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The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
May 29, 2021 12:31 pm


The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 29, 2021 12:31 pm

This show is brought to us by the Hebrew letter Ion with a strong emphasis on Psalm 16.  Author and survivor Shelly Lantz tells us a tale of love and grace.

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The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore

Speaking of how angry we got we got some going to the Truth Network.

This can help the world not be so angry, just need God's word is to please help the Truth Network send Bibles to Africa and we know that they they need God's word. We have until the end of the month, just five dollars gets a Bible in the hands of a poor, impoverished believers all over the African continent with the help of the Bible league, just five dollars. Think about that Robbie just five dollars a please give you give more than five dollars man would love for you to do it in the number to call is one 800 yes word, one 800 yes word on 800 yes word not cuticle off the Russian nightmare know the devil's nightmare here from it's time to man up challenging men to step into their true manhood. Your chosen Truth Network podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening to the truth. Podcast network. This is the Truth Network unit off the building of modern stone that exciting new me welcome radio show.

You will surely find no multiplying some rooms today on the Christian card I show them like a car topic about multiplying sorrows and you might've enjoyed Steven Spielberg's anima analyst Mattix. I think it's called a bit when he was right about multiplying I and your pie quizzes have to do with Carswell. If you've ever had car problems, you know, they multiply, and is due but in sorrows, they multiply right Bob. One leads to another. That's for sure. And it's no coincidence I don't think God he provides in such unbelievable ways that you are listing. Today the Christian card I show I'm Italia you.

This is your that like the luckiest Memorial day weekend there.

I think we're going to make a memory today on this memorial day and Jesus is all about memories right because what he said when at the Last Supper, when he said you're going to communion writing. He said do this in remembrance of me and very very very beautifully. He also said that same week. Truly I say to you whenever the gospel shall be claimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her right, remember that story. Mary with expensive perfume or what if you knew Mary's story. What if you could actually talk to Mary and hear what all went into why she bought that perfume like what was behind the whole deal. God is getting believe that God is so good to us that he is provided us today on Memorial day on Memorial show was Shelley Lance, a lady that actually in my opinion, if you were to meet Mary Magdalene and to know her story you might know Shelley Lance. She was on my show.

If you're a longtime listener.

She was on my show by clear back.

I think in 2010 worksheet showing the first time and so we shared that story. Back then, but I do know all the details because her book actually just came out a few weeks ago, unrecoverable, and all my goodness you're gonna be so glad to hear what God has done like today in so many different ways and so she has brought a friend Brian is helped her get the book done in his can be on their way to score she heard we have Bob, but let me just tell you as I always do the today show is brought you by the Hebrew letter IN you know like him have Sesame Street body, another always brought you by letter.

Will today's show is brought to the letter by the letter IN because if you look in Psalm 16, and God is really put on my heart to memorize Psalm 16 there is this line that looks a little challenging at first but the more I thought about it and especially having read this book this week like oh my goodness it says they're sure there sorrows. It's it's Psalm 16 verse four there sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another got.

If you've ever hastened after another, God, and I know Sherry can relate to this. I know I certainly can. Your sorrows are going to be multiplied, but nothing could be more beautiful. Nothing could be more loving the way it was put to me years ago was sin is like if you throw one tennis ball right up against the wall, God will let you harvest hundred tennis balls coming back at you if it's if it's the multiplication. Okay it's God's when when you think about it God's economy is this way because if you sell one seed right one Thera corn.

How many years according to Greg.

I mean, you see him saying nonsense. You get a lot of corn if you if you if you plant one Appleseed how many apples get well if you plan sin. The beautiful thing is is your gonna read back this unbelievable harvest of sorrow which is intended to, and will in many, many, many cases, and as we study this thing today lead you to your knees in such a way that you're ready to break open your most expensive perfume cry on his feet.

Do whatever you gotta do is to say thank you is here were gone absolutely have spent a week a lot of time this week with our son Jeremy just got back from Korea. He's in the Navy and we made a lot of memories we made memories at the beach vision and then we came home and we made memories working around the house had a little project and he is very good and very handy and stuff like that but just this morning before I left before I came over here. He left to go back to Norfolk and is left my heart a little little EP and the I have a little sorrow in my heart I have a lot of joy from the memories that it was a great time we spent together so as it's kinda hard to Shelley actually just dive right in to this unrecoverable story, but I also should mention for everybody that we do have a Christian Car Guy theater episode coming up at the end of the show today's the last segment will be Christian card at the other.

How fun is that to dive into this what I know is just going to be an unforgettable show for you that I love the way that the book starts and maybe we should start their okay to Shelley was in a Turkish prison. She'd been arrested for one of the biggest drug bust ever in Turkey that would not be a good place to be. And as you begin to describe which you know you told me before about being there. But oh my goodness. When you start talking about how hurt you were in sick and the infections that you had in your laying there in the bathroom seen that that the books begins with like all my goodness like there you are Shelley, can you walk us into that just a little bit after I got Robbie I back in my ovary and in outstanding credit on really no doctor available. I weeks of training in LA I had Artie come to the lowest point of my light on top of that you find out that there was something going on. I had no control of that could have been a light really threatening situation. It was terrifying and when I just found myself you know at that moment, crying out all my God what what can happen in the am I gonna die alone yeah and what's even more difficult if you know the story is that your best friend. You kinda got Marion on the DL. It and she was in worse shape before we traveled over there carry and apparently he complication that after our flight and our rat and she was hemorrhaging and felt locked down for me and nobody would do anything to help her at that and so it is now. We were helpless and open at that point and Gary was really scary. I thought you know not only for the Gordon I carried on my own light and buddy got me there. I was off to carry the burden of bringing her out there getting her involved inspection for crime. Now, and now losing a child and then now going through what she was going through. And there was nothing I could do to help and you know we only have a few seconds left to can you briefly tell us like what it was like to go. You talked about how you screamed and screamed.

To be able to go to the bathroom and you finally got to the bathroom was fine.

My life and I and like Jack, blinding, dark hall with a dangling light all with everywhere and hard to get drive back so you can see where she was working to find out how she got there. It's his horrific story of when you throw one tennis ball.

My goodness you harvest 100 jobs, the whole time and when you hear the stories in between that lead to this is company with this memorial day show here on the first is your listening to the Truth Network and all the US today multiplies sorrows on this Memorial Day Christian card guys show and what a remarkable story as unrecoverable. Talking to Shelley Lanser new book that just came out again for this from syphilis. The Christian Car Guy show for a long time knows that we've had Shelley on here a couple times your story is one of the most remarkable.

I actually have to tell you, Bob.

My God hath how did I how did you pick me to share this you know clear back then and again now that the book is out, it's it's absolutely beautiful and we got Brian shut his is with Shelley to and Brian don't then you come to feel the same way the first time you heard her story I heard her story at our ministry. I felt Florida and we assert that meets on devotion and an opportunity to hear or read from her prison diary and blew my mind and he first of all, it was a shocking thing to learn. She'd been in a Turkish prison but also just she was then was so different than what I was expecting. Given that she had come from bad background so I approached her after the devotion that the interest income be more in the more I learn, the more I really wanted to be a part of getting that story out and sharing it with others.

Shelley and like so many things in your life when you know the story, God kind it was another divine appointment where you would meet Brian because this is in and of itself is been quite a journey because I didn't know about this book now for over 10 years and getting the story out there was by no means in itself an easy thing to do, along with out Brian and aunt Bill without you.

I like when I came to North Carolina nine and not you and able to be on your program and there are stories with each other because when you shared with me how you came to know the Lord and it was similar but it was a complete different journey and that by moving me and letting out that pain. I bet it was different but completely ending right it it it it gets right down to like oh my goodness, Beth, and if you know me in the same years.

It didn't Shelley was in prison. My Bible was this blended leather life application Bible that that was bringing me to Christ.

While there I was, you know, the car salesman in North Carolina, like being at a Turkish prison though, not even in the same but but you know in its own way. There was a lot of sin and a lot of stuff going on, but there you were an and so the story of how they got you. The Bible is one of the most remarkable like and I did not know I knew that they got you the Bible, in prison, but I didn't know until I read your book that you been praying to get a Bible like it in in again to share a little bit more of her story. She had been a madam, a prostitute, you know, drug addict, all these things that led up to her. You don't drug bust. There and then, there she is praying, in this place for God to give her a Bible and just so Shelley tell the story how you got the Bible I know the Lord but not in relationship way I had gotten word growing up and backbite when your life you are alone you and you have nothing to hope for. You know I just started crying on my debt every gate got Bible Terry and one Jackie that guard called my name on it. What life application study Bible that uncle Dan in American culture and white that were based on right down the road from the parking scale that I was being held, and when I wrapped Bible and now I'm finding where material is not allowed at the garden.are illiterate.

They didn't know that it would actually Bible. I got up on my bed and opened it up and there was a letter in that pretty much blamed. They were trying to model the Bible and hope that I would read it.

Lord know and this was a blue leather right with the silver I could just picture this thing in my and there was your unit down below you the bunk below you was your friend Susie that you had gotten in. You know and you can see it in your madam, to an extent. She'd kinda lured you into that whole part of your life before you lured into this whole part of her life right she she she had an abracadabra escort service that outboard, then, that the shame of the been involved in, and again it's you gotta read the book to find out all about Susie and find out all about Shelley, but this story you're going to see how their sorrows were multiplied and multiplied and multiplied, and at every turn. God came after them. One of the neatest things that bit you know. We can speak and begin to talk about me was when you were in one of the Christian because she'd gone throughout company different Christian recoveries to strive to get off cocaine was unbelievable that you your read in the book but the story that just blows my mind was the one about your close on the line by that.

That just shows that that God is just chasing you the matter where you are in my life.

My goal in any kind and they were all the way it you know whether it would like the kind with the clothesline when he spoke to my heart and let me know that he was very interested. Every thought clothesline story got here is 1 More Pl. you got a little bit more, obviously not a whole segment with Shelley. Her book is unrecoverable. You can get it it Christian Car you can see the link there to buy it on Amazon. Shelley's website with pictures of her in prison all sorts of cool stuff all their available Christian part is so much more I find your listening to the Truth Network and unit all the multiplying sorrows today on the car – oh, and I need to tell you that coming up at 1 o'clock today on the tour with Amy Carbo who shares a similar story to Shelley's by the way you out of tune in at 1 o'clock in her shows lives are to be talking about natural remedies today on the shows you want to miss out on that. But as I told you to be getting a show this day shows brought you by the Hebrew letter I in for very specific, I I am fixed to tell you about. So when you hear the word and in Psalm 16. Their sorrow shall be multiplied. While that word multiplied is the same word were God told and be fruitful and go multiplied right and so that's what David is is saying that this multiplication is going to be God's economy, but the word sorrows.

There is one of the most beautiful words you will ever see in the Hebrew and it starts out with that I am and I and if you were to look at the letter. It looks like two eyes connected by an optic nerve because it's meant to be like that like it.

It is something that you would be able to see right and interestingly it up if you looked at it. It also looks like a yoke and what you see are also somewhat yoked to. So the word sorrow begins with this idea of seeing and being yoked to something okay but then what goes on to be yoked to his righteousness, and truth. What yeah well here's the thing, and the kingdom you know how your heart longs for home.

It just does, or something more like love songs about being yearning for home and there are about love. Okay. And so, your heart longs for what's right your heart longs for home and your heart longs for truth and that's what's in the word sorrow, but your yoked to that because your kids, your goth kid and so know for how much you go try to run away with drugs or whatever it is that is your fault God that you're going to go multiply your sorrows. The reason is this because your heart just knows that I was meant for so much more than this and and it yoked you to the fact that your ears are perked up for his voice when it starts to show up.

Now getting back to our scene there that that Shelley is in this drug rehab place and she's been here a few times before, and not have a lot of fun. The people are pretty judgmental, give him the background of obit and you gotta go at your close on the line Shelley but there's there's wild dogs out there. The keep rip and lift close up and so your dislike wide why you want me to go clean my closing files can happen is the dogs and rip them up every time I put them up there so this one kind, compassionate lady approaches you and tells what happens. I like your well why don't you ask God protect your cloud and chuckled at that and I'm like yeah I get that bank might load.

I played that night that God clean out my clothes and banging on your underlying today and as I came across the back along the long manner private pain program. I think the dog to get anything I in my heart.

Again, anything, let them get that key writing care about that. I didn't want them to get my and me to continue will be back home in on an outing. We came back in one of the girls like to get my light my coat off the line and we went out there to start everything out, but it is a lot to our room and my dropping the people to closing object that I heard like a gap like oh my god look at that. He took out the orange extract and I kinda look like a club you know that there is not one. One mark on any of my cloud and then I get back there any the Holy Spirit which I didn't know which was the voice of God speaking to my heart. I think it so much through my journey. I know you're into most thought I didn't do that you didn't know every thought and I have new and I knew it blew my mind began to and I called my friend. Oh my gosh what I thought what I love, but God. Let me know that he loved me and I with my whole journey telling me how much you love me but yet perfectly acute back at the going is bad.

We are know that we were created for something more than what we were and I knew that in my light yet I couldn't get away from my lifestyle.

Yet I knew deep in my heart that God had me or something more that I came in work, but that can't be bound of addiction and drug and I hope my blisters can at dinner five with an addiction in your life okay because with which Shelley's book goes on to describe the something I can tell you is just as real in my life as it was in Shelley's okay if you know me well you know I was there one point in time struggling tomography think it's an addiction object in the battle that your own strength and you're going to lose and lose and lose in shame and discussed and you get a good sense of your intercessor pulled away CS Lewis would say that everybody needs a good smell and on solid or inaccessible.

Well, whatever your diction is in life if you got a chance to to to inhale that pretty good okay but at some point in time when you're really ready to get down on the monkey floor and and say God I can't not like I can't, you're going to have to show me you're going to have to walk me through this. I you have to get humble and say I can't do this because you can't do it in your own strength and when you do like oh my goodness, Shelley, like oh my goodness know the story of you gotta tell the story about the kid becoming the kidney as it is like another thing is just like you there in this Turkish prison right you got no way to get home. No, not nothing else in the world and God speaks to your heart and in what happens. Well on Florida dying on my grandmother was writing a letter at the letter I praying for David would find a kidney donor and I was still in Turkish pregnant thinking like and I praying for my friend David Doc spoke to my heart refinement called me that I would be to kidney donor and I couldn't believe that you know I would like oh now get out of my own mind that he that it three kind to me and the miracle of that all is that I did return from Creighton and I did become a kidney donor for David which was a miracle in itself. Because of my Life of addiction.

Over 30 years of drug that I was even able to give a kidney was God's healing and restoration power that I didn't get back kidney because of I wanted to be like back talk I wanted and Ellen I felt that I really get a quick God was that something in my own mind, but I highly with no that was still important to me because we do here quite within her down and trusting letter Derek Goddard are down saying I knew going and I know that we always need but you got what really you, my own thinking that I want to meet somebody by giving my kidney dictate and it really what it was very anything for me to get my Kenny David, I so caught up in knowing that God really counted out. Oh man, I know, but I need you to know every listener okay this book unrecoverable. It's a Christian car okay if you wanted to know because Shelley has a phenomenal gift. Having read the book and I read a lot of books in my line of work you can imagine she got she has a phenomenal gift of sharing what's really going on on the inside. What is it feel like to be a prostitute. What did it feel like to be hooked on tribes. What what was the real inner experience that was going on there and so when you look at that sorrows being multiplied and what was going on with the string that God was coming after her. Throughout this whole story and let me tell you in spite of what I told you. The book is not sex charged you won't feel this the sense it's it's not got those things in it. It's very rotten and it will tell you what actually happened, but it does not go into anything that I think that you'll find challenging to you know your own walk.

Okay, this book is called unrecoverable its Christian car and and we got more coming up if you're listening to Kanga proceeds. Afterwards I got Shelley and I see on there as well. Right now your another episode of Christian car guy theater is really really good when I can tell you it's got so much more Christian card I show your listening to the Truth Network and entered into a very narrow passage was about 1/8 of a mile long, looking very merrily before him as he went. He is fine to lie in the way I see the changes they mistress into the rest were driven back by was afraid and thought also to himself to go back after them, for he thought nothing but that was before him receiving that value made a halt as if he would go back and cried unto him is thy strength so small items.

They are trained and are placed there for the trial of faithful pilgrims, beverages for discovery of those that have no faith, keep in the midst of your lane and know it shall come onto the valiant drove on shimmering for fear of the life taking good heed to the directions of the Porter no harm. Talk to Kelly Park before the gate. So what demolishes this pocket tonight dollars was built by the end he builds it for the relief and security of claimant's supper where you come from and where are you headed come from the city of destruction nine going to Mount Zion because the sun is now set. I decide if I may talk to you tonight. What is your name my name is now valiant, but my name at the first is graceless. I came in the race of chassis gold will persuade to dwell in the tents of Shem.

But how does this happen that you come so late. The sun is set.

Well I had been here sooner wretched sedan that I am, I slept in the stands on the hillside, nay I had notwithstanding that been here much soda my sleepgrill, which is my entrance and I drove without it, to the brow of the hill and then feeling for it and finding it was lost with sorrow thought to go back to the place right slept my sleep.

I found now come will I will call out one of the stainless daughters of this place. If you like to talk bring you into the rest of the family. According to the rules Porter and the damsel name is fresh, why have you been back. This is on a journey from the city of destruction to Mount Zion, but being weary and being anointed.

He asked me if he might talk here tonight so I told him I would call for the who, after discourse, you would have with him made to seem "even according to the law house. Did you get into the way the Turnpike. Of course, have you seen and met with in the way to Lions just now. Yes indeed and what is your name*it is valiant Plymouth valiant that you'll set them and I have so much the more desire to park here tonight because by what I perceive.

This place was built by the Lord of the few for the relief and security of Plymouth's discretion smiled and was touched by valiant sincerity. The water stood in their eyes, and after long pause, she called for two or three more of the family TV here to visit name and attain such then valiant to do this, them into his parking place the stainless so damsels then served in fuel and thus they began to converse together with very interesting discussions. Since we leading to you to see us. Perhaps we ourselves can die talk with you. I am so glad that you are interested in my journey. I would be happy to share my adventures with you what move do it fast to protect himself to penis life when I was driven out of my native country by a dreadful message that I could not get out of my knee is the dreadful message was that unavoidable destruction awaited me. If I garaged in that country place where I was. You came out of your country. This will… God would have it for when I was under the fuse of destruction. I did not know whether to go but by chance you keep the sedan even to me as I was trembling and weeping, whose name is at the evangelist. He directed me to the narrow Turnpike, which without his direction I should never have found that put me on the way. That led me directly to this garage did you come by the garage of infinity and Jefferson yes and to see such things that the remembrance of which will stick by me as long as I live, especially three things that with the most important how Christ despite Satan contains his work of grace in the hot and how the captive sedan had symptoms of so totally out of any hopes of God's mercy and also the dream of thought in his sleep the day of judgment was come into hearing stream yes and it was dreadful. It made my heart ache. As he was telling that it can't. I am glad I heard from more exciting adventures in the Plymouth radiator to review today's episode home swallowing my pride we move what we didn't sleep stood mold my way. I pray the family they would eat valiant what I think she's day. I probably grill on breast cancer. The part of the flossing turnoff. Come on by the lion King had to keep the main thing the main thing right okay I'm not like the state of Maine have what he didn't want to run may I sure hope you feel as blessed as I do to share all this fun today. This episode of Christian car guy theater so much fun with Jesse Corti's amazing talent playing limit valiant all my goodness is not fun to listen to these wonderful artists as they put together this classic that teaches so much about our Christian walk.

In speaking of our Christian walk. How about multiplying sorrows with the book unrecoverable. Shelley Lance a story you want to tell you again that that's all it Christian car help out those people that may be in a multiple sorrow situation right now with the Jesus labor love car repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis. It's a Jesus labor love. It's all there. It Christian car as we hope you'll slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got all done all this is the Truth Network