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The Generosity Matrix, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
January 25, 2021 9:00 am

The Generosity Matrix, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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January 25, 2021 9:00 am

As Pastor J.D. continues in the “First” series, he helps us see why, though our tithe is a great place to start, God wants our giving to display what is first and best in our hearts.

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Summit Life
J.D. Greear

Today on Summit line with Jenny Greer. Jesus says all your stockpile treasures here are about to be worthless. You can take any of it with you, but you can send it on ahead.

And when you realize this, you will stop asking how much do I have to give and you'll start asking how much of this cannot go ahead and transfer into eternity. Ryan others can enjoy forever with pastor Jeannie. I'm your host Molly events comes to getting many of us want rules to follow to check after all. Then we know if we were doing it right today as Pastor Jake includes a teaching series called first. He hopes to see why Martine is a great place to start. God wants are giving to display what is most important in our hearts. Only when we have surrendered all our resources to the Holy Spirit and sought his direction will we be able to list efficiently extravagantly picking up where he left off last week pastor Jeannie titled this message generously majoring God in Scripture gives access to some expecting to share with others is why he gave access to some say the second room is a pulse of the God often gives access to some of us in the moment so we can take care of those in the store he uses to illustrate this, Paul uses the story of the Manor Caribbean separate at this present time right now. Your abundance is a supply for barely just like it was written in the book of Exodus you gathered much did not have too much of you got the little had no lack of reference to the story when they're in the wilderness and already food every morning God puts man a discounted bread from heaven all over the ground. How many of you would've been manna stockpile or so weeks of the beginning would happen if God is to show up.

But according to Paul K that's how you should think about your stuff now. God gives you access in the present. Not so you can save it up as if he's got to be faithful in the future you access in the present to share with those that are in the right now you're a parent you got the great job the rates on you hear that your son school.

This kid is class super poor different reason to think lunch support so so you your pack and your kids lunch that morning and said what once & you put two sandwiches and give it to Little Johnny to take, and you forget when you give it to him to tell them what you put yesterday which a man until want some company remember off got diligent about so you can call you drop down to the school and resume until you get there you see little John is out on the playground where they're eating and you notice that he's got the two centers in his hand. He looks confused and then he notices that the porch out of here and he goes over and hands the sandwich to the porch. What do you as a parent feel at that moment, you feel like you are you proud or you like all beat my kids to grow up and be poor because it is not safe right you put in a Dave Ramsey class immediately because he needs to know how to save for the future you be proud. Because instinctively, he knew what to do with the excess, if you saw him trying to safety some of their dig a little hole to try to bury the sandwich so that tomorrow he's got another with what you're doing give you another sandwich tomorrow so the excess you have today is for the purpose of sharing with those that are in need around the central pulsing about our access provision right now is in God gives access in the present to take care of the needs of the present. There are numerous places in the Bible that talk about our responsibility to the poor that are right in front of us brothers 2820 70 to close her eyes support walk on by, they will receive many curses as you give up or they will lack nothing. Proverbs 327 do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act when you see it and you got the opportunity to meet needs. God hold you responsible for not meeting it. The book of James tells us in the New Testament in three different places that we see a brother suffering we see in need.

We have the capacity to help them and we do not help them. James says you cannot possibly be a person who's been transformed by the gospel. Those Abbas for the lot should give freely to those of the little it's why Paul says God gives us access.

In fact Paul consider the spirit of his resources for the spread of the gospel to be like a debt that he owed a surge of this room as we studied the Romans. One. Paul says in Romans one on debtor but the Greeks and barbarians with the lies of the foolish when we got to that.

I asked you in Romans one of my help Paul feel like he was in debt to a group of people he'd never even met. Probably possibly owe them something and I answered that by saying there's two ways to be in debt right one way of being in debt is, the person could've loaned you something to be in debt is saying here's example I used so your CEO of feed the children is about to give you $1 million donation to feed the children and you said you put it in your bank account set up and live off the interest of that Roman upper mouse a few times right. What would we say about you if you did that we would say we not just about CEO.

Your thesis is that money was I given you for you that money was given you from them. You owe it to pulse of the resources that God gave to me were not given to me for me my time. I treasure in my talents. I owe it to people who would never hurt, and so I am in debt to them. That's why God gave me what he gave me in the present because of people who need Jesus today God gives us access in the present and the needs are in front of us is not to say you don't save any of it. I get it.

I just was like some of you need to ask what he hears you question why God bring you to this church at this time.

This is the church of God is obvious given omissions or we live in warmer strategic places and more in the end is worth a lot about in America with 100,000 people. The population was about hundred thousand people every single year we appoint churches, we gotta explain campuses. If we keep up with the population growth God has a mission for us and he brought you here at this time we brought you here and he gave some of you excess because especially to meet the need. That's right in front of you, as president of the reversal number four. They can be wise to build wealth.

Consider these very clear instructions in Proverbs, the crown of the wives the glory of the wise is there wealth and didn't say was in feel guilty about it was ignore the laws of the well the plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your produce in your barn to be filled plenty of your vats will be bursting sweetie. What was he saying don't turn that no metaphorical thing either. He's talking literally is lovesick. He pours out and for the signs that sometimes going to be doing half of this and go to be at all sluggard consider her ways, she prepares a written summary gathers her food in the harvest.

In other words, she has opportunity.

She saves she tucks it away because later I when it's winter comes, she's got it, this is 430 22 a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children over to good man.

A wise man might leave an inheritance that blesses even his grandchildren. That's a pretty significant wad of cash, so clearly God thinks it's wise to save even to invest. He commends it even rewards now again, if you hold this principle alone and not in tension with the others.

If you lead you to the hoarding of wealth something Scripture clearly condemns but nonetheless the Bible indicates that we can and we should say responsibly. In fact, it commands us to do that is also worthy of note. The saving money and building wealth can actually increase your ability to be generous later. One of the most basic principles of economics is that money creates money. Albert Einstein was once famously asked was the most powerful force in the universe's response buffer minute compound interest. That's most powerful force in the universe seems to be able to do it. Nothing else to do.

And Jesus's parables, he commanded wise investment in the parable of the talents. He praises the guy was given five talents in 2005 turns into Tammy to turn to than the four he praises them says you did well, you took it you multiplied it.

Now you got even more to be generous with balances for the other principles were clearly saving and investing a part of a wise life brings up another question Michael about the way we do generosity if you're in debt, Scripture says it's unwise to be in debt right so should you focus on paying off your debts is that while your resources are going to upon generosity until later. The short answer to that question is yes and no. Okay yes yes you should get out of debt as quickly as possible, particularly if you got unsecured or high interest loans like a credit card as I did hear about, things like a mortgage, getting out of debt will increase your ability to be generous later because right now what you're handing in interest payments to American excess you can instead divert to the kingdom of God. Yes, get out of debt.

So yes, part no no no part of the answer is I would never suggest cutting generous giving out your life entirely. For example, I would never stop typing no matter how much that I was in why because generosity should always be a part of your spiritual life. We draw an analogy with your your physical body. If you're sick, your body diverts a lot of energy to fighting that infection. Are you tired, but we didn't divert all your energy to fighting the infection usually you you stay conscious and you can perform other bodily functions that you need to do. It's a bit extreme to my going to, but for the most part, usually you EE it maintains the health of the body block fights the infection, even when you are sick with debt, you should use all your financial resources about the debt you should use some of your money to be generous because generosity is an essential part of a healthy spiritual life at whatever stage you are in whatever income level when you're in high school, college, whether retiree generosity is an essential part of the spiritual life. The Bible never teaches that we withhold giving until we are debt free. Bottom line, you should always honor God.

The first of the best. We often hear all the time. Beyond that, I would suggest you listen to the Holy Spirit about when and how much to share with those in the because after all it is money not yours. You're just a steward. He's the owner, she should say hey God, here's a situation.

What you want me to do with my money when I got people and mission needs in front of me in and listen to his direction. Principle number 55 treasures in heaven are better than treasures on earth at the fifth principle. This major treasures in heaven are always better than treasures on earth, you can't take any or treasures with you, but you can send them on ahead. Lord Jesus said Matthew sexually said, don't throw treasures on earth does Malta roster to corrupt them and said, you start treasures in heaven because their moth and rust can't touch up in the same way Jesus says all your stockpile treasures here are about to be worthless. You can take any of it with you, but you can send it on ahead.

And when you realize this, you will stop asking how much do I have to give and you'll start asking how much of this cannot go ahead and transfer into eternity were I and others can enjoy forever in her 60s is look to God, not money, is a primary source of security of significance we seen this a lot the last couple weeks.

A lot of people give money first place in our hearts because they look to money to do one of two things that there really are to be found in God is either significance or security than on your personality. For some, money is happiness, money, significance, money, status, money is creature comforts in the present so they get money they spend their spenders brothers money is the way to feel secure in the future. Most people are not spenders there savers like we saw Matthew six Jesus tells both group suspenders and the savers that they ought to find their significance in their security and God but me, you'll never spend anything or save anything, just that you look to God first and foremost is your security in significant and therefore you don't have to hold your money so tightly and you can obey God with it because he's your primary source book of everything when you do that.

What you'll find is that you look at your budget, you'll start noticing that God the kingdom of God is hitting the first place. The biggest portion spending in your same image will start to set limits on both your spending and your saving so that you can invest in the kingdom of God. You will spend sufficiently so that you can give extravagantly you will save sufficiently to give extravagant most of us will save extravagantly and give sufficiently or will spend extravagantly and gives a vigilant Jesus says of the kingdom of God. First, you'll see that verse you'll save.

You'll spend sufficiently, but you will give extravagantly see friends is not about paying the 10% God tax and then moving on. For some of you in offering bucket comes by you going to tear a 20 spot and then you move on Wednesday. Right now God and what she wants money. God does not want to be tipped. He wants to be worshiped as the first and best in your life requires planning requires an intentional look at how you spend it how you savings out of I want God to be first and on the skin of the wood in there when I feel move because the music of the sermon that are there.

Number seven last one follow the Holy Spirit. If you are better so I got it. You're not super familiar with the Holy Spirit's leadership in things like this was not as bad as were not quite sure what the Holy Spirit does often compared is likely her pituitary gland. I know it's in there sounding sure exactly what a point gone sweetie. I know it's in there somewhere right and I'm really grateful for and I don't want to be without it.

I don't really relate to in the minds I was or what it does not isolate the Holy Spirit like I was an art somewhere bounce around but I want to lose them, but I'm not quite sure what he does in my life but see in the New Testament book of acts they depended on the leadership of the Holy Spirit to show them what roles and sacrifice they were supposed to make to the mission is too big for any one person, and they needed the Holy Spirit to show them where and how to obey when and how to sacrifice intelligent. The Holy Spirit shows up 59 times in the book of acts 59 in 5936 of the 59 he is speaking now I get I get it. Book of acts was a special time by diverse and unique things happening the apostle for writing the Bible.

That's a special chapter of history, but you cannot convince me that the only book that we have been described for us what it looks like to walk with the spirit you can convince me that's filled a bunch of stories of people whose experiences have nothing in common with us. This doesn't make sense.

They depended on the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

If you and I are going to do what were supposed to do is can be because were very in touch and always for to speaking to us about what sacrifices were supposed to make a life you live overwhelmed and paralyzed like I did for a long time for submissions is too big is always the sum is neat right this I my friend Larry Osborne were already quoted before. He said this to me. Teresa JD got understand. Not everything that comes from heaven, has your name on something us and God want you to sacrifice radically for that thing. But not everything comes from heaven, has your name on it and there's a lot of needs are really good that are not necessarily assigned to you.

You can depend on the leadership of the Holy Spirit, but away the red recently. The denomination but does the best job mobilizing its people forgiving and going in mission. What denomination you think that is when I was reading articles at all County Baptist is a nobody can do a guilt offering like about us can do right man I and we call omissions want anybody else. Article said you might think it would be the Baptist thing was that these are but you would be wrong, but nomination is best job as the Pentecostals right yes that's my Fesmire to his right great right so it's a wide, Pentecostal, effective said because he said at Baptist churches. They talk about the weightiness of the task is in the film Christ by the need. You should always be doing more right Pentecostal churches.

They talk with the leaders of the spirit in articles and evidently beings.

Driven is more motivating than being guilt driven because the spirit will show you what you're supposed to do with what he gave to you I got I got emphasize if you follow this principle without the other six will lead you to the right place. This not only works when you've already got a heart that is been shaped by the gospel and is eager to get otherwise you use a Sprint will say well it's never really felt anything and so I do see that that's why never really gave anything a person is received by the gospel is eager to get excited to get looking for opportunities to give an impact on a heart that is looking honestly for places to do given to share into investing God's kingdom that, for the spirit comes and begins to speak. If you're the kind of person who sorta has money is your significance in your security. You'll just drown out the voice of the spirit and we tries but you will shut him up. You've got to have a heart that shape bodies of the six principles and then the spirit of God will begin to guide you. So that's them friends. That's our seven principles so you sit there and here's what you're saying you're right Pastor JD I been waiting patiently for the whole sermon to watch the conclusion how much my first right. I can tell what's in your thinking.

You just want a law you James just be so much easier with a rule a box to check. Like I told you the beginning.

I cannot give you one. The New Testament is a give one true in the Old Testament. The minimum was the time the 10%.

That's a great place to start in the New Testament and give you a rule gives you principles. Principles refers to hold intention and stay with the New Testament source to do is focus on your heart to the primary questions that your first ask yourself and generosity is a guy getting my first my best what came first.

My best is that Satan is a spending the kingdom of God.

The questions I question my money revealed about what I love most trust most was just my spinning reveal about what I love most trust was revealed out what kingdom I met a living, is there? I surrendered all my resources of the Holy Spirit and listen for his voice. A friend if you ever the haters. My house is my job savings account or 401(k) cars is everything what you want with this.

Show me.

I just want obey you. If you have anything that near the beginning of your career. And yes, I got whatever it is just just went all to belong to. I can play the Holy Spirit in your life is what you take the seven principles of the road and down and wrestle with. Listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit is to guide you close all this by giving three different groups of you will click first of all there's viewing here that I will call you. Faithful tithers since you were eight years old. Even given 10% of everything you got a and that's awesome is a great place to start. That's it for some of you. You never actually moved into the realm of Christ like never. She looked about like a God tax and use the other 90% of what you wanted to not challenge for you is for you to take that 10% and leave it behind you start to say God what represents my first my best and what represents me using my resources in the world.

We are shortening. I take that step. Here's a second group of us and never really and given in a substantial way to the kingdom of God right. My challenge for you is take a first step and start giving Scripture calls you Jesus because your life, generosity and trust and joy. In fact, he promises that he will bless you and I know I know I know you could abuse this sum you right now when I talk about like giving the first 10% back to God. You did break out in sweats and you can have nightmares but we never afford that. Malachi 310 God's is/asking why till I pour out abundance on you even just overflow that's what I'll be like music trust guys can be a major mile marker in your life that couple told about him. David Jeremiah rental me a couple of couple his church that day. They were convicted in one start giving and so that pastor Jeremiah want to give, but we just thought we can't do it and make our pay her bills and Dr. Maxwell.

They what once you write a check out what being given to me and put an envelope in front of my desk in my drawer.

I won't cash it to the end of the month and you can't be read in the month and I will have enough money to make ends meet out. I'll give 90 days that you want to do that and this is all that sounds reasonable. Jeremiah set I look at them and I said, shame on you because you said you trust your pastor more than you trust is what God promised testing to see if I don't make things work. Trust me by making first is 1/3 group is reviewing here that I got in the habit of throwing an attempt to God when you feel so moved. Might even be a generous tab but I might say this is the worst kind really serious as disciples of Jesus are generosity ought to be regular to be intentional already planned it ought to be structured in a way that our whole spending, saving our whole budget structure set up to be clear that God is first missing God is God a life for you a life of meaning and significance a life or he gets you to invest your treasures in eternity. He has some plan for what he gave you whether it's a little or a lot and you want to be faithful and that's what exciting life for many meaningful clean of blessing and he's interested. As a steward of this gift, we need to more fully embrace that and be faithful to carry it out today. Pastor Jeannie Greer finished laying out the principles generosity matrix here on Summit life. If you miss the beginning of this message you can catch up free of for other ways to focus on spiritual discipline. In addition to generosity. This year I'd like to encourage you to get our new stat 50 memory verse cards. The purpose of these cards to grow deeper in your knowledge of the word of God. This year, this set of cards is similar in size to a deck of playing cards and it comes with a matching magnet. Don't focus on learning the Bible in the world are we doing. How can we be prepared for the trials of life when Satan attacks Jesus Jesus quoted Scripture. What will you come up with when you're attacked Jesus didn't try to outwit Satan even though he probably could have. Instead, he did exactly what you and I can do will read the Bible when life chitin Jesus God's word want that for us to this set of cards is perfect she is for memorization around for daily encouragement and will send his expression of thanks Tony today to support this ministry.

Life is funded by listeners like you say, your gifts truly make all things new memory verse cards matching magnet when you get a generous donation will become a monthly gospel partner by calling 863-3520 866-3354. Get online. Jeannie I'm only minutes to join us tomorrow. Forever family. Jesus taught.

Singleness more right here on Tuesday. Life