of stuffing. It's Jared's body shop welcome Jerry Hoag right to be here this morning and while what what an awesome one.

What a beautiful day to come out in the talk about cars and God's blessings.

It is in is probably a lot of folks as we speak out there Christmas shopping and I hopefully will have some good ideas form because I have actually Robbie's topic and got six thumbs up on what's the ultimate stocking stuffer in and then there's you know a couple out there that you might get a chuckle out of.

And of course there's one to get six thumbs down in a summer night I would never recommend my worst enemy. So hopefully we can help you out with your Christmas shopping and you know it will be a laugh or two along the way, I think, actually, especially to go to Christian dated together and take a look at some of those and and also this morning.

If you been given a gift I won't gift her that one special oddball gift that Sarkar says recall and let us know. We would love to hear from 866-348-7884.

Again, if you go to Christian card. you will see my pics and there's a couple surprises up there that might get your attention by all means go to Christian but coming up on our appraisal by the real blood black book at the end of the show. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure. Cry out for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding, continuing on Robbie's soul stocking stuffers. You know we did this last week. Soul stocking stuffers what's on your list. The real list. You know the one you're asking Jesus for this year. Well I shocked but this week I tried asking Jesus for a whale.

Yes, it's a whale of a tale to tell you that I really, really did.

I'll explain why I asked for a whale, and it might perhaps help you with your soul stocking stuffer this year, which are to be asking Jesus for and that's coming up in the shown appraisal by the real black book on Robbie Gilmore, the Christian card of 35 years of retail automobile business, but more importantly your brother in Christ Christian card – oh, hopefully, is changing the way people look at buying cars. You don't need to go into debt don't go into that huge amount of slavery to drive a car because if cars are well taken care of. The last as long as you do, but they need a name like old red, no return 321,000 miles but exciting stuff.

Think I got a broken did this remote Murali and Steve Noble of all people know another posting on the radio that he he said he could smell my truck for my that's just not true old reticent and odorous mobile but anyway if you take care your car last as long as you do. And cars need to be safe and driven safely like Miller talk about. You don't need to speed. Americans would waste 96 million gallons of gas a week if we would just stop speeding and against. There is laws against that kind of thing. But there's also a lot of wear your seatbelt and that's a huge thing. 80% of the fatalities 80% of fatalities are people that don't wear their seatbelt has only 20% of the out there do not succumb on think for this is not that hard.

Just buckle up and wear your seatbelt.

A crisis is alive talking call-in show, so anything you were talking into my brain doesn't work at talking and this one anyway, 866-348-7884 with any question, comment, of course were talking today. Ho ho ho are no no no, what are the best and worst car accessories, 866-348-7884. We've got Arlene is in Utah this morning Arlene you're on the Christian card – in the morning when you got force well. I wanted to pick your brain a little bit here I am responsible and 94 four 871 and we replaced and modified your faith and right now we're looking at replacing our Camry and several of the drivers in and out and we had taken a wheelchair with it because we grant court in your and we determined that the car that would be economical and would work would be to create the wheelchair for Pineda back at that quite nicely. It has a really good gas mileage out that he could review letter regarding at least 20 miles a gallon better. The oil change 10,000 miles. The battery that breaks out that I was just wondering from your standpoint you think is a good vehicle over my you know they've obviously even stepped up their quality procedure due to a little situation here there in the last couple years so it was a really big there, and further in. They have with the previous version. The most reliable by far and away that I am aware of.

Based on what I hear and when I read and then again you know what a great, reliable network of dealers that you know has to be a Toyota dealer you got the you know you gotta be the best of the best your liner get to be a Toyota dealer that I knowledgeably so and that's always a big thing is how you get service and the people that work on Toyotas. Now they know what they're doing right there when you agree OLIVIA and so II think that's a great deal. But again, you know, when you're shopping for that many cars, a lot of times my father was a director national fleet sales for Buick motor division so I have a lot of of experience with fleets and there's a lot of discounts that may be available to you, so be sure and contact Toyotas fleet department outside of the dealer that you work with, and they can even get you a fleet number that will help you in that process and sometimes the manufacturers will put in a certain amount of fleet money just for your company, especially if they know your Hank if there knowing I would put a word in that look or work were transporting seniors and and who knows, maybe they'll even donate part of you and we make sure they know that we make sure that you are looking at replacing that's awesome, that's great. Yes, I love your selection of my guy was here he be doing in but I love the previous leaves so that's all that is really cool. God bless you.

Appreciate the call will help me thank you. I all right what's your ho ho ho what's your know know know today if you're out there Christmas shopping 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Of course we have the whole list and all this I put up pictures of my best and worst choices with thumbs up and thumbs down, and of as always, there's all the information on the Jesus's labor love program that's free labor for single moms and widows and we've had some real Heartbreakers, and this Christmas season. A lot of folks with big needs.

But again, if you need to know about what can I do. I'm a single mom or widow you know somebody with an issue send the Christian card. Click on the Jesus labor love page and will do the best we can and we just have situations sometimes are more than we can handle but were doing were doing all we can do jail you know Robbie also if you're in the listening audience. No matter where it is and you own a facility and you look on that website you don't see that there's provider in your area and I just asked you to consider praying about it and see if God leads you in a direction because it is an awesome ministry. I mean, it's where you able to give back a little bit do it through Jesus Christ and it's a huge blessing I know to all and were so thankful for all the people to do provide this this for the single moms and widows and every week I get a new blessing just like this week I was able to find a place to fix a car for lady Myrtle Beach through prayer and and and phone calls and we got one coming up in Fort Worth Texas that week and we gotta find some before so Mr. Of course we are going to tell you what's our picks for the Christmas stocking and and just letters new stuff out there like French sign holders. I mean the name and hold the catcher for you foolishly of the software Christian card.

I what is the hello and what is the no no no car accessories this year, we've got our picks. We'd love to hear from you or any car question 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. One of my favorite pics always inexpensive, easy to install. From my standpoint, but I want to know what your view is it being that you are in fact the superintendent of door edge guard moldings now not talking about the dual body side moldings. I'm not talking about that but along the very edge line of the door.

You can buy for what 89 box of you know us, attitude, door edge guard moldings and what that is is aligns the paint right on the very edge of the door so that when you do, in fact, hit somebody else's car. You don't leave that big white Mark or you know if you had, you know you a lot of times you might parked next to a brick wall and it is is if it touches that wall is taking the paint but if you have a door edge guard molding which is very inexpensive looks fine on the car when you think I like him.

I mean I really do like him that the only problem with those is installed on the way they're meant to be installed. Don't think well about Ransom's diabetes superglue in here so I don't has not come yet as those those things will last for a couple years they start looking a little raggedy so then you just peel it right off and take a little alcohol type cleaner and cleaned edge up the pitch another set own and it likes it eight bucks or so. Saves a lot of pain.

Saves a lot of things in savings if you happen if you know your kids get out hit somebody else's car so door it's guard moldings. That's a three thumbs up on the Robbie rating and from the superintendent of stuffing that we got Kevin Kohn out of Burlington. We'd love to hear from you.

866 rope kit we lost Kevin. He can call back with his car. Question 866-34-TRUTH 87884 now this next one's a little tricky very common auto accessory there's been some tricks to it. It's it's these door there called mudguard. Some people call him slush guards.

We put them on the corner of your wheel wells. They could in fact protect you from rock chips that could in fact you know keep you from having the clean mutter rust off that but there's a big deal and the windows were installed and it will actually Robbie okay if you live out have to go off road a little bit limbs and brush and stuff what he thinks I happen if at Hooksett guard and there goes your fender yeah peels it all back airhead in that there there great idea, but just know where you're driving away to be taken at vehicle right if you do a lot of offloading and you know those mud guards you think I was can protect but guess what is exactly right. You those things picked up a stick or something and then bacon they can twist the whole fender back down so and and and again how you installed some people getting Michael without unity don't have to have holes drilled with the disco all the clips that's obviously the way I would suggest going to start get metal drill out and button holes in your body panels couple problems you have taken off. You still can do with those holes. Secondly, it secures to the point that is her tear something up if you do catch it, and the third issue is you've got bare metal in which allows rustic court so to creep in there and cause you problems later on. Also write so those are the splash guards mud guards. A lot of people think that's the way to go but hey you might think twice this man. But again, if you get the kind of clip-on that are easy but you know obviously the branch of click pull the rug mudguard off before it pulls your fender up. You know those kind of things or obviously not have to use a drill to drill holes now about just a traditional old format when you think about the Savior carpet days you just take out and rinse off and clean up the at the Roth good format now have seen some to think I would want to ride around in my car, Malden, P can write yellow with the Daffy duck's not that here's the one thing that now the superintendent of stuffing has spoken, but now Toyota was sitting here with us today. Now I know what you think ability put know anything other than a factory format.

Make sure there's a way to make sure it doesn't slide up underneath the breaker.

The gas pedal to get to things that so you think you're given somebody the gift of a clean carpet, but instead it could be the gift of this the gas pedal so you know if you're going to get somebody formats. If don't yeah Kmart is a good way to go, perhaps, but man, you gotta be safe. Yeah. Always go small, was that a large Lunesta bundles up right there is always a be right there at your pedals and and almost all the manufacturers now have devices to make sure you know there's little holes in them in ways to make sure that they don't write up underneath there and in those are things that are available were just saying safety first and in the Toyota learn that lesson extremely the hard way, but I notice when you're gonna love this and involvement by all means. Now, if you've got one after you got a call is 866-34-TRUTH 87884 but what about their traditional car cover. You gotta love that dumpster where they go again. But there's also not all car covers are created equal.

Nine. So what we need to be looking out for some type of material felt our some you don't want to rough material is all car covers up to get cheaper ones are that almost like having a top drug of your car and that's not guilt burlap is not the end.

And when I get hot let you know that right down onto the paint was not good. Make sure can breathe and it's got a soft backing unit other thing with a car cover. If you are using one and this is more of the maintenance moving forward. Don't leave anything on there for months at a time, or even weeks at a time. I mean go out and take it off and let the everything breathing in any kind of condensation. The staff evaporate out from under their coffee will last a whole lot longer than you go some to think about when comes to car covers now the next one on the on that I'm looking at is is in fact the French fry holder now I gotta tell you of all the new accessories I've seen any. Gotta go to Christian card at our common seated thing I love about it is the little catch up older there, you know.that was really thinking that not only do you hold the French fries right there but you got to catch up at any ready to go now I had to give it some thumbs down because it just not healthy but you pay. This is the Christian Christian health-conscious guy, well if you went what you think that than if you went with the Apple fries. You get the Apple fries. Then you can put the caramel in there where the catch up goes in here healthy, unless you're diabetic when I mean it is cool that way you know you wouldn't open up their Christmas goodies and go all my look here. I've got the ultimate is a disorder size probably the Super Bowl so it appears supersize without looking at right here, of course, if you get the supersize. You can put it it it goes right in your drink holder. You know that's the neat thing about it. I guess I go to Christian card. check that out. We got Mark. He's with Ford Motor Company. He is going to be with us coming up here at the bottom of the hour because Ford's one another award in in in in the critical what their announcements coming up right at the bottom of the hour, but moving what is it not amazing that Ford is done over the last few years. It is it's it's it's really exciting and were excited to hear from Mark coming up here shortly but also you know. Next up on the hit parade and I don't think he's gonna love this and smart listening is all dead tiedowns for your truck. You can have too many of those I mean old redeye client things down about a good bed. Tiedowns will see what the stocking stuff for Google what the superintendent of stuffing has to say about dead tiedowns we might be shocked to hear from Fort coming up. We got a lot more Christian card – oh, not hello hello or know know know best and the worst hello hello hello, what are the best and what are the worst accessories this Christmas what's new what's out there. We're reviewing today on the Christian Car Guy show but speaking of the best we have Mark Lapine here with us. He's the Ford F1 50 marketing manager.

Welcome Mark a good show. Another big big announcement yes yes we are very, I would think for the fourth time for the fourth time that correct tell us what we got your motor trend truck of the year for 2012 so that was that. That was just Modicon just came out and presented that at Monday at low p.m. the new editor and he was there and that it was a great time. There are world hecklers.well, you know, many, many people when they think trucks they obviously think for words and with the F1 50 you know is just like it's a truck truck so to speak. It is, but I understand that with this new technology. There's a 42 inch LCDs.

You gotta tell us about the 4.0. I wonder I was thinking 42 that would be pretty impressed. I needed to put on my glasses. I was that man you can't even see the dashboard. You know, writing in the instrument cluster between, during the down there. We got a 4.2 inch full-color LCD screen we call it our productivity screen and down, in addition to some of your normal methods that are type items like your fuel economy and get trip odometer.

It also had specific truck application like trailer so menu which not only remind you what you end up back at the 10 trailers that you can name manager trailer gain settings for your integrated credit brake controller and then also there some awkward applications that show you visually pitch role like your steering angle at any given point in time… How cool we are father was a Jeep dealer in New Mexico. Back when I was a kid and we used to have those pitch and roll cages are New Mexico in Albuquerque. I lived in it.did you really wear in Alamogordo. How cool will. I'm glad to tell you that the Christian card – it was being broadcast right now and grants, New Mexico went also in word I forgot Clovis in Albuquerque. We have stations and in all three of those New Mexico towns and broadcasters were blessed to be that and I know those are truck people down there and sadly off-road truck people so that that pitch and roll thing is a huge deal. When you are really offloading and you're wondering how you know and I guess it's it's got a like a warning that says will will Robinson knew that this isn't good for you to do anything that would be dangerous that it would intervene at that point brings back old but otherwise it is a great gauge yeah absolutely for all off-road vehicles as just that is so cool and again Ford's you've got the fuel economy thing going on with the big truck but true and down. This is obviously back in 2008 with when gas price hike about four dollars a gallon first time that I know of day that week we started seeing customers.

I mean really for the first time truck customer started an economy is actually important to me previously was always just about the capability and the durability and the things they wanted to do with the truck that that fuel economy made up and let back in 08 and luckily we were Artie working on a new engine line at the F1 50, which included to be fictive and improve fuel economy. All the end the QB fixes them get them back to class economy and that's a big thing, powerlessness or hearing. All grid itself is a force owner understands that that's my truck, but but what I always like to explain is that you and I have been through several truck schools and learning how to sell those moments, things that you can gear a six cylinder to pull an amazing amount of weight it can do a phenomenal amount of work. Some of those big huge trucks back in the 30s and the 40s were six cylinders and Line 6 owners in any of them need to be fixes that we introduced are certainly out there.

Certainly powerful, as well as feel efficient of the 37 which is a naturally aspirated does make 302 hp and it can collect 100 pounds know that for a lot of people that aren't are doing heavy heavy telling that that's about all of the eco-boost on the other hand, that it that's really great engine where we added two turbochargers, one for each bank cylinder as well as a direct injection and with that we get 355 hp, and more importantly the truck will hundred 20 pound feet of torque torque at 20 5 PM and I get you towing capability of 11,300 pounds to be telling a lot of stuff. Well, there you have it folks. Motor trend truck of the year for the fourth time the F1 50 mark. God bless you. We appreciate you so much, not an you you and your family there.

Are you in Dearborn I met we actually just outside of Dearborn, Ann Arbor Allis for my sister lives.

I was there a few weeks ago night there you go in Michigan's have a little bit better year this will God bless you guys have a great Christmas and congratulations to Fort another great American truck.

What can you say when you think truck you think a lot of times Ford F1 50 really okay and God bless thank you Mark all right hello were still we could. We got these accessories, we gotta be thinking about what is your pick. We'd love to hear from you or your any other questions you might have. 86634 truth 866-34-TRUTH 87884. We are talking. We were talking and we when we went to break about tiedowns to me.

You can have enough tiedowns in the bed you truck but it's another thing you need to be careful and don't yeah absolutely there you go again. They said the good, the bad on me. It's a little bit of both but she get a good sturdy tight a lot of times you get some cheaper ones in Denmark said you how they mounted where they mount is all important. Don't want to go drilling holes in the body of the vehicle. There's actually those that will go in the slots for the sideboards and they they lock into those slots and and you know how simple is that you don't have to put a single in a Bolton anything you're not messed with your body panel, but the same time.

If you're like me and your you know Robbie will you go pick up you know my mother's furniture down it here. One will you go do this in your all the time time stuff and so you can't have too many time and so it's a great inexpensive stocking stuff referred anybody with a truck and but again you gotta be careful in a lot of times these things are, you get what you pay for, and another thing to always doing so. Many of these accessories are our purchased through the Internet. Do a little research and find out exactly what you're getting in and you know another thing that always look at when you buy something of the Internet is to find out what the return policy is because there's so many times your purchase something and then there's a fee to send it back, and yet also pay for the shipping to go back if there's a chance of it not being what you expected to be much better off buying it local or somewhere that you know that you can return it. Even if you think your saving money is a great thing to do the research, but then just what you find one right there locally. Now another one that's on my list. It's really lots of thumbs up that I really really like especially for you parents out there is. How about a new set of brighter headlight bulbs. If we can't mess up their camera. Jerry Bell is installing wrong. Now I think and mess up. I mean they they sail these kids.

These high output kids we have to put the converter box and I wanted bad idea. Those things you you burned so quick. It becomes a money pit for you but Sylvania that house. I just make a little bit brighter. You don't go crazy and don't go crazy just get the little bit more intensity than what the car came with originally Silverstar at the right is this is their brand, but as others there's others, but they're all good and it's a way to give your family a little more illumination you know it's it's a Christian concept is absolutely and it's in. It's a good thing but those you gotta be careful when you're installing these new lights you cannot touch the outside of these bold folks if you go to put them in there something about) absolutely if you if you have a light as some some of the plastic housings will click moisture in there if you have a life that does collect moisture. Don't put an expensive bulb in it because it's the same principle that that high output bulb one just last a fraction the time of his life because of that moisture in their one of those and I know a lot of folks like, but we've got it on the list of things to really be really be careful for an and that's a spoiler or Aerojet.

Those are the things that wow II cannot tell you between those in aftermarket wheels. How many people I've seen destroy the resale value of your car by put stuff like that on their not to mention messed up a lot of stuff all absolutely. One thing I would always suggestive somebody's thinking about getting a spoiler aftermarket wheels ground effects do the research and then also go to a body shop or somebody who has installed those before and talk to him about what it's gonna take to do that because the worst thing you can do. You get some of these kids and you have to cut your bumper up the holes in the rocker panels in the rocker panel moldings. Then all of a sudden you realize after a year or so.

The plastic is in a real high quality and start sort of marlin up on the edges and it really looks bad so you want to take it off and all the sudden you to get your car back to the condition it was to talk about spin and thousand bucks or so, or even more so just do research and make sure what you're getting in and in these cases, if it were me I would never go outside of an OEM.

In other words, what what at the Met. One of the manufacture originally if there was a spoiler use their spoiler because it anybody who's going to praise the cars can see it from 2 miles away and if it looks like somebody put some like that on a car there can a docket big time and the other thing with wheels while people realize they think wow put these pretty wheels on for goodness for goodness sakes save your old wheels if you gotta have a minor stand but save your old wheels. I promise you the dealer when you come in there, go to have your wheels if you say yes that's going to be huge because I don't want. If I'm trading for that car.

I don't want those weird wheels. I want to wheels it came with a call because it is a used car people.when they see that what they think Jerry will one thing to think car is been jerked around not taking care of in an abused another piece about wheels and you're now the popular thing is the 22's in the great big huge wheels we just had a vehicle at the shop that we had to cut away part of their bumper and the offender said the wheels were clear, because that's what they wanted and unfortunately at some point they're going to probably wish they had not been receiving the results of those over the years. Again, OEM folks, original equipment they sell wheels they sell nice wheels.

If you really say I've gotta get some other wheels, and you have a Honda goat get Honda wheels if you if you have a Toyota get Toyota wheels because when you go to trade that car in the person looking at it. They know immediately when a minute those wheels encumber that car, you have the original wheels.

I cannot tell me how many times I've had the discussion with somebody when I was appraising a car and they looked at me like I was lost, but they didn't know that it would cost me $1500 to put the original wheels and tires back on their car and ended and it really really affects us, especially the upper level you like the Acura RS of the stuff like that those cars is phenomenal how much you will kill the resale by just change the wheels absolutely, so you need to have it comes to beeping down the road and put upside this car that had this huge wing on the back of it. I mean, but we got we got to here is Robbie's easiest best as well wait a minute before we do that we do have a word from a Christian girl I had two questions. First of all what it is, why would anyone want to put spoilers on their car. What is the point of it.

I've never understood. Can you explain that well if in fact you are ever going to hundred and 60 miles now. It keeps the car down around them. You don't want to fly in a bath robe that actually in some cases rear spoilers not wings necessarily, but some wings actually do change the aerodynamics to get slightly and I means lightly better fuel economy. Okay and and so when you see these big trucks that have all these new wings and stuff on them just what they are really and in the different moldings that they got around those fronts.

They are really really changing their fuel economy with doing that and you can do that with a car, but only with the output with original equipment but you've got a car accessory that you think for all pet love for people and pets, especially dogs that shed and you have upholstery in your car and you don't know whether to tell people you have fur-lined seats for you have a pet.

There is this op looks like a pumice stone and you can get it at a car parts store and it actually just dragging along your upholstery and it removes all of the dog care. It's the best, not for leather seats and only Angel should have wings.

Alright, well, we can first tell you that Robbie's pick for the very best stocking stuffer and everybody that you know needs one and and and you know they make these digital air gauges that they can check the tires. There's nobody checks her tarp.

I go down the road is rare that I don't see somebody's got a problem. Jerry inexpensive going anybody stocking. How cool is that absolute family lives couldn't say right and fuel economy and tire wear and money and all it is is a very simple note 10 $12 gift.

It's called an air pressure gauge very simple, but you know one of my favorite I came across and do my accessories research.

It's kind of for the man on the go. It's it's it's a commode on that fits on your trailer and it's for the man on the go. I mean how cool is that you gotta go to push hard… To see this is called a bump or something. I'm not going to say but we come back seriously looking at your appraisal by the real black book. How about are you asking for away over Christmas and Jesus is coming up this time for real black show. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure. Cry out for discernment, lift up our voice for understanding, while continuing on Robbie's soul stocking stuffers what's on your list this year. Know the list that you're asking Jesus for for your soul well I know I said this beginning a show I this week I asked Jesus for whale in this.

It's a whale of a tale, but you're probably asking why why Robbie would you as Jesus for well I'll explain that there's a book I'm reading that I'm told by my good friend Sam, maintenance written for women. I shouldn't enjoy it, but it's one of the best books ever called captivating by John Eldridge and and Stacy Eldridge, his wife, and in that book, she tells a story about how John being outdoorsy kinda guy was out there somewhere in California and he was at a men's event, and he snuck away and he went to the beach, and while he was at the beach. He was asking God for some indication that he loved them and he was searching for God and you sit in the standards looking out and all the sudden, even though it was in the time a year.

This humpback whale very way too close to shore comes in and I would blows the water in the air and John gets his view of this whale and his wife here in this story she gets jealous and she goes will gotta come you never sent me a whale and and so is not long and she finds herself in California and she sneaks away to the beach and she's like.I want to whale God. I want to whale and that she sit out there looking over the water. You know, for a couple hours.I want to whale no whale no whale shows up so she starts. Note continue to pray walking down the beach and you know in California have those big rocks and she comes from his rock and she comes across as beautiful orange starfish. You know are just gorgeous striking orange and she picks it up and she knows okay this is God, tell me what you know you're you're more delicate your woman a woman's heart. Here's a starfish for you and she was. I was looking at impossible. This is cool I can talk to starfish.

I can't touch whale God, thank you. I'm so excited about the starfish when she goes around the next turn. And there are a zillion starfish not want zillions purple, red, orange, blue, all different colors that all washed and there they were, and she said God wasn't tell me he loved me he was tell me that he loved me he loved me, you see the picture at and so the question that she asked in the book and I ask you and are you asking God for that kinda kiss are you asking God this Christmas God show me some cool because God loves to show off your love to show you that we got asking God show me some cool. So as I said, I heard the whole thing so I said God I was. I was actually out deer hunting in my family really be said here. I was like God, show me, show me well as this article will I didn't see you dear know that the next morning I'm studying the song of Solomon and for years and years I've studied this book trying to get insight into what was Solomon thinking and at the beginning of the book in chapter 1 he talks about that. The below that the lovers name is a perfume poured out, which I believe is the Christ. That's anointing or Messiah. So the lover I've always understood to be Jesus but I always knew he was loving on me but my question is where did Solomon fit into this well after my whole study with them with you know, asking God about the whale. The next morning I get up and I'm looking at this and I start to do research on Shula Mike which is what right that the that the woman is called the beloved is called in the book and I come across is interesting information that Solomon in Hebrew is actually pronounced Shalimar but Shula might in Hebrew is pre-mounted pronounced shoe mommy. In other words, Saul.

If you were to say Solomon and the feminine. You would say Shula might suggest what it's very possible to me and I'm just loving on this myself that Solomon was using Jesus is the lover of him. He used his own name in the feminine form to show us how God, his relationship with God through the song of Solomon. I know that's about you. You just well you think what you think God sent me my starfish arm love it okay on the site but for you, you know what you what kind whale or you could be asking God for one things that one thing I know in the sixth chapter he says awesome, awesome, are you turn your eyes away from me, for they overwhelm you know God can even lift you without being overwhelmed is that more than cool. I think it is. Thank you for list the Christian card show asked for a good stocking stuffer for your soul here but also slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went.

I certainly want to thank my good friend Jerry from race body shop and are superintendent of stuff. Thank you Jerry stuff and thanks for being with us and Beth and with her quick stocking stuffer tips for the pet lover which they have become harnesses to this we go out and celebrate greatest gift to mankind Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. That's right, and asked for whale understand. Thank you for listed Christian card and ready for your listening to the truth and