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Geezer Game

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
July 26, 2014 3:48 pm

Geezer Game

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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July 26, 2014 3:48 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian car guy radio show talk show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book blue book knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 1-866-421-8663 for 87884 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Robbie Gilmore taking off and land are certainly the most dangerous times.

If you go finer point and coincidentally when you take off starting to drive his youngster and when you hang up your keys for the last time those just happen to be also the most deadly. Unfortunately, beginning and ending drivers not only often take their own life, but often many folks with them. So the question that I'm posing to you how will you know when the time comes for you to put Alderete out the pasture and get those keys from time how do you come in for a smooth landing on today show recently when asked that question when is it time to hang up the keys, but we want to talk about how do we come in for a slow landing. What are some ideas on making sure that we are not that long, slow approach that keeps you from crashing and we got a bit of a game for you.

This is gonna be fun. Are you prepared to play the I am not Mr. Magoo Deezer I have before me several questions for the first challenge I found is that a lot of our audience don't know who Mr. Magoo is which is there a young man sitting in front of me. I asked him he said he had no idea what Mr. Magoo was a cartoon character. For those of us who grew up in the 60s and 70s. He couldn't see he couldn't hear too well, and he drove his car over ended up on a on the roller coaster ride. Bob yet. You can hear I can still remember that card today and these great big black rimmed glasses and I can hear very well. He couldn't see hardly and he was out driving around and he went on to be on Gilligan's Island is first and help with her. D.

We have the theme song in our first break you be able hear Mr. Magoo, but that's who were talking about only say I am not a Mr. Magoo geezer so I have before me several questions to see if you, the listeners have what it takes on the challenge of driving as you age so call in at 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and I will ask a question to find out whether or not you are headed towards Mr. Magoo geezer them. You have a correct answer to receive a very limited edition very limited edition. I am not a Mr. Magoo geezer Christian car guy certificate. I am working those up in my secret laboratory and you are gonna want one. So here they help us this morning we have our very own.

I am not a Mr. Magoo geezer Bob Young Christian junkyard guy and his son Jeremy to help welcome Bob and Jeremy is great to be here this morning, brother.

It's been a little while. It's been a very, very, very busy summer for us right after graduation I carried five senior young man to the beach for a weekend. Got back on that Saturday and immediately left the next morning on the mission trip to New Jersey where the young people from the church we went up and perform the demolition on the house so those with young people today as we all age and in a Robbie is no spring chicken anymore and so's I'm aging I'm being asked those questions. How can I come in for a smoother landing and we have questions to David to figure that out and sorting hit Bob with our very first question Bob you think you have what it takes to not be a Mr. Magoo geezer brother I got a year older, I got another digit this you this week.

56 now, but so here is your question at what age does the average person's reaction time begin to really extend another is when what what age does your reaction time really begin to slow down is that between the ages of 30 and 40 or be the ages of 50 to 60 or see the ages of 60 to 70 or DEB ages of 70 to 80 when does your the average person, male and females reaction time really begin to extend right now minds pretty good that I know that from judge and for most people that you have been around for years and years. I'd have to say between 60 and 70 and I don't know if he gets worse after that the area what mobile you can tell you that you are exactly right. It is between ages 60, 70. It actually drops somewhere between the time you're 60, 70. Almost 1/2 a second and so if you got your normal following distance. Think how you need to increase that because reaction time to simply begins to slow down.

So that's how the game is played and we need you to call in the very first question that you can play the question we have the I am not a Mr. Magoo geezer question is roundabouts you know these new things that they have an innocently are found to result in blank crashes than traditional intersections with that be fewer crashes, more crashes, the same amount of crashes or less impact crashes that's you got multiple choice so you call in, you can win the question of the but I'm not a geezer, 866-348-7884 until is roundabouts are found to result in fewer or more or the same amount of or less impact crashes 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and then, not shown or appraised by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure crowd for a sermon.

Lift up your voice for understanding, as you might've guessed, we are going to be talking about how some ideas on how to come in for a landing very smoothly and on that long, slow descent, safe in your driving will be talk about throughout the show today, but how you do that your Christian walk and as you may know for years I've done a devotion in a retirement home in Marksville, North Carolina, and I've had a chance to walk some folks go 7080 90 amount. Miss Beck is actually 102 shall be hundred and three. Before you know it well and I've had a chance to see how she came in for this phenomenal landing and I thought I would share some biblical secrecy actually has some scripture along these lines and that that want to share with you that Miss Beck shared with me in that's coming up in the show in our appraisal by the real black book.

This is the Christian card I show are bringing the kingdom of God through an automotive platform and today we want to think about how can we age gracefully. What are some ideas to slow down the process and were taken. The question of the MRI, Mr. Magoo, geezer right now are trying to find out about these roundabouts and you can call in and when 866348788486634 truth what you say about we were talking about reaction times and everything we got. I reaction times got tested very well while driving in New Jersey. Leah may not heard about it and it heard that it was a different style of driving up there, but it really is. I mean, and nobody could ever over describe as it is, it is the ultimate of the be ready to react to anything.

Was quite challenging and several times and so in the end. That brings up one of the points of of as we age. You know that when eight winged teenagers driving once one of the one of the things that you do is you don't allow a lot of distractions in the car.

You don't let them have five friends in the car with in winter driving at first it's not a good plan because her distracted, you don't let them play the radio real loud. You don't let them well you know what they have found it as we age arm cognitive processes slow down, we become confused more easily.

So when we get up to that 60 or 70. It's time to start. Turn off the radio turning off the cell phone turn in to less passengers and less distraction. Every rule we have her try to emphasize here is times 10. There anyone really really learned loud people should not be on the phone or or anything that distractions were just so key because there is just that split-second drive.

You really had to be on your toes everything and I should mention that all the stuff that Christian card. there are so many resources that I found so quickly on how we can age gracefully courses to take you know there's even a nap that you can put in your prescription and it will tell you how it affects your drive you you put in the name of it. It gives you, you know, I can even spell metformin, which is what I take in living even spelled it for me and then it told me how it reacted with all these other things and all these other resources they're all there Christian card there is this test that were giving you today that were hoping somebody has the answer to roundabouts in all these new things is newfangled intersections with a result, more accidents, less accidents, less impact, you can call in.

Be brave. 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

We want to hear your answer. When we come back again the Jesus labor.

Love wisdom of the wounded podcast all their Christian card we come back we have more questions. We have more answers and hopefully working to come in for a smooth landing page and much more to card. I come up I extension you only there were actually several different had the most of the other one, but there you go Mr. Magoo when we become that Mr. Magoo where we should be hanging up those keys.

How do you know when it's time what to what you can come in with us smooth landing. What are some of the resources you can hold onto your independence as long as you possibly can. This were talking about today on the Christian card I show Enright allowing you to call in implied the I'm not a Mr. Magoo geezer challenge. Can you answer these questions to see if you're going to feel that way. And so we are asking you to call in 866-34-TRUTH 87884. The first question that we had was roundabouts are found to result in blank crashes, fewer crashes, more crashes, the same amount of crashes or less impact crashes. Those are the questions and we are looking for answers. We got Jeremy. He is a young allowing I'm guessing he's not a Mr. Magoo at all because he told her you Jeremy 9818. Alright, so we just can hit him of the first question because were no see if we got some callers on the second question.

Maybe if I met when easier what you think. Roundabouts those newfangled intersections that you see are popping up really all over our area. Do you think they result in more crashes, less crashes, the same amount of crashes or hire less impact crash while considering how much I dislike them with more to go with more crashes. Wow, what you think we need to the meter is playing and it answers your crashes actually because left turns.

One of the most deadly things out there and so when you with roundabouts, you end up merging and it also less impact crashes so you got that as well. Where really good now. We got a call from the first question they hopefully will easily answer our second question and the second question. This is really cool and Bob how meant how much room. Should there be between your chest and the steering now if you remember Mr. Magoo. He was right but that's that's an interesting question because of airbags these days.

So how much room.

Should there be between your chest and the steering wheel less than 6 inches. 6 to 8 inches 8 to 10 inches or 10 to 12 inches actually. We have my mom on the phone and she may have on your other Christian card I show how are you you Ms. Megan you're not part of seller talking to your contact sealer delete delete since you are because it is not a left turn, involves an endless impact. Now that there really really a much safer way you Europe apparently had some good idea and that and because you know you make a left turn by going around about, and you're always making right turns with so there really a great way for some of the more dangerous intersections, but about the student will monitor how far it's supposed to be away from John is all you're exactly right is with airbags these days. If you get up on that steering wheel and that comes out especially as you can. You can see's you can have some things to go to be with you now.

I'm really glad you called mom because we can weaken talk about some other issues that II was always very impressed with how you gracefully you in my mind. You came in for a very smooth landing in your drive, but you did several things that I thought were really wise. One of the things you started doing was he started taking these courses right.

The plan, the AAA courses on how to drive is your aging and can't like go around the black and make) when we took her out writer hanging on. This is really a hard decision to make it feel like driving 96 that the court let me never, never, never talk to me that's a that's one of the things and people in the car with you say Bob, you have some really just really tickles me and was was in a pride thing that was kind keeping you from stopping the drive and that man can't at this feel like it would be hard for me to give up that and that I know there come a time when I need to in my day and he was a don't think he was extremely dangerous but he concerned me sometimes and it got to the point that when I was with him.

He would just let me drive instead of take my instruction to drive that guy like well if you're going to tell me how to drive out at you, just drives I don't have to listen to you.

It just is this real blessing to hear that people can make the right decision about that is we are so much and try that's the question we've got more questions to call to go to break 866-34-TRUTH 87884. You can call an employee, 8664 truth is the you have the possibility of becoming Mr. Magoo geezer may not be the driver you once were. So how do we come in for a smooth left.

I recognize a lot of those things. But how do we how do we do this gracefully. How do we not burn our families how do we make sure that we don't impose on people because we stop driving too quickly, but by the same time we make this a smooth transition and the neat thing is there are way more resources than there have ever been. I'm sure and we found a lot of them in their Christian card. from everything from the national Institute on aging to AARP and AAA and all these people have programs and classes in an and thanks for your prescriptions and all sorts of stuff that that are great resources and their all their Christian card. but we are playing the game today.

Are you and Mr. Magoo, geezer, and we have another question. If you feel like plan and here's the next question number three when driving. How much distance, should you keep between your car and the vehicle in front of you. Should you remain at least 3 feet behind the car in front of you should remain three-car links behind the car in front of you or should you remain three seconds behind the car you are following, or should you remain 30 seconds behind the car you are following.

If you know the answer that you could win the limited edition Mr. Magoo geezer I'm not a Mr. Magoo geezer certificate you call us 86634878848663487884 desktop. I will answer that right away but I feel like I've got an answer and that's one of the I feel better about knowing this answer than any well then somebody should call in and when you know 866-34-TRUTH we will give you a chance to play the I am not a geezer came out that the difficult question that I myself am facing right now is is where is the end of the road.

You know how to an end and I wrote this this morning as I really start to pray about.

I have the example of my mother and and I watched a how this went, and so when do I put old red out to pasture and when you first started to dry.

Remember this term. It opened up a whole new world of freedom and control and at the end of the day giving up that freedom is so difficult yet.

At some point completely necessary and don't have the answer.

I don't think I'm hoping that some of the people are calling today will have the answer and we would love to get your point of view, but it was my family that loves me enough to slowly let me drive more and more until I felt I was ready for complete freedom.

So I'm thinking I would like to trust my family and asked them to tell me and begin that conversation early on if they see something dangerous that I'm doing am I scaring you because I'm not looking like I should. When I'm turnaround is or something is there and get that conversation going.

I hope to certainly increase my following distance and learn about the noise level most kind things, but as I age. I'm hoping to more engage my family to say guys. Can you tell me if I'm scaring you, and let them because you know my mother who you just heard she would. She and my father pulled the trigger, and when it was okay for me to go ahead. How about getting some feedback from the children and making sure that or the other people that are in your life that you live with that. Say hey how my doing. Am I doing something that scaring you and and let them begin to give you that feedback. That's what I'm thinking Bob and there's not a sin. Ages, you know, we can't just put down a number and say okay when you're this age you can't drive anymore because it's in very so much is just like people's vision instead and I run over there and people can see some people can see great at 90 and and I'm, like Ray Charles without my glasses and hat I can while I work with Manny was severely diabetic.

You he wasn't too old to drive.

You wouldn't think he could. His sugar could drop out and he could start flat on the floor in a matter of moments, and I'm like what you doing driving because it any moment you don't know when that's going to happen.

So your physical condition or if you got harder to in all the things we got Deb is in Louisville Kentucky. How exciting Deb you're on the Christian card I show are you ready to play the I am not a Mr. Magoo geezer all right when driving a how much distance, should you keep between the car and the vehicle in front of you is it 3 feet three-car links three seconds or 30 seconds I three hirelings were to put that you would be. I you know when I was learning how to drive to. I was told that you go one Carling for every mile miles an hour. So if somebody was going 30 miles an hour you would be exactly right that would be three-car links but then apparently Jeremy.

By the time you took driver said they change that to seconds as it for its three second floor distinct a second. So if you driving 60 miles an hour. This is an interesting little statistic that if you driving 60 miles an hour in three seconds, you will go 250 feet and so if you're counting three seconds between you right Jeremy, will you go and tell us how you learned it in Trevor's drivers that I just learned from like parents and at a graduation project future where driving to get materials and he said now far sincerely and a random but no, I don't three-car links. I guessed said no. Three seconds in explained it. Now that the time it then at 30 miles an hour that three seconds is how many feet, but 67 and 50 so Deb, here's an interesting thing if it's three seconds for Jeremy at age 18 as I going to geezer them between 60 and 70. I've got to add 1/2 a second, that because my reaction time slowly and so you know are all were all learning stuff so I'm interested since I've got on the phone. How do you think we should handle that decision of when we should hang up the key and every three or four years people know how they're doing and that's a great idea and a lot of states are changing their laws that at certain ages. The driving test come more frequently because I'm in some states. You got four years between test and things can drastically change.

So that's a great that's a great piece of wisdom Deb thank you for calling and plan. We appreciate your God bless you and thank you all right, we have the next question on the I am not a Mr. Magoo oh, and I this is a really good one. While waiting to turn left of intersectional your wheel should be pointed a straight be left see right or do you doesn't matter.

So when you're waiting to turn left and intersection.

Should you start turning her wheels to the left or should you keep them straight or to the right, which is the answer, you call us 866-34-TRUTH 87884 by the way, this particular answer this question unfortunately got a lot of folks killed. I will give you a bit of a hint. This is probably one of the most critical questions on this test. So when you're waiting to turn left and intersection where should wheels be pointed 866-34-TRUTH 878-848-6634 truth. I see we got a call or comment that may have an answer for us so Bob I know so many people on at least three people I can name out of my head that died as a result of this question people had in the wrong answer. While they were driving and is just so so so important and wish everybody wish everybody would emphasize that deer in every driving training in you know they should even be promotions telling people about this and that's a great idea. I ought to do my screen on my way moment you know what the place during the show. I should make one on the specific question because it is is Galactic how many folks are killed by this it is it is and we have got a call on the line has an answer for summer to go to them that what you and Frank but we have somebody else and that he sent producers can get their information.

Frank, by all means call back during the break is got answer. While waiting to turn left and intersection. The wheel should be pointed straight, left, right, it doesn't matter 866-34-TRUTH 87884 work plan may not use the contest today on a Christian card. I chose to make three will we make it with with bad history, depending on our decisions as we come in for a landing with our life and something to be thinking about proactively engaged in how will you finish well. As far as you driving now you well in his life.

We are playing the geezer game and allowing folks to to answer some of this question that we have is absolutely critical and we got Jackie is in Charlotte. She called in the Telus while waiting to turn left and intersection. Your wheel should be pointed straight, left, right, or doesn't matter what you think Jackie great you are, that well working with the geezer meter.

You are exactly right. That is a life-and-death decision when you are in and intersection to make a left turn, because of your correct answer. If you are straight somebody slams into the back of you, which happens a lot intersection to this happen to me you will be descending there. You know seem to be becoming rare enough and also in your field and slamming back your if you are in the turn to the left to guess what you're coming into the oncoming traffic on the left. If you're wheels or to the right because you want to make a U-turn and your kind of try to get all set to do that, then you will go into the traffic coming into your right side so it matters a lot and that's all I say right there. Jackie and so what have you got up if you got a answer on how you know when it's time to begin the suit to restrict your own freedom. Well, my mother in law her an hour to find something that I think there might that's a very good clean NASA and the great observation. God bless you Jackie thank you for calling today and working to that certificate out to you.

You are not a geezer like YouTube about all right we have another question. And we have Bob had the answer to that one somebody else may want to call and this is another question that I think is actually quite important. Older drivers are typically safe, cautious drivers, but they're not perfect.

What is the most common traffic violation for drivers that are over 55 that includes both of us. Bob overfeeding let's all think it is the most common traffic violation. Failure to yield the right-of-way or making an improper left turn or making improper lane change or ignoring a stop sign or profit traffic light. Which do you think we of the 55+ crowd which we get a discount at IHOP.

Now read this to you. Failure to yield right-of-way. That's number one number two making improper left turn worried about making a proper lane change work nearing ignoring a stop sign. You call us. We have that question left, 866-348-7884 and I did, I did want to move into appraisal by the real black book. While I'm waiting for all those columns on that last question 866-348-7884 English. I would like to take are subject to the day and just like some point in time. You know were coming to the end of our Christian life.

So what is that look like, how do we land. Well, so to speak, how we come in smoothly and finish well. The way Paul did.

He he he mentions that it really and several of his letters so as I talk to you and show I am so blessed that I have been doing this for us. Devotion a retirement home for 15 years maybe an as you might guess, Bob. They teach me way more than I ever chance to devote and there's a lady by the name of Miss Beck. She is she's probably 88 when I came to know her and now she's 102 going on 103 fast and I can't tell you all the wisdom that she's in prime it is phenomenal. The wisdom that she is imparted to me. The prayers that she is praying for me but she told me this once because I was like Miss Becky Rother, your start Bible study.

She's in her 90s now at this point and she's getting the people out there to vote on certain issues and and she's real activators you're doing all the stuff I said Miss Beck. At one point time he retired and she says young man. You're not here with Ecclesiastes 88 I might know will give you said well and she quotes this is no one has power over the wing to contain it, and so no one has power over the times power over the time of their death, as no one is discharged in time of war.

So wickedness will not release those who practice it.

As long as wars on son, I'm an army lanolin Atlantic profound. Rather, it was profound. And when you think about it how badly we need that stage of life the sages, the folks like my mom, your dad that have had a chance to listen. Life and what you know there is a proverb. I've only proverb that says the death of an elderly man is like the burning of the library. There is so much wisdom in their that they can share if they felt like wow I'm I need to find some young people to have in my group of friends impart this stuff that God's been teaching me all these years you there are sages out there and we need to call them up out of that and and get them into our lives because it's a critical part of life is to is to engage sages bomb you can said that veteran and I feel like that's kinda on a different level of what I offer these young people that I work with the church and I've been through so many of the things it that they're challenged with and it just the opportunity to share my experiences and and my damn phone you can sit there and take a Bible and try to up the main head with it now stands still for a few minutes but a young personal sit down let you listen to all the mistakes you want to admit to them that you just listen to that and if they maybe learn something from your mistake. Wow, what an awesome experience. You and I and we have in our in what I call my band of brothers that that that I walk with theirs man by the name of any Menino whose 83.

He is hung up the driving part. In order to come to our meeting. He has to come after dark and he won't drive after dark anymore, because he's losing his eyesight, so we literally go pick him up and is well worth about. Believe me, to have this man in our group that is prepared to share the wisdom of all those years.

And again, he can't drive, but unlike our driving and hanging up the keys to that.

I don't believe according to Miss Beck and I'm in a go with her.

She's 102 that you don't ever hang up the keys of the kingdom.

He also said that that this is this is part of what you do. So we do have. We have JoAnn in Mechanicsville and she may have an answer for some this last of the user.

I am not a Mr. McHugh geezer questions so are you witness JoAnn. I'm so glad you called in this morning so of older drivers most common traffic violations. Do you feel like they are the failure to yield right-of-way making improper left turn making improper lane change or ignoring a stop sign which one you think it is you right away right away. Well will put that in the grace when we can't because we got the computer and I'm a tell you that your exactly. That is in and we talked about through the show is a good idea to forgetting a little over 50 to remove some of those distractions because failure to write right away has to do with really paying attention to where you're on the road and who's doing what and some states there is no right-of-way there are many thank you JoAnn God bless you. Appreciate you calling in today were to get that certificate out to thank you all for Liston and let's all prepare greatly and thanks for Liston