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Why Won't God Answer My Prayer?

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
August 22, 2021 6:00 am

Why Won't God Answer My Prayer?

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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August 22, 2021 6:00 am

In this message from Genesis 32, Pastor J.D. tells the story of Jacob, a man who began his life as a deceiver and ended his life with a limp—but who, right in the middle, wrestled with God and received an unimaginable blessing. Jacob provides a model for all of us who have ever waited on God to answer us, unsure if he hears, he cares, or he will ever act. Through Jacob, we learn that many of the blessings of God are released into our lives only through persistent, unrelenting prayer.

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So, my family and all of our campuses with take a moment to celebrate what God is doing on our church and our family member. The member's family ministry specifically the more than 80 that have professed faith in Christ this summer of our high school middle school students and continuing to grow.

I'm still ransom the baptisms this weekend. Different ones of the other ones of the campuses. We also want to take a moment and just a very heavy heart, grieve and pray for what's going on over in central Asia, specifically Afghanistan. I know that as you been paying attention to the news, you realize that what is going on over there is an unmitigated disaster, and we grieve what is happening. Sue men women and boys and girls made in the image of God were no different than us, but also know that there is a very small fledgling church.

They are in Afghanistan there is a small group of followers of Jesus that already. In normal circumstances are fighting for survival inviting is persecution amount the Taliban taken over our are literally fighting for their lives. Efforts of the most encouraging stories of the last week or so of unbelievers that they are that are continuing to stand strong for the gospel in the midst of it out of a dark place. You might know that we have people from the summa church that are in that region.

All around in countries all around Afghanistan right now. Ministering to some of the refugees and our are seeking ways to be able to be support and encouragement to what is happening so I just wanted us to take a moment and pray together for for that. Pray for peace, but also for those that are seeking to minister to those that are there. So would you just right now with bow your heads again and if you would even if you're at home and you would open up your hands, just in a posture of desperation, independence is right there in your lab is open up your hands and let's join my brothers and sisters in Christ, father these, you said that what happens to one of them. It's like it's happening in God we are grieving for men and women who have trusted you a Savior, and are now with no home and fearing for how they can survive horse care for their children. God, we are praying that you might bring peace. We pray that you do not just for the church's sake, but for the country's sake, but because we are praying that you would allow this church to not only survive but to be able to point people to a hope that is in Jesus Christ, that is stronger than the great Lord Jesus. We are praying that what our enemy means for evil that you would overrule for good. The last thing Lord Jesus that you said to us before you left it you said all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth, and that means Jesus that you are Lord over the Taliban.

They do not call the shots. Why do the nations're the one that is in charge and you have said that you are going to gather people from every tribe and tongue and nation to Lord were asking that you you because of the enemy means for evil to turn in for good were asking God that you call men and women to you were asking that you rest, killing and stealing disruptive powers of Satan and you turn this into an opportunity for life.string in the church protecting their strength and summit members who are in the country surrounding words give them comfort as they speak in this moment, we pray in Jesus name Jesus name. And if your heart is united with these over there. Would you say amen amen amen. Genesis 32. If you have your Bible this weekend if you'd open it to Genesis 32 and Ruth Bell grams book chronicles and those you love them. By the way some of you asked last week yet about the book that I referenced. It was this one. I'll put it here. The screen is called prayers for your children by local pastor named James Banks of got a few other books I'll be referencing today and instead of blowing me up on social media about what the names of these books were not that I don't love to hear from you. I love to hear from you but for your ease sake. I will put them all out on summit social media right after service. You can check there, particularly for your parents. Let me also suggest an addition to the one I mentioned last week, prayers for your children.

A similar book called prayers for chronicles by the same author. Both of them are 90 days of prayer that you can pray for your kids prayer for chronicles is particular for them in their teenage years. Even if you like Mike my teenage son or daughters doesn't happen to be a prodigal. I promise you there flirting with it and so that book is great when just a pray scripture over your kids is a great help to Veronica and me. I dream these years and there is one I'll put out there called comeback Barbara. It's by a pastor named Jack Miller who is one of the godliness pastors that I've ever read. Who himself and his family had a prodigal, prodigal daughter, and he writes about how God overcomes your mistakes and deficiencies as parents and how he works in your life in the process. Sometimes showing you that you are every bit the prodigal that your kid on the kid that you're praying for is and of course there is my new book, just ask which just came out and is available at any of our campuses. If any of you are interested in any of those books you can check out our social media channels later for some things I would commend to you again in her book, prodigal's and those who love them. Ruth Bell Graham Billy Graham's wife tells the story of waking up in the middle of the night worried for one of her children how to know if you know this but Billy and Ruth Graham who arguably were two of the most significant Christians of the 20th century had prodigal's in their family. Most notoriously, their oldest son Franklin, who for many years ran from God heart.

She says it was around 3 o'clock in the morning when the name of someone that I love dearly flashed into my mind. She said it came into my mind like an electric shock. Instantly I was wide awake. I knew there would be no more sleep for me for the rest of the night so I lay there and I pray for the one who was trying hard to run from God.

She says when it is dark and the imagination runs wild there are fears that only a mother can understand suddenly said she said in that place of darkness and fear and worry. She said a voice spoke to me and said quit studying the problems and start studying the promises that might be our theme for this morning. Quit studying problems start studying the promises, because that's where true tenacity and prayer is inspired the Bible. I have told you is a book of more than 3000 different promises and effective prayer begins with unearthing each of these promises one by one and praying them back to God. It's why we say you should not merely read the Bible, read your way to the Bible, you should pray your way to the Bible.

Today I want to talk about wrestling with God in prayer and refusing to give up. We're going to use one of my favorite Old Testament stories and that is the story of Jacob wrestling with God recorded in Genesis 32.

As we turn there. Let me just point out to you before we get to Genesis 32 that one of the most predominant themes in Jesus's teaching on prayer was the need to persist to cling to the promises to wrestle with God and refuse to give up.

It was so central that Luke summarized one of Jesus's parables this way and am pointing this out for Genesis 32 don't want you to write off Genesis 32 today is a some weird Old Testament story that was gonna bizarre as a sort of a one-off. This was a dominant theme in Jesus is teaching here so he summarized Luke summarized one of Jesus's parables now.

He told them this parable on the need for them to pray always, and not give up. This is what he is trying to teach you how to pray and not give up and illustrate this. He tells a story about a widow who needs a judge to give her justice, but the judge ignores her because she wouldn't have enough money to hire a lawyer any kind of a jerk who doesn't really care about doing the right thing.

Just because it's the right thing and so Jesus says this woman because she cannot get justice camps outside of the judge's house and every time a judge goes anywhere to work grocery store to the gym. She pesters him about her need watch this watch is Jesus says for a while.

This judge was unwilling, but later he said to himself, even though I don't fear God or respect people yet because this widow keeps pestering me. She won't leave me alone. I'll give her justice so that she doesn't wear me out by her persistent coming and then Jesus says quite unbelievably, this is how you should pray to God. Now his point. Of course, is not to compare G compare God to an unjust judge's point is to contrast them with one and he is saying that even an unjust judge will respond to persistent how much more will your heavenly father you see, in contrast to this poor widow. You and I have a heavenly father who loves to hear from us. He's not an unjust judge to tears neither for God or for us. He is so in touch with us.

In fact, that he knows what I hear both my heads and values are so much that he sent his son to die for us, but some blessings even in that kind of relationship you some blessings he grants only to persistent in asking today will get a look at one of the clearest pictures of that of the whole Bible is the story of Jacob wrestling with God. By the way, I've always heard that everything that you really need to know about God can be found in the book of Genesis. Every core doctrine. Every beautiful truth.

Every essential Christian practice. It's all in the book of Genesis and the rest of the Bible just basically expands on the themes that get introduced in the first book that is certainly true. What were going to look at today. Prayer is a major major theme in the book of Genesis. It appears in the most dramatic of ways again and again, we saw it last week we looked at Genesis 18, 19 about Abraham and Lot. Don't miss the significance of this in the very first book of the Bible. The books is gonna lay out the foundation for all of the rest of the books and everything else it's taught God establishes the primacy and the agency of prayer and how he does his work on earth. Genesis 32 Jacob, the grandson of Abraham is in quite a pickle.

In Genesis 32 his brother. He thought about the killing and this is the culmination of a 30 year grudge.

Let me explain.

For a moment how he got there okay the backup if you Are certain subpoints evident me walk you up to Genesis 32 is I got there, Jacob had been a jerk for most of his life until I got there. Most significantly, he cheated his twin brother Esau out of the birthright birthright. In those days was the right to officially carry on the family name. He usually came with upwards of two thirds of the father's wealth and always want to the oldest son Esau and Jacob were twins, but Esau was over by a couple of minutes right so here's how it went down how Jacob got the birthright Esau and Jacob. They were twins were very very different. Esau was tough. He was macho. He was the man's man kind of guy had the text tells us that he was Harry and he liked to hunt at today he would be the kind of guy probably who love football drives a Ford Raptor and and has hair poking out the top of his shirt. The text tells us that Jacob, by contrast, had skin, and the like to cook right up.

Which meant he was more than indoors the kind of guy today.

He'd probably be the kind of guy who watches the bachelor draws a mini Cooper and as a Pinterest account okay right see that you contrast one day when they were teenagers. Esau comes in from hunting and he's powerful hundred Jacob had just finished dinner brewing up a pot of stew. And so Esau asked him if he could have a have a bowl of of of stew Jacob who is very crafty since in a moment of opportunity so sure. I'll trade you something for and Esau said like what.

And Jacob says how about you birthright which is an insane asked, but Esau being a teenager and thinking impulsively. As teenagers are prone to do, not have been a well-developed frontal cortex and all and being hungry on top of that said will sure. I mean, what good is my birthright if I die of hunger right now so I could do many good then.

So they shook on it and Jacob says no take Max and Esau effectively relinquishes his birthright for a few years passed by, and their dad Isaac is about to die, so Isaac, you probably did not know anything about this deal and would have ignored it as a stupid teenager thing if he had known wants to formally confirm the blessing onto Esau.

So we asked Esau to go out and hunt him up some venison and bring it back and prepare it so they can eat together and he can formally confer the blessing of the birthright on the him and so Esau leaves to go hunt now, Isaac by this point is old and he can barely see or hear anymore, so Jacob thinks here's my chance.

One thing I forgot to tell you.

Esau was Isaac's favorite of the twins and Jacob was his mama. Rebecca's favorite to Jacob Ron to get his mama Rebecca's help, while Esau is away hunting and she says Genesis 27, four verse eight. Now my son listen to me and do exactly what I tell you go out to the flock and bring the two choice young goats and I will make them into a delicious meal for your father, the kind he loves Omega just the way he likes it, then taken to your father to eat so that he may bless you before he dies. Then Rebecca verse 15, to the best close of her older son Esau joined with closet got some of his favorite outfits and had her younger son Jacob put them on timber. 16 she put the scans of the young goats on his hands and the smooth part of his neck. Not much or what that says about Esau that the look and smell like him you would type pieces of a dead goat to your neck and arms but at any rate, were 17 to then hands the delicious food in the bread she had made to her son Jacob. Jacob takes it back in the Isaac disguises his voice culturally deeply and presents himself as Esau will somehow miracle of miracles, they pull it off, and Isaac mistakingly confers the blessing onto Jacob, and in those days, once the blessing of the birthright had been formally bestowed you couldn't take it back to when Esau gets home he finds out Jacob has-him. He vows to kill Jacob will Jacob is scared of Esau anyway and so he flees and he is gone for 30 years now Jacob turns out to be pretty resourceful and through a combination of hard work and a lot more trickery. He becomes really really wealthy. His name Jacob by the way, literally means in Hebrew grasp or and the reason you got that name was because when he and his brother were coming out of Rebecca's womb, Esau, like I told you came out first but it says that when Esau came up first. Jacob little hand came out right after Esau left the womb and grabbed a hold of his heel as if the sale did back in here. I wanted to come out first to his parents called him grasp but the name Jacob can also mean deceiver answered those two words, grasp or and deceiver pretty well sum up Jacob's life and if your name is Jacob. This morning I sincerely apologize for bringing it out right now but any rate somewhere during those 30 years that he's gone, God begins to work in Jacob's life.

In chapter 31, God appears to Jacob 31 verse three and says go back to the land of your ancestors and your family and I I will be with you now to make a long story, really short, Jacob gets right with God and so he obeys.

And so he starts his long journey home. But as Jacob is getting close to his birthplace, a place remember that he hadn't been for over 30 years. He starts to wonder the source. Wonder what Esau is going to say is Esau still met.

Maybe he's forgotten about the whole thing and suddenly he gets word that Esau has come out to greet him with 400 armed men, which is not a counter group that you bring for a welcome party with the kind of group that you bring for a massacre so clearly. Jacob understands Esau has not forgotten answer, Jacob plunges into despair.

So he prays Genesis 32 verse 90 God, God my father, Abraham, God of my father, Isaac, old Lord who said to me return your country into your candid kindred that I may do you good little year was doing see it, I hope I've taught you that the recognizes she was doing. He's holding God's words back up in front of God got you said you said you said return to your homeland and I will do you good verse 10. I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love in all the faithfulness that you have shown your servant. Please deliver me from the hand of my brother Esau from the hand of Esau, just in case you forgot. My brother was right, fear him, that he may come and attack me verse 12, but you said you said I will surely do you good to make your offspring like the sand of the sea which cannot be numbered for multitude you see the second time he's holding God's word back up in front of anything God, you promised you said this Jacob keeps praying to God like this all through the night sometime in the middle of the night.

Verse 24, a man notice the capitalization. By the way a man came and wrestled with Jacob until dawn, when the man saw that he could not win the match with Jacob. He touched Jacob's hip and knocked it out of joint in the socket.

God's finisher signature finishing move is that flick public. Do you know how painful that would have been if you've had a finger pulled out a joiner sold without a joint razor that are happening okay. I've never had it happen. I don't want to happen because people that have had that happen. States unbelievably painful and the largest joint in your body is your hip and this guy just touches it with his finger and knocks it out of joint to the question you're supposed to ask is if this strange man has that kind of power.

How in the world that he lose the wrestling match to Jacob right verse 26 and the man said let me go bring it dawn again this guy so powerful just touched Jacob's hip and knock it out of socket but he's pinned and hast asked permission to leave one of the world is going on here, but Jacob panted I will not let you go unless you bless me know. Imagine how much pain Jacob is in his hip was out of socket.

But he won't let go. I will let you go I got no other alternatives. I'm desperate. I want you going to you bless me. Verse 27 muffin partisans were what is your name.

The man asked. He replied Jacob okay will sidebar how do you wrestle somebody all night long and not even know the name was this heavenly man is not looking for a random fight when he comes across.

Jacob is a pretty boy.

You'll do they beat each other up all night now is okay were you anyway is not really was going off course is not what's going on.

He already knows Jacob's name. He just wants Jacob to say his name singing. My name is J means liar and deceiver. Verse 28.

Your name will no longer check the mental is now Israel, which means literally you have wrestled with God and prevailed because he says you've struggle with God and man, and have one verse 29. What is your name Jacob asked him why do you ask the man replied no because you snap my hip socket out of joint and change my birth name to a different one and it will be helpful when I'm telling the story later least tell people you are. That's why verse 29 men never answers the man blessed Jacob. There the next few verses, Jacob is going to meet Esau and God changes Esau's heart when Esau sees his brother instead of killing him. His heart melts relays on his weapons and he runs to embrace them and they stand there weeping in each other's arms for a long time.

Jacob goes on from this moment not only to be reconciled to his brother, but also the father of the Jewish nation.

Jacob's 12 sons are to become the 12 tribes of Israel and from one of the tribes. The tribe of Judah Jesus himself would be more now so many questions.

First, it was a strange man it's wrestling to Jacob. Some commentators say it was an angel. Yes, I guess there's some to that theory.

I don't know why Jeff Leavitt Donnelly is not a vampire, so I'm not really sure what auto means, but most theologians believe it is God himself because of what Jacob says in verse 30 Jacob name the place up and Neil and Neil which means face of God, for he said, I have seen God face to face yet. My life has been spared to Jacob thing since the bank that it's God taking a human body. So then the question becomes if Jacob is wrestling with God. How does God not win again. The guys clearly strong enough that he went Jacob whatever he want to you with a flick of his finger, not Jacob's hip socket out of joint. Yet he lets himself be penned by Jacob and what you see is that God is teaching you something important about prevailing with God in prayer and that is the any of the blessings of God are released into our lives. Only through persistent unrelenting prayer. He wants you to pin him, so to speak that raises another question God had clearly promise those blessings to Jacob.

Jacob Kochan twice.

God told Jacob go back home and I'll bless you.

So why does Jacob have to wrestle all night with God to obtain the blessing. Write this down. Many of the blessings of God are released into our lives. Only through persistent unrelenting wrestling prayer yes God had promised this blessing to Jacob. Jacob had to wrestle all night with God to get it and only after a full night of wrestling. Does God let you pin him and obtain the blessing know as a pastor I will tell you I find that people don't have a problem or pray almost every Christian on her praise. The problem is when they don't see a lot of immediate answers for the things are praying for and so they give up assuming the prayer doesn't work. The problem is not a prayer problem is a persistent problem in this text addresses that y'all remember Martin Luther's definition of prayer that I give you a few weeks ago, effective prayer means catching God in his words. Luther said with a story can add another layer to that another dimension sometimes you wrestle with God for a long time to get those blessings now.

Please be clear and and will be confused. I'm not talking here about salvation.

I'm not talking about forgiveness. I'm not talking about the filling of the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about about wisdom. Scripture promises that God will give you those blessings.

The first time you asked for them right over talking about is the outpouring the in breaking of God's goodness into some area of your life. A broken relationship, a career choice a ministry opportunity.

That's what were talking about now you hear that you asked Susan what I don't get why why does God do it that way and always turn hear the words of Martin Luther. In fact, I quoted them up a few weeks ago to you who compares it to the father who has something in his hand that his kid once, but he won't let it go at first to test the child's resolve to see how badly his kid once it and so the father resist the kids run pulled out his hand and he's resisting to test his kid strength and to test the kids resolve to get it and God does that with us when we pray. Luther says he holds the blessing in his hand as we wrestle with him and he asked how desperate are you for this.

Do you really believe Honolulu only one who can give it how quickly you can give up on me.

Do you really believe that I'm good. Do you really trust me, by the way a few weeks ago I asked you I wasn't one of God sometimes make us persist in asking and I just give us what we have for the first time he asked and I can account positive for dramatic effect at all like I don't know and you laughed and that's partially true. I don't know all the specific reasons in each situation.

The God delays due to I do know I do know, based on stories like Jacobs. I do know what his purpose is for us in the waiting and I know that because Scripture tells us he does so to purify and to perfect our faith. You seem to you really trust me you really believe that I'm good. Do you really believe that I'm the only one who can give this or are you already hatching a plan B in your head, in case I'm not really good and don't come through and if I delay you to just give up and you assume that I don't care or even that I don't exist. See our belief in the goodness of God is measured by how long we will persistent prayer when the answer does not come that your measure of the belief your belief in the goodness or how long will you persistent prayer when he answered, and come write this down real prayer, real prayer, the kind that comes from your soul, the kind that Jacob prayed the kind of just comes up as a grown that always leaves you with a wound like a society started to pray. That way I would like Jacob received a wound were God drives you to the end of yourself were you exhausted all your abilities and you lost any confidence that you can do anything in your looking out saying God there's 400 armed men. I had no answer for that. I get nowhere to run nowhere to turn. My only hope is you and from that point onward, you can walk the rest of your life with a limp.

You been there may be there right now. You will desperate about something something you want to change some change you want to see in your life.

Some change you need to see in somebody else's life.

Some change in the situation and you spare some point, you have found yourself screaming by yourself in your car, maybe at home when nobody else is they are out to walk in your screaming at God. I can't do this. I don't have anything else.

The only one you don't want, you can do this you the only one who can give this blessing I will let you go because I get no other alternatives. I will let you go. Would you bless because I know you're good.

Nowhere else to turn. Promise you. From that point onward.

You spend the rest of your life walking with a limp, reminding you of when God brought you to that point of despair and you clung to him because you had no other alternative is usually Spurgeon said. Charles Spurgeon said, it is usually when you have no words and you can only grown in prayer. That's when you really started to prayed you offered your breast prayer your best prayer. This is what the Bible teaches us effective prayer looks like we press through what looks like God's unwillingness to lay hold of his promises again for an older think this is a one-off teaching from the book of Genesis, like I've just taken some story and didn't creative and capitalize on it.

Sales a metaphor for prayer dog increase example after example after example from the life of Jesus of always showing you how we taught this principle of persistence in some of his parables.

But you can see the same pattern plan again and again and how he bestows his miracles right committed to you on March 7 Serafin Asian woman Gentile comes to Jesus to get healing for her daughter and Jesus responds with what is without question the rudest thing in the Bible. What you say woman is not right to take the bread intended for children and to give it to dogs. He called the woman talk.

I have heard commentators are well you know the word use actually means little dog like puppy, yet it still means talk right and no culture at any time.

Has it ever been flattering whole woman adult, what you doing what you doing is resisting what she she comes back she presses back. She says see your you know are moving him up with a figure for Anya yet Lord, but in a rich man's house are so much food on the table that some of it tumbles often even little dogs get to eat that servers a wrestling hate Jesus you act like you try to get away but I will let you go. The blessing of my daughters got an alternative what happens. She stops as well never seen faith like that anywhere in Israel by the way, don't miss the use of the word Israel that was kind of faith Israel showed a look at the group of people saying all these people that are essentially in church is 90 over that way. I've seen faith like that. This woman knows that I want.

Looks like resistance is not actually resistance and he gives her the blessing. Think of it like this. Instead of doing what Jesus originally said he would do Jesus that what the woman believed he could and would do Jim symbolize pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle wrote one maybe one of us will come forever. Veridical fresh when fresh fire.

He said the great battle of our spiritual lives is will you believe that we try harder is not. You make yourself worthy is squarely a matter of believing that God will do what only God can do and then you pray and you pray and you wrestle. Don't give up until God gives the blessing. I know I'm talking to a lot of people this weekend were waiting on God to answer some prayer and you're sitting here thinking I don't know why it seemed like a good thing. II don't like a mask and selfishly why hasn't God answered my prayer.

It's a fair question.

Some of you for some of you which led you to doubt quite honestly God's goodness were wonderful even exist. Someone in this message. By giving you for reasons gleaned from the story for why God may not be answering your prayer. Why, at least you feel like he's not answer your prayer. What you consider these okay will apply human maybe one or two of them will number one. One reason you may not since him answering your prayer like you. You should be answering what maybe you're not yet pursuing his will. Hear me out.

It is significant that this wrestling match does not happen until Jacob had stopped his life of swindling and was on his way back to the promised land. God will not pour blessing into your life when you are living in open rebellion in I don't know that because the psalmist says very plainly if I regard iniquity in my heart.

The Lord will not hear me Peter says the husband that if you if you husbands are mistreating your wives if you're not respecting them you're not honoring them. If you're not putting their needs and wants before you wrote in your prayers. First Peter 37 are going to be hindered some Humana is not answer prayer. Since you got married allows Leiden is right and okay multiple other places where Jesus says open sin cuts us off in the blessing of God. Listen if you have not surrendered yourself to the Lordship of Jesus's morning God puts himself under no obligation to hear your prayers, your nice child in some none none of the promises of prayer your son say that to be mean. In fact, the opposite of me. You can become God's child.

Right now, today, just by repenting of your sin and and receiving this free offer to forgive and save you the all present to you Sue point is, until you do that none of these promises of prayer are yours now. Maybe. Maybe you've done that.

I got one. I'm a Christian, I receive Christ, but maybe still right now.

This weekend you're living with some kind of unconfessed willful sin again if I regard iniquity in my heart.

Another words were something the goddess told me I should be doing but I'm gonna do it anyway think it will be that big of a deal Lord will not hear me.

Your sin has placed a block between you and God.

That Scripture says may keep your prayer from being answered. Is that true in your life. This morning is the Holy Spirit put his finger on something in your life right now. If so, then you need to stop praying and start repenting now only one caveat here specifically in the case of children who walked away from God. Many parents assume that something in their lives that made their child wonder. I told the parents like this all the time. The author of of prayers for prodigal's says this is a human.

We parents are not getting an answer to our prayers to bring our prodigal children brought back. We look for some item Lane right, but I will turn to somebody else or this person's father's friends fault this exhibit will look very far more than one parent of a prodigal son or daughter is found themselves looking in the mirror and asking is God punishing me through my child for something I did in the past, the author says emphatically. No, we know that because Ezekiel 18 says clearly that in the new covenant. God will not punish the children for the sins of the father. Now this is a better explanation what's happening will be more John nine when the disciples encounter a man who's been born blind from birth and they asked Jesus if he is why, because of his Sanders parents in and she says were simply first three this man nor his parents in this came about, so that God's works might be displayed in him.

In other words, this happens not because God is punishing somebody for some sin but he's created a situation where he gets to show off his power and grace to another words parents hear me. It's not your fault. The father in Jesus. The story of the prodigal son had not done anything wrong per se. There is nothing in Jesus story that indicates that this young prodigal son left because of failures in the father or deficiencies in his apparently you can't blame yourself. They get to make their own decisions. God created.

After all, he created only to humans directly. Adam and Eve and both of them are built and is not because God was deficient. Father, they are not being punished for your failures. God is just created a situation where you got a press into his grace. He's created a situation where you got nothing left to do except grab hold of God and say I can't let you go until you bless me the wrong thing to do in the situation of a prodigal is to blame yourself the right thing to do is pray that God's great works would be displayed in him or her, but to return to the main point.

If you're not experiencing an answer to prayer should at least ask my pursuing God's will always and I know how right now this one are you. Are you doing everything you know God told you to do any past since Jesus blood is covered, so he's not paying you back for those but right now, are you following his will and what you're satisfied that you are when you can proceed to number two, number two, maybe he has a better plan maybe got better but we at least acknowledge it with our limited knowledge we can't know everything.

Sometimes God overrules us in love.

I am every parent understands this. Sometimes I overrule my kids requested me not, despite my lack of love for them, but because of my love for them right now right now to get something for my 16-year-old. The drive naturally.

She wants a self driving test instead I got her a Honda Accord with a stick shift. Now she's like dad, why am I having to learn to drive stick. This is so hard. I said I don't under a I think is actually a valuable skill for you have be this will help remove the temptation to have the phone in your hand when you drive I'm giving her something different because I have a better plan. Nothing of is better. Now I'm not saying that I'm infinitely wise. Maybe, tell my decision was in the right one, but I can see the wisdom of our heavenly father is always better. So Jesus teaches us to begin every single prayer we pray by saying your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No less than the apostle Paul was told by God. In answer to a persistent prayer God supply Paul stop praying that I'm not gonna remove the storm from your flesh like you're asking because I've got a better plan, and my grace is going to be sufficient for you in this affliction, so I know this is what you want but I got a better plan.

Quite often, God is up to something better in our lives that we just can't see yet, but we love her and hear the way Tim Keller summarizes it look, God will either give us what we ask for in prayer or you will give us what we would've asked for if we knew everything that he knows God will either give you what you're asking for his eye, but I she knew if you knew what I need is what you asked for but one biblical example really quickly and Dalton.

There are hundreds I could pull from this is a new informational nature of the story in Luke one where Zachariah is in the temple and suddenly Gabriel angel appears to him and tells him he's going to have a son, John the Baptist announced the coming of the Messiah go. I saw something in that story the other day.

I've literally never seen before. I could really never seen it. When Angel first appears to Zachariah.

You know the first thing he says Luke 113. Don't be afraid, Zachariah, because your prayer has been heard.

What prayer your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name his name John a prayer to get pregnant the first thing the angel says is a I'm hearing is better to prayer here something.

How long ago had Zachariah stop praying a prayer.

I ask because the text says that Zachariah and Elizabeth were in Hebrew, very old, not just old.

Very old ancient, as in so old that an all-nighter for Zachariah meant not getting up to go to the bathroom right or so old that if you said something to Zachariah about getting lucky he just assumed you meant find a good parking spot at the grocery store back. I know you thought you follow me like late 70s early 80s, old is what commentators say no I cannot. I can see Zachariah and Elizabeth praying to get pregnant into the 40s. Maybe they were even bold and audacious enough to ask God for that gift in their 50s maybe go. Now she's in her mid to late 70s at the prayer they have long ago stopped right in assuming God said no or that he wasn't listening, but first thing the angels says when he shows up.

The first thing is nominal. Got hurt you. He's had a better plan when you had to wait for and one you couldn't have comprehended had he tried to explain it to you, friend.

What if what if what if we get to heaven we see there was something like this for every supposed unanswered prayer in our lives again. Ruth Bill Graham when I am dealing with an all-powerful and all-knowing God I is a mere mortal Stauffer my petitions not only with persistence but also with patience somehow know why number three, number three, maybe your approaching without confidence in his goodness with you.

I sure this in James 15 Jesus half-brother James says now look for you lacks wisdom, he should ask God. Hey, good news got a give generously poured out, and ungrudgingly my favorite word in verse ungrudgingly means he didn't do it while point a finger you criticizing you for being so dumb to get yourself in a situation renew that wisdom did not bring up your past sins easily forgiven those in Jesus is not in any condemnation. This just ask and your heavenly father give it to you switches, but let him ask in faith without doubting the doubter is like the surging sea driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord being double minded and unstable in all his ways and other words become the godly wisdom you gotta believe that he's good and that he will provide you have to be certain of his goodness and his willingness. This is not name it. Claimant theology all name it. Claimant theology is when you believe you know better than God what you need and he's obligated to give it to you God like a piñata in faith and prayer like a walking stick, and if you whack got hard enough that he's going to give you whatever candy are asking for. If that's not what James is talking about. James is talking about approaching God with certainty about his character. Certainty about his promise of goodness Jesus. I know you're good.

I know it and I know you're listening you're just like I see you in the Gospels, you're just as attentive. Your chest was moved with compassion, you're the same yesterday today and forever. You know when a hair falls out of my head you know every thought before I have it intended good for me. I'm coming with that confidence. I believe James promise about asking for wisdom would apply to anything. We asked for but he says you will receive anything from God writes about more than just his wisdom. Anything you ask God for. You gotta be certain of the goodness and character of Jesus or like Jane said not to receive anything from him. You will receive that person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. So let us say as we pray, Jesus I know you're good. I know it.

I know you listening I know you're able to help just like I see you in the Gospels. Remember the great battle of our spiritual lives is will you believe now we try harder be worried. But will you believe would please me. The last one in the fourth. Have you not to pray long enough, maybe not. You pray long enough maybe it is a little bit more the night of wrestling ahead. Don't give up friend. Don't give up, hold on to that heavenly man hold on and say with Jacob. I am not going let you go because I had no other alternatives I can't what you going to you bless me remember Martin Luther's definition of effective prayer affect prayer catching Christ in his words and then wrestling with him until he fulfills it hold onto God hold onto them claim to him in desperation to the darkest hour of the night saying God watch doing this you thought you promise Lord promised good to me. My hope in you is secure. You said surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.

You said they'll see the goodness of the Lord of the land of the living.

You said that the children of the righteous will be blessed. You said that you use me as a blessing and not a curse. You said you would use me to point other people to your goodness.

God I'm believing what you said to not let you go because the only one who can fulfill this. Listen to me friend listen. God feeling distant from you is just an illusion is just an illusion. He is testing your faith in his goodness.

The scene is here to give up on the scene if you turn away from him something else, or maybe just concluding that exist and he's listen he's giving you a wound is giving you a wound at the place of your brazen foolish self-confidence. To be honest, that foolish self-confidence that independent streak is what caused you to wonder into a life of grasping and deceiving this time of waiting on him. In desperation, he's going to create in you a limp Olympic where you learn to lean on his strength and not yours anymore for the rest of your life. I promise you, you look back and say that's the most blessed wound that I've never received before God uses a man greatly always hurt him very deeply constant creating that wounds were you lean on him and you teach other people that salvation is not found my goodness, my abilities is not found my parenting is not found my persuasion on my hope is in his goodness in my my limp show you that we table a place of brokenness, enmity with God that answer C press on my French press on some answers are only given after a night of painful wrestling. Don't give up. Don't give up.

After all, after all, your praying to the God who went to the darkness of Gethsemane and to the torture of Golgotha for you. I can assure you he's listening if he didn't turn his back on you when Sam was crushing the life out of him. He's not going to close his ear to you now that you are his child.

You feel like you care about your of your broken marriage bill like you and care about your unsaved husband is like you even care about your wayward child care about your lost friends in your broken body.

He hires the distance is just an illusion. Keep trying.

Keep praying and if you push with persistence and you get past the resistance. What you'll find is not indifference. What you find is intimacy know here's a story I tell and just ask of the 19th century evangelist and orphanage founder George Mueller, George Mueller committed to pray every day for five young men to be safe. Five teenagers, two of which were one of his best friends, high school science pray for 18 months before the first one of those five can Christ, which is a longtime thing about it everyday pray is 540 days every day for over 500 Asian pretty exact same thing without seeing an answer for 18 months first young man got say what will you say George Mueller wrote in his journal that he praise God for that one or more left someone to keep praying.

Pray every day for another five years.

Second one came to Christ to pray another six years. The third one came to Christ. He kept praying every day for 36 years. Mueller was now a very old man right and he wrote in his journal, right before he died. Of all the great ways got an answer prayers.

But he said there's two still are unconverted. These five young men and I will not stop praying to my dying breath. I will pray for them every day you said I continue to hope in God and I pray on many died just a couple years after his death, so there's final to the sons of his friend both came to faith in Christ, George Mueller had prayed daily for those two young men were almost 45 years for no give up Jesus told this parable so that you was always praying and never lose heart.

Ever since we have some people here this morning that you're about to give up. Don't give up. Don't effort thinkers and people this weekend that is right where you are here Sargon and our service invite up some of our prayer counselors at every campus is your home can do this one, things level being together to renew things like this, but you just go with your new pray for their in the chat but I want asked for prayer counselors will come up right now that all campuses give three specific categories. There are some of you that you need a physical healing or somebody in your life means a physical healing name is not you, maybe it's not here invite you to come up in a minute and take the handle one of these yet. It's a bold move between prayer bold prayer of Jacob.

Pray all night you come on take and want these people and say I want to pray for a miracle were not a named claimant charts are believed to be shouted loud enough that God cannot just give it because you said it we always say your will be done, but we also believe that God heals and we believe that a lot of miracles that stay on the sidelines are never asked for. So if it's a physical healing of your what you come in a moment. Category number two a financial provision or some kind of job situation again, maybe not for you. Maybe somebody just cost you in your life in your family or friend shortcomings in God you promise you children of the righteous would never go hungry and I'm praying that right now. Category number three really burden over somebody who needs Jesus prodigal son. Prodigal daughter, friend, parents, maybe it's a broken relationship and we just need to see a miracle were to pray in this very hour, the angels of God would do what they can do in response to God's direction.

Now maybe you got something else on your heart that you you know that didn't quite fit neatly when the three category line if it's heavy in your heart, but I might ask about a come on the altar like we did last week are welcome to do that, certainly, but wants everybody to pray, say that some of you that right now there's a bold prayer needed. Pray you know exactly because it's heavy in your heart to the moment I stand you up, as you come to Gahanna. One of these words can pray for a few moments here before worship teams, and leaders. Okay, don't you hesitate or delay. This is a house of prayer going to bring this burden here bring about her latest feet of Jesus saying your feet if you would offer campuses change fee right now. Right now the way to step out, to the handle one of these. And there's three categories of something else. Let's just pray let's present these birds to God our worship teams are coming as our worship teams, make different way forward and let's get this at the throne of Jesus.

Let's pray together.

Let's see God do miraculous amazing things. You come as a working teams,