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How to Measure the Love of God, Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
October 18, 2021 8:00 am

How to Measure the Love of God, Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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October 18, 2021 8:00 am

In this message, Sharon teaches how God’s love can be accurately measured by the measuring tool of John 3:16.

This is a double-duty sermon, with a powerful salvation presentation to sinners, as well as a heart-warming love story for those who call God their Father.

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Greetings spent the new listeners welcome to this program on the RT Hardy ministry Sharon not thanking you for joining us today because we know Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

I'm very excited to bring you today's message. How to measure the love of God. The apostle Paul told the believers in Ephesus that he was praying for them that they would come to comprehend the breath, the length, the depth and the height of the love of Christ that passes knowledge. Now, in order to measure thing you have to have a tool in a standard, it might be a ruler yardstick a tape measure of scale or something by which to measure and in order to measure the width the length the depth and the height of God's love. We must use the standard of Scripture and there is one verse in the Bible that is the perfect tool that we need to measure the love of God, how many know that payment in the world because of what many were not supposed to know death, the Bible says when they entered the world through Adam and when it entered the two remaining everyone in the human so when because of everyone, so everyone dies. Hey man, how many know that in the human race. Mortality is 100% everyone dies a man because Jesus was with in big Jesus was less on him and and and and he became the bearer and then when he remembered then that lay a claim on hand because he was carrying your sin and my sin. Many say amen. So he went from 70 to… To prove how far God would go. What is the length of God's love, love the world so much that he gave his only begotten son.

Amen, that whosoever believe it in him should not perish, our third question is how deep how deep is the love of God. Think about that for a moment, how deep is the love of God, the answer is in. Whosoever God logged the murderer.

The drunkard, the junkie, the dealer, the prostitute and the sexual lesbian. The child molester blasphemer in I came to tell you, God's love is deeper still. Amen: and maybe you knew the Lord wants. Maybe one time you knew God, and walk with God. But you've gotten away from the Lord. You're like that song that Jesus talked about in Luke the 15th chapter he had two sons love them both dearly, but one day the younger son came and said father give me my part of the inheritance and the father did the father loved him and gave him his part of the inheritance and the Bible says shortly after that that young man left home in the Bible for our country way in the Bible said that he had a party good time say that many went to parties he went the length of this mean he went to the nightclub time. Anything you wanted friends and more girlfriends just everything that he thought his heart the desire good time after good time, but the Bible says that one day his good times ran out what is good times came to an end. The Bible says he spent all his money and guess what, he didn't have any more girlfriends or boyfriends or any friends. Nobody had nothing in the Bible study style.

It was hungry because it had come to that land. Let me tell you something when you go away from the father's house. I don't care where you go you can go to a tropical island, the most beautiful spot on the face of this earth, but a famine is going to come. Amen.

You're going to find out what is going to come when you get away from the father's house and in the Bible's money anymore, and he had to get a job and you know being racist underprivileged. He probably didn't know too much about feeding pigs. In fact, I know he would know the first thing about feeding pigs because the Jewish people won't have a pig anywhere near them.

So you say this was the absolute humiliation that he was not there feeding even Gentiles. They don't want to feed pigs. Amen. Much less Jewish people and that he was out there in the pigsty feeding the pigs and here's the thing that always strikes me no matter how many times I read the story. The Bible says that he would have fain eaten the hot another where he was so hungry he wasn't picky anymore what the hot after the pigsty done chewing on them but no man gave to him. It was so far down that he didn't even have the hot that the pigs had to eat but this story has a good ending. Because the Bible says and he came to himself came to his senses because he said my hair so I was raised was in charge was here. I used to be a prince and a princess in my father's house I went to church and worship times that I would rejoice with the people of God. When I went home I got a nice comfortable comfortable bed and I hate at a table. Good food and I had pretty close on one Easter Sunday morning when I used to go to church. He woke up he said my God, this is in my father's house are better off than I think my about 48 with said my this is another thing that strikes me, I have sinned against heaven, I will go to my father and I will say father I have sinned against heaven in your site and I'm no more worthy to be called your son. I accept that I'm not worthy. Just let me be your servant in your house. Amen. And you know what happened when he was on the way. The father came every day to look down that long road and one day the father looked down there, and he saw his son coming. He was tattered and ragged. He was filthy. His hair was matted with the mud of the pigsty had any clothes. He didn't have any shoes on his feet like he had seen a good meal in a long time ago when the father saw him, he ran his arms open. I said my son. My son was dead and now he's alive.

He was, but now he's proud and you know the sun did.

He said what I just said he would say make me as her/I don't want to hear that.

Go get me the kindness row giving the best shoes and get me the ring and put it on his finger were likely not live this Christian group singing the song amazing Grace. My favorite song they were so would be amazing Grace had to choose one. Probably everyone knows that even sinners know that when they were singing. Next thing I know they said, amazing grace, how sweet the sound, like me, I will so, so, like me, who wrote that song. His name was John Newton. Newton was a captain of a slave ship was one of the ones who went to the car and put women and ships when they were's marriage in their journey over the ocean on the way here when they came they were single.

This block was the Capt. of one of the I would say that's a pretty rank center. I would say that's a pretty low down sinner but one day he met Jesus Christ got convicted of his sins.

One day he realized what a sinner he was and got them and he became a preacher of the gospel must ship to the preacher of the gospel song and I think he knew what he was talking about, like me, me, because when you the very lowest you become a ranch, and I can prove it in the Bible. Paul said in the Romans the sixth chapter he talked about the plight of the man was under the bondage and the dominion of sin and wanted to be free. Good, I want to do. I can't do it again. I will never take another drug. Again tomorrow.

He's out there doing it that one drink another drop of alcohol, but there he goes. He's drinking it again. The last trick to turn this lifestyle to be a prostitute anymore sexuality is A place but he says the evil that they don't want to doing the thing. There they are out there doing it again and he said that made me from this body of sin and death is one more verse so I don't care how far you have fallen day was the king he was God's chosen king. He was the anointed one. He was his chosen one was the one said the man after his own heart. What a testimony preacher didn't say this said this, I have found in him. A man after my own heart. But you know David fell into adultery and David fell into murder.

The two worsens in the eyes of men in the eyes of many people out there they said was the worsens while note that they made a gun made adultery now, so it's nothing. You may nothing adultery so bad until your husband cheats on you or your wife cheats on you and you realize how bad it is how many say amen but David fell into the sin of adultery and murder. But you know what he wrote in Psalm 40 after God set them free delivery. You can read the prayer that he prayed in Psalm 51. If you need to get back to God. You don't have a go to Psalm 5127 Psalm 40 he brought me up out of all horrible pit reclaim any put a song in my heart so know you might reclaim the horrible pit you going. Somebody said thank you for that you want to go in with you one day and said what you want to pay because that's what it will do to you.

You can't play with when you will lose every time every time I want to ask you how much are you willing to pay for your sin.

What price are you willing to pay to have your sin. Jesus said, what will the man give in exchange for so if you gain Harold and Luther soul. What has he profited you. If you're living in sin, you think, well, you know, I just can't give up this woman.

I just can't give up this man. I just can't give up the straw that I just think this lifestyle is not the price you're going to pay for your soul is not the price you're willing to pay for yourself. Amen. But I'm here to tell you this morning. If you think that's helpless and hopeless.

If you think that you've gone too far. You going to too far down. How deep is the love of God is able to reach down and the Mari claim is able to reach down and the horrible pit like the song we used to sing we all sing and Michael used to sing it. I was thinking sin from the peaceful shore rate deeply staying within our not just try and from the water lifted me now safe in my saying it did me sing it when help Jesus alone may not be now when the now good. How deep is the love of God.

My reclaim. But I gotta tell you we agree up front that John 316 is the greatest scriptural love in the Bible that we all agreed that we cannot overlook the fact that the greatest scripture in the Bible on love still speaks of judgment because whosoever believe it in him should not perish, should not perish, so we are introduced to the fact that some will perish that if you choose not to believe any mistake about it, you will perish not to make a choice you can make a choice before you. You get to choose the way of life in the way of death. Now you choose what you want. Do you want to believe on him or do you want to perish. Amen in our salvation like there's no in between that you are going to be your are God's way. But you got to choose one thing, God will never do. He will never violate my right to choose never God will let you choose. To the degree that you let you go to hell, if that's what you choose. Amen. So if you choose to walk out here this morning and go your way let you go your way to stop that young man from leaving. Amen.

And thank God he got back this morning are going to get back to God because God returned everything for my benefit. His heart store today. You got a man so you got to choose the Bible about sin not" versus not read much but I want you to read this one turn in verse 26 chapter I'm closing in on getting close to the end. So hang in there little bit were almost through all right. First Corinthians 6 chapter look at verse nine know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived. I don't care what else you take out of here this morning, you're not going to go out and be deceived.

I don't care what you hear on TV or radio or what people say what homosexual bishops say and what other pit you know these people say I thought I saw a commercial.

Now that the United Church of Christ is putting out an essay. We love everybody except everybody and they got you know all these different people from all walks of life, and it's really pretty nice so commercial looks real nice and they zoom in on you know when an elderly couple in their smiling and assuming all black people and white people and Hispanic people in Asian people would either get there. All you the image. Make sure they leave anybody out and they say we accept everybody, except you will in Christ and they zoom in on lesbian couple boy.

Even the babies are crying all right. Let's see what it says here be not deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind in here you have the homosexual effeminate is the homosexual the place. The passive roller takes on the feminine.

You know the female role which is an oxymoron but anyway that's what they do and any abuse of themselves with mankind is going to take from the dominant man role to this refers directly to homosexuality or in a lesbian relationship one takes the man's role in the other.

When the winds role whatever to the same-sex nor thieves nor colleges nor drunkards nor remodelers, or extortion.

Extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. Make no mistake about it, they might belong to the first Church of the United Christ down here.

They might belong to the first chart of the blessed the politically correct down here, but they're not inherit the kingdom of God but don't leave yet. Don't be mad that's going to verse 11 and such were some of you.

You just the name of Jesus and by race and three times just because he wanted Phillipson paid using the word of God is very explicit and when he said he was making a point that it would have the same meaning, but were some of you but now you washed now you sanctified now you justify what is said the same thing and that the same thing, but he wanted to drive home the point you are, but now you're not been lifted out sooner but the blood of Jesus sanctified now is amazing Grace lifted you lifted you.

I belong 1.3 that any and that's okay. That's where the Lord wants me to.

I will be this long for, but I don't want you to go out here without realizing the love of God can reach down. Isaiah said in Isaiah 118, though your sins be as scarlet, you wash them white as snow, and the baby is Crimson shall wash them white as wool. Amen. He said in Isaiah 3817 behold, I had great fairness in my soul, but reached down and delivered me. I corruption my sins behind your back. That's how deep the love of God can go so how wide is the love of God for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. He went to that degree. God became flesh and died on the cross.

How deep is the love of God, the love of God can reach down into the deepest pit into the lowest low and I love this verse in Hebrews 725 God is able to say to the most and that come unto him through Christ Jesus degree.

This way you how deep the love of God is from the lowest. The highest heaven and now how high is the love of God. We found out how wide for God so loved the world, we found out how wetlands he gave his only begotten son we found out the pounding that whosoever believes in him should not perish, how high is the love of God, but had eternal life but have eternal life be here tonight or this morning.

Let me tell you a mighty happy Jesus in John XIV chapter in my father's house are many mansions you so to put up maybe dated I will come again and receive you unto myself and you may be also the way where God houses were Jesus is going to prepare a place for us and that makes me happy. As Paul said in second chapter he says right now were in the house of clay would you like into a tabernacle of skin because the tabernacle of the Old Testament was made out of skin was made out of goatskin so he like our body were skin were just an early tabernacle and how many know that no matter what you do. Like I said up front.

No matter what you do, you can't stop me from decaying. The Bible says of dust you want to dust you will return to the dust in your house is it's under your bed when you sleep tonight you're going back to dust your skin your sleep and that's why you wash the sheets at least once a week. Amen.

It's true monies you know everything that you've been is in the dust bunnies with a really are skin falling off the that's what you think might because they are 80 Lord I'm going down there. You always see see and sing the you can get you lifted up as many as everything is going down and the longer you live on the start at the mercy of gravity. The longer your under the influence of the law down, it's time to pull back down to the earth were laughing but it's true you back down to the greatest point of the older we get the fog, but this might go south, but my spirit during this body you were groaning because we want to get free of God that I could muster. That God would give me to get in this pulpit this morning in this physical body.

This body is always given me a hard time but thank God only for a little while. I only not only a body beautiful six wrinkles crinkled brown spots disease and not body the Bible is not every tribe and every tongue God because we body it and it's reserved in heaven outside the love of God is one of these days I don't know when it will be.

I don't know. Not sure what ago I might not be here next Sunday so you might not be here either on reports of a lot of people lately dying in their 30s and 40s. How many same. You don't have any guarantee.

Some of you are in dangerous places. When you go get your drugs you go out someplace you don't know you're going to get shot. Some you take all the risk going out there out there in that world of sin, you don't know if you live next week but I got a promise I know I know my Redeemer lives with eyes shall behold him him every just look great great storm did not date was this body was was 120 when you get will be just like matter what you think of me remember know that Jesus with the end of his cross asking you to let them in which you bow your head here this morning while Pastor Hardy comes God is talking to some of you because there are people here today that God is knocking at your heart's door and I am not going to be remiss not to give you some tiny little prayer and say God bless you.

I know that some of you. The Lord is talking to you and just like that young man had to wake up and realize get yourself. Are you where you want to be if you're in sin, you should live another year. Do you mean the same place you are this time next year. Do you want to be in the same horrible pit to tell you this, you won't be in the same place you are next year, the Lord Jesus really go further and further and further. It's not going to get better. It's only going to get worse. Amen. Jesus is offering you an opportunity here this morning to come to the Lord's prayer with Jesus. Emotional trauma for trivial mushroom almost all the power of the devil, and the bar for more. Sure, I confess, you are sure you are confess you are smart, more for sure right now.

Our furniture law. Amen. What an exciting and uplifting message.

How to measure the love of God. This was apostle Paul's prayer for believers that we would comprehend the with the length the depth and the height of Christ's love that passes knowledge.

Now, in order to measure anything you needed tool and a standard and God's word tells us who we is what he has done and what he will do so. Scripture is the measuring tool we need, and the greatest verse in the Bible that describes the love of God is John 316, phrase by phrase, we can calculate how why that's wide enough to wrap his arms around the whole world. How long that is to what degree God's love will go how deep his love can reach down to the gutter and the deepest pits of sin to whosoever will, to how high lift them from the gutter.

Most to the outermost to spend eternal life in heaven with him.

You know the first song we teach our little children is yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so. And God wants everyone to know that his love, he said, is from everlasting.

So, if at any time you hear a voice saying to you.doesn't love you. It's the voice of the devil, and you need this message for yourself or perhaps to share with a friend or loved one who is in a trial or with the unsafe persons in your life who need to know how much God loves them to to order how to measure the love of God, you can receive it on CD for love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry request offer SK 114 that's as is and Sharon case and not 114 mail to Archie Hardy ministries PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 or you can order where you can also order one MP3 but to receive, how to measure the love of God by mail send your minimum love gift of $10 to PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203. Be sure to request offer SK 114. Until next time, this is Sharon not saying they're not