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Driving the Race

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
September 1, 2012 1:37 pm

Driving the Race

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 1, 2012 1:37 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book, not the blue book knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 1866 34 truth. That's one 866-34-TRUTH 7884 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Robbie Gilmore wow did we have a show lined up for you today. This special Labor Day addition of the Jesus's labor of love show course labor. Love is free car repair labor for families in crisis and we've got a lot to talk about that today as well as those you've been following our share your heavenly heritage contest. You know that today were to be announcing the winners do that very shortly but I have to tell you that.

Also at our website. Christian Car their attorney posted but also some of the amazing testimonies that were entered I could spend literally hours reading these things. They are so powerful and I am so thankful to every listener that entered they blessed my life and hopefully they can bless their families. Now the have something in writing that they can share the next generation and very very exciting today we have a long time friend of ours are Christian racecar guy went Thomas here and he's got the whole midget midget he's got reinforcements midget racers all sorts of stuff.

Welcome Clint is good to be here this week is one introduce a great group of young drivers the team Anderson with Chase Brannon and Alex and their quarter midget race team and also with us today is our head of marketing and recruitment Ashley seven, Yahweh. You guys again to get such a treat. We have quite a group of youngsters in here.

Their data must be the head of Anderson Brothers racing is Brett Anderson, Brett, then you can introduce these guys to assert in their ages because they are listeners can't tell of their age by the base all sound like the band but there not quite. Absolutely first and will start with youngest is Alex he is seven and then there's Brandon he is 11 and chases 13 Michelle Salo bears Alex and Landon and and chase your 13 so you can keep your your brothers in line at most the time. How long of you been doing this well. I started when I was located about six and we took a break for about four or five years and in the on this one Alex.

He started again, and that made me want to start racing in. So I started racing again about I think last year yeah and then Brandon got me and so there you got Anderson Brothers racing Morgan here a lot more from them today and of course it's the first Saturday of the month that we have our Christian insurance guy Bill Mixon here ability got force a dear friend of mine from Virginia called this week dear friend, a dear friend and her daughter had been driving up a loaner car that one of her friends letterhead and she delight collided with the deer dear friend enter the car called the parent and wanted her to be responsible for the damage that dear did I thought when Harris got there we might discuss how some of those things work and how important it is to understand what you're paying for Yahoo! News driver who's on first what's on second. I don't know is on third and get some answers to that.

But you know what that means we got Billy Ray loves when I do this, great ripoffs, questionable quotes deductible dilemma adjuster fluster policy predicaments premium pretense.

Call us today that we know this is a live chat when we always would love to hear your questions maybe got a question for one of the Anderson Brothers racing are frequent Thomas are Christian racecar guy you because we want to hear from you today, 866-348-7884. Maybe you heard an amazing testimony this week like me you were trying to drive to New York City while you're on vacation. I know been gone a couple weeks. You call us with that question 866-348-7884 and while we still have so much more so to tell you about at the bottom of the hour, Robert Robert, I got my own name in their rocket ship super alloy technology. What's all that about what just what the Ford fusion turbo working to hear about this new rocket scientist Robert Wade as can be with us. He's a combined. This is a component engineer and designer from Ford Motor Company is gonna be with us at the bottom the hour, then in our appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure crap for discernment, lift up our voice for understanding, and today we are going to share some of these amazing testimonies that were sent in from our listeners. There is much to learn and praise God from these and they're all by the way, shared at Christian Car Guy everything.

I'm a read from today the winners announcements all that and I am Robbie tomorrow if you want, and who is this person talk to me. I'm Robbie don't Christian part 35 years the retail automobile business, but more importantly your brother in Christ Christian card I show is changing the way people look at their cars. They need to be paid for no debt watching people go in the amazing amounts of debt every year as a car salesman is a lot of what led us to do the show in the way you can scatter that. Guess what, don't trade your car because we have discovered and we try to prove every week on a Christian card, I show that cars will last as long as you do in fact my truck out there is about to turn 333,000 miles on its way to 1/3 of a million, but the others a man out there driving a Volvo with over 2 million. And I assure you, if you take your acute care of your car. There's no need to titrate it. No need to stay in all that amounts of that but that's what the Christian card I shows about how do we get our cars to last one of another ways we do that is we need to drive safely. So we talk a lot about that on the Christian card. I if you listen to me for very long. You know I always tell folks wear your seatbelt. Would you believe 80% of the fatalities last year were caused were the result of somebody not wearing a seatbelt low of 80% of the fatalities were from people not wearing your seatbelt, your publishing Robbie. How many people were wearing her seatbelt, only 20% so of the 80% of the fatalities. It was only 20% of people drive and it's it's an amazing thing. It's a pretty good statistic to tell you, guess what you need to wear your seatbelt and even these young racecar drivers right Brandon, would you tell folks that you been running around the track and the racecar of you ever felt that seatbelt gets not going if you had asked. Yeah, we glad you're wearing it. You even have to wear a helmet so people didn't wear your seatbelts and the other thing we are talk about is don't speed if you're truly following Jesus. In other words, he's driving in the car in front of you. Would you be going by, because you not found it right so it's estimated and anointed estimated actually not showing the math that Americans waste over 200 million gallons of gas a week. 200 million gallons of gas a week. I'll show you math anybody want me to show it to you. That's how much gaskets wasted every week because people don't drive the speed limit, we wouldn't have a gas crisis you would be looking at 375 a gallon if people just drive the speed limit. Again, this is a live show and if you have any question, comment this morning. We would love to hear from you.

866-348-7884. Now we want to talk to the client. He's our Christian racecar driver we've had so many wonderful discussions over the years and it's amazing to me. He drives the R12 card now the R12 Collins at Stanford stance Romans 12 and its racetrack. He gives us a good opportunity. After you we run into somebody is my runs into how we really handle our sales and show Christ likeness. So you're out there is the Christian racecar guy in the R12 car and you've come across this young midget race team and and what you told me was Rob. You wouldn't believe how these people are actually a witness for Christ out there in this whole family taken part in this adventure. After Ann Weatherby Brea and the father along with the other competitor fathers or the sons and how they conduct their sales with their other competitors in its is really something to see, especially with the close competition they pan. Now I'm I'm I'm curious to see you yourself Brett were pretty well known racecar well or when my wrong. It's another Brett Anderson another Brett Anderson at a was a top fuel engine builder yes I worked on racecar is all my life from the time I was 16 and when we started having kids. It just seemed like a good fit. We would go race at some we can do as a family altogether and so you start out with Chase. That's correct, and ending when he was six years old when he was six years old and he race for about a year and just came up one day and decided you know this is too much for me right now and just decided he didn't want to do it so we had two more boys we just push the car into the basement just let it sit there thinking that one day one of them would want to do it and when Alex came along, card I managed SG dad. He said I got that car for four years in the basement and I'm old enough now it's my turn now. So Alex, what was that like when you got out there behind the wheel scary so it didn't take it too long and the eastern abundance of people beating at six years old that's so amazing, so we inferred out. Chase got in the actively for now. Alex got a map that we haven't heard out Brandon Brandon how to how is it that you got in the act, when Chase started racing about two months and I wanted all right when we got a lot more coming up from Anderson brother races leave God Ashley southern here. She's given talk about this. The Christian business end of our 12 racing Bill get his share his dear friends, and we've got Jesus labor love free car repair. We got more coming. Every NASCAR race. These guys are here in Christ. Whenever information is and were blessed to have our own Christian racecar guy here with us today. Quinn Thomas and the whole Anderson Brothers racing team which we can hear a lot more from them, but it is Jesus labor love Saturday and the share your heavenly heritage contest winners have got to be announced in August he would take these guys off the hook. Right now there already at the website and I'll announce it a couple more times during the show today but the winner of our grand prize from Pilgrim tours $2000 in travel vouchers to the holy pretty amazing prize and the winner of that and again we did not judge these testimonies. We just everybody that entered got their name in the drawing and we just draw out throughout the winter and but always as many testimonies as I could post the website. They're all over the place and you can read them, but the winner of the grand prize was Doug's portal and he resides in Holland, Michigan, and so Doug were were so thankful you took the time to share your heavenly heritage and now you're the big time winner of the Pilgrim tours $2000 in vouchers because what we had another prize giveaway today is an energized retreat for the pastor of your choice. Whoever entered this would get to send their pastor on energized retreat, courtesy of energized ministries and my good friend Annie Bowersox and the winner of the energized retreat for his pastor is Rick Bruckner and Kramer to North Carolina and of course that's close to the website. We will get up with you guys to get that information to you and again you got a Christian card. see the people's names were listed there, as well as some of these testimonies we received this week and coordinate a chance to read some of those later in the show and you lost a time for that now, as I said, it is the Jesus labor love and what a time to do it is on Labor Day and we have a new volunteers been helping us out not normally we have Victor Hill, who is my longtime volunteer know it looks like were just going over 200 cars repaired for the year. Single moms and widows families in a crisis.

And today we've got Keith Ward with this.

The way this program works is that you know a family in crisis. They listen Christian card are somehow or another they are familiar with what were doing here is called the Jesus is labor of love or I'm told you not supposed to put the interest on it just Jesus labor love and what we have is a whole bunch of the 24 radio stations that carry the show we have 28 car repair centers that kinda coincide with where those stations are that help when we have a crisis like this, people go to Christian card. there's a form to fill out and they fill out a form that says no this is my need and here's a list of references so that we can verify that it's real need and then my volunteers.

Victor usually on the share with me and now today Keith Ward. They get this form and keep you had a chance now for about a month and have to be involved in this program and and you get a chance to call some of the references and then call the.

The repair centers to see if you can line up the work that is correct and I'm enjoying it gives me great pleasure to help out a we are, believe me so grateful to have the help because as you can tell of 200 cars to be repaired this year alone. There's a lot of these things coming in now. We have a whole prayer team. You can go to Christian card. and you can click on it, another button to become a volunteer and do what he's doing. Make the phone calls or you can be on the prayer team. We have computer search teams that help us find of the repair centers we got all sorts and needs. If you feel like you want to get involved in this program it Keith what's it actually like to now you ear piercing in this need, match in your like man I don't know if we can meet this, you got a call the repair people and say you mind helping these people out.

Can you share with us.

One of those that you had a chance to work on this this month. Yeah, I know you do have need to the budget. One particular lady Eric down at Scott Creek did go to work at around the vehicle a lot you 15 years old and sometimes just wonder you guys will be able to do anything but the good thing is once I talked to both verify the references and all the guys that actually do the work. They are just so they got such a good attitude, and so willing to help out, and that's like I get them connected and which links please help her out. My this is a lender is all yeah he is like.

Took care of it and yelling and follow-up nuance on this one of the male and got to do the work that you seem so happy to have been able to help these folks gives me joy. Now my grievance is going to do the labor in and so that's what we provide, and we asked that the single moms widows of the family in crisis because if it's a returning veteran or whatever you feel like somebody does in a crisis and needs his help, you can go to Christian card. and fill out this form help them fill out the form will verify that, but what we do is we ask our repair centers to offer the labor for free and you kinda have to bring on parts and sometimes we do have some moms out there still waiting for widows etc. that are waiting to get the parts together, but we hopefully can provide the labor were constantly working on trying to get more parts and Keith again, thank you so much for helping us out with this program and God bless you buddy. I thank you thank you and II so many new things are happening with this program.

I can't tell you will. We had a chance this week to get request from Louisville, Kentucky from Salt Lake City, Utah. From Charlotte, North Carolina. Just this week I mean regular coming in all the time all over the country and that such a huge blessing to see all these volunteers come together to make this happen. The prayer volunteers always people and it is just it's it's a real blessing, please go to Christian card. get involved if you possibly can. It's it's it's really neat for me to always see how God puts a certain passion in somebody's life and then they find a way to live that out for Christ. Just like Anderson brother raising right right clan and now you got Ashley Southard with yours now tells about what Ashley does as she's been a great help.

She's heading up our marketing and recruitment.

It's is been a burden at a point when you're trying to do so many different things in with the knowledge and background in just relationship building that she's had she just been a great part of the ministry for Ashley. I know that that this is been a new experience for you.

Did you ever think you'd be a racecar person I did not really down right thing to be a price that's a great team in ministry and enjoying sickening to share with our listeners what you do like client fan. I do help with the marketing and recruitment. We are always looking for people to hell volunteer for sponsors on campus cannot to advance and to help with donations in it. We may never reach more youth in our community and why are child dies is minister to youth and help with teambuilding and reach out see we get children's homes, festivals. I know we've had you when they are 12 race team shows up. Believe me, they bring the complete party. They have people going around doing stuff they got the car. They got the trailer along with our own crash pieces and tire marks, Christian card. find out out a schedule are 12 for your next event we got Anderson brothers racing. We got a rocket scientist is the only form we got so much coming at you in these testimonies you want to hear those and how about our dear friend that hit the base gym music because you little space Jim going on for you today on the Christian card guys show a rocket ship. Super alloyed technology aids Ford fusion 2 L turbo we are going to have Ford's rocket science Robert Wade component engineering designer at Ford motor company is with us here on a Christian card I show today good morning Robert good morning, so if you ever been referred to as a rocket scientist before his will call the rocket lab so there's a big beautiful article in Christian card I show the Christian card. that shows the space shuttle taking off with its believe it or not, 119.5 million hp burning 350 gallons of fuel per second and they had this nickel, cobalt, tungsten, super alloyed, how did you guys use that so that alloyed recall it RM was developed as part of the space program shuttle used in the main motors of shuttle it out in the rocket part of the novel you have to combine the fuel in the oxidizer. The big external tank in order to get from the tank to the main engines you need turbine driven pumps of the fuel in the oxidizer than those pumped. It looks like a turbine on a jet engine but that would bar MLA and what it does enable very high temperature operation. What were doing on the new Ford fusion is we've got 2 L engine with the turbocharger and the turbine wheel in that turbocharger is made out of the same material that is in that space shuttle and so yeah that one of the things I know I've been around turbans for years and years and years and that's always a concern for those of our listeners.

You may not be familiar with the way of turbo works.

It actually takes the exhaust gas, you know what comes out your exhaust pipe and it spins a terminal of that exhaust gases, hot in the Robert effect. The space shuttle about 3300° belt that's really hot in our Ford fusion were going up to about 50° belt and we have a much better wall will different environment that we have to do that material in order to deliver fuel economy and the efficient want to get out of our 2 L writing.

So what it happened in the past you know when you may have heard people say well turbocharger as they may not last and only go 100,000 miles for the reasons that there they had a lot of heat that they were trying to deal with. So this this super alloyed is a big deal to be able to add longevity to this 2 L engine for you guys and write back turbo the day are very durable. Not only do we you high temperature material on the turbine side. We also have they would feel turbine housing that are bearing housing old engine coolant so yelling in the 80s maybe you could get coking issues. The other kind of people knew you didn't want to do a hot shutdown of turbo, but that we solved this problem and that we have a very durable product today. Amazing all why do I need to turbo. I'm not a racecar driver but a lot of people as you get a 2 L engine and when it develops. All this horsepower it really saves gas my that's right back.

No true leader in delivering 240 hp is the leader and another way that is different than the 80 not only do we have the turbocharger but we got variable cam timing direct injection very advanced microprocessor, but governed engine behavior would put all that together and call it eco-were delivering like 40% more torque than turbocharged engines. Of the 80 Turks a huge thing is when you come off that you sit on a hill and you gotta take off. That's really where a lot of people don't realize they burn more gas with that. Take off the night. They do at highway speeds right right about that that torque happening right then because of that eco-boost is a huge thing and keep in you guys, well above the competition and the EPA rating. That's right it out.

The true leader. Rated 33 miles per gallon highway driving in the 1.6 L turbo and is rated 36 miles per gallon, which is incredible for a five family while Robert working have to run. Is there something else that you feel like not getting you the chance to share this with someone thing on your heart that you will make sure you got said you know Gordon committed to responsible stewardship of the earth and eco-boost brand really delivering customer performance of the with fantastic new Academy good. It's great stuff and you guys continue to do some amazing stuff for. Thank you so much Robert for being with us today. God bless you very much.

Thank you all right, well, I've been waiting with baited breath for all the whole show because I gotta find out what happened to our dear friend hit the deer. The mother's sister's brother was it.

What happened how exactly a friend called about a collision. Her daughter had with the deer in someone else's car in nearly every case, the insurance follows the vehicle. What I mean is the insurance ball on the policy.

The car trucked his insured on is what applies the drivers insurance does not necessarily come into play at all I have for bait. My children from driving anyone else's vehicles would allow anyone else to drive their cars if the owner of the car thought enough about their card to purchase comprehensive or collision protection.

That's where the money would come from to take care of that problem in some states, the drivers must be listed on the auto policy, especially if that driver is a young driver. We had a client call who son had run into a tree. We had notes from the day they called they had the car when they'd refuse the collision coverage. They'd received a paper showing the new car head.

No coverage for collision and then receipt to renewal policy showing that their policy did not have collision.

So my thought to you today is have you reviewed your coverages and your protection with your insurance agent you read the renewal statements that come out. If you are and what is your plan for if you're in New Mexico you probably need to review with your insurance agent, but if you're in North Carolina you need to review with your insurance agent you know that you can't live help you but is very true. And that's the advantage really bill of having a Christian brother like we have like I have. I have you. If I have something that's going on.

You know to have a Christian brother who is an agent or Christian brothers a racecar driver Christian Brothers mechanic those are things that really make such a difference in the body of Christ, you got it you got to at least once a year. Sit down with someone you trust and make sure you're getting what you think you're paying for.

Now we want to move to some of these amazing testimonies that we got to share your heavenly heritage program. Again, I don't want anybody that this is the Jesus labor love weekend and by all means you know we want to highlight all our service repair centers.

The modern Toyotas the Bobby Murray Chevrolets all around the country that are doing this repair.

Our hats off to you guys. I guess Edward and a crest over 200 cars repaired here in the month of of September free car repair labor, not the parts, but the labor for single moms widows and families in a crisis across United States. It's either Jesus labor Now we have our website there been false or Christian card. big banner click on that. Fill out the form volunteer force you know that's a big part of today. Again, we want to announce our winners on this word. Doug's portal was the grand prize winner Rick Bruckner won the energize retreat for his pastor.

Now, this dear lady sent me her.

She mailed in her entry and then she mailed me another letter to make sure I had a name and address in case she won, and I but her testimony was so powerful at, you know, just one of those. Listen carefully and see if you get what I get. Her name was Charlene. She said gentlemen at age 10 I went to Bible school at Southern Baptist Church in Jared community of Putnam County, Tennessee.

I did not realize I was lost Southern Baptist preacher said a prayer for us, saying we were saved. When I was 12 my dad and I moved to Chestnut Mount Tennessee, a village of approximately hundred people there.

We attended a missionary Baptist Church where people knelled upfront and some prayed out loud after the preacher preach people gave testimonies of their thankfulness Holy Spirit had its way. My dad was a Sunday school teacher I listed teaching and preaching, and I realize I was lost but I never did anything about it. Then one Sunday afternoon my boyfriend and I had an auto accident plowing into a concrete bridge. It temporarily knocked him out, but neither of us were hurt.

After this, I became under conviction I went to church the following Sunday and before the preacher preached. I got up and told him I was lost. They immediately prayed for me upfront and that night my boyfriend and I went to another revival to missionary Baptist Church in Carthage Tennessee 10 miles away from Chestnut Mount they gave me an altar call but I never went up. My boyfriend's aunt seated directly behind me, asked Charlene, are you all right I replied no, but then she went up from people talked with me, a man said he'll save you great. I prayed my Mike went dead. I don't know what happened, I pray, trusting God to save me. Apparently somebody want that repeat but she did.

She prayed, trusting God to save her, and told them I was saved. Unfortunately, I did nothing for God and myself with my salvation I backslid, I got an office job in Nashville, Tennessee, 50 miles away. I lived in Nashville Monday through Friday. I had arrived that Trailways bus to Chestnut Mount to spend weekends with my dad and Sunday afternoon.

I wrote back and never went to church. By 1995 my dear dad and I lived in Norfolk, Virginia. He passed away in a Veterans Administration hospital in December 25 and Christmas Day 1985 at 8 AM. I was devastated and I wanted to live no more.

So I thought maybe I go to church to meet some friends. I went to the first Baptist Church in North Norfolk.

The teaching began to really sink in direct the dads prayers office. I didn't redo my salvation, but realize I was saved and still am until the day of my redemption I apply it to every day experiences of Satan continents constantly attacks every way he can.

So again, not I've got lots of these posted a Christian card. I can type I can only have time to share a couple of today, but I would certainly you know say how cool is it that Charlene took the time to write this down now. Guess what all is Charlene's family and her funeral.

No what what what Charlene's testimony is to people know your testimony. You know I was doing this contest. The root here.

I am a Christian card. I would by the way, my testimony was written down at the website and were coming home from church the other day and she goes you know daddy my daughter my 12 year old daughter says no because this contest. Mommy told me her testimony and she said she's going to write it down she goes. I've never heard your parents out there, I'm telling you this is huge. I mean, might my own 12-year-old daughter and I shared all over but you know that was when she was younger and so sheet so I had a chance to share with right there because we gotta share our heavenly heritage. Here's another when Jackie she writes I was saved at age 15 and this is why I wanted to read this one because I get so critical we learn from this. I was saved at age 15, but I wanted to be saved. When I was eight.

Let me tell you about that first.

I lived with my grandparents until I was in the fourth grade when I was eight. I told my grandmother that I thought I wanted to be saved. She said we would go forward after the service next Sunday and talk to the elders of the church. They had a circuit pastor that came once a month and other times elders took care of the congregation so the next Sunday after the service. My grandmother took me to the front. The elders looked at me and they said well we don't know that what age children are able to understand about becoming a Christian. Jesus went to the table when he was 12. They thought that set a good example.

So they patted me on the head and said if I kept feeling this way to come back and they talk to the time passed and the work of the Holy Spirit kept fainter and fainter until I was no longer under conviction interesting testimony interesting, but I feel strongly that the Lord didn't leave me alone how he kept his hand on me and protected me now.

I shudder when I think of situations I got myself into and what could've happened to young innocent girl. This made a strong impression on me and I want to help guide young people to accept Jesus because what if your rate if your seven however old you are, believe meet the Lord can have his will in 1957 I was 15 when my cousin invited me to go with her to family and asked Broder revival her pastor DW Long was holding. I don't know what he preached on that night because I was looking at how the auditorium lights looked reflecting the old church windows and what songs are in the songbook.

But when he gave the invitation. I knew I had to go forward. I was wonderfully saved in my burdens all rolled away. My husband of 40 years passed away from heart attack in 1988, 1998. Again, I strongly feel that the Lord hasn't left me alone. I don't know about tomorrow, but I know who holds my hand.

He keeps his hand on me and protect me.

I have a wonderful family and friends that I can count on to. But Jesus is my personal savior and a best friend that is always on my side now is a grandmother I can do what I used to do, but I enjoy working with young people.

I can love children as if there my grandchildren. I want to let them know Jesus loves them and they need to asked Jesus to come and live in their heart and let them be the master of their life whether there seven or whether there 15. I want to be able to share that when we get back. Plus we got more coming from Anderson brother racing more from Bill Mixon. You can still have time to call it 866-34-TRUTH 87884 allow more Christian card I show, not unite on Mrs. Lessing's as I was able to share these heavenly heritage, you know, everyone that I read all the listeners. The men every one of them. I got the impression wow what an amazing God we serve in. How is out there saving people every day and I'm so thankful that God gave us the idea for this contest, but the idea of the contest was simply for all of us to write down your testimony and share your heavenly heritage with your family. I mean, for the next generation sake it's biblical so you can be and again you go to Christian card. and see others as others. Examples of that.

But one an amazing contest it was. And again, our congratulations go out to Doug's portal and Rick Bruckner and all the winners during the different drawings during the contest.

Now I need to mention that about two weeks ago. Maybe that was about three weeks ago I interviewed a Vietnamese pastor is Vietnamese pastor and spent three years in a Vietnamese prison because he preached the gospel in his country and a Vietnamese prison is a swamp. He shared a swamp with 7000 other people from Vietnam for three years, 7000 prisoners. They were all together in the same swamp they had to drink that water. That was the only water they had to turn it was putrefied by 7000 the people. Now if you're in a swamp for three years. You will be standing for your country. This is a great time right now to be standing for the United States when you can still have a chance to sit down every once while I'm just saying there's a really cool thing is come out is called stand US a and stand because we are finding that American values are slipping fast now. There's a movie that's coming out.

This can illustrate this that's coming out actually September 14 and you want to go see the skull the last ounce of courage. My daughter and I saw this and we got a chance to see a man stand that's what he was doing, but as a Christian.

There's a balance there because we've got to show that we love our neighbors, but we gotta stand in this movie is a great example is called the last ounce of courage is coming September 14 course you go to stand and find out what the others and it's it it's in hundreds of theaters. It's all over the place, but it's a great example of how we as Christians will be able to stand. So we don't have to stand in the swamp.

Someday for site sharing the gospel. We can stand now for our country, but we can do it in love like this man does in this movie last ounce of courage again is coming September 14 and you can go to stand you can friend stand and Facebook all sorts of stuff going on as you look at this election cycle.

There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure you said that Dwight Eisenhower. Now I know the whole Anderson racing team. They knew that was Dwight eyes narrowed in your meeting immediately bring that scolding it now. He looks at me like that. Anyway, we do want to talk real quickly. When these guys go to get race they got aware of special stuff. Don't they did. Yes, they have full fire suits, fullface helmets actually have a call to Ray Siebert's lawyer, but they stick in the rear and there's a spotter that sits up on top of the tower and can alert all the drivers. If there's an accident or something obviously you send your six-year-old out on the racetrack in safety is of utmost concern. Know not just for him but for me mom looks at you very suspiciously when there's accidents on the racetrack cannot chase what one of the kind of things they tell you and that you're both well to tell you where the cautions are at. When this cautions if there's a red flag, one to go. Things like that and you know what a red flag means so you'd feel like they stop you more in the midget series and they do in the bigger races probably try to be safe, and Ashley.

We also want to get a final thought are 12 racing.

You know there's a lot going on their way to share Christ through this. Can you share with your final thoughts with his family and we have a lot our volunteer opportunities in the areas of marketing, ministry TV, that photography video production newspaper. Any other time if he felt like he would like to be a part of this awesome team and cannot help as I went Vyvanse and you can get here are 12 revelations on Facebook like us spread the word. Also, you can email us at his got here funny and pleasing our riots where we want to thank you all for list and it's our listeners that make this show were so thankful to Bill Mixon or Christian insurance guy, Clint, Thomas R. Christian racecar guy and Anderson brothers racing chase Brandon and Alex and their dad Brett.

We appreciate you guys the anomalous Robert Wade with Ford Motor Company. Congratulations again to Doug's portal and Rick Rittman Christian card. Find out all about that you can hear a podcast the shelf you missed part of it.

You want to hear. Remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years and don't forget to share your heavenly heritage. The day, write it down really to the next generation. The list of the 1500 you're listening to the Truth Network and