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Accessory Anxiety

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
January 19, 2013 2:11 pm

Accessory Anxiety

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 19, 2013 2:11 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show.

The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book, not the blue book knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 1-866-421-8663 for 8784 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Robbie Gilmore, the future has arrived this week in the North American auto show in Detroit. All the new concepts that amazing accessories, many of them look so cool when you first see them. What a great idea.

It appears to be.

But then, just a few months later, perhaps a year or two down the road. Something happens and what you thought would be a simple repair thousands of dollars for this great idea that you never really thought about when I bet you had some kind of experience like that was some accessory that you bought on a car and you and all my word here you go. It sometimes you know people have problems with something as simple as the door lock statement date they might be struggling with the door lock so you know Cadillac had this OnStar for years and they found it thickly helpful for certain people to come out with a new product they had blonde*I do know if you've ever heard of it. We have a soundbite from a special blonde*moment that this poor lady was having trouble with her accessories. That's over talk about today on the Christian Car Guy shall take a listen. The following conversation is real, it took place on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 between the blonde*advisor and a subscriber outside our called door and there are doing this shiny thing that you and always blown. I guess we've all had those entanglements that we call them today.

Accessory anxiety enhancement exasperation. It was a frilled fiasco.

Do you know my wife is blonde and two blonde daughters.

I could be getting a phone call any meth but nonetheless it happens to the best of us that and we got the best person I know to help me with the show today.

We got our good friend and Christian body shop guy Jerry from Rice body shop welcome very greatly here this morning. You know where that clip and also the wrecker service part of I can maybe even experience that with the customer for me and it's it's amazing. I mean what people get himself into and just all of a sudden the brain just checks out right.

It's like those you member those electric sliding doors on the minivans that all that look like the greatest thing since sliced bread. But then you know if something were just right. They could start slicing. Never ever forget this really isn't funny but idle in my memory. It's funny… You know Cadillac about what it was before the habit of sliding doors. I used to have the automatic trunk closers and it wasn't ever supposed to squish her hand.

It was post enough. It came in contact with your hammer anything like those doors are disposed immediately release. I was told that it was supposed to.

We had a salesman used car salesman. He was showing this sweetest little lady you've ever seen in your life. This is why he didn't use his own hand. I will never know early. It malfunctioned and was closing on this lady's hand. She was screaming at the same kind of thing they look like such a great idea, but then how does it mess up. We would love to hear your story. When I got one, 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH accessory anxiety. You know maybe you remember those electric seatbelts pay for the airbags. Well, we've got a lot of those were good accessories to get one of the ones that you really should think about and what of the ones that boy you know you can really find out could cost you a fortune down the road that's over and talk about today and Jerry we can say people out of money will absolutely unite when you're sitting think about it when you sit there and you look at that vehicle and all of those options and look so good in some practical, some I just need to think about what is that going to be doing in 10 years.

What is it going cost me if there's a problem down the road and and even to the note.

We talked about the South therefore came only as also the automobiles that are the essay Robbie Gilmore custom elders accessories added down from local business and then still having problems with that are or in evening collision and try and replace parts so we were coming up a lot of Ford is actually you know this is the week of the Detroit auto show, the national auto show in Florida has unveiled their new Atlas concept truck and so we get to peek into the future we can lift up the veil little bit and have real sharp car with four peace Forge marketing manager for the F1 50s can be live from Detroit this morning at the international auto show and then coming up into the show in our appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure. We cry out for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding some things in life just can't be improved upon.

The more you know you can you do really can't add more thrills, more frills than we call the just plain old basics. Yet when you get some of those basics out into the light and you stand back and look at him like a diamond.

Every slight change of the way you look at something like that you get a new sparkling new beauty. It's the many facets and really it's such is the case with a copy of the cross of Christ and this week trip where I got to see some facets of that time and that really, I've never experienced and they simply left me speechless.

And guess what I could share that coming up in the show in our appraisal by the real black book. I am Robbie Gilmore, the Christian car guy 35 years in retail automobile business, but more importantly your brother in Christ, the Christian Car Guy show is changing the way people look there cars they need to be paid for.

No debts, and cars need tender loving care, even if they got a lot of accessories I Jerry may need a little more care and they need a name like old red you think about see these cars out there you see tractors they been on the field since the 40s there still running well truth is if you maintain a car last as long as you do cars need to be driven safely. Wear your seatbelt.

It's a no-brainer. 80% of fatalities come from people not wearing a seatbelt and don't speed if you're following Jesus right he wouldn't be speeding and it's estimated that Americans waste and this number blows people's mind that I've done the math, it is true.

Americans waste 200 million gallons of gas a week on speeding how many real quick with the math here be a week stay here years away. Yeah 200 million time 52 while I'm guessing that's over hundred and 10,000,200 and know it be over a thousand million, how that works.

Well I guess that's a lot of gas oh anyway today were talking about what was your accessory right aggravation.

What got under your skin. We've got Ray well now we've got him garage coming up at the top, but we need to hear from you. 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH in a course really want to mention the website Christian Car and there we find some really cool pictures of somebody's accessories and the latest articles if you don't get a chance with me in the show in your one and what are some of those accessories I need. What I don't need what is for come out with in this new Atlas you didn't get to hear it. You got going to Walmart you can go back and get the podcast later Christian Car as well as find out all about the Jesus's labor love free car repair for single moms and widows across the country. It's the repair labor, not the parts and there's form you can fill out for that type of help or if you want to volunteer got a really cool volunteer Albuquerque, New Mexico. This this week, so if you want to volunteer in our prayer team or anything like that. It's a big deal in a journal apps unit is plenty of areas to volunteer. You don't need to have the service center you don't need to think of some to take a lot of time just log only get with Robbie and there are some opportunities of snow more than just praying for those people that need that ministry and pray for those people's that are provided are just going out and using those service centers that are giving their time that they were able to generate income to help pay for their ministry. And I gotta tell you, the people are on our prayer list get to see the miracles that happen every week as these come in situations that I look at my go out know when we can do with this and then we follow-up. We have a master sheet that shows where all the cars are that are being repaired and you get a chance to follow and see what God's doing with the Jesus labor love program.

So that's really cool, and we would love for you to go to Christian Car Find out all about it's all in the Jesus labor love page now it's what we come back were to be live from Detroit. What about this new Ford Atlas. What are some accessories you need what you don't need and how we get to look at all these facets amazing show. I'm so excited about absolutely and you call us they always an amazing show, 866-348-7884. You want to make an amazing call for the mobile and find out when got here is the marketing manager for the Ford F1 50s live in Detroit.

Welcome Raj. We are excited now I have seen some of the press on this on this Atlas and it does have some jets in this like stuff in my understanding that somehow or another. It's got these like skirts that come down to cover the wheels and the grill closes and all the stuff to make it super aerodynamic right.

The concept has been active aerodynamic features so grill as you mentioned the grill shutters closed when you get a higher speed improve arrow and then it got a drop down front air dam again at speed that can be lowered to improve airflow underneath the truck but then at lower speeds, rough road it cuts back up but doesn't reduce the ground clearing and they wanted great features is definitely the active wheel shutters. These folks get closed out again at speed improve airflow over the wheel is a really neat active aerodynamic element is really amazing and all that and a lot of people don't realize this but I know you do arise that like 90% of the power required to drive a car at highway speeds is pushing air simply doing these things can radically affect the gas mileage.

I understand you're getting 2 miles per gallon better on the highway. With this, just using these features versus not using them right that you actually two or more improvement on MPG and you're absolutely correct aerodynamic huge role in overall fuel efficiency a particular talking about truck because of the large frontal area so elements that we can use to improve arrow flow really do help out efficiently. Now is is that somebody pulled trailer in his life a timer to this is some of the media stuff that I saw the just jumped out at me.

This dynamic hitches that anybody has ever tried to hook up a really heavy something to a trailer, I mean heavy trailer to a truck he can explain. I looked at it was like what the world is how does that work. Yeah sure no dynamic. This is a really great theater because anyone who has hooked up trailer truck know how tricky it can be when you're backing up trying to line up the ball in particular if you're on your own. You know you get the truck back a little bit you think you close you have to hop out. Go take a look try to shift the trailer around well with dynamic uses 8 inch screen in the center stack and it got your rearview camera on it and it has dynamic guidelines that you're backing up the lines move with your steering to help you wind that fallen his job in an active manner.

As you back up and you can see everything very clearly on the screen unity doing it all by yourself. Unity on the line everything up perfectly in one go show it. It's really a huge time-saving aid and really simplify that whole part of this like you refueling your F-18 you know you know you trying to line up with some expediently met some cool and then also email it never fails when you're not used to pulling a trailer and then you go to back up the first time it takes your brain how long to figure out that when you go left to go right now is exactly working yet, but you trailer back concept in and honestly one of my personal favorites. You know when we talk to customers and even experienced trailer towers. I mean backing up is always very intimidating. Think they need think about, you know, bring your boat out and you're on the boat ramp. Everyone's watching everyone's waiting yeah just heighten the anxiety and this feature basically has an inside I would need to steer the trailer exactly where you want to go take your hands off of the truck steering wheel, and let the truck to the work and you just use this small knob near the trailer and whatever spot you wanted to be in the truck will do everything else for you yeah you talk about a note taking the anxiety out of the equation. This is pretty amazing idea for how to do that sounds like what they've done as a way to disengage Robbie's brain so we can rob you of the picture with Mike and back this thing up. You know I'm a tell myself you're really old story. There may be somebody in Texas that is reeling and get mad at me in a minute. But that's okay you all I owe you for years of this, whatever, but probably 40 years ago. Actually Raj, I was moving from Texas to Colorado and I had my wife's car behind a U-Haul and that this was a 30 foot U-Haul and then my wife had a 77 Grand Prix and I know Roz you sound too young to know what that was but it was roughly 85 feet long and so it was in the middle of the night. It was in the middle of the night and I don't know if you're aware of this but when you got one of these cars that your time behind you. You probably remember Jerry.

You can't back up because the wheels on the car will go the wrong direction, i.e. what were talking about. So we decided that we, for whatever reason my brain disengage that I decided I needed to make a U-turn in the middle of this highway in the middle of the night right at the bottom of this hill because I wanted to go back into town to see if I can find out how to get sleepy only works if the 16 Light Hwy. and it would have a 16 Lane Hwy. and so here I am in this huge truck and as I go to make the turn.

The only thing I can.

There's a wooden billboard that's in front of the truck said it's there and I look up in the hope my whole rig is across the highway to the bottom of this hill and I look up and all my word, there's a car coming straight at us now.

This is when I need to dynamic something like. I looked in my rearview mirrors all the way to Colorado thinking the billboard police forget it. So this is stuff that really it's can save lives.

Well, you know, from our perspective we spent a lot of time with customers and were always document them about what can we do to help them be more productive. Look, we help be more confident behind the wheel and that's a lot of where innovation ideas come from in and that's exactly where both of these. The dynamic H assessment trailer back up. This is where both of those ideas from our customers. She worked for the stuff all the time. What are you most excited about that you seen this new Atlas well no doubt that the trailer tow features are big ones. I'm also a big fan actually of 360° camera and basically again anyone is driven truck snow yell when you're in a tight jobsite or I mean even tough suburban environment it maneuvering the truckis can be pretty tricky and especially when you don't want Any of the vehicles around you. But this camera gives you a Birdseye view essentially everything around the truck. So in front and back, and on both sides. It's really huge benefit or maneuvering in those types the situation. Another really need innovation and again, one that yell when we talk to truck customers. We know how tricky the situation can be so this is something that will help out a lot of people summarize. This is the Atlas that were talking about but I know everyone is not okay. When we got a run, but can you give us any sneak preview and when we might start see these features in production model. Well we can talk about having the lid on the Alice concept in allotted time for things that we are looking at very closely not only got a thank you so much Roz. We got a lot more so, and have to stay tuned. You do want to miss we might pay the blonde scarfing again for those I could while away bring my old excessive anxiety enhancement exasperation frills fiasco. It seems like such a great idea on tape at the end of course a lot of these advancements, we just talked about the game will be really cool and hopefully will save a lot of money and time and all that but you gotta things always work out as was originally described by the we are talking during the break.

You know I remember when we sold the Pontiac transport.

If you remember those but they look like a giant dust buster is the best way to describe one and they had a front windshield on that was a you know about the size of a small house and so they're concerned the factory we know it looks so cool they thought it looked like the space shuttle organist sell a million of these things and they put all this filters all these infrared filters in that glass to keep the heat from overheating.

The cabinet thought and when we were selling the car. We went and all the space-age technology that was in this bit of what we did not know was that the windshield was given a cost $1200 to replace. And so the net result of that was people can afford the insurance on the transport because a lot of windshields got boat broke rightly.

Absolutely. And these are the things what did you experience like that in your life. One of the accessories that are great that man this is the best thing I've ever had in one of the ones that bore you really need to think about before you depend on your car.

We would love to hear from you.

86634 truth 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Jerry utilities things everyday. Yeah you know you think that you seem like such a great idea, but you have to sort of think a little bit further out on think a few years out a mean all the steps is being described by Ford. You know we've get this new technology that comes in and all the sudden it increases the cost if you're in the collision is just like that's what the end of it I deal with all the sudden you just like we were talking. Enough talk about for what you get that the Cadillac and also that Lincoln came out with the air suspension and step, then you have a car. This eight years old it that five years you quit carrying collision insurance on your inner rear end collision you think well three or $4000 I can repair and get back on the road. The damage that suspension that air ride suspension all of a sudden that repair is $7000 so you need also factor in the fact that you get all of these of this technology.

You probably won't have an increased cost for you because you will need to carry collision for longer term on the vehicle.

You know sometimes you even get cars that every area will have where dealer like Robbie Gilmore's Chrysler has the Robbie Gilmore special edition or sport edition where they go in and somebody local puts all these add-ons on the vehicle and sometimes even altering the way the body is and then you're in an accident and they picked up parts from who knows where and try and replace that's almost an impossible test plus insurance companies don't necessarily less you contacted your agent in your company and total about all these add-ons and and things that aren't factory equipment on it. They may not even cover it. Going to collision right and that's and hopefully they didn't painted a different color. Yeah, how are they added stripes that were you know and so would you replace that striping is on the right side but is not on the left side when they added trim that again wasn't factory trim so and now this deal is out of business and all those things are things to think about when you go about getting that so-called special edition, my father used to say. Actually, it's kind of funny I had and what they called in our logo because we lived in New Mexico and the New Mexico logos and I had an LOL gremlin my father, and special sticker made in and all that was great until 20 years later is only one North Carolina handout that needed replace of the sort you know anybody remember the Chattanooga customs. We did the bands and the trucks to Stefan.

They wanted the 70s and early 80s.

They were very popular boy.

They were a nightmare. When they came into that collision industry came into a shop paint that it was all over those in the members. The trim packages and then I look the same but you know there's some fascinating things out there that are just on the subject that a lot of people would think, and I found this out being in the business that I power Windows, for example know that's an accessory, and a lot of people you don't have any idea if her salesman on the people come and go, long-term borrowing is because of my going to like I might not make it okay when the deck on the Ledbetter fear that a lot of people they really have, you know, but it's it's an interesting thing. Old red has cranked down Windows and and so and I was like cranked down Windows.

My thought, you know why people's houses not have electric windows. They put them in their car so when I was with the Chrysler styling on one time I asked when the engineers at the PT cruiser came out and it didn't offer a manual window so I don't have manual windows on the PT cruise on was keep price and he goes you don't understand it's a whole lot less expensive to build a door with a power window that it is with manual windows because there's so much more metal involved in the regulator and all that stuff that goes into a manual window that is actually less expensive to build a mall with power Windows and be consistent that they all built with power Windows and have two different configurations that you wouldn't you would think that be the case but yell at me when they're looking at it from from their perspective is things that you would even factory and I mean is that the white factor plays into it and well you can think about a time when you go on a car lot in you would have to ask for vehicle with air conditioning. I mean it was so you know, but that that's part of what comfort Soviet power door locks, we talked about that with a blonde star but with power door locks, and a lot of people get these alarm systems and this is another place. The dealers get people into trouble because they had these crazy systems that shut off the ignition. I eat I cannot begin to tell you I'm sure you too, Jerry of the people that came in and some delivered added something you know three owners ago and nobody knew it I had a clue why this car wouldn't start but that was a ignition rep system.

Yeah, I didn't and then they have disabled all the factory stuff and it's just a universe of very expensive transition back to what it is supposed to be there and set it just those things you just need to really investigate and think about the future and and what the cost is on the baby because it'll add up in a hurry. I mean there's there's nothing wrong with new technology, but just be aware of what it can what is in the doing and how is that technology can change of and how many cars you stated that don't have a can't use their center console because they have those phones set in the hoist open up the center console still has the phone mounted and there you can't take it out unless you change your whole center console of the vehicle and I was just those little subtle things that you wouldn't think about something to think about that again.

As promised, I wanted to play the blonde star thing again for those who been here in the first segment.

This is a kind of stuff that happens with accessory aggravation. The following conversation is real, it took place on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 between the blonde star advisor and a subscriber outside the box called the door handle their doing this thing that always on vacation and still always alone always blown well. I will is is a phone call coming in from a lady. It may have to do this blonde star thing that we will hear from you.

What was your accessory and you know aggravation 866-34-TRUTH 87884 I think we actually have my mom which she was a little bit blonde wood mom would you say your which Force my way by car was about three years old and I believe that Buick LeSabre come to Tennessee and we were going to go see Opryland Hotel terrorist attack and Sally got into the parking lot and locked up the car and went and when we came back. I don't know what we did that we said the car alarm and the car was nowhere.

We have to find your and find what to do it it turn off the car and talk about slotting Tennessee archives being stolen anything ever happen again. But you know when one of the things a lot of alarm systems when your battery starts good that your car, it automatically sets off the alarm because the sensors can't return to the alarm system and so these people be sit in their garages or cars going off the alarm. It's it's it's a struggle but that's thank you mama personage called in by now I know that brought a story your mind and we would love to hear from you. 866348788486634 truth and while you're getting that dolomite move on her appraisal by the real black book.

That's where we search the Bible for treasurer cry out for discernment lift up my voice from standing out some things in life is Jerry and I've talked about you know the basic stuff is just it's awesome and but when you get back and look at in the light. You get to see facets of it that you've never even dreamed where there and such is certainly the case with the cross of Christ and this week I certainly you know I got a chance to experience that God took me on a trip.

As you know, I've been talking about this book for two months.

This communing with the triune God and it it it was the reason I was intrigued by the book it was.

How do you commune with God individually with God the father God, Jesus Christ the son God the Holy Spirit, both individually and collectively. How you do that and so when I started on the book started my journey I started making a note of every time I saw way that he was indicating that you could commune with God because I wanted to come back afterwards and said okay here's all the different ways you can commune with God. These are the ways you commune with God the father and I would have it in my notes specifically so so farm about three cores away through the book. I've got 30 of those isolated and outline like that when I'm in Jesus right now that's a part of becoming and this would seem like a no-brainer. And that's what I thought when I first came across it.

I said okay. One of the ways you communion with God through communion. Rubbing did your brain here, of course, what Internet you know that you would think that be first on the list but it was in its way down to around 30 and so I started to think about this communion and John Owen take you places with this that I've just never really anticipated, and he starts talking about the blood of Christ, and he starts to show that blood in a way that I never really looked at it and this is part of the aspects that he started talking about that Jesus's blood was a gift was given to you. There was, not something you did to earn and understand that that's grace unmerited favor, but that that blood was a gift, but it was also an active service because he was on the cross actually giving that to you and as I heard that active service, my mind immediately went to our pastor and well-known author Gary Chapman Calvary Baptist Church once wrote a wonderful book the five love love languages. The way that we could interact with each other but I never thought about that God loves us in all five love languages and if you've read the book, you don't talk about but I'm a go of those love languages for you and then look back at the cross from the standpoint is once I got into this I said let me look at the cross from the standpoint of the five love languages in the five love languages are number one it's gifts and so we talked about the gift and the acts of service. We talked about that another of the love languages is quality time and another one is words of affirmation and the point being that different people speak different love languages.

In my case, you could give me all the gifts you want, but really all you have to do to fill my love tank is to tell me you love me words of affirmation mean everything to Robbie yet gifts are not my love language will my daughter. She speaks that this thing is she will pour out gift to you and what she's trying to do is show you that she loves you. You want to get my daughter's love tank fill giver gift other people. It's quality time you can give them all the acts of service, but Gary Chapman himself talks about in order to show his life. He loves me. Vacuums by vacuuming it filled his wife love tank you know however that works but these are the five love languages" when you think about this from a standpoint is how does obviously we all speak all five love languages, but one of these languages is the one that really speaks to your heart individually, and God is coming after you at the cross and one of these five love languages so interestingly at the cross appointed John Owen. What did Jesus say what were his words of affirmation will think about it.

What did he say why I went back and I looked at those words. One of the things he said is right.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do and then he said truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise now talk about words of affirmation, so we got four more languages to talk about the Christian car guy we have anyone heard from you. You call us with your aggravation. 866-34-TRUTH 866348784 you want to hear the word are five love languages because God expresses love. It's all so amazing is that I can look at this time and I really while the depth of it, but I thought always like to just take a few swipes and we will talk about that different love languages that Gary Chapman outlined in his book with gifts, which we talked about was the gift of blood in active service which certainly that was an active service to go to the cross for me me me to pay the price for my sin. That was the active service so that I could be free from guilt about quality time because that's one of the five love languages will John Owen actually took me back to the cross and said here. Look backwards, God was spending time with you. 2000 years ago on the cross was for your sin. He was dying those hours on the cross between heaven and earth, because he was no earth couldn't hold them in the sky was black because it did know what to do with the situation is the son of God was laying there dying on the cross. That's what time he was spending with you amazing continues wanted the Holy Spirit now and so we talked about the words of affirmation, but the one that was challenging me and actually John Owen didn't get into but since I was there and I knew I had for the love languages. I figured God had to speak in physical touch, which that's, you know, one of the five love languages and I thought, do you think you personally think Jesus touched you at the cross did he touch you at the cross. Let's look at the evidence right. Jesus gave his touching. The Bible gave sight to the blind can you see did you see the things Jesus is showing you. He touched the year of the high priest servant right and he was healed, can you hear Jesus touch your ears he cleanse the leper. Have you been cleansed. Any race that that with a touch. The evidence is is right there that you got all five love languages at the cross. I'm telling you, and the touch may be the one that just really grips my cell. We are talking about accessories and aggravation and we got Jane is in and I was she's got a story for us before we closed Jane Your Honor Christian car guy show wonderful, wonderful, wonderful help. I'm excited will force when I got one fine line that has been her mother and grandmother were driving a car have to avoid it like a lot of it broke it. It probably made it particularly don't think the whole way up there three hours or more driving all the way up there. You learn about law that was a good and then the second one we had cried that we find it without control and either click on what we find back and we were on our way to a wedding in Iowa which left last time we started out on our trip. We were so excited yet. Might crime. Christian Anabaptist girl, and that it got ready and that we were driving down the road and start to notice it went break the creek control wouldn't go on and so where were going on Line Rd. in Iowa and we realize we are stuck at 55 miles an hour and there it like that but you have to slow down to go to Things like that that we we got through the town, hoping that our break would hold up and then we finally noticed it was right that anymore. We were helping her open, but we got to go. So what happened lately in the car and roll into the file and it got to go, Jane. I'm so sorry, but I'm so glad you called in and share those stories thank you Jane and remember slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years and now Jerry, thank you for being with us. Jerry from Ray's bodyshop wrecker service here in Winston-Salem. Great morning and you know what Robbie every morning that he started out suspicious out every show a special God has something story, come on, there goes take some time looking at those facets of God's wedding ring.

Do you this week.

It's the cross how close you are listening to the network and