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Road Trip Car Games

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
November 23, 2013 12:39 pm

Road Trip Car Games

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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November 23, 2013 12:39 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian car guy radio show talk show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book book.

Now the orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions.

186634218663 for 87884 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out. Here's your host Robbie Gilmore will this year's Thanksgiving adventure. The feast, or a fiasco were here to help today on the Christian – oh, we have our very own six Thanksgiving adventure trips. Very exciting stuff) absolute we've got these tips to hopefully will will help make your things like the turkey taste better, but the road trip certainly will be a lot easier. Based on these ideas that we want to share about one of the things along those ideas that I always get a big kick out of myself and I'm on a road trip. As you might imagine.

I love road trip games and so here's where I need your help and serve road trip games out there. I'm not familiar with and I know you've got a favorite road trip games so we need your help to Collison 866-34-TRUTH 87884 with your favorite road trip game is always the classic alphabet game in the state license plate game, but I bet you know one where you you possibly slug your brother or maybe I may be something else you call us with your favorite 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and a hell of it here to help us out with his road trip tips is our very own Christian body shop guy doesn't want to see anybody in up in the body shop on Thanksgiving. I will definitely not be a good Thanksgiving. So once talented parties to assess stain on the body shop and not needing to call for some assistance on the side of the road, so we get to those in just a minute and another neat thing we got on the today show is one of the challenges for many folks, this Thanksgiving will be that family squabble, or maybe it's just that relative you don't thickly like to be around all fortunately it could be uncle grumpy. Fortunately, God has been teaching us how to deal with these kind of things that often comes with what we call wisdom of the wounded soul along with our road trips. We tips road trip tips we have our very own Karen Mulder here with list of the wounded and she's going to share a couple of these tips on what you might do in that situation that is you're facing a family member that you may not be looking forward to dealing with in a Robbie have had those where you're sitting across the table and your Thanksgiving is a joy to do this once a year. I'm not using Ian, you know, I asked Karen to work on this about a week ago Jerry and when I saw what she sent me.

It literally took my breath. I went all my word. I never even had thought that the Lord would give her that angle to it and it really will be encouraging a picture to look forward to hearing from that and then talk about an amazing road trip.

I we got to share some with you today coming out of the gates.

It's the pray for your pastor to work and it's common to 18 NASCAR cities with energized ministries and we have our good friend Annie Bowersox here with energized ministries talk about how articulate thing off Annie good morning Robbie, it's always a great pleasure to be on your show and you're right next next year 2014 were doing a national pray for your pastor tour and she will get into the details that the few minutes but but were excited about it. It's a great way for us to reach even a bigger audience with with our messages of how we can be encouraging and more active in caring for our pastors and one of the neat things about that as we have Harrison Rhodes his driver and his family talking about this whole pray for your pastor, I idea that there's a lot to this.

A lot of things that did that. Maybe you hadn't thought about ways that you can encourage your pastor going to be shared today. Along those lines, and as always you can go to our website and find all the stuff there's there's a neat article on the pray for your pastor tour, but there's also all our road trip to work tips if you didn't get to hear the whole show you can go listen to the podcast where you can see the tips listed out there and of course the wisdom of the wounded Jesus labor love free car repair for single moms and widows across the country and all those resources very Christian car so were just going to jump right into our road trip tips. You know all through God's work. Really, he commands feasts, for he knew our need for convenient community and family so you know, God had the feast of Tabernacles. He had the heat Passover.

All these things were fees, but they brought families together.

And God knew we needed that.

That is the interesting thing about that to me is that here we have a feast in this country call Thanksgiving where we bring families together but then we also are thanking the Lord for everything he'd did for us all year long will guess who absolutely hates this that would be Satan you have an enemy and he would do anything to destroy your Thanksgiving adventure, not just the road trip, but he would destroy the dinner and will destroy everything you possibly can do something to tarnish your thanking God in that spirit that you might be wanting to go in with so our first tip. Jerry is prayer. What a better way to start an enemy and is the simplest thing, pray and see where God is in a you know minister to us through this and and and and touch us in a in a way in, pray for those you know that prayer is such a huge thank you to pray for that family member are our extended family member that no disorder rubs you the wrong way and pray for the safe trip. Pray for the opportunity to share Christ with those that may not know Christ manages prayer number one it in in Jesus is there to protect us. We need wisdom from understanding from the Holy Spirit. God the father has mercy for as we have all these things available to us if we if we ask and and and the trip itself is the thing work will focus in your Odyssey on the Christian car got show.

Pray that God will make this a memorable time because I honestly for me. We did a lot of road trip, since I was a kid and so those are some of my favorite memories. I can still sing those songs is difficult. Think about those road trip games which brings back the point that we are not getting any calls yet and you know that road trip game jump right up on you and you said I got a call in with a he's got to hear this 1-866-348-7884 road trip games. I know you got one. I've never heard of which by the way, we got several of them listed their Christian car guy I'd never heard counting counts edge ever heard of that one admin about that. My daughter reminisced to numbing again getting it out with him said no go on okay mantis you know this is makes the time go by and you know when it when you're in a call with the with your family.

I mean all the sudden the outside world is a body summing the quality time that can be spent there. Me and asked them to be thankful it it it really is and he is not speaking of praying work talk about praying for your pastor, but praying for your holidays. It is a huge thing. I think everything that we do is about is about prayer, albeit it is huge in every aspect of our life. So I'm looking forward to what Karen has to say later on on on the bill those relatives with still thinking about the counting cows eat it. You felt what that's about. It's really cool in my producer Johnny Angel. He's played the game, actually. But from what I understand, it has in the rules their Christian car it you each person on each side of the car is supposed to count the cars cows on their side of the Car so they go by you and want to never gets the most count at the end of the trip wins the game so to speak, but the thing that the sum he's been really creative conflict. If you go by a cemetery or icon the graveyard which really every time I call my graveyard. My wife cemetery drives her crazy. So I say graveyard at all. There's a graveyard. Well, apparently, when you go by a graveyard. When you plan counting cows. It wipes out your account so you lose all your cows and you gotta start again so the cows have to be real. I don't know. Here's what I Johnny cenobite here Johnny Angel actually played the game, counting cows, reminiscent yes the cows have to be real well. LOL way to make out what if there steers do not have the death of others. Any count counts as long as Israel, like I'm thinking about you know you are asking me about Harrison Rhodes earlier and his father owns a Chick-fil-A store and so I always think about those Chick-fil-A have the cows on the billboards and other all over the place so they should count right now by all means, you know, counting counts. I'd never heard the game but apparently it's famous you know you've got that one that you love to play with your family, 866-348-7884 select number 12 is is certainly a prayer, but the number two tip is huge. It's called time. Give yourself lots leave a day earlier and leave a day later, you and your family are priority. Remember, this can be quality time mothers love languages is quality time sure you got a little story on this time. Yeah we use to back in a few years back we would always travel to Roanoke, Virginia Thanksgiving lunch eat to you can hardly breathe them when you're so full and then load back in the car and drive all the way back to Winston and have Thanksgiving dinner and you're sitting there and it's just that mean, push, push, push, push and and you know it matter what you try to do them. You get up earlier or whatever, but she still had that time crunch right there from lunch to dinner and then you know sit there and you think I've got just enough time to do it start coming down the hill from Roanoke and get about 30 miles down the road. Nelson your big pop in your on the side the road with a flat tire reminisced one thing you can't do it. You can't make time for a ride. She got a planet part of that prayer process is God.

How much time do I really need to take for this adventure to make it everything it can be. You know you only get like 1718 19 Thanksgiving with each your kids before the non-undersigned that we got a hopeful Karen Mulder, and this will take your breath and I'm telling you this wisdom of the another one of our things having adventure to take the long way home. In other words, reroute a less traveled, more beautiful Highway. Believe me, it's a whole lot easier. Even though it may take you about more time, the less traffic, less stress, be wonderful for your whole family.

Hope you enjoy the trip. That's another one of our tips but we are in search of the perfect road trip game for you to enjoy this Thanksgiving and so are asking you to call in with yours 866-34-TRUTH 87884 as a member of the call in and join the fun we have Pat has a road trip game force out there in Greensboro, North Carolina Pat, you're on the Christian part our children on oh Pat, you gotta get on the phone. This is your moment on the radio to your road trip game path. I now that's an educational game is learning to lead and also count and vocabulary. Some great stuff that the vocabulary game on that my list. God bless you and appreciate you sharing that today and we need to hear your road trip game about these educational and although I I sometimes will play Bible Bible trivia with my kids, you know, because I'll be thinking about this Bible character and get them to guess that come from what's your favorite 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Now, as promised, we I told you the we want to help you out with. Perhaps there is his uncle, but you just never knew exactly what to do with him. Or maybe it's an aunt that there is a situation that that that this fight kryptonite when you get around Superman, you know, it just takes your power away. In the end it might take your joy away this Thanksgiving. So what you do about that. Well, often God gives us wisdom of the wounded. Sometimes we have to take it will beating get some of that wisdom.

And so we have our very own Karen Mulder host of wisdom of the wounded, which is a new feature. We have run a Christian card I show the course. You can hear her features all the time. You can just go to Christian card. and click on that wisdom and deluded bantering here. Lots of her stuff.

Karen, you've got some you got them that this one tip that you shared with me when I thought about going to see my family Thanksgiving is not quite like going to a Nazi concentration camp. So I yeah I did just took my breath at the of the example that you use their story. Block 40 years ago. Victor Franco encountered his experience quickly held although.

Everything taken away from him close jewelry normally perfect and everything like that. One thing we know that they could not take away from him with his ability to affect recline panic. You have the freedom to how you been. Every time continue weekly live and remember them lock picking, giving away their last bread may have been feeling number that they offered to everything that one. I laugh every human freedom to one.

The one thing that I carry quickly obvious that everything in our life whether it Thanksgiving or Christmas time. I'd like to share one story from my life I put this to work, keeping alive the back has been taking dealing with a difficult person. Grandpa let her know he was crabby and grumpy. He yelled and complained up and I like to avoid licking my bag next to my mother every day when I like is that my mother, I hope she would be completely physical therapy with the all target calendaring bearing pain. I brought her flowers how laughter went in there for you and we would become a man in the Bible and company are her real name that we can. So I can hear better gradually in one day my mom coming in from. There gradually to Kelly Kelly so), and that's my prayer for many folks are going with the difficult relatives that they can be praying God. Can you help me to choose to find a way to be extra kind to do something special for that person that really I'm dreading coming in contact with. So that's it for now. I'm looking forward Gottlieb there's another appearance, not to be in the show with another one of her tips, but we got some more road trip games we got Lisa's in Charlotte North Carolina. She's got a trip to Forest Lisa you're on a Christian part I show good morning morning when you load up the car my four brothers.

But mom and dad in Chicago drive for q. week Chicago to California in the road trip that will play what if you could get close close to finding out finding all 50 Q of the US state on the back on life and plate. Did you ever get it done pretty close. You get all 50 of you that I believe my 51 year got like 32 different license plate. I'm just you know everyone's well I'll see my mother loves the game two.

By the way, Lisa. She she loves that game and she'll find a Hawaii license plate and save up for the Alaska or Hawaii or not.

There are those those of the tough ones but once you know that every everything else we we pretty much find at least 38 to 40 that is so cool. God bless you Lisa I appreciate you calling that I love that game. I know my mother's listening and she's going oh yeah that's the one right there but all right we got a cell that is in Archdale only got so failure on the Christian and I show good morning. Thank you. We you're having a good time this morning.

What's your favorite game on the line. I praise Jesus with the three letters on the license plate.

We got to go to another break that that's that's one worth going to break on. We got some more games you because we 866-348-7884 road trip adventures on Thanksgiving any and sad, sure Thanksgiving ventures this year where you headed those road trip adventure were talking about how to make.

Perhaps a bit more enjoyable or more will you know the word we talked last week God keeps each mist of prism on the third grade. Listen to what that holy came from the word whole.

And so this being a holy day or holiday holiday you. How can God make a small hole make our family more whole make us more holy and in the in in the fact that that were getting altogether. So that when you do. Your trip will have something to do with how your family experiences that we talked about taking plenty of time.

There's another thing that I learned the hard way. Now that I'm almost 60 is yes, I am a man, and so when I am on a mission to get somewhere. My mission is to go go go and stopping is not an option.

I realize that I'm well just plan on stopping a lot it you know the a couple weeks ago I took a trip with my daughter and I bet we stopped at every scenic stop and she took pictures and all the stuff that made made the trip so much more enjoyable.

I wasn't.

I got off my mission mentality and I just said okay on this trip. I got all the time. I need working to stop as much as we need to. There's a neat windmill that I want to check out of there's a sign just plan on stopping a lot. Is that your little smile. I really like and that is the epitome of frustration for you. I think there were four that the Nazi concentration that's a good reminder for us that have young children that likely need to take time and smell the roses, their rights, we got Bob is in West Jordan, Utah has got a game force. We gotta find out more about your road trip games calls with yours 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Bob what you got force play like a child with my children call bingo here in the last to go down the road to have mile markers are little green called like 210 211 so every mile you would go, you feel a little green markers meal bingo so you don't overkill going around corners cars and trucks to the green markers yield bingo and it was really a fun game to this a lot of competition between your brothers and sisters tolerably okay that she play with love yield bingo very lost the point game I like that Bob, God bless you and appreciate you, and we got some bingo players out there that enjoy the road trip now. No hitting your brother when you said bingo only if that's okay Bob, God bless you. Well I know is I was talking about making a lot of stops and in and in taking your time on the trip that we have your race driver with this now. And because we got this pray for the pastor tour coming up. And we got some roads and he's going nowhere, buddy, I'm not stopping this stopping is not happening here.

We we met, but this pray for your pastor tour is coming up. We got Harrison Rose your driver with us and Harrison tell our listeners a little bit about this to her, thank you.

Let me show you started here in Myrtle Beach during the late got yet retained up with energized ministries and no were super excited about your best record and 2014 excited about our past and preventing them from burning out. You know, really excited about a DeLorean and going around and and I hang out with those guys and encouraging their and nine encouraging to be a really great and help a lot of people and I you know I'm sure both parties will learn a lot from it will be pretty exciting and I were talking at lunch the other day on what major sport out there has the focus on God that NASCAR has you guys speak to that a minute and it's amazing well, you know, like you said it so NASCAR certainly probably the most phase recognizing in an none of these so-called faith-based but they put a lot of emphasis on still no prayer you are coming just just the recognition that look. Our country was founded on Christian principles. Wiest were still there. Where were their patriotic there. There are there faith-based in the in the in the ministry so NASCAR. They do a lot of an organization called MRO and Harrison can tell you that her hair, believe it or not Harrison's I think was it was a youth pastor. Harrison is now the chaplain for NASCAR nationwide series has to correct my worship leader in high school.

It might by a local youth group chaplain or nationwide. Now one of the few chaplain at the prequel connection there. I tell you what you're exactly right there such a ministry for NASCAR the Dragon know that NASCAR did a great job of making sure our troops appreciated. Very good. Excluding that I still got the prayer for the races there's multiple Bible studies that go on throughout drivers and all the different worship services.

They do the track. You know they're doing their part of trying to keep everybody energized and say let me let me just that much work to be done, but they're doing a great job. Just add to that, Rob youth had several other NASCAR ministry. You know some guys here and and Greg is one of those was that with ARO but you know it's it's almost inescapable.

They are right there. Is there such a fan base in such a loyalty attached to that end, and since it's a weekend event.

You have a lot of opportunity to invest in the fans to to to spread your whatever your particular ministry messages, whether it's like Harrison. So with military in our case it's encouraging pastors and spiritual leaders but but there's a lot of evangelism that that happens there as well. So this is just a great environment for us to be involved with and and one of the neat things that happen. We talked about this on another show I did with you talked about this car that we had here a few weeks ago that had pray for the pastor on the on the hood and the exposure see because when godly people see stuff like that. It starts getting its own legs that tell the listeners we have this article. By the way, posted Christian card. I mean we were doing were what what we we introduce this tour 2014.

Pray for pastor tour for next year that were taken through 18 cities like Harrison said in Harrison's probably are leading ambassador for the whole program but we introduced it a few weeks ago in Martinsville, Virginia and and how to just very simply not as you know, October's clergy appreciation month so the end of October we did up and intro of pray for pastor message on a race car up there and it was kind of a last-minute opportunity it was it was brought to our attention and we gladly accepted it and and so one of the really cool things always happen. There's that there's a guy that teaches a cable Divinity school that just happened to be watching the race and he wrote an article for that for the Baptist today publication.

That said, you know, amidst all these commercials for for beer and for grease and fast food and always of the thing he kept seeing this pray for your pastor message come around and that what he did was take off on that and encourage all of his readership on you know what the this is the life of a pastor is not much different from from the from the NASCAR world's fast pace and white knuckled and also what he wrote an article about that end and for us it was just another confirmation of what are some really cool things that God does elite recall of unintended consequences.

So I think you have a link to let up on your website right you could I have a good article he wrote and you live. Just so you can keep us further by listening that's interested in what were doing to check out our website is to get more involved would contact me and keep us in your prayers as we go forward with this thing and for Harrison to his safety retirement safety today is another good time for that, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention the just this week. If you are on Facebook and I thought on your site. There was a pastor.

The committed suicide right before his Sunday message and here was all the stuff and if we don't have any understanding of the warfare that is going on in those pastors lives in this message is what's behind this is that we have these people out there they were risking their lives, literally on your spiritual behalf and in the week and we can get and then pray for money. I think you know her so I could do a whole another show you some time talking about that, and that in that article that you're talking about their there was this guy will and the this stand out quote within that article was.

Nobody saw it coming right, no one saw it coming. In this guys case and its you know you got you got Karen here and she can talk to about the stupid.

If you're an effective minister of the gospel. You know you've heard me say this before. Right here under such a higher level spiritual attack and the ways it that shows up are often invisible or unseen to the rest of those but they don't go on felt by our pastors and our leaders and so that's really the foundation of our ministry is how can we as a body of Christ be more caring and providing more active care for pastors and and it's you know it's really I think it's even a higher a higher level across the border spiritual attack. Even today than it has been in years past because of so much just just really like there's there's many revivals have it all over it happens in our world and in the NASCAR garage person can tell you about some of the other guys can elicit great famine as I was thinking Harrison God is giving you this platform is a car guy, which by the way gave me once a great one as a car guy to to take this thing that there's a lot of folks out there love cars.

They love the stuff that goes in the racing and now God's given you this platform but as a young man how how old are you, Harrison 20 years old. Hot how do you see that plan out in your life at this point I pray each night.

It know God my life and and you know if I'll make it as a racecar driver.

No great other plans for me. I try to remind myself that every day's title never get disappointed in the world that kind of thing you want to stay encouraged and I wish that encouragement on other people, but the 20-year-old man.

You know there's a lot of troubles in the world and I feel that you're exactly right at the given a great platform and a great opportunity and a very blessed and not feel like I can make the most of it and I got there and I and raise awareness rather encouraging our pastors and encouraging anybody up.

Jackie right now… Such great opportunity and I thought great thing I'm really looking forward to keep up with me throughout the year with with Harrison here as they do this to her of the testimonies of what God does through this and can we can we get Harrison to give those whose Twitter and Facebook thing there somehow about how to how they fall you Harrison twitter handle is just at Harrison Road I Facebook page Harrison Ridge raising my profile. Exhausted Instagram and stuff but it's all pretty simple to school is going to be fun to watch this year and we got the pray for your pastor tour going on now you are on the two were you thinking I'm things. The 2 Were My Way over the Thanksgiving and the good news is we still after Mulder's got some more wisdom for us about when the when you arrive, but along the way. What are some other ideas that that that we have gleaned here for you, but we would love to know your other road trip games. By the way, you can still calling it 866-34-TRUTH 87884 but plenty of current phone chargers. In other words, is the new phenomenon is if you feel like my family, your phone does everything I mean I can. It can do navigation I can find a restaurant and and all those kind of things Jerry. But here's the thing. Why eat at McDonald's right you're absolutely you get energy going to go. As you know those little honors on the side of the road.

I mean that that that the culture of that a minister so much different.

It is just cool and you'll you'll talk about that years down the road you go by and talk about a trip and pull him into Jake Sir John's are Mary Sue's or Dixie's or whatever it may be, and that that experience. I just adds to it. They might have an alligator's head in the law and who knows what it is but it is. It's the stuff of family legend. You know it's the time we stopped at dad took us to know dad risking a little bit out there and and and and and make it an adventure so that you can get out there and do those kind of things that the bring enjoyment to the trip that that make it not Europe, not another.

You can't help but think of summer vacation with, but not so I like back a few years that you know you did to them at the point of it is Rob you know over the course of history and ended that environment which we live in holidays.

It's almost no but this holidays represent is almost became secondary. I mean Thanksgiving what what we get to get them and there's people that you talk to what they talk about Thanksgiving is getting to bed early so then go to the door buster sales on Friday morning you look at Christmas.

Summing all the commercial stuff and you get the fact that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ mean slow down and just you know all of these tips part of it is you*prayer is to get focused back on what is that holiday really represent one of the opportunities that you have as a family is a Christian to be able to further the calls for the calls of a bond in the family together and also sharing your faith in those opportunities that you know one of our family legend was when my father risked having his hike to Lulu city and we hiked 20 miles Lulu city.

When we got there it was nothing but some logs that were still on the ground. It was a ghost town that there were no ghosts there was the logs. We hiked all this way to Lulu city, but it still family legend you got a risk in order to have the reward. Think about enjoying your trip yet caramel to come in with another story I'm telling you, as we look forward to some amazing things giving adventures.

Your perhaps there's some in the back your mind, you and I know exactly how I deal with this. We talked about some road trip certainly got some wonderful road trip games and I'll never forget bingo I'm in have to play that one with my daughter new bingo, not the old road trip and go to new one of the things that we face sometimes is is not always easy to be around somebody who sick is not always easy to be around somebody who's infirmed or you don't exactly know how to deal with what's going on with that and so we have Karen Mulder are our special wisdom of the wounded guest who does this feature again now in a Christian card as shown in you can always give her wisdom of the wounded tips.

Amazing stuff. What you say in a funeral line and all those kind of things that you you may struggle with years of experience in and in research went into the stuff that she has there with Melinda, by all means use her as a resource for Karen. What can will what advice might you have for somebody who's going to visit somebody who might be infirmed or or sick this Thanksgiving very filling out caregiving difficult market, 24, anyway. I tell you one of the five difficult caregiving and print for 40 year energetic therapist argument cannot be my man back home difficult for me to visit her because he didn't know me now communicate through 10 different crack Valley nags me skylight going to marry by trip present badly help caregiving for collation take care of battle at night knowing body lotion kind have time to go to a store and get the lotion boy whispered in my ear out twenty-year half bottle of body lotion and give it to Marianne shall never know another flight in my right with that Matthew 2540 truly I tell you if you get me your final body lotion so I stopped at the door that care facility that very Going through my mind right in my home radically back I noticed as I approached, Marianne slumped over nearly airfare. Wonderful way. Currently when power over him and looked down and talk so down and looking to Marianne Childers and I can't name the fact that the lotion filled my mind with loving thought and prayed that might not put your body until time my faith there when I felt no no I think that Rick really helped Abby let our world be like if every prickly map. We remember that very day. It can make us. That's what I'm thinking Jerry is is is is we look at some of those folks do we picture Jesus because you know as you do and of the least of these.

And sometimes we think the least of those of the obnoxious ones are the ones that are difficult to deal with and so that's that's great wisdom and were so thankful for your addition to the Christian Car Guy show. We need all the wisdom we can get around so we are. It is our prayer here at the Christian card I shall. I know Andy Jerry myself that you go out there this Thanksgiving. You start off with prayer that you really pray about how you can have the right attitude all things Karen talked about, but also what can you do on your trip to make this a memorable something that would really be everything that it could be and a lot of times will take time in order to do that but we certainly are. Our prayers are with you. We thank you so much for list of the day was so much fun.

I love to hear about these games. Remember what I always say Jesus always use slowdown. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years. I couldn't say that I'm trying to go too fast.

It does have a great Thanksgiving and let's give thanks for something amazing happened to you