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More Than You Bargained For

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
August 5, 2017 11:42 am

More Than You Bargained For

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 5, 2017 11:42 am

Christian Car Guy

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Thank you for listening to this edition of the Christian heart podcast is brought to you by Mr. quick Mr. quick is the opportunity for you to start your own roadside assistance business. If you have more investment energy than investment capital stop working for someone else. Mr. quick McGlocklin Road is the opportunity to have your own home-based business working directly with auto clubs and leveraging a national brand and marketing strategy. Mr. quick helps people live. Ran out of gas locked her keys in their car or need to jumpstart an A+ rated company with the Better Business Bureau and the three-time winner of the member's choice award for customer service. This could be the chance he'd been looking for to serve others at the point of crisis and even share your walk with Christ.

Whether you're looking for a business opportunity or need of emergency roadside assistance. Is Mr. quick to clock in Now sit back and enjoy this podcast, the Christian card and will will will you will you Christian Car Guy radio show initiation Bible style is a wow is the secret to getting more than you bargained for and never bought a car or receive service or maybe bodywork and it just you took to the road and it exceeded abundantly just blow you away. You got so much more than you bargained for. Story one time, being a car dealer. We prayed for a lot of cars and I traded for Trans Am and it seemed like it ran a little rough but it didn't know the reason it ran a little rough when I traded for it was it had a different camshaft and it for those who know what that is it.

It had a great you more power than I expected, so I took it out on the highway to come see what it is that I bought and when it shifted into high gear. It literally spun out of X. I've never ever forgotten like mad also listing to shifted into high gear and when it did it when in the place. I just never experienced with the car and literally's I'm I'm on the interstate going 60 miles an hour and it spins with the power and holding it in the middle-of-the-road.


I live through the experience and off I went on all my work. I mean so much more than I had bargained. I had no idea the guy who sold it to me tell me anything about the fact that this thing is like nine more than I bargained for.

What is your story. That's what I really love snow we got lines open.

When did you get something that you to stop so much more than I bargained for. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 for digitally gifted 866-34-TRUTH maybe you just thought wow my car is shifting right and this is going to cost me thousands of dollars to fix it and you took it in the service part of this expectation that you're gonna pay hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars and we got your bill. It was like $3.80.

It just needed this. What what more than you bargained for. What's the secret of 866-348-7884 what has been your experience that I would love to hear you got a story so call in and share maybe maybe you took your car. The body shop and you are just expecting you know when the United been wrecked and this is gonna be the end of the world. But when you got your car back it was like, this is way more than I was like I got a new car back. How did this happen, we would love that story and in hearing your story were hoping we can kinda discern and think through and talk about what's the secret. How do we get more than we bargained for.

I'm shocked. I instructed Kim that we have got a call yet. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 here to help me with this. We have a new guest expert on the Christian card that shows actually are Christian cartooning guy is Jonathan witness Jonathan welcome good to have things Raven is called sun escape. That is correct and people can get more than they bargained for attending their windows Indefinitely.

Just lifetime warranty. The UV rays get blocked is a big deal and might even save your life because the sun didn't do in that moment of truth, so we can talk about more about sun escaping but we also have our very own Christian insurance guy with his Bill Mixon and Bill when it comes to insurance.

Sometimes you get more you bargained for. People go look at the little article that I typed up and you posted on our wonderful webpage and I Christian Car Guy yes and if people have questions about their insurance situations. I hope they'll remember foresight insurance services. No, it's Christian Car and if you go to Christian Car Not only will you see Bill's article on how to get more than you bargained for with your insurance you a little hint of what we've got coming up and are praised by the real black book more than you bargained for the road to Hana. I have some vacation last FmHA any night is my daughter's.

There is no double in no doubling one in and it is definitely if you've ever taken the road behind. It's in Maui. My father took us on this absolutely phenomenal vacation last week and that road has 612 curves. It takes three hours to go 50 miles three bridges but it's gone through this rain forest and its to be way more than you bargained for going that coming up and are praised by the real black book show and also course to Jesus labor love. That's car repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis. Who we get to see really bill every week folks getting more than they bargained for, like now, I never want to just about now here I was about money. I was in this situation, and the listeners of Christian Car Guy show in the volunteers all that the 40 some on places that volunteer their labor to the Jesus labor love which are by the waitlisted Christian Car all these folks get more that they bargained for, and we got some other needs. You might remember that here about a month and 1/2. We had a sex trafficking ministry. They don't ministry for 60 miles on hold and administer the people there at their coming out of that you may know that it really is a struggle for those that had been involved in it to get out of it. They keep going back and so there's sort of a halfway house in Charlotte called redeeming joy that works with that and they had contacted us looking for a van.

They were really in need of a van and a very very wonderful family and Durham donated the van the first time I want to marry talk and it was wonderful and we went got the van, but as it turned out, it turned out to be a nice donation but we had to scrap the van consumers only things wrong with it. By the time we got it fixed were still in the same situation that we were in, and then needing a van for redeeming joy is that the case, but in the meantime, there were two other families that needed cars that we had vehicles donated three weeks ago. Talk about it more than you bargained for. Because, again, somebody had a car that they weren't using or whatever decided it would be better in a tax benefit to give to the Jesus labor love which is by the way up legitimate 501(c)(3) with text free status or whatever you call it good place to get a car pressurized to give a car. Good place to to give a donation and and so there were a couple families that were needed, that we are still in need of the van and then I got other situations. Oh my word, I might remind people eat did 100% of what people give gaze where it goes.

No operating costs deliver. He had nothing's taken out of that money right because the Jesus labor. Love is completely volunteer base. We have no paid personnel whatsoever. Everything is donated. Even the accountant and the lawyer and all the people are involved donate their services.

So the only administration costs that we have in the Jesus labor 11 somebody gives pipe credit card and PayPal takes a certain percentage but other than that every other penny literally goes to the people that that sounds like the Getty or legatees of the very beginning just keeps giving and giving and giving and giving. But where you are today talking about more than you bargained for, and we would love to hear your story, but time that wow you picked up your car from the service department.

You never would've believed in a million years that it was going be that inexpensive or maybe it was a body shop exceeded your expectation. When did that happen. Or maybe you bought a car that just was like what was that like 866-348-7884 is a number to call in and share and bill you know if you ever had anybody that found out that their policy covered something and they were like low at this got a coverage like wow, a tree fell in my car and it didn't cost will a good friend of mine now gentleman named Lindsay Dean talk to him about reviewing his coverages and we had set down and found numerous problems and we needed to increase coverage and he'd added into his home and we really bumped it up and then two weeks later he had a big loss and he ended up with a whole lot more money than he would've had if he had reviewed his coverages as the first one pops in my mind that there are lots of situations where I've talked to people that could have turned in a claim and didn't turn in a claim and when I told him if that had the right insurance agent with a fix that problem.

So more than you bargained for. What's the secret of getting more that you bargained for when I get to that here, coming up the next segment. Find out more about sun escape what to the last we have so much more Christian Car Guy show Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, it's all there in the Truth Network wants to meet you there when you get more than you bargained for which you like to testify that you know it's a wonderful testimony that I know would encourage a lot of people to hear your story of the time that wow you thought this was going to be really horrible and it turned out to be spectacular.

The way that your car got fixed or the time that you bought what you thought was just average ordinary old car and and it turned out to be like the car lifetime. You know, i.e. old red out there my truck that has unlike traded for a lot of cars.

My life can you imagine I traded for a truck and traded for 1998 and I still have it now has 405,000 miles on it.

I only want to think so. When it finally dies you to turn it into a coffee table, you crush it up it on rollers is not of God is not orbiting his back and we could keep giving it life. You know it's one of those things that you can keep it in engines and other vendors are outputted to a museum.

I plan on various got a lot of miles it's got a 6 foot bed but if you put down the tailgate off it supply whatever they get to go in a way to go your story. We would love to hear it. This is a live show and we'd love to hear your stories 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Jonathan Eunice recently went on a cruise.

Was it more than you bargained for blood definitely was on Skype I from Alaska and actually didn't plan on going on the cruise until about 12 hours before my uncle called me and said hey I think you should tell her list is a lot of my uncle is David Michael Jeremiah which is the son of my great uncle, Dr. David Jeremiah so with turning point ministries. They go on a cruise several times a year and I just finished up the Alaska cruise which was also blessing it was a lot of fun – never been to Alaska. I suggest everyone has a chance to go do it. Bring your warm close though it's a little different special for north Carolina whether a few weeks ago I did a special on the five must-have vacation like what were the things and people called in to share what you must have an in one of the things that you must have his adventure and beauty and somebody to share with and it sounds like you had all that on the Alaska but I'm curious about the be adventure in the beauty aspect of those giant glaciers. I mean the glaciers were awesome.

It's almost like a peaceful quiet time with the same time what you can hear him. The glaciers breaking and it's like thunder.

Almost as hear them crack and break and fall into the ocean.

That was probably the most overwhelming thing for me was a man the sentence more than you bargained for 866-34-TRUTH 8788 bill blue blue blue blue there's an outfit called Blackbeard's cruises and they started off with a ship called see exploit explore and was designed for Boy Scouts to go out and learn to scuba dive and it was advertised is a little button basic food and I put this ad up on my refrigerator and it was in there for six months and one day my wife supplies this ad on my refrigerator and I said I don't know dear about a month later go on this trip. I said I really want to go on that trip and she said will do it. So I went and I packed all this extra food, I just knew it was going to be basic and I got on that it was the most awesome week of my life. I mean we dive four days to four days, four times a day. The food was spectacular. There was enough room. It wouldn't. But it was absolutely awesome when I got back I cut out all the pictures I put them on one of the real big for 4 foot wide boards and I hung it up so you had to look at it when you went into the bedroom and my wife says you want to go back on that trip. I sure do see why you just can't let go now. The neat thing is I always invite my wife and my daughter who scuba dive and I said you you get a full 30 seconds a freshwater debated every day and you've got almost 4 feet worth the headroom in your bunk and you just at the end they always turn me down. Even before I tell him about the short dive that we do so is a whole lot less expensive than other dive trips but I'm going on my 20th trip and it is always more than I bought with you when you believe in it Thursday unless I can figure it had to get the airline to let me leave early to be primed for Bill.

You become shark bait who ha ha. Not that I told everybody in my office. If anything happens to me they are ordered to make sure that my body makes it on that they can use me as John. But one way or another I'm going on my dive trip. All right, we got we got BJ in Tacoma, Washington me looking for some advice on car prices. BJ, Your Honor, Christian Car Guy show the I am so grateful that you called and that you're up this early out there in Washington right now. I know that feeling now 90 know I hot all weekend To get out and we packed the problem with you while I and we got no we need to be times that by only good when the rain so what can we help you with. Well I don't have a lot of family and I want I don't know how I that's a great question.

Now, coming for doing dancing around.

Those are great, great questions and I hope you can stay with us for the break is take more than a minute or so to get those answered and when we come back to find out what kind of car.

BJ has and hopefully we can help her out and we all could be praying for mother in Washington will look forward to hearing more and story of more than you bargained for. 866-348-7884 so much more than you guys show Jesus labor love part of ministry and when we left right before the break we had BJ is in Tacoma Washington and BJ, you've got a car that you're trying to determine the best price to sell it for and tell me about your car.

Are you serious 1990 Buick Riata now that is an unusual car while it what color is it clean, and is the it's got a convertible so is the top still in good shape when it is not a high right like yet and wow how many miles run. I like a I'm not out.

This has been garage, I know now I would say that you have.

You know it's interesting BJ know that on my honeymoon are up when I was married to my wife. I worked for Buick store and we were married in 1991, and we left in the Riata red and black car because I know that the consul has a computer in it that in 1990 could do so many things.

I know it was more than you bargained for Parker just trying to understand all the things that car would do what I can understand why you would struggle to know both what to ask for a car like that and also how to sell it and I got a couple ideas for you and actually when you leave I'm I'm hoping I can put you on hold in my producer, Kim can get your contact information because this one is above and beyond what people normally are selling off the top of my head and this is off the top of my head and I want to do some more research on it, but I'm thinking in the neighborhood of $15,000 is what I would kind of value. The card just as I'm thinking about the car and then the good news is where figure out even closer with the value of it is, but that kind of car is is best handled either through eBay because there's people all over the country that are looking for something like that it wouldn't just be in Washington and they be willing to pay to ship the car and was something like that because of the value of the car. It might even be in your best interest to use a broker because it is such a substantial value in it could be worth a great deal more than what I'm talking about because 11,000 miles on the 1990 Buick Riata, which was really limited production to begin with and then it's just a specialty car is such a neat car and I'm so excited that you have it, but I will like I said when I put on hold. Our producer Keith Kim will get your information in and I can get back in touch with you G Kim is laughing as he knows that I struggle people's names about a little out of vacation. As long as you call me for lunch. No planning and more. But there's also yeah there's the idea of a broker and then eBay is a really really really good source for cars like that but your you're connected to this Jonathan you have an idea that you thought I was going to eBay this is such a wide variety of people to visit it and being big in the sports cards in my younger day that was usually where we went to for something like that or this might sound simple. A lot of people knew specialty cars on Facebook. The posted on their having shared with somebody and it'll, grow that way to have it in her case she didn't want necessarily exposure and I clothes broker will end up with an office with some to do so.

I will check in all that for you to put on hold.

BJ God bless you, thank you so much for calling and I just think that's more than excited one might go broke.

Now I will broker for right usually take a percentage of the letter. Yeah, I wouldn't pay anything upfront. Here's what inordinate he's going to give me an idea of what is to sell the car for any zoster to tell me in a contract form usually the percentage of that transaction that he's again because the value of the car.

You know, in the the safety of dealing with a broker. I would think that you could come out good that way because the other thing a broker has is the resources to know where the where to get the most money for a car like that because the car is really really something special and and he possibly can help so we will get to that. Thank you for calling what you got bless you.

I appreciate so much in my paternal MGM have to bill we have to get to this in a what are some of the secrets of getting more than you bargained for and recently have been reading this book by Alan Arnold called the story of with and that's an amazing story in the idea of with this being with Jesus being with God going on your adventures. Like if I was going to sell this Riata to go do that with God would be a lot more fun than doing it by myself if I was going on vacation to Alaska. It's a lot more fun if I take my wife and in my case where I went to Hawaii with my father. You know you the whole idea of with and when we go through life with God. Then we can become more expected and that was one of the ideas in this book is that the character in this book got caught in the ocean and she was saved somewhat by the surfer and the surfer had this expectation like the good wave. As always, okay, if you can picture that occurs, I'm in Hawaii so it's really resonating with me that the good waves are coming but when you go to buy something. What's your expectation and your expectation may have something to do with your faith. You see is you go on this journey to go buy a car or go get your car serviced or whatever the whatever it is that your doing. Are you bringing Jesus with you and with him are you bringing his hope, because if you do then you got it be expecting to have this other experience versus it Juergen to take somebody with you when you go to buy a car.

It's going to be either Jesus or Satan, and if you go a Satan.

Let me give you an idea what he's gonna be telling this guys out to get you this is gonna be the worst deal of your life. I can't believe you told that guy how much you wanted for monthly payment.

I mean, these are the kind of things that he throws in your ear, and he tries to get you to live in all, don't tell me you got a trade-in forgiveness. I think there's so many different ways that Satan you can take him with you on your journey to go buy a car to go get service that the service people are always that that guy is treat you like a woman and he he's going to treat you like you don't know nothing about how Satan talks in our ear or you know you know you don't belong talking to a real service man if your man there always. Satan always comes at your masculinity like you don't have what it takes like you don't really think you know enough about cars to have this discussion with mechanic to see. So if you take with you on your journey God. Jesus and you ask him what should be my expectation.

Believe me when I tell you I think you that you've had this experience in helping your calling with a similar experience of how I got way more than I would've ever hope, because Jesus is coming with a wave that will be exceedingly abundantly more than you ever thought and see if you get in was Satan in your and you going there you make an agreement. You see, he's trying to get you to go there to take advantage of me and as soon as you throw that out there. Now you've given Satan permission to begin that process of you getting taken and so by walking with God and walking with his hope. You don't necessarily do that and and what I see was not what I say what Paul said is if you put on the belt of truth what is the truth as you walk into this situation to make a deal. What is the truth and in the truth probably is on the same 99 times out of 100, when you're talking that car salesman. That guy got up that morning. Not trying to take advantage of people wanting to help people. Now we need to make a living and he's gotta figure out a way to feed his family, but the real reason he showed up for work.

The reason he does what he does is to try to help people. So if you go in with the belt of truth saying I believe Jesus is with you and I believe this guy coming out here to help me wants to help me then you're working you see in a whole different election and you would be if you go in there think I'm fixing and oh by the way Satan is there to take you up on that feel we have so much more with big flippers on but working to be talk a little bit about my vacation in Hawaii in the road behind in a minute and it certainly was more than I bargained for. But before we get to that.

I certainly want to give Bill a chance to share what he wrote that article 1. How you can get more than you bargained what I was sure thinking of a couple cases I one time I had most of the RV dealers in the state insured and there was more than once when a hailstorm would come and just beat that you know put out all the RVs sit on there and we had an adjuster there the same day and we had it check in their hand to get things started the same day and we were in and out of there in just no time. I did been numerous times and some really large commercial accounts were nationwide, is really been there hit a homerun for some of my clients and you know that that brings up an interesting story that I is a car dealer I can remember in Texas. One time we got hit by a horrible storm when I did not know was that there's a lot of buyers in Texas that followed the Hames Hills things you could ever have is a car dealers at Hillsdale and so I I thought was the end of the world because our entire inventory was beat up by the sale of the insurance company fixed it. Everybody wanted to buy the cars because they were hail damaged and I found it a secret to marketing that I did not know was there and so it's it's it's amazing how many times God comes along to what you thought was your worst nightmare, and gives you more than you bargained for, but when it comes to attending your windows with some escape.

Here we got our friend Jonathan a lot of your customers get more than they bargained for a just and the UV protection. They are mean on top for keeping your interior from fading the cancer society sees it as a +2 because it keeps you from getting UV rays on your skin he's courting weapons, that it experience a 90° there that I hadn't thought about putting my windows but it's a good thing is, even though you know those up north of the sun coming off the snow yet there's a lot of layer cuts on the glare about 55%.

I've known a lot of people that had to have cancer taken off their face and dominate you driving your car out in the sun is probably giving people more problems than the golfers get at your your treatment protects against UV race that does 99.9% so there's new things come along all the time to some escape working to be hearing more from Jonathan as time goes on, but move another appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure crapper sermon lift up my voice for understanding, and we talked about earlier and I read an article it's a Christian Car called the road to Hana and it was way more than I bargained for me.

How cool is it that so often life God gives us more than we bargained for.

And if you go to Maui in Hawaii. One of the must sees that they will tell you is the road to Hana, and believe me from the picture that I showed Eric Christian Car it is more than you bargained for. Because it is believe it or not, 51 miles. It takes you three hours to go there over 600 curves 56 bridges but it's going through the tropical rain forest side of that island. And so it's winding up these unbelievable roads and showing you I mean way beyond anything that you ever might imagine these trees like I've never seen all the different varieties of trees and flowers and cliffs and all the things we talked about a few weeks ago in the five must haves an adventure right that you gotta have. You gotta have adventure and beauty.

And believe me the road.

A Honda Scout adventure beauty because it's one lane most of the way and so you come round this corner in this. Oh and by the way, because the way the road is that big chunk of it just went into the ocean and you come up you see all these barriers and and there's adventure when it becomes life-threatening. Like those glaciers that conceive and have been very good friends get a lot.

But the thing that is is that you know my wife and I to me.

We never would've in our wildest dreams been able to afford such an adventure at the stage of her life, but my father is 86 and loves to get out and play and we still got that childlike spirit. He says let's go to Molly so immediately. It's way more than I bargained for, because wow I mean my dad and get the image of this my dad takes me on this unbelievably adventure and by the way your father God is always want to take you on adventures that are way more than you bargained for, but we went to these two different beaches and I want to compare these for minute we went to the speech that was right there by where we stayed at the harbor and it was a very secluded breach of them just Hawaiians that were on that beach native people and their children would get out in the surf and I watched little kids and for hours and hours and hours because my wife loves to sit on the beach literally for six or seven hours the same ritual happened. The little child that it try to approach the surf they would dip there telling it wait on the wave away would come get him. They would scream, but he murdered you can see little girl now that she would run away from the way and she would come back and she would do it again and again and again, and this went on until you would think they would have no voice, and after a while their parents would adopt the childlike spirit, and for a while get in the water with them and then they would go back and rest. But that stopped the child has for hours and hours and hours.

These wines over router. My wife is like I cannot believe these kids are not sound asleep somewhere. Well the next day we went over to the beach where the Ritz Carlton is way up on the northern side of the violent and here was another completely different group of people from the native Hawaiians. These were very well dressed yuppie style people they were to remember the Carlton towels and and they would come to the water sometimes and dresses in full Bermuda shorts and all this you picture these the people made in your mind, but as soon as the kids got a side of the water. Guess what happened shoes and socks came off, and it was exactly exactly the same ritual we would approach the water wait for the way they would screen run on and went on until finally they would convince their parents taken back to the hotel they would come back, sometimes with bathing And Swimming Suit but off They Would Go and Then the Parents Would Sit There and Eventually One of the Things I Really Love the Watch Was When the Parent Would Finally Decide to Be a Child and Get My Water Were There to in the Surf, Which the Surf Was Pretty Big. But in the End Get Tossed around and When I Picture That You Know There's a Verse That Is in the End of Ephesians 3. This Is Now to Him Who Is Able to Do More Exceedingly Abundantly Than We Ask, According to the Power.

In Other Words, I Could See Jesus on the Road to Hana Showing Me All the Stuff That He Created but It Was Nothing like Watching Him Play with Those Kids on Those Beaches, or Play with the Parents and He Was Doing so Much More Exceedingly Abundantly Than They Ever Once They Let Go Right As Long As I Sat on the Beach and Watch Their Kids. They Didn't Really Get the Full Bill Once They Took off Their Socks and Shoes and Some of Them. I Watched Some This One Lady. She Was an Address and the Next Thing You Know She Was Literally Completely Submerged in the Water Play with Her Kids and I Thought, Now That's It That's It Right There, and Jesus Was Hitting Her with the Big Waves and Hitting It with Small Ways and and That's What You Can Experience Here in the Next Two Days Are Going to Be on a Boat. It'll Be One.

It's Just the Neatest Latest and and What Anything That Every Year and I We Get This Vacation Season Where You Get to Go to Places like Alaska, and He's Can Allow You There. You Get to Go out to Where You Go to the Bahamas Nassau from Nassau All around Depending on What the Weather Is Doing. We Will Hit One Part of the Other, but We Often Go to Myrtle Beach and the Waves Are Thereto, and the Kids Are Running an Amendment Doesn't Matter Where It Is. There's Adventure There's Beauty There Someone to Share It with, and That Word with God Makes All the Difference Because I Think It Would Be More Than You Bargained for. If You Going There with That Aspect Patient. How Wonderful Is That While in the Meantime, We Sure Appreciate You Joining Us a Christian Car Check out the Jesus Labor Love Car Repair Labor for Single Moms Widows Families in Crisis There and Help Us out, Praying for the Folks and of Course Remember Slow down. Jesus Walked Everywhere He Went, Got All Done in 33 Years. Thank You for Listening Something so Much.
