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What Should We Do When We Feel Anxious?

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
December 29, 2020 9:00 am

What Should We Do When We Feel Anxious?

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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December 29, 2020 9:00 am

Right now, it feels like the world is being turned upside down. Even for the most confident among us, the recent coronavirus crisis has challenged much of what we thought was certain.

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Katie Greer do you see how safe you are in the arms of your heavenly father takes care of the grass will take care of you.

He died for you when you were a rebel besought you when you were a stranger, not looking for him. He chased you down when you were running from him. The other way. Surely you're safe with him now that you are his job in your house Hollywood events like the world is being turned up side down this way, even for the most confident among us. The current coronavirus situation has challenged much of what we thought was certain that today Pastor JD clear answers that question. What should we do when we feel anxious. Definitely a message for such a time. Is that so grab your Bible and pen and let's join Pastor Jamie. What should we do anxious about the future as it goes without saying that this whole season is brought on for many of us a whole new set of worries about how long is a scholastic what could happen to me or somebody I know gets sick or maybe you're asking them appear to be okay. Or maybe I will be out of work and what happened to my retirement or my savings.

How will my kids going to be in the house or your problems. 1225 success anxiety in a man's heart racing down, but a good word makes him glad my friend David Platt says that this verse depicts worry like it like an extra weight that you have to carry around.

Imagine that you're going through life with you with a backpack on his backpack was everything that your you're worried about you getting ready for college you to see the cycle what college and I get into and how much to do and I understand my mom to give the right schoolteacher on that worry maybe start asked what job am I going to get a bite of the to keep that job I got stuck in his job. So you put that in any care that worry around me start asked questions like Mary, I am I to be able when I get married to stay married or or am I get divorce like my mom and dad did so get this wedding album all the stuff that represents going down emeritus things execute having to fold it like it is. Then as you want your life, your you start asked questions like you have enough money to be able to make it much question about money and then when you start asking questions like you might be able to have kids. And when you do have kids if that's become his own thing and so you I want to cure around worry about it. Kids course bring a whole new set of worries and will what's can happen. My kids are the do well in school.

What happens if you hang out with the wrong crowd with any braces or me. Nobody ever told me about all these things. It let the kids bring all the things they need a habit of money for braces when they come in so you put an even heavier dumbbell America help all those worries and be something like what if I don't get braces. Does that mean that there can have crooked teeth for the rest of the lot maybe will be jobless because they got jacked up teeth, and I can afford in braces and at the jobless.

Does that mean there cannot live with me for the rest of my life and the member comes a humongous worry that you men on top of this already looking down backpack that you're trying to carry through life then comes a pandemic. All the sudden that you got this Department's already full of worries about school money and work and help in marriage. Now we got concerns about toilet paper. We can build a make it through this appears question is this how you feel like you just let you try to carry around and just weighing you down. Proverbs 1225 anxiety and a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad today.

My hope for you is that is that I can give you a good word that will make you glad you know the news media that seem to have it what you want to see in a Fox News that'll have it.

I don't personally have a good word but the good news is Jesus. Does Saul want to encourage you with a good word from him as I take a moment to link this burden down what you intend to focus on Matthew 1128 were Jesus gives us promise, he says come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

I sounds good doesn't it Peter who knew Jesus. Well, he says it like this. First Peter 57 cast all your anxiety on the because he cares for you. You may not be strong enough to carry all these burdens that you have. But the good news is he is you cast them on to him in prayer because he cares for you before we do anything else to spend a few minutes reflecting on how much Jesus cares for us as a 4915. Can a woman forget her nursing child, or could she lack compassion for the child. The newborn child of her womb. Even if these forget which is of course very unlikely, but even if they forget I would never forget you. God says to us look back. She inscribed you on the palms of my ends and the nails in Jesus's hands with a reminder that he never forgets about us. He cares for you and thinks about you more than that a new mother thinks about her newborn baby someone 39 per 17 King David said this about God. He said how precious are your thoughts about me.

Oh God, how precious to me are your thoughts about me. They cannot be number I can't even count them.

They outnumber the grains of the sand. How much does God think about you is thoughts about you number more than the sands of the seashore.

How many sand you think you're on the seashore. They can't even be number I can even count them. They outnumber your thoughts about me how often he thinks about me outnumber the grains of sand once more. David said in verse eight.

Even if I made my bed in hell you key you would come after me, God loved us so much that even when we wandered away from him when he we had rejected him and scorned him, insulted him, made ourselves his enemies was when he gave his life for us. Romans 58 God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were still sinners in a posture of rebellion toward God. That's when he came for us. That's how much he cares. Now with that as a backdrop, let me take you to the place in Matthew six were Jesus most clearly instructs us about how how to handle worry that she taught out of this passage to you before, because it's it really is one of my favorites but I feel many of us are to hear it differently today and when her my friend David Platt share some of these things. A couple weeks ago II knew there was stuff some stuff in it for the seven churches well here's what Jesus says to this group.

Matthew 625 therefore I tell you, don't worry about your life there three times in this passage Jesus is going to command us. Don't worry. Don't be anxious I need you to hear everything that I must say from this point on. As a direct command from God because what is a direct command from God. Your you know that he's leaving the resources to obey the first officers asked this question what what is anxiety when when I see is that were the American psychological Association defines anxiety as an emotion that's characterized by feelings of tension, worry, thoughts, physical changes like increased blood pressure. Another anxiety they say can produce disorders characterized by states of excessive uneasiness and apprehension. Oftentimes with compulsive behavior or panic attacks were talking about here more than just a concern about the future. There's a certain level of concern that is normal, even healthy, and uncertain circumstances. Paul at one point talks about feeling anxious about the churches that he planted that wasn't simple.

It was a natural concern. It's very natural that we be concerned about our kids or neighbor getting the virus we should be concerned about what's happening around us. The problem is when that anxiety becomes so weighty that it displaces your trust in God and removes the peace and the joy that you have in him that maybe that's a great definition.

Sinful anxiety is worry that become so weighty that it displaces your peaceful trust in God Mount would give one quick caveat here. I know there can be a lot more going on when you experience anxiety and panic attacks besides just you know concerns about the future for some of us past traumatic experiences, sometimes even current physiological challenges. They contribute to that sense of anxiety and I'm not trying to reduce all anxiety problems of this spiritual issues but having said that, let me give you the pegs of Jesus's counsel about anxiety that has a spiritual root in Matthew chapter 6. Here's what he says don't worry about your life what you eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear in life more than food, and in the body more than clothing. First 25 years. Her first peg number one. Your life is about more than anything the world can supply for you. Your life is more than food is more than clothing. You could add to that list. Your life is more than your car, your house, your phone, don't worry about your health. He says don't worry about what school you get into. Don't worry about who you marry, don't worry about how long you live your life is more than those things take anything that you're worried about and put it in that blank your life is about more than don't think Google close your life is about more than what others think about you.

Your life is about more than what school you get into work on a job yet whether you marry or have kids, whether or not you get a virus which your bank account is going to be after this right. Your life is not about those things will what is life about that on Jesus is life is about pleasing God and knowing him we ship everything else away. What matters most in life.

All that matters ultimately is is knowing him and doing his will, as we often say around here, only one life to live will soon be passed on the what's done for Christ will last no eternity is going to reveal that the vast majority of the things that many of us spent so much time anxious about had no eternal significance at all. In fact, some of us maybe that's been a big take away from front from the season. The shakeup of our foundation shows us the core of our lives that have been built around from things that just don't last. Like food and clothing. March madness.

Maybe it's time to ask whether your living for the things that actually matter, only one life to live will soon be passed only what's done for Christ is gonna last. Your life is about more than anything the world can supply for you, whether that's food or closer health or job or anything your life is about knowing God and doing his will.

Here's the second peg of Jesus's counsel.

He says you can trust the God who eternally values you deliver.


Consider the birds of the sky, which is kind of odd advice, like if you're worried the bird watching.

Some of you may have more time to do that now they need usually dead, but his point is these bird little soul reaper gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them as boys.

The birds are sitting around watching CNN or collating your Facebook poster watching Fox news about possible worst-case scenarios. Yet somehow they seem to be taking care of the Jesus ask of a rather obvious question. Aren't you worth more to God than the birds are what you worry about close verse 28 observable wildflowers of the field grow.

They don't labor or spin Dragon. I tell you that not even Solomon the richest man who lived in the Old Testament and all the splendor was adorned in beauty like one of these. That's how God clothes the grass of the field. Again Jesus is logical question if that's all God clothes the grass of the field is here today and thrown in the furnace tomorrow won't he do much more for you. You of little faith.

Here's the logic that the wild grass in the field is super temporary right, it's literally here today and gone tomorrow.

In yet and yet God takes care that even grass in the field looks beautiful but putting pretty little flowers into it. You you Jesus is, by contrast, you are temporary back you last forever. God takes care of temporary grass like that will only take even better care of the eternal you. After all, didn't God give his life for you.

So of course he's going to take care of you that the point he's making here is that God is a God of abundance even in a time of scarcity.

God is a God of abundance using gracious, fully attentive heavenly father. He always was. He doesn't change with the circumstances.

Think about the value your heavenly father placed on you when you and I were were rebels.

We were his enemies. When we were in a posture of rejection and it was then that he died for us puts another huge! On the on this whole point. If God rescued you when you were his enemy isn't going to take care of you now that you are his child is the same gracious heavenly father today that he was yesterday, and he'll be the same gracious heavenly father tomorrow and you can fully trust him. Which leads me to number three. The third peg of Jesus's counsel is more is useless anyway little verse 27 to any of you add one moment to his lifespan by worrying anything about it. Can you change anything for the positive by worrying now you worry is not in effect one bit whether something happens or not. Worrying doesn't help you get better prep for it either. It didn't add anything to your life. In fact, if anything were just takes away from your life saw study of the Mayo Clinic words, it showed that 75% of all doctor visits in the United States are somehow stress or anxiety related. It didn't add to your life takes away from your life.

Furthermore, the vast majority of things we worry about never happened to me think about.

To be honest you're worried about a thousand things 999 of which are never going to happen.

Which means you spend emotional capital on a bunch of things that that didn't happen and the one or two that did happen. It's not like you're worrying got you better prep for those anyway. However, were described as paying interest on the debt you may not even know. So Jesus says instead of living your life in a constant state of worry about what yes you should build your life on the promises that whatever happens, God is one of our staff members who suffer some herself from chronic anxiety. She said that the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the in the Old Testament really helped her in this I Shadrach mission Abednego are we on rack. Check bidding on. They found themselves in Daniel three and a genuinely anxiety producing situation. King Nebuchadnezzar had threatened to throw them into a fiery furnace.

That's stressful by anybody definition right and they knew that God had not promised them that they would never get hurt or that they wouldn't get thrown in. So, so, how they deal with that anxiety will they tell King Nebuchadnezzar. They say our God is able to deliver us, which means Nebuchadnezzar there's nothing that you could do to us that is outside his control and everything we go through is is under his care. So even if they say you throw us into that fiery furnace. We know that ultimately will be taken care of.

In other words, they met there worry about what if, with the promise that God is, and even if the worst happens he'll be with us all away. Here's my challenge. What if you take your what yes and replace them with evenness that are built on the promises that God is stop living in a world of what if, say, even if I know that God is not to be enough for me which sets suffer number four before Jesus is worry is in fact only logically consistent for atheist verse 31, so don't worry say what we are what we drink what we wear for the Gentiles who don't know God at all eagerly anxiously seek all these things that your heavenly Father knows that you need them anxiety about the future, he says just doesn't make sense for those who know a sovereign, faithful father, Jesus is saying that if you don't know God is a is a faithful sovereign father than it's logical for you worry about how could you not worry. But if you have a God who is all loving, all powerful, ever watchful, demonstrated his commitment to you when he died on the cross and he revealed his power to do to save you in the resurrection. It is patently illogical for you to worry. If you got that kind of father and neck in a demonstration.

My friend David Platt again. He says it this way, anxiety of this kind is a sign of unbelief in God.

What you really believe about God is is demonstrated in a time of anxiety limit is ashy to consider right now what would change in your heart suddenly say tonight. Jesus himself appears to you and he says have what you know I've got this I love you right see everything I could even tell you right now. How many hairs are on your head. I've got this and I never stop thinking about you and I my my thoughts about you outnumber the sands of the seashore. I want to take care of you eternally and even this even this uncertain shot drum and I promise him and use it for good in your life and your family's life would not be a great source of comfort to you because that is exactly what Jesus is saying to you so verse 33. You should seek first the kingdom of God should do what he wants seek his righteousness, and then all the rest of these things will be provided for you at number five. Fifth peg.

If you focus on pleasing God, he'll worry about all the rest you believe are you you focus.

He says I'm doing what God wants from you and if you do, he attaches this crazy promise to it. He says I'll take charge of supplying all this other stuff that you need friend.

God makes that promise is not susceptible to any uncertainty or any vicissitudes of life is not susceptible to coronavirus is stored never closing never runs out of stock the shelves are always fully, never price gouges. His angels never get sick. He always has enough hope and strength of love and purpose to spare.

You focus on what you're supposed to do. I saw something like this. Recently I thought it might help you in a realm that you can control and things that you can't control.

Maybe automate your own little list like this. I put the things I can control I can control my positive attitude, I can control what I do with the CDC recommendations I can control whether or not I am leaving myself and as best I can. My family grow spiritually during this time I can focus on making my home safe and enjoyable. I can focus on fulfilling God's mission for my neighbors. I can focus on kindness and grace, the things that got up but within my control. That's what it means to seek God first in this.what I can't control can control other people to I can control how long this will last. I can control along schools are going to be out. I can't control the impact on the stock market. I can't control how much toilet paper and when they're gonna have more and sometimes just by helping myself see this is what what what I'm switch to focus on this is what it means me to see God first and I can distrust him to. I'm to worry about all the rest.

Hey let me tell you some of my greatest moments of personal growth of common in times of uncertainty and anxiety. It's like it was like when my foundations were shaken that it forced me… Asked to consider what actually matter.

There's times of uncertainty drove me in fear even drove me back into that only one life to live will soon be passed only what's done for Christ will last that had to ask myself. You know when it's all said and done all that really matters is whether I please God and did his will and whether I want to hear well done good and faithful servant for for from him limit is as you is that happening to you right now if you were to die today. I know that's a morbid thought.

None of us want to think about but if you did what you hear from him right now.

Well done good and faithful servant. You were living out my will in that what you would want to hear.

If you died only one life to live will soon be passed only what's done for Christ will last. What is his verdict on your life going to be and are you are you ready to stand before him because maybe this time of uncertainty is best to shake you to make you ask what actually matters. Are you living for.

The only things that matter. Jesus concludes verse 34. He says don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow is not worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Number six Alaska peg of Jesus's counsel. New troubles are met with new mercies I may have told you before how much I love this verse because I read don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough troubles of its own, and I think will exact what I was worried about with tomorrow is that it was going to have trouble what Jesus is saying insane it that way is he saying, guess what also will be there tomorrow.

In addition to the trouble, or better, who will be there tomorrow and the answer is God and the God who gave you strength yesterday will supply you with strength for tomorrow. God promises to give enough manna for the day Manna was that the daily provision of bread that God gave the children of Israel when they were wandering literally food list of homeless and without access to clothing, even in the wilderness he gave them gave them dim sum enough every day just enough for the day. The way that most of us want to deal with worry and uncertainty is to stockpile enough that we fill invulnerable for the future, but that is just not how God works. Whatever challenges tomorrow holds. You can be confident that God will give you what you need in that moment tomorrow may have plenty of trouble but a God greater than the trouble is going to be there also. So, for God's people. Do you want to feel anxious about this about the situation or any other you can trust him, you can turn those anxieties into prayer prayers to a heavenly father who said he knows what you need before you even ask who always watches you and is ready to supply for you whatever you need.

This is the good word that Proverbs 1225 talks about you cast your cares upon him he can sustain that backpack about my friend David Platt when he was teaching on this yet you brought up a Navy seal on stage and I David Platt him in the backpack and said actually it's not just the backpack that I'm to give then David hopped up in this Navy SEALs arms and said this is what Jesus wants it. I just want you to give them your troubles. He wants you to it causes troubles to for you to give him you come unto me, Jesus is all you who labor all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Give him yourself. Rest in him to limit his ask you to consider is these foundations are shaken.

Are you trusting in Jesus. Maybe this despair should drive you to Jesus and effort for those you that are not yet a Christian, you have a cross that line of faith and receive Jesus the Savior. Are you ready to acknowledge how futile life is without Jesus, you see life will demonstrate to you that that the you and I have two problems.

One were incapable of sustaining life right in and for for ourselves and those we love. More importantly never to were separated from God by problem we can overcome that problem us in the curse of death that goes with it. Jesus overcame those things for us, but we have to to receive him. He died on the cross to suffer. Our penalty and RN are placed wants to give us that as a gift, but we have to choose to receive it by receiving him, you can receive the gift of salvation just by the simple prayer Jesus.

I receive your offer to save me and thereby surrender your life to him as Lord for the one who is a Christian right for those you who are Christians, do you see how safe you are in the arms of your heavenly father takes care of the grass will take care of you died for you when you were a rebel, he sought you when you were a stranger, not looking for him. He chased you down when you were running from him.

The other way. Surely you're safe with him.

Now that you are is John really child of God means to protect at the Lord in an everlasting creator of the whole earth never becomes faint. With a message titled, when should we do when we feel anxious eliciting a summit life with pastor Jeannie Greer as pastor Jeannie often says the gospel changes everything.

So as we head into a new year. I encourage you to be intentional about serving God by loving and serving your neighbors, whether that's with your time or your money and the most important gift you can give someone is the gospel. Be intentional about having this conversation and see what God can do what you can help share the gospel in the new year and beyond is by supporting this ministry. This time of year is critical as we close the books on 2020 and plan for the future that he'd never given to support summit life. We encourage you to take that step today when you do will say thanks by sending you the summit life 2021 day planner. This resource is so much more than just a day planner, there's space for you to record all of your notes and to do items. Of course that as you use that you're going to find Bible verses that remind you of the truth that God does need to make all things new. We've also included a Bible reading plan that will take you through key passages from every book of the Bible in 2021. It's just one of the ways that we can help you manage the resources that God is giving you including the resource of time plus a great reminder to keep you in God's word to and into the broadcast.

Ask for a copy of the summit life 2021 day planner when you make that important here intonation today.

Call 866335 866-335-5220 we can get and request the planner online Jeannie you can also mailing your donation if that's easier for you. Our address is Jeannie Greer ministry, PO Box 12290, Durham, NC 27709 I Molly that if it's you doing this again tomorrow and castigating answers with be an impossible question like good news doing. Have a nice that's coming up Wednesday unscented life Jeannie Greer