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Why Did Moses Have to Take Off His Sandals?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
November 30, 2019 3:04 pm

Why Did Moses Have to Take Off His Sandals?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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November 30, 2019 3:04 pm

This week on Christian Car Guy, Robby has but one question for you. Why Did Moses have to take off his sandals? Another way to ask the question is why did God tell Moses to lose the shoes? You're going to love the answer, and you're going love this episode. We also have a brand new noise for another round of Name that Noise. So much truth coming at you this week, right here, on The Christian Car Guy Radio Show.

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This is good Truth Network. I am here or go to work on those Christian today. Our guys show why did Moses have to take off his sandals right or you could put it another way, why did God tell Moses to lose the shoes at their show today on Christian car guy so you might've noticed that intro you you actually hearing them from the movie the 10 Commandments and Charlton Heston, who played job but I love that voice and he was certainly telling Moses to lose the shoes and then your you noticed that Carole King was she was feeling the earth move under her feet, which can you imagine just for minute what Moses felt like when he took off his sandals and he started wiggling those toes and that holy ground. All my goodness, or maybe heard the Queens of the Stone Age with feet don't fail me now and for contrast of Queens of the Stone Age, we have Kermit the frog who had happy feet.

There just sharing that a lot and entered into that intro music today is pretty awesome. It is fun. It is so much fun. Bob so why do you think God told Moses to lose the shoes you can call us with the added 866-348-7884 but I just thought it would be fun to come to play with us a little bit so a nanny while we play, it's going to happen anything their egos time to play to find my defect or race that I like that hubbub is called an planner, so get ready to call in 866-34-TRUTH 878-848-6634 and if you can name is Danny.

Tell them what they will all right yes sir if I get that noise correct book from a Christian car guy tries all actually have a look right in front of me for yourself. Be yourself my island the right with a forward by Gary Chapman. How awesome is that you have to do is call us at 866348788486634 truth and you get to name this noise on Friday to go 866-34-TRUTH 87884 if you can name that noise will try one more time.

As you can hear that is unique. Noise they're calling it already. 866-348-7884 or tell us what you think.

Why did Moses need to lose lose the shoes well I can tell you that a lot of people have written on this I studied a lot this week and I just you know they were all talking about the respect thing in my heart just wasn't saying I just I just don't know that that was it. I mean you know how light overcomes darkness, and I know Moses didn't need to defile the ground but I think this had something else to and so what I really think was no Moses needed a foot washing right should think about this. The ground was cursed.

Bob in Genesis 3. Write the ground is cursed because of you that's what he told Adam and so Moses been walk around his whole life on cursed ground and solely by the way, so Moses's feet were covered right in this cursed ground and little bit later on in Joshua five. You will note that Joshua gets to do the same thing he gets to take off his shoes and there was another situation that happened at the Last Supper. If you really think about it where those guys got to take off their shoes. That may Bob absolutely and that brings back a great memory for me that I'll share a little later. Nisha is so awesome it's so awesome. Maybe you've had your feet washed before but if you think about it. In Psalm 60 verse eight God said Moab is my wash basin upon Edom. I cast my shoe. So my thoughts is if if you want the shining face of standing in God's glory is Moses.

I believe a good foot washing a good foot washing would be in order in holy ground right would be that God's presence.

Moses saw this Bush. He was watching and he's he's the guy who sought and it had an angel of the Lord in it to adjust the book Bush so you know God was there so obviously this ground was going to be holy in an you might note that later on is his brother Aaron when they were to make him holy in order to serve in the temple. What they do. They had they had to sprinkle blood on his ear and had to sprinkle blood on his big toe had to sprinkle blood on his thumb and all those had to do with faith as faith comes by hearing, and actually, faith comes by grasping, with your thumb and faith comes by watching us knowing God's path, but still it has to do with cleansing feet. Now I'll bet you always use it. Now think about this Robin or Sam. I know the first this goes right beautiful are the feet of the one who brings good news right you've heard that from Isaiah. You may have noticed that the deal Paul kinda quoted that what he said, feet shod with the gospel of peace that beautiful are the feet. Moses is feet right because of the holy ground that Mimi's only gyri Bob absolutely when you first mentioned it this morning. The mechanic came to me and I last year.

That probably was a premonition to Jesus washing the disciples feet yet face lit and I just brought such joy to my heart because years ago. Like I'm gonna say at least 1213 years ago.

Lori and I were teaching Bible school and we decided we were about to watch the kids feet and I saw one the young man that was in that great so I met one of the restaurants near our house and he he remembered that in the it it does tickle me that it'd I got today that and hopefully planted some seeds and some young people's lives that when you clean somebody's feed is such an active service. You know it's not like it was a joy to clean their feet or anything, but it was a service in Atlanta and it tickled me to do that service for them and teach them and just how Jesus humbled himself and wash the guy's feet that were supposedly under him and had a guy that was fixed the petroleum absolutely, absolutely just an unbelievable thing. So yes I am.

Would love for you to call in 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Obviously, commitment, noise, but you can also tell us what you think the reason is he had to take off his shoes, but I we I'm wondering if you ever got your feet wash for real is that you may notice it.

Moses his whole life changed after his feet touch that holy ground. He was a completely different kind of Shepherd when he walked away from the burning bush than when he walked towards the burning bush and and and clearly Joshua as he went into Jericho became a different kind of Joshua as he led Israel's armies from thereon and certainly the disciples as they left to head towards the garden of Gethsemane were on a completely new path that would require faith and clean feet as they took right can't trust them with the message that would change the world.

So were excited to have you call in and share where you got your feet, cleaned 866-34-TRUTH 8788 for the course. This is a Christian Car Guy show so we might mention some about tires and of the tires are sort of like your feet may be a report card on your health.

To some extent your tires are sort of report card on your car so we can talk about all those Bob you know you you spent some years with tires and you seen what tires have been a big part of my life you Charlie.

I tire six says is a good thing tire failure is a rotten thing and you know it's just a whole lot involved with is the feet of your car right before you get traction or you don't. So the good news is we got Michael and Megan.

We got Lillian term also to people ready to name that noise were excited to do that and we need to hear about your feet as if they get washed or maybe your tires 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH I am here to raise those they did have to take sandals.

Why did God tell Moses. Moses lose the shoes today on the Christian Car Guy show we've been playing may not noise and so we are hoping that Dan Danny could you play that always force again so that we got lots of people lined up to Mehmet so go ahead, RI, we got Michael is in Meadow North Carolina. Michael, you're on a Christian Car Guy show the morning. Good morning.

I got the tractor tractor which by the way, there's all sorts people there lined up to answer this question.

So even if Michael has it exactly right to stay on the line because I want to hear everybody's and I'm I'm very excited to hear you soon.when we got prices for everybody. So I'm and Michael let me just tell you that for all I know when I was recording this noise. There may have been a tractor in the background about what's good noise that I had in mind was not necessarily attractive, but working to sell your right about that that possibly don't you think there could've been a tractor back. It had a sound of the thresher or something thrashing around there. But thank you for calling Michael why do you think Moses had to take his shoes off, I think it would sort of maybe to let them know that you. He got his ear incident was serious.

It was serious. Thank you Michael God bless him a push back on hold and get your information, we got Lily is in Durham, North Carolina lilies are on the last Larry Lily. She may have thought it was a tractor as well, but that was not necessarily what we had in mind that we have Keith, who is in high point Keith you're on the Christian Car Guy show again for the other people that are still home on don't hang up. We still want to want to hear your answer but geez what what you think that noises. I don't know about noise but I know about God. While all now I am. I am excited about that.

I've been wondering about that for years. Charlton really you record that they were kind of fine avoid records that will call you the most people when they hear God talking, like in their own voice. How when you hear when you hear the Lord in your mind and sometimes in your own voice so interview about their that was he was going to the voice but recorded thank you thank you family activities that makes my day. I mean that's just be cool.

I'm something that he had shoes all called unity been problem around the field and everything in whatever you you will walk into later on, you'd walk into a pinnacle.

You know you clean everything but you know samples been walk around the sheep built all their burden on sheep staff. Some deleted all that weight and had direct contact all on the place where God called holy and the cool and do you think that a man as I was Moses. I just have to look at my toes around a little bit.

How cool would it be cool thank you Keith God bless you. Appreciate you call ensure that about Charlton Heston and you don't know there's a lot of people may not know that I've use this same basic intro for a number years and you might hear the voice of God saying and I'm the Lord divorcing. Yes, I use the part for Moses, but years ago I took that voice which give it to me sounded like a fish, will when you and you'll hear your Charlton, but you know how they can do things with recording and already the back your complaint again in the third segment. So here we go. Oh, thank you Calgary.

God bless you with you to thanks rather I love. Thank thank our rights we have.

Laura is back in Raleigh. We hope she didn't. We didn't lose her this time. Laura you on cargo show yes you may morning and happy Thanksgiving here is really far-fetched demand out there like to me like my children like a barn door like like like an old being door jiggling the handle up and down. That is awesome that jiggling I can handle like I guess it was. There was a tractor out there to that we found out I was in the far was exactly what they recorded. When that but but it was a great answer not pretty certain that could of been going on in the background and I like your of your answer location were deftly sent out a book, but tell me what you think about I Moses his feet. I didn't first started learning about masonry. Why do you think he had to take off his shoes that was black. It was evident that blessed area writing was holy ground. Yeah. So he got to feel that up close and personal right with bare feet. I mean how close Elian asking a few men in ratios that would be now I get it. That's awesome, thanks for sharing. I got my Q factor.

Thank you for what you enjoy every week.

Thank you. We have so much love Eric God bless bye-bye bye-bye our rights. We have there's more. Bob trying to figure this all we have some this story I want to hear this. We got Margaret is in Washington. Margaret, you are on the Christian. Margaret can you hang on through the breakers we really want to hear your story. Please, please, I really care about this noise in your stories with a solid ground and I know I drove eight 6347 884. I feel like a hologram.

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Perhaps why did God say it's time to lose the shoes today on the Christian Car Guy show. We got a little lame that noise going on is been really really fun but right now we been waiting on Margaret to tell the story number excited markets in Washington this morning so you're up early.

Tell us your story Margaret, like my kind that firm and on the ground right about the ground is cursed and said excuse me Randy blasted. He wants to see exactly so you lost your car God and I went out early morning and I look over and it was gone for the third time here this summer all and so I'm used to it, but use prayer that I pray for the Everett Police Department Gerard since so the ground truly is cursed. My daughter's face many social leisure is your first because it got stolen and I said no my dear it because I get every time Laura really felt that I believe your word was true that I would trust God and I'm testimony because I caught him. I pray they pray with me that's playing right now and I thank you for recovering your car a couple other times. And Lord, you know exactly where car isn't what's going on in my private. This would be a special holiday for the people who stole this car that you would bless them that you would give him an opportunity, return this and find favor from the person they stole it from home. Maybe they could turn their lives over to you and come to know you this Christmas for real story, you know, Lord, but we know that car is is being used by you right now and that you would use it to your glory to you, as a result of what's going on in Washington a long ways away. I think you can for Margaret's heart I pray she would know you're with her and that yes by all means we are so blessed to have you in our life because when you're there all the grammar standing on his holy name, amen, amen. You know that I think about okay good, put on hold. That's that's another option that could of been going out a lot going on in that farmyard their bomb and quite what I was going after, but I thank you for your call Margaret. God bless our rights when we lightened up we got Lotta because you we got Michelle is in Salt Lake, Utah, and she is saying about some about a donated car. So let's talk to Merce Michelle. Michelle you're on the Christian Car Guy show good morning Downey might need a little bit of work and a lot of work done… 70 finally decided that having a car that don't car lately but wow that would be absolutely fabulous. Yeah, that's part of. We have a ministry called the Jesus labor love within the Christian Car Guy show with some 501(c)(3) and we could definitely fix the leak and use that for a family that's a need in that area so if you would be so kind Margaret to share your email address with our producer after I put you back on hold in and then will get that information and we can have a lot of work and a lot of already got hired LOL I understand I understand so wonderful wonderful.

We will get your email address. Did you want to try the noise or talk about Moses since I got. I'm not very good with light right to put you back at Alden. Thank you thank you thank you God bless you and I'm so grateful you my better play the noise I played again.

In just a second all right if you would mind Danny if we could play that noise one more time against the think we need some help here so we have play who is in Raleigh today and he's going give a shot at it clear on the Christian Car Guy show good morning Rob, thank you brother Bob and Lombardi are commanded brother Danny for what you doing for you. I just want to say thank you for you know being the person that you are doing this doing the show I'm leaving in two directions with that noise I made her thinking of a swapping panel.

Dakota 18 wheeler or it's either want like you know what you're covering up your car with the date that you see flapping going down the highway.

Flappers well you know the thing the mud flat truck on time tracking and I think that's also a possibility that while this was happening and they were recording it could have very been some flapping going on because the car was moving at the time that this was how right so but you know we still were to leave the noise out there for somebody to guess but that's very good, Clay. I like that. And again thank you for well and how was your Thanksgiving will brother also would like to share you know in regards to what the brother said earlier about the there were 208 when Moses actually you know. And of course he stated on holy ground.

So that's why you gotta lose you know about the object really people: it leisure so when you take your but anyway you know course it is you know you hear it is Charlton Heston's voice but it's really down in it like a mega phone a little bit with his voice, but when you're hearing the 10 Commandments given that's the voice of bird hunting. There's too strong, but with his voice changed a lot, and Bruce painted get is the one behind the voice giving the 10 Commandments. A man just so interestingly enough when you were bringing this out. I googled it and not a good time so it shared that anyway you know I Thanksgiving day brother spent at the helping his mission and in Raleigh and told people that I'm about helping and serving people and you probably should be able to know that because you were not really daughter for about four or five years and I got to share some stuff with some people as I did you know Thanksgiving day Thanksgiving day is about giving thanks for what you have in your life it's family and friends and other things as well and we need to also give thanks to the Lord for what we what we sometimes don't have an unexpected blessing that comes our way. You know people can be not going well and stuff like that but that's what it was for me you know I been able to have that happen you know Thursday Thanksgiving day and yesterday were a an eventful and fruitful day for me because I got to share some stuff with people and told him I'm really bragging on current radio. I really appreciate that frankly were so grateful to you call this and we still get to know his name, and we can hear your stories when we come back 866487884 got Laura and and your story is 86634 I am here to raise those voices. Charlton Heston apparently you know that I could hear that's really pretty clear as the today show is why did Moses have to take off his sandals and you might know that shoes of got something to do with like if your car what would that be equivalent to and why were talk about the tires being a report card of the health of the car might have somebody with name that noise just saying and so let's play this noise once again because we got the couple more that still want to play the Danny if you could play that noise Laura earlier on the Christian Car Guy is hello Laura are you still with me.

So what do you think that you already 00 we just had you on hold so okay will put you back on hold and so we are going go back to somebody you this is their mystery caller.

Or maybe we we talked to Brenda, I don't think we have Brenda here on the Christian Car Guy show you had a chance to answer yet know. Okay.

All right. We got a fresh car so Brenda what do you think the noises well like old truck on the wall. I like that it was sounded to sound like that but what you think was going on with that old truck on the wall where you running I was not out. Yeah, that was my first bout, and in and when they played it reminded me when I was a little girl. We ate cucumbers and we go down to the cucumber market and they had been black, but that the cucumber was making that reminded me of that know that's interesting agricultural sound. Apparently, although there must've been some serious farming going on in the background Brenda, but I should try and so much thinking unless you went. Thank you that blank out talent about brain why we got Catherine is actually in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to Catherine Yana Christian Car Guy show the morning good morning Rob I my name is Catherine.

I live in Lincoln I'm from South Dakota and if I heard that noise it remind me when you have a flat tire and felt tired last South Dakota is a winner.

Today is no doubt about it. That's exactly right that you know when you have a flat tire.

That's that noise it's actually doing what up up up up up. So congratulations you give one what what you think about Moses his feet that wherever God is when we get in that they got reminder holy ground removed here going churchgoing, they quickly got pregnant that holy ground. That's beautiful. Thank you thank you thank you for winning today. God bless him so happy we got some we gotta talk about tires. Just briefly we gotta talk about the Jesus labor love slightly that Jesus labor of love. First okay so you know this is where we help single moms widows families in crisis and there are, as you might imagine, this time a year a lot of crisis, some weekly postings per request their Jesus, that Christian Car so you can see those you know as well as podcast preview shows all that stuff in all sorts of resources there, including all the Bible references to what I talked about today but the thing that I want to mention is as you imagine this time a year. The needs increase and so to our needs for your prayers for your prayers.

Let go ahead and say brother I and your money. I 90 fax this man is so he he cannot is hesitant to ask for your dollars but I will be the one to say it, please. We need the money so we can head up. There are no administrative fees every dollar that comes in here guys to help these folks that we don't have any paid staff whatsoever.

We don't have any administrative costs.

Truth Network pays for broadcasting and all that stuff and so we distant bless Bob to have all volunteers, even volunteers and help with the cars and so if we get somebody to help with the car that's volunteering is one thing that a lot of times will have people in South Dakota were there and New Yorker wherever they are, in fact, we have one in New York right now. Not able to help. Honestly. Usually we limit it to hundred and $50 is the most that will give any particular applicant sometimes prayerfully we we consider more. So again, you know, I most small entrepreneurs because I got to meet the needs and and and these people it's I think it's really beautiful thing Bob when they reach out to the Jesus labor love because her same God is going to meet my need and that's where I really believe working to get our needs back out this plan of faith there. That's exactly right. And so you know if your tires are report card and your health, your feet may be to and that is this ground that we get connected to, and I don't know if you knew this is a neat paradox in Hebrew that that the word that the letter that stands for holiness is also the letter that goes the lowest below the line and and so your heel. Interestingly, as low as part of your body starts with that letter in Hebrew, and it also has the ability to be the most wicked, but it also can be the letter that would be the most holy and so it is has a sort of cost sound to it starts with sort of a Q but it's it's kind of a neat thing that from my standpoint. Your tires are like that in your car.

That's where the rubber meets the road, as is Firestone put it so Brett still clearly is that if you're going to traction is going to have to be with your tire so you may have noticed in your entire life and you should go out there and look at them every so often that use begin to see where on the outside of the tire, and so when you see where on just one side of your tire that is either suspension as you are in alignment issue right and you need to take it someplace to have that look is it's gonna work out all the tart you can buy tires till the cows come home until you get your alignment fixture. You get the suspension fixed you're going to do that. Whether it's on the inside of the outside of the tire just has to do with castor camber, but again it's a big deal if you got feathering on a tire right this is actually a steering and in the toe and are out of alignment can be. As humans we see the tire, feather, but another interesting thing is underinflated, overinflated, and now that we got these tire pressure sensors driving us all crazy, but you that's that's the deal. So and then cupping.

I mean, you hate to see that Dr. Bob your tires can And that means what you're out of balance. Well your feet can get A little bit absolutely brothers Roberto Samet holy ground.

I'm saying if you want that bright shiny face that Moses had come down the mountain.

I think she's off and and start wiggling your toes in some holograms. I hope you think about that this week is so much fun doing that. We pray that you will go to Christian Car and he ate with us in praying for these labor love applicants remember slowdown Jesus walking everywhere he went and got all 733 years and Bob will give you last just give to the cows. We really need the money right now some folks out is a great time a year for that. Is this God bless thank you for