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Finding Rest in a Restless World

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
May 8, 2016 6:00 am

Finding Rest in a Restless World

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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Well happy Mother's Day summit church and I don't know about you but I can't help but watch that video and be reminded that as we gather together this weekend had all of our campuses.

We have the opportunity as a body of believers to truly rejoice with those who are rejoicing with the opportunity also to weep with those who are weeping. So whether you're here this morning and your hearts are full of joy and you are rejoicing or if you're here today in your heart is full of sorrow and your weeping want to say you were glad you're here with us as we gather together as a body of believers to open up God's word and be reminded that Jesus Christ is our hope in this life and he is the hope and the life that is to come. So as we gathered around around God's word. I pray that you will be encouraged. My name is Wilt. If you're not one of the pastors here at the summit church I work with our discipleship ministries. I'm excited to share with you a message this weekend that I've entitled finding rest in a restless world. I'm also excited at the very end of our time now have the opportunity to interview someone he was very important to me that I think is also going to be a great encouragement to you.

Now let me say from the get-go that this weekend's message is going to be geared towards mothers. If you're not a mom or female come about to say still absolutely in every way applies to you. Let me explain every single one of you knows exactly what it's like to be tired, in fact, I would dare to say that most of you coming to the doors of the church this morning. Most of you are tired most of you are exhausted. Most of you when you look at your life, you're recognizing that you're constantly running constantly moving and much, much, much of your life. You find yourself exhausted.

Well, the psalmist gives counsel to those people who are tired. The Scripture says, unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go right to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil, for he gives to his beloved.

What church sleep and what an incredible promise to us that we don't have to live lives that are full of anxiety, full of restlessness, full of exhaustion because we know that God is the one was building the house. We know that God is the one who was the watchman on the wall and therefore we, his people can truly experience rest. Did you know that you know that the promise given here is specifically about motherhood and the promises that God gives to mothers that he will give to his beloved sleep are promises that resonate with all of us who are exhausted and I know for a fact that many of you moms are tired and back article mom recently was told by one of her friends, you look so tired.

Mom quipped back and said glad to get some pretty sure it's just my face. Now you know that's what you feel you feel that way, you read these reflections from a mom and I wondered how many moms of the summit church would feel this way. This mom wrote. I'm tired tired all the of all the shrill screams of a one-year-old that are causing hearing damage to everyone in her family. I'm tired of redirecting her away from the stairs dozens of times a day, only to find yourself trying to get into the cabinet of the sink. I'm tired of the moodiness and negativity of a five-year-old who can spread his attitude to the whole house in five minutes flat. I'm tired of knowing that that same five-year-old will start kindergarten next week in life will never be the same again. Ever.

I'm tired of not getting to. I'm tired of getting to the end of every day and feeling like a failure failure because I was home all day and somehow the house is still a disaster failure because instead of calmly disciplining the kids lost it again a failure because sometimes I think my frustration is going to explode from every pore and every ounce of patience. I try to muster runs away at the first sign of trouble. A failure because this is the only thing that I've ever truly wanted to do as well as the most important thing that I will ever do. And I'm horrible at it. I wonder how many moms feel that way your exhausted and your schedule has become incredibly complex lording over you aggressively pushing you from one absolutely necessary thing to the next and most of us moms included for most of you. I doubt that there been two days in the last month where you've stopped, you've unplugged from your work you've unplugged from your to do list you've unplugged from your activities you unplugged from the hustle and bustle of life to truly enter into a day of sabbath rest you know when ask you a hard question when you look at your life and you examine it and you look at your level of exhaustion in your complex calendars and your lack of sabbath rest. Do you think this is the way that God intended for you to live.

Do you think this is what God expected from you to be constantly exhausted, constantly tired, constantly overwhelmed. Today I want to give you some hope by reminding you that God didn't intend for you to live your life exhausted and constantly running on fumes. In fact, God not only promises that you will give us rest, but he will show us how to rest this weekend working slightly deviate from our whole story series and talk a little bit about rest. So if you have your Bibles on invite you to turn with me to Exodus chapter 20.

Look at verses eight through 11 in together working to study the fourth command that God gave Moses to give to the people of Israel to enter into a Sabbath day of rest while you're turning their some of you might be asking yourself what this is taking a Sabbath really that important, is it really that big of a deal want to ask you a question if you're thinking about that other commands did you break at will and I think anything about it but which of the other wants you to say that's not a big deal because God puts this command a Sabbath rest in there with the command not to murder not to commit adultery, not a lie not to steal, not to covet, you know, so we look at those we think those are pretty big deal, but with this one. Why would I take this one any less of you. It's a big deal of what I want to do is look at why it's such a big deal. Look at how God gives this command. Not once but twice, and oddly enough, he uses different reasoning for why he gave it in the first account and exit is 20 were to see that God ties Sabbath rest to the creation his creation to flip over in Deuteronomy chapter 5 in working a look at how God ties Sabbath rest to their deliverance from Egypt there their emancipation from slavery. So let's first look together. Exodus chapter 20. Let's look at verses eight through 11, together, the Scripture says remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work with the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work. Neither you know your son or daughter to your male or female servant, nor your animals or any foreigner residing in your towns so there in the first part you see the command.

Here's the Sabbath day. I want you to keep a day for yourself where you rest and here's why. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

So we see in this passage that God is tying Sabbath rest back to creation on the seventh day God rested from his work. When reading through the list of the commandments. Ask yourself why did God rest why God works six days and be so explicit to say that on the seventh day you should rest was because he was exhausted and tired and just want to slow down a little bit from creating the expansive universe that we see we know that's not the case because we read God's word.

We recognize that the Scripture teaches us that God never sleeps, nor does he slumber. The Scripture reminds us that he holds all things together by the strength of his body right so it's not as if God gets tired, and he's worn out. So why does God give us this command to rest.

Listen Summit church. Don't miss this, God rest, not because he needs to but because we do see God is saying to us, do what I do do what I do to in order to remember that you are not God.

Do what I do in order to remember that you're not God you need rest and so I modeled this for you, Mark Buchanan, in his excellent book the rest of God says it this way. Like a parent who coaxes a cranky toddler to lie down for an afternoon nap by lying down beside her. God woos us into rest by resting documents that we imitate him in order to discover again that we are not God that we are not him, and that we need him to Sabbath in a way is a return to Eden moms and got you done this right when your small child is is tired and exhausted but the restless what you do with them. You go to them in your bedroom and you lay down beside them and you pretend to fall asleep so hopefully they will follow your example and they too will falsely and you all know what really happens you fall asleep and wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning with an elbow to the mouth sleeping with a little hurricane right you had that happen. This is what God is doing to us is coaxing us he's reminding us. He said listen, I want you to work six days and I want you to rest on the seventh day, and on the seventh day.

I want you to remind yourself that I am God, and that you are not you enter into you enter into that rest and remind yourself that you're dependent upon him now turn with me if you will turn over a couple of books turn to the book of Deuteronomy and look with me at chapter 5 because in Deuteronomy 5 we see the same command given to the people of Israel.

We see God's rationale for his reason for giving a little bit differently in verses 12 through 14. You can read those you can see that that the command is almost identical to what you read in Exodus 20 is saying to them to their to their workers to their animals.

All of you take a Sabbath rest, but in verse 15 he tells them why he says remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.

Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day. So now I can INXS 20 ties it to creation. But now, in Deuteronomy 5. He's reminding them to rest and he points them to their emancipation from slavery. Remember, the people of Israel had been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years for 400 years that a taskmaster that had been lording over them oppressing them.

So when God calls them to rest.

He does so by reminding them that they have been set free and now they're free in their freedom they can have rest or can you imagine think about can just imagine what good news that was for them you just imagine as they think back on their history. Think back upon their slavery in Egypt. The bondage that they were under to now hear these words listen listen people of Israel. I want you to rest and here's what I want you to remember that you once were a slave and now you're no longer a slave, I want you to be reminded of the deliverance that I have given to you so therefore enter that rest and what God is saying to the people of Israel Summit church listen. He is saying to you is saying to you, you no longer are a slave you too can enter into that rest Tim Keller said it this way. Listen to anyone who cannot obey God's command to observe the Sabbath is a slave, even a self-imposed one your own heart or our materialistic culture or an exploitative organization or all of the above will be abusing you if you don't have the ability to be disciplined in your practice of the Sabbath.

God wants us to rest and be reminded that we are not him. He never intended for us to take on ourselves the sole responsibility and stress of our provision. We do what we are supposed to do and then we trust God ultimately with the results and that is even more true. Listen, it's even more true for those of us who have been saved by him because of God went to such links to save us. Do we not feel that we can trust him with our needs only think about our lives we think about the fact it just got our trust you to save me.

I will trust you to reconcile my sinful soul. But when it comes to my family when it comes to my provision when it comes to my money when it comes to my marriage when it comes to my job when it comes to the promotion I want to try to control those things in Summit church. When you try to control those things and live is if you're the one responsible them doing one thing you're going back to Egypt and you have become a slave again. God's design for you is to trust and not only for your salvation, but in every facet an aspect of your life. He saying to you stop rest. Remember that you are free. I have set you free. And I will continue to supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. You see, it is possible like Moses is telling them it's possible to have been freed by God but still live as a slave and when you were a slave you will never ever feel like you can rest even when you take a day off, you'll always be working because it will all be dependent upon usual never be resting right this down. Slaves don't rest slaves don't rest me be very frank with you and listen what I'm about to say is so convicting to me, but if there is never a time in your schedule when you unplug it there's never a day during the week where you truly rest and you stop and you think about the fact that you are not God and that God has delivered you and that you're no longer a slave. If you never do that, whatever it is you're spending your time doing it owns you and you become its life. You see, it's become a taskmaster lording over you controlling you failing to rest means that you have become a slave. Some of you. You become a slave to your work. You're working 50, 60, 70 hours a week trying to get that next promotion that you are convince her to give you just a little bit more influence in a little bit more power or that next race that you're convinced can bring you just a little bit more security just a little bit more comfort moms and dads.

Some of you are slaves to your kids because you bought into the lattices that you have to take them from activity to activity function to function because that's what society says is to make your kids happy and that's what's necessary to set them up for success that you try to distinguish your kid from every other kid. Some of you are slaves to people's opinions of you, so you go through life never being able to set boundaries never say no constantly worrying about what other people think. Always trying to manage people's perceptions. So you're physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. But here, don't miss this in Deuteronomy 5 God is reminding you that when you stop and rest and reflect on the deliverance that you have in Christ. You can over and over again expressed God I trust is like John Owen always said after the cross, the greatest insult you can give God is a failure to trust the greatest insult you can give God is a failure to trust him. Listen as you do rest as you stop and as you reflect on the fact that he is God you were not as you reflect the fact that he is delivered. You and you begin to deepen and grow in your understanding of his love. Listen, you will be a slave anymore to your work because you recognize that your work doesn't define you anymore and tell you listen.

I would imagine if you're if you work for many of you this is a struggle. It's a struggle for me there been times I know that I've sought to build my identity on whether or not how good of a preacher.

I was yes. So if I preach a bad sermon. I go home on Sunday afternoon absolutely devastated. 90.

Julie puffed me up a little bit until recently good that I don't I wouldn't be despairing of her pastor JD say that he struggles with Avenue, like really have you ever really preach the bad sermon man is like is a little bit different from those of others of us right this moment not talking apples apples here.

It was such a struggle. One time I was preaching at the church. I'll answer before coming to Summit.

I was preaching about how to find God's will and I read this great book by Kevin DeYoung and in the book, the title of the book. It has a somewhat how to find God's will, without candles and fleeces and in liver shivers right so I'm quoting the title of the book and as I'm quoting it.

You know I'm I'm going pretty fast. Sometimes in your preaching are also listening to yourself. So instead of saying, liver shiver, I inadvertently say the other S word from the pulpit. So here's what I want to do. I it's coming out of my mouth and I might just say this out loud from the purpose of God's church.

He smoked down right here. I wanted to pack up my notes walk up Rob's patent office to be fired tomorrow anyway. You know, so I know that I can go home and I can build my duty on whether or not I did a good job or anything like that. But listen, if I go in rest, God is saying to me, will your identity is not found there. Your identity is found in the fact that I died with you and I have given you significant significance not found in your work. My significance of the have to be found in the successes of the failures of my children because I know that God is the one who is building the house and he loves my children even more than I do and I recognize it to you as a father for their times rush trouble and I worry about my children. My daughter went to the prom last weekend. She was excited and I was absolutely petrified the entire time. My God just bring her home safely. Are there times when I think about my younger son, my younger son Alex seven I share with you before that outs has autism. The things that I think about Alex. Sometimes his dad.

I wonder God, what is it look like for you to save the soul of an autistic child whose cognitive development isn't the same as my other children and then asked myself the question I get a little teary and I think to myself will God. What happens if Julie and I die and his siblings die to take care of myself to care for him when he's 50 and he can't provide for himself anymorecan become overwhelming to me, but it's only when I'm stopping and regularly resting and remembering who God is and what God has done for me and what God is done for my son that I can really know and be assured of the fact that God is saying to me, will I love your kids even more than you do. So rest. So rest. Those of you who are enslaved to what other people think about you when you rest. You are reminded that God is looking at you and you think you are my son you are my daughter.

And if you are right with the one with you have to do for which all of your sins have been laid bare and God is still calling you a son and daughter light of Jesus Christ. Who cares what other people say about you because Jesus is said, I put my significance on you and so you can truly rest of failing to do that with a little backup.

It's only when you rest. As the psalmist would say that you can stop eating the bread of anxious toil, some a church that is profoundly good news for every mother for every father for every person who hears that failing to rest means that you become a slave and listen. The bad news keeps getting worse.

The bad news is that when you are a slave you turn others into slaves when you show you. You can write this down as well.

Slaves make others slaves slaves makes it make others slaves monthly illustrate this speaking directly to you and that you listen carefully, because you do the same thing. There is not a mother or father here who doesn't want her child to thrive and succeed far too often. Your self-worth is directly tied to your children successes academically and athletically, spiritually or otherwise.

And so when your success is tied to their success.

You begin to demand perfection from yourself and your children the listen.

Don't miss this when you do that that is not out of love for them that is out of self validation for you is not out of love that your demanding perfection, it's out of self validation that your demanding Paul David Tripp said it this way, we begin to need them to be what they should be so that we can feel a sense of achievement and success.

We begin to look at our children as trophies rather than God's creatures. We secretly want to display them on the mantels of our lives as visible testimonies of a job well done. And so what we do as parents we do as mothers and fathers we begin when they're very young.

We begin to try to control them. We become helicopter parents constantly just hovering around our children, making sure every little thing is safe and they don't ever experience any farmer ever experience any failure. One of the clearest examples is when you really look around you see her safety obsessed culture that we live in some of our safety issues are kind of rational some of them are little bit irrational in my opinion. So for example if you're over the age of 30. At the summit church. I guarantee you didn't wear a bike helmet everywhere you went, you just got on your bike in the road for miles and your parents are things you like a garage or bike, or play outside, come home for dinner.

You don't care if you got eight hours. You just ride your bike and you would often explore now, we put bike helmets on our kids. We put kneepads on elbow pad showed up at her walk around like the Michelin man were wondering why was my kid falling off the bike. This because they can't move walking around like some of these you think about which trampolines if you grew up when I grew up there was no such thing as a net around SharePoint.

I was like a 50-50 shot that you were going to go the hospital I is like Russian roulette you're jumping. Praying that your fingers your knees don't get caught in the specialty like double bouncing faceplate into the ground. It was harsh and now we will let our kids have trampolines or be friends with kids. Raptor employees will be friends with friends (going that you do have one trying to get things like getting in Fort Knox. You know that that kind of controlling that kind of control health coverage continues on in life is pretty rigid joy to read a great book called parenting be on your capacity in the book he wrote this works fine of our children. Never, Mountain as long as it guarantees that they never get her. But what if our children were made for the mountain's mission of the family is not to protect your children from all harm, but to mobilize them for the mission of God is possible to hold owner a kid so tightly that we forget that the ultimate goal of parenting is to let go. Some 21 Psalm 127 reminds us right that our children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. What is the point of an arrow point of arrows to be launched when our launch our children so that they can go and proclaim the excellencies of Jesus Christ was brought them out of darkness and into the marvelous light is like pastor JP is that our children are like arrows that are to be pulled back on the bowstring of faith and launched into the mission of God, not art that we keep in our home you're talking with our college leadership did you know that the biggest obstacle to sending children to the mission field college students who were asking to give us a summer give us your first euro figures are cut one of the biggest obstacle is raising support hard, but no being away from home. The American culture again hard. No McDonald's hard but no notice is parents. His parents, his parents were afraid that spending time overseas would either hurt their kids future earnings potential, or that their students will be in harms way. What if our kids were made for the just precisely what they are. So on one hand, were trying to control things were trying to control them. But on the other, pushing up pushing them harder and harder all the while demanding excellence and perfection.

We push him to be the best students the best athletes the most well-rounded.

So instead of leaving our children to rest and delight in Christ we are as one author said, listen to list we are pressuring our children to become restless versions of ourselves were pressuring our children to become restless versions of ourselves. Jonathan Linker or North Raleigh student director shared with me a survey of graduating seniors that were asked this question. If my parents could know one thing about me right now, what would it be and listen to how they responded. I want them to know that I'm working as hard as I can to please them know that I'm overwhelmed and really stress out and I need them to back off. I wish they would stop stressing out about college I know how important it is.

Wish they would stop making me take the ACT when I'm already in the 90th percentile. I wish I knew that I'm scared and I wish they knew that I need to rest and I wish they knew. I wish I knew. They appreciated my hard work.

Summit church.

I wonder how many of our children if they were really honest with tell us that their exhausted and overwhelmed by the expectations we have placed on them. The students didn't say exactly like this.

But did you hear mom, dad, your taskmaster in my life because we are a slave. We put them into slavery. Their exhaustion comes from the demands we place on them because we've never learned to rest ourselves. We never stop and experience Sabbath rest that God is commanding us to experience some church. This will always be the case. We will always be a slave to never rest and we will always make other slaves until we learn to rest and by rest I mean more than just taking a day off is more than just having extended vacations away from work when you unplug see deep soul rest can't be found in a day off is found in a relationship with the person Jesus said, coming to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you what church rest.

Listen until you find depressed in Christ will always labor and be heavy laden, the reason you feel driven to prove yourself and protect yourself is because you've lost your identity in God and your trust in God but the gospel tells us that Jesus is saved us. If you received this salvation in your significance is in him. Jesus love you so much that he went to a cross for you and that assures you that you are important to God and your kids are important to him to and they have a purpose. They have an assignment from the King of Kings. That's why were so passionate about equipping our children for the mission of God you find your identity in serving him and serving him. There is freedom.

And you know you can trust him. Jesus will go to the cross where he would bleed and die. Jesus will go to a cross where he would experience unbelievable physical and emotional pain, none of which, however, could compare to the cosmic pain that Jesus experienced all the wrath and condemnation and judgment that you and I were deserving up to it in order to save us from our sin. If God would do that for you and he can be trusted with every other aspect of your life. So weary son and weary daughter, weary father and weary mother you come to Jesus and find rest reminded of how the hymn writer said I had never heard this before, and it just goes to show my lack of knowledge of the hymns hymn writer said this way later deadly doing down down at Jesus feet stand and him and him alone gloriously complete Summit church, moms, dads, leg, your deadly doing down down at Jesus feet stand and him and him alone gloriously complete. A man I want to invite someone up on stage means a great deal to me. I really do believe will be an encouragement to you when you join me in welcoming my mom on Mother's Day donative urine.

Well, let me share a little bit about my mom. My mom and dad will be married 49 years on June 3.

So in just a few weeks. She has she has raised four children at one time had kids. So I think she can relate to a lot of you moms who have young children at home and I can say to you.

I'm one of the very fortunate ones who grew up in a home where my mother and father love the Lord and helped us to see the beauty and majesty of Christ all throughout our lives and for that I'm profoundly grateful to them. But more importantly to my heavenly father for blessing us that way so much asked my mom in the first service, the question that I know all of you really want to know, being the mother of four kids which one of them is her favorite and without missing a beat. My mother said none of you should grandchildren's grandchildren. She's like your purely utilitarian needs to know we wanted grandchildren and we knew this was the way we are to have to get there. We know mom. We talk a lot about today just about rest and a finding rest and how God designs us twice given us a Sabbath day really something just points to a person, Jesus. I think one of the ways the easiest ways for us to figure out what we are a slave to know and what keeps us from resting is to ask ourselves the question would be most afraid of whatever I most afraid of is going to dictate whatever I do in my life. This is my biggest fear was a young mother.

What were you most afraid of shame doing my greatest fear was was the failure, I as you as you well now having a type personality trait. The woman is a neat freak I when we were young we had this rug in her house that had friends on it that was about this long. It was a little long, stringy things daily.

My mother would make us comb the French like the friends must be perfect. Not one out of line, and so we get on her hands and knees and from the French. So yes, she was a perfectionist and slightly to me for not going. You know I was a people pleaser to didn't want to point people and so I worked so hard all the time working in my own strength and depending upon myself. I saw my family, my children, my husband, to some extent, my appearance as a picture of my care reflection of my care and my responsibility which I to say seriously.

I was passionate about.

I was passionate about being bent in that I saw that I was validating myself. That's where I got myself worth where I eye my identity wise and so I was listening to a sermon that JD preached not long ago. In this series that your listening, tailing, and he just nailed it right on the head when he said, are we doing things according to our way out in our strength for our glory or is it according to God's will and not staying for his life so good, said hello, moms quoted JD back to make true right is exactly right. You know I mean I know that we saw that kind of growing up in. You know, and I think so honest about that unit is that something you still struggle with today.

I still struggle with it taking me on a journey. Grandma and I continue that is been to my heart, my nature and so I have to watch and I have to surrender it. I thinking of when I was a little girl I was a ballerina. I studied ballet for years and years and one of the first things were time is when you turn or spin or do anything in a turning nation leaving nation, you learn to spot on one particular thing. And as you turn your snap your head and you fed this right and that is what keeps this balance. That's what keeps the dancer balance the appellee found the right traction. And so it was God showed me that he was.

He was the one that would keep my life in balance.

God's word says that he dwells in the shelter of the Almighty grass shadow. It's just all of you source, you know, like our heart is always been that way like our heart is deceitfully wicked above all things are always in a default back to Weatherby. Perfectionism approval of the people or find their identity somewhere else but such a great word just to be mindful of things really is about focusing and focusing on Christ will one last question one – you know, we have a lot of young mothers at her church and so I would ask you what you know now that you wish you knew when you were younger and you had all of us at home with small kids. Well, as I was growing in Christ. I knew I heard about having special time with God every day. The busyness of mother heading you all these matters easily schedule we run and operate.

My schedule, but the most important thing we can do. We can put on the schedule time with the father time sitting at the Masters being intimate with learning about and trusting special spot and enabled me just so free me from this laying that I was to send my own work to say no to just good things that are constantly coming in to do and say yes to God's best. What God things that God wanted and I was able to do with that guilt because I was in complete in his care secure and then the other thing is that I have prayed I've learned to pray like that is physically pray this way and I open my fingers in my hands because so often I be praying like Rick in my hands twisting my it was like God. Let me open it all to you because you tell me and I trust you unlocking in my eternal security.

There's an absolutely cannot leave at your feet under your control. Mom, I want to say to you in front of everyone.

I'm so thankful for how God is working you and I know that that's not always been easy and I know that that's a constant work of the Lord in you. I'm so grateful for how God is use you to help me and our family. See Christ more and we all today can rise up and call you blessed for that.

Someone asked my mom to do one more thing for us today. I wanted to pray. I want to pray over these mothers and ask God's hand is to be upon you to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. :-) I force my father, I just give you all glory, praise and honor.

Thank you so much for the privilege of being a mom and I thank you for all days here today these precious mothers the heart the mother's heart given that nurturing heart heart you know so well that desires so much with everything that we are to raise children you serve. You father I pray that as we stand now walking a faith trusting you find eternity same releasing all into your hands, not just knowing that we can trust everything our precious children. Every situation because Lord Jesus you are forever more.

You are praising Jesus at all are some campuses I want to ask you to stand your campuses. Your worship leaders are coming in now for the next few minutes I want to continue to worship and rest and reflect on the finished work of Jesus Christ our Lord. Sing together