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A Victory for the Persecuted

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
May 25, 2020 1:00 pm

A Victory for the Persecuted

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 25, 2020 1:00 pm

A Victory for the Persecuted.

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Breaking news release from India back in the United States morning on the new stimulus package from Washington DC called one 800-6843 1-101-800-6841 two and the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow brought. There would be to drill a graduated release but there still will not leave the country, has now been released and returned to the United States. In fact, he may be getting optical images moments may be of be with us. So this is a pretty big day for our legal team seeking child leads the team that deals with the persecuted church and they did, she did intervene. Just an incredible job right. Also safety administration. I did a great MI think Pres. and Secretary of State think other people dwelling administration that stayed on this case.since the beginning, but a special thank you also like to say keep a really hard-working sure you understand something when you're dealing with a case like this time I'm trying to persuade me 12 hours so you were looking at during the day at work. She's having to do admin 90 1F. Lacroix, believe me I know because I've received emails and are talking about availability stations is kind of the nature of the way to go.

Having said all that, let me again express how important it is. Even if you got all these other issues, we understand that working Americans and blunt justice continues to belong on the other really critical issues and these are critical issues of the persecuted. Here was an American. Sometimes it's not still advocate age.

I knew other patients as well. Of course America. Our offices around the globe continue to work remotely. But RG could tell continuing to work and got continuing to get results were also there to talk about the stimulus package and I wanted to write that they invented it. Washington DC fan.

Tell me what it looking like what I'm seeing a lot of money. I'm not sure it's going to be now it's not jamming this new package of the house passed last week on Friday at the price tag is estimated at $3 trillion. I have been through the entire 1800 page bill not read every word.

J it's too long for that. Just time consuming but I've gone through all of this top line summaries and I will tell you I think $3 trillion is an underestimate of how much this will cost. It is basically a veritable a wish list from the left we can get into some of the more egregious amounts. It's going to be billed J as a coronavirus stimulus response. It is not that it is a greater dependency on the federal government wish list from James Clybourn and Speaker Pelosi.

There are two bright spots though and that that comes in the form of Pres. Trump and leader McConnell already saying they will not take this out but I will tell you, Jamie.

You know how this works. The house moving on a package like that at this actually makes the negotiations over a stimulus that might be needed even more difficult. So as we get into some of the the line items in this bill.

I think people are gonna be shocked at what is in it. It narrowly passed the house.

It now sits in the Senate leader. McConnell says he will not take it up but that's where we stand on on phase 5. I guess you will call it of the covered stimulus will go through the details of this problem. A lot of them went back Out of the broadcast will be joined by a Prof. Harry Hutchison, but if you're just joining us, we got really great news out of the FCC. How with this yet.

I think were to have her after the break, but we do FCC let's ACC first coat really got a minute here I didn't give me your initial reaction when you got the word and we'll talk more about it after the break around the ailing numerical in Indiana, and all the courts are closed and this is just such a big miracle and her paths are guaranteed back, so ale is just amazing them throughout the sorely great job on your for you a great job for your team. I know you had.

We had a lot of help in the ministration to her to get into all that we come back and right-click great to start the broadcast for sure no doubt about that when you take a break we come back and take your calls on this on the stimulus 1800-684-3110 800-684-3110 will take your calls and don't forget support the work of the American Center for Law and Justice you do that that's to support the ongoing work of the American Center for Law and Justice to engage with us on twitter and on Facebook. We encourage you to stay involved in social media.

If you're watching on Facebook Jeremy different, more in a moment the challenges facing Americans or substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines and rejecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms in the van remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. You are already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life changing from a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally sealed. Powering the right question for you,/very very excited. Tell you what is happening that is pastor Nairn is ready and we have the pastor on the phone with his retinas just got past it must've just gotten off the plane going about so fast we had about 200 looking at right now 200,000 people signed the petition for release praying for you quickly see how working tirelessly on your effort to explain to people what happening you over there doing mission work. I explain everybody what happened. I think hearing from you would be great. Good.

Thank you dollars click below about the people praying to get McMillan Dr. almost everyday for the last seven months were dark times, when she bailed me out and talk you through it. Appreciate all the prayers and everything everybody did. October 3, left Nashville going to India on the way to Nepal. A friend of mine in India was receiving party in our ward for 25 years of children's service loves the anchor. India could be that 30 days and then on the ball been gone for 20 years. Went to the airport and custom one in the morning. It was during their Festival Foods. Very few people working there couldn't find customs agents probably get the security agent Leon taken with him declared the money multiple different people about the amount of money that I had limit, they cleared mitigated by Dr. was with another airport when a rich black daughter that were waiting for us all right outside the plane tickets in the custody and the original problem and original concern they had in belly.

What are you Christian you wanted for Christmas and I could to keep store there can kill all that I was arrested and back number six days and and in prison because I was coming to make Christians in India that eventually turned into this whole thing about the money but in the beginning it was just Christians and Christian may be a Christian.

Patrick going there to meet with Kurt but Bill called God the stories and legal think about. I was there it was, that they can bar you might. The money was there, I might build an orphanage and many many many different details one guys made it simple to understand.

He said we have been ordered by the central government to crush Christianity. You Americans are bringing money here and eliminate Christianity and limited it CC we handle a lot of these cases over the decades really, and even in the last couple years and there's always it's always about the faith. It's always about Christianity and then the turnaround is in the and certainly the case here was and they try to turn it into some kind of criminal action and persecution of Christian) Lincoln sentence, tenant on the charges that they brought against Pastor Mandler complete sham and was now laying that he could be guilty of what they had charged him with on the very beginning work just so blessed because like you Sanjay on administration and the President deserves our thanks for sharing because they make you a priority and we had other people on that idea as well.

National Security Council, senior director for international religious freedom*making Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Sen. Ganz Langford and their staff all worked up with tirelessly in the mornings and early morning to late night we dined on holidays and clerks and bats are just there consul general Parker Sen. Alexander represented HLA representative Heise represented in green. They were all champions for this cause and this is this is a cause to be a champion for an and pastor. What was your reaction when finally on that Friday, the judge came in and you got the order we were able to get the order toward the counseling and counsel that was hired.

What is your reaction cautiously optimistic had been. I had been to court 5 pounds over six months and was supposed to be released to come home every time to bring up another charge, another twist in the NML black today good at what I was supposed to make the judge on Monday.

Judge didn't show up late again on Tuesday because mislabeled and show up and down with the third day, they all came together, and didn't have the right documents that had to go back to court on Friday and that and when I did release me up out with a little bit. Another trick or twist the electric mantra. It may interact me and Rob may have robbed me and the family. The relief I'm still waiting for the ground, but a couple of minutes that it takes a little while to see genetics.

The ordeals actually done, but you may strongly appreciate that. We appreciate your calling and again it was our privilege and honor to have represented you in this unbelievable situation that unfortunately is happening… It's wise as it is also Best Buy. What's the situation for the dimension that they immigration customs people saying our job is not across Christianity Christianity. What is the situation on the ground for Christians in India. We have an office in Pakistan Lahore. We don't have an office in India so we know what's going on in Pakistan for person.

What about India are being persecuted regularly when the President troubled and in the other a lot of news about the Muslim massacre that happened in the attic.

But on that claim. We can 200 Christian pastors were killed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Christian pastors and their wives were taken out of her house tied to a tree in the front yard while President troubled her and was beaten advise similar how the bartender. The church is there killing him that there'd been everything the campground about a country is a very very hostile very very complicated place to be a Christian pastor were glad that you minister there and were really glad that you're back home with your family. I thank you for your ministry.

We appreciate so much. Thanks for being with us pastor. Thank you for everything out that it's been a great thank you CC I wanted tell you something from all of us. I know how hard you work on these cases and I got on the K-1 early when I said the hours seemed like every one of these. We get the Teasley 12 time difference and I know this was a lot of late nights and a lot of hopes and the dashes ended in a sense it's as it was as complicated as any we've done this, and thinking about sanity's case out of Iran pastor Bronson out of Turkey all have their unique aspect when it was the unique one here.

Here was another one where we had a US ally during Michael. Michael mentioned that charges that were actually brought against actually could not be said to be dating and getting hard to exceed $8000 getting here. We were talking about $3000. Our last so according to the straight language of their own law he could not have been arrested and put in jail could not have had his passport taken away our been between the seven month but we never got a chance to pray for our side over Safeway where we were able to present Ed and Nellie wasn't taking her it was just a snack that we were never able to bring that there is no way that he could.

This was right and I think that was the most frustrating thing and I'm again likely interesting all these cases, they'll have a bank clerk and then the next will be a couple months and next, a couple months and in this case, capturing on next court date September so it stayed there. Yeah, he would have been over there for almost a full year without her being able to present his defense, which was a perfect defense to say this again. I want to quickly go to take your call waiting hundred 684-3110, 1-800-684-3110 and will talk about this stimulus I have had since the be joining us in the back half hour but we'll talk about this for another segment as well that will get into the more detail coming up and would take a call. We come back in the break, but talk about the work that you coordinated it was easy for native on Capitol Hill. That's very important component to this yet are always two very important components of these cases J1 courses the participation of ACLJ members 200,000 of them were participants in this case, but sometimes the publicity of these cases will be more or less depending on what is needed in a given situation J but what you always need is the unified voice of the United States government and you heard CC allude to this. This administration has done this better than any previously and it starts at the very top President Trump is made this a priority.

He has instructed the vice President to make it a priority is instructed investor Brownback to make it a priority. So really, all levels of the US government.

J know that this is something the United States can put an emphasis on even when it means no economic talks or other things might take a a back burner, so to speak, they are going to focus on bringing American citizens and wrongfully held prisoners home and that was the case in this situation. I agree with Cece having Pastor Narron's family come to the United States Senate and meet the Senators put a face in front of a story in front of a person in front of decision-maker. IJ makes all the difference in the world. Finally, there's any question that they like you for your hard work to thank you CC ram another statement on this like a golf 800-684-3110.

If you ever thought about supporting the work of the American Center for Law and Justice is be a really good day to do it. These are the kind of cases that we are handling literally every single day there's we've got plenty of them. I would getting good results you got :-) and Cece certainly has developed a good team.

Fans of incredible job with office of government affairs bring about. So sometimes we have a European Center for Law and Justice involved in these cases as well. So we utilize all of our resources support the work of ACLJ could do that will be back with more including your phone calls ACL. 1-800-684-3110 only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We've created three powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally sealed. Powering the right question for you,/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to start constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms in the van remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life changing, member today ACLJ we got great news faster.

Narron has been returned to the United States asked him a few minutes ago. We just had a great piece that played her friends on yours on Facebook and periscope that are did you immediately put together some really strong peace sort of play that at the end of this segment are near the end of the same account gives you an overview the case very quickly. And everybody's voice got an interesting read it here and we got an interesting question. Thanks are actually appraisal report.

Thanks be to God for Pastor Narron's freedom.

Thank you Jane ACLJ for working so hard to bring them home while I have to turn around and say thank you to Cece Olyphant been up working so hard to bring the pastor back home and to their teams worked diligently on this issue to get this test released and again to use.

Thank you. We talked about the impact this is having let me take a call, were taking your calls, 1-800-684-3110. By the way in the back 30 minutes working to talk about another issue and that is another stimulus package on there's a lot of talk about on that will get to that in the back half hour could you want talk about that don't have questions about the call is also an 800 684 30 went to listen to Robert he's calling for Marilyn I Robert hi Jay ask you a thought you could give us some even more in depth in the thorough update on the work to be ACLJ is doing for persecuted Christians worldwide.

It's great news about past there and I think that he was released from India back home in the United States of America. Side note for you answer Jake's about India's goal to become a can-do nation. That's why we are working so diligently to stamp out and eradicate Christians completely obliterate Christianity altogether from India I think in less than three years. According to the USA open-door support. They went from either 21st 18th of worldwide persecution. 211 in about four years stepped out to be rather transiently, actually gone up to number exam yeah so it's a number to write ACC.

This is been a real really significant problem in India. Let's talk about the global aspect of and I want to start with Cece for something like that and talk about as well. We've been working on persecuted church issues for persecuted people of faith for a very long time. Cece said this is not new to the ACLJ we been doing this for a long time but talk about the scope of cases literally all over the globe write our work and continue distinct areas, one where we actually have clients like where we can take clanking in Pakistan where we can take clients like Pastor Branson or Pastor Narron on which is great but we also constantly have a general practice on where we work with the United Nations you know we are in MGM after our European Center for line justice until we are constantly doing research and drafting reports that specific atrocities that are happening before these international bodies and pushing her action we take action directly. Even with from the that that governments, we will send letters and updates on that we constantly monitor and track this.

We update our State Department we update administration as we get information on email. It countries like Nigeria and all the devastation that's going on bare and likely a share of bail and I just ensuring you and all over Africa and in out Middle East wherever it is we are bringing attention to it and and trying to demand justice and protection for these religious liberties only go to say thanks is that it is our director of governmental affairs loss or designated representative United Nations. We thought long and hard to get that recognition at the UN. I will tell you that I worked on that with the team for three years and multiple appearances before the UN Gen. assembly, we got, we persisted and we knew this would be one of the reasons why we need it.

But then I want to hear from you on this because you been to the UN with Cece and others how you look at it both congressionally domestically and internationally. Your portfolio includes both Congress and the United Nations in the attic see those two places looks very different jamming I will tell you our designation at the United Nations has been critically important on these issues, but let me just describe each of them a little bit at the United Nations. Your typically pushing the rock uphill and I think Cece described it very well when you're not talking about a specific case here you're talking about advocacy on a macro level at the United Nations many times J you're just trying to get them to not do the wrong thing to not applaud the human rights abuses that are happening we file work on UPR universal periodic reviews of countries on a regular basis and point out where countries are doing the wrong thing and try to get the United Nations to focus on those areas here domestically. Joe JR advocacy is really changed under this administration, it was very difficult previously to get administrations to be willing to set either economic considerations or maybe trade considerations not to the side, but also to inject human rights concerns and specifically Christian persecution into the mix because they didn't want to upset the apple cart on those other issues J that has turned 180° and this administration has actually I wanted to come to us and to others and insert those issues into its earth United Nations you're sort of pushing the rock uphill now J in the United States when you're advocating domestically, it's just making sure that they have the information they need, because quite frankly, they are eager to focus on these issues when they go overseas and that's a very welcome change from our perspective, the hundred percent.

At that again you really appreciate your efforts on this play that video that we played for our friends on Facebook and persevered with the sound on support to really give you a sense of the importance of this victory, Tennessee pastor Brian Narron who has a ministry that is, aside from his church that's been working in India and Nepal for 17 years without issue training Sunday school teachers was traveling to India on a recent trip in October.

Actually, and he gets to taint because of your support at the American Center for Law and Justice were able to bring Pastor near his wife, Washington DC to meet with the two leading US Senators in Tennessee. Marsha Blackburn, Lamar Alexander, as well as a Oklahoma sinner and a real champion of religious liberty around the globe. James Langford because of your support that were quickly able to mobilize in the pastor's wife, their family member sitting down with the Senators with the State Department totally changes the dynamic personal and is India unfortunately has moved the list of countries 10 and some of the list the track. The countries that do persecute are doing enough to stop global state regional government from persecuting it is my privilege and honor to let you know today. Pastor Narron has been released. Prayers you only your support makes a critical difference of thank you for joining with this. Thank you for standing with this as we seek to proclaim freedom and liberty here in the United States and around the globe.

What a great result and a great way to start the day here at the American Center for Law and Justice support the work of the ACLJ's case like this that make all the difference. Go to and donate online. Stay engaged with us on Facebook and prayers go on all over social media platforms.

We do this, but what a great day of victory. But again, like Pastor Narron's home. Thank you for always guilty members of the 20,000 for his release.

He appreciated some guy gets talking ACLJ's been on the frontline protecting your freedom for meteoroids importance in Congress and in the public arena.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work become a member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow talk about the Supreme Court of the state entering, and once again, this time to the disclosure of grand jury secrecy material that was part of the molar investigation Congress saying that they need the information ready for this further continuing impeachment investigation. Victor probably say J Andy work just on the floor.

The United States Senate for three weeks trying impeachment case for the Presidentwas acquitted and the Internet would be yes we were. But now they've gone to the Supreme Court.

We went to this report.

Actually, Barbara just went to the Supreme Court to do something specific, stop the disclosure of grand jury secrecy materials but the justification that the house put forward on this is a continuing impeachment inquiry. Take a listen to Mitch McConnell on the floor of the United States Senate and I have the right to continue because Allison and the presence of management do not actually and with his acquittal narrowed his acquittal, not climbing the impeachment that ended in February is not really over. Not really over and eat quickly get you on the legal side of this what they're asking for here we said this in the first half-hour would really put a fundamental change into the grand jury system, grand jury system originated in England. We parted as part of our common-law heritage and one of the things that is fundamental to the way grand jury is operated as opposed to trial jury grand jury consistent between 16 and 23 people who were there to hear evidence from the government of the state to determine whether there is probable cause to believe a crime is been committed, and if there are the person is indicted that is charged with the offense but grand jury's operating secrecy under both state and federal law.

Why why the reason is that people who appear before a grand jury may ultimately be innocent of any charges I may just have appeared as a witness. We don't want their name be splattered and besmirched when they didn't do anything and we don't operate in secrecy. We cannot get information on a candid and open basis. So that's why grand jury operate in this aura of secret, not anything new. I didn't make it up.

It was legitimate up in the United States in 1776, or 1789, when the Constitution was ratified. This is something that is old and ancient history and it's got a reason for and the Democrats refused to act the reason why we have grand jury secrecy. They want all this strangle the President again. So what is really happening in the second house on this I mean what what is your sense on the ground of what is actually happening here. I think there are two things in play in the house. J. Number one I think Chairman Nadler still has some bitterness, shall we say for this investigation and taken away from him by Speaker Pelosi and given to determine shift.

Maybe this is his second bite at the apple of the other things O'Jays did this reminds me of that two week delay roughly that we had after the house invoked articles and Speaker Pelosi declined to send the case over JI think she knew at that moment that there was not a case to be made and if you sent it to the United States Senate, they would proceed soberly that there would be an honest review of it and then ultimately the case would not win and she was considering whether or not she should continue the investigation on the house side instead. Ultimately, she did send it over the J. This strikes me as her head, trying to have it both ways as well. She Senate over the Senate issued its its exoneration and now yet. She wants to continue to claim that she has some jurisdiction J that's over you sent her impeachment articles over and they have already been adjudicated. I recall that we tried the case. Actually, I think it was in three weeks and agree we actually tried the case for three weeks in the United States Senate in this idea that now they want to come and sell you want to do it all over again, or we would've only had the molar material we could have maybe done something. My goodness yet had Bob Muller yet had a tool volume report didn't make an article of impeachment on it because there was none there we come back from a break from the break were taken your fault. 1-800-684-3110. That's 800-684-3110 back with more adjustable challenges facing Americans for substantial time in our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines checking your freedoms and rights. Courts in Congress to get in the public arena and exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms in the van remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally sealed.

Powering the right question for you,/breaking news for you. BNI Dir. is now confirmed John Radcliffe Congressman, former US attorney in Texas is now been confirmed as the director of national intelligence will do we have any details on her land we have any details. Yeah, I want to know right now on the floor of the Senate J, he's just been confirmed. Moments ago vote of 49 to 44 JI think the interesting thing here though and you'll you'll know this, Senate Democrats have been insisting on a cloture vote for every single nominee that comes forward even though at this point that threshold is the same. Guess what they did J they did not insist on cloture here. You know what that tells me there really really tired of Rick now but I gotta tell you, I don't think their knowledge on the Internet you listen.

If I were them I be scared of it. He's got a job is done. I guess he was back as the ambassador to Germany maybe working for the game data for this am not sure, but he did a phenomenal job, but congratulations our friends are right was good at. That's great to hear the bones were taken or call 800-684-3110 Dennis is calling from Oregon on line 1.

Dennis will broadcast your on their day. Thanks for taking my call and thanks for all you guys do really appreciate it and you know the reason there were in this mess is because of the damned were able to take the house.

The last time and adequate setting on our hands and get out and vote put a stop to it by removing their power.

They promise when they when Trump was elective that they would harass them by taking the court and opposing anything that he tried to do and they are keeping good on that promise and that I just want to encourage people get out and vote. Don't take anything for granted because it's too little real estate elections.

Dennis elections have consequences in this particular case with the house control. There is some real I was on the floor. The house and it was there too and I will tell you the tension among their side, even among the managers and see if Jerry Nadler was very, very palpable, as will the pull-up if you can.

That last portion.

It may be too late to broadcast to do it, but the resistant dialogue that went on when they were doing their closing arguments. It was supposed to be. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler goes up instead met and he knew what he was doing that tells you the nature of the tension. So what they have said earlier Andy to me is part of the problem they had their moment they lost they lost overwhelmingly. The President was acquitted of both charges is the President of the United States and there impeachment failed. He was, not guilty and now they're just trying to continue a form of harassment. That's all it is day I remember what you're talking about was supposed to give the closing argument and Nadler preempted them by going up there and you get here.

Since then, Gary Gary J another work that down and let me take over this time, the chairman of the on intelligence committee. You're not the want supposed to be up here talking as chairman of the judiciary committee.

They were fighting among themselves is that it was going to give the knockout blow to the President. Well guess what neither one of them. Shiflett is our an hour an hour long harangues. Nadler, who was that hardly knew. I think what he was most of the time fumbling and mumbling around, but this was orchestrated by Pelosi. We have to realize that what the counselor said was right. You want more of this vote Democrat. Just keep what has the Democrat thing that we we have to say I want to say this, the you know this talk about this continuing ongoing effort at impeachment, which I think is just completely absurd. I me I did not always in a justified, clearly it's not. But the idea that now they're putting this in papers to the Supreme Court of the states in the last here is what happened on the floor of the United States Senate and you remember the spokes. There were days when we were there to two and three in the morning. 1213 hour days and it comes down to the end and the summation arguments and this is what takes place. Could you please respond to the answer just given by the President's counsel and provide any other comments the Senate would benefit from hearing before we adjourned for the evening. Mr. Chief Justice, members of the Senate. We just heard from the house from the presence counsel is the usual nonsense. This is the guy that said, executive privilege and other nonsense that he likes the word nonsense, but I give you a sense of a Jerry Jerry Jerry so this is just sick and probably this is as much internal fighting as her try to harm the President is also the internal fighting artwork taken or call 1-800-684-3110 800-684-3110. Chris is calling from West Virginia hi Chris and Jay are you doing today by a list not I would say I, on the pony for long time. God bless you. God bless everyone your staff thing sort that you do. I know that you are one of the few that are fighting the good fight. I know that I apologize to this to the hearings exceptional job. Outstanding job numbers acknowledged are opposites saying that you not on the Republican amount, Democrat, constitutionalist, and I believe the rule I believe are our grandfathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the document,, also a former Marine division never not a Marine, but serve my country. 30 some years ago from Desert Storm service.

With that, that's okay.

Outside that list tonight. I'm a pretty humble guy.

I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I was raised in a certain culture that where you know patriotism was was part of my life. Boy Scout all that stuff but I just I'm just flabbergasted I'm gone. I'm angry I am. I just can't believe what is going on I Chris it is politics. I mean look. Some of this is politics. It is nothing that's happening here that you actually take us by surprise. This is been the playbook adjuster playbook hasn't work and they're not modifying the playbook plan yeah and look.

I honestly did there some comfort to be taken in that because this is the way the system was set up cancan the house overextend their authority and engage in these political movers yes they can, but who is the entity. They can then responded to the American people.

The American people in November and November, NJ. I would tell you this is exactly the reason that initially I don't believe Speaker Pelosi wanted to take this vote.

It's not because she thought that she would lose her seat. Her seat is not in jeopardy but she knew that there were 32 of her members that were in districts the Donald Trump one and this would be a vote that would very likely come back to haunt them in November and she knows how to count votes J and by the way, if those 32 members lose their seat. Guess who else loses the speakership. Nancy Pelosi even if she gets reelected Jay. She can't be speaker. If those members loose so yes, it is all about politics. Here's the here's the one thing I will say to Chris when it comes to writing these wrongs and making sure they never happen again. I think that happens with John Derman, Bill Barr, I really do. I think people will be held to account and when there is that disincentive to abusing this power because people are held to account J that's when I think it doesn't happen again. I think you're right to break up about the choice on Facebook asked this question when this attempt constitute double jeopardy. You know, and here's the interesting aspect of this they did not they made the decision after Muller testified after they try to bring Cory Lewandowski to testify and that was a disaster for them. They then pretty much gave up on the impeachment articles referencing a particular article of impeachment on the mall report they reference the mole report, but never brought a charge on it so that Joyce on Facebook asked a really good question whether that would constitute some kind of double jeopardy. Not sure I would argue, as they had the opportunity, but hopefully the statute of limitations runs on this Congress. As you know, that's what I figure you to do double jeopardy double jeopardy means you can be tried twice for the same offense, and once they've tried and they failed. He was acquitted. The President will you now want to come back again if it will give me another an opportunity. I will get some more documents together and see if I get him this time on some other stuff you can't do that on the Constitution United States. You can't do that under any constitution of any of the several states, and is just an attempt to harangue and harass the President yet again with an unconstitutional move the I think that's I agree that 100%. So the questions get in the final questionnaire than the less likely come and update your calls on any topic.

1-800-684-3110 800-684-3110 or get them inviting on the Facebook question probably do a couple more getting on Facebook.

In Paris, our team is monitoring that as well. So if you want to call is 800-684-3110 we are in the middle of a pandemic. There's this talk of the stimulus. I know your teams going through the stimulus, yet they continue to have boiling out there fan.

This attempt, I guess, attic and judges at a continuing impeachment resolution and it's an ongoing term for J really is there's two things in play here. There is an obsession with investigating the President trying to undermine his administration, NJ then there's this internal battle between Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Adler and Chairman Schiff and it really did was articulate and well in that soundbite you play by Jake. It's not a thing of the past. I think it's brewing right now and I think Chairman Adler views this case, partly the spring guard court got it right but I think he views this case is the chance to reassert his authority over chairmanship out.

It's gonna work for JI do think it's a factor at play here. No question about idling to examine up again 1-800-684-3110 if you want to get your comment and for the last segment of the broadcast. Do it 800 684 30 looked at also kicked it on the pond Facebook at you know were you watching on Facebook. You know how to do it just takes moments support the work of the ACLJ what's up this broadcast both on radio and TV every single day, five days a week, 52 weeks a year ACLJ.a only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, freeing our publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally sealed. Powering the right question for you,/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to start constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms in the van remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life changing, member today ACLJ.

Let's take your call at 800 684 31 Telus go to die and she's calling from Wisconsin on line one diet and government seem to rent the house, particularly what they want and send the bill without any addictions and time again that Fair for you folks. I have six children, one with the veteran I am very conservative pro-life.

I am in question does the petition by Bill payer will work to stop their let me tell you right then and on this. Let me just give you one example, by the way, we just saw the release of Pastor Narron on a US citizen in Tennessee pastored a church in Tennessee did mission work in India got picked up in India from being a Christian was held for seven months, 208,000 people signed a petition eight lesson seven month period of time.

Obviously, which we presented to Congressman explained to Diane and for our entire listening audience you can use other examples as well how effective these are yet he answers absolutely yes Diane.

The petition is the most effective tool we have for advocacy with elected members of Congress and the reason for that is J we can break it down and show that these are the very people that put elected officials in office.

The other example I would give to the it's very relevant now and I think Diane maybe was alluding to. It is this bill that Speaker Pelosi is just past that does remove all sorts of funding the restrictions on for abortion.

It's the heroes act $3 trillion. About 1/3 of which the abortion industry would be able access gates can be our petitions and the advocacy in the United States Senate that he can to keep those nose loosening of restrictions from becoming law and I will tell you, even though the Senate is controlled by Republicans the pro-life to pro-abortion majority there is very, very slim, so they have to hear from the American people who will not tolerate these restrictions that's organ use the petition for date United States Senate, to make sure we Speaker Pelosi sent them doesn't become law. How we come in on looking at the 1890 pages that were we've been through it J, I tell you what it is. It is probably about 1/3 items that would be negotiable. I think the second round of stimulus you've heard from the White House even heard from members of the Senate GOP that those are negotiable. The other two third IJ it's a wish list from Speaker Pelosi if they would've started. Without that, then there would be a negotiation happening that this bill is dead on arrival by Jennifer Scully from Florida like to I Jennifer Ryan great are caught lying, and I sent many times I heard a comment that he can't be removed.

Carol anything that we can do to change. I'm kind of what he gets his integrity double if he gets elected by his constituents. There's call in the Constitution. There's a speech and debate clause in the end that gives a form of immunity to statements made on the Florida House or Senate. That right when you speak on it when your member of Congress.

Sen. house and you engage in speech and debate on the floor of the House of Representatives of the United States Senate. Your exam from any bad actions being taken against you.

The only way you're going to get rid of Adam ship is for his Dick constituents in his district in California to vote them out of office.

I doubt that's going to happen and he becomes chairman of the committee based on his seniority and on the Republican on the Democratic caucus in the house and the speaker the house, appointing them so guess what, you're probably stuck with them. And let's be realistic about that. He's not going to lose in California, and Pelosi is not going to get rid of them. As chairman of that committee and you're going to have to deal with his allies. The way that we've always got what.

And that is talk about them and exposing them exactly right. Sarah Facebook writes this. It just seemed like the house wants to squander our tax dollars with another impeachment probe, instead helping those who really need it right now.

Thank J we were in the middle of the pandemic. I would suggest there was a Republican, Democrat or other I should probably be focused on the needs of the American people. I agree with that comment J there might've been an obsession with attacking this President, but right now, there needs to be a real discussion about the best way to return the economy to the position it was before this pandemic. There needs to be a discussion about how to reopen the country in places where you know maybe the pandemic it did pandemic is ebbing faster than others.

J this is a distraction from that larger conversation and I would tell you, even as a relates directly to a stimulus bill that what the house did in passing this heroes act J it delayed the next round of stimulus. It just did the same way the last rise listed and I think rather than being distracted by this partisan squabble Republicans and Democrats should come together and work with the President to make sure that this pandemic is responded to. This is not in that vein, J right just call you last call on line 3 chapel for the broadcaster on their part. Appreciate all you I was wondering if regarding the general plan downtown condition timeframe. If if there's anything Pres. Obama could have issued to any of the people who were involved with that that might absolve them of any criminal liability. Prior to him leaving office. If if any of the event ever came to light in the future. As you say that this presence have under the Constitution. God brought really uncheck the sense of part and how they can pardon for federal taxes and they don't have to have a reason.

They just do it is not viewable by Congress in the sense of Congress being able to override it the power to pardon or commute sentences.

Vests exclusively and be with the President of the United States.

So could it Pres. Obama done it.

Yes, there's been no indication that been done.

I know no information about that whatsoever could a President have the authority Buick sure Presidents do it all the time. It's an important power that the President has an that sort of a carryover from Imperial Roman law that the Emperor at the right to plug to give clemency to someone in the news can it's nonnegotiable. It's not debatable. But guess what it does apply to ex-President and if anybody is the ex-President Obama is too late.

I don't expect any. I don't think this would be action on Pres. Obama. I really don't. I think that's a false expectation. Now I'm not doing the investigation. I don't know what John Durham sunk uncovering but it apparently doesn't be some information I think relatively soon. From everything I were gathering in the reports that were saying. I want to say this as we close this broadcast up. It is important to do this now or near the end of the month are hard to believe I got tell you some your support of the ACLJ means a lot. I know this is a tough time for those of you that are able and can support the ACLJ's work. We really appreciate it. Let let me be up for instance, I know a lot of you listen to this broadcast every week and we are producing a daily radio show. As you know, would have been for decades. A daily television show which is this broadcast TV.

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