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Marie Tellis your top-notch good morning. I don't have any but the one that picked out about it when I was actually about 35 years ago and I like in Connecticut and I had just moved to a new area in Connecticut was very silly and we actually bought a house. It was like 2000 feet out and I was three months pregnant and I had a little boy about four or five years old. I want to think that my husband that afternoon and it was a little drizzly out see, so I wasn't too familiar with the route to get to the highway but I went back through and as I was driving I think so, but I did have one on my child in the front seat and as I was driving along I drive very carefully and I was driving slow.
I approached the stop sign and I knew at that point I had to take a right and I would be going down a very narrow winding road. As I said it was way up on a mountain and it was basically a wooded area with rocks and stuff like that. And as I approached the stop sign and I was stopped now all young male boys a very soft male voice like an angelic that may put on your seatbelt and am not currently because we come from, and before I knew it while I was wondering about all this.
I felt my hand coming back to be put on the wheel. My seatbelt was on. I just took a right and I was going slowly down the road and next thing I know 40 seconds later I lost control of my car. I had to make a quick decision because it was a narrow road there was a man who had just passed me along the way. And next thing I know I had to make a decision whether to crash into a rock on the right or go to the left and I would be in no into a 40 foot ditch but I was able to hear the car into the trip into the right rock where the rock was and I bang my leg really bad. My son think I was in seatbelt and if I didn't have my seatbelt on. It probably would've been through the front window and I have so many of you. I actually wrote a book about variances. Yes I did came out in January because I I get these at variances all the time. I just more than blown away by the story, but I'm excited to put it in the God much later and hear what Dr. Sonny comes up for service okay later is working along to fourth, and circled below and cross when you become a Christian God on go right around the dog. In their talking about. But I've got them in the overhead so you like being old below and that's what happened to you all, because he loved us some Dr. Sonny to be so quick. 12.8 seconds and he's got