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US Surgeon General: Prepare for “our Pearl Harbor moment”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
April 6, 2020 1:00 pm

US Surgeon General: Prepare for “our Pearl Harbor moment”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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April 6, 2020 1:00 pm

US Surgeon General: Prepare for “our Pearl Harbor moment”

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Jay Sekulow line US warns America prepare for your Pearl Harbor movement talk about that Jay Sekulow live life. I've talked to many of the governors and everything to them right now.

The next week is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment is going to be our 9/11 moment to be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire lives, and we really need to understand that we want to flatten the crib and get routed to the other side. Everyone needs to do their part one questions right now. Her resident but also from our nations Surgeon General trip that this will be our generations. For most of us are Pearl Harbor moment I submitted September 11 like September 11 for some who were younger, but instead of it being at one location will be nationwide. Now I get there's there's kind of conflicting news today because there's good reports at least potential good news that in some of the highest peeking areas that we may be reaching that peak level and the curve could start to go trim down were now we also know that when the when the curve trades down. It's still a high trip from a high point.

It treads down slowly so when you do that and you start sliding down you still experiencing a number of new cases and a lot of fatalities that go with that because you don't just peak and it stops you pick any of your back down the hill other than other areas. The country of these. This is probably more like later in the week so I again and and some are even preparing for intimate so there's questions about that but nationwide. I think that what these leaders are trying to prepare us for both our present United States and of the Surgeon General is for a pretty big spike in the number of people who died from this and that. They're saying it's this week around mid week where we could experience a day where there's as many people or more died one day than the died on the on the September 11 attacks, yes. So basically what the President has done and that was also with the coronavirus task force. If you watch the press release yesterday, but they focused and on. I think this is the key was preparing the American people for what looks like it will be a big number of people that will love fatalities from the virus.

Now, as you said you were there some good news that there were some numbers going down a little bit, but it's a little bit early to tell but I think you have to look at the situation overall and what we do as Americans is continue to practice social distancing that is critical. Continue also to be aware of our surroundings. If you see others that aren't you know I'm telling people be careful. I was on the phone with some friends of mine over the last couple hours this morning and we were talking about this all part of the country of the lawyers represent the residents of New York and some in Manhattan actually and they said there it is a outside of their apartments. It is literally a ghost town so we need to be in prayer we need to be smart. We need to understand the seas were living in having the fact President laid out and he did that to expect this next week or two to be really rough for the American people in the Surgeon General, saying, this is our 911 this is our Pearl Harbor moment why think we need to be prepared for yes over to your calls from 2064 3110 at 2000 684-3110 and again try to answer your questions and to get updates from you across the country. How this is affecting you and I whether it's affecting your business, your your employment and at your family and your health 1-800-684-3110.

This is the country prepares for the toughest week yet in the fight in the war against Kovic 19 oh. We've also got a brand-new case refiling in Oklahoma within the federal court. There is nettles would be the 10th circuit Court of Appeals a map of 48 state legislatures were those legislators will join us later.

The broadcast itsy of piece of legislation again this a lawsuit to protect life of the aborts of the ACLJ working hard throughout this pandemic doing the work that we do find out more ACLJ.or give us a call 1-800-684-3110 at 2064 3110 is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ and through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do.

The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular take your phone calls, one 800-6881 10.

We encourage if you're on Facebook and periscope to share this broadcast with your friends and family to play that sound from the Surgeon General one more time did this is over the weekend on Sunday show so people realize. I did what the US government officials are trying to brace us for as a nation, it may not be that by the way happening in your state, but it's the what the numbers that you will see a fellow Americans who fall to the coronavirus in this war against the virus. Take a listen. Listen to our US Surgeon General. I've talked to many of the governors and here's what I would say them right now. The next week is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment it's going to be our 9/11 moment it's gonna be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire life. And we really need to understand that we want to flatten that crib and get rid to the other side.

Everyone needs to do their part right. So there we go and I get this idea of a Pearl Harbor moment with West Smith is joining us right now he's joining us again from your military analyst team at Wes, I just want to walk people through with what our Surgeon General says for most Americans.

This will be something they have not experienced before with that with this many American casualties with something like equivalent to like our Pearl Harbor moment.something like 9/11 except for to be happening nationwide can explain that from a military perspective, what America should be bracing for what I tried to tell us to using this terminology, or whether tenant fellow that generations from now we will still be talking about this, much like we still talk about Pearl Harbor, almost as if it happened recently in certain 9/11 as well and I want to be clear to all of our veterans, listening combat veteran and I picked two combat tours myself. This is not to minimize actual combat or the stark fear and confusion of being under direct enemy fire. That's kind of thank but for the country for Americans as a culture who normally most Americans don't serve in the military.

They don't go to war and yet we had tremendous ramifications after Pearl Harbor and asked after 9/11 that is affected the entire country. So I think Surgeon General is correct. He is spot on and that is called the country as a whole lot for the military alone for the country as a whole, including civilians and military people.

This will be one of those start moment, much like 9/11 and much like Pearl Harbor and I will say this Jordan and enemy that you cannot see, such as this virus is a lot more difficult to fight then been an actual enemy that you can see on the battlefield and the death toll right now is approaching 10,000 people in America with the prediction that he could go with hires over 200,000. This is this is unheard of and the casualty rate for this virus and this is what the Surgeon General I think the analogies are spot on.

The casualty rate has the potential to exceed anything we've ever faced as a nation other than maybe the casualties from the American Civil War or World War II. I mean right now. Jordan, the casualty rate for this virus is three times that of the people he lost on 9/11 and three times the number of people that were killed. Pearl Harbor switch. We appreciate but really the plot line troops if you will, are the first responders the physicians the nurses the technologists the folks at work in the hospital bear on the front lines, and the President said and you seen some of these pictures. Like in New York City where that the fire department and the police department will come out from the hospitals and applaud the doctors, nurses, tax the folks to keep the hospital clean as they're walking into as the President calls it. They are literally going to battle.

So I think what Wes said is absolutely correct.

It doesn't minimize anything about anybody else but it is serious Yami retirement serious situation here folks.

I think a minute Washington DC because thank what Washington is looking at right now is did the stimulus package, the COBIT 19 relief fund is that program working give people an update on that. I love to hear from people as well about accident. We have questions coming in about that a bit but update just on.

Generally, the loan program. Another were some hiccups and some like Bank of America say what I could do this work in a process it. If you have not done business with us before another credit card with us before supper or have never done alone with us before, but there is some of the again the Presidential power that defense production act can also get involved there and push the banks and I think some of the reporting of his early hiccups was overblown. Jordan, I really do because even after just one weekend of application of the small business administration loans almost 10% of the total available. The $350 billion has Artie been applied for and at least conditionally approved starting to go out the door. That's about $33 billion worth of funds heading to small businesses also see threes also churches was another question was coming in over the weekend and and you're not going to tell you the Treasury Department has done a wonderful job along with the small business administration.

Of being very clear that churches not only do qualify Jordan, but they also do not lay down any of their First Amendment rights.

They can still have the religiously affiliations the frequently asked question document that they put out over the weekend was extraordinarily helpful and also darn I thought it was also very important for the President to say what he did with it with with how fast the funds are being applied for and actually sent out the door. He tweeted that he can immediately ask Congress for more money to support those small businesses under that program. If the money runs out darn I think that's important because people are rushing to get those font to look if they do run out.

That was the purpose for which it intended. In the present has Artie said to Congress, it runs out organ add more to it. Let me say something else on that point because and again I want to think that instead a really good job of getting this really clear, but let me tell you something else and when you notice our team this week. In addition to putting this brief together for the 10th circuit Court of Appeals also fielded a number of questions from churches that are applying for these laws that are trying to get these loans in one case Bank of America in particular I was giving out incorrect information and I we were on the phone with churches in Florida. I we were emailing till 1130 last night. Pastors in Nevada in Las Vegas and churches that we work with over the years and worked look. This is where ACLJ hast@where flexibility is one of our strongest points to be able to pivot from a Supreme Court case to loan application for churches or other nonprofits is a big pivot point and that's exactly what we got Apsley 164 3110. I was go to when Nina called in from Ohio on line 5 we needed welcome to Jay Sekulow live when you hear the air. I am I looks like we need is not there out. Let's go back to the phone to Joyce in Colorado on line 3 Joyce, welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the rejoicing there. Joyce is there. Okay, I know how frustrating I am right here in Colorado because you hear one from somebody out here another thing from somebody else you can. I keep hearing that trumpets lied about all kinds of things and I mean everything different I might lie in a first responder firefighter in Denver and will now have to wear a man at all times. Creighton we are under basically blocking for like this is a lesson Dr. Burks said be careful to grocery stores and and this week and don't go to the pharmacy go through the drive-through if you have to. Here's the thing we have to be really vigilant here and one thing that II have learned and I work with the median I and I know you had any question or frustrated with CNN. I've got friends at CNN and I noticed two CNN anchors and have the virus right now. Chris Cuomo and and one other, and I will tell you this though I don't but I don't like it when I'm here, the press conferences. When the President talks talking about the hydrochloric when an Z pack which every doctor.

I talked to said that's what they would do at this point, no, no, there's not been a randomized trial but you look at it mittens major fatalities unit of time and that's like they're hoping it doesn't work. I'm not saying they are hoping it doesn't work. But that's almost a sense of it that you know it, to turn this into a political moment would be a really bad thing for the country. In my view, we need to stay together. We need to pray together.

We need to get through this. As the American people and be strong and what were trying to do with the ACLJ through the media. Now I'm remote today. Tomorrow Jordan can be remote and then were to be remote because we have to do that is the weeks come upon us, but will be broadcasting the every day is get information out. That's what were going to do. Like I said, we fielded questions 1130 last night from pastors while we were working 1130 ignited a brief going to the 10th circuit Court of Appeals are the folks we come back retake your phone calls 164, 31, two, that's 100-6431 10 is working through how to go I totally remote today. So we appreciate you helping us to write that on the broadcast will continue taking phone calls as well. 164 3110. That's what hundred 684-3110 and again encourage you stay updated as well as social media that's that's a great place to go. Great resource that I can literally tell you in the midst of everything happening right now. We just found our emergency amicus brief is the third we have filed in just the last couple of weeks, on behalf of 48 members of the Oklahoma State legislature supporting their move to close abortion clinics during the Cove.

In 19 pandemic rehab for the state legislature on later in the broadcast will be right back on Jay Sekulow live take your phone calls your questions. Go to on justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online and see okay. It's a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online at ACLJ, every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow library breaking news to the Sixth Circuit as well. I get to that in moment as we have time to analyze that but I want to go write your photos, 164 3110 because people do have a lot of questions about this thing and be ready as well a lot of questions about that the filings about the stimulus checks is good when needed in Ohio online. Five. What you are welcome to Jay Sekulow life think you're doing a great job on my question is do you know whether people who owe back taxes or student loans will they be getting the check yes this is a stimulus. This is not interfere with with your tax return or your refund. It will be if you pay taxes or file tax returns will be a direct deposit to your account basically say that they may be, then the last I heard he could be showing up as early as this at the end of this week yet are still officially saying two weeks for total, all of those direct deposits but you're right.

J did you expect those first ones to start hitting bank accounts. Hopefully as soon as this weekend. I would you say to the caller to generally speaking, I think, go to the homepage of the IRS, That's what they are asking people to do.

They don't want inquiries because as of right now there are no inquiries necessary their updating that page of the current status and I'm looking at it literally right now says do not call check back here for updates but yet J on the stimulus checks there working on getting those into bank accounts via direct deposit literally as we speak right I give or take your phone calls.

What hundred 64 3110. I do will let you know we found our third emergency amicus brief that we filed I just moments ago in Oklahoma, that is, the 10th circuit but we found actually at the District Court level, Western District of Oklahoma. In this case is called Southwinds women's center and conferences health of Planned Parenthood Great Plains first governor state governor stated the governor of Oklahoma and 48 state legislatures are represented by our legislators are represented by the ACLJ Inc. included from the Senate and the house including leadership from both chambers, and we got the Senate pro tem we have a Senate majority floor leader. The house majority a floor leader as well.

Sen. Bullard there. Also there is legislation be worked out by the state legislature.

This is all the time with the states are battling Cove and 18, they are still fighting dad to protect life and the ACLJ is right there filing these emergency amicus briefs working on about you throughout the weekend to get filed on Monday morning I signed up on the brief events as they sent it over to me last night at about 1130 at the same time I was texting.

Logan was were working on the CAC a matter for church out in Las Vegas so that lesson. This is just the nature of the way it's going to be.

While this pandemic is going on were to be fighting or we can in the courts. A lot of that obviously is all electronic. At this point and then adds, as matters come up that we can help churches or others, and answer your questions were going to do that as well. Right back to you what hundred 684 31 two that's what hundred 684-3110 let's go to our Stephen called from South Carolina online to Stephen well who the Jay Sekulow live in a secretive, can you hear me yes to your other year: a written reference to the paycheck protection program you know we did the David downline on them. Now you have not been submitted our banks by telling me that they haven't got all the ins and outs and my concern is your Saturday I was hearing that you have not been already been disbursed and now you dollars and 33 day and start let me ask you this.

This is a bank that your business does business with, so this is not a new relationship.*This is where I have my business account is a major bank. Yes, it is which one baby in the case you may just believe me. Okay you needed, get back in touch with you may know exactly what they need to parts I got to be their own advocates do not leave the bank the deforms are there fan is event, the money is available. Do not leave until they've submitted the form, especially if you got the ability to be nasty, be firm. This is your job. This is you protecting your business and for a lot of people out there if you're on the other side of this and you're looking for unemployment.

Think of getting that unemployment extension that's been expanded as your job right now I think people got to be with it because it does take time for some of us to filter out but often times because this is more work for the bakers that they still spoke.

She happily paid jobs right now. They're able to keep working to some extent but same time people got to be their own advocates also totally agree with that. Your and I would say a couple things.

First of all, and holding the form in my hand that has to be filled out and it's the part that has to be filled out as only two pages long and the second page is just certifications which really just one page long. It's not difficult to do the numbers I quoted to you in your nose. Those are those are percentages of applicants receive not all that money has been disbursed yet. Like any loan it does take some time and I would say to the caller and maybe to one of our previous callers as well Jordan, here is one of the issues. This is by tens and tens fold more loans than these financial institutions are used to processing under the small business administration. I have been through these regulations and from the government side to pretty sound your 90 were talking about good route regulations but you also do have to have a little bit of understanding your a lot of these institutions doesn't sound like the one are callers talking about but a lot of these institutions are doing these types of loans Jordan for the very first times I think your advice is the sound want know what this at this information is when you go and have your application and understand that that officer processing the loan Jordan.

It might be the very first time they've done alone in this kind has to be persistent persistent but not nasty correct you know that you're correct that this load is available and that you should build a put forward your application and think that's the key. Here's people have applied for $33 billion.

That is not been disbursed yet. That's right.

And it is up to $349 billion under that particular part of the program there some other ancillary programs available as well and again, don't panic.

I know you need the funds soon, but the President has said if they do reach that amount which is 10 times the amount of applications they've received so far toward if they do reach that He's can ask for it to be extended.

See you still have time.

Just know what the program is going with the form filled out and be persistent but let me tell you this. Also, Jordan, that is a very important.don't be angry with these banks. They are confused that they a lot of them as they just said have never done this before so what we want to have happen here is for you to be persistent.

So for instance Bank of America issue earlier in the week last week that if you hadn't even if your customer if you had taken out a loan.

We were not in a process this which would defeat the entire purpose of the payroll protection was rhino right to it. So so again, but they corrected it by the weekend. So what I would tell her last caller. As I told pastors as we can go back and go back online do with all submitted. This is good.

This is been a pretty flawless process when you talk about government cranking this up literally and in a week you got me.

I think that for the most part again will start seeing the disbursement and that will be the second part of this. The first part is applications getting through some of those it looks like the hiccups aren't on the side of the government. It's not the government website.

It's not the government forms. It's just on the path of the businesses the banks getting up to speed in getting their staff up to speed on the dinner will be up to.

That is, those that are accepted applications that make it through how long it takes to disperse those funds at night. You know Pres. Trump is concerned about getting that to you as quickly as possible. He is talked about that a lot. He's had some briefings just on the economic impact of this will continue take your phone call second half hour coming up. I encourage you check out

As we file today and it did. This is the third filing with made on behalf of the states. They decided to say that Planned Parenthood these elective abortion clinics are not essential businesses. The coping 19 shut down of nonessential businesses really take your calls, your comments, we come back second half hour Jay Sekulow live at the American Center for Law and just as were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in the world protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and now we are warned of Pearl Harbor moment we talked about that subject, 82, 911, but nationwide. Now I get your good experiences differently this week where you go to see significant jump predicted by the were not the ones predicting. This is the doctors predicting this the healthcare, public health officials, particularly to see significant jump in the number of deaths of Americans and and and what that means is that you may be hitting the peak figure to start coming down from that curve. If we continue this mitigation, but that when you hit the peak and you hit that top number of deaths River when you come down. That means the next day. If the top Deist to 20 503,000 people dying in one day. Some of these reports are talking about by midweek Gracie a number like that over the next day as you're coming down as you hope to come down and you hope that's the peak next day still in that to 2500+ if you hit 3007 you got days is what I think there talk about that where Americans gotta prepare for this number, potentially to go up much higher than it is right now just under 10,000 so what what you look for is when you look, it's not a matter inverted V peak is not like it hits and it just crashes right so it it peaks and then we try to level it out out during that leveling out processes. Jordan said if you had 3000 fatalities on a day that it peaks and then the next day it's 2700. That's a lot of people a lot of people so you know, we just gonna brace herself for this, but you know Jonathan was to call the ones I want to say something about this because I saw a lot of this week. I was very pleased to say Jonathan Arizona line 1 welcome to Jay Sekulow Lodge on the air. Hey John, great Armando: all about when all your five month follow-up harbor and Michael that we are in and on while sitting around reading the mind for everybody to hear Joshua 19 have I not commanded you to be strongly encouraged to not be afraid you will don't be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go on Armando let him know that God because God and God. You are exactly correct and let me tell you this. I want to talk to pastors other faith leaders that the technology utilization over the last three weeks is been phenomenal and I want to offer a thank you to the pastors and churches, and the other houses of worship that have reached out on these issues to try to reach their parishioners in the know in using the Internet using social media been very, very impressive, and again at some pastors that mean I know they had to drive in churches and the people are being really creative that maintaining social distancing. Of course, is critical, but the fact that the church is not just the building is also important understand here absolutely, and I think that you see that from churches across the country from various denominations from both the Protestant denominations. The Catholic Church, other other religious faiths utilizing this technology and were seated across the country in places where outbreaks are hitting harder.

It operates were out. You know that the outbreak may not be hitting his heart of it is interesting call. It will take that we come back to break that Kansas where I get outbreak may not be hitting his heart, so it's you people look out their own door.

They see their own local news. It may not add up to what the national news is talking about it. I get that. So it's important to put this into scope when they talk about a Pearl Harbor kind of moment they meet nationwide we experience as a country and it doesn't mean it necessarily you're going to experience where you live, what New York City's experience, but that you want to make sure that you don't have outbreaks and on a smaller scale may be by number, but outbreaks that in your community would be just as again just as it is significant in a sense of that the stress it would put on the infrastructures as well because you may not have as many hospitals as the orchid healthcare workers, insulators and things like that so it's why this is again a very important week to do your part in the mitigation mitigation part is the key to this whole curve idea 1-800-684-3110 phone lines are busy where you keep taking your phone calls. It's 100-684-3110.

I encourage you also. Throughout this check out Our Facebook pages, the Jay Sekulow Facebook page Jordan secular Facebook page are Instagram accounts. I don't get little bit more time with social media got a lot of information posted there to check it out will be right back on the broadcast is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support her work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand on for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online AC okay for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online and sealed right. I guess in Oklahoma. It is the majority of floor leader in the statehouse there is joyous that final segment, the broadcast because we represented 400 Oklahoma state legislators who are riveted by the ACLJ emergency filing. We just found lower on the air as my dad talk.

I was just to late last night on approving this filing on the half again the state there that the governor they are deciding to decide deciding that these abortion clinics are not essential businesses for the purposes of these stay-at-home orders and when they have to decide what businesses close what to remain open places that perform elective abortions are not again are not considered essential so courses are heading into federal court immediately went wrong.

This would at the very entry-level of the court case that the District Court level so that Majority Leader will be joining us. John Echols majority floor leader of the Oklahoma House of Representatives will be joining us in the next segment. So we go right to the phone calls go in order people, but on the line Jerry and Rhode Island online for Jerry. Welcome to Jay Sekulow live great prayer prayer. Lastly thanks yeah me on my part of a peck of prep and rub gently current electric talk about opportunity.

You remember the week except Pearl Harbor. We have a lot lot lot want to build doing away and then coffee and then midway but it took weeks as they converted the line you can buy a new cotton, 41 to 46. Can they turn around and complain Pearl Harbor moment will go to take a little time but will already start thinking that the historical .1.jpg raised a really important point in the present has when necessary, utilize the DPA to to move that forward, nothing.

He just hasn't had to use all the time. Let's tell people why it's there because he had to use it with 3M recently. Yeah, it's there so that if he needs to get the emergency equipment. Quickly he can compel a private industry to do it. The J, I mean we have said this in this broadcast many times part of the reason he hasn't had to do it very frequently is because he was very careful to bring that in those industries in early on and get their cooperation voluntarily and look I would just say, even though the it's the examples like 3M that come to light in the media and the President did use the DPA to get them to do what he needed to do in most cases, J a private industry has been more than willing and in fact eager to partner with the federal government to do this. I don't think that would have been the case of private industry had been brought in on the front side so you're actually using the DPA appropriately.

If you're only using it when you absolutely have to say it's interesting to point out to her retirement.

He speaks of these numbers that nationwide out of the New York pecans is supposed to be this weekend with about 800 deaths in one day I was with Phyllis yet sometime midweek nationwide. The week the peak is X he predicted to hit a week from this Thursday and that is when they will be looking at over 3000 deaths in one day nation wide so I get. We are not taking phone calls of 164, 31 to Mysore to update you as we get that information.

Let me also say something about that that got me flexible on understand those dates because it could be off a couple of days.

It could be delayed a week or two that Ari has been, and it's just the way the wave of this is goes so what you may see today and I want to call her six on this point what you'd see in New York today were trying to hope that happens is we don't see an exact duplication of that in New Orleans or Detroit right or other hotspots. That's what the ideas here not to see that what this things the rollout of different parts of the country. So in one sense we say Pearl Harbor moment.

Remember, the only people that were the fatalities and Pearl Harbor were the ones complain Pearl Harbor, but it affected the rest of the country.

That's what does the Surgeon General was trying to set you Eric and Candace online six air quality Jay Sekulow live. Thanks for taking my call but didn't see a lot online about people going the hospitals in their empty in these areas. Where were being told that there packed and overwhelmed and people are walking around outside film and what's going on walking and I'm wondering how can this be what's really going on as well that let me dispel that myth was real clear. Okay, the areas where it's hot, hot areas and you just said Eric is this information that you seen online or somewhere that people say areas that are hot and it was with the viruses out there that this hospitals are empty.

A saying they're not it.

That is, that is a complete falsehood.

Let let me be clear, we moved a Navy ship that has beds for a thousand people that the now taken COBIT patients. We took the Javits we, the federal government to the Javits Center, 2500 hospital beds because the hospitals were already overwhelmed. Let me tell you from doctors I have spoken to in Atlanta in Nashville in Memphis in other parts of the country. A friend of mine was talking to doctors in Texas was another one of the present source.

Let me take with these doctors are saying overwhelmed with the number of cases there thinks of some is giving you some really bad advice. I think I get his conspiracy theories throughout and a lot of that again.

If you're in an area maybe in Kansas right now where is calling in the you not feeling it is much you haven't had those kind outbreaks that may seem treatment but let me look at the actual news. Now turn on Fox turn turn turn on different networks and you will see the same imagery in it is hospitals full, you will see those mortgage trucks which are is a pretty harrowing site to see how many bodies they are happy to prepare for each day. To put stacks in those trucks.

Those cooling trucks because they did that they don't have enough regular kind of that to go through this out of the process. The funeral homes are packed so again I mean it it it is not everywhere the country, but it is in a lot of places and where it is hitting in those places is very serious. Let's go back to the folds of us go to a Gloria college about the numbers issue on on the economic side in California online. Three. Gloria, welcome to Jay Sekulow lie or plural. You want and not a whole year so I file for the 2018 and really I'm going to do that 19 black I'm on my Social Security right now for a little more than a year, so why should I expect you think I still couldn't get that check I think you should.

I think you will get the check as it should be and should be automatic and that point yet. Good news for Gloria. Here, the Treasury Department has said that they will use Social Security Administration so Gloria, if you are set up with direct deposit for your Social Security benefits you will get the stimulus check that way. And even if you're not, you will still get it you would just get it through a paycheck in the mail.

It might be a few days behind but you're not to be one of those people that has to file an additional tax filing. They are going to use your Social Security information to get that money to you our folks 01 800 684 31 two that's what hundred 684-3110 Jalisco Scott conference, South Carolina on lie to another was kind of question Scott Walker Jay Sekulow live in the about right.

Never got my return to any of the way through the mail that you get to the mail that's that. And that's what will happen in a situation like that unless they have a checking account information you can get it in the mail might take a couple of days longer but whatever way you most recently got a check from the IRS. That's the one no use for this as well join us. They called five current Mike and Candace online five Mike welcome to Jay Sekulow live I like to thank you for what you're doing it all order may feel LJ and I cannot leave you answer question I want to thank you because your on the front lines. This futures in your truck drivers of the logistical moves right now are critical yet here they are in upper top or low low low and down on the question I have an owner operator I'm working with my loan company right now and they're awesome.

They're giving us a three month layoff right now for truck payments and that it could go further depends on how long this goes on your own company. I start to a company. I own my own truck, but at least on the company you can get the payroll protection bonuses as long as you fall within those you married yet, so people with under basically $200,000 you get you get those and then your company the freight company you work for can apply for different loan programs as well to keep things going in the present. Just said over the weekend. He will extend that even more necessary to keep the truckers on the ground.

It's important to keep the logistics of moving those companies would be treated to the company he's loaded onto a he said I would be treated like any other small business or if it's a large business funds for them to a small business right under 500 that it would be treated just like any other small business to be able to apply for those loans to keep people like that. I got on the payroll Mike. I talked with I think Jesus talked about theories working with this and this is something point out is that if you're that busy situation. It's talking to like you talk that is truck loan payments go directly to you know where you got your loads if you pay get out-of-court your payments for your business.

Things like that and a lot of them are extending the time. Out because they don't want you default. They don't want that. They don't need that right now they need you to be back on in business and if the mother to three and make the payments again.

That's what they would hope that's best for their business to but it does take talking to them or you'll just get the automatic payment request to you do need to go out and do some do some due diligence. We encourage folks to that we come back to explore your phone calls as well, but we do have this very special guest majority floor leader of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, John Echols is just filed another pro-life case out in Oklahoma just this while were on the air than the amicus brief on behalf of 40 legislators was actually filed. We write back on Jay Sekulow lot for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support.

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Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online and sealed is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country.

The work of the American Center for Law and Justice has never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACLJ and through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state, Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online NACLJ Jay Sekulow live enjoyed my very special guest majority floor leader of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, John X sues helpdesk lead the effort to build a team of 48 members of the Oklahoma state legislature.

Both the Senate and the house.

The ACLJ is representing a brief.

We filed today supporting the governor of Oklahoma I Gov. state's decision to decide these Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are not essential businesses ever. They perform elective abortions for purposes of these covert, 19 shut down so I want to thank majority floor leader Echols for joining us today representative is great to have you on the broadcast. Thank you.

What it will be on the program with love what you do will honor you for a long time allotted me on what I know I don't represent Echols you've worked with one of our attorneys. Bid sees the bow before the past you've bid that the state house since 2012 we talked to you about this retouch about. Also what's happened. The state was coving 19 but first let me just ask you about the decision you joy a lot of other states here but your governor's decision which you joined other Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, South Carolina, Texas to see Utah, and West Virginia have all filed also in support of what your governor did now you're filing and support what your governor get did tell people about the action that was taken well really well.

And all you've done and and both you guys and benefit your credit line. I'm sorry that we lock them in Oklahoma but is absolutely a field day again. The bottom line is fortunate not essential service in a time where were running out of time trying to save a human life.

The idea that we would use PPE and other medical supplies to take a human life is the antithesis of what we should be doing, even if somebody like me who doesn't believe abortion is a constitutional right. Even people that believe that but let's figure out the other side and and I failed time you have a right to be wrong. That's right, but they're still wrong. You believe that there are limits and right now when throughout the nation.

We have healthcare shortages for healthcare personnel. We have shortage of PPE throughout PP throughout the nation. Using elective surgery like abortion, it's reprehensible and I'm very excited to have the AC LJ supported leadership with Oklahoma and Elio Strachey lifted you listed, leading that charge. That's what we need to go now representing this Jay Sekulow when asked you about your situation regarding coving 19 in Oklahoma.

How do you see things now how the hospitals doing what's been the the person you know the kind of the medical situation on the ground right now. So much better. Demonstrate around the suite we are growing every day. I I get the updates from I put out updates from the house and the Department of Health. We've been holding steady at about four deaths.

The day we moved to five.

At this point are our hospital at this moment are not overcrowded, but the governor has been a really good job of having. He called the sacred hell it's functionally the same as a shelter in place. Are there some kind of immediate method that up a little bit but essentially it got the same thing if we keep going down this path. I think Oklahoma ready record master third that overrides our healthcare system are not experiencing that now, but we're still an exponential growth phase that you not I tell people I think were probably about two weeks behind Colorado which is in much worse shape than we are.

Depending upon what happens, but President said Surgeon General next week to get to be critical for the entire nation in Oklahoma is no exception to because I still gets listed as a state that like the governors taken no action. I will weave. We talked a lot of state officials to across the country.

This is happening in Florida Until last week to it and the truth is, you do have what is effectively a stay at home shelter in place order but but yet it's I guess the semantically they no one reported that Wade so they would include all clovers for the states it hasn't done anything to keep people I'd also had to assess its but not essential businesses close as well write Oklahoma home and the governor had started way, which I think was smart with local plant and community spread pandemic ordering filter in place prior to community spread that spread where you can't trade coming from outside the community that was unheard of crabby governor order") held over 65 and in other in otherwise at risk.

Stay home. In counties where was in and then the governor has moved on to ordering both over 65 or risk stay home and all nonessential businesses are shut down in all 77 counties. That's the very definition of shelter in place.

I'm a little frustrated with some of the.happy news article say we've done something about Hafner's article say we haven't now. There can be a debate going on all over this country about whether or not were doing and that will state is doing enough. But I failed a time when you're in the middle of the crisis. I am in Oklahoma so forgive this analogy, but we arrived at Fort Rucker credit rodeo. Bottom line, so crisis we need to do the very best we can protect our people and I think her governor doing that. That's also why during the last hole just came out the other 69% approval rating date for our family crisis yeah I was.

It was decisive because you said you kinda moving as the situation moves I'll never forget getting so much flack from the media on a statement I made during the molar nonsense back two years ago when I said you know facts develop because what's a fact today X amount of fatalities is not the same back tomorrow or the growth rate today is not the same growth rate of the above facts, it just as time evolves things. The facts develop differently and that's where I think that people that are mischaracterizing what's taken place are our falling fault.

Let me ask you a direct question here on on this brief. So Planned Parenthood is been the been the aggressor here. We now were now in three circuit courts on this we got 48 members of your house and your center collectively. Johnny said your pro-life obviously is there this sense among your colleagues that don't share your position that they think Planned Parenthood should get a pass when people are unable to get heart surgery right now with its elective US that you can get heart surgery can't get knee replacement. All the things I think they just believe somehow abortion is sacrosanct and I think the vast majority, my colleagues, I think more than the 48 would have signed on.

It's just difficult because we have not been in session to get everybody in the way I think we have far more that are pro-life. I think Oklahoma is an overwhelmingly pro-life state, and on top of this you just made the argument. Not outlawing abortion for all time, which is something I would do if I was capable of that. I'm not in this is not what this is.

This is saying you can't put it on a pedestal of a book about other medical procedures and not a nonemergent work not tubal pregnancy or something like that right leader elected by definition there elective. So no, I think it's a cult mentality that somehow right sacrosanct and again throughout the nation. We need to PP in the nursing personnel are so soundly sacred representative ankles for joining us today for one update on Oklahoma badly coving 19 and also I can get into some of the media misreporting there also just taking him for any type of the legislators legislature. There's not together putting forth this coalition. 48 members in the state house and state Senate, led by hippies. The majority floor leader John Echols of Oklahoma. A big thanks to him so that we could ask ACLJ represent those 40 members and file in court today.

While we were on the air.

The brief was actually filed in the Western District of Oklahoma. So thank you, representative, ankles, for all the other listing again. We pray for you will talk to you tomorrow. I Jay Sekulow live at the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad, limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in the world protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ