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What Blinds You

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
August 25, 2018 12:17 pm

What Blinds You

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 25, 2018 12:17 pm

Christian Car Guy Radio Show

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I what's blinding you. Good morning everyone you're listening to the Christian guard showed Robbie deal more is out today so for the next hour. You will be with me Bob young your Christian junkyard guy and Bill makes in your Christian insurance guy good morning good morning Bill, good to see you glad to have you here today.

I really feel strongly about our topic today, but parts of it may be very tough for me so if I struggle please bear with me. I want to remind everyone if you have questions or comments about anything there in the show today you can give us a call at 866-348-7884 if you have any insurance questions. We have a plethora of insurance information sitting right here in front of me in the studio feels management for long time and if you don't know the answer. I guarantee he knows where to find a man if you have a junkyard? Or just want to call and say hi. Give us a call at 866-348-7884.

Some of the things we talk about later today may step on some people's toes, but trust me, I've been limping since I've been up since I picked up the EPN and started to write this God taught me a long time ago.

If you can learn from your mistakes. It's good but if you can teach others from your mistakes. It's even better a topic today is what's blinding you. Is there something obstructing your view. Is there a bug or a smudge, or even a chip or crack in your windshield or your mirror that prevents you from seeing things as they really are. Or maybe a bad wiper blade is left streaks or scratches or even water streaks. When it rains that keeping that is keeping you from seeing clearly, especially at night when the glare from an oncoming car is on your windshield. There is so many things that can keep us from seeing clearly in our vehicle.

That's why it's so important to anticipate and prepare for anything that may impair our vision as we drive. It's really hard to change wiper blades when the pouring down rain is coming in your driving. That is a really tough time to start changing wiper blades so prevention is the key. So at the first sign of failing wipers.

It's best to take care of that situation right away.

They don't usually fix themselves. I've never seen that happen, and they usually keep getting worse. But I'll tell you one thing keeping her windshields and mirrors clean is the easiest and best thing we can do to have a clear view of things while were driving. Also, today we want to ask yourselves is there something in our lives that is keeping us from seeing things as they really are. Can our feelings for for someone blind us from seeing obvious character flaws. How many times have we met someone and had strong feelings for him right away, only to realize later that things were not as bad had appeared in the beginning when I think about it.

There have been so many people I have met that ended up being quite different than the person I saw one when we met, but by the same token there are so many people that I have met there are exactly the same now is when I met them take Robbie deal more. For instance, what a world-class guy. He is the same person today is the one the man I met years ago now relationship is changed and grown in a huge way that he is the same guy, maybe a tad more gray hair and maybe moving a little more slowly but still the same dear friend I met way back then.

There's been times when I've met people like somebody would drive up at the yard and let have a car light and I would have a real liking for their car and they can maybe blind me to some of their character flaws are or blind me from seeing them as they really really really were in the or maybe somebody's close or maybe somebody is just their personal appearance can blind us to really dig in in and see in what they're really about any thoughts on that. What I would think it work the other way to sometimes the person would come at your your thoughts about them by color what you think about the vehicle exactly exactly in the a friend of mine went to look at some vehicles he was looking to buy a truck and he was he was a financially okay person but he had on some rough looking close because he'd been working in and he was more than able to buy the vehicle but his appearance gave the salespeople at the place of the wrong the wrong idea and he had trouble getting someone to help him with no assist him and showing him the vehicles in this kind of ignored him and so he took his money somewhere else and purchase another vehicle. So sometimes our first impressions can can get us off track their little bit, but that is happened so many times for me meet somebody in this was just sure that this is somebody I want to hang out with her. This is somebody I need to make a real dear friend I love and and then it didn't take too long to realize that loops it might not be quite as I thought it was. There was an illusion. There I do a lot in the jail and prison ministry and thinking back, 10, 15 years ago when I started I had a lot of preconceived notions about the type of people in the relationship folks have with God. It it really opened my eyes. It took me a good six months ago when down there to real effects that you shouldn't carry this preconceived notions around all the time. They can get us in a lot of trouble. Kathy went off. God met some folks that had lots of money and you'd never know it by looking at them and I've met some folks this overdressed for what their budget could afford and ask anyone speak about today is can our love for our children blind us and stand in the way of us using good judgment in raising them. We have all heard the saying, love is blind, but I know it's true when it comes to raising our children. Now I'm not casting stones by any means because I lived in a glass house. I cannot count the times before I had any children that I found myself standing on my soapbox saying my kids will never do that while what a steady diet of crow.

I had is my little angel grew up and let me know he was fully human and quite a handful. I can remember so many times when his actions should've been rewarded with very harsh discipline and he got off with another stern warning because I was blinded by my love for him. Surely that warning will work this time I found myself saying over and over.

Needless to say, when it came to discipline.

I was a very, very, very slow learner. This ring any bells for you. Well always went the other way if our kids got reality and did things they weren't supposed to. I'd say your both going in the hallway and it starts in the other one was responsible at so you don't understand I don't care who's responsible, you brought the noise ordinance I said you have permission to let your sister at a time out. I told her sister. You have permission to let your brother at a time out for the first time they sit there for hours.

The second time only sit there about an hour the third time they started working out a deal so that have to work out a deal between the two of them. The let each other out a timeout work pretty good. That's pretty good thinking their brother are like that you you were talking about the one to blame it on the other. I had a family member that had twins and he was trying to figure out. He came home one day he got home from work one day and his wife shedding more. Some I have been coloring on on the wall.

I believe it was with crayons and she hadn't said anything she wanted him to deal with, so he went in there and since girls oh my goodness, have you seen this. There's some beautiful artwork in here in the kitchen wall and they were both how I did it daddy oh I did it bury so he used a pretty ingenious method to get what he needed out of them with you.

I thought that was just really really really slick, how you do, you chastise him after you told him this did such a good job well. He just got to trick them into taking taking create ownership of it.

Yes, ownership next thing. Owner mentioned this to our desire for our kids to have more than can our desire for our kids skews me well baby that was my son were going to have to take a break here. Maybe that's why was stuttering there for second but will be right back with increasing car. Gosh, I… Welcome back everybody what's blinding you. You're listening to the Christian card show. If you'd like to come in or give us a call 8663 foray 78848663487884. I'm Bob Yun filling in for Robbie Gilmore, and Bill makes in our Christian insurance guys here also today, good morning.

The next thing I liked well as we were going to the break I found myself tongue-tied and then when the break got here, I realize. Okay, maybe God just said wait a minute, and then you can do this after the break that I apologize from my tongue tiredness. That's hard to say to Kim, our desire for our kids to have more than we did growing up blind us to the harmful effects of affluenza, Bob, what is affluenza you may ask is getting everything you want is the young lady fussing at her mother because her BMW does not have heated backseats like her friends. Does or fussing at her mother because her thread count on her sheets is not as high as the friend she spent the night with the week before. Affluenza is a really really dangerous thing.

And there's more of a suffering from more people suffering from it that we might realize when I was young.

We had plenty to eat a roof over our heads and close on our back. I was 12 before my parents bought our first home before that time we had rented Bob two older brothers and I were well provided for. But there was not an abundance of extras. I was 13 years old before I got my first pair of Converse Chuck Tanner snakes and I was so proud of, though she's but we were just kind of them a modest family.

We didn't have we had the essentials but we didn't have a whole lot of extras. I was 25 before I was ever able to buy a new car. I'd made do with the use once all the way through the and I think because of these factors and many more. I wanted my son Rob to have cleaning. We all, I think want our kids to have life better than we had it but there is a fine line between doing and overdoing for our kids once again I'm guilty as charged.

Now I've been known to overdo things all of my life. But when it came to getting stuff for Rob. I had a pretty serious problem. His mother and I divorced when he was four years old and I always wanted him to have stuff to play with it my house to his mother always had them an abundance of close so I got to focus on toys and having fun.

I think I was trying to make up for the things that I wanted and could not have when I was a kid. Now I'm not saying they getting stuff for our kids is always a bad thing.

I'm just saying that later in life. I lost the balance, but between behavior and rewards and I did not really notice it was happening it was it was kind of a process. I guess our and I just I didn't balance it out but when Rob was young he was such a good kid very, very, very well-behaved and gave me almost no trouble. I was a single dad struggling to make house payments so there were limits to the man I could spend, but we did okay when Rob was 11, my partner and I started the business, and it took a couple years to get things up and running but soon we were doing pretty good.

As business begin to do better and we actually started to make a profit. I was able to do and get more things for my son. At that time it was not a bad thing because his behavior was still very good. But when his grades started to drop in his behavior patterns declined. I neglected the fact that his reward should his rewards should have declined.

Also, I did not let him feel the consequences of his actions and his bad behavior does not have consequences. We remove the motivation for corrective measures.

If someone gets all they won't in spite of bad grades and bad behavior. They don't feel the need to do better.

So if you feel like you may be headed in this direction as a parent, please do your child and yourself a huge favor and take corrective measures immediately.

At the same time I would encourage you to remember what people desire or need crave the most is accepted. Being accepted and loved and that a lot of parents of the room on their children no matter what problem they get into their always welcome back there always loved their all accepted, which is what God Jesus said he came so that forgiveness and repentance of sin would be preached in his name. I had a son who went to some problems in same problem. Three different times at each say I'm sorry say well you to I spend a lot of time in the jail and prison.

I know a lot of sorry people I don't care that you're sorry nephew. So sorry you to make differences then we can work with that. So we need to tell our kids that they could always come home that they can always be listened to that they can always start over like that prodigal son. They got a start from ground level, but they've got a warm, safe, loving place to come to when they come to their senses and the doors always outdoors always open as really excellent bill.

Thank you for that, that the sun you know sometimes we we we missed that fact. You know, we we always want that door to be open and that's the same door that God's open back up for me so many times in the were fixing to take a break here will be coming right back in the in just a little bit but have some more to share with you and we just really really really excited to have everybody here with us today spend time with.

Today's been good for me and we have a couple of tougher issues coming up to listen to the Christian card – his way and good morning everyone you're listening to the Christian card guys show on your guest host this week Bob Young Bill Mixon are Christian insurance guys with us today. Also in the last segment. Today we have a call coming in from Mr. Jim Owens. He's with board performance marketing is got me talking to us about a new Mustang coming out very soon and really excited about having him with us today would been speaking about what's blinding us in no naturally want geared toward the card. To begin with and the things that can blind us in the car and I been blinded by somebody sitting beside me are some I sit behind me. I and had my view obstructed from that. But as we turned toward life and look at life and everything want to figure out what's blinding us there are so many things it can get in our way and things that have blinded us in. In other ways in our life. The last thing I or the next thing I'd like to mention is about the fact that the stigma the stigma what people think of the stigma of drug abuse. The stigma drug abuse blinded me for a period of time and delayed the process of getting the necessary help for the young man I love so dearly know not my son with the words my pride heads me saying over and over pride clouded my judgment and instead of addressing the issue immediately. I found myself denying facts. I was more concerned usually I was more concerned about my friends and my family finding out and viewing me as a failure as as a father. When I should've been searching for help anywhere we could find. I was so disappointed with myself for letting my pride put me in that position. I many times as you pride got in your way and just kept you from saying or doing art or acting or addressing an issue that you should have addressed in you know it was so crazy on my behalf. My son was struggling and there was a silly part of me that was that was won't to hide it you know we can't let anybody find this out main Rob's addiction was something we dealt with for quite some time after trying nearly everything I found I found the way, I finally found a way to convince him to get the help he needed. It was one of the hardest things I ever did. I was a father who had spent years trying to give my son all I could. But the thing that made Rob reach out for help with his addiction was when I took everything from him. Everything I took his house take his job.

I took his vehicle and I've heard of tough love before. But until that point I really didn't know a whole lot about it, but as a result, all this, my son Rob entered the addiction recovery program at our 5 acres part of the Winston-Salem rescue Mission where he got saved and baptized and he was doing so good while he was there, but he made the decision.

I mean I'd seen such an improvement. Any and his physical appearance is emotional appearance and and just everything about him was just growing and becoming more and renewed in they had such a positive effect on him, but he did the he made the decision to leave the program early integrate for nearly 4 months. He was at work showing up working hard. I wouldn't given the job back at first but after a while I realized that the idle hands were going to be a really bad thing for him but I gave him the job back in and he did great for nearly 4 months, but for some reason he decided to use drugs again and lost his life, but once again God gave me the opportunity to share my mistakes, hoping that someone hears these mistakes and avoid them because I made so many of them.

I feel like I need to be the one to come right out and say look out for these mistakes because they are out there. They're looking for you and I sure hope somebody hears them in a voice that it wouldn't be the first time that God took a blunder I made from the past and turned it into a positive lesson for someone's future is better to speak about the potential mistakes we can make as parents that a man who made so many and then ended up suffering the ultimate consequences. Now it's been really tough sharing and talking about the mistakes I made and there was another time in my past that I thought that I couldn't share the things I've done because I was ashamed with. God gave me the opportunity to work with young people and I just felt like I can't work with kids because of my past. I can't do it. I'm disqualified because of my past that at that time. I think that was the first time that God let me know that what I thought disqualified me from working with young people uniquely qualified me to work with young people who better to talk to somebody about a mistake. It's a mother made him and I think Brother Beale has some he wants to share with us at this time. You know, a lot of us a lot of me. A lot of us have this problem that we worry about what other people think about us and I remember very low point in my life I was talking to somebody and he said something radically changed my life. He says you really shouldn't worry about what other people think about you because they don't, you really shouldn't worry about what other people think about you because they don't tell the guys in the jail only person thinking about you right now are that select few that love you and care for you are worried about you. The rest of the world's not thinking about you that got all these problems that they're trying to deal with their life is too full to be worried about you that worry about what other people think about us, prevents us from reaching on it. Admitting we have a problem and seeking out help.

There's plenty of help out there if you can articulate exactly what your problem is where you're trying to go until the guys if you driving around lost and you pull into a gas station in the middle the night you say help me. I'm lost. What are they going to ask you Bob, what are they going to ask you where you go if you don't know where you go when you are great big problem nobody can help you but if you know what your problem is this, there plenty of people out there that will be glad to help you and that pride that fear that you don't want people to look inside of your feelings in your mind and your thoughts really screws this up royally and we gotta get that's a lot of what Jesus's message is is that our daddy loves us so much. He's not worried about what we did yesterday. We can lay those things at God's feet. We can repent and God promises did not only forgive but he promises over and over again to forget our repentant sins and Jesus is you don't need to worry about tomorrow. If you can't change the color of one here in your id and this is one white headed felon sitting across from another.

If you can't change the color of one here in your head.

What are you worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, but you've got plenty of things that you can worry about today, but Paul tells us we need to take those things to God. We don't worry about them and let them bother us excuse me. We worry about it and we talk to her father about and daddy will send the Holy Spirit. Jesus will go before a father and say your bills got this big probably got a dumb idea how to fix it. Daddy, but we can send that Holy Spirit and we can deal with. We can solve just about any problem that will willing to turn over to our daddy today is amazing Bill. That's a it.

I've confessed a lot of my mistakes today and I've talked about several things that that blindness to God's will for our lives, but there's been so many things that blocked blocked made blinded me would not let me see what God's will was for my life. I had the work thing that was just such an it imposed itself in my life just completely and thoroughly and I found myself making work more important than God. And it kind of blinded me to God's will for my life and when you said that out fear. Lord have mercy. How many times have we got got a plan for us and we know what it is but we just have our doubts about whether we can perform over these really talking to have another break coming will be right back with Christian card – I everybody if you'd like to call us at 8663 foray 7884. Give us a call. Listen to Christian card can see. Good morning everyone you're listening to the Christian card I show with her guest house Bob young Christian junkyard guy and brother Bill makes in your Christian insurance got so far today we've been talking about what's blinding us what's obstructing our view what's keeping us from seeing things as they really are what's keeping us from seeing God's will for our life, but were going to go from talking about blindness and will going to let brother Jim Owens from Ford performance marketing shine some light and give us a little vision on the new Ford Mustang, Jim, are you with us most excellent. We've had a great time today in the just really excited to hear from you and and is about the new Mustang right we have liberated our 10 million being produced last week from April 1964 until this year we produced 30 million mark starting that we think your help recruit back family environment where you have car clubs become govern people that around and talk together with family about their cars which have been exceptional and we are we truly enjoyed it for you and is a pretty high number there brother number and produced document April 17, 1964.

It generates family as well if you think about it.

There was a 22-year-old schoolteacher who actually bought the first Mustang. We had out Ford Motor Company and asked him not to sell the car until April 17 of 1964. But she was fresh out of college, schoolteacher, and she wanted a convertible to drive the school and the salesman basically three days early convertible with the first buyer in the United States of the Mustang and her husband.

The car 50 years later as a family project. They rebuilt the car until we have Gail and her husband with her car right next to the 10 million+1 magazine that's very close that she was proud that she I'm sure she still had it in pristine condition here four years old and are not quite as bright as I was in my 20s.

All normal. You are family car and then years later after she retired from being a schoolteacher. The family they would rebuild cool family project that I had one I held onto for years. It was a 65 and I was just so sure that my son and I would end up restoring it Sunday that when he passed. I lost all interest in so I I let somebody else love on that car in the it is been fully restored. Now in the its immaculate card to hear about your loss and family euro the cars become elder people look at transportation from time you would like to think that those Mustang like you didn't tell the car as much as you David told it to another family was there to create stories and memories that started a cool thing were going to make memories for the future today. Actually, we launched the all new Ford GT heritage addition which was the vehicle got your back in the 60s, Henry Ford, the second went over to Europe and tried to yell five Ferrari and that deal fell apart so he decided he wanted to challenge them through rate so years ago Ford Motor Company in 1966, 123 with the Ford GT 40 program so we one Ray Susan 6667 6869 so. 50 years later we are celebrating God heritage now with Henry for the third calling Bucky.

The family who else wants before GT program this year we have the beautiful we call golf color livery to recognize the winner from 1968, and we've unveiled it here today or yesterday at Pebble Beach and the cars just starting absolutely stunning.

I have a website does Robbie have pictures that posted the beer. There are pictures I don't know from your side. But yes we posted pictures from it yesterday. Okay well I haven't. I'm not much of a website person but I know everybody else is everybody calls me a caveman because I don't email and this and that people wondered how do you do business without email us is a commune in the folder you usually don't talk to be about. I will check out all the technology involved in our you know how to will help the cars and trucks that your listeners will be driving in the future and on the racetrack with your cold. Gerald basically end up helping make the cars offer innovative and technologically stray going into the future. So the participation rate thing is an especially with this 2019 Ford GT heritage addition is not only really pleasing and performance don't fit that it has the performance of the men and women who engineer that vehicle will go on to engineer other vehicles, but the customers will drive in the future. Making it all sacrificed out on the road.

Thank you for calling this today and thank you for sharing. Now that I've got another cholera want to try to get to, but thank you so much for being a part of a show today. I would truly appreciate it. We don't have a great day.

I brother thank you very much. We have Bobby from High Point DRE with me Bobby starting a down-home salon that one had to get three first 20 lobsters I did in 2014, Jen was a night 2014. Very sorry that said thank you Lord, I haven't lost it when my children that you are talking about discipline… Mac under six family 235 pounds and my daughter said Pat now always prayed that he got to his first to become a lot easier going in you mother say when you sent it was only unknown even to one it was doing to discipline my mom #future sales sometimes go find one that my children are perfect. My son and daughter are.

I think they're wonderful people and I just told the young man is talking to. He is in Israel he worked for Christian friends of Israel and take helmeted dad tried calling him and he put his head down to the gym to swim anyway with his own on his way back, and now today is his 59th birthday and I remember kind 19 and it went down as the hottest new colony and that this is the closing music come in so be real quick. Okay anyway I got to the 401(k) and I don't want.thank you don't get that with a tantamount work on his tail good will appreciate you call it in so much and we hope you calling again but the show we are closing up. Thank you. You be in our prayers this week.

Ladies and jamming it prior to their favorite United States.

Anyway, thank you, thank you, dear, thanks for calling Ho Chi Minh listen to the Christian card I show it's been a real pleasure to be here with you today, Bill and all you out there. Thanks for listening. Hope something we said makes a difference in your life and listen again same place. Thank you very much