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Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Underdog

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
June 17, 2019 9:09 pm

Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Underdog

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 17, 2019 9:09 pm

There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here! When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear and frighten all who see or hear the cry goes up both far and near for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! ..Say it with me- Speed of Lightning Roar of thunder Fighting all who rob or Plunder, UNDERDOG.This week we celebrate Father's Day Christian Car Guy Style. How does Underdog tie into Father's Day? Tune in to find out today!

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This is the Truth Network show Encarta Father's Day Father's Day gift ideas from underdog Father's Day gift ideas from underdog. So if you're like me and by I got my friend Jerry here for Murray's barbershops help me out with his father Father's Day ideas from underdog go way back. I had big data for that but anyway if like me you grew up on this stuff.

No doubt it's implanted in your mind somewhere. There is no need to fear. Underdog is here right speed of lightning ball of thunder right it actually sends roar of thunder but for years I said bald thunder as I did know the actual lyrics but anyway if anyone thinks that this idea of underdogs was originated Saturday mornings. I hate to break it to what I believe the Bible was actually the first to coin the phrase underdog you might be asking Robbie well hey and I IN my opinion, believe it, that understood Bible understanding really of underdog is a gift that it itself is in prison Father's Day gift and I'm hoping to receive it with me right from birth through the gift of underdog.

Okay, so now I got your curiosity right in and by the way, I think this gift in my case came from both my earthly father and my heavenly father.

Gift of underdog. So if you take a look in the story that's you'll find it in Matthew 15 and Luke seven right and you probably remember remember the versus W dig dignity and find all the crimes you might remember the Canaanite woman and she said, Lord, even the dogs under the table.

The children's crumbs and that woman verily I think two people that are commended for their faith by Jesus Christ in the Gospels and one of them is this woman the woman of underdog because Jesus says she has great faith and when you think about that. There is no need to fear right there is no need to fear.

If you have great faith so I been thing about this particular gift. If you have fear the Lord, right to the point and is described I don't know if you've ever looked at it, I'd I just think it's one of my favorite passages in the Bible.

It's in Isaiah 11 where all these gifts, the seven anointing's of the Holy Spirit and the last and most precious in my opinion, is where it says in the spirit of the fear the Lord and he will delight in the fear of the Lord and that delight in the fear of the Lord is the very thing I think underdog is commanding there is no need to fear and think about every times. Jesus said it during there's no need to fear comfort and peace man so the Lord is way bigger and better than any villain or super villain even better than Simon bar sinister. I don't know if you remember but it's interesting that underdogs arch enemy. You know was Simon bar sinister. Now I just want you to know as I did, that the word bar is a very Jewish term. You can find it, you know, bar Jonah and all these things in the Bible. This bar sinister is the son of the sinister Jesus is clearly your warrior king and he's fighting all that Robin plundered my main seat statement fee from it just is this the case is is your perfect dinner just thinking with me now about this picture Father's Day gift. My father loved underdog in any football game or a boxing match anything like that my father would always go for the underdog and I think you had some to do with. He was bullied as a kid in and and so for me that was contagious so I got to where I love the underdog and I wonder Jerry Beale of the underdog.

Now think everybody dumbing is there is something deep inside, even if the team you unit is the team to Chipola for Paul forever, but you always going to for somebody or neutral. It didn't take long to realize who the underdog is a new start rooting for him pulled up said at the end so I think it is contagious.

I do that we love underdogs because in reality we are all outgunned by RRA engine, enemy unit is an Simon bar Satan it's actually just the Satan himself, yet with that faith of that dog in the table right there's no need to fear Christ will win every time.

And so want to share that Father's Day gift idea with you about faith from underdog and I was kind and it was a Father's Day gift. I really thought about my father a lot this week. As you can imagine. My father went to the Lord in March, but I've been thinking about all the gifts that he gave me and I want to share a few of those throughout the show today, but I would love your gift that you got from your heavenly father or your earthly father.

I would love to hear that story. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a member calling insurer Jerry I bet you everybody's got a story. Yeah, absolutely. If you don't have a story. Don't can think of right now do not think Amelia had got up you had your 2nd cup of coffee or something because there's always stories as it does have to do with a cartoon character, and it does have to click that Rob knew he was sitting there eating Cheerios watching underdog through actual realm of things. By then the idea that it would counter that will allow me to share this story that I got this I was just blessed on my socks this week that I got to go on, I was treated actually by energized ministries with the father without cruise to the Bahamas. They were going on this. It was a Jesus freak is what it was called but the reason is called Jesus free cruise is because DC talk i.e. you know Toby Machen and Michael home, numbers and middlemen from the newsboys and Kevin Max were all seeing individually, but they also came together at the end of very last show of the thing in the Jesus free cruise which I'll talk about that at the end of the show, but on this cruise right it was annexed it was the idea of energized ministry that they're gonna treat all these pastors in another Christian ministry. People like myself to this cruise and all. What a phenomenal thing. It was for me and my wife just up by the way, unplugged from your cell phone because you're in the Bahamas and you got no cell phone service. I mean that Malone would do wonders for your marriage discussion with you and say we are not to touch our phones and see where that happens.

But I had the strangest thing happened and I realize it is a tremendous Father's Day gift for me for my heavenly father and that that those who know me well know, I I'd love to love to see huge delight for me to get up early, early, and it's been early in early is my life goes on.

But now I get up between four and 430 in the morning and I get to pray for a good long time and that's that's really one of the things I love to do when I get up every morning and do that or interestingly the first day of our adventure to me and I I wake up I can always do, but I can't pray. I mean, I literally I can't. I'm trying to pray. I know how to pray. I have done this for this is anything I'm not used to, but I literally cannot get in the spirit I can get my thoughts together. I can't pray and so I'm trying to figure that out, and a mic on what's going on here. I can't pray and he made it pretty clear he said I want you to go back to bed and I want you to hug your wife know the reason why wanted me to do that was because my wife sleeps wonderfully.

If I'm hungry or less just really really important to her and she tells me that she sleeps so much better if you just hug me so that's what God said to do it for 30 in the morning. I don't need a lot more coaching and met with talk with that in a commercial operated era Tammy I she got the best sleep she she if she told me once she told me 500 times. I have never slept this good. I just have never gotten this much and we were really tired because we take care my father since August and his fallen her mother come to live with us to which she still is, and we were really we retire and and she got to sleep fascinatingly Friday me up at 430 like he always does actually 415 and I was praying my crazy again and I realize that prayer is a complete gift he was giving us today and and without him.

Either way, you don't get it.

So what's your story.

We would love to hear it. 866-34-TRUTH 8788 and a gift idea from underdog. Today the Christian art show and we need your ideas you knows Father's Day gifts that meant the world to you in some way shape or form. We would love to hear it 866-348-7884 is a member calling insurer, 86634 truth what what I was finishing up my story.

I don't think I had a chance to emphasize what I understood through this a couple things number one you know, even though I did get up that early on Friday morning. Tammy still said she slept phenomenal.

It now. It wasn't like God took that away from her in some way shape or form. She was still she'd still got this tremendous rest in the course. The guy got more rest as result of all that, but what he gave me back the gift of prayer, of my morning prayer Friday morning I began to ponder in Arkansas. I sensed that there was no reason to feel guilty that I didn't get up and pray those other mornings.

I sense that this is exactly what God wanted me to do but then all of a sudden I'm sensing well, you mean the fact that you get me up at this time and I can actually pray is absolutely 100% a gift. It it it is because clearly when he doesn't want you to it a habit in that interesting yeah you know and you talk about that midweek.

We, as humans, the human side of his human nature sort of weed candidate lose sight of that and what that gift is a step just imagine that the one who created everything and invites us to be income communion in conversation with them whenever we wanted is that man is that not humbling it it it's it's absolutely phenomenal and it's phenomenal to me to think that that not only is it is it that, but if there's something he would rather you be doing ill fix that for you. I mean the it's not necessarily a requirement. It's not something that you know your I heard this on the cruise because we had some several teaching through energized ministry. She said you're not human doings. Your human beings with the data.

Second, yeah, yeah, I'm not a human doing. I'm a human being and and sometimes you you know it's okay to just be you don't have to do and the reason it. Prayer works is because he wants to be with you what you're doing is not of all that much significant in a relationship with Christ in it with with our Lord and Savior and United the whole God thing is, it is the relationship of being at being humble and being genuine because all the things that we think we need to do to the mass we need to put on and the acts we need to betray on our our time here on earth with God. God says leave it leave it behind because just me and you and is I know you inside and out and I want you to know me inside mountain as we spiritually grow together and Stephanie know then you start seeing those gifts and step was how many megacities mojito question was of a gift Father's Day gift and is be earthly father, your heavenly father, I mean we slow down and if we know Jesus Christ and said to him as Lord and Savior and those gifts are everywhere.

Sometimes it only recognize him and that was just an eye-opener for me and I've really been cherishing something so if you got something you been cherishing, especially from your father and and in any case, please. I mean that the beauty of the show, and last week I have some phenomenal callers I've thought about all week and just makes the show when you call so you know it makes all the difference. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a member to call in and share 866-34-TRUTH.

Now I get to announce that while I was gone I got a Texas at the Jesus labor love T-shirts are now available. I haven't got that up at the website to show, but I will still bring all you check and managed assembly autism know if they can do it now because all I want to tell people is for gift of any amount to the Jesus labor love which you go to website right now if you just make sure and give me your address I can send you a T-shirt. There's a place to put a note in there with your donation in that note, say yeah Robbie submitted T-shirt. Here's my address. I want this size. No extra-large large would be no medium small what you know and I think we had some doublets to it. That's what you like for gift of any amount you said – she looked at Mae Allen II want to make sure that what I could wear for it. Yes, in the end, and actually the first time I announce this.

I was blessed out of my socks because the lady actually donated the whole cost of the T-shirt, so all that you give is actually going right straight to helping single moms and the cost of the T-shirts was already paid for by God through a wonderful donor and we had so many wonderful donor to the Jesus labor love over the years like I couldn't be more grateful. But if you don't know what that is in your sample in the world Robbie Atilano number one you gotta go to Christian card data, tell you why, because then you can see the beautiful new logo that was designed for me. It looks like a red Superman shield, but it says Christian card.

I am at and so that's what's going be on the chest of this T-shirt, look like Christian card I Superman but on the back is the Jesus labor love logo which is car repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis and we hear the stories of course every week and and enough to tear your heart out and even when I was on vacation. I got several messages of moms I still have the one in South Carolina desperately needs a car so if you are in South Carolina today and you know somebody or you know that it's got Carla sitting around and not using at the camp traded or they don't want to treat it. If you can't get enough for it and they might consider donating it in whatever shape we know we can maybe fix it up like were doing with the motorcar and spring cleaning numbing. This unit cleaned up around and around the yard stuff you got a car there that you're not driving man.

God can use that in a mighty way right so you just go to Christian car and there you can see the Jesus labor love to have them there you can you can donate, you can pray for us, which obviously that really is.

That's a gift in itself right is talked about the huge gift field of conflict.

Now listen, it is Father's Day and I know you guys had some great fathers out there even got fathers in your life. It may not of been your biological father. I want that story I want to now, 866-348-7884. Father's Day gifts ideas and gift ideas from underdog today on the Christian congregation were talking about Father's Day gifts that you may have gotten enjoy and we would love to hear that story at 86634878844 so we got some cherry lined up all right.

866-34-TRUTH 87884. We got Joey in Virginia Joey are on the Christian card I show the morning.

I am so thrilled that you called and I'm excited to hear your story. I got in a little late on the message know about it wanted to share my story needing my father.

I didn't grow up with my father actually grew up in the obit of beer family dynamic was raised by lesbian didn't find God and thought about a year ago and that about two years at my son and so ever since finding God Father's Day has been one of the best Dave Decker unbelievable just so I mean salvation I mean it's something that I can think of the bigger gifts so you can find God. How did that happen will love the guy drew going through conspiracy. That I got started and when somebody involved in that that we were working with with with that the you got introduced to some you read. I really feel like God is speaking a letter like that.

Once I started asking God to present himself to me really started changing my life almost 3 years at why she get got assist taking it ground zero, 200 and I forever grateful. And while it's all great but their father reminds displayed my Father's Day just down is. I mean, that's just that it's so wonderful in your I know you listen.

The enrichment went on W LES yeah wonderful that is just wonderful that that God is pointed you and them in that direction and that tells about your do you have a son or daughter daughter just drink you on who have lots of joy for you Joey, what are their names yet all over that is so wonderful. You have a blessed Father's Day. Jerry did you now I'm just substance that story mean it's amazing you know that the cycle because it sort of reading between the lines, you know you breaking that cycle on main to be in the father to those back to the kids and you know I didn't have an once you get when God comes into the picture managed to break cycles and NSS also have a blessed one man just has to really God bless you. Thank you Jerry. What a wonderful call and thank you about all right we have. Next up is Karen in North Carolina.

Karen you're on the Christian card I show them on you right now I'm very very nervous. Some canal. I just heard from a young man at work on the radio it for me. It's so encouraging to see what God can do and collect like like that in mind I did similar ways you really are going to try to find very personal it might not like anyone else. That means a lot to me, though, when I got of marriage and and the Long Beach California. My dad and my mother wanted to get a quick marriage and in our long story short plan, but the three years that they were together, and I have been born. My mother was constantly putting me on other people so much to the point where I never bonded (and so she finally laughed when I was three years old and long story short again. I never asking who named Karen and no one that he knew anything Carol I just assumed you know well. My mother probably asked the nurse or something. I never needed named me for the longest time I was begging God and praying that he would name me. I pray God, please give me a name and I did that for a long time and one. One evening I was doing some research on my phone. I wanted a name that had the word father and aunt thought I was looking on my phone or girls names and I found one name that had died, to lay out how to go again.

My father's joy.

Don't look at again and happy so I thought well I would really love it if docketing my name still not long after that within couple of hours I was driving and driving in my car and I got a light in the friending as a vehicle and on the back of the license plate with ADD.

Why Annie and I don't think that the Quentin and I just felt in my spirit that was the Lord telling me that is her name for me which means joy of the father so I really believe that that was the Lord telling me I am your parent and getting any Maddie.I consider that a gift from my heavenly father. Oh yes it is and I just want to write the second Karen. Oh yes, that is.

I mean he's got names for us and and you are the joy you know your father and in I would say that she too was breaking the cycle bear. Jerry is as we can hear what what God is brought into your life at an you know the other thing that I would mention Karen because I heard this week and I really like this. It says when you are over the target.

That's when the flak starts happening in other words, the bullet start showing up when you're over the targeted daily thermometers old World War II movies whenever they got over the target before they dropped the bombs. That's when everybody would try to shoot them down once you get over the target and and there's a lot of people needed to hear what you just said Karen. Believe me, a lot of people unity. Is a need to affirm God's given them a name and they know it but they it's really hard to accept it because you don't even write it down. He didn't put it on your birth certificate, you know. But you know it in your heart and it's really really really important that when he gives you something like that that you you grab onto it.

You say thank you and and and and don't let Satan rob that from you. I don't think aloud and in it I have to take some Nelsons.

This topic is really near and dear to my heart it really really is not tell you why we do these boot cancer mask on journey. One of the talks that we give is in the name talk and end at the end of that people gladly come in silence for an hour and asked God the very question you ask God what you call me what's my name and I have never had a man come and tell me that he heard his name when he didn't say I don't think this is necessarily it, but when you hear it and you know the person you almost immediately go.

Oh yeah, that's exactly that's what I what I hear you say that Karen is just so obvious that yeah that's what he did.

I mean it and and and he gave me than I did the same thing Karen and he gave me the name faithful and I argued with them over it for about 30 minutes. Like really God that sounds like an old daughter some faithful underdog.

As you will also tell her that's exactly what I thought was little what you call it, and he was like work would be Robert.

Let's think about this. You know who's the guy you stayed with both his parents when they were divorced and who's the guy you never quit a job. He never cheated on a girlfriend and I will use that got in and that's I call you faithful. As I started to toot toot look into that in CO you have now, but I can't tell you the man that I have known Karen came to me with their name, but they felt God gave them, and then told me, but that can't be. That's not really doesn't really think that highly of me that's almost always what you thought. You don't really think that so that's a wonderful so glad it again first call blessed me pictures yours as well just a real treasure thank you wow system is an amazing how God sees you to settle. We don't see is that that's that's a Father's Day gift yeah like they're both just amazing, insightfully saying that he's in there now. This is always exceed my expectations of you got when we got time for you.

866348788 day gift ideas from underdog and I share this last idea I mean I saved this last idea for that very song because I got another Father's Day gift on this cruise that I want to share because this energized ministry, which is here in Winston-Salem and the family's been on my many many times. If you been listening for years and he's got a ministry to pastors and Christian leaders and he brought us on this Jesus freak/DC talk cruise and this was the second time. Apparently they done it, but you may know that DC talk broke up years ago and and three phenomenally gifted artist. Now I'll be the first to admit I was not on I was not a Christian. I don't think Ryan was a baby Christian at the point in time where they were of sensation or whatever. I could know told you they were from the management DC talk. I have heard of Toby Mac and I'm fully familiar with his music and very familiar with the newsboys and Michael Tate. I had actually never heard a Kevin Maxim ever heard a song by government did know who he was, but I'm on this cruise and so I get free.

I mean, not what a blessing God gives me an opportunity to see this now, I don't know if you're like me, but one of the crisis is of my youth was the Beatles breaking up your eye DC talk really. I really don't. I apologize that I don't but I'll make the connection here for you in a minute if you're very familiar with them.

The Beatles breakup was a tragedy on also to levels because here's all these gifting's a Paul McCartney, John Lennon all the stuff and they normally break up, but they're pretty nasty nasty to each other when they go about doing that into my knowledge there was never a time where they made nice nice of you and John Lennon was assassinated in an and George.Nina died of cancer and I know Ringo and Paul do some things but you don't get that sense of like while okay so I'm on this cruise and I start to read on these Toby Mac and Michael Tate and Kevin Maxim course I'm going to these different concerts and so they start out with a Toby Mac concert in the next I print out the newsboys United newsboys and Michael Tates there and I see all these stimulus people from my gift just phenomenally gifted and Kevin Maxim is only in Kevin Max. He may have the most wonderful voice for them is just amazing.

These gifts that these guys have they have Father's Day gifts that they've gotten you know that actually made them famous, but the gift of fame is a very, very difficult gift to deal and I wouldn't know that, except I had to deal with it once for what actually may be dealing that my wife would say I deal with often but nonetheless I really got with it once because I know got on Fox and friends I had, you know a way for General Motors to be saved back into when they got when in the bankruptcy and and so I got big. They interviewed me on Fox and friends immediately to make people try to be my Facebook friend in my email blew up in my Facebook, but the help you. That's how many people all of a sudden wanted to get connected to me and it felt really interestingly now and all of a sudden, all his fame comes your way and you can say all that would be know that I wouldn't change meet.

Well I'll admit it change the I mean that they were there were things about that. They were superduper attractive.

Now you can imagine your Michael Tate and Toby Mac and Kevin Max in the middle of all, the thing that they were receiving our imagine you're John Lennon and Paul McCartney when all that stuff starts coming on.

It's like a drug and it feels really good. And now we can do that is you don't want it to stop you. You need another shot of heroin. I mean, you do and so there I was in in in the next thing I know I get another offer. The my forget Neil somebody rather not some other big TV show. They wanted to be on and so you know they called me up and I was all excited there to fly me to New York to like the other like like Fox and friends have been and are there interviewing me all over the place on the radio it's I was doing 100 radio interviews a day.

Some like that crazy that I was just going from one radio station another every five minutes so that the holder and them. These people said you, and then all of a sudden I canceled when I was actually at the airport and so the next week.

They did the same thing. I got to the airport. They canceled the interview as of the third time before I left for the airport out because of we're going to row in Vladimir, and I called and I said are we really sure this time in a civil robbery. I think we determine what the problem is they want to interview Robbie Dillman but they don't want to interview the Christian Car Guy. They want you to lose the moniker the Christian Car Guy baked bail interview Robbie don't want the pain. A lot of the Christian Car Guy and immediately I did/test test. It is now you can go be in New York and you can have all this fame, or you can you know it was just for me.

God gave me an easy test when the thought that this was easy. I can see. All right, nope, sorry Robbie Gilmore died some years ago and so you get the Christian Car Guy you will get nobody in the end it all stopped which was okay. It really was, but I got an idea of what that was. Now fast forward to the fact that you got Kevin Max and Michael Tate and Toby Mac and if if you could've seen them perform the last day of the cruise. They perform together and they talked about what happened in the day because they came out of liberty University and all that and they were great friends in college, and the next thing you know they said on the way to the Grammys that this horrible fight because one guy was wearing the same bowties. The other, and it made will be Mac. He said he was in tears over it and they made some packs and wrote some songs about that, but they still struggled because sharing the spotlight when you're in that deal. You know that's just not easy and and I really get that at some level, but the difference between the Beatles and DC talk him just until you as these guys were back together and this was the second time they've done it, and if you could've seen them celebrating each other's fame on the stage.

It blew my mind and I knew exactly I mean it was like you could see the Toby Mac was loving for Kevin Max to get the spotlight or that Michael Tate was loving for Toby.

You could see that and it was like no pressure to perform these guys were just completely having a blast out there celebrating each other's gifting's which are absolutely phenomenal. I mean, my wife and I would both say we would probably not want to listen to that music.

You know, if we were in the car or something but just to see these guys just absolutely loving human each other and loving what they're doing tells me that is similar to the cycles that both Joey and Karen spoke of here was the cycle that the unfortunately the Beatles didn't have God, and they couldn't break it but what gifting's.

They all had you see what I'm saying. Not amazing thing is when God becomes the answer.

A part of the equation and things change and hearts change in attitudes change in our way. We reflect on things change that both of those that called in to me you said and I say this all the time fishing just conversation with people and Stefan bow sharing your faith is the fact just chairs. Share your story of how God changed you people can argue about the Bible with you that did that that that that all believers they can argue about everything, but they cannot argue the change in your life because of Jesus Christ. That's it. They can argue about your story and how Christ changed you so all the sudden being distanced to stories they told me that as powerful entities break and break the cycle and you know the cool thing is that God is given us all that and you know we all have our we have our story is Taylor story. We have our temptations. Yeah, you know that the good news is God's there is willing to show you where your gifting is and and then where it is that you can help lay that down give it back to him and see what he does with you know if it will amazing. I'm sure that Toby Mac and those guys were amazed, is that the other that concert to see what what had happened.

After all those years and you know this Father's Day. No. If your father is available. Man I'm jealous so love on him shares of the gifts he shared to remember slowdown. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years and thank you for the listed we really do appreciate… The Christian concussion