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The Answer IS Blowing In The Wind

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
February 25, 2017 11:29 am

The Answer IS Blowing In The Wind

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 25, 2017 11:29 am

Christian Car Guy

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Thank you for listening to this edition of the Christian heart podcast is brought to you by Mr. quick logging road. Mr. quick is the opportunity for you to start your own roadside assistance business. If you have more investment in energy than investment capital stop working for someone else. Mr. quick big logging road is the opportunity to have your own home-based business working directly with auto clubs and leveraging a national brand and marketing strategy.

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Now sit back and enjoy this podcast, the Christian card and then the Christian Car Guy radio show initiation Bible style is the. The answer is blowing in the wind of ever and ever stopped to consider that Bob Dylan song sung here by Peter Paul and Mary. This first this last week it came to me for the first time while the answer is blowing in the wind in so many ways.

So on today show I want to share several that came to me and also in the last segment today. Our brand-new 24th episode of Christian Car Guy theater jailhouse justices can apply in its active impact for sure.

So you can lost a turn for the head, but how about you if you got some answers that came blowing in the wind and you would like to share, and we'd love to hear it or maybe you have questions and you got questions for us? I show 866-348-7884 as a member to call in and share yes this is a live show and so many times the callers bring God to the show in so many ways are there stories and a wonderful question, so by all means you join in the fun.

866-348-7884's number to call in so I think I got three answers this week believe God taught me blowing in the wind. You know, and it it is interesting like how these things came to the wind and the first of these is in saving gas organization area how we can save gas that some answers again blowing through the window. Then the second thing in my work on his God kinda showed me through blowing in the wind away to save General Motors I got sure that actually on Fox and friends years ago and it. My belief is still is can save the automobile industry itself and provide billions of jobs literally billions of jobs if we would take this answer that came blowing in the wind. And thirdly equals now God used Eagles to illustrate the Israelites progress to maturity and there is much to learn. I believe in what God shares about Eagles and you can find a lot of it, both in Deuteronomy 3211 and Isaiah 4031 and I'm sure that in the third segment today so we got so much coming up today.

Learn about saving General Motors and learning to soar. If Eagles men all this stuff is already if you want to fast-forward ahead you go to Christian Car and look at it.

We got that whole article on the answer is blowing in the wind.

There's hundred articles, plus all the podcast previous shows last couple weeks that we did to think and grow Rich worked for phenomenally popular shows it's amazing, Emily. People with downloaded those podcast and so you can listen all our previous shows in the course.

Find out about the Jesus labor love. That's car repair labor for single moms widows families in crisis and we have some prayer requests along those lines, I want to share with you today about some people are contacted us with Jesus labor love and you can find out how to apply for help there.

Maybe you want to donate to the cause.

Or maybe just know how to pray for those guys or take part in that you can find about all that Christian Car so first off highway in a way that the one answer that clearly is blowing the wind.

If you, the Christian Car Guy is that you know highway driving and fuel consumption almost has everything to do with going against the wind of your realize it, but it takes 70% more horsepower and 20% more fuel to average a speed of 75, 70 miles an hour, 70 versus 60 and let that sink in a bit. It takes 70% more horsepower and 20% more fuel to average speed of 70 miles an hour versus 60 miles an hour, and it takes 58% more horsepower in the same 20% to go 65 versus 55 and the numbers skyrocket from there, the faster you go. It is so much less to do with weight and rolling resistance that it has to do with the force that against you, and that force against you is called wind resistant or as they call it in the car business, a coefficient of dread. If you go to Christian Car I have all this laid out but there's a picture there Christian Car which illustrates how well God had this figured out before we ever came on the scene has a picture of a macro which I get that and so is auto manufacturers use modern computer design techniques we've gone from cars that used to average for is a coefficient of drag when you looked at those old model T's and step they were not exactly slipstreaming for the wind. There they had coefficients of drag somewhere about .50 sometimes .60 maybe even a jeep today looks like that, but nowadays most cars when you see them there for their fairly aerodynamic and they started in there somewhere around .30, but the truth is, those numbers don't even come close to not even remotely in the same game as God's numbers are macro really if you looked at the coefficient of drag of a macro and talk about the fish hits .0053 so that you think up a priestess has blue low coefficient of drag or maybe Lamborghini again even come in in the white world. A macro has .0053 get Matt a trout in a just and average rainbow trout has a coefficient of drag of .1 5/2 of what the average car is so God understood this kind of thing you know, obviously macro is engineered as a masterpiece and when you think about our engineering, it's even more a masterpiece. So what can we learn from the Christian Car Guy standpoint. As far as actually managing all this air and since we know that really most of what's happening on the highway is pushing air what you do on the highway really is extremely important when it comes to the air.

So one of the things that I have always taught is no windows down the way I say it is over 50.

It's not thrifty when in town keep them down so you know, if you keep your windows down over 50 miles an hour, you're literally costing yourself more gas and it would be to run the air conditioner and and so when you're looking at the coefficient of drag with the car with its windows open versus not. You can see, the faster you go the more the windows down, being down an issue.

So the simple rule of thumb, and I taught it for years is over 50. It's not thrifty, and when in town you can keep him down. That's fine.

And again, sunroofs open, I mean holy mackerel.

Having your sunroof open is another thing, especially if you're going over 50 is similar to it. You know, she could see the coefficient of drag on a convertible and they put the top down, and those are things that are just out there that a lot of people don't realize what they're costing themselves in the way gas again after the ideas to be is fuel-efficient as you can be another thing that really is huge for a lot of people when they go on vacation you see where this car top carrier since on vacation and usually driving almost the whole way on the highway. This could easily cost you 5% more gas or how every time you're going to the pump. It's costing another two or three box so if you could buy some of that stuff that you put me overhead carrier you may well be able to pay for it with the money that you would saving gas if you can skip have another car top carrier on there so and a lot of times we would take a bunch of drinks and things like that to the beach. My wife and I we thought through that and we figured out ways to not use the car top carrier and again it's more efficient. One of those it surprises a lot of people and we talk about this on the Christian Car Guy Summit is with trucks see some people take their tailgates down and when you put the tailgate down. Believe it or not you actually add to the drag coefficient on your truck because the way there design. In fact if you look at some of the more modern Dodge trucks. They put a little fan on the end that tailgate because where the air comes together behind the car is what causes the drag. So when you have your tailgate up the wind coming over the top of the car has to be further behind the car before the two pieces come together what you looking for is that when it comes under the car and the limit goes over the car and where those to come together is the point of Dragon you might remember that Bill Elliott when he had the duck tail in a Ford Thunderbird but nobody you know he was dominating NASCAR because they couldn't get behind them and get the drag that they would in a normally you know, get behind other car so they could go faster. The idea being again that the further behind the car you can get the two pieces air to come together.

The last coefficient of drag so you can see we've got more tips on how to save gas.

First, we need your call 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Would love to hear your question. Or maybe the way that you've seen the answer comes through flowing through the wind, but also we got more on how to save General Motors and all my what about the vehicle so much time naming names must have and the answer is blowing in the wind ever thought about that is the answer blowing in the wind. That's what were talking about today on the Christian car – who would love to know your question which you know that has everything to do with being a disciple is a disciple means learner enthusiastic learners specifically so how can you learn if you don't have any questions and so with those questions whether being answered by the wind and let's over talk about today in the Christian Car Guy show would love to know your question and 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH.

Or maybe you have an answer that you've gotten that was blowing in the wind that you want to share a story that God enlightened you. I would love to hear it. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a number to call in and share working to save a few more dollars in gas for a minute and then we can move on to another answer on the wind when it comes to card debt and how to save General Motors and then were gonna finish up later in the show today for with Eagles and how we can learn from how they use the wind and then of course there's a Christian. Cargile theater episode jailhouse justice part one coming up in the last segment today is action-packed and you love that. So I'm so glad you're joining us today and we would love for you to take part in the show and have lines open. We would love to hear you 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and is meant always, I would mention the website Christian Car where there are podcasts of previous shows Christian Car Guy theater.

You can download all those podcasts. There's Christian car sales register registry were people that sell cars Christians your register so that you can see other people that that are you are looking at buying a car in your market, you might find a Christian selling cars there to Christian cartels car sales registry and there's also Christian car centers that are involved in the Jesus labor love these are car repair centers and the whole list of them Christian car care centers are there Christian Car and I want to mention that so that you would know how to find notes now.

We work in a wrap up on these gas saving technologies here with. We had tried to arrive in trying to describe how the wind flows over a car and if you can picture sort of a wind tunnel and there is a body of air that's going over the top of the car and there's a body air that's gone under the car and where those to meet behind the car has a lot to do with changing the drag are affecting your gas mileage and so the idea of dropping a tailgate is not a good idea because your allowing the air to come together right behind the vehicle and where this comes into play for some is they think I'm a good tailgate this big truck and mama use that drag thing that they do on racecars and this is gonna save me a got a gas well number one he can get you killed. That's just no is just not safe, not even close to save and let me explain why it's not safe your brakes on your car can stop your car in harmony feet.

But when you think about the load that's on a heavy truck and your tailgating that truck and that truck is going up a hill and that truck may have enough 2 tons on now when they go to hit the brakes which they have air brakes and their massive breaks and all that weight. That's up against that hill is gonna stop that truck and about the third of the distance that you can stop your car so you think you're safe that a car can stop closer than truck and it can when you're going downhill, but uphill you can't compete.

So it it's not safe, uphill, downhill is not safe to tailgate, but the other thing to keep in mind when you're obviously out there being tailgated is that when somebody is tailgating you there taking your gas money, especially on the highway and it's not safe for your family to have somebody tailgating you but also it changes the coefficient of drag of your car in your literally helping pull them along a truckers known this for years and if you ever get in behind a truck like that may know what you watch, they'll slow down so you go around them because it lets you know piggyback on their death on their fuel is the most abuse. These but the idea is that is not safe to be tailgated and and it's costing you money to so the simple thing that truck stew is a just take their foot off the gas and the people go around and sometimes on a 2 Lane Hwy. You might find yourself in. I have done this where I just okay I'm not gonna do this anymore, but my family at risk or whatever it is find a convenient place to turn off letting go by and go on, you know, there's no sense in an angry, you know, it's pretty easy to get into road rage family with our struggle that sometimes what it really is a simple thing you do slow down the way they go and you're on your way right so we would still love it.

Maybe you have another answer on how to get better coefficient of drag your car and how you get great gas mileage by using the wind 866-34-TRUTH 87884 I know I don't have closed all the answers my wife would tell you that in a heartbeat. It's so by all means you call in with yours 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH so another answer that I believe is blowing in the wind comes from a storm and when you talk a lot about this with the Eagles coming up in the in the next segment but you know as the storms come then the wind started blowing if you tilt your sales a certain way.

Enough you set your sales to take advantage of the wind or if you're a bird and you take your wings and use the wind and the certainly like an eagle. You can store up above the storm. How does it work when it comes to card debt. Well, how many lessons have we learned that you know as an individual. I can just tell you the times that I went into debt on a house. The times I went and that for car.use the God use those to teach me quite a bit and in literally in a way kind of pushed me closer to him in the middle of those storms but card debt. As you go into it, you end up in this place of bondage, you're in bondage to the people, the lender, so to speak. So you know that there's so much money now that I am now giving over every single month to discard it, and the challenges that often people buy one car than they trade another car may take the debt that they had not paid down on the other car. In other words, negative equity, and they poured into another car and they poured into another car in the next thing you know their way with the call upside down. In other words, a way oh, way, way, way, way more on this car then then it's worth and so this card debt has jumped up towards just become a monster and they have to trade every so often in order to say what they think are ahead of the game. If you gone so how can we use the storm to help us.

We understand and how well the answer to that actually save General Motors were to get that in the next segment and we have Jim in Richmond who is phone and he got a gas mileage to for something along those lines. We would love your story, 866-348-7884 they need to add and saying no and then even the answer is blowing in the wind document today on the guys show. We would love to know your answer. Or maybe your question 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH for the digitally gifted and as always we have all this stuff about card debt about gas mileage, savings and about Eagles liver to talk about here in a minute a Christian car as well as hundreds of articles, podcasts of previous shows Christian car guy theater is all there Christian car we have Jim is in Richmond and he's got a gas mileage to force Jim you're not Christian Cartier good morning good morning Adriana 96 roadmaster allow wagon like right now. Got GLP-1 and it and I'm on the road quite a bit in my workout so I got highway mileage but that baby gets about 23 to 24 miles per gallon, which is amazing. It's kind just like you can understand why they couldn't let you know the big guns like a used car like that you that well I think that's incredible. Do you great and it's it's it gets back to that idea is once you get that much mass rolling and if you can keep the wind resistance damage that car is pretty aerodynamic but doesn't like that much horsepower to actually make it go down the road and nowadays they actually look like they don't make them like this anymore as they did their great cars. Jim they are and I know it is a nice ride and it is like it's just smooth as silk, energy, data power is there people in the dust of thought and out on kind of you, not my dad out right now. Yeah, that next question make? Why certain times or seasons of the year.

The efficiency of the gasoline diminished. That's what I want to know why you get good gas mileage. Certain times leaders that allows you gas mileage of the notice that Karzai or am I just their seasonally difference in temperature ranges that cars run better in the Sutherlands with a dominance of you know that air itself gets thicker and it gets colder.

You know it it cars run a little bit more efficient when it gets cold but when not when it gets real cold. When it gets real hot site you get in there and it has to do with the temperature and you can even find that a NASCAR that on certain days of temperatures just right, you know they can get the maximum performance. There's one more question of what about speed.

I mean, you find that sweet spot on your cruise control.

You know you were going to get 60 mph 65.

Certain amount of miles down to go up to 70 to 75 million get even better.

Sometimes that that's mind-boggling. Sometimes you think less miles per hour you better miles per gallon well you are absolutely correct in that brings into another thing that has to do with experimenting with your own car and get to know it and obviously you got to know that car really well and in my case I know will grid real well and this has to do a tab with harmonics and what I mean by that is, a certain speed your cargoes and the balance completely in the youth. That's the sweet spot right there because at that point time the transmission is more in balance with the with the driveshafts etc. etc. and and that's making it more efficient because it's in balance and you see what I'm saying but at a lower speed.

You can feel it vibrate more power you can feel it vibrate more. The higher speed and so harmonics which you know that's really advanced stuff but when you can get that going on.

You get more power and more efficiency.

And that's kind of what's going on so that's cool stuff. Thank you Janelle I love this legal my family drama in your lines is 10 times better than any SUV out there on the risk of incredible payload and it function when you put the seats down.

Got lots of stuff. God bless you, Jim, thanks for calling the YouTube all right well I want to talk a minute about that the card debt and we gotta get to the Eagles because we got this Christian car guy theater episode coming up with him is that so the card that essentially happen because people buying cars that they could not afford and that storm continues to build is like a thundercloud you know if you can picture it every time you trade and you add more negative equity your building.

The height of that thundercloud. But the interesting thing is, if at the point in time you decide I am going to live with my decisions and stay in that car the way out of that situation is simply don't trade again. They would love to give you more rebates in all these ideas to get you to trade get you to trade get to the trade. But the truth is you are driving a value the used car that you have will last as long as you do. Old red now with over 400,400 1000 miles on it it one point in time. You know somebody driving it probably owed more money on it that it was worth it did have an owner prior to me but at the point that you decide I mean afford what it is that I bought that you can actually rise above it and it is some point in time, it may be three or four years up the road. Depending on how much you still own your car you will get out from underneath that bondage and you will begin to see the freedom and when you do, you're going to be sharing with other people how that works well. Inside of that storm in my idea is what happened to General Motors. They kept selling cars to people that they can afford. And in doing so they caused this tremendous amount of American debt.

People got more and more and more in debt and so they were less like libel or less had less of affordability to go out and buy another carcass. He didn't have any equity and so the crazy thing was that the bank started allowing people to buy cars even further out of equity and extended them out even longer terms and more and more. There was less like what I could call it liquidity in the market and so car sales at some point in time collapse, but when you go back to what Henry Ford said, you can see I did a on Fox and friends, and interview years ago when Henry Ford set out to do and what put millions of Americans to work in my view still has us working today.

Was he wanted to build a car that Americans could afford to buy with in a less then four or five months income in the technology exist today to do something very similar. In fact, nano days doing it in India but if we took that technology in American we could build cars that Americans really could afford. Just think if we could build a four $5000 car, six or $7000 car if we built that car not only with all kinds of Americans go out from underneath this debt and it would be unbelievable. But you could sell them in China.

You could sell them in India and it would be putting millions and millions and millions of people to work even in those countries. I mean, it's amazing what that would do so inside of the problem is this huge answer that's blowing in the wind and again you can see that it Christian car my interview on Fox and friends talk about how Henry Ford and that strategy work, but way more fun than that. Is this whole idea of Eagles and oh God knows Eagles better than anyone here, God spoke to Moses in Deuteronomy 3211 he said like an eagle stirs its nest that he stirred Israel's next, and God was proving some deep understanding of life's storms and probably did that and I learned that this week from Matt Willis. He's the author of learning to soar and these baby eagles in a nest. They grow fat and lazy, all cozy because you know daddy is bringing him food eight times a day and so at some point on their parents realize it's time to fly and what we can do about this little that baby a glitter so comfortably got a reason to get out of the nest, and so they do something called string and asked which God is explaining in Deuteronomy 31 through Moses.

They start pulling out all the soft material and when they do that if you can imagine that the have sharp sticks and bones and all the stuff that you know from previous rabbits that are sitting in your nest. If you're in eaglet and all of a sudden it's not so comfortable to be in there anymore because he's taken out all the grass and all the rags that you might've been sitting on and then they quit bringing the food is really scary. In fact the father eagle sometimes tease little baby eagles fly by them. A drop of fish so it goes to the ground so they can help it.

See wow Estar my nest. It's time to get out of the nest and go feed myself, which again is gonna cause them to learn how to fly and God use this illustration show how he took Israel and got them out of the note a prickly place in a bondage essentially in Egypt, he needed them to get over to the promised land in order to do that they can be comfortable anymore. They where they were and he also did that. If you think about it to the church in the book of acts that at some point in time expanded them because I got a little comfortable to comfortable in their nest and I bet you if you examine your own life, you can see a nicer theft under God.

Third, my mess, but it's kind of neat to think that God loves me so much he's gonna make sure that I get my wings flap and I get a chance to test my wings and in Isaiah. Of course we get this picture that if will rise up like wings like eagles if we will take those storms and allow those to lift us on the wings of faith, think about your faith wings that you spread out and trust in God that that's going to hear you mean the answer is blowing in the wind. Yes, it's the Holy Spirit and there's a little video I show it Christian car go check it out and write jailhouse justice are one coming up time for Christian. Today's episode jailhouse justice. Now you're pulled over to complete the most important discussion of Ali's life really know what to pray. Jimmy thing I love about that question.

Allie Jesus is only you can.

Pastor Jim got Jesus and unique way to Jesus knows what you are asking also knows the way. After all, Jesus is the way the truth and the light just tell Jesus what you really want and don't hold back.

What is your heart sing. Allie okay Jesus I see now that you have been here for me long. Please, please forgive me for not seeing you or hearing you like I was the one the one that nailed your hands and feet across.

I can wings my way. I was so wrong he loved me and I see it Jesus I want that love. I want to see what have you in my heart and my life and I do believe you're my life now Jimmy. These tears I'm sorry that I'm so happy, what does it all mean streams of living water.

Allie, the Jews, Jesus's people consider the idea fountain and Jesus told us in the Bible and the book of John chapter 7 Jesus said he believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. It would appear that you believe Allie happen the same way for me.

It's hard to understand but all I can say is that river starting coming out of my eyes then and never stop. You know how you get great movies as Jimmy's Jeep was parked with Jimmy and Allie the under the hood, gang or listening to the whole conversation and hung on every word. This was just too much for mosey motor oil really selecting is that jazz got an anointing me is really who you know, family tension whale going to fish you write and sell training within moments that are passing the jail to be crazy to go and speak to Brandon jam like there I guess not use this as there is always anyway. Let's see Jimmy pose in the jail parking lot and now I'm heading to guard duty. They were expecting you guys at the church to hear well. Allie wanted to see Brad Iannelli Eustace. Can we see love and what he would have done with you Allie. Why would you want to see him. Besides, after your Jeep got through with Jimmy Brad's in the hospital with third-degree burns to the state police escorts with him, and as soon as he gets on his feet. He's headed for the Denver prison system. He will be able to get a visit until he's there. Anyway, Allie. Just then the police radio County Sheriff's shots fired and 74 you know what I got all will break loose and I think your Jeep think this is the job for the Corolla and the sheriff has our car on his way over here.

Here's the keys to the Corolla. All you somewhere safe back to her grandparents and see if I can handle all sure Eustace is in everyone over the church will go over there take the Jeep will be praying use this gang under the hood, jumps into action. Spalding spark plug mountain sweetie will make those guys right for me is always friend the photographer has escaped with noirs many and the two of them are speeding down the highway 11 Morrison nefarious in that order. Brad originally to kidnap Allie Brad's jubilation about escaping is about to turn to terror when he has an unexpected conversation with Ned noirs and boy was I glad see you.

That was more adventure than I bargained for. Back there and he wasn't about the risk. You say you know me he wanted me to share this with you have a picture face turns to horror. Now he knows I would never talk even Flint Make good use of your time and hops in the SUV and speeds away. Brad sitting there and tear. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Allie have made it to the church. Allie Jimmy, what's wrong you two look like seen a ghost. There's been a jailbreak shots fired through to state police guarding Brad BSD just now Eustace is going after him. Let's used to scan it doing great question.

And next month for another episode jailhouse justice here on Christian car guy. Now here's Danny dipstick in the radiator to review today's episode are under blanket you will rule Hopi Bible study company like you want to go you one can cost you more than you want. Completely drawn. We so enjoyed doing Christian car guy theater and we would encourage you to listen to all our episodes of 23 now at the website.

If you get a Christian car and click on Christian car guy theater you. You can listen to any of the previous episodes. Check out the cast and crew page where it lists all the different actors, actresses, writers etc. but working on Christian car guy theater for which we are also great for the Lord is assembled for us. We also encourage you to check out the Jesus labor.

Love that car repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis. And like most weeks we struggle to meet the needs of the people that make applications and we'd ask most of all that you would pray for us that God would guide us in order to help these folks that he would guide the many repair facilities that help us to do that and give them the time in order to to help above and beyond what they're doing to feed their own families. You can find all the repair facilities and help us on the Jesus labor

In the course. What a great way to find a good mechanic in your area is to find those that are helping others. Lastly, this week, as I reflected on this idea that the answer is blowing in the wind. It is my prayer that like I show you on the website and the little gliding experience that you would use the Holy Spirit is your telltale to catch those thermals of God's love is. It comes through the storms lifting you like an eagle above the storm and safely at the feet of Jesus. So as those storms come your way when not use the little Yost ring of the Holy Spirit to guide you to the feet of Jesus. Because the answer really is blowing in the wind