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God Nudges

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 15, 2014 3:10 pm

God Nudges

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 15, 2014 3:10 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian car guy radio show. The cop showed dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book blue book. Now the orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 186634218663 for 8784 what does being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Ronnie Gilmore when did you feel God not you. When did you feel God not you behind the wheel been excited about the show for weeks because my favorite shows are the ones where I could hear how God has shown up in your lives.

It's always been our listeners that make the show and your stories do so much for my faith. So when God nudged me about the topic for the show this morning.

I said oh yeah that'll be amazing and Karen Mulder wisdom of the wounded ministry partner has such an amazing amount of wisdom on this topic. So the topic today is when did you get a God knowledge behind the wheel. This is God showing we get to hear you share how God nudged you behind the wheel so we need you to call maybe never called a calling shell before but your testimony will be amazing. We so want to hear how God nudged you. Maybe it was just something that was sick that you hadn't thought about or maybe you're supposed to not look this way are you are sitting at a stoplight and thought I better not go through because some basics to run it.

You know how God nudged you and we need you to share your story, 866-348-7884 is a number to call in 86634 truth. Maybe God told you to pull over and pick somebody up or not. Pick somebody up what happened you calling and sharing. Naturally, we have our very own Karen Mulder here with us to help us understand God nudges good morning Karen, what's a God knowledge well hello please do not place our contract right into thinking gently into account because the lift. I think it's pretty good and helpful in effect. A gift from God.

I checked with you in the kind of plain training ground. The office at work at home here with you. It's great for sharing words of warning you well and that's what we need to be here and we need to be listening for, and we need you to call us because we know you have a story that there's some just popped in your mind. All I remember the time that God did this with me, you would increase so many folks faith by Sharon that today on the air 866-348-7884. When did God nudge you behind the wheel. We got Jonathan Louisville, Kentucky John Janik Christian card I show good morning. I'm so excited to hear the story is far away will we hear you, great. Doing good going know you're fine just a car while you might like Logan College is stuck with not not Christian like and not what you become a Christian after leaving college and getting overall the indoctrination of a few and whatnot trying to come to terms with the God God can forgive me and doesn't love me struggled with such a bad person. How could God ever love you so I'm so rich that you and so on. Like guilt around a lot a long time and praying for God please forgive my path, but I've never felt like you truly forget you, because I was not worthy of his forgiveness and never could get and I will drive about 100 miles a day all over and when I was thinking about, and with my little ball that has the problem being outstripped and the dog would go to hell and I would get that let the dog out… Would come back and and leg walking. Love it and get to it.

Love the dog back and I still love that dog. Even though it may be so angry with you and and I think it was the Holy Spirit thing thing you can forgive that dog and love that dog thing Blazek.that is in so you thought how God really really lovely and he has forgiven you know that dog will continue dog and bike to the dog out, but I still other dog in it will owe what time script against me and do something about it makes me angry but I get over it and I still love that what you're saying is so critical. I think for so many listeners, including me, to hear because it is really really that deep cleansing blood of Jesus and III recently found something in my own life that I wasn't feeling like I could be forgiven for and in a similar situation in epiphany Jesus just kept saying to me. Robbie didn't I pay enough for that wasn't what I suffered on the cross enough and and can't you be innocent so I love that I love it so much. God bless you John appreciate you calling and now everybody calls in today with their God nudge story is going to get a copy of Karen's book, the compassionate congregation and I don't know if there's any stories in there about God's wedding on the floor but they're there when I had one. I think John God bless you and appreciate it so much. We got Gary is in Greenville, South Carolina carrier on the Christian card I show good morning good morning to you that last call was certainly resonated with me that large dog. At the same problem and I think God's trying to get me out of some diapers that he said to keep me in for a while and it's time for me to get potty train a couple areas of my own life but anyhow the notes that I received. Hear me okay great. I'm driving to work in my little pickup truck and I'm not exactly on time for work that way late, but I'm a little late so I'm in a bit of a hurry and live in a warm part of the country that suddenly has had a really bad cold snap and the windchill is not just a few degrees above zero and I pass up a fellow walking on the road with where there is no sidewalk just tiptoeing his way trying to avoid being hit by cars and not walking in the ditch somewhere between the two just like SMIC let you know he's wearing a ragged coat and jeans and an old shoes and got no Hannah says he is looking pretty uncomfortable. He's marching along in pretty good pace is doing okay. I just had that knowledge and I thought you know you should make sure he's okay.

Maybe give Melissa he said in the same direction. No, I wouldn't want my wife or my daughter to stop for man walking on the side of the road, but but I'm I'm a man on the pickup truck and feel pretty safe and I feel like God really wants me to offer this manual and I don't really want to do it. I want to get to work on late and the church parking lot up ahead turnaround spot so I turned around and almost reluctantly, like I just felt like this. It was it was more than that. It was a talk I was being pulled. I turned around and went back there was a parking lot right in front of where he was about to reach. I pulled into that turned around and came right up to the point perfectly where he was at my passenger door and I got out and I greeted him friendly.

I shook his hand to introduce myself building his name was Melvin and I keep the first decline, respectfully said that I know I'll be okay and I said are you sure this is awfully cold out here where you Gary. I hate to stop because that music means we gotta go to the break we all want to hear what happened with we want to know your story you calling with your God nudge during a break. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH for the visually gifted. We got so much say to see and we are talking today about God, not just when did you get a nudge behind the wheel or any time in life that you felt like God was trying to get your attention, whispering perhaps in your ear to stop and pick up somebody or maybe did not go through that intersection right now. When did you receive that God nudge. We got so many wonderful calls we got more lined up. We want to hear from you. 86634878848663487884 course you can find out more about the subject of Christian card. You can follow his mother wounded with Karen Mulder who we have on the show today. Her wonderful articles on God nudges as well as other things we do here in the Christian card I show like contract with Andy which we have come up a really cool God nudge story from Bristol motor Speedway today and he's up there for that race and of course our Jesus labor love free car repair labor for single moms and widows across the country.

We need some volunteers without one. So be praying about when the cop might have you to do to help us with that ministry and can you find out all about all those things Christian card. now we are waiting to hear from about Melvin we have Gary is in Greenville, South Carolina. He was sharing how he'd stopped to pick up Melvin but we don't know what happened. It was just a total blessing for me. I almost cheerful thinking about what a joy it was this man who obviously lived a very low income housing bill in his pocket and now he needed a ride to the build a place for this utility that he was paying his bill and it was a long walk to continue where he was gone and no other transportation and after he realized that I was Christian is doing this, the name of Jesus, you be a great desktop in the truck and put on his seatbelt and drove often turns out you want.

He was headed right near where I work and it was a good long little right. It would've taken him probably an hour in the freezing cold weather to walk that far, but we are able to drive him there in 510 minutes and he was very, very grateful and you want to know where I went to church and I happen to have a business card for the church and I gave that shared with them the gospel and we parted at that point and I I continue to pray for him. As I remember them just it just reminds me to stay learning not to resist not just because this clearly was one of the letters that you're talking about and I was not.

But maybe five minutes further delayed forgetting to work and I saved this man an hour and a lot of very cold weather walking. Here's the next cool really neat thing I love about this show is who knows who heard your story today. Gary and when they feel that nudge God not seen, and we should pull over. We had shows on that whole issue when you feel the Holy Spirit nudge and you there's a blessing there is a divine appointment and that some amazing God bless you Gary, have you got something for Gary. Karen I think your own priority and following that's for sure.

God bless you Gary appreciate you give up the good work.

Thank you sir all right. We need to hear your story. 866-34-TRUTH 87884. We've got leaders in Burlington, North Carolina, Lee, you still with us, it would be better if you could write a story to give the Lord glory LFA AHU. I rarely would like to bring awareness to the order going on about the restaurant was allowed helpful individual adult four-door car in each individual doll door at the car and when they started to approach power for each of the parking lot.

She started to me like her morality.

I'm allergic to park election may little belligerent and said probably not right in the car that the rate will call the police well well I cannot tell you how great Kirk waiting Ray became very carefully. Sorry I jumped in my car like I need to drive away from here.

The situation well. I Holy Spirit speaks to lack heart, but without lamp drive. Why I drive back. When it gets came down on people that are following a what day I looked around painful. Why may never) like within the last 50 feet have made allocated to Keep teenagers they start looking at the window and realized that we had not yet. Then they drove away a great deal of care.looking after me. I try story ballet start now by that's okay. It blesses my heart to know that God was looking out for you simple in the drive-through she heard that story today that my views and advice.

At some point, but simply said to call in what we are going to break were to be back with you on track with Andy's got a God nudge with his guest. We got all sorts of other functional mom forced we are so grateful for your God love stories. Thank you for forming our thinking today about… Where were you when God nudge you behind the wheel. What was your story. We've been blessed with so many today were going to have her on track with Andy is actually at a NASCAR race. Bristol motor Speedway today, but first I want to or from Mike is in Greenville Indiana.

He's been hanging on for a long time that I get that right is it pronounced Greenville Mike Idaho Idaho wow what station are you listening to up and I know that you're hearing us. You know what I really don't know. I've been driving through the mountains and the island via wonderfully well Mike you don't know this, but I was born in Idaho.

I'm from Pocatello. So tell us about your God, well you know of a strange story and we had a death in the family a few weeks ago and with my when my dad's brothers in southern Idaho. I live up in northern Idaho. I felt I should head down there and be with my dad got a couple days off work and got up to working started driving down the road and the further I drove the more I was like you know what I should not should not be making this trip and getting further and got more distressed and I find that all off the road and the stop in Crandon all my mom and think you know what, I'm not sure why I don't become cool to be there. I turned around and left about an hour driving around and immediately turned around and spent the relief and things like what I don't know what to do, but I don't become supposed to be there and I'm not. I don't know what the outcome might have been. I just know that that that point time. My mom is the wonderful Christian woman as well as my dad talking.

We appreciate you on the beach or home is very strange and an incredibly strong nudge. At that point in time will but it was a not have the here and there throughout my life and I was as well as one reply cannot. I'm not sure what I'm supposed be doing but I don't think so. Might God bless you. I appreciate you sharing that because there's so many times that that we get a little bit of something like that in the end we need to heed that in the relief that she felt and that's a powerful testimony. I am so thankful that you share that with and we we can. I'm wondering what your thoughts might be on that. I turned around and got well doing well. We will have to tell me the information.

How cool is that.

God bless you Mike I appreciate you calling him so much today while working to go door on track with Andy's segments and we're pretty excited because Andy's out there.

We got home. Nonaligned skiers like to get the right one. Andy, are you winners out there in Bristol. I can I can tell you ever been out here finding a quiet spot to start the very loud way, better therapies, quiet, you know, I guess they're such a great topic for you or Karen how are you together but I think it's fantastic and wet when I think about God nudge his all, I almost think about a game show environment where you know what you feel, not should do something drastic? You readers further three prices behind resort and water may be amazing. One of them. Maybe just a simple thing but there's always a prize there and by not responding to those nudges. It's almost like that one does not like even though you know there's a blessing and a prize. There so up and I'm certainly guilty of that myself of being too busy or look.

I would remember that in trying a lot like the Lord will control blessings for us if we just respond to what a great topic while listening.

I don't know that there are you with your blood. I am here.

Okay, you can simply leave us around.

I have a good friend of mine Darrell Barker on all normally run around the racetrack, but the results tomorrow but just think about. We talked about forgotten his earlier and I know Darrell story so there on a given introduction of yourself little bit about your background and what you have been the Lord to write out okay will talk like Sandy and let me join you today.

You free for a brief history from you started out career in Southern California and finance moved to Charlotte in 94 and began working as a business manager for a Sprint cup team back then moved from premarital NASCAR licensing company with the general manager felt God bleeding after about eight years in the business and for moving into our ministry and with my late father-in-law began an international motorsports ministry where we traveled the world engaging and interacting with formula one supercars and superbikes in a number of break. Around the world and 42,008 and my father-in-law passed away after a seven month battle with brain cancer and you, what I do now and so truly felt at that point that it was the right thing to merge what I was doing in with one of our board member and ministry called masters man and summers in with them in 2008. So that's kind of a frame today after treatment ministry.and so so master land, all of which are taught this little bit more about that but I tell you from from what I see a lot of witness with you is the well. I think what just felt tells the prince with right before I tell you, my first thought that what is the principal with the businessman, the evangelistic outreach and discipleship part of maltreatment understood focus on the discriminant horse okay you know it's real.

Core is both evangelistic and discipleship and I don't really have one by itself for brilliant plan and and so what we do we try to encourage those you Christian man to reach out and engage those people in the experimental let me be whether neighborhood business and use the tools that are primary tools that you will our business and sport and we don't like the core, the ministry is trying to get engagement through those two things we kinda we have seen and experienced man nonbelievers are more likely to learn and engage through business for the jumping off point, but that way we can get their attention and get an audience if you will, and so you Christian men step out and reach out to the young Bogard right around the corner and it's our belief thing and I really feel my heart that you know God did not have asked the lead in a way that made we haven't done very well through the years and created a lot of issue to cover our focus. Primary rituximab is there a particular man's story story you can share with us where you said well now this is why I do what I do. This man God showed up in this situation it's just I can't believe this well a lot of different people in many respects economic time with the guys in racing and annexing it in the most inopportune time.

You know I believe that their kind are mentored like I like the faith alone in the dark and they really want to be something bigger than they are and they realize they want to be big, if not bigger than they are. But they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I believe that medical core want that and know that that you know we know that that look like Christ. We know that that looks like a relationship with him and this is so awesome masters man. You can find out all about it. Christian card I got Tom today were talking about God, not just eye candy for being with us again out there.

Bristol motor Speedway appreciated felt good next week all right and we got more God as we got to you in Apex and we got Jennifer in Holland, Michigan.

So I am thinking is a lot behind the wheel when we are hearing God nudge stories today on the Christian card guys show we have been so blessed by all these wonderful calls and we would urge you to get your story and we still got time 866348788486634 truth. Again, we are just blessed us from our socks to hear God has done this in your life and I want to share at there some scriptural reference I think is very important here in first Corinthians chapter 2 Paul said. And so it was with my brothers and sisters when I came to you I did not speak with pelican eloquence or human wisdom. As I proclaim to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and great fear and trembling, my message and priest preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, God's power. You see, as people share the stories these God nudges everybody listing today. Here's God's power and is not with wisdom is they hear what God is doing and it increases everybody's face so we need you to courageously call 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and I really do want to make a shout out to a new station, carrying us in North Georgia W CDG North course North George's Christian radio. We are so blessed to add those guys to the Christian card at affiliate list and we got to you is in Apex. She has been hanging on for ever with her God nudge to your on the Christian card. I shall finally, can you share with us. I God my protector and rating were I got transferred by blank on the steering will you and I dread for 20 or 20 completely unconscious yet scarily and to say driving along anywhere. I was not aware she was shaking extremely looked and there was a Harris teeter right in front of my face and thinking right into another car wrecks the car, something should have happened me and all I can say anything powerful, my, my scarily own identity, Harris Teeter and get something to bring your blood sugar at Whalen's creek is really like. The first thing that I don't see All that for a car. I didn't like the blood sugar to make sure it where he spent the day that there is no rhyme or reason for me even being here or why not hurt me on my car and say I'm just very grateful to the glory and praise and glory for taking care of me. That's about that your favorite song is Jesus take the wheel like 2020, now when I got nowhere. Why #thank you so much. God bless you and appreciate you so long for us and the Lord yes you did and encourage a lot of funds for the thank you, dear God bless you. Appreciate that so much. We got Sandy is in Richmond, Virginia Sandy are on the Crystal geyser good morning what you got for us for our October oh congratulations. That's exciting. Just that's that's the best news yet about which actually God relationship with my got a lookout on how you about Walmart a lot of people and handling area.

Very seldom are stock doubling its story to be on Walmart girl after I don't that my daughter Kristin, who believe in random act of keeping our children at by now you know that Kelly turn around and go back and work some time. We talked a little later. Again granddaughter I went back a little bit more purring.

We pray to And no like your current story really the dark want in your life if you need anything call and I don't know what happened with Karen that's that's exactly what the doctor wanted) Karen I'm trying on a beautiful story and you're doing what Dr. will get in a restaurant to go. You are so amazing and I'm so thankful for that. But I got Anna north of Virginia's mom we got up just elements I want to get hurt, that's okay. Thank you Sandy. All right we are going to go to Anna north of Virginia and I appreciate you hanging on but we don't have a lot of time but can you share. We'd love to hear it.

Okay I will have me up against the state and calling him Rachel because I had the fortune. The pot but anyway I was going to tell it on and I had to go, and then, inheriting the tag in the back of stuff and a laminate, hidden dance to, and until then Caroline my family that taxes around the fluid, that I was driving down and was really, and one with database was almost complete and I went by myself that with his faith in anything with the whole family so it's a one-to-one basis to speed up force because we only have about great payment was really fun mountain that payment often out of the southbound family and wow is to broadcast on the radio and I had a similar one month. Hello, it sounds like Jesus must take the wheel. I shut the software to do another show about these God nudges because we had so many of a man with a callback to hear the rest of that story.

Thank you for list of the Christian card guys show but I listen to some, just this week