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The Forgotten God? Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
May 5, 2021 9:00 am

The Forgotten God? Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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May 5, 2021 9:00 am

What role is the Holy Spirit supposed to play in our churches and in our lives? Pastor J.D. unpacks those questions as he continues our new series called, Rushing Wind.

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Summit Life
J.D. Greear

JD Greer what the Holy Spirit does is manifest the fullness of the Holy Spirit is those times when he takes the attributes of God manifested it makes you feel here's the definition of giving you the presence of God. The presence of God is when the spirit of God makes the attributes of God, live my churches you hear a lot of talk about God the father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit seems to come get pushed to the side in other churches people focused so much on trying to hear from the Holy Spirit will interpret anything as a sign from him and pushes everything else. So which side is more biblical is the Holy Spirit's role supposed to be like in our churches and in our lives. Pastor Jane Greer unpack those questions today on some that might as he continues our new series called brushing. Grab your Bible and let's get started. First described his disciples the spirit filled life judge of the 14 giver 16 on the night before Jesus died to his disciples. Jesus said that I will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, even the spirit of truth in the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know I'm for he dwells with you and will be in you not stop her quick well what tense verb is that present tips who is Jesus talking about right there. He dwells with you presidents is talking about himself. He's what you know it because he already dwells with you and will be with you what, that's future tense reference to the spirit and that's a little bit confusing minutes, the whole point will get to that rights verse 18. I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you respecting yet a little while the world will see me no more, but you will see me because I live, you also will live in that day you will know that I'm the father you and me and I in you, whoever has my commandments and keeps them even as you loved me he loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him. Verse 22 then Judas Iscariot unite is like a bath when everyone Judas Iscariot is not Iscariot said to him, Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not the world. Verse 23 Jesus answered him, if anybody loves me will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and we will make our home with him. Verse 25 these things I've spoken to you while I am still with you, but the helper, the Holy Spirit and the father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Now I see two major things in that passage. First of all I see Jesus tells who the Holy Spirit is number one and number two what the Holy Spirit does talk about number one who the Holy Spirit is you notice in verse 16 he is described as another helper. Jesus here uses the word for another loss which meant I will give you another helper, another of the same kind. Specifically, another of the same kind is Jesus, which met God. This is a reference to the fact that the spirit is God just like Jesus is God, which is of course a reference to what we call the holy Trinity.

Now I realize that the Trinity is an exceptionally difficult doctrine to understand three and 11831 in the middle died for me to me and was inside me. I have you got understand the point is not for you to be able to dissect the Godhead.

The way that you would not equation the point is for you to experience and behold God has revealed himself. That's Julius like number two.

What he does all this five or six things here for you that several minutes and how much time we all who enter boys.

I will do all these rather we got off for not number 11. He inspires and he illuminates that's in verse 26 he inspires and he illuminates verse 26 he will teach you all things, and bring all things your remembrance that I have said to you now that is two different promises there to two different groups of people to the apostles were hearing this live. This is a promise of inspiration. Everybody say inspiration. Inspiration. Jesus was promising that the Holy Spirit would bring back to the minds of the apostles.

Everything that Jesus had said flawlessly and help them record it so that future generations could have a record a reliable record of the things Jesus said what it did.

The Bible you see is simultaneously the work of man and the work of God. So how could that be. How could it be the word of man and the word of God. Here's an analogy I use for kids, as many of you know, and my youngest OR first son. I just turn to recently and I'm has been slow on everything including learning to walk and I think it's because his sisters carry him around everywhere but he just into the place where he can start walking OVER the wall.

Me awkward toddle thing with a regular little gangly legs or walk around the girl was falling to have him walk on the stage from point A to point B.

There is no way that I would just let him do it. So what I would do is I would hold his hand and we would walk together. I said whose feet are the ones that Russia taken the steps his butt who determines where exactly he goes me because I'm holding his hand.

The Holy Spirit promise that while it was the words of men that were being written down.

He was guiding the destination that those words got to so the bottom line is what you hold in your hands is a reliable record of what Jesus said and it that's very important for you to understand because you see it would've done us no good for Jesus to come to earth and die for us and raising the dead.

If we did not have a reliable record to be able to base our lives upon so for them it was a promise of inspiration for you okay now that verse 26 is a promise of illumination illumination. The Holy Spirit is no longer revealing new things to us do not come up to me and say this morning my quiet time. Holy Spirit told me some of the Jesus that you thousand years going on, but it got right now. Okay I'm not going to believe you, and a lot of people that will be television programs about you if you say that, but I am not going to believe because that's not happening anymore, but the Holy Spirit is helping us to understand what is already there. That is a process called illumination. Everybody say illumination illumination.

You might think. If you're new to Christianity, but you never had any interaction with the Holy Spirit, but you have. If you believe Jesus is Lord prescriptive 12 three no man can say that Jesus is Lord set by the Holy Spirit, which means that if you come to a place where your compensable Lordship of Jesus. That's not something you came up with in your own Holy Spirit put that in you. Philippians 212. It is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure means if you desire to know God.

That's something Holy Spirit inside of you sick and Caribbean Chapter 2. If you have spiritual interest, genuine spiritual interest pulses. That's not something you came up with that some of the spirit of God put inside of you. The natural man does not perceive the bank of the Spirit in their spiritual revealed the spirit of God has to communicate. So if you have any spiritual interest at all. The Holy Spirit has been at work inside of you doing this illuminating teaching, clarifying, bringing these things the mind for you. He brings Jesus words to us to our remembrance. In a time of darkness in a time of darkness. If your believer. Romans eight this is what it's talking about what the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God in a time of darkness.

He whispers to you were mine is what David was talking about of Psalm 23 when he said I want to the valley of the shadow of death I will feel no fear no evil because you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me. You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows.

Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. You restore my soul. He is talking about the Holy Spirit bringing to remembrance that he is a child of God in the midst of a dark time. The Holy Spirit brings Jesus words to remembrance you in a time of temptation means when you are in that hour temptation. He's the one that's speaking those warnings in your heart. Speaking the word of God. You begin a promises of God giving you clarity. He brings his words to my to you when you're sharing Christ with people who Chapter 12 Jesus told his disciples like eight hours a call when you Dragon for the courts and to put you on trial for your life. Don't you worry in that moment about what you say you only to have a speech prepared to carry systematic theology volume in there with you. I will through my spirit in that. How to be the worst essay know how many times has that happened to me. I may not be dragged by the court, like he's talking about there. But what I'm sharing about Christ to testify about Christ can put into my heart exactly at the right moment before that person easier just to really paralyze me about sharing Christ because I thought would let you think I'm like going throw it out there and there and asked me a question I don't understand, and Morgan look stupid to keep my mouth shut and avoid the awkward situation you like that and then I learned I can remember exactly how long this makes my taught it to me and what I now call the Michael Jordan philosophy of Christianity then asked Michael Jordan one time if you knew exactly will be sick. Don said he was going to do before he started the driving side note, I just jump and decide in the air. So for me I'm like you know I just jump out into the situation. The Holy Spirit put me in. And while I'm in the air God communication or whatever sick slamdunk. You want to throw this person I'm talking to. That's what he's talking about.

He brings his words to remembrance to you when you were sharing Christ. Here's what I've learned over the years, the Holy Spirit cannot bring to your remembrance. During this time things that you have not already put in your heart. Remember me right.

You can't bring to your remembrance things you have not remembered your ideas as I say it yet a member of or he remembers it, you got a put in their he cannot bring you cannot fire bullets that you have not loaded in the magazine I which is why am so grateful for the Christian mom and dad who forced me to go. When I was a kid to this little club at our church called a Winans which we still have our church now right were basically we dress up kids in paramilitary uniforms and they can memorize Scripture and give them badges of the bill doing so they have more badges than the other kids.

That's why they do it but you know what my philosophy apparently was in part that I'm right now try to cram them. So, for the Bible that when life rattles them biggest UL God's word when life cuts them.

They believe God's word and stuff them like a piñata. Simple God's word that when life wax in one day, a slot God's work. I could do this.

All babies analogy like that okay God only brings to memory what you have put in.

Which is why parents.

You gotta have your children learning the word of God.

It's what we offer these programs. It's what you piercing to get your kids involved in our student ministries because they're going into college in Owatonna, darkness and atomic temptation in the Holy Spirit cannot bring to the remembers what you have not loaded into them during the years you have with them. It's what you gotta get the word of God inside you, since one is he inspires and he illuminates number two manifest God's love to believers. That's in verse 21. You see, verse 21 it says that the Holy Spirit will manifest the door manifest is probably not the words you use much in day-to-day language, but it means making known means that it becomes real to me, that makes you feel what Paul is talking about a Romans 51 when he says the spirit sheds abroad, the love of God in our heart is like you pours it over us.

There were times when God love become so real to me moment I feel it when it washes over me. That's the Holy Spirit manifest himself to you have any here's analogy abuse. Over the years you go back to my kids. Sometimes a look at my kids my kids of his problem is that they are ridiculously cute, really big comes from a bicycle, a look at one of them some time and you know I look at them and I just can overcome with this fatherly emotion right him.

He does not talk about look at their kids will pick one of them up and after all up in the air now spinning around now and I'll blow raspberries and enacting a pet name for all of a pet name for me and and just begin that that moment you no one will read much to say all daddy now.

In that moment before that moment they knew they were my kid.

They knew that I was committed to them. They knew that I loved them, but in that moment they feel it in a different way, would you not agree the fullness of the Holy Spirit is one of those times when he takes the attributes of God and he manifests them to you makes you feel here's the definition of giving you the presence of God. The presence of God is when the spirit of God makes the attributes of God come alive to you. I get that definition really out of Exodus 34 when when Moses tells God. Gotta want to see your glory. God says you can't tell you Moses and pretty please God said okay as we shoves a minimal amount to cover some of his and the story and he passes by Moses that it says that Moses was able to see the hinder parts of God's glory which no one really knows what that means.

Glutamate right but but but as you passing by Exodus 34 six says this is very important that God declared his name to Moses declared his eye the Lord Jehovah. I am a compassionate God. I show mercy to my people.

Yes I am a God of judgment and wrath. But I've absorbed that wrath in the place of my people and that was the presence of God to Moses it was a felt sense of the attributes of God. What the Holy Spirit dies is he manifests God to you. Has that ever happened. Jonathan Edwards, one of my favorite theologians live in 18th-century, not a touchy-feely God mind you okay I'm just full on nerd it's really difficult to read this guy and he read in English.

Jonathan Edwards made the status of this.

Sometimes only mentioning the name of Christ or an attribute of God will cause my heart burn within me. Suddenly, God appears glorious to me when I enjoy the sweetness. It seems to carry me outside of myself. I cannot even bring myself to take away my eyes from this glorious object is not a touchy-feely God is not Bob Ross is not a happy tree okay and talk about.

This is a theologian who could articulate the doctrines of God better than anybody that America has ever produced is not talk about something less than doctrine or even different than doctrine. You talk about something more than doctrine. He's talking about when the spirit of God takes the attributes of God, the love of God and makes them so real that you can taste them and you could feel better. Happy. What about what I can't feel it's another… He got around he still there, say that a minute and I met with number three, number three, he is our counselor for 60 workouts over 16 word translated as helper in verse 16 is the word Paraclete met Paraclete select soccer but Paraclete now. It's a really difficult word in English to translate and we will have a great work for some of your translations into readme old King Jimmy version King James says comforter, but that makes the Holy Spirit sunlight selecting a quilt or something, which got us away like that, but the translation some translations say counselor and I don't really like that transaction either because it makes Holy Spirit thought you like a marriage counselor note. No offense to read Hemmer Gardner counselor, but the marriage, or even worse a camp counselor, you know, I guess my bouncy can't have fun all the time your socks pull up way too high. Try to be cool yet united and I don't think that's the image that the Holy Spirit is Jesus trying to give to us either.

Paraclete literally means somebody who stands beside you to speak for you para-means in Greek alongside of Leo means to speak. So Paraclete is one who stands alongside of them speaks to you and remember the word. Another another means you just like Jesus was to the disciples.

Jesus walked alongside of them calling out to them the promises of God speaking to them the words of God, helping them to see things when God saw them. That's what the Holy Spirit does to us. So for example when you go through a time where your heart begins to condemn you and we all go through times your heart condemns us and our heart says you are guilty you are worthy to be condemn you are too messed up in order for anything to work out God is displeased with you first. John says that when our hearts condemn us, God the spirit is greater than our hearts so that in that our condemnation yes when our heart rises up to condemn us Holy Spirit in our hearts is Romans 81. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. And that is a louder word than the war, that your heart is speaking when you were a time when you feel like you are unbelievably filled with guilt and dysfunction Isaiah 118 got put that word in your heart.

It says your sins are as scarlet, and they are like Scott. I'll make them as white as snow. The red like crimson I will make you like will of anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

Old things are passed away. All things become new. When you go to a time you feel abandoned by God. We all go through times like that in the true you feel like everything is going wrong, you feel like you must be out of God's purview. The Holy Spirit drops in your heart. He was 13, five.

I will never leave you or forsake you. Isaiah 43.

When you walk through the waters, I will be with you when you walk to the rivers, they will not overwhelm you when you pass the fire.

It will not burn you into the flame. It will not touch you. This is the Holy Spirit walking alongside of you calling out to you the words of God.

Beloved assurance of his love. This is what Paul meant when he said the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Another dimension of him being our counselor is what he says to God on our behalf. He stands alongside of us and calls out to God on our behalf. Not just us but he calls out to God and our Baptist think counselor.

In this sense, like a lawyer your legal counsel did he is another counselor which means the first one was Jesus.

Jesus is our advocate before the father before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfectly a great high priest's name is love whoever lives away from you talk about. These are advocate before the father. He stands by the father side and he advocates like legal counsel God for us. Now I told you that for years but never really knew what, exactly, that meant you because I thought basically meant that Jesus was standing before God was supply bills like lisinopril God like I know under seriously, would you give the guy one more shot. Could you give them little leniency. I mean, I know he screwed up again but just one more time, God the father. Would you please, you know, not zapping Percy and just give them a little grace and I never brought me a lot of comfort because I didn't know welcome to come to the point where Jesus was like I'm not going to father Jim about that one. You are embarrassing me son. I am doing. I am over the father. Would you like to see that six-year same sin this time that we keep the sky less than we dislike zapping for his than I did bring a lot of comfort but Jesus is not standing before the father. Right now pleading for leniency. Jesus the same for the father right now is my advocate pleading for justice. What he say the goddess of the like. This you cannot punish JD for that sin, because you punish me for it would be unjust of you to give to penalties for the same sin. I took it in this place that means you give him forgiveness because you gave me wrath. You gotta bless JD not because he deserves it because I am worthy to be blessed and because I gave him.

That is a gift. I took his Santa condemnation. He got my righteousness and my blessing.

So I stand before the throne right now to demand that you give to him that which is coming to me before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect will.

A great high priest whose name is love whoever lives to plead for me. Jesus is the counselor who demands God's blessing for you. The spirit is another counselor who get this right now right now is representing you, before God from your heart, demanding that God give you the blessings and the goodness Jesus is purchasing her way praying for you and encouraging Judy Greer on front right we begin a new teaching series this week called rushing wind to join us late today or if you want to share this message with a friend visit us The message from today is titled the forgotten God JD okayed only two days and can you tell us a little bit more about what this series. Rushing wind is all about the rushing wind is series in which we take a look at the often neglected member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit right he is the one that brings to us the abundant life That Makes That Makes Our Connection with God Intimate and That Shares with Us As Hard As Mine in the Bible Tells Us That, Apart from the Spirit. There Is Really Nothing That We Can Do Spiritually That That Makes Any Difference in so for for Many People It's His Energy and Strength in His Power. That's That's What's Missing in the Christian Life. Now I Know of Course You Got A Lot Of Questions That Focus on Holy Spirit above Everything Else, but A Lot Of Others Treat Him More like a Theory That a Person Is Always a Grown-Up That You Know Why People There.

Trinity Was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit Is Especially Important Part of Your of Your Life for Both of These Groups. God Wants to Show Us a Spirit Filled Life Is More in Store for You Than You Can Imagine, but It's a Spirit Leading That Is Attached to the Foundation of the Word and the Centrality of the Gospel. Under This Series Will Hop around the New Testament Little Bit.

So to Help Guide You through the Teaching Have Created a 20 Day Devotional Is Called Rushing Wind Just Go along with the Teaching That Will Help You Coming Keep Your Roadmap and Where You Are in Scripture and Also Be Diving to Slow the Deeper I Think Will Be a Blessing to You so We'd like to Get You This Resource Today, so Be Sure to Get in Touch for Your Copy Entities Devotional about the Holy Spirit Rushing Wind When You Donate Today. Suggested Getting Level Is $25 or More. Don't Ever Forget Your Ministry by 228-663-3552 between the Rushing Wind Devotional Online Molly That Events Are Much for Joining Us Today. Think of the Holy Spirit, Something You Experienced during Worship, Christian Thursday on My Judy Greer Explained All Your Life Bigger, More Real Than Just Sit and Listen Thursday.

The Holy Spirit Summit