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The Supreme Court is Not the Supreme Being, Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
November 25, 2021 7:00 am

The Supreme Court is Not the Supreme Being, Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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November 25, 2021 7:00 am

When asked about marriage, Jesus cited this verse, adding a solemn warning: "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder." Let no one alter or undo God's marriage design.

Homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin, but it does carry consequences, because it changes the truth of God into a lie, defiles the body, and defiles the land. Scripture states that practicing homosexuals are not going to Heaven, but homosexuals can, and have, and will continue to change by the power of the Gospel of Christ.

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Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

Praise the Lord I'm sure not thanking you for joining us today on the sound of faith because we know Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God you were about to hear, and penetrating work from Scripture addressing the volatile issue of same-sex marriage. Following the Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states of America in the name of equality for all, but they have essentially redefined marriage and institution created by God, not man because the Supreme Court is not the supreme being so tardy with me. In Romans the first chapter and most of you are familiar with these verses, but where putting everything on record. Amen. Romans one verse 22 professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the on incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and birds and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the last of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever. Amen.

Let's stop for a moment and look at this. The term uncleanness in the Greek means aberrant sex. Another words sex that is unnatural and abnormal sex that is against nature. It will going to see Sadie, as we shall read against God's blueprint of heterosexuality.

So in order to accommodate the sin of homosexuality, they had to change the truth into a lie. The only way that they can practice homosexuality, and trying to have a clear conscience and what they would consider a clear conscience. In doing so is to change the truth of God into a lie.

Amen. And so that's why homosexuality dishonors the body because it changes the truth of creation, the way God created to be man and woman and it's a lie. God's design as the creator who is blessed forever.

Amen those that I am God, and I changed amen. It's a lie against the creator and the design that he had created, so homosexuals depart from God's design burning in their own lusts and the sexual act is just the fruit of the luster in their hearts. Let's read verse 26 for this cause God gave them up on the vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another man, with men working that which is unseemly. The Greek word is indecent, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. So God gave them up to these vile affections. Amen. Working that with one another man with man women with women. Amen. The word vile means shameful that which is reproachful and they became inflamed with these unnatural sexual passions. Verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient and that word not convenient again. It's a word that means that which is indecent. Amen. And so we see here that this is why homosexuals think they're all right. This is why some of them claim that they are Christians and they are going to heaven because the reprobate mind is void of sound judgment. It's a conscience that's been darkened by loss and is a result of rejecting truth. It is not possible to reject truth and remain neutral. Every time you reject truth another layer of hardness and callus is formed on the conscience. Amen.

And so after a while God turns them over to the lie. There is much the Bible has to say about the conscience. I did take the time to get the persecuted. That would be a good lesson for you doing your own read about the conscience and find out how that a conscience that was once pure can become so perverted. Amen so defiled that it no longer works see a conscience is that internal compass, if you will that internal alarm system. If you will, that when you go to do something that's wrong something in there does and you get that uncomfortable feeling. Now when you get that feeling.

You can either stifle it and suppress it in the want to do what you want to do anyway and with you do that the next time it will be a strong when you go to do it, you won't feel quite as guilty until after while you can do without feeling guilty at all and after while you can even endorse it. Amen. It's something that happens as you continue to reject truth and continue to stifle a healthy conscience a healthy conscience is a gift from God. It is a beautiful thing. I want a healthy when you know you're doing something wrong in that moment.

You feels your stomach in that moment you feel terrible you know what you are about to do what you've just done is wrong and on the inside. I mean, you can feel nauseated, but that's a good thing. That's a great thing because that means your conscience is working. That means the Holy Ghost can convict you as long as you pretend they could did you can come to a place of contrition margin. Amen.

So what you do not, but if a person conscience do any good to tell them, follow your conscience does not, amen Desi. Well, my conscience is whether conscience is the reprobate mind because the friends, the Bible says evil workers would wax worse and worse, DC and being deceived this evening and being deceived.

Turn with me to second Timothy the fourth chapter 1 of the most powerful verses on this in probably some the most sobering words that Paul ever wrote and it certainly certainly depicts the day that we're in second Timothy chapter 4, I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now this is apostle Paul speaking to his protégé Timothy and he is charging him. Amen. And you know Timothy had tendency to be intimidated. We know this because Paul wrote to him in second Timothy 17 God is not given us a spirit of fear, the word is intimidation, but of power and of love and a sound mind another place he said he told him of these I don't let the despising because of your youth. You you get out there and preach the word.

He was qualified if he wasn't qualified and then Paul would not put it out there. Amen. And so we know that he had a tendency to be intimidated so he said to because you know because you know what he says about himself why what I preach not the gospel may we may preach the gospel to all counsel of God, so is sort therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick.

That means the living and the dead at the appearing and his kingdom now in light of the fact that God is going to judge all of us. Even Christians are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ were not understanding the judgment seat with the sinners there that have a separate white throne judgment. We won't be there work but instead of the judgment seat of Christ to receive rewards for the things we've done in our body. Some people get more rewards and others, and that's another message.


So he says, in light of the fact that will stand before God were all there to be judged today. We had motivational speakers that call themselves preachers and have a lot of other titles. They call themselves to buddies that are being season and season the pulpit you not only preach by precept rates by you reprove review all speakers don't believe in that reprove review and exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. It is important to point out the fact that there needs to be balance. There has to be balance. Amen.

And there are some preachers that mean well, God bless him with their out of balance. All they ever do is be people over the head with the Bible you have long-suffering too.

But there are other people, all they do is they got long-suffering and they want to cover everything up and everything's fine and you're okay and I'm okay were all okay. And they don't get out the doctrine and if you don't do that as a preacher that you're going to allow people to persist in their sins and God will judge you for that. Amen. So we said you got to have balance you need to know your doctrine but you got a temper it with long-suffering amen. Verse three for the time will come.

I would add to the Bible and now is when they will not endure sound doctrine that will not put up with sound doctrine. But after their own loss shall they feed themselves teachers, having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned on, the fables, itching ears. What an interesting metaphor to use. I don't know about you but I can't stand when my ears are itching, you know you're getting here looking for a paperclip everything you shook me doing your time.


You will not you can be in the middle of something important you could be on your computer totally enmeshed in what you're doing but boy that you're just itching and you're going to find some way to stop it. So it's a strong metaphor.

We all get.

He says they had itching. Here's another words they want to hear what they want to hear. According to their own loss so they teachers and will not have to look very far folks very far to find those teachers. Amen. Who were not preaching sound doctrine by tickling their ears scratching their ears.

Amen there your message that will agree with what they want to do so they can feel justified in doing it and all they're doing is hardening their conscience. Amen. All they're doing is defiling their conscience and I preach this before, but were going on record today so I'm gonna bring it out. I want to tell you what the Greek grammar dictates because a lot of times I bring out Greek and you get it and other times you don't please get this in the first clause where it says they heap to themselves teachers a look at verse four and they shall turn away their ears from the truth. In that clause.

The subject which is the day are performing the action.

This is what we call the active voice, the subject performs the action but in the second clause and shall be turned on, the fables is the passive voice which means the action is being done to data by an outside force by someone else. Amen. And what does that say this means when they turn their ears away from the truth. Something or someone is going to turn into the lie.

Do you see that's powerful. Another words, like I said before, I'll reiterate you, you can remain in in neutral land.

There is no neutral land when you with your deliberate, conscious decision away from the truth of God's word you make that decision. You turn away from the truth of God's word. You just going to go happily and blindly on your way doing your own thing. God is going to allow you to be turned unto the line and you're going to be deceived and it's so dangerous. Amen to reject the truth of God's word to reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit when he brings that word to bear upon you and upon your situation. Amen.

Because what happens is when you talk away from the truth. Your turn on the lie and you going to deception and you going to what we read is reprobate state of mind. Here's how Paul wrote, you don't have to turn your all quoted in second Thessalonians.

A second chapter, verses 10 through 12.

He said because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved.

God shall send them I think they meant to say the devil God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie that they might be damned who believed not the truth. Now folks I have to point out something very important. We read where God gave them over.

We read where God turned them over. I want you to understand the tenor of God's action is one of great real please understand that God does this reluctantly do take on and I didn't mean your be an angry and hateful because that's not how.does this, he doesn't reveal deadly. The Scripture says that a shot. That really get some angry, but God is not willing that any should perish, and so when he turns people over to the lie when he turns them over to this reprobate mind does it with reluctance and we must always remember that.


God does it with a broken heart.

Amen. Because he will never ever revoke someone's right of choice if it would be better for then if he did, amen. Even if it would be better sometimes we wish the body will never do that.

He will never take away your right to choose his God-given right free choice. Amen. That God is given to you. He said shows you who you shall serve before you the way of life and the way of death. You choose.

Amen. So you get to choose what you want to do but you don't get to choose the consequences. Amen and all choices all choices have consequences, and some are more severe than others. Amen some consequences.

We can get over quickly in a short time and you know they don't that's a blip on the screen, but other consequences can cause a lot of sorrow and heartache that God didn't intend for us to have. Amen. And homosexuality has severe consequences. I wanted to be clear it's not unpardonable it's not unforgivable. I want you to understand that. Amen. But I also want you to understand that it does carry a heavy penalty because as I already brought out.

It embodies the potential for deception to blind the minds and hearts of the people to the truth of God's word now. The example in Scripture that is the most well-known is that of Sodom and Gomorrah and we are surprised to find out that God made the decision to actually confirm with Abraham about what he was planning on doing the destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because their witness. He said was so that it came up in his nostrils.

It's it's it's a filthy, it stinks in the nostrils of God.

And so he told Abraham what he was going to do because Abraham had a nephew who had a wife and daughters in that city remember one time they were all one big happy clan. But then they got the immunoassay and their servants were fighting over the land in the water to feed the animals and and Abraham said you know we need to split up into two. You need to go do your own family and Abraham gave a lot the choice I think Abraham should have the choice be an elder. The uncle he was uncle/father because lots father had died.

So Abraham took his nephew under his wing, but he gave a lot. The decision a lot looked down and saw this green green green green grassy area and he said I want that.

That's what I want.

I don't know if that's where the saying is grass is greener on the other side. I don't know. Usually, everything can go back to the Bible, but he chose that and it was right there in front of Sodom and Gomorrah. But you see it wasn't very long before he wasn't there on the outskirts where he could feed his animals and cattle and that green grass.

He was in.

He was in the city of Sodom. He was on the inside and the Bible says that they faxed the soul of that righteous man with filthiness he was surrounded by get it was in his face all the time everywhere. Amen. And so God told Abraham about to destroy the city and Abraham said but got your your righteous God.

Surely you wouldn't destroy the whole city of thousands of people.

If there were righteous there. You wouldn't destroy the righteous with the with the wicked witch of the dots and attenuating frame.

If there are 50 righteous people and that's it. I will destroy it, but there's not 50 and he began to count 45 and go down till he finally got them the five and is still was not even were not even five righteous people, and God that I've got to destroy the city. But what I will do is I will send angels to deliver a lot and his family out of the city safely before I destroy it. That's how I know I'm going in the rapture, God will the righteous.

He knows that we can the ungodly to the day of judgment.

Peter said, but he also knows how to deliver the righteous, and so you know that they said that the two angels came down and lots said oh my goodness, you need to come in my house guiltily Street since two risk dangers value so we got them like they got a lot, you know the men of the city came banging on the door and demanded to have sex with those men. They thought they were just men demanded we want to know that already told you that a few sermons ago. What that means we want to have sex with them and we know that's what they know because it was just one. Did you know could be equated. What then if that were the case, why did Locke answer to not do so wickedly. He said do not do so wickedly. So obviously, what does talk about being friends and to show you that Locke was already poison himself. He said I got a couple virgin daughters that I'll bring out to you but you what they said we don't want them. We want those men. So what happened is the Angels blinded blinded their eyes, but that didn't debtor them. They banged on the door all night until finally the angel said lot tomorrow were going to get you out of the city by first run to your other daughters and their husbands run and tell them they must calm and get out of the city because God is going to destroy it and the next day ran to his daughter and husband in about 10 and that's what they do not today. If you say that God will judge America for this table, you and score you. Amen. And they mocked him, and they would not they would not only in so they were destroyed and Jesus said in Luke 1728 to 31 days of lot, so shall it be in the days before the coming of the Lord. He went on to say, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

So if anybody has any doubt that Sodom and Gomorrah actually took place as some may try to say oh I don't believe that Jesus confirmed it in the New Testament in one of my holy land tours.

We actually went in that area and you can pick up brimstone on the Sandy Sandy Sandy areata just sand everywhere, but you can pick up brimstone because it's does all the way back to that time of destruction and Jesus went on to say that if God did not spare Sodom name Tamara he will not spare this wicked generation. Amen. And as I quoted the Peter said that God will deliver the righteous out, but he is going to bring the wicked, to judgment, and the pull of June, said that these cities were destroyed because they were given over to fornication, which is all sex outside of marriage.

However it what form it takes all sex outside of marriage because of fornication, and going arrange flesh.

That's what you said so Jesus, Peter confirmed it. As you can find that sodomy Tamara took place.

Amen, amen. I hope you're being spiritually starved and socially enlightened to the truth of the homosexual redefinition of marriage because that is exactly what the Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states of America has done, but the Supreme Court is not the supreme being. This is not about equality for all people. Marriage is an institution created by God, not man marriage is God's idea, and he created the blueprint one man and one woman when he created Adam and Eve, he said, for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh, and Jesus Christ ratified it in the New Testament and added the solemn warning what God has joined together let no one put asunder that no one undo God's marriage design.

Some claim Jesus did not address homosexuality, but in this verse, which was also cited by apostle Paul. God laid down two pillars of the foundation for marriage, monogamy and heterosexuality. There is no evidence that God created people to be homosexual, he would not condemn what he created and he does solidly condemn the practice of homosexuality.

The Bible is clear any who practice homosexuality and claim to be a Christian.

Going to heaven is deceived, but the good news is homosexuals can change and have changed and will continue to change by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul was an eyewitness to this and he rejoiced with them proclaiming you were homosexual, but now you are washed, separated from your sin and righteous in God's sight but the danger for Christians, especially ministers who preach like this is that the homosexual agenda wants to make it a hate crime to speak out against homosexuality.

So even if you reach Scripture straight from the Bible you could be prosecuted for a hate crime. They've already succeeded in prosecuting Christian bakeries and florist and wedding reception venues who refused to participate in same-sex marriages saints, we must not allow our first amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion to be stripped from our pulpits. I urge you to order the Supreme Court is not the supreme being on CD for a love gift of at least $10 to help us keep this program on the air request offer S. K. 180 mailed to PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 or go online to sound the where you can also order when MP3s but to order by mail send a middle love gift to sound the faith PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203. Till next time Sharon not saying there is