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Phase 4 Stimulus Package Soon?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
March 31, 2020 1:00 pm

Phase 4 Stimulus Package Soon?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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March 31, 2020 1:00 pm

Phase 4 Stimulus Package Soon? We discuss this and more on todays show.

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Thank you Jay Sekulow live is a phase or stimulus package. On the way talk about that and more today on Jay Sekulow live live from Washington DC phone lines are open for your questions right now: one 806 843-110-1800 68412, your host, secular Jay Sekulow live. We are to hear from 161 Taylor.

There is talk already from both the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from the Democrat side.

Also, the present United States you tweeted out this morning about the potential for 1/4 stimulus bill.

The way Nancy Pelosi explained like this, like the first two bills were really about emergency response. This the third stimulus which the one we talked about the most with the payments going individuals. The lows are available that can turn into grants. That was about kind of mitigating the stay-at-home orders mitigating the effects this will have on our economy in the fourth should be about recovery sounds good. From Nancy Pelosi except for we know we be back in that situation where likely the house bill would be full of full of items that we would need to sit it to be extremely built vigilant on remote I'm sure the backward Planned Parenthood funding back with a new green deal fighting back with again alternative energy for airlines, while airlines are canceling flights into New York City-see the first airline do that in the United States. And so again the broader idea of this note when you list what the President had to say about it.

He tweeted this with interest rates for United States being at zero. This is the time to do our decades long-awaited infrastructure built, it should be very big and bold true trillion dollars so you got a price tag on it $2 trillion before will focus solely on jobs and rebuilding the once great infrastructure of our country.

Phase 4 I think that is a brilliant idea.

It should receive wide bipartisan support infrastructure in United States is been something that of Freeport ministrations in row F talked about and now is the up-to-date number one you can put a lot of people work number to improve our infrastructure number three, it's a start time to do it with interest rates being that low so I agreed the present. I think this is the right move.

I think there's maybe probably need for a case for this is the beginning at a better understanding today what the long-term is a long-term extra four months to look like the country, but this kind of move is really really important to me then go back to Washington DC.

This should be in Congress coming back together having to work at some point a bipartisan way I'd expect that if the house to take this up.

First, it would be full of items would be at that be ACLJ like we did last a work around the clock on that language to make sure that that those items arts cheers try to sneak them. She will try to put them in there that we we get them out.

We keep them out through the city processing through the final legislation comes through because overall we be supportive getting Americans back to work getting infrastructure. This is something we talked about a long time and utilizing this may be the best time to actually do it.

But of course we had to be so vigilant in preparing for any kind of when you talk about $2 trillion of spending to make sure were not to be spending on items, the people object to and I think we have a pretty good time idea with the timelines you look like Jordan bought the house and the Senate had said that there gonna come back on April 20.

Look, it's not because the pandemic will be over by then, is because that's when they believe that the phase 4 will be necessary, but Jordan luck. I greeted the devils unity in the details here shifting at some point to recovery from mitigation is absolutely going to happen but I can look to very different ways. You talk about an infrastructure package that can be very positive.

Jordan if shifting to recovery means wind and solar tax credits if it means no tens of millions dollars for the Kennedy Center for means corporate board diversity. That won't do anything to shift us to recovery so we can print more money, sure, but you've got a minute away that actually helps the people who have been suffering.

By this, and I predict you as we come down the road. April 20 there will be two very different dynamics.

The house will reflect one approach the Senate will reflect the others and working happy right in the middle of that is you see that there are you prepared to come back.

They know that this is the the last stimulus was not the id for the legislations to be necessary in combating Cove in 19 of course in the recovery from covert, 19 getting that already started before we've even hit necessary peaks of the virus. Beginning the legislation started is important. A party got it on the marks we know we have something to look towards to we got a fight and Gordon be very cautious about time that to truly remember matching chant challenge final day doubly impacted donation make that donation online is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ and through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making it online.

Give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel work to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online AC okay for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow our decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty.

ACLJ needs your support.

Consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ men. Jay Sekulow livelier take your phone calls 164 3110 biggest issue that is developing right now course, is the idea of phase 4 is coming from both Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house and from Pres. Trump Pres. Trump is endorsed a phase 4 plan as well. This would be a plan to solely focused as he said on jobs and rebuilding infrastructure so because we got interest rates at zero people that are working an infrastructure that does need to be rebuilt at a time when it's actually you don't, there's less people on the road there's less people using airports. There's less people using the methods of travel so that less disruption exactly to the American worker because people are not leaving their homes. People are not using that the normal the subway systems the same way that the transportation system the same way that the roads needed the airports needed and that the other so much kind of infrastructure surrounding that. And I think look at him supporting it. I think it's the right move.

I do want to talk about something, though for a few minutes and we got this get bashed on the phone. I believe we got Doug Aviles mezzo Col. Ashley Goldsmith are both with us to talk about the utilization of the Defense production act.

He saw the USS comfort arriving in New York, people are asking or that's the military can the military do that skip forget to Wesley at the present moment here but skip there's always this tension. II and it's a healthy tension between military engagement in civil affairs, the right of the military primarily to win our nation's wars and to protect us from outside military threat, but there are times when the military has the organization and the equipment and the expertise to leadership to be able to bring in a peacetime purposes and crises like this to be able to provide those ships those ships to bring in matches with your mobile hospitals are, you'll recall, when the tornadoes are the hurricanes hit in the Gulf coast they command to evacuate people to start and so forth. The military has the ability and is equipped in many ways to be able to do things of the civilian first responders cannot do. So it's important to keep that in mind, with Smith joining us via Skype. I believe let's talk about what the DPA is present utilize that the other day what is it the Defense production act requires businesses to sign contracts or to fulfill orders based on nationalism is not unprecedented to use it is actually been around since 1950, when Harry Truman signed into law for the first time because of the Korean War effort. He was trying to enact he did. He controlled wages and prices as well as allocated goods for the war effort. And so even though it has defense in its title is crafted in such a way so that Presidents can use it for any number of things, not just a war effort with things like natural disasters and national emergencies. For example, J during the 1970s, the struggling Chrysler Corporation was ordered by the federal government to produce M1 Abrams tanks the war effort in Vietnam.

Pres. Obama used it in 2012 to go to technology companies under the threat of criminal prosecution to provide to the government. Information about the hardware and the software that they were importing from other countries because of concerns about Chinese cyber espionage.

Bill Clinton used it. George Bush used George W. Bush to help California dinner energy crisis is been used a lot over the years it's been around since 1950 is been modified a number of times over the years by Congress that basically is pretty much intact as it was first used in.

It allows the President to actually control certain sections of civilian production and even the economy. If there is a national emergency, skip some diapers and it was skip some some libertarian, some conservatives have been very concerned about utilization of this I think you always have to be careful there's a balance between all of these issues, but in the scale in that balance you have to tip inside of depending public safety and marinate a public safety crisis right now be concerned about would be the military were exercising control as in lieu of the civilian government. Here we have the military coming in and support of the governors of the various states in support of civilian authorities to provide where needs are provided.

Therefore they're not in a law enforcement role, or anything else which is a an extreme danger in a democratic society, but in this case there there to provide services at the beck and call, and the request of the governors of the various states and therefore they have assets that they can get the places that quickly and that they can implement without in any way. Having to interfere with the civilian law enforcement aspect.

This we know this is healthy tension as you see the situation right now you your analysis of of the actions that have been taken thus farming obviously the worst weeks to get ahead. So the National Guard is been mobilized in Samaria. These are the things you expect in a time of crisis like this, correct absolutely and skips right were not there to do law enforcement and the military were there to really support and to to add to the abilities of state and local governments like that. Now we talked earlier about the Defense production act. That act actually has nothing to do with the hospital ships or federal troops going in to help the city and setting up a field hospital where that is coming to play most recently by Pres. Trump is that last week he invoked it in order to force GM to quit trying to initiate the price and the deadlines for ventilators and enforce them to actually start producing them.

That's an appropriate use of the DPA and again has nothing to do with troops or hospital ships.

This was actually going to a company that was in all honesty, sort of dillydallying around and trying to go back and forth, negotiating and finally Pres. Trump cut to the chase and said look, produce the ventilators and in actuality he's taken some criticism for this but you know he's being very, very restrained and moderate, and how use of the DPA, because in actuality if you look at the coronavirus must going on in our society. I'm he could do a lot more. For example, we are short on PPE personal protective equipment, downs, gloves, mask and there is been price gouging. There's been a lot of things going on in the background. He has not yet pulled the trigger to actually address that as well. At this point he's only using the DPA to try and come up with ventilators which are, you really need our way. Support for people to understand true even when the President is using the Defense production act to require these companies to do this instead of just asking us as we talk with. It kinda going back and forth on what they could do what they were going to do getting paid to do this US government is not seizing these companies and then produced using their production equipment and materials and the not giving you make the return they will be paid for what they produce their rapidly.

They have to accept the contract that the contract is void upon them, but they will be paid a fair market value for what they produce and in normal cases when this is implemented there asked to produce X number of items in effect number of items beyond what is needed, they will be paid for all of those items anyway. And the government put the excess in storage so it's not like they're being harmed. In one sense, now and are also being paid to retool their equipment to know what is the difference, building Chevrolets from building some other item on the health front and therefore they will receive money for the tooling and everything else retooling of equipment to make sure it happened so there there it does rippled through their system because they have to stop doing one thing to do another. But the same time the intent is to minimize the harm to them and maximize the benefit to the society we have to look at here and I think this is one of the things we realizes this from moment to stand in fact is that everybody is happy to have a degree of flexibility right now when you talk about the second half hour. Some the stuff coming out of Nancy Pelosi about what did he know and when do you know it, like here we go again, but right now, flexibility is the key. Everybody can be flexible. Everybody's gotta be willing to do what they can with what they have in their hand to help. I JI I been the most heartened by this approach from the White House because the vast majority of industry and I know Wes talked about one exception which clearly the President responded to properly but the vast majority of industry has come forward voluntarily and eager eagerly to do what they can do another President highlighted a few of those I yesterday but look whether it's industry or private individuals.

All of us need to be coming together and thinking about what do we have that can help those most vulnerable. And there's a little bit of a carrot and a stick approach year from the White House J but I would tell you I think it's working because the vast majority of both private individuals and industry are taking the carrot approach and actually trying to trying to get ahead of me and having forced to produce something I will Wes and Skippy appreciate you being with the skip very quickly. We got a letter going out today to the United Nations. What's the topic very quickly with a letter to the incoming President of the UN Security Council talking about the Palestinian attempts to get around all the agreements they made with Israel and to have the UN and forcing their desires and forced upon Israel. We are sending out a letter to the incoming President of the UN Security Council explain these things to him and encouraging him not to do that, saying the American Center for justice both on the air in the courts at the UN continue your support of the ACLJ this last day of the month inner matching challenge campaign makes a huge difference, especially online giving right now since we can't really open much mail I for that will be double double the impact your donation last day of our match account ACLJ.Ward donate today as we work around the clock and all these issues and including this upcoming possibly fourth stimulus for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today so our work online and sealed J is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online and ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ coming in place and still the economic impact because as Sen. Lindsey Graham city retirement. This idea of it of the fourth major piece of legislation. The American people not yet really seeing what was just past actually hit their pocketbooks. Yet, the, the employers are the small businesses are starting to make the request for their loans they could turn into grants. We have a lot of questions about all this.

Let's go right to the phones go to Mary first in California online to marry welcome to Jay Sekulow live on the air. Primary really appreciate. Thanks, Mike. How where I want my character to apply for the loan. Just like you wiped out okay so you say something really quickly churches qualify. This is this is a huge plus in this legislation, nonprofits, churches qualify. So if your church is in need of funds is very straightforward process.

Funds could be available as early as this Friday. That's what Larry Kudlow is said that's what Doug Treasury Secretary Steve Newton said so. Steve said that so the it's and it's a very straightforward process basically got your tax returns for your church is not on their volunteer case. I may not be made to provide financial information and then a payroll tax and payroll taxes.

That's what a lot of this is based Because actuators go to SBA.

It's the small business administration website it says right on the front of the website now small business guides and loan resources your church qualifies for that to be an applicant what that your you focusing on is this is for. These are loans that can turn to grants. That means it if you comply with that. You don't have to pay back it actually becomes a grant from the government, you start off as a loan. It is for salaries, you cannot. You can't fire any staff you can't furlough any staff. I continue to pay staff. It's for things like mortgage and rent and two in the basic facility needs to keep your church or your organization is really important. It is a loan initially but it turns into a grant if you follow if you follow it now. We just this 1001 work right. As these issues come up. We know this is relevant to the churches are churches eligible for coded 19 pandemic really puts by Walter Weber. The answer is yes, by the bike is doing just said but that resources now use that to tell you that we talk about flexibility earlier institutionally flexibility for organizations like the ACLJ are having to meet the needs of desiring to meet the needs of people in a very different situation now and I think that one of the flexibility points you and I were talking about this.

Just last segment is our ability to be flexible on these things.

No question about it. Recognizing where you have the opportunity to be generous in JI think this issue is a very good example of a service that we can provide.

During this time it if folks go to that blog that you reference by Walter Weber to find a list of very common and commonly and ask questions about church eligibility and J here is maybe the most important thing they can find direct links to the relevant applications on the small business administration's website. Now these loans are to be administered. A lot of times through a local bank.

We have compiled the direct links where churches need to go to comply NJ you talk about the payroll.

These loans, which will turn into grants will provide up to eight weeks of payroll +25% on top of that, for other qualified expenses.

So I really encourage churches and other nonprofits that are serving the communities to at least take a look. We worked very hard to make sure they were eligible under this legislation now. I hope they'll take advantage of it. That was a huge move getting them eligible under the legislation. I'm sure there's good like freedom from religion foundation probably file suit is a big move yet. Okay, let's go to Jackie in Michigan online for Jackie.

Welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the hijacking barrel now. I do not make it not to get my right seat right on The answer that question for you in the coming weeks. You people who do not file a tax return will be to file a simple tax return form simple document to page again by one page or so from that it includes this is exactly for you, Jackie. Low income taxpayers, senior citizens, Social Security recipients, some veterans and individuals with disabilities were otherwise not required to file a tax return so you'll goat you just check out You are eligible, you will get that check and they will they will just need some information from you so they can get it to you but they want to get it to you and Arity say that you have that just a simple tax return form probably one or two pages like you said that you can fill out on your own people to file tax returns can be on automatic negative, and most of the will be directly deposited into your account so I got a Skype do a little bit about. Thank you. Here to to people like Stephen Newton, Treasury Secretary and his team because when they looked at the states computer systems. They recognize quickly as any of us could tell that they were 30 to 40 years out of date and that if the states cannot meet the need here financially getting the money to the federal government, and that's that unemployment yet impose patient appointments of the old government approach that the present device President talk about this whole whole of government approach is what can really help the American people but again we want to be in a position to help you and that's why reposting this right now secular call 100-684-3110 at 2000 684-3110 Mark in Texas online one Mark welcome to Jay Sekulow live hi Mark, thank you for what you do.

My question is repeated it before, but I'm getting a lot of questions that personally about it. What are your feelings when it all fed and guided could possibly be the liability from either country, wanting to know what repercussion can be done to China people like myself who my wife was furlough duration in question, and I know you had mentioned that usually be like paradigm or something on it was determined which it is not been that this was an intentional act of the foreign government that would be biological terrorism is terrorism.

Now there's no is been no indication of that. As far as we know, could it be now you know anything's possible. Here's what I think you have to look at number one twice been furloughed.

She qualifies for the government assistance to make sure you get it. Go to the website SBA wherever it might be our SRI restoration personal thing and make a big ham Anything unemployment and extended unemployment as well.

So that's exactly right. Yeah. So you got that. Let's get through this before we start coming up with who's responsible.

I don't know who is responsible. I am concerned as every American is this originated in the place and I don't trust information coming out of that particular country now. But we also need that country and producing good right now yet so at a time when it's your spot, but we need China is getting back to work because it kind of hit their peak will supposedly if you believe the statistics that will take all them for but I don't think they would necessary get it back to production if they were at seeing the levels they were.

We need that production anything and that's an important point.

Is it before we I think we can arty cast some blame there. China was not transparent enough when art with the world. So with the World Health Organization with the United States about this this problem and how was spreading within its own society. We know that already. China, there were mistakes made by China intentionally wrong to the world, but we need China back on the on the supply line yeah I don't think they were looking out for the best interest of the world.

I really don't. But you're right. You're in there to be an important partner moving forward and look I would just say this is probably largely a policy debate for another day. But if anyone doubted that how important it is for the United States have operational control of borders and ports of entry.

Well my goodness this this episode history proven that point so that is one of those debates toward is just not far down line to the United States right second half hour coming up on Jay Sekulow live will continue take your phone calls 100-684-3110 that's 1-800-684-3110.

Remember final day of our March matching challenge double the impact your support for the ACLJ working folks around the clock and on all these issues and it is another stimulus potentially major piece of legislation to report will be there working through it every piece of it on behalf of you go to

Make that donation today double the impact ACLJ the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and Jay Sekulow why we are take your phone calls 164 3110. This is a half-hour to continue to answer your questions.

I know the latest information about a covert, 19, of the present also announced yesterday new test that would be it would actually be able to determine if you have if you don't have covert IT within five minutes that you could do on your own Aswan event so there's a lot happening that I think will happen rapidly in the next week or two that you just get us more more resources available to you, depending on where you are, the country depending on the risk level there at two because words were started to see head where the epicenters new epicenters of this virus are and where resources will need to be so so obviously that's part one and part two is that the the stimulus package. It was passed. Actually, the effects of that getting to the American people were to start seeing that in the next week and two weeks really screws right into that. The first week of itself in the next couple of weeks, people start to see the positive impact of that for one unemployment small businesses try to keep those alive. If you will add to to certain extent by keeping people on payrolls instead of furloughing them or firing them so that that'll be important as well and it but were also looking. Of course there's always pop that we still have a general election coming in November and had a pocket on the side and does not get a ton of attention because he's not so great on TV but who is getting a ton of attention every day other than the President states the governor of New York, who is just had these press coverage is now New York is been hit the hardest. It's it's importance here is not in New York City.

Of course the economic capital for the country and edited kind of a hub, but there's politics coming up we see Nancy pull out politicizing already already, so I will play the bite. I mean, did the famous John you know that the famous Watergate line is what she uses. Take a listen now about in Waikiki now letting our linking outlet for an after action with you skittles people and we have to take. We just have to take every precaution after action review in the middle of all of this nets. I do know what that means a lot more work for me and other lawyers. But what nonsense in the middle of this to even bring that up and by the what did he know and when did he know it.

Of course the famous Watergate line so fan are we looking at another series of moves by the house in the back and do it in the middle. This is not in session, but to even say this this is going on to me is incomprehensible and usable, inexcusable, J and I would tell you it is extremely frustrating having just lived personally through a week long's worth of delays that were created by Speaker Pelosi. Look, I'm not trying to make this partisan, but the truth is, this last stimulus bill was ready to go to the President's desk until she inserted corporate board diversity until she inserted wind and solar tax credits until she inserted was initially $35 million for the Kennedy Center and was still $25 million. In the end only for them to furlough and worker so I like to when she knew it. But you know I won't let her know that right now that I don't care right now. I don't care about confronted with everybody try to do the best we can to keep the country safe this weekend and she's already starting the drumbeat of oversight hearings and here we go again. You realize that the impeachment proceedings against this President, which took up a lot of time for Congress and especially the Senate allow timers, lawyers, which just completed on February 6 the resume on February 5.

I guess February 4, the President gave the state of the Union speech where he said there was a problem with this virus briefings. I guess that they were told the briefings began sometime in the January out that way mentioned it during the Super Bowl, the Super Bowl, so this idea that Nancy Pelosi wants to turn this into a political charade that is not good for the American people. Normal is what she did for the American people in delaying this very good for the country until after action reports don't matter a lot a lot of people get hurt in the process.

So let's focus on keeping everybody safe. That is what we should become focusing on it certainly will focusing to go to the ACL data. Find a lot of information to help you on this on the stimulus on Whitney for churches were staying engaged all these issues will answer your questions. We come back.

Don't forget the ACLJ that right folks. Again, we can encourage you go to double the impact your donations to finally do it. March matching challenge ACLJ.or donate today is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACLJ and through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you.

We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ Jay Sekulow Jordan sent you the right to hold on to Betty in California online. Three. Betty, welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the air.

Air. We were just talking about say Keitel heart money or how like her, and even I thought I heard an example so I'm wondering if there's any way to curb that of the bell curve is gotta be really vigilant and Stan Bennett will tell you we had a team on this. From the moment go when it went from and he can hold it up for those of you watching on TV or on your social media platforms. Is this the original wonders is the final one fan J, these are the two bills that she put forward in the midst of this, the delayed it for a week.

There is about a foot tall looking on the screen here and so you have to be Betty Ripley right on top of it and make sure that I think Lindsay Graham just said is really critical that bite, but what he said was, there is a place for and it has nothing to do with the stimulus for the economy. It doesn't go in there and that is the that is the attitude we need to be taking without any question my Betty, thanks for calling and let's go and take another call phone lines are open 800-684-3110 right back to those we are 164 3110 John in Missouri on line 5 John, welcome to Jay Sekulow live will all I called Nancy on morning Joe, still talking up the hole by mail I get. I have serious concerns. I mean II personally receiving belief or letter from the Census Bureau this year that changes and with the last legislation and dams want buyout U.S. Postal Service Morrison chances of this actually going voting back for some we don't know where to be in November. Yet voting by mail. I think you raise that there's a lot of concerns that security concerns about the integrity of our election so thin I don't think that would be around for I think that would be something that that's be determined by serious debate in Congress on on. If this is a virus.

It continues to be pose a threat or we cannot hold elections not even be there still people do vote by mail member you can you continue to do that already that you have to put in a request for an absentee ballot.

This we allow that. Or maybe longer lines of Irish Little lessons. And you know the question is where we I'd say probably late in the summer so that we can make decisions about early fall for the election.

Yeah, I agree with you Jordan, I think the important thing in this particular debate is that the federal government Washington DC not take those decisions from the states and that is what the Pelosi bill wanted to do mandate states to follow the edicts coming out out of Washington DC Jordan. If the situation that you're describing means that states do have to get creative with how the November election is handled.

I think the appropriate way is actually what ended up in the final version or something close to where needed to get some dollar assistant in Washington DC but Jordan, the decisions are still run by the state so in a state like California can't tell a state like Idaho how to run their local elections where decentralized for a reason, Jordan, and that's where it's got us that would be more like providing resources appropriately to states if and if this is necessary. November we pray and hope it's not. If it is having. There's also questions to about the Democratic primary movie house at moving forward exactly with those cancellations so get a lot of this will be what happens in the next few months.

Look at me, things are easier with the flexibility watching arrives mostly to right now arguing from the Supreme Court in United States right this minute.

I was mostly presenting oral arguments before the spring court on cases involving President and Congress send a district attorney in New York. I received the district attorney New York and come visit at the quarantine for 14 days link or cancel oral arguments for March that minute she went into doing a play suspected in a cancel in April because the presence already extended things that table, but things are different so you have to be.

There's been a be some flexibility even with these institutions there you have to decide how the new address difficult situation. I was literally going to be arguing right now probably be finishing up you not it would succeed to that little sis is the poor case that was to be April 29.

We don't know exactly what hurt. It's not hundred percent for the spring court, but it's very likely so all these cases is very important in cases of a bath.

The present United States in cases that little sis the poor and the contraceptive and abortifacient a mandate applying to their mothers and the weather to Little sisters of the poor, the present United States are Google and Oracle.

Those cases cannot be argued right now no means of this is the way that this is changed the country at the impact it's had. Of course if the first impression of his of the individuals and the economic impact but also the court systems, and I think the people will start seeing the effects of that stock does not necessary. Once you feel like effective in a week, but in a few weeks from now when you realize how much is been put on hold, not just our personal lives but but also can corporately as a country and this is states because of that, that the court systems not being not functioning either for the most part I was go grab another phone call one 864 3110 Diane in North Carolina online to Diane.

Welcome to Jay Sekulow live hi Diane, I call all of your work question and I am a retired nurse, and I'm on the healthcare report page for untyped but just and every day with every comment. Talked about the lack of math and WHERE are all the ones that are being made painting Fruit of the Loom team.then Ben fell in the low to produce them as well is just starting.

I think that's where the thing II got a friend of mine was a physician very well known cardiologist but me about that yesterday and he said look, because as all this concern. The present zettabyte could really be 300,000 mass going out the door that was happening. It was in him and he actually says why she always check for fraud and I think the reality is they are having to use mass in ways they never thought about before. The foods that the janitorial staff right in their avidly discarded because answers of people that would usually be wary mass and writing and and so everybody's wearing a mask, nations, visitors, others no real visitors anymore. So, there is also talk and I think Tangier point the US is now reevaluating the Surgeon General whether we should all be wary mass as well. For those when we do go to your central services like to the store grocery store.

Other countries they do are cut so far said that they don't believe that it has been effective in a tool in stopping this that maybe they're changing this because now the guidelines are looking like 6 feet may not be enough. It's really 27 feet, which if you think about that. We should see this press comes later today is 27 feet.

How do you go to grocery store how you operate. Those it all been distancing. Then you start wary mass for this to be a next another demand on the mass at the it's important why those businesses got a turn that can create them because I think it's going to be a public need for those the first deed of course to be the healthcare frontline workers. But then there there might be a second knee and need for for those who who the designated kind of person the family to go to the store or for those shopping companies are going out and getting it for people then how is it up yet. During the DC Metro area.

How are things there for the civilian population by going to the grocery store those kind of things. Yeah, I think for the most part manageable jamming all three jurisdictions here, Maryland, Virginia and DC's had stay in place orders. Virginia is actually in Austin until June.

June 10, Maryland we don't know DC is April 24, but a jack couple interesting things in it like like local Home Depot, which is an essential business people are allowed to go there, limiting the number inside it one time. So if you go to the parking lot.

You'll see a line outside spaced apart, and when one comes out another goes into just things like that. Even the things that are essential in your permitted to do. They take longer to do in their additional precautions in line, but by and large, gay, I actually think the population is abiding by pretty well in this region. Yeah, I think that that student were to find out I mean the social distancing such a big part of this not being worse than it will be an accident. Subsidies can be bad.

But anyways, we need be praying for that I just we discovered earlier that Chris, from CNN who is a friend of mine and I could have been on his broadcast brother and I got yeah yeah who's he's got it so her thoughts and prayers to him. I sent him a note just a minute ago and look this is not political parties. This is that this is an indiscriminate enemy.

They will get they don't discriminate there. It hits with hits and we just need be praying for our fellow citizens and being really smart on how we conduct our affairs and are our sanitation habits. I think that's aptly critical when trying out submit left.

Yeah, we got another guidance have become an applicant to take phone calls 164 3110 lots of different really good call causing questions we can answer for you to stay on the line if you're on the line will get your phone calls in the order they come in, 1-800-684-3110. Remember this important day for us final day of the month final day of the March matching challenge donate and were really encouraging people make those donations online. It's safe it secure you not to go put anything in the mailbox units can touch anything you use your own phone you really want to encourage him and did we get those resources immediately validates upward into the night not normally in the last day of the campaign were met just bank, we have a concert for the band. What I can do that tonight. Obviously, because when I can put a bunch of older guys for my bandmates in a room together. Not feasible, but what we are thinking about doing would probably do is tonight about 8 o'clock Eastern time on the go on Facebook and periscope and be able to talk to you about where we are to match child were looking at us cases in and be able to answer your questions as well to do that tonight. More than likely become an out of my home office. At that point felt for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online and see okay. It's a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online AC okay Jay Sekulow library right to the phone lines in the order they come in let's go to Mike in Maine online one Mike welcome Jay Sekulow live. Taking my call and probably the kingdom of God. We will learn my question. I watched the coverage this morning about face for yelling Congress and what I wonder about is letting it be proven prudent to give some time for face to go to work.

The how that data will need to do differently but wholly left right and you know in two weeks. Checks got a Gatsby for Lindsay Graham is right about that. He said that he said we gotta make sure phase 3 works. That's true but but they had to get to what they're talking about face for the present time at $2 million infrastructure plan to get people back to work and and to get you with 0% interest rate. Right now it's it's a good time to actually duplicate the work because people are utilizing RR that the transportation route the same way I you don't see it of the same kind of traffic patterns at all because the stay-at-home orders three and three out of every four Americans is under one of those kind of orders so you do this and it is good but it can take time. This doesn't have to be an emergency. The way that the, the, the last package was to really save the American worker same people save jobs if they can's estate companies, individuals, but but but again, amid a big infrastructure bill needs to start they need to start working on it. You said there to start in a couple weeks few weeks yet. I think drafting area started now. I mean looking for from the perspective off the hill. Jordan answered the question is, sort of, yes, because in a couple weeks. Maybe there's a need for more direct stimulus like we saw in this and there would have to be a chef but Jordan, that planning to properly shift to an infrastructure package like the one you're talking about.

It's got a start now and why does it have to start now suited so it doesn't end up like that 2000 page Nancy Pelosi built a stocked full with wish list items for the left. So I think you gotta prepare the drafting now and be ready for that shift. Now we have to reevaluate in two weeks and see if were ready for that shift, or if the face were need to look a little bit more like phase 3 well the answer to that is yes, but you prepare now so that you're not up against the deadline again. I backed the funds we go Heather in Montana on line for Heather. Welcome to Jay Sekulow live my call and thank you for all that you guys are doing that. I was wondering with any stimulant spell it better anything and therefore smaller healthcare companies that they can help their company and their pink plate 63 when they take mandatory leave because they've been in quarantine Kurt Cobain 19 there is because they that's its design. The SBA portion of it is designed for small business so you don't have to put anybody on furlough right in that kind of situation so you can continue to comply for this year.

The exact kind of company that can apply for the loan. The loan will actually become a grants if you follow the rules.

That means you'll never have to pay it back and that loader specifically for you to build a pay your employees. That's when the key part of the project pay the rent on the building of the mortgage on the building. If you own it but but again the SBA's got the set up right on and it's already there. This is a Vic, this is not something that will be available. These are available free to start making these applications now and so I would encourage you you you are. For whoever the employers to make those applications now and then points out a very important point and there's a specific allocation of funds in the legislation that passed for healthcare companies.

Yet it's on top of everything.

The Jordan just talked about.

I would I die, they absolutely should do a Jordan talk about but there's $100 billion in here specifically for companies like the callers talking about for funds for doctors, nurses and others who are directly quarantine or otherwise affected. So in the case of a healthcare company J it's both, and both with the small business and is hundred billion dollar fund right in the call back this industrywide camera in Utah online three camera Jay Sekulow live call all all it was put in there for funding and the President agreed to part that was political negotiation but also part was it was to maintain the facility and the concern was if you let some of this continued without being repaired during the doubling or tripling you because I think you put on his his construction hat is aging facility.

If you attend if you been to before and or if you have ever looking for bid the parking deck before there before this. It is up to get. You gotta keep these up it's it's a national cost and and again that what is interesting and I think the kidney cynically a little explaining to do.

They furlough their entire orchestra. This is look at the last paycheck so they got $25 million is mostly for the building yet but it wasn't to.

It was not those individuals furloughed will be able to get unemployment yapping. So again it's it's it's it was unique, but in a $2 trillion plan is $25 million plan is Moses. That's of the ME like abortion funding and things like that. Gotta make some compromises. Some deals will have to be made that was one of them. Let's go back to the phones and calling from Tennessee online soup and welcome to Jay Sekulow life and on but apparently how we like you don't, don't touch your face is as much is we all usually do is certainly one of the ways he seated you could decrease your chances that the only way that the mast really is about these airborne so we all talk. These come out of her mouth it it's it's it's considered like spit you noticeably see it when I'm time of the kind of like the little Smith you might see if someone shouting that there is invisible and how long how far does that travel and that's the new question.

The Surgeon General is reevaluating the first lie with the US was that this not that effective.

We are talking about an airborne disease that is more for if you've got it, or see not spreading it to more people, or for, of course, healthcare workers were up close right next to people so rent where the bodily fluids it so that's the question again, it's being reevaluated and that's about. That's as far as we can go on then a lot more about it tonight. There to come up with recommendations.

I get a new and better Haitians try to grab these two possible yellows, Col. Louis, calling from Arkansas line silly really quickly, you will better serve Vietnam veteran banks reserves of service-connected disability, Vietnam, and also drawing. And I want to know what happened on account of oil in place as any that situation. So security disability. Do you need to fill out the form that yet likely not Jordan but I would encourage them very strongly to commit monitor specifically for his situation because some people depending where their income lands will need to follow the additional guidance that will be posted there soon, IRS… It's the very first thing listed target site. I you encourage people.

It's is going to be and we got up on the Facebook page right now and for periscope you could see that it says right on the top left of it is where you'd find all the information about that but listen to your new 70s don't have to fill out these forms with what one things that can hurt to fill out a form that you have no taxes to your event paying taxes, but you fill that form out right now you know you're there can have the information to get you that check because is also the direct deposit they're gonna have to have your information to make that direct deposit and and you are eligible for that so make sure it when the government is making this available to you. I make sure that you are taking advantage of what is available to you.

The company can only find as much info as they can.

They have about you so I get. I encourage people. These are easy places to go, for individuals for small businesses, including by the way, not just churches, but all 501(c)(3).

So if you have a nonprofit organization as well.

You are eligible for those those funds so let me encourage you right now is our final day of our matching challenge W picture donation that's to support our work as it continues around-the-clock at the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ