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We Send Every Member

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
September 20, 2020 6:00 am

We Send Every Member

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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September 20, 2020 6:00 am

In this message on Acts 7–8, Pastor J.D. teaches on The Summit Church’s fourth core value: “We send every member.” Because Jesus sent his Spirit to us, the question is no longer if we are called to join in his mission. It’s only a matter of where and how. Living “sent” isn’t a special calling for our church planters and missionaries. It’s a calling for you.

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Will will well for the 28th week in a row. We are gathered as one church but in well several thousand different locations.

We always say that in normal times where one church of about 12,000 meeting 12 locations. This writer, this time we meet in about 2400 locations so that many of you probably home groups like I'm in right now comprised of beautiful men and women in and and and children like her here in front of me and I maybe some you with your family. Some if you're not in a home gathering.

I would encourage you to get into one because we often say that nobody should worship alone and this is a great way to do that even we can gather in in in in audiences of a thousand on the weekend somewhere in our fourth and final week of a series through our core values were: it be the movement and be the movement. These are four primary values that we have tried to build our church are the last almost 2 decades. The articulations of these things are or are new but the concepts are not how we think these are embodied in the life of Jesus we think they are exemplified by the apostles.

They are values that I would say that you would not only build a church on like we've tried to do, but also built values that you should build your life on as well. Right they were never wanted to murder the first week gospel.

Above all, I will do a pocket quiz with you, but I Gospel Blvd., #1, number two is we do whatever it takes to reach all people value number three was we did last week. We make disciples not just converts and then our fourth value this week or last one is that we send every member there is a myth that a lot of people in the church believe and that is that calling you talk people here, here, is that I'm called by God into something that that's like this special mystical moment that a select few of super saints in the body of Christ experience sometimes will with our college students refer to it as the Cheerios method and discerning the will of God. You know where you you steering your Cheerios expecting it to just one day spell out what God wants you to do be a pastor did missionary in Afghanistan or be a doctor or something like that and it didn't happen then you just are supposed to assume that God expects you to go to church should be a good person and pay your tires and then don't cheat on her spouse. And that's kinda his is stated for you, but I tried to explain that that's not true. I first all I stared at my Cheerios for years and all he ever spelled out was over and over and over again so it word that I could discern, but even more importantly, the real truth in the Bible is, is that the call to leverage your life or the great commission was included in the call to follow Jesus. Matthew 419 Jesus said, follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.

Which means that if you're actually following him. What is he doing is turning you into a fisher of men at short way of saying that is that when you accepted the call to follow Jesus, you accepted the call to be sent to the missions we always say to the question now is no longer if you were called. The question now is, is simply where and how for years this is been a huge part of this church.

A core part of our DNA and NRC is probably what we are most known for the church nationally by God's grace we have sent out get this 1258 people from our church over the last decade and to go on I'm domestic or international church planting teams.

These are people that have uprooted their lives here in the Triangle and and moved in a full-time way to be a part of the church plant 597 of those have gone full time with international, as international missionaries. If I give you just take a minute and just think about that. That's almost 600 people. I say this and again is by God's grace, his patent anybody on the back, but most churches.

Most churches get to experience two or three people on their number going out over the course of of three or four decades, and we had nearly 600 at the international mission board that we that we work with to send a lot of these people tells us that we have seven times more members on the field from our church. Then the next closest church out of you know, about 50,000 churches in the other convention were part of these people that we have sent out by the way, that's something we just we even sit back there some things that happen that are so big that you cannot shake your head and say who would God could've done that payment payment was initially what we have sent out a plan to get this 376 new churches 376, about 60 or here in the United States about 320 or overseas. That makes us right at one third of our goal of planting a thousand churches by the way, that is, the results of your generosity is a result of your faith is a result of your of your commitment to the great commission. Some churches by God's grace is really done that here so so again it's what we as a church are known for nationally but but here's the question I want to ask you today in me is that true of you. This idea that you are sent. Is that true of you every weekend every weekend weather were were in large grouper or groups like this weekend our services with a little phrase you know what that phrase is sent out loudly say you know it be in every service.

Three words you are sent exactly when we say that were not talking only about the church planters or future church planters or international missionaries were cemented every one of you every member is sent to listen the more that I study the book of acts. The more I become convinced that Jesus's plan for reaching the world is not gathering large groups of people to bask in the anointing of one gifted teacher, his plan for reaching the world as is plan for transforming the world for the gospel is raising up ordinary people in the power of the spirit. Ordinary people and sending them out to do that and what I want to do for this fourth value is someone walking to the story of one such ordinary guy in the book of acts who literally change the world and I don't even say that lightly.

We always a change will actually change the world.

Christian history shifted because of this guys life. What I want to do is want to show you for convictions that shape the life of this ordinary member of the early church for convictions that should also shape your life.

This man's name is Stephen and the story begins in acts chapter 6 will be gotcha Bible I love you take it out and opened it up, turn it on whatever you got there and walking through that that the two chapters that that form that that the basic gist of his life. As you turning their accents on the context.

Even his regular people always get confuse on this and give your Bible trivia thing here. Okay Stephen was not an apostle was not one of the 12 disciples.

Stephen was just a so-called ordinary guy.

I sometimes you hear them referred to as laymen alert you a layperson, but Stephen story is going to mark what I would argue is the turning point in the book of acts is he up until this moment. In acts six. As far as we know the gospel had yet to leave the borders of Jerusalem even though even though Jesus had clearly said, clearly said in acts one a that he wanted the apostles to carry the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, to Samaria, to the uttermost parts of the earth. I it's still about atomic attack. Chapter 6 it had done that yet. Now it's been an exciting ride with 3000 people getting saved in a day and then you get miracles and you got people to instruct in the offering. And so there's a lot of things have been happening.

But the point is, by the time you get to accept 60 apostles in the early church still huddled together in Jerusalem holding hands and one big small group singing in a Kumbaya that all is going to change with the story of Stephen in chapter 6.

Stephen gets selected to help deliver food to widows so that the apostles can devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. What you should hear from Matt by the way is that Stephen's job in one sense was partly that important. Stephen was not elected teacher.

He was elected group president continuity in writing a book sitting get asked to speak at any conferences.

He was not considered to be one of the of the theological or mission leaders of the early church these at the table waiter believes the Meals on Wheels of the early church. Yet, acts six, seven tells you that this servant Stephen did his job so well in his is his witness was so full of the spirit and so compelling that I got the attention of of a lot of people in the community including a lot of Jewish priest to begin to turn in large numbers come to faith in Christ will not of course got that got the attention of the Sanhedrin that was a group like the ruling group of Jews in and they didn't like that that a lot of people come to faith in Christ and they begin to try to discredit Stephen love this verse asked asked him yet. Yet they could not withstand all these train guys I got more degrees on the walls and thermometers they could withstand the wisdom and the spirit with which this ordinary untrained layman who never been to seminary the wisdom and power with which he was speaking in acts seven a Dragon before the Jewish Council were Stephen perceived Seth to get the longest recorded and released. Seeker friendly sermon. I might add in the entire Bible.

The basic point of the sermon in acts seven that Stephen delivers there before the Sanhedrin is you Jews killed all the other prophets and that's what you kill Jesus to the message reaches a crescendo at the end of chapter 7 that's right you start reading this is that the end of Stephen's message now when they heard these things, they were enraged in the ground their teeth at him. I've had some some bad reactions to sermons of mine but I'm happy to tell you that that is never happened to me right there.

Whatever it is it sounds terrifying. Verse 55 yet Stephen for the Holy Spirit gaze in the heavens, all the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God and said, behold, I see this heavens open. I see the Son of Man, Jesus standing right there at the right hand of God, but they cried out with a loud voice, and they stopped their ears and they rushed together at him and they cast Stephen out of the city and a stone in the witnesses laid on their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul by the way, if you read the book of action and this young man is going to change his name a few years to the colonies and become the greatest possible list of all of her mother's missionary will ever know you at this point he still hates Jesus he still killing Christians and is going by the name of Saul as they were stoning Stephen he called out, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit and in Stephen falling to his knees, cried out with a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them when he said this, he fell asleep.

Now watch this in your Bible, but there's a chapter break whether the chapter 7 right. I would suggest you that's an unfortunate place for chapter break. By the way, in the original writing the Bible.

The Holy Spirit not inspire chapter break so I'm not like correcting Holy Spirit. When I say that okay how we editors later on, but I would say that's not a good place for one because Stephen story doesn't end there. At the end of chapter 7 Stephen story continues on a jet into chapter 8 watch this, there arose on that day when Daisy talking about some of the day of Stephen's martyrdom a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem. What's this, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of these two words Judea and Samaria. I remember acts 18 that's what the Gospels was to go over these next three words so important except the apostles. The apostles were not included in those who were scattered and those who were scattered went about preaching the word you listen. First there is first time the gospel leaves the borders of Jerusalem and I want you to let this sink in. First time the gospel goes outside of the borders. Not a single apostle is involved. Not even indirectly it Stephen service that provokes the trial it Stephen's testimony that provokes the riot, although usually preaching the word right, but lunacy preaching the word out to me and what I do like professionally I mean just like telling others about Jesus of all those who left preaching the word. Luke, the writer that screwed out of his way to point out that not a single one of the apostles was included. See, I believe Stephen story is given to us as an example of how the gospel expands globally is a Stephen story comes in this pivotal moment in the book of acts like scholars say acts 18 is your key verse in the book of acts. It lays out the outline for the book the Gospels earlier from Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, then was part of the earth right and so by the time we get back say that hadn't happened then and and and at this pivotal moment where it does what you have at the center that stories on apostle you got a late minute. His name is Stephen. Stephen is a picture of the so-called ordinary Christian in the church. What they should look like e.g. show you what they should look like and what will happen in the world when they do.

Stephen is a picture of every member showing you all every member not just the spiritual ones right. How every member is sent right, not just the ones you been the seminary, not just the ones you know a ton about the Bible, not just the ones who have squeaky clean pass all Christians are to live sent. If you been a Christian for 10 minutes. I you got Savior or warships that previously you were sent you all of you are sent to here is the first of those four convictions. I told you that shape Stephen's life four convictions I would save those who transform the world number one God wants to use me as a leader, not deep or profound. Every simple God wants to use me summit church and our guest here. I hope I've said this enough to you that it is drilled into your subconscious. You God wants to use you. Historically, ordinary believers like Stephen have always been the tip of the gospel spirit. He's got an intention to use you in the life of somebody to bring them from darkness to light. If you go back and you study if you study Christian history. What you see is that the gospel is always traveled around the world faster on the wings of business that has to apostolic effort.

I want my is a Steelers, a writer, Stephen Neal. He's a church historian. You are a classic book on the history of Christian missions said the only thing that was more remarkable than the rapidity of the spread of the gospel in the first century was its anonymity is of the time you get to the end of the first century 99 A.D. he said you got three major church planting centers. Antioch, Alexandria, and wrote is what they all have in common is that we have no idea who founded the churches in Antioch, Alexandria wrote no idea, no famous apostle found in any other churches either the founding of the church in any architecture recorded for us in acts 11. You can read it later. All it says I give you little it will spoil your all it says is some brothers, some brothers moved Antioch in the hand of the Lord was with them may plant a church in Antioch them thereby say them them, write them means a bunch of guys whose delight the credits at the end of the movie like by saving another bunch of guys whose names on my dimension is you never heard of them, and you probably hear about them again anyway just ordinary guys that these ordinary men and women plant a church would one day send out the apostle Paul become the greatest missions in the church in the first century ordinary people see them. I good news were all part of the family had not been a seminary on the professional ministry job at your part of them.

That means your gods plan a for impact in the world that would tell you the same thing is true today. The same is true that you look at where Christianity spreading facets in the world you will find it, let me if I be like you read this recently that you add up all the evangelical missionaries. I mean just in churches similar, somewhat similar to ours. I'm it. All evangelical missionaries from every denomination in the world that are working what we call the 1040 window units and 40 window between the 12th and 40th parallel were all the unreached people groups are a place like China, India, Afghanistan, Indonesia. Places like that all the missionaries from all denominations. The total numbers 40,000 bottle. I praise God for that would be 10 times that many right 40,000 if you had a get this. The number of Americans just US citizens that are working in so-called secular employment in their doctors or whatever you know over there educators that number right now as I stand here before you. That number is 2 million, now US citizens 30 some percent identifies born-again is a look at each other. Knowledge that's not really true by two thirds of them are not serious about their faith or just take two thirds off Take 1/3 of that number that was cut that in half just to be on the conservative side. You understand that if if it is just 70% of those people that were there. Understood.

I because they identifies born-again Christians. They understood that their primary role in life where God sends them is to be a disciple making disciple. They saw themselves as sent even in a secular job. You understand cc listen, but that would take the number of missionaries in the 1040 window from 40,000 to 240,000 and would cost the church another dime right they actually it's it is up close and I'm sure of the store before with my my my dad my dad's never been paid a dime for ministries like never full-time ministry was the plant manager for textile factory.

When he retired the date literally the day that he retired his company called him back in that afternoon, say congratulations in retirement would like to rehire you to now go overseas and set up a plan for us it's right middle 1040 window that exalted him 40 window but that's where it was and so my mom and he for about 18 months go over there and I'm telling you they rub shoulders with East Asian businessman that I could never get close to on a short-term mission trip and I water bottles are doing, you know, an Internet caf while he was there he was able to leave the couple these men to Christ to be a part of an early you know kind about an early church plant over there right you want the total cost were church was for that zero dollars and back.

We made money on the deal because he kept either in old town that he was over there right that's the future of how the great commission is going to go forward. I can tell you about the about the parkers who moved to North Africa recently from our church to run across that gym over there and I could tell you about Craig is the head of an engineering firm in South Asia or Kevin, a former firefighter who now build wells in central Asia I can say about Samantha is a woman that's working in red light district of central Asia whose doing wellness and hygiene training for young women there, I can say about Rachel is a counselor who works forth with abuse victims, but is just choosing to do it in a place outside the United States as a part of whatever church planting teams or Cameron who runs a textile manufacturing shop overseas or Jessica is an elementary Ed major who teaches missionary kids also tell you about countless people who've gone with one of our domestic church plants and and and pursue their careers that it in in in a city were doing something strategic where places like Denver, Orlando, Atlanta, Miami or or even the Dominican Republic and it's not really part of the United States, but you're still I will will that we have mobilized it to do their job in a place where they can use as a part of the church plant. Let me give you a vision for following Jesus. I whether you feel called to ministry or not, here's your vision vision following Jesus. Whatever God made you good at it didn't make all of you good at being preachers, public speakers or worship leaders or writers whatever he made you good at. You should do that. Well, to the glory of God. But why not also do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God of all the factors are going to where you pursue your career. Why would the kingdom of God be the largest of those factors I that's living said here's the second conviction that we see from Stephen's life go hand-in-hand. The first number two.

The Holy Spirit fills me know what makes Stephen remarkable is his confidence the confidence the stairs down the Sanhedrin. I confidence that he apparently came from an awareness of the fullness of the spirit within them. The most common rye characteristic that is repeated about Stephen was that he was filled with the spirit what gives ordinary people such extraordinary confidence and effectiveness is the knowledge of the power of the spirit within all believers of course have the Holy Spirit right so you have that but what gives you confidence like Stephen is your awareness, your knowledge of the spirit within you get a very familiar territory here for the summer church unit Jesus made such extraordinary promises when it comes to the either the power and the potential of the Spirit and believers there so staggering you don't consciously pay attention to a mega writer of your head. You want one of my favorites that you been on the church for Mattel at this one, John 16, seven Jesus said just 67 nevertheless I tell you the truth, by the way, stop right there. Jesus was out of the habit of telling lies, you have to clarify like actionable to be serious that whatever he says it like that is because what he is about to say is so kind of mind blowing.

If you don't undermine on a greater. That's what happens with this verse is to your soonest word advantage is to your advantage that I go away because I don't go away the helper, the Holy Spirit will come to you my here's a question that we asked what this verse happened to put yourself honestly the situation.

How absurd was that it sounded to the first disciples. It's to my advantage that Jesus, like how awesome think about how awesome would it be if Jesus was your ministry. Compare your roommate what you come back in after a tough day of ministry and yet a theological question about Calvinism and Jesus answers that I think is appropriate answer right you got your small group errata Chex mix band Jesus multiplies ejectment of it. Therefore basket left over your dog dies right your sad and Jesus raises your dog back from the dead. Your cat dies, Jesus digs a hole with berries that can get rid of it forever but my favorite joke until the summer church and I know some of you already composing an angry email but yes, Jesus loves, not as much a dogs and most people but you know what I mean okay but not that's probably not exactly what you will take to walk around Jesus. But the point is, it would've been awesome if you had a chance to be friends with Jesus side, but I would Jesus, how awesome would that be yet Jesus is telling them they said I'm not even exaggerating that you understood are the spirit was you understood what the potential of the spirit was you be more excited to have him inside of you, even than me. Besides, you write me if I told you guys that I was resigning. I hope you be sad about your pastor right okay be sad about my underwear about next week to teach on the live stream is Jesus of Nazareth is made any faster.

You call your friends right like you believe Jesus can be a pastor wherever all other pastor right are you as excited that they're in your home group wherever you are. You got the spirit of God in you as you would be. Jesus came to be your new pastor is not done that show you that you have a grass, whatever it is that he is promising. There in that verse, God's plan to reach the world is just ordinary people filled with the extraordinary spirit and just walking in obedience to him and he says is there to have a collectively greater impact than a Jesus himself stayed stop thinking about how incapable or unqualified.

You are don't you understand that because the Holy Spirit is in you because it's the spirit of a new spirit what God is, is what does it through you. Don't you understand that it's now more about your availability and it is your ability to see the Holy Spirit can do more than one surrendered vessel than the most talented and and richest people in the world could accomplish on their own. But when we got a really good example of that. And in the last part of the book of acts eight you're still up is another ordinary guy, not an apostle is directed by the spirit to go up in obedience is really goes out about little dusty road. At middle nowhere is that why my here the spirit of God is like. Just distrust me to stay here for minute and stand there looking around all the sudden the guy comes down the road that is in a chariot that we we call now the Ethiopian eunuch in the Ethiopian eunuch is reading from the book of Isaiah that I was reading them. Spirit Rex filled the globe in the chariot with them and explain the gospel to him and that guy get saved any get baptize Eusebius.

It was the third century four century church historian, said that Ethiopian unit went back to sub-Saharan Africa where he was from and planted a church asserted a church planting movement that is still in existence today. One obedient one act of obedience by an ordinary person.

The spirit use that accomplish more than all the apostles have been able to count us in seven chapters up to that point in the cause of world missions. I need you to understand that he is the spirit still doing that today is still using ordinary people just like you just like me to do extraordinary things. If they'll just listen to him. So that's my question. Are you listening to him. The Holy Spirit shows up 59 times in the book of act 59 and 36 of verse 59. He is speaking, I told you what's frustrated about that is it doesn't always tell us exactly how he speaks it and say you like and everybody I get a message on your cell phone or by thought the same thing at once or just as he he speaks of the way I think that ambiguity is intentional, because Scripture never one God never wants us to put as much confidence will be think the spirit of same as will we do with the Bible actually says what he speaks.

Acts 13 to the Holy Spirit, said to the church separate Barnabas and Paul for a missionary calling there might be ambiguity and how he speaks. But there is no ambiguity in whether he speaks and I would even say right now he speaking to some of you write you listening to him.

He stirring in you and he's like, hey, I got something for you. Can you just respond and say yes Lord, I'm ready to go, will you tell me to go hear my Lord, send me, are you listening, by the way you want to get that conversation started while you explore just text the word send me Essien the ME all one word to 33933 to send that Simeon will you not commit anything. What is get the conversation started rights commission with Remicade moving duration of the three as Jesus was to me so I will be to others.

Y'all verse 59 might be my favorite part of this whole of this whole of this whole passage look at this because what it does for every diversity digital window in the Stephen soul showing you what he was thinking about at the very moment of his death, verse 59 as they were stoning Stephen is a life was literally draining out of he called out, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Volume his knees, he cried out a loud voice or do not hold this sin against them. Question where you heard those two phrases before right, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

In order to hold the sin against them. Are they not almost identical to what Jesus said when he died on the cross, Jesus the father, into thy hands I commit my spirit and father forgive them for they don't know what they do go, it seems that in Stevens dying moments. Stephen was thinking about what Jesus had prayed on the cross for him and now he is praying not for others.

I get reminder on that what Stephen saw Jesus do for him.

He's now doing for others because that's what it means to follow Jesus Misa look at your life like a sacrifice for others. Whether Jesus sacrificed himself for you master a very credible question okay on all of you to think about where would you be where would you be Jesus chose not to come and die for you, even after if you chose and I where would you be making you observe a twist on the answer you need exactly the same place that millions of people in the world are without you. While I say that the act of salvation is not complete until people hear about they have to believe that the here to believe that the believed to be safe. Martin Luther used to say it would matter. Jesus got a thousand times of nobody wrote about Carl FH Henry theologians of the gospel is only good news for somebody if he gets to them in time when I get home in time is not actually good news and see friends that demand something of us is ask you if you wrestle with the obligations that you and I owe to the gospel and you squarely face the fact that 2.8 billion people in the world have little to no access to the gospel.

People who who were no more unworthy of the gospel to you or me.

People that are made in the image of God like us. I think the place like northern Yemen has a population of 8 million almost the size of North Carolina. Yummy believers. There are not whole nation of 8,000,020 or 30 every single one of them is made in the image of God, like like you they know it's like to be afraid they hurt like you they don't like to be lonely and lost. Is it fair for you and me to know so much about a God who did everything and there's a little to the gospel to people who know nothing.

I think sometimes all field they sometimes about being in heaven and meeting somebody up there that is there because I share the gospel with them or because I sacrificially gave in somebody else, or the gospel them. These people will spend eternity with my brothers and sisters number learned over the course of 10,000 years to love them. Sometimes I think like what I be grateful than when I've gotten to know about this person that I did what it took to be able to get the gospel to them. I know that well now I never see their face, but I know I'll be glad then that I did what I needed to do so they can be saved but you think that's way through the field to a friend of Jesus sacrificed himself to save us. It makes sense that we are to sacrifice ourselves to bring salvation of them just like Stephen did for his countrymen for some of you that means that your to leave here and move somewhere to take the gospel.

For others it means you to give like crazy so that other people can go so conviction of the three is as Jesus was to me so I will be to others commission before last one original Forza Jesus is worth it yellow to return one final time to act seven as they began to hurl stones at Stephen.

Stephen says her 56 behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. Scholars point out that Stephen standing here is odd because everywhere else in the Bible that we see Jesus at the right hand of God. He is sitting is actually an important theological point because it's showing that he is finished with the work of salvation. Yet here he is standing why is he in this one place, standing on the only answer is, he is standing to receive homicide the world, it seems, has risen up in unison to get Stephen to tell Stephen that he is a Ford trader in his life as a waste known as almost like Jesus can't contain himself. He stands up and he says no. Well done good and faithful servant there call you heretic, welcome you home going. Stephen looks up with face beaming with angelic brightness. Stephen says, in essence, yes, I see him it's worth, I tell you, the only thing that will give you the power to live a life of truly being sent is a deep conviction in your soul that Jesus is worth or whatever you got. While all the way from he's better and he's worth it. We like to talk here in this church about coming to Jesus brings peace and makes your family hold brings fulfillment and that's all true but at some point you understand if you're really serious about following Jesus obedience to him is going to take you 182 work degrees opposite of the direction that you think you want to go and in that moment in that moment the only thing that will compel you forward to go all the way, is the belief that Jesus is worth this relevant tell here don't, I'll tell quickly, but I think it just so it captures us some of your this before, but master the first two years of my ministry over in ways unreached people groups over in Southeast Asia after been there a few months ago a call one night from a Christian friend lit about three hours south of me and he had a guy with anything handy to come and I need to meet me at the place who isn't he sitting on the cover worldwide keys that you are there listening was true as her phone for Bogdan, a six minute playset. I knew that was but it was three hours away fly to go out on the bus middle the night three hours down to this play go to the place and I to win. And these two guys are sitting there and my friend looks of this guidance is okay. Tell me told me his cousin was fudge are fudge are was 32-year-old muscle advisor said he sees a star say to me through the language helps to Lauren. Speak English so he says through my friend. He says he says he said well is it about a month ago I had this on what you call a dream and would really like a dream. He said, but in this dream I was staying in this field. As far as I can see in front of me, behind me to the right to left. He said was nothing I walked for what felt like days in this field. He stopped and he said he set out you know that that that I thought like that field is supposed to represent. My life is filled lost. He said after walking what felt like days a sum her voice behind me heard a voice behind her, turned around and there was this what you call a man. He towered above he was dressed in his white robe.

His face spoke to Mike God's word to use a member that met like the signage is shown in its brilliance and he he receives out of his robe and he pulled out a copy of the call to be in Jill that's their word for gospel brought a copy.

The gospel said fudge are this is the only thing we get you out of this field is that I pulled back because that was Christian I am Muslim and I could not touch it. He said I woke up immediately.

I knew that I made a terrible mistake.

He said next night and went to sleep. I had the exact same dream again.

I walked what for what felt like days in this field and again this man appeared reached out in Jill and said, take this, it will get you out of this field. He said this time I wanted to take it. I wanted to but I couldn't get the strength in my hands to do it. He said I woke up suddenly said I knew I made another terrible mistake is the third night I didn't even want to go to sleep is that I was afraid and he said sure enough moment. I close my eyes and sleep. It was me and him and that field. This time there was no walking is me and him a look at me and said this is the last time I will tell you this is the only thing that will get you out of this field.

He said I watched my dream my hands. They were trembling. He said it well even got a wedding the control of a mate is reached up and it took that copy in Jill said upholding in a hug it into my chest is and I will go peacefully in my bed the next morning, he said look at me and he said no my friend tells me you are expert at in Jill's please tell me what my dream means no.

I grew up in a really conservative Baptist Church cave and scripting. We didn't do dreams and the interpretation thereof on the rig, but I knew exactly what to say in that moment I was like Brody or someone like dream interpretation is my spiritual gift I like friends.

I got the site. I sat there with some facet of the next two hours till the wee hours of the morning explained him really is going from Genesis to Revelation how Jesus had done everything in and who Jesus was. I got an important gospel. Matthew were Jesus dies on the cross and I'll never forget these little tears I see them well up in his eyes. He says you're telling me that this is God the Creator is dying for me and I said yeah I know you said he had on his hands.

He said a lot lot lot which is the way for God is the greatest wealth we got some discipleship to do but anyway, it was also and and he said is a God is the greatest we get to the end in sight. You want to trust Jesus as your Savior. You will become a Christian. He said all with all my heart now so well on a one way to do this every about a real close. Let me lead you in the sinners prayer. He bows his head and I start leaving the sinner's prayer we had about two phrases in two phrases in house like Alex.I just kind of want to set fudge are you understand this is a big deal when you trust Jesus. Your life changes when your life changes you get baptized and you get baptized you know that you might get cut off from your family and you might get lose your job and you you and I both know people that have been killed because of this.

In this city and never forget it except Bill Smiley said of course I know that is what you think it took me a month to work up the courage to come and talk to you exhibit in a month. I decided that if this Jesus was who you Christian said he was right. And Jesus did for me what you Christian said he did and I would go with him. Listen to this I would go with him regardless of what I had to leave behind. Now that when I was like I thought. You need to leave me in the center for sending money to get Sadie in the heart of every true Christian when I tell that story or something in you that rises up and says yes yes yes five jockeys worked even if it cost you everything you say this in the services humbly, but directly as I can to the summit church is hypocritical for you and I to say amen to fudge are and then not be willing to do what it takes to get the gospel to people like fudge are the cost to follow Jesus in places like Southeast Asia is severe. The cost to get the gospel to places like Southeast Asia is severe and the only thing that will compel you to go all the way to do the hard work to leave your family and endure the hardships and loneliness of missionary life is a site of the worthiness. Jesus I is he worth it some point you gotta decide who is is worthy to what is worthy of the offering of your life. If Jesus is worthy of your absolute total and unconditional obedience. Listen, what is it that you trying to please. What's waiting for you. What standby the throne of God. Your parents love you but Jesus created you and Jesus died to redeem you tell your parents are awesome but they're not to be waiting for you at the end to receive you into eternity and you not to be standing around their throne proclaiming their worthiness for eternity. A job is a great thing to pursue and provide a lot of benefits but it's nothing to give your life for your parents are precious your dreams are important your career over sure are bright but none of those things is worth the offering of your life. Jesus is worthy of it.

He's the only one that is worthy for buyers will Paul said all things are created by his blood, we were redeemed for his glory.

We now exist. Jesus is worthy, you only got one life and you got it you got dedicated to something you give it away to something you gotta make it count. Here's my charge to you. Darcy was to be sent resend every member with these convictions either three ways you may sent okay right here. The summit church locally write you on what I do locally and said I want you to go to neighboring training we do those on the regular eye on the regular campuses on the you'll hear about it. Jurors at some point right you can engage those in your community teaches you to be sent here you can get engage in some of our our disaster relief that were doing and in different places locally in and around the country. That's a way to be spent to be sent locally, domestically we have five church plans going out this year when I'm going to Orlando when I'm going to Miami to Myrtle Beach, the Dominican Republic, yes we had a thing for awesome beaches and church plants, but in St. Louis, which has also beach not getting it has that arts but the beach anywhere near but how it enters meetings for all those are church planter going out this year we had interest needs happen in October. Maybe this is your your this year is your year actually move from Raleigh-Durham ago one of those internationally. I know this is a crazy time to be thinking about moving to another country. But for many of you that's what got started in your heart so your first step international church planning cohort. That's where you learn about this kind of life you can explore. It's not a commitment is just the way you keep your hands open to see what God has in store for you. You want to find out about a short-term trip that's like a seven. The tape 7 to 10 day trip that we send overseas. Obviously, we have been able to do that right now the season, but were already planning for the future and you can start to get in and find out which ones are, you know, in the in the queue.

We also are currently doing some places in North Carolina and even places in the country to do disaster relief with like dad this man, and other groups that are on their working on that.

I'm college students, young professionals, I'm usually thinking about all of these things all these ways of being sent because God has a plan for your life. And this is a great time in your life for you to think about how you're supposed to be sent with your career and your life. I wrote a book that's get ready come out that cold what you do with your life is not just for students and is not just for young professionals, but it certainly is very applicable to them.

And so we would you know it's it's one that I is coming out here few weeks. The preorders right now to the summit church. If you get one.

It's like 40% off. And if you buy one to give the next one free. I need you to understand I don't make it time off of these things all that money goes back into our missions. We were taken all the money from this and put it into that some not try to promote that for any reason like that.

But if your college student young professional or you no one right this is a great time to do it for Christmas or somebody because it asked this question, how are you making your life count for eternity know everything is crazy right now. In that.

What better time to rethink your life than when nothing is normal. Right.

So for all that I just said, if any, that interested you text send me is the end, the ME one word to 339330 is it merely a smile get back to you.

You're not committing anything that would give you all the things that I just mentioned, you can check which ones you're interested in and they'll start that dialogue is not a commitment start a dialogue for right now.

Text SCN DMP 339334 convictions that shape Stephen's life that you shakers to die wants to use me.

God wants or the Holy Spirit fills me, Jesus was to me so will be to others. Jesus is worth it.

These are the four convictions of those who shape and change the world today shape your life when we bow our heads and let's pray okay about heads or home groups in an right here in front of me. My wife and I once a year will say God we love what we are beloved Triangle. Is this the year that your moving us and sending us somewhere else overseas. Every year thus far. God said no.

I got you right where I want you to know that were sent here right now. Could I get you head out if you can pray this from sincerity.

Could you say this to God right now could you say Lord I'm all yours.

I'm all yours completely to say that right now from your heart.

Lord, I'm all yours hundred percent of the completely surrender all the ago we tell me to go do what you tell me to do. He said that Lord I'm listening here. My send me father, thank you for those that put their yes on the table because we believe that you can put it somewhere strategically on the map and she is not read Emily and Paul meal beginning to join the Redeemer Greensburg now be attending University College London studying a Masters program in engineering for international development. One day I saw on Instagram that there where church plants being announced and I saw Thomas and Elizabeth leaning intervention in London and it sparked my interest.

I really felt God saying you need to see this and this is right and yeah I I was really excited about the opportunity to so introduce ourselves and we started going to some of the interest meetings and West Raleigh and then we agreed to go on a mission trip January 2019 to London and that was when the Lord really made it apparent that this is what you call us to do.

I think I have wrestled with what our lives look like sure there's so many clear reasons for us to live our lives changing me for not that looks like okay right now we need to call our call is to glorify in any way we can do with our lives and to make his name great and to make disciples of all nations, and so for me it's just became apparent that London is as a city that has so many people so many walks of life. If you know if I want someone to make disciples of all nations.

London is like the Lodge. I hear the gospel is sharing gospel looks differently and then change the that's one thing is exciting about one there's so much potential for the great is still different tribal funds there that that's