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Feet on the Rock, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
January 4, 2022 9:00 am

Feet on the Rock, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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January 4, 2022 9:00 am

Pastor J.D. shows us how we can make sure the foundation of our life is secure as we continue our new series in the book of Luke called “In Step.”

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J.D. Greear

Today on Summit life with Judy Greer which life is about what you believe is way more reliable than what Jamal says what you like service is different, which Mel says God's testimony otherwise.

Every single time best friend to hang out with you partner church can they give clear demonstration of the Lordship of Jesus, and spiritual fruit and the senior good storms MAC were your foundation. Why would you call him Lord and not do the things that he says that light the Bible, pastor and theologian JD Greer.

I'm your host Molly benefits you question what one thing would make your life not worth living if you didn't many spouse nice home or car.

Will the truth is, if your answer to that question is anything but Jesus then your foundation will inevitably crumble pastor Jenny shows us how we can make sure that the foundation of our life is secure as we continue our brainy teaching series in the book of Luke called In-Stat. We started this message yesterday so if you need to catch up.

You can visit Katie and listen in any time. But for now grab your Bible open it up to Luke chapter 6 and let's join now 646. Why would you call me Lord, Lord, and not do the things I've save like these two words garbage awards never go together. No Lord I just don't make any sense together. If you were going to write say no means he's not really Lord so there's any area of your life right now that you're saying no when he's not actually her Lord if he is Lord that made you take a no off table where my dad used to say when I was a kid is not Lord of all, is not Lord at all and every heart there is a throne across your heart, there's a throne in the cross. If you are on the throne you put Jesus on the cross, Jesus is on the throne. While that means you gotta be on the cross.

Right now he's in the Lord or is not that there's no in your life and he's not really Lord first characteristic that will bear spiritual fruit cited characteristic. They don't they don't do what Jesus says. Third character is in verse 49. Their faith falls apart in the store. This is where the story really ties in to be up to point to be domestic Jesus is point his dinners at the third two houses look like from a distance. You would assume there exactly the same as what was below the surface that was different.

One was built on the rock and the other was built on the sand in the storm revealed that the point is that there are people whose lives look alike, you understand that right they go to the same church in the same small group might be in the same family. They believe all the same things they limit the same morals but one's faith is real one is not what reveals that third little test Jesus gives you is the storm. There are people who walk with Jesus is fine until he gets heart rhyme to God that matches in prayer the way they wanted answered her until it gets really unpopular with their friends to do what Jesus wants, or until pre-obedience to Jesus means walk away from something that's really what we understand we will hope to talk about Jesus coming to Jesus is fulfillment and peace and healing and salvation in it.

It's great for your marriage and it is all of those things you understand at some point obedience to Jesus is going to take you hundred and 80 opposite of the direction that you think you want to go and in that moment it will be revealed in that moment whether Jesus is actually her Lord are not, but in here in this moment here about his house at the same whether or not your hope is in him or whether it is and what you think he will do for you as long as he keeps up his end of the contract.

For many people, religious people have learned that their hope is not really in God. Their hope is is and what he will do for them. The difference in their suit gets revealed by the storm. When God doesn't do or it's not easier. It's difficult to fall away from God because your hope was never God was always in God's ability to keep you in sunny weather all the time they get the difference in these two lives is not what they believe the houses look the same.

The difference in these two is how much their lives are actually built on what they believe it is the one with the solid foundation was the one verse 47 want to solve that issue is one who hears my words and acts on them.

According to Jesus, your destiny is not determined by what you say you believe your destiny is determined by what your life demonstrates that you leave friend. I hope you will pay attention to this because this is a major theme in Jesus is teaching not everybody who called him Lord is going to go to heaven. The gospel writer Matthew and his parallel account of the same teaching where he records Jesus told the story of the wise man foolish man in the kind of trees. Jesus adds one of the little story will make reading for you state or local mail. Thank you, Matthew, request Matthew 721. Not everybody who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven is the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven. On that day final day many will say to me Lord Lord different profit. Did we not prophesy in your name cast out demons in your name many mighty works in your name by the way, lots of new Bible underlined the word says and does what did they say, Lord, Lord, I know that means I got the right theology.

They know when to say man they know when to put their hands up and worship and eliminate that spiritual grunt sounded Christian Bateman are talking to each other once a some spiritual they say, Lord, Lord, twice, which is waived say I really mean it.

Lord, Lord, I mean it. What's this not only do they have zeal in their worship and and and and orthodoxy in their theology they got seal in ministry.

The prophesied which means preached in Jesus name. They cast out demons in Jesus name, and did miracles in Jesus name translation. These are not sideline people now what concert you were up in, but in my church.

If you got picked to be on the demon exorcisms. What you were varsity. You can choose a sideline.

People that showed up. You know, 10 minutes you set up 10 minutes late left 10 minutes early, right he's talking about pastors, elders, deacons, ministers, small group leaders missionaries that Susan to see we talk about it. People very involved in ministry. Verse 23 and I will declare to them, I never know you depart from EU worker of lawlessness sends a tremor of terror down my spine.

These people confess Jesus, but Jesus does not confess them. Why, literally from the Greek, they always work lawlessness, but never actually surrendered to Jesus.

These are people who struggled with sand. We all do that. These are people who never brought their lives to one of surrender and they were around Jesus all the time. They built their houses to look like Jesus was houses decorated their houses with Christian art. I know they put their tree in Jesus's garden. They never fully yielded to Jesus. Jesus, as I never even knew you. You knew of me but I never actually knew you the kind of knowledge that comes from just surrendering your life to me, hoping in me as your Savior, friend, please pay attention to this. Not everybody who calls Jesus Lord actually belongs to the difference between the saved and the unsaved is not what their mouth says they believe the difference in the saved and the unsaved is what your life demonstrates as you believe, so I thought we were saved by faith alone. By believing Christ is our Savior and trusting in his work to save us. Yes that is correct, the kind of faith that saves is the faith that reorient your whole life, the kind of faith that puts the roots of your life into gospel soil and the kind of faith that builds the foundation of your life on gospel truth. You see, there are two ways to tell what you actually believe there's what your mouth says you believe in others what your life demonstrates that you believe which one you Think Is More Reliable Way, God sees it, what your life says about what you believe is way more reliable than what your mouth says and what you like savages is different than what you mouth says God to take the testimony of your life. Every single time/you again. Does your life say that Jesus is Lord, and if I would ask her best friends to hang out with you. Apart from church can they give clear demonstration of the Lordship of Jesus, and spiritual fruit and they seem to go through storms and they see where your foundation is. Why would you call them Lord, and not do the things that he says why would you call him Lord and I do the things that he says remember a poem I heard when I was a kid I've never really forgotten they heard this, I know who wrote it as old as the hills.

I think what you call me Lord, Lord, and only the things I say you call me the way you want me not call me the life you live me not you call me the master she will baby not you call me bread to eat me not you call me. Truth. You believe me not you call me Lord, serve me not if I condemn you plainly not the part for me.

You work iniquity. I never knew you three characteristics of spiritual imposters. Three characteristics of people in the church look like the right with God active in the church but aren't actually right God they don't bear spiritual fruit.

They don't do what Jesus says in the faith falls before the storm friend is true you is so maybe like I think maybe what I do so that's the good news you embrace Christ. You embrace Christ. You embrace it. There's nothing that you can do to save yourself, or change your own heart that might've been you can drenching yourself. You embrace that he's the only one who can save you a pager. And that on the cross he offers to give you the sacrifice the payment for your sins and then come in your life and make you a new creation right now where you sit in your house in one of our in one of our facilities embrace that with your heart right now and you'll complete control over your life to him and if you do, he will come into your heart, you will save one of the thing I want to do with this passage, but before I get to that last little thing wants to stop right here for just a minute if I could give you a chance to respond right here right now to what I just said if you never have.

So whether you're at home or one of our campuses. Would you bow your heads right now with me because I will more thing to do after this. But honestly, I don't want to wait and I wanted you a chance to respond. If you're not sure you never fully surrender to Jesus and never received him Savior you right here right now it's very simple.

Jesus, I can't say myself. I can't be good enough to earn your favor can be strong enough to live the Christian life I receive.

Right now your offer to save never see I believe there's a number of you at home or in front of me to just pray that they want to buy yourself online pray for you.

Father I pray that prayer right now, pray that you give them courage to follow through this and then to do what I'm asking to do next. As I got in Jesus name amen before I close on flip this around because there's a promise that is inherent in this passage map promise is that for those of us who build our lives on Jesus, the foundation will endure any store. Why, because we had a foundation though never crumble your foundation is whatever you build your life on your foundation is whatever has to be present in your life for your life to feel secure for you to have joy, whatever that is. That's what you service what you strive after is what you turned you in trouble is what you can't live without bad news is that every other foundation besides Jesus is going to don't want to read little small section of a new book. I just economical what you do with your life as young woman in our church last year whenever routine eye exam. She received devastating news doctor informed her that she had a generative and incurable condition that would take her side in less than five years up until this moment with the doctor. She had no idea that anything was wrong is the worst you can even get a pair of reading glasses is in her mid-30s just for children.

If things go as the doctors predict she will never see a single one of them gradually just a couple weeks.

She told me before the doctor visit should ask God to guide her to a theme verse for the year you not know anything was going on.

She said God loving the second grid is for 60 even though the other person is being destroyed our inner person is being renewed day by day light and momentary inflation is producing for us an absolute and comparable eternal weight of glory. We do not focus on what is focus on what is unseen.

For what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal. She told me she said.

I wrote in my journal that day. God help me to trust in things not seen.

Help me to fix my eyes. My thoughts and affections on the temperate on the dog was sure as I listen to the news of my diagnosis I heard in my heart not speak over me the truth. We do not focus on what is seen but on what is unseen. This is not an affliction. God has done to me is something he has entrusted to me.

I was reminded of Jesus's words to the disciples.

When I came across a blind man. This is come to pass that the work of God might be displayed God to show me more of himself in the midst of the suffering. Looking back on that prayer January and I realize now that God was hearing me to hear this news already. God is use this diagnosis to help me fix my eyes on him to help me depend on him to grow my spiritual site. Jesus is our leader and more valuable suffering. When I think I can do life as painful as it is been on learning what it means that my spiritual side is far more valuable than my physical site. I don't think my hope for any healing from oncoming blindness is there is none, then my hope in the suffering Savior Jesus Christ was far more precious to me than sign precious to me than my ability to drive prices than my ability to lead and read my children's basis. These things are inconsequential. Shortly after my diagnosis I was praying when I saw a vision in my mind. Jesus was leading me blindfolded and beautiful landscape of everything once I got overlooked as a blind moment I realized I was showing me that I can trust my good father.

Even with a blindfold and is given my site on your trust.

My father knows what's best for me always working for my good seen is temporary, what is unseen is question. Could you be like that in a moment a similar tragedy what your foundation is asking that what is there that if taken out of your life would make life not worth living for. You what has to be present. Building against marriage. Close knit family kids ignore you reliable job solid bank account. Can you trust your heavenly father even when he got blindfold is whatever you give us an answer to those questions, constitute your foundation bad news all the crumble.

The good news is that when your foundation is in Jesus like hers is any storm you are to be secure because he got the power of the storm will preserve and provide for you in the storm from a couple years ago this house on one of the golf one is an emerging Harvey US is look closely at this picture of you will use it one house. Scott's neighbors on either side got wiped clean.

So this article interviewed Miller wasn't as yet.

I built this house with this storm in mind, way beyond code EE use 40 foot pilot which is certain he made the house with breakaway wall so that when the winds for them.

That would mean structural damage. The same I build this house that storm in mind, God provided your salvation you gave that foundation with all of life storms in mind when you struggle and you fall is down is sufficient to cover and forgive me when you feel like you drained his resurrection is sufficient to empower you when you feel lost his indwelling spirit is sufficient to guide you and your mother not the riches of his mercy is sufficient to satisfy you. God provided a foundation in Jesus with all life storms in my firm a foundation using is laid for your faith in his word. What more can he say you he has said to you for refuge, my hope is built on nothing less Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is returned to the question asked you the very beginning God.

Areas of disobedience had been revealed that works for me.

God consistently reveals the mediator is not surrendered to make him fall apart some areas not surrendered to God will not go into despair. My life, that is Jesus with a coastal storm online on the matter. Jesus got this under what you want me to do variable on the address you provided you areas that you put under his role what areas might this be for you much about your hands. Get homes and campuses where you by yourself at your computer. You just identify what is areas might be surrender them to him. Jesus, I'm gonna do it my way, Is Not Sufficient Your Way, Christ on you.

The solid rock I stand trying my heart to obey not just because it's the right thing to do is everything in my life storms waiting for Angie's.

There is no storm that a foundation built on Jesus, can't withstand. I know I can start to sound clich but do you have Jesus as your foundation will have storms. Some small sum that will feel like a hurricane, and we must be ready for that. You're listening to Pastor Jeannie Greer and this is Summit life. If you miss any part of today's message or you like to hear more teaching for Pastor JD. Visit our website to browse the online sermon archives, you'll find this and more online, free of were so grateful for everyone who stepped up and joined us that we could close out 2021 in a solid position thanks to your generosity. We were able to give crucial support to a new ministry to asking people were able to expand some more people can listen and view this teaching and we've been busy creating more and more content for you. So again we just want to say thank you so much to everyone who supported us in the last year we really cannot do this without you, and were so excited for everything that's going to do through this ministry in the new year. We exist to bring the gospel to as many people as possible to the radio TV podcasting in the lab. We'd love to have you partner with us as more people died into the gospel through these channels, so we need you to send it life mission in your supporting is a little expression of our thanks. We've got a unique resource that we put together for you. It's the 2022 Summit life planner, and this is the final week to get this resource.

And don't miss your chance. No matter what you do. You can't add any tickets to your day. So how do we make the most of our days and use them well will take some forward thinking stout to help you do that we've put together a day planner and keynote setting health goals education goals financial goals. That's all great but the most important thing that we can do with our time is invested in spiritual things.

So we've also included a Bible reading plan to help you maintain that most important spiritual discipline. We hope you will be a daily reminder to stay in God's word to make him the center of all your plans. There's nothing magical about the new year, but it does present a natural opportunity for reflection is a great time to take stock of your life and figure out ways that you want to grow in the coming months. If you want to start reading your Bible every day. Or maybe you want to get better at making time for ministry. Whenever that may be. We hope that this plaintiff will be a great tool to help you meet those goals were so grateful for you and your partnership with us as we begin a new year of ministry together that you know. As important as those one-time gifts are the foundation of this ministry comes from the ongoing support of our gospel partners.

Those who commit to regular monthly getting. Ask for the Summit life planner when you become a gospel partner today or when you give a single gift of $35 or more. Tomorrow is the last day to reserve your copy so call 866-335-5220 866-335-5220 or you can give online Jeannie JD G. R. Are.don't forget to follow Pastor JD on more encouraging.

I'm only benefits and joined us today. Be sure to listen tomorrow when I think that must have part of what makes reads as deadly as our inherent Jesus simply seems that is a problem for all of the shape. Listen Wednesday two Summit life