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Meet Me in the Morning, Part 3

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
September 6, 2021 8:00 am

Meet Me in the Morning, Part 3

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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September 6, 2021 8:00 am

When Moses wanted to see God's glory, God said, "Come up to the mount in the morning and present yourself to me in the morning, and bring no one with you." Spending time alone with God first thing in the morning before the busy distractions and carnal routines intrude on our thoughts and set our emotions on course for the day, is the secret and price for intimacy with God.

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Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

Greetings friends new listeners welcome this program of the Archie Harding ministries I'm shy not thanking you for joining us today because we know Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I'm happy to bring you today's message.

Meet me in the morning.

I don't know about you but the most important thing in my life is the presence of the Lord without God's presence orchestrating the daily events of my life, whether extraordinary or mundane, I would have knows why did the no joy of life, and certainly no peace of mind and rest apart and they all flow from my morning time with God. This sets the tone for the day, but I did not always practice this until God showed me his way and said meet me in the morning. Lamentations the third chapter.

Now I'll read it to you.

Verse 19 remembering mine affliction three. I was in misery.

I can't even begin to describe to you the misery I was in some not, but think about it now. I can't believe I lived through it. The wormwood that means the bitterness at the ball might remember it. Even now when I think about my will.

I know how but you know it's a rhetorical thing. Amen. But still, it may not think about it this I recall my mind therefore have I hope it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning great is not and what happened to me as I went. I weighed the part of the day, because I knew it would be another day but I got out of that bed was nothing I could do but wall and talk could not get down on my knees I would get a position so I would begin to walk and talk with God and as I began to walk and talk with God, he began to pour out his mercy for that day. I got that table next day.

I repeated it… Through that day and one day at a time, morning by morning, God sent his mercy, God sent his compassions and when I would begin to connect to God my spirit began to get stronger begin to develop. It was low. I don't want to leave you it didn't happen in a week was a long journey but was happening little by little, morning by morning, God was revealing more and more mercies that may amen and I began morning by morning to be on time with God and God begin to work on the inside out.

It would be a whole another message to tell you about that.

Maybe I will one day but you see that was how I got my breakthrough start to fix the when the when part of my broken prayer life was getting up in the morning and being with and after a while it dawned on me, my Lord and my God. Why had I been doing this all those years when I had a well Bob what I did and had pain in my body. What one got my God, what, maybe I don't know maybe I don't know but I know that's what it took for me to see and I'm saying to some of you if you are wondering how you can fix your broken prayer life. There's nothing I could tell you more if you want to be in ministry if you want to be used by God is the greatest advice I could give to anybody is start your day went. God and whatever the mind didn't do it big time.

The Robards far outweigh and there will come a time when you look back and forget about that you ever had a problem. Amen this was David secret David, the Bible says was a man after God's own heart. How many know that what was his secret. I would take you quickly through some of the things that he said he said by give ear to my words so Lord and consider my meditation parking under the voice of my pride, my King and my God for under the will. I pray verse three.

My boys shout out here in the morning morning. I will direct my prayer on to be well the first place. I need to look in the body, not God.Dylan… But I'm going to look up in the morning.the secret and had not developed that time I started the minutes in the morning.

My body the week it was the week for me to be able not be for 15 minutes and that was that the minutes and I had to go lie down so it began thinking you know that happening are you know that I will not be just walking and talking with the Lord. Amen.

Where that strength come from. It came from me, not in communion with my Lord, this evening is spread my boys what you hear in the morning here. Below are alarm clock goes off good but I hereby bought 143.not big time. Then the bar date. They do not trust me didn't know where I should walk… I told you I'm good now. But how not only what you say that Percy said my boys what you will hear my voice in the morning and now he says now cause me to hear your voice to get back some 53 you'll hear my voice.

Psalm 143 eight.

I want to hear your voice. I want to hear your voice and I want you to cause me to know the way. When I walk I want to hear and I want to know.

You see, that was the next thing that I stumbled going.

I found out the times because I would get exhausted my body and worn out from walking and praying. I have a chair in my living room that I would go and sit down for a few minutes become the prayer chair. It's broken. It's been glued and screwed and it still broken, but it's anointed the weeks we hang onto it and sit down in that chair and I discovered something you know. Serendipitously, I stumbled on if I will shut up. After praying a while. Amen if I'll be quiet that'll talk to me voice for a long time. I was under the impression pray like I do preach will allow and powerful and commanding, know that we have to pray and be successful.

But I found out that way.


I found out that that he said that we will now dictating hear the voice of the Lord is are you praying the Lord you worship you talk to God.

Now you just sit still there for a moment and think about what you said before you know it not your spirit. He starts dropping things in your spirit. Now I try to keep a pencil and paper close by so I can write things down so I don't forget because prayer is not only you speaking but it's listening to God. Your prayer can be found that you can have a little small whisper of a voice, and it doesn't make it any less powerful. Amen. And when we meditate and when we let God speak back to us so it David said he went to bed with the mindset of getting up just like God told Moses to do some 57 eight await my glory. I went to psaltery and harp away only I wake up early and when I get up and start thinking so Lord 5916 but I will sing of thy power and not like this.

Yeah I was seeing. I will now see in the morning or doubt has been my defense, and refuge in the day of trouble. So David began his morning in worship and song cannot tell you and you don't laugh at me. Please, that the Lord is giving me song I he's given me some for him. Okay he doesn't laugh when I see I sing these songs to the Lord and and the two are lacking, they are little yeah I told the Lord to swansong really good. I really love these words look but I don't like I got you please give me a better to so far where the Lord gives me the song. You know, I think only 10. I mean all want to go back to the 1700s new contemporary song to sing little courses and then I sing the song that the Lord gave me all the wonderful amen. I can't sing or play like David did, but I found out that the Lord gives me a song. It's beautiful and you know what it sets my heart in the right tongue. The day after that it's really hard to get ugly with my now it's really hard to get snippy and snotty me. It is impossible day. Please don't misunderstand me. I don't have any wings. I will have a halo or anything up here but it's hard.

You don't just fall into it because your lips have already been sanctified because you been face-to-face and lip to lip with God and it does something to you. Amen I know I'm running out of time… David but I got at least talk about Jesus is the best one of all some time with me and I chapter it's only one verse.

The boys at one of my favorite one is able to talk about Jesus, what were you doing in the Old Testament what you know I say was messianic prophet chapter 50 verse four. This is speaking of the Messiah. In fact the Messiah, the Lord God had given me the tongue of the learned that word there being the disciple to be taught.

You know what I love about people talking about Hebrew, but this one particular work in the Hebrew that word Islamic and you know it has a double meaning. The word both to teach and to learn its reciprocal because when you have learned something you want to tell some you want to teach someone out. I found out that when God knew give me a new revelation. Get me some new truth. The best way to my memory to my spirits. I'll never forget it. Tell somebody else to tell somebody else and you know in the early days when I was still in a lot of pain. You can see me jerk get out and people would come and minister to me. My parents, and other people would come and you know in the meantime that was start to show me things and give me things all night.

Now when people came to see me. They they better be ready to get your full because all this stuff when I was going to praise everything the Lord told me and I would tell him everything. I don't know if they like that are not listed but just my spirit. Amen. And that's what Jesus said.

He said give me the time of the learned that I speak a word that is weary and here's what I love you waking up my ear morning by morning, he waking up my ear to hear as the learned the secret to having the tongue of the discipline is the ear of the discipline, be quick to speak because the righteousness of God.

If you want.

I discipline Tom. Tom came home and it starts with the discipline and start marking what I morning by morning progress that God gives you the line upon line, precept upon precept truth upon truth here and there a little here and there. Their son Robin. I think that I can't give you because you don't understand that the rest and that's what Jesus said that by morning by morning.I went and gave them revelation. Amen. And that's what God wants to do jobs morning by morning.

Okay, now let me tell you something. This was Jesus daily pattern and I winding down.

I promise this was his daily pattern. We know that he was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. We know he went about doing good healing all that were present for God was with him. There wasn't a deadline and cast out the sickness, he healed a blind eye. Everything that everyone presented themselves with the knee. He did amen.

The devil came out every time these quickly taking a just jot it down. What he was preaching a lot of people questioned him about his authority and how come you can do this and who gave you this authority in all of us. They were asking and he will answer him such things as John 828 I do nothing of myself, John 838 I speak that which I have seen with my father, John 716, my doctrine is not mine, but is, as my father has taught me, I speak the Jesus said the father taught him. He heard the father he saw the father do these things is not what he said so I went to the father to chip when father do these things when his father probably know what he was supposed to do when he came on certain things present themselves and nobody knew what he already knew already know, because the already solid like a video laid out already saw exactly what was going to happen.

It was, but to do this you would do that.

Nobody ever caught Jesus by surprise every time they tried to trick him when we read scenarios think it will get them on what to say.

Oh we pay taxes are not paid tax will cowboy we got it out to American and did all embarrassed until that one day I think that one day I chapter it is that one day the Pharisees came to came the Herodian came the lawyers came all that money went when he got the last one. After all, Fritz presented in any target all around and all the really bad I'm not what I would add that chapter and from then on November 1. After many more questions. He was ratty, why because morning by morning by morning it says and marked the first chapter verse 35 and in the morning rising up a great while before day he went out into a solitary place and there he prayed just like most just like to come up the mountain, early home alone and I will meet you there. Luke 21 versus 3738 because what Jesus heard install at that time. Father, he went out and put it into action, and in the daytime. He was teaching in the temple and at night he went out in the boat and the Mount of olives, all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, the people came early here, let me tell you something when you know that you're going to receive a work from. You will make whatever sacrifice you have to make to get there. Some of you may even now I see what time is on the clock.

I'm almost but the fact that you're saying I'm going to wait until amen because I want to hear what the Holy Ghost say I don't want to miss one thing that he might be speaking amen that people got up early and the morning to come and hear him because Jesus had already gotten up day and got his work from his father, John 82 and early in the morning he came again onto the temple and all the people came on to him and sat down and he taught them. That's why I like because I know when to get people that have rested and their hearts are open and they had ears that are ready to hear a lot of messages.

The Lord gives me. I know I want you number one I like you. You look in the Bible something when your mind to start your body start phone really get it. One thing about being in the morning and that's why I want to encourage you, exhort you have to start somewhere like I only five edits. I know it's only 5.5. Devil is a liar start with five minutes and let the Holy Ghost to the rest the Holy Ghost do the rest will find out before long you will open your eyes the clock going off. Nobody is not open your eyes every day you wake is not a coincidence know it's the Holy Ghost and I'm ready are you ready are you ready are you a bad God wants everyone horrible, enjoyable prayer life. Amen. If you want. If that's what you want. Amen. I want you to put the right hand on your heart other do it if you're not ready. Better not bow down about one amen it only put under condemnation. It only give the devil more ammunition to be job so if you say Lord I'm ready for a break and maybe you've already got when I mean I'm not trying to say that every I know there's always room for growth. No matter what may be your your don't have much of a problem with the rarer time if you do with the listening time or maybe you don't have much public that you do with reading the Bible so got to hurry through it. You don't know what you maybe that's your problem. Whatever it is you're ready for a break, put your hand on your heart, your other hand raised to God. God is looking, and he sees and he knows the heart he knows your cry he hears how desperate you are just like Moses said, Lord, we want to know your way. We want to know your heart.

We want to come into intimacy with you, Lord, we don't want to say like the children of Israel all, no, no, no, that's not Lord we want to come into your presence, even if it makes us tremble, shave, and it will become in your presence heart is convicted and we sell Lord I have unclean lips because we know the Lord moment that we can sit in that very instant. Your spirit will cleanse us from all sitting all unrighteousness and you will renew your spirit in our hearts, we ask you Lord to anoint the let's not let the discipline as your waking hour here every morning to hear the voice of the Lord hear your word Lord as we will worship you, even in our prayer language as we speak in tongues under the utterance of the Holy Ghost you are teaching us in this recent revelation in this. That our spirit is calling you deep on the we break out of just singing and worship you install sweet smelling savor offered you acceptable in your sight like perfume like the Rose of Sharon Lily of the Valley like incense upon the meal cake not worshiping ourselves why did they holy, holy, holy God Almighty morning our song shall rise to the only holy… Let my team for a person Trinity that they are so my pray and not pray for an anointing rest upon these people.

Lord not you put on not you plan on a bit like you put on. She walked in the last not put your prior job on the right room development July I pray Lord God and Lord, I know, as sure as we stand here, that the enemy is calculating already try to find detours they can try to discourage us, try to find ways to keep us Lord from reaching our goal, but we declare in Jesus name we will not be held captive to our flesh will not be held captive to the carnal mind will not be held captive to the sonic powers war against us because right now we know that she's not on every way, bringing into captivity to the mind of Christ. In Jesus name Lord, I know that you are going to bring his people up the mountain prayer and I'll see you this is not as we ask it and we would file in Jesus name. I left the church. Amen. What an inspiring word of the Lord.

Meet me in the morning, you know, it was always God's intention to have a daily personal relationship with man and he did until Adam sinned, then God chose Abraham and his seed to reconnect the broken relationship when he sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt's bondage they were 2 to 3 million people and no one Mount Sinai God spoke to them and called them to be a nation of priests unto himself. God told Moses to tell the people to prepare themselves for their meeting on the holy mountain.

When they saw the lightning, the fire and smoke and heard the thunder.

They were afraid and ran. They said to Moses you speak to God and you tell us what God says and we will hear but we don't want to hear God speak, lest we die. And sadly, they pulled away from the presence of God but not Moses. The Scripture says that God showed Israel his miracles, but he showed Moses his ways. Moses beseeched God, not for material blessings or prominence. But he said show me your glory and God told Moses be ready in the morning and come up in the morning to the mountain and present yourself to me and no man shall come with you. This is the secret and this is the price for intimacy with God. Morning prayer and meditation with the Lord every great man or woman of God you ever had a successful, influential ministry has had a daily time of intimate prayer with God to meet God first thing in the morning before the busyness of distractions and the carnal routines of life intrude on the thoughts and hearts and set the emotions when a particular course and chart the day without divine guidance and spiritual strength, even Jesus the son of God had to rise up early a great while before day to spend time with his father and receive his instructions for the days ministry. You know for many years I had a woefully impotent prayer life of which I greatly lamented I would try to break out of my rut, but always would fall back into powerlessness until I discovered it was not how I prayed that was my problem when to meet God in the morning was the key to developing a dynamic and enjoyable prayer life to order meet me in the morning on CD. Send a love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry request SKU 145XS K-1 45 mail to Archie Hardy ministries PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 or order you can also order one MP3 but to order five mail center minimum love gift of $10 to PO Box 17, Baltimore, MD 21203 and request offer SKU 145 until next time to share. Not saying