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The One With the Prostitute, the Pharisee, and Jesus

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
November 22, 2020 5:00 am

The One With the Prostitute, the Pharisee, and Jesus

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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November 22, 2020 5:00 am

As we continue our “In Step” series through the book of Luke, Pastor J.D. teaches about the scandal of grace. Grace offends most people, particularly religious people. We are hard-wired to think that our worth is a result of what we do. Do good things, get good outcomes. Do bad things, get bad outcomes. Grace throws this whole system aside. And thank God it does, because without the scandal of grace, none of us would have any hope.

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Do what you do well for the glory of God and do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God.

That's what we have said now for my last several years of what it looks like to actually follow Jesus is the answer that question whenever God made you good it did necessarily make you good at preaching or leading worship, but he made you good at something and you should do that. Well, to the glory of God.

But why not also do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God in the place you choose to pursue your career.

Why wouldn't one of the primary factors of where you live and pursue that career be where you can be a part of something strategic I got is doing it when we talk about generosity here at the summit church were not just talking about finances. The question that we have now asked for two years as a part of what we call first is what would it look like for us to put Jesus first In our finances but we say our time and our talents. In addition to our treasure. So I praise God for a story like that of a couple who is responding to the extravagant generosity of Christ by putting their yes on the table and then letting God put it on the map and then praising God that the place you put on the map is on the beaches of Puerto Rico with one of our church wedding teams. Amen amen I know what a great story. Listen Jody Martin, whom some of you know that name is one of our favorite guest preachers here at the summit church, he tells a story about the early days of his industry. Job was a youth pastor at a church in North Myrtle Beach.

But because the church could not pay him full time they he took a second job working at a gym right they are on the strip there in in North Myrtle Beach. He said the gym owner was a pretty smart guy and so he walked right across the street to the Crazy Horse gentleman's club and offered all the ladies that work there free membership to his gym is that all of a sudden all the men in the North Myrtle Beach area started coming to his gym to work out how Jimmy said that when business was slow his EE work there at the at the gym. He would do some of his sermon prep in the smoothie making area it he said in an incident so I got to know some of these women, he said, I learned they had names.

He said names, their real names were not Bambi, and cinnamon names like Carla and Sharon, I learned that they all he said I had a few things in common is at least the majority of them. Amen.

Not every single one that they all had a few things in common. A subversive none of them wanted to have the job that they currently had.

He said most of them had taken the job, thinking they would do it only for a short time in order to get out of some financial crisis issue that that they were dealing with. And then they plan to leave a sever most of these ladies, those financial issues had had had something to do with being abandoned by a man he said most had kids and they didn't want their kids to know how mommy made money and he said all of them. He said had to drink or take some substance before they perform. Job said he invited one of these ladies to come to church with him one weekend. He said it was pretty obvious just by the way that she was dressed who she was or at least what kind of work that she was in. He said that when she came in and sat down with him.

A lot of people in this small little Baptist Church that he was you pastor at, whispering in, pointing her direction is the end of the service when the deacons asked to speak to me as speak to me in the pastor's office and he said when I got there they were joined by the pastor, and a couple other deacons. The deacon explained that the purpose of the church was to protect its members and especially their children from from women like that.

Jimmy said that we what we walked back to the car. He said she was sitting inside the car, crying. He said I try to lie and tell her that the discussion wasn't about her, but she wasn't stupid. He said she knew that the meeting had been about her. They made the statement he said how is it not heartbreaking that a woman like that feels the most degraded when she walks into a church and that she feels she feels more love and acceptance dancing in front of drunken men on vacation. Missy does in a place that bears Jesus's name, by the way, let me to say if that's you today. Let me briefly pause to say two things.

First, I am deeply deeply sorrow sorry that you have been treated that way by people in the church that is wrong and Jesus is quite the opposite of that. Second, I hope today to demonstrate to you that we don't feel that way about you either.

Years ago Philip Yancey wrote a book called what's so amazing about Grace in which he explains that a lot of I explains what a lot of us know all too well, and that is a lot of our churches have been very poor stewards of race.

I read that book right after college I graduated from a Christian school where everything was all about dressing right in, talking, writing, listening to the right style music where the length of your hair and the translation of the Bible that you used were more important than what was going on in your heart where people often got defined by their mistakes and then reduced to labels I'm divorced, drunk, pregnant before marriage that created a community. It was a part of that school that look great on the outside but was filled a lot of brokenness where people hid on the inside so Yancey's book what so amazing about Grace really resonate with me and my guess is that that message probably resonates with a lot of you as well. Many Christians seem totally devoid of the one thing that is supposed to characterize our experience with God that his grace what saves the Christian is grace. What sustains us is grace what fuels us and motivates us his grace. What secures our future is grace. For it is by grace we have been saved through faith and not even that is ourselves at the gift of God not of works, so that nobody can boast, it is by faith that we have access into this grace now in which we stand from start to finish our walk with God is grace grace grace that is greater than all our sin. As CS Lewis once walked into a room in Cambridge where he was where he was teaching at the time were a group of his fellow professors were discussing world religions and he said they had written all the characteristics of world religions down on the chalkboard and they were trying to show that all these religions basically taught the same thing as a solvent, CFOs walking by them that they said that they always hold Jack Jack here for a minute and your Christian tell us what is it that is in Christianity, that's not already in all these other world religions story goes that CFOs look about the chart were there for about five seconds. Oh that's easy you miss the most essential element of Christianity that is grace in every other world religion acceptance is given because you keep the rules well enough it's wages. It is merit. If you do and you do well enough, you will be accepted by God but in the gospel that is flipped on its head.

It acceptance is given as a gift as grace and in response to that as a response of gratefulness and worship you obey.

Grace a real experience in grace is the most transforming power on the planet said of some of you feel like something is missing in your spiritual life you like passion you see other people with their hands up and they seem to mean it you still feel that your heart you so spiritually dry. I want to show you hopefully today, that losing touch with grace is at the root of all of that. Luke seven verse 36. This is such a beautiful passage, Charles Spurgeon preached five sermons on this passage. He loved it so much. I will get one so sorry about that but here we go live. Luke seven verse 36 been one of the Pharisees invited him to eat with them. The end of the Pharisee's house and he reclined at the table cry just a real quick. Jesus had this thing about eating with losers all throughout the gospel of Luke.

You can find him in the homes of Call them unpleasant people, tax collectors, self-righteous religious hypocrites, prostitutes, people with problems. I point this out because some Christians seem only to want to hang out with people who have it together. Now she thinks is best for their families. Jesus was not like that Jesus did life would broken and messed up people in anywhere you look for Jesus. If I'm that kind of person around him, not the people who have it all together. Verse 37. Again, a woman in the town who was a sinner by the way woman who was a sinner's Bible speak for prostitute she found out that Jesus was reclining at the table Pharisees. Also, she brought an alabaster jar perfume stood behind him at his feet, weeping, and began to wash his feet with her tears. She wiped his feet with her hair, testing them in anointing them with the perfume kissing and anointing his feet.

Aside from start to be a gross that was also deeply suggested in those days taking off your veil and letting down your hair was something that a woman did only in her home around her husband. Clearly, this woman had not gotten the memo. One how to act when the preacher came over for dinner where everybody feels awkward and embarrassed except for Jesus.

He seemed quite pleased, and so verse 39 when the Pharisees who had invited him Saul. This he said to himself well or if this man really were a prophet he would know who this what kind of woman. This is it was touching him that Jesus replied to him. Simon, I got something to say to you by the way, there's a little prophetic irony at work here because you see what just happened. Simon just thought to himself silently in his head, he thought, if Jesus were actually a prophet he would know what kind of woman.

This is and he would send her away. Jesus leaves Simon's mind and diagnosis. His thoughts and heart which would be another way of indicating that he was a prophet just like he answered Simon's question pretty thoroughly. There Simon Sable said teacher accreditor had two debtors, one she says owed 500 denarii guy that's about a year and 1/2 year salary. The other 50 since they cannot pay it back. He graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more. Simon answered all I suppose the one who gave more. Seems kinda a begrudging answer done you have judge correctly. Jesus told him, turning to the woman he said to Simon, you see this woman, I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she with her tears wash my feet and wiped them with her here you give me but she has stopped kissing my feet since I came in, you did anoint my head with olive oil but she has anointed my feet with perfume. Therefore I tell you in person or many sins have been forgiven. That is why she loved much for the one who is forgiven little loves little. And he said to her, your sins are forgiven.

Verse 39 those who were at the table with him again. Say among themselves who is this man who even forgives sins by the way, that's a good question. If Jesus is not God. How was he forgiving sense sins are committed against God right sins are committed against against God, which means that that only God can forgive them.

If I'm standing next to you and somebody walks up and smack you in the face and I looked over at them and I say oh I forgive you your divorce.

That was my face that got smacked.

That means it's my prerogative to forgive, and you would be correct to see this for what it is and forgiving sins. Jesus is identifying himself as God and everybody understood that verse 50 that he said to the woman, your faith has saved you go in peace. The scandal of grace. Grace confuses and offends religious people because people who have worked hard and kept all the rules don't like it when those who have not worked as hard or broken. Some of the wills when they get the same reward that the person who worked hard and kept all the rules gets Martin Luther, the reformer said since the fall. Our hearts have been hard wired with withholding wages mentality wages means you do you get paid. It means that we get what we deserve.

We are worth. However, well we perform.

So if we do good things. Then we get good outcomes if we do bad things that we get bad outcomes. It's karma so somebody does bad things and then gets good outcomes. Well, that's insulting, but that is the economy of grace and it is a scandal that we should thank God for because of God, did not relate to us by grace, none of us would have any hope you see the point of this story is not that this woman is a sinner and Simon just needs to learn to deal with the fact that Jesus loves sinners to the point is that Simon is a sinner just like this woman. The only difference is that he doesn't realize it. Ironically, she's got a leg up on him because she realizes her sinfulness and he died because of his upbringing or because of his privileged place in society or because of his good education that his parents were able to get for him. He might have learned to cloak his sinfulness better than she has.

And he might've learned to to kind of harness his behavior in the more socially acceptable patterns. But his heart has the same thickness as hers may think of it like the coronavirus, one of the strange things they say about this disease is how very eating.

The symptoms can be so some who contracted have only a slightly elevated temperature and a little fatigue. Others, especially if they are older or the weaker they develop serious lung problems in their vital organ start shutting down. But it's the same disease. If a babysitter walks into your house and pick up your baby and says oh by the way, I got coronavirus but don't worry, don't worry. My symptoms are only mild not just for you parents is that's not okay. You want the disease anywhere near you. God's revulsion against our sinfulness is 10 billion times stronger than the thought of a diseased person holding holding our baby in the sight of God. We are we are we are all the same category as this woman, we should thank God that he receives an forgives and embraces sinners because that's all any of us are the scandal of the gospel is not that not that Jesus loves bad people to the scandal of the gospel is that Jesus only loves bad people, because going on people. There are so if you don't think of yourself as a bad person and you're not a candidate for the love of Jesus. One of the most important and ironic aspects of Jesus's ministry is that sinners felt safe around him. But this woman. She was totally comfortable around see what she's doing here is very symbolic. A lot like I explained to you. This was a symbol of intimacy, something women usually only felt comfortable doing in front of their husbands, but clearly what she's doing here is not sexual what she's doing represents an intimacy of soul before God. She is saying to Jesus, you see all of me and accept me just as I am not good let down my here because I feel safe with you. One of the most ironic and most beautiful aspects of Jesus life is house faith. Sinners felt around. In fact, you could say that the safest place in all the universe for a sinner to be is to be completely exposed to the presence of Jesus. The gospel message is that if you will expose your sin to Jesus, if you will just expose it in all its ugliness and all its messed up nest and dysfunctionality. You will just expose it. He will receive an forgive you if you keep it covered. You're on your this woman symbolically exposes her brokenness of soul to Jesus and all she finds his love and acceptance. Now Jesus acceptance of her did mean of course that he affirm her lifestyle choices that he was content to leave her where she was. Her experience of grace changed her, but you take a note.

Write this down. Grace does not mean accepting or embracing somebody simple lifestyle. Grace means loving and embracing them, despite their lifestyle.

I say that because our society teaches us that when it comes to somebody's lifestyle. You really only got two choices right this is where you're watching over our Ellen or Bill Morrow or anybody the ears or categories you have affirmation or alienation.

You can either affirm that person fully or the other options you can reject them. But Jesus shows us 1/3 option that is neither affirmation or alienation is speaking truth with grace speaking God's truth, the dam, but not in a way that pushes them away when it shuts off the relationship. One of Jesus's most misunderstood teachings in our day is what he says in Matthew seven judge not lest you be not judged. People always assume that that means you should never tell somebody what they're doing is wrong with you do if you say will you to judge. This is the one verse in the Bible, but Bill Marr seems to know. But is that really what Jesus meant is what he met, don't tell other people the wrong way coming. Think about it.

Didn't Jesus spend an entire lifetime, pointing out people's wellness wellness and what they think longest what they believe wrong us and what they're doing so to the apostles so not judging somebody can't mean not speaking the truth of them. Note judging them is what you do after you speak the truth to them after you speak the truth addend you cast them away or do you draw them close using judging means pushing somebody away condemning them and shutting them off and not condemnation just means I'm breaking the relationship because your bad see even when Jesus spoke truth.

The people he drew them near radiated acceptance of love. Jesus said in the gospel of John that he was not sent into the world to condemn the world, but to save it in John 12. He said that that while he was on earth he would not judge anybody that one day one day he'll come back as a judgment.

During his time on earth he wouldn't do it because he'd been sent out only to extend the acceptance of salvation to all who would receive it in a course is true of us to for our time on earth. That means no matter what somebody is done it means matter what they done until their dying breath. We extend God's acceptance and embrace the dam and we model that that is our only posture toward the world is the scandal of grace is the heart of the gospel to that scandal produces three things in us three things that religion by itself, with all the flaws and all of its commands and all of its disciplines can never produce.

I don't care how intense your religion, how deep, perfect your Bible knowledge is forgiveness and grace are the only things I can produce these three things in your heart. Number one white hot worship.this woman demonstrates anything else is an uncontrollable passion for Jesus.

She weeps over percent.

She adores with tearful thankfulness for her salvation.

She she pours out a bottle of expensive perfume on his feet. Love is so strong that she can't seem to even constrain herself here Simon the Pharisee for all of his knowledge all is religion that any kind of emotion like that in his heart. Matthew you will lifestyle anymore like her. When was the last time that you wept over your sin and salvation. If the answer is never to say very humbly that you got a problem if the fact that God himself took on for you and eternal hell that you would brought onto yourself with the fact that he thought you when you were running as fast as you could be other direction that's never brought tears to your eyes and you got a serious problem is a well, I'm just not that emotional of a person you don't have to be emotional that to bring tears to your eyes. You have to be human with some semblance of understanding everybody here as far as I can tell, is human, which means that if you have a Web server, your salvation, I'm questioning whether or not you actually understand Jesus said those were forgiven might switch all of you love much and I love you much must be your lives for forgiveness. We give many clear me be very clear. The point is not that this woman needs to be forgiven a lot in the Pharisee only a little note.

Both are in great need of forgiveness because one, the prostitute got the five security and happiness apart from God or prostitution.

The other side and then thought he could win God's approval by showing how much better he was, and everybody else both rejected God in their own way and both needed to be forgiven her advantage is that she realizes that he done which is why she loves Jesus passionately, and he doesn't friend if your faith is cold. If your heart is hard if your worship feels perfunctory but you need to pray that God opens your eyes to see how amazing Grace is to see how high and wide and deep and long God's love is for you is when grace is amazing to you worship will fill a drudgery worse will be your delight coming to church to celebrate God's grace with other people is not for like something you gotta get dragged to how long can I use the coronavirus as an excuse not to gather with people in the mirror people to do it for safety reasons and their people that the just ally God assume that is I just know that compelled to do it will feel like that it'll select something you can't wait to do if you're in a circumstance or you can't do it because your heart will be. I can't wait to be around other people celebrate the grace of God white hot worship. That's your first effective know you been forgiven. Number two. Acceptance of others run some a church we always say those who believe the gospel become like the gospel. The acceptance that we have received from Jesus forever redefines how we receive others.

I don't like this woman in the church. From this point on, would find herself looking down her nose at other people in the church wonder only what historians you have heard about that. I knew what I guys marriage. I knew about what went on in her life.

I don't think she was like that because every time she walked in the church. All she could think about was where she was when Jesus found her back. I think it's kind of important how little too obvious.

He was a member of the early church. How Luke refers to this woman, verse 37 he called her a woman who was a sinner. He calls her first a woman, he identifies a person a woman a human being with inherent dignity. She's so my sister somebody's somebody's daughter somebody's mother. Perhaps doesn't mean she's not also a sinner. It just means he sees first in her something he can relate to.

He sees first somebody made in the image of God like him came in the world, just like he did with the same needs and hurts and desires that if you give me little little artistic license here. I can't help but wonder how this woman became a prostitute. We can be sure that Telus it's possible it's possible that she chose this path, despite a loving father and mother who raised her the right way and provided for her. That is a possibility, but it's unlikely right you have to admit that it's very unlikely was more likely is that something happened to her. Something happened to her life at some point to totally derail her and she got right now your husband abandoned her with no way to pay off debts or the possibility of owning land in first century Israel no way to get remarried now. That's how a lot of women in those days became prostitutes that made even darker really know this happened. Maybe her dad sold her office a little girl the patient.

That's that happen. Maybe she tried for a while to make money in other ways. Weather is finally came a day when she got so desperate that the thought crossed her mind. Well, there's always that way to make a living least I would starve. Missy meets a man who didn't care about what her name was want to know her name. She walked away after being used with enough money not starve and then she went there again and again and again and every single time it the shame increased and eventually the same becomes unimaginable in the pain becomes unbearable. She's got into a cycle that she didn't know how to get out of here me.

I must say interactions are just about a month trying to excuse her under say that those of us who are not currently walking down a path of darkness might consider that the darkness that some of the people around us have experienced is what has led them to this task darkness you and I've never had to go through for the underserved braces that God gave us to keep us out of that darkness we are to consider that to this woman. Luke says I see you first is a woman I see you first.

Somebody who's paying understand a somebody who is made in the image of God just like me is not made of many different substance that I made up God loves and whose pain breaks his heart is for those of you who come in here that one of our campuses sitting in your home watching later this week online you got mistakes in shame and pain.

Maybe that's the reason you're watching online, so I got to go into a church.

Too many people know what's happened in my life. I want you to hear from me directly. You are not your divorce. You are not your rape you're not your abuse. You're not your pride. You're not your addiction.

You're not your pain. You're not your sin. Do not you pass your not your future. You're not your stupidity or not your bad choices.

You are God's child. That is who you are, but away by the scholars point out historians with the question never totally resolved after Jesus accepts this woman. The question is does everybody else store never tells us will never tells what happens. Did Simon say hey okay puppeteer and was taught theology when the disciples which told no December church that's a question for us how we can receive centers but your own circle and it was easy to not your bill yet. That's right. Give us a 7 Euros Way for me that's really great. I love your parameters. I got look at your own circle who is in your circle. How many broken messed up people are part of your circle. What tarnished broken person that other people gotta shake their heads that tell jokes about what should those people are you showing the acceptance of Christ and some element of say it to be a church to stewards grace while working to have to get used to our church feeling a little messy conducting what I've learned in two decades as a pastor, people who actually have broken past don't get like automatically sanctified when they walk into the church building and I'm sure this woman brought all kinds of baggage into the church. All we get is a little story here, but you can't tell me to send that years to bill with counsel even in just dealing with some of that the pain that she was bringing into the church. Sometimes people like this don't know the right things to do in worship and like this woman, they do something that is awkward and borderline inappropriate gravida will commerce it will ease the conversation was right after I preach the message of things at Berkeley campus man walks up to look at the guys like this is church is not typical place for this gotta be what about me very quickly and he turned around he said he turns rice. I had big tears in his eyes and stuck out his hand very quickly little bit awkwardly and just a pastor that was the best believer in the blink, blink blink, blink blink sermon I've ever heard and I will do a double take. Like what the first thought in my heart was, you know that might that just might be the most authentic expression of praise uttered in this place. This morning, God might be more, please let Sen. that he did anything that I said, saying of the language that I now use was okay to figure out soon enough that we will all talk like that is somewhat as you sit in the service. Little of the words of the screen of the unit of the song God, why don't they use curse words and their song that he should have that thought. I'm just saying that when lost people find Jesus's message okay with that. I'm okay with that or you. I number three. Last thing your extravagant generosity will overlook that in the story. This woman is an expression of worship or Zelda help. One of the word used for scandalous outpouring of generosity. She feels that weeping at Jesus feet. She looked at her hair. Then she breaks open expensive bottle of perfume. These perfumes that were kept in alabaster glass flask is been around churches you've heard this, they were were were were both precious and very expensive. They say about a year's salary for the average person there something you For a lifetime used very sparingly. If you use them at all.

You let them. As an inheritance for your kids. Yet here we have her in one motion, break the entirety of the bottle and pour out the content on Jesus feet, something that would've lasted an aroma that would've lasted no longer than a couple hours.

We know from other accounts that some of the disciples thought this was was an incredible waste there like look up anything surely want to give it. She should've given it to the poor. But Jesus rebuked them sooner you'll get it. You'll get this towards warship. This was pure worship Jesus Lilo.I can I can multiply bread and fish to take care of the poor. I can do that. This kind of extravagance is right in light of the extravagance of the forgiveness I've given to her. I will need your money. This expression of her worship is right, the right to stamp some gifts are valuable because of the good they can do in the world. Others are valuable for this statement they make about the heart of the giver and the worth of the God to whom they are given to hear the summa church. Generosity is not first and foremost about meeting budgets thought about taking care needs. Generosity is first and foremost a declaration to God about how valuable he is to you notes for the heart of what we been doing out for two years with this thing we call first. We wanted to give in a way that shows that Jesus is first in our lives told you various stories of told you one about one of our pastors who determined that he was going to make his giving beginning from his family. The largest expenses family had every month bigger than what they pay for the mortgage bigger than what they were saving for retirement or for college bigger than their vacation or car expenses in order to do that.

He said we had to make some lifestyle changes. That's one way to do it. One way to do it is to rearrange a budget that way.

My question for you is not a you doing it that way. Question is, what is it look like for you is how your giving is how you're using your resources, your time, your talent and your treasure what kind of declaration is it making soup God about his place in your lives, about how grateful you are of grace on what you understand grace retaken this December will call it our December declaration budgets.

Time for some of us you been here for a while for us to really focus on finishing strong the commitment we made a couple years ago. It's time for others who were new were here to start giving on a regular basis when needed. After one time gift for you some recurring giving that can help you give like my family doesn't more of a consistent discipline way of every month to put Jesus first.

Maybe some of us realize about the saw there something in our lives that were holding onto something with all stored assets that we visualize God's name are you warding that I gave you that a transfer into my kingdom.

You trust me with your future. You can trust me with with right now. So don't listen that investors in my kingdom. Use it eternally.

Should be some gift that we offer as an act of worship that declares a Jesus is first. Some gifts are valuable because of the good they can do a moral that is true.

But more important, gifts are valuable for the statement they make about the heart of the giver and the word of God, in whom there given what comes statement about Jesus value is your giving. Make told you listen if you have resentment floods up in your heart and you just you, bow up a little bit at best, honestly, I just rather you cut a deal with that on your own. I'm not asking for anything from you. Bible says God loves a cheerful giver, and if your heart is not cheerful when you hear about these things and you probably not a place for me to hear that you got a deal. Some questions on your own, but for those of you that that that don't have that reaction. I just want to ask you to pray through and consider this so you would a very key point in the ministries of the summa church because of lockdown things of been very unusual and there's a lot of new ministry opportunities in front of us jumped is ashy to say Jesus is all yours.

What you want with it.

Want to make an eternal investment. I wanted to do this in a way that declares your my significance my security and I want to do so in a way that shows the value I want to declare this to my friends and my family want to teach my children. This one is your church this Wednesday the world this this is the value I have. It's for those of us in the midst of an uncertain time like lockdown. We believe we don't cower backwards and fear we will forward boldly in faith. This is the time to make that kind of declaration, a limit to close, pointing out that these three things white-hot worship. Acceptance of others and extravagant generosity. Some of the more astute if you notice that they correspond to three of our discipleship identities you been doing the groundwork study, worship, family member, that's the acceptance of others and steward that's extravagant generosity. We see all three of those identities in this story. What is most important, listen is how are these produced, how was warship acceptance as a family member. How does extravagant generosity where they come from answer a deeper awareness of grace. What we say here that you never grow in the Christian life by resolving to do better. You'll grow just by doing the groundwork study right you grow by going deeper into the wonder of your salvation. We should grow it and in the in the road in the Gospels like drinking from a well, you'll get the best water from the well by widening the circumference of the well get the best water from the well by going deeper into the same image of your heart is cold in the Christian life feels like drudgery. Ask God to open your eyes to the wonder of grace will do it when that wonderful is your heart, passion for the Christian life will follow as naturally as roses on rosebush with our heads right now me to do that is by grids wherever you are is you doing I only say to those you find yourself making like this woman, maybe a life filled with regret ever mistakes many are aware of your sin.

Unsure about how God feels about you I need you to understand of the arms of Jesus stand open wide for you cement are not made too many mistakes from my mistakes so bad that he couldn't he couldn't. He couldn't receive me. Jesus said that as long as you're on earth he stands arms open wide. Not in the posture of Judge Foley say one of our songs if you're not dead. God's not done or to quote an old song dark is the saying that you cannot hi what can avail to wash away. Look, there is flowing a crimson tide whiter than snow. You can be today. Grace grace God's grace grace that can pardon includes within grace grace God's grace grace that is greater that all my sinner. In the words of another song that you might've heard just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bids me come to be all Lamb of God, I come the raters say that to him right now. Raters say Lord Jesus, I'm here.

I need safety any security life filled with mistakes and regret that I want to come. I believe that you can save me and forgive me and heal me and so I lay down any pretense, and I just say only you can save me.

I surrender. Raters say that say that to them right now with your head bowed, Lord Jesus, I surrender and I received Lord Jesus, I surrender not receive you patient pray that right now. I know I can see everybody but if you pray to write. I would just raise your hand is more for you because I want you to acknowledge SCU others of you put the hands of us to several putdowns that pray for him. This race comfortably overwhelmed by grace got me this be the beginning of a life of discipleship. God help our church or church to be placed on the radiates disgracefully pray in Jesus name Jesus name, amen. Listeners are worship teams come back to lead us to celebrate God's grace. If you prayed that you questions about it. What I want you to do three simple think your phone thank you phone and what you text the word ready Re: 80 why the 339-333-3933 this text the word ready so I will get back to you just say hey here's how is how you go for the Christian life.

He loved to have that privilege. We won't hound you give us a chance to start a conversation that's were ready Re: 80 why the 33933