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Key Insights for Car Keys

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
October 3, 2015 12:33 pm

Key Insights for Car Keys

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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October 3, 2015 12:33 pm

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Christian today's episode garbage in job names Parag may be providing money for Jimmy. To date, his girlfriend, Allie, but the sudden change in the number one spot of Jimmy's time and attention as Hidden Valley with jealousy big time.

She might say she's dining on peanut butter and jealousy, and generally she hung up like it so complicated. Jimmy walks into the kitchen where his parents and grandmother trying his mom's experimental cookies women cooking fresh ingredients used in the scent of sugar and coconut oil. Raisin spices all kinds of good stuff like Ms. Sandy said too much sugar. We sure do honey. Try one of those Jimmy cooled off over there and maybe you can cool off as well okay I'll try you now. I've tried to tell you grandfather stop drinking so many sodas now that fast food, sugar just climbed up to system I still think longer. As I said women. He was such a sweet, stubborn at times, like all men just once in a while you okay these are pretty good well experimenting state tasty as well as healthy pretty good living come in handy sometimes. I have to admit that when you drag us to miss any little lecture about health stuff.

I was not that enthused. I would have never known that Sweeney like Miss Annie say garbage you are what you eat, what if you are eating peanut butter and jealousy.

So that's the problem.

Jealousy that's funny Jimmy peanut butter and jealousy. So that's at least problem. Well, I guess it is for each garbage you know it's not just food we eat, Jimmy. It's what we feed our minds to light peanut butter and jealousy. You might say if green jelly you eat green as you get. It's a kind of sickness so demonic green eyes like the Bible says, but I'd like to find out why she's jealous dear has she explained she just keeps complaining about all the work I do. Yeah, I'm feeling that, thanks for the cookies, ladies, I'm headed for work in an hour so the only writer Jimmy approach is a drama going on joined by Tammy tensioner window gasket and then suddenly crazy gastric you don't see them in you. This was Guido graph you know put a lid on it reasonable you mugs going okay for you so you will be thinking should try Guido US of America that is pronounced arguing well. He was right. Jimmy cranks his Jeep unaware of this drama and heads to work his Highway 60 going about 45 miles an hour's engine seizes locking up the rear axle sideways, urban man. He rolled complained Mr. slick talker don't know what your soul called Keisha to road with no lovers like you want me to condition is witnesses called 911 Jimmy hospital bound in short order.

Jimmy was unconscious. Everyone at Beaver County Sheriff's hospital since the cars all course was just brought a great driver what happened while there were 20 orcs, but stop loss control sideways couple times like ours told Raj some answers make something up. Thanks, Brett were suspicious is about.

I believe we we can have a possible 1313 love you so use this possible. So oh you mean 1113 murder one will use this you have the Jeep the garage and I do believe tell us what happened to the bottom of this. Meanwhile over top small shop. Another drama was on Jimmy's longtime rival Steve Simmons plopped down right next with the news, looks like your boyfriend, finally bit off more than he could chew with this overhyped 4 x 4. Have you heard your freak like we like now okay but you may want to cover room 312 of the beaver County Hospital understand loverboy is taken up residence after Jack was sitting in the booth behind Allie and Steve. Pastor quickly responded, Steve, are you saying Jimmy is been in an accident.

Oh, that's right, pastor Jimmy's Steve put the couple of times and Highway 60 he's unconscious but stable in room 312 white Jimmy's heart so no hospital sure.

Let's go will pray as we walk. Father, we don't know or understand what is happened, but father right now. Come to Jimmy's rescue as Pastor Jack O'Malley head over to the hospital. Steve is left talking to himself in the boot. Maybe I should just go to Nathan's garage and make sure that is done for. I'm tired of losing the hill condo that hunkered down the next episode of Christian card I theater and find out.

Will Jimmy be okay. Jimmy's draft will Guido air-conditioner had time now Randy radiator to review today's episode, you drink all all doubt leads to diabetes and heart disease. Magic belly fat eating my Bible speaks of yourself garbage all I believe you okay?

I didn't garbage out nine seals ride no more for the Motorola Spam plea for Sheriff Brad Kramer, Frank Ryan, having Jimmy Eustis Randy radiator Kennedy breaks the gas tank and from this or an all meat Mark ESV Simon and Vincent Menino. Today's episode was written by an all Kennedy and directed by the rights we are left with live again today on the Christian card I show following Christian card I theater that's the first time you've heard that we try to do it every three weeks. We try to get another episode in so about three weeks ago.

Find out what Jimmy and if Guido gasket may in fact air-conditioner.

But today the Christian card I show we have some key insights that we want to talk about. Yes car keys are there for your protection and privacy but often there are calls for massive stress or aggravation. Perhaps you suffer from CAD that stands for he Association disorder. My own wife suffers from that what I think there are now two phone apps that are available that are really helpful on the sponsor and talk about those some other key insights. Those would be what happens when you stick your key in the ignition and it doesn't turn what could that possibly be. What are some solutions for that when I get to that naturally mom complaining that noise but also for our protection. Today we have a very unchristian insurance guy with this bill Mixon with nationwide in bill you got some key insights for production key protection inside most people understand auto insurance protects you against your car being stolen or crashed. Many people do not understand liability insurance that money used to pay somebody else when you damaged their vehicle or body protects you to your liability insurance protects you against financial loss. It protects your assets in your future paychecks.

Many people do not understand that if they owe money and damages more than the amount of insurance they purchased that they are responsible for that additional amount of money even though there wasn't enough auto insurance to pay that when you go to court and the judge ends up saying you know $200,000 and you only bought $50,000 worth of insurance. Your life can change dramatically rights her bill has some key insights there. Certainly I know you need to get ready to be down in 866-34-TRUTH 87884's were gonna go on and play name that knows noise or no knowledge of time to find my defect like that. How all that writing 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a number to call in if you can name the noise today generally go ahead and play that noise sounds like electric drill, but I assure you it is an automotive noise. Would they always are. They have to do with the car and now I'm just going to guess that you know since were talk about key insights that you might could put together how that works. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 if you can name that noise 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and if you can name the noise generally tell mother when I believe rest doing this because of that, once they win Stu Epperson's book last words of Jesus or the CD and that's all that. That's right, the last words of Jesus Christ to Epson or your choice if you prefer the music company and tracks that go with it are just absolutely tremendous. We played them here many times on the Christian card I show all if you can name this particular noise again the number to call in 866348788486634 truth and we have some callers comments were to get to those just in a minute but then also today show organ. I get to our appraisal by the real black book. Of course that's very search the Bible for hidden treasure conference room and lift up our voice for understanding, and as you might imagine you have some key insights there. You know, in Matthew 1619's were instructed that the keys to the kingdom are going to be given to us and I describe some of those keys before as is God keeps giving me pictures of. This is one of those mission things I want to try to understand what are these keys and as they keep coming out if it's a wonderful thing and sorting to share some of those up the other show on our appraisal by the real black book. Of course we want to talk about. We've got a couple of really serious applications with the Jesus labor lover can share what those needs are right now working to go play name that noise because we got to see Marty is in Greensboro, North Carolina. Marty during the Christian card I show the what if you got for me Marty, can you name the noise. I am here can hear me Marty. Apparently Marty now we may be having phone issues we ran out of we lost power yesterday for a period of time so but anyway, you're exactly right. And you are a winner today.

Thank you Marty God bless you all rights well. We are sound. Seems like we have a bit of a issue with them, hearing us on the phone although they came in and got our phones back up.

There may be an issue with that. So thank you for calling in today I'm a take another color just to see if it's the same with them as well. Generally, we got Dale is in Winston-Salem, Dale, you're on the loss they also, when we got Marcus in Raleigh market. Maybe We Got Rd. in Durham Road as you're on the Christian card I sent them on.

You can hear me that's good that's good are the colors couldn't hear me wonderful wonderful. Did you want to play name that noise with you heart all now that is very you know that's a wonderful wonderful concept and for years I used to make those keys. I worked in the parts department and I used to love when people brought back so I could make that machine make that noise and I think that possibly somebody was making that machine make that noise in the background when we recorded the so you're exactly right when you send it out to Rhoda God bless you, the way got so much more Christian card I show coming up the khakis are just some of his glasses see just where they are to meet someone from what I can't remember where is my organizer somewhere yes to may suffer from bad, you just can't seem to find those keys and were to give you some key insights today on a lot of different things today on the Christian card I show it has always this is life you have any question or comments forced we would love to hear from you. 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH Nabel I got to share with you.

Couple of these apps now. It's amazing the stuff that people come up with.

Because I'm thinking that you know they come up with an app that you can buy these stickers and the stickers connect to your iPhone or your smart phone so you put a sticker on your car keys or you can put them on the remote for your TV and all those good things so that if if if if you lose any of those you can take your iPhone and you can find what is it'll tell you it's just like the one I got on my iPad. It told me my phone was in my hell, that's good of the really great you lose your case. It tells you, you lost your keys in your help. I chose you know it it it actually likes lights and in some of the set off sirens and examine radar detector think that we know when you are my highest rating from your key so that you eat the reason that this is sort of an issue actually is that I do not you priced keys that have imputed to Panama and then they have remote cinnamon and sometimes $90. The last one I have an estimate for two or $300 so you can get the stickers for 4995 stickers to confine stickers and you know that that's a pretty cool thing you can input on the TV remote. You know sticker and so you enough, you can't find that you are at your house. But anyway, the question that immediately came to my mind was what happens if you lose your phone, which is your iPad but hey hip key which is also again. By the way all the stuff the Christian card. these apps.

It's called key insights from Christian hip key actually came up with a plan for this and so they set when you get hip key key fob goes on your key and intercourse hooks to the phone and it sets off assignment.

So if you try to find your keys and you got your iPhone you can you can make it go off like a cooler thing is that if your keys in your phone become too great a distance it automatically goes off so it's assuming you lost your phone. Some, and so if you say, if you drive in or out of your driveway, your your whole family gets to hear a lot of similarities that had hit the real advantage that this happened my and my think. Last night Tammy and I were rest my life and I'm leaving and I get about halfway out the door. And guess what I forgot my phone.

Now if I had the handy-dandy hip key at because my keys would've been in my pocket and I would've been some distance my phone. My phone was at this I would hear my alarm saying Robbie you're walking away from your phone and see. That way if I would lose one of the other you know it's it's the things that people think of, I mean. And did you attach it to your life that this app is only 8995 again I you know I I've not had one of these.

I'm just telling you these are things I found the hardware to does hardware, software, everything for 8995 might save your phone sometime certainly help you find your $200 keys and you can do all that Christian card. now which is under key insights but along those lines. The key insights I really did want to share as we have to.

Jesus labor leverages our repair labor for single moms and widows in sometimes in any given week we get it we get some applications are just really got renters for lack of a better word, and I did want to share a couple of these this week. I have one. This is what the person wrote since my husband works full-time at Taco Bell. I'm a stay-at-home mom with two children because we can't afford daycare my four-year-old son has many disabilities, one of which is he is he is a quadriplegic cerebral palsy victim.

The only vehicle we have is our wheelchair accessible van. The van is a 1990 Dodge Caravan.

They had taken it to a local tire repair place and they give him a virtual laundry list of $750 at this man needs repairs and they need the van in order to take their child to his numerous doctor appointments so of course we have resources and God has blessed us with people who have volunteered to labor.

We may even have somebody who's going to supply some of the parts.

But again, if the Lord is putting on your heart to help this particular person or anybody if you go to Christian card. you can see right there where you can donate to the Jesus labor love and and interestingly how these things run in spurts that have a single moms same week incomes.

This I have a disabled child that I have to take back-and-forth to doctors and him and his sister to school.

Also, my dad has cancer and the need to go back and forth to help him. This lady has a 1995 Nissan and it needs a transmission you know and even finding a transmission for 95 Nissan I got off 109 you put in all those kind of things, but another one is just out there and again if the Lord is putting on your heart to help these folks in a coursework I'm trying to do everything we can to maximize our resources to do that, you can go to the Jesus labor lover and look at the prayer request is what one of the things that we always are very thankful for is all the people are praying for these applicants because you know God ends up coming to rescue.

Sometimes I get other cars. Sometimes a lot of things happen and so your prayers are mostly needed there on these situations, but also have got them on your heart to give bowel means there's an opportunity for you to do that so Bill give the key suggestion you can give a key suggestion.

I remember I was reading Reader's Digest and I had to sneak neat little story in there about this fellow that had to call and get his these door at a guy came out took about an hour.

He pulled at this great big party slipped down the wind and he reached in their pop that lot can that the guy looked over at him and says you know they need to make a little one of those that you can carry around with you to get your car well we got all those expensive keys now. Again, my family, we got a number of different cars. I just didn't want to spend the money to have all the spare keys. So what we did was we put one key that opens the entire car in the glove box and then we make duplicates that don't have the the gizmo that allows you to start the car so give for $0.35.

The key we got spare keys for all the cars but they only allow you to get into the car.

It doesn't allow you to start the car dock carry to spare keys around in my wallet because it just scares that you know I just hate the idea even though I've got the insurance to get me in. I hate the idea had to wait an hour for a locksmith to show up that lot. And here's generation and often you getting your car and you gonna twist the key and it don't twist. Members come across that one. Well that there's a few things that you can kinda go down this list in your mind.

Number one before you go to twist that not not twist some cars and traffic actually put your foot on the break before the twist is your foot on the brake.

Sometimes you have to have emergency brake. Was it the right key. That's how it's a very quiet before you break your lock offer you to make sure you got the right key hey Robbie doesn't add something to Bill's thing here to town for a while there.

We kept locking the keys to my room.

I will cobalt here and this is no power is power nothing anyways. We had it where we had to have somebody try to get in all that. Anyways, I made a key got a key made to it and I keep it basically cunning and hidden. You know that it's one that doesn't start it, but it will entitle the funny thing is, ever since this happened. I had had to use it that way is that's been probably made the key more than a year ago and I haven't had to use it before that it was it was one time my wife took the keys to the car had her keys in their put both of them in their lock the door and shut it. How many times, but that's why you so you can get a key for $0.35 or maybe a dollar, whatever Walmart that will open the doors, but then you gotta have the key with the chip etc. etc. but getting back to the twisting of the thing and it's not working. A lot of cars you have to have the car in park, so you may have left it in gear and that's the reason why the key doesn't turn say that's another thing to think of their but those must've been the car business a long time realize that tumblers in the lock cylinders make it sticky so sometimes just by a soft little wiggle and others waited to wiggle at key inside the ignition inside the cylinder unit to get it to work in or just wait a little bit don't get Frank or anything in danger key, but that that's another thing that you don't want to do obviously is to break off. The key insight especially for got wrong key and like you say there's some graphite spray now and and again you can use WD-40 which is not supposed to have any you know, water anything in it but I graphite spray is what if you saw locksmith with their competitive athletic and working to come back with bills, insurance, insights, and we have course have appraisal by the like. What are some of those keys to the kingdom and working to get all that done in the last session of the Christian card I show again. If you have a question or comment. We'd love to hear from you.

866-34-TRUTH 7884 866-34-TRUTH welcome back talking about key part about a few keys to the kingdom in a minute but it a couple three notes real quick. Number one, we had talked about getting a key cut that $0.75 or whatever and in using it in my producer made a great walking in the brakes and in his car and his Chevy. If you were never put that key in the ignition that you can mess up electrical system by not reading the chip and you have to reset it and that's gonna cost you much money so if you do in fact use at open the doors. You just use it open the doors and never put it in your mission that's good morning another caller called in on the didn't want to go on the air and I had a question about how to buy a good cheap used car and I I post that probably once a week usually I wrote an article gives all the details on how to do that and because so many times I get emails on that very question.

How do you find a good cheap used car and so I wrote an extensive article on all the ideas I have behind that that's available. Gannett Christian card., as are all the information we talk about today but we want to get back to key your bills key insights before we get to some of the keys to the kingdom. In most states, you can carry as little as $25,000 worth of insurance to protect you if you hurt somebody and send them to the hospital we kill them, and in some states, you can carry as little as $15,000 for property damage, keeping in mind that a lot of cars on the road worth more than 15,000, and most trucks are worth closer to 100,000. You can't walk into a hospital and walk out of it without. I would more than 15 and it doesn't matter that the person you injured, has great health insurance you are them legally. Whatever their medical bills are regardless of what they already had to cover it.

We seen a trend with all these 800 numbers. These 800 companies really like to sell those low limits is that's where all the property would much rather make a whole lot of money off that 15,000 and then not be at risk for the additional amount you need somebody you can sit down with a look eyeball to eyeball with and look at what all your options are good counselors make a big difference for financial success in moving our appraisal by the real black book. As for we search the Bible for hidden treasure crap for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding and you know what I was cool verses in the Bible, but I just love to ponder is Matthew 1619, and Ray says and Jesus said I will give you the keys of the kingdom. Speaking to Peter after he gave the testimony.

Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven and one of those keys, I understood a couple years ago when I started the Jesus labor. Love that when Jesus asked his disciples to go get the donkey. He told them the reason to get the donkey was the Lord has needed now in those days to take a donkey would be similar to taking somebody's Cadillac and so to think that you could get by with taking somebody's donkey and the Lord has need of it being a good answer about keeping you from getting hung seem like a significant issue. What I found in the Jesus labor love is that time and again if I just keep that in my mind that I have the key to the kingdom here if I'm to go try to help this lady needs to get a child to the doctor. Whatever the situation. I do have a key to the kingdom and II can literally ask somebody for wrecker service I can somebody for transmission and not say why I can say because the lock is made of it and it blows me away. How many times that it works out. Even when people are not believers, Inc. in some cases Jewish all sorts of different religions that I've had it happen where I just the Lord has need of it and and they gave it as a result, is if you had a key to the kingdom this week and I've known about that key in the when it says what you bind will be bound on earth what you loose to be loosed.

If you know something to think about in those keys, but William Col.'s book of Christian in full armor made mention of another key and immediately I thought of these keys gives rise These keys in my mind and he said that whenever Satan is on your back and you can hear him. You know John at your heel, so to speak when he's in when you can tell that he's the one that scream in your email you give Scott a fight with a loved one, or whatever the situation you know you're under attack that you're hearing his voice. You can retreat into your own heart because you have a key to your own heart.

But Satan does not have a key to your heart because that is in effect try to go into the holy of holies right and in any Luke 17). The King James version.

It says neither shall they low, behold, the kingdom of God is within you so that the kingdom of God is within you. That would be where you have the key. When you get in there. Satan can't any longer have any effect on you so I read that and I thought that's really cool. The next time I see that well. Interestingly, almost immediately, within a day or two. I got in the real donnybrook with somebody that I dearly love and my family and I was getting more and more upset and I had every reason to be upset, and the more I thought about it the more I was sure I had every right to be mad and then after a while I said you know I think I'm hearing from Satan here. I think this might be attack and I really had to go think and pray and get in the my Lord I'm to get in my heart and and get here where he can reheat or I can't hear, and it really took me about three hours of prayer to get there but when I got it was clear to me that I was now no longer under the influence of Satan.

I was in my heart and I laid it all out before the Lord and I surrendered it to him and I asked for his counsel was interesting because the Council he gave me would be about the same as gone and hug and a porcupine renamed is not something that's really attractive and under this person is really mad at me so I thought this is not gonna go good when I day. Are you sure Lord is at exactly what you have in mind but yeah, that was exactly what had my so I was obedient and honestly. Both of us melted in tears as we reconciled the situation once I dabble actually knowing the movie war rooms out of such an amazing thing and I love the idea of a closet, but I II think there's this really cool place inside of all of us where we can meet with God. It's a war room where Satan can't get to us where we no longer have his voice beaten down on us and all the sudden you know there we can get his counsel and and reconcile relationships. Paul talks about the you got control of your thoughts, neither exercise control of your thoughts or you don't nieces that if you think about what is noble and pure and righteous and lovely marble that if you do this you be be keep Christ in your heart. One of the things I like to share in the jail studies ID is the Scripture. I've always use the one that is most powerful to millions. I am chosen and holy and dearly loved by Christ and if I will repeat that over and over to myself I can get control over my thoughts and I can start praying to God that I can lift it my request to him and we can now it it so that's kind of your key in my case it yet.

You know it and understanding that verse and all you know gave me some insight and it is like wow I've I've heard of given somebody else. The key to your heart but I never thought about having my own set it you know that's an interesting thing that we do have the key to your own heart. And Satan does not have that key and by the way, the only other person that hasn't again assuming that you're a Christian is you, but there's a question Bill, what if you're not then how do you get there. How do you get to this place and if you listen right now and you're wondering that you know one of the things you might begin to do is take Jesus. How can I get that key to my own heart and my understanding there's one promise in the Bible to everybody believers and noninvasive God will forgive over to see the rest of the promises in the Bible or for the family. The Old Testament for the chosen people of the Jewish people and new Testaments available to everybody promises. The promises are there for the family. People that turn from their wicked ways and turn back towards God and towards art. He'll give you the key back in your own hardware wonderful time today, I thank you so much for Mr. Christian heart. I remember slowdown.

Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years and had you thought about maybe this week spent some time with your own key. Think about yours.

Thank you for listing the Christian