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Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer? Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
August 17, 2022 9:00 am

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer? Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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August 17, 2022 9:00 am

Time and time again, the Bible gives us examples of how important persistent prayer is. As we finish Jacob's story, we'll look at how God rewarded his persistence, and how that might be exactly what God wants from us, as well.

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Today on Summit life with Judy Greer. Let us say as we pray, Jesus I know you know it was your able to help you in the Gospels. Remember the great battle of our spiritual lives is will you believe how we try harder be working. Will you as always.

I'm your host Molly events what do you do when it feels like God is in hearing your prayers. Part of this message that we began yesterday. Pastor JD shows us that the answer isn't to give up answers actually keep asking time and time again the Bible gives us examples of how important persistent prayer is as we finished Jacob story today to look at how God rewarded his persistence and how that might be exactly what God wants from us as well.

As always, if you miss any of our programs or if you're in search of our featured monthly resource you can find it all online.

JD or by giving us a call at 866-335-5220 but right now let's rejoin Pastor JD in this message he titled why doesn't God answer my prayer, believe God measured by how long we will persistent prayer. The answer does not come real for the time it comes from your soul.

The kind Jacob prayed the condo just comes up as a grown, but always leaves you with a wound, but the society started to pray. That way you would like. Jacob received a one word God drives you to the end of yourself were you exhausted all your abilities and you lost any confidence that you can do anything you're looking outside and God 400 on no answer for that.

I got nowhere to run nowhere to turn. My only hope is you and from that point onward you want for the rest of your life with a limp. You there right now is desperate about something something you want to change some change you want to see in your life.

Some change you need to see in somebody else's life some change of the situation and you spare some point, you have found yourself screaming God by yourself in your car, maybe at home when nobody else is they are out to walk in your swimming at God do this. I don't have anything else you only want you know what you can do this you the only one who can get this blessing I will let you go because I got no other alternatives. I will let you go.

Would you bless because I know you're good. Nowhere else to turn a promise you.

From that point onward. You spend the rest of your life walking with a limp, reminding you of when God brought you to that point of despair that you clung to him because you had no other alternative is usually Spurgeon said Charles Burge that it is usually when you have no words you can only grown in prayer. That's when you really started to prayed you offered your best prayer. This is what the Bible teaches us effective prayer looks like we press through what looks like God's unwillingness to lay hold of his promises again for I don't think this is a one-off teaching from the book of Genesis, like I just taken some story and then creative and Was on a sales metaphor for prayer dockage fees example after example after example from the life of Jesus, but you can see the same pattern play out again and again how he bestows his miracles right committed one Mark seven Serafin Asian woman Gentile comes to Jesus to get healing for daughter and Jesus responds with what is without question the rudest thing in the Bible. What you say woman is not right to take bread intended for children and to give it to dogs.

He called the woman talk. I have heard commentator said well you were to use actually means little dog like puppy Deborah Stillman's talk right and no culture at any time. Has it ever been flattering whole woman adult, what you doing what you doing is resisting what she did. She comes back she presses back. She says I'll see your you know are moving him up with a figure for Anya Gaylord. But a rich man's house are so much food on the table that some of it tumbles often even little dogs get to eat that servers a wrestling Jesus you act like you try to get away but I will let you go. You bless me with my daughters got an alternative what happens. Jesus stops as well never seen faith like that anywhere in Israel by the way, don't miss the use of the word Israel that was kind of faith Israel showed a group of people saying all these people that are essentially in church's money over that way. I've seen faith like that. But this woman knows that I what looks like resistance is not actually resistance and he gives her the blessing. Think of it like this. Instead of doing what Jesus originally said he would do Jesus that what the woman believed he could and would do Jim symbolize pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle wrote one maybe want the best will come forever. Veridical fresh when fresh fire.

He said the great battle of our spiritual lives is will you believe that we try harder.

If not, you can make yourself worthy is squarely a matter of believing that God will do what only God can do and then you pray and you pray and you Russell. Don't give up until God gives the blessing. I know I'm talking to a lot of people this weekend were waiting on God to answer some prayer and you're sitting here thinking I don't know why it seemed like a good thing I don't like a mask, and selfishly, why hasn't God answered my prayer. It's a fair question. Some of you for some of you which led you to doubt quite honestly God's goodness were wonderful even exist. Someone in this message.

By giving you for reasons gleaned from the story for why God may not be answering your prayer or why. At least you feel like he's not answer your prayer. What you consider these okay will apply human maybe one or two of them will number one. One reason you may not since him answering your prayer like you. You should be answering what maybe you're not yet pursuing his will.

Hear me out. It is significant that this wrestling match does not happen until Jacob had stopped his life of swindling and was on his way back to the promised land. God will not pour blessing into your life when you are living in open rebellion in Ottawa know that because the psalmist says very plainly if I regard iniquity in my heart. The Lord will not hear me Peter says the husband that if you if you are mistreating your wives if you're not respecting them you're not honoring them. If you're not putting their needs and wants before you wrote in your prayers. First Peter 37 are going to be hindered. Some Humana font is not answer to prayer. Since you got married allows one) okay multiple other places where Jesus says open sin cuts us off in the blessing of God.

Listen if you have not surrendered yourself to the Lordship of Jesus's morning God puts himself under no obligation to hear your prayers, your nice child and some none none of the promises of prayer.

Your don't say that to be mean the opposite of me. You can become God's child.

Right now, today, just by repenting of your sin and am receiving this free offer to forgive and save you. We all present to you Sue point is, until you do that none of these promises of prayer are yours now. Maybe. Maybe you've done that you got one a Christian I receive Christ, but maybe still right now. This weekend you're living with some kind of unconfessed willful sin again if I regard iniquity in my heart. Another words or something the goddess told me I should be doing but I'm kinda doing anyway think it will be that big of a deal for the Lord will not hear me.

Your sin has placed a block between you and God. That Scripture says may keep your prayer from being answered. Is that true in your life. This morning is the Holy Spirit put his finger on something in your life right now.

If so, then you need to stop praying and start repenting.

Now what you want to have you here specifically in the case of children who walked away from God. Many parents assume that some sin in their lives that made their child wonder. I told the parents like this all the time. The author of of prayers for prodigal's says this is a human. We parents are not getting an answer to our prayers to bring our prodigal children brought back. We look for some item length right, but I will turn to somebody else or this person's father's friends fault this exhibit will look very far more than one parent of a prodigal son or daughter is found themselves looking in the mirror and asking is God punishing me through my child for something I did in the past, the author says emphatically. No, we know that because Ezekiel 18 says clearly that in the new covenant. God will not punish the children for the sins of the father.this is a better explanation what's happening will be more John nine when the disciples encounter a man who's been born blind from birth and they asked Jesus if he is blind because of his Sanders parents in and Jesus says were simply first three this man nor his parents said this came about, so that God's works might be displayed in him. In other words, this happens not because God is punishing somebody for some sin but he's created a situation where he gets to show off his power and grace. So another words parents hear me. It's not your fault. The father in Jesus. The story of the prodigal son had not done anything wrong per se. There is nothing in Jesus story that indicates that this young prodigal son left because of failures in the father or deficiencies in his apparently you can't blame yourself they could to make their own decisions. God created after all the created only to humans directly. Adam and Eve and both of them are built and is not because God was deficient.

Father, they are not being punished for your failures. God is just created a situation where you gotta press into his grace. He's created a situation where you got nothing left to do except grab hold of God and say I can't let you go until you bless me the wrong thing to do in the situation of a prodigal is to blame yourself the right thing to do is pray that God's great works would be displayed in him or her, but to return to the main point. If you're not experiencing an answer to prayer should at least ask my pursuing God's will in all the ways that I know how right now this one are you. Are you doing everything you know God told you to do any past since Jesus blood is covered, so he's not paying you back for those but right now, are you following his will. And once you're satisfied that you are when you can proceed to number two, number two, maybe he has a better plan.

Maybe he's got a better but we at least acknowledge it with our limited knowledge we can't know everything. Sometimes God overrules us in love.

I am every parent understands this. Sometimes I overrule my kids requested me not, despite my lack of love for them, but because of my love for them right.

Not right now. Gotta get something for my 16-year-old. The drive naturally. She wants a self driving test.

Instead, I got her a Honda Accord with a stick shift. Now she's like dad, why am I having to learn to drive stick.

This is so hard to say. I don't but a I think is actually a valuable skill for you have be this will help remove the temptation to have the phone in your hand when you drive I'm giving her something different because I have a better plan. Nothing on is better. Now I'm not saying that I'm infinitely wise. Maybe Donald tell my decision was in the right one, but I can see the wisdom of her heavenly father is always better. So Jesus teaches us to begin every single prayer we pray by saying your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No less than the apostle Paul was told by God. In answer to a persistent prayer God's visible light Paul stop praying that I'm not gonna remove the storm from your flesh like you're asking because I've got a better plan, and my grace is going to be sufficient for you in this affliction, so I know this is what you want but I got a better plan. Quite often, God is up to something better in our lives that we just can't see yet we love right here.

The way Tim Keller summarizes it look, God will either give us what we ask for in prayer. More you will give us what we would've asked for if we knew everything that he will return to teaching and testimony. I wanted to remind you about our new featured resource this night the bundle of resources to help make praying regularly at a little easier with three bucks each. Called five things to praying they will cover how to pray for your city and your community. I pray for your kids and how to pray for your parents, and our hope is that you'll start to get a bigger view of God in a bigger view of prayer as a result, your prayer life would be transformed to support Senate life today by giving us a call at 866-335-5220 or you can give online Jamie Now let's get back to the final few minutes of today's message storing Luke one where Zachariah is in the temple and suddenly Gabriel angel appears to him and tells him he's going to have a son, John the Baptist announced the coming of the Messiah go. I saw something in that store the other day. I've literally never seen before. I could live in never seen it. When Angel first appears to Zachariah. You know the first thing he says Luke 113. Don't be afraid, Zachariah, because your prayer has been heard. What prayer your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name his name John a prayer to get pregnant the first thing the angel says is a I'm here because got her to prayer here something. How long ago had Zachariah stop praying a prayer.

I ask because the text says that Zachariah and Elizabeth were in Hebrew, very old, not just old. Very old ancient, as in so old that an all-nighter for Zachariah meant not getting up to go to the bathroom right or so old that if you said something to Zachariah about getting lucky he just assumed you meant find a good parking spot at the grocery store back. I know you thought you follow me like late 70s early 80s, old is what commentators say no I cannot. I see Zachariah and Elizabeth pray to get pregnant into the 40s. Maybe they were even bold and audacious enough to ask God for that gift in their 50s maybe go.

Now she's in her mid to late 70s at the prayer they have long ago stopped right in assuming God said no or that he wasn't listening, but cursing the angels says when he shows up. The first thing is nominal. Got hurt you. He's had a better plan. One had to wait for and one you couldn't have comprehended had he tried to explain it to you, friend.

What if what if what if we get to heaven we see there was something like this for every supposed unanswered prayer in our lives again. Ruth Phil Gramm when I am dealing with an all-powerful and all-knowing God I is a mere mortal must offer my petitions not only with persistence but also with patients somehow know why number three, number three, maybe your approaching without confidence in his goodness with a washer this in James 15 Jesus half-brother James says now look for you lacks wisdom, he should ask God. Hey, good news. Gotta give generously export out and ungrudgingly my favorite word in verse gradually means he doesn't do it while point a finger you criticizing you for being so dumb to get yourself in a situation review that wisdom did not bring up your past sins easily forgiven those in Jesus is not of any condemnation.

Just ask and your heavenly father give it to you switches, but let him ask in faith without doubting the doubter is like the surging sea driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord being double minded and unstable in all his ways. In other words, become a godly wisdom.

You gotta believe that he's good and that he will provide it.

You have to be certain of his goodness and his willingness.

This is not name it.

Claimant theology all name it. Claimant theology is when you believe you know better than God what you need. He's obligated to give it to you God like a piņata in faith and prayer like a walking stick, and if you whack got hard enough that he's going to do whatever can be raspy voice. That's not what James is talking about.

James is talking about approaching God with certainty about his character.

Certainty about his promise of goodness Jesus.

I know you're good. I know it and I know you're listening you're just like I see you in the Gospels, you're just as attentive.

Your chest was moved with compassion, you're the same yesterday today and forever.

You know when a hair falls out in my head you know every thought before I have it intended good for me. I'm coming with that confidence. I believe James promise about asking for wisdom would apply to anything we ask for. He says you will receive anything from God writes about more than just his wisdom.

Anything you ask God for. You gotta be certain of the goodness and character of Jesus or like James said not to receive anything from him. You will receive that person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. So let say as we pray, Jesus I know you're good. I know it. I know you listening I know you're able to help just like I see you in the Gospels.

Remember the great battle of our spiritual lives is will you believe now we try harder be worthy but will you believe would please me. The last 104th. Maybe you not yet pray long enough, no, maybe not yet pray long enough maybe it is a little bit more the night of wrestling ahead. Don't give up friend. Don't give up, hold on to that heavenly man hold on and say with Jacob. I am not going let you go because I had no other alternatives I can would you go into you bless me remember Martin Luther's definition of effective prayer affect prayer catching Christ in his words and then wrestling with him until he fulfills it hold onto God hold onto them claim to him in desperation to the darkest hour of the night saying God watch doing this promise Lord promised good to me by hoping you will secure you said surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. You said they'll see the goodness of the Lord of the land of the living. You said that the children of the righteous will be blessed. You said that you would use me as a blessing and not a curse. You said you would use me to point other people to your goodness.

God I'm believing what you said to not let you go because you only one who can fulfill this.

Listen to me friend listen.

God feeling distant from you is just an illusion is just an illusion. He is testing your faith in his goodness. The scene is here to give up on the same figure turn away from him to something else, or maybe just concluding that exist and he's listen he's giving you a wound is giving you a wound at the place of your brazen foolish self-confidence. To be honest, that foolish self-confidence that independent streak is what caused you to wonder into a life of grasping and deceiving this time of waiting on him. In desperation he is going to create in you a limp Olympic where you learn to lean on his strength and not yours anymore for the rest of your life. I promise you, you look back and say that's the most blessed wound that I've ever received before God uses a man greatly always hurt him very deeply Create That Wounds Were You Lean on Him and He Teach Other People That Salvation Is Not Found My Goodness, My Abilities Is Not Found My Parenting Is Not Found in My Persuasion onto My Hope Is in His Goodness and Mild Will My Limp Show You That We Table a Place of Brokenness and See What God Did Answer C Press on My French Press on Because Some Answers Are Only Given after a Night of Painful Wrestling. Don't Give up. Don't Give up. After All, after All, Your Praying to the God Who Went to the Darkness of Gethsemane and the Torture of Golgotha for You.

I Can Assure You He's Listening If He Didn't Turn His Back on You When Sam Was Crushing the Life Out Of Him. She's Not Going to Close His Ear to You Now That You Are His Child. You Feel like You Care about Your Broken Marriage to Phil. If I Didn't Care about Your Unsafe Husband Is like You Even Care about Your Wayward Child Care about Your Lost Friends in Your Broken Body. He Hires the Distance Is Just an Illusion. Keep Trying Keep Trying to Push with Persistence and You Get past the Resistance. What You Find Is Not Indifference.

What You Find Is Intimacy of the 19th Century Evangelist and Orphanage Founder George Mueller, George Mueller Committed to Pray Every Day for Five Young Men to Be Safe. Five Teenagers, Two of Which Were One of His Best Friends, High School Science Pray for 18 Months before the First One of Those Five Can Christ, Which Is a Long Time. Think about It Every Day. Pray S 540 Days Every Day for over 500 Asian Pretty Exact Same Thing without Satan Answered, but for 18 Months First Young Man Got Say What Will You Say George Mueller Wrote in His Journal That He Praise God for That One Is Therefore More Left Someone to Keep Ryan Pray Every Day for Another Five Years Cycle and Came to Christ to Pray Another Six Years. The Third One Came to Christ. He Kept Praying Every Day for 36 Years. Mueller Was Now a Very Old Man Right and He Wrote in His Journal, Right before He Died.

Of All the Great Ways Got an Answer Prayers. But He Said There's Two Still Are Unconverted. These Five Young Men and I Will Not Stop Praying to My Dying Breath. I Will Pray for Them Every Day You Said I Continue to Hope in God and I Pray on Many Died Just a Couple Years after His Death, so There's Final to the Sons of His Friend Both Came to Faith in Christ, George Mueller Had Prayed Daily for Those Two Young Men for Almost 45 Years for No Give Him. Jesus Told This Parable so That You Was Always Pray and Never Lose Heart.

You're Listening to Senate Life, Pastor, Author and Theologian Jenny Greer, Jenny Most Christians Believe That Prayer Is Important When It Comes down to It We Sometimes Go Hold Days or Even Weeks without Really Spending Time in Prayer. Why Do You Think That Most of Us Want Blame Our Lack of Prayer. Prayer Looseness on a Lack of Self-Discipline That Same Reason We Don't Work out Enough Meat Enough Broccoli and Alfalfa Sprouts. It's a Lack of Discipline, but Prayer Looseness Is Always New. It Is a Gospel Problem Because I Am Not Aware of How Dependent I Am on God or How Willing He Is to Help Me As Well Offering This Month As It Is a Great Will, Prayer, Bundle Five Things. Pray for Your Kids by Melissa Kruger Stopping to Pray for Your Parents, but Chelsea's Family and I Think You Pray for Your City by Helen Thomas Great Bundle That Will Really Put Some Structure or Maybe Even Jumpstart Your Prayer Life Very Excited to Be Able to Commend Them to Reach out to Us in JD I Would Love to Start a Partnership with You Will You Support the Ministry Here. This Is My Go Online Teaching Course You Can Give Us a Call 3352 20 and On Behalf Of the Entire Senate like All Your Fellow Molly That Eventually Inviting You to Join Us Again Tomorrow Is Another New Series on Here on Senate Life. Your Ministry