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Senate Deadlocked on Phase 3 Coronavirus Stimulus

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
March 23, 2020 1:00 pm

Senate Deadlocked on Phase 3 Coronavirus Stimulus

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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March 23, 2020 1:00 pm

Senate Deadlocked on Phase 3 Coronavirus Stimulus. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow breaking news on the relief package for America from Washington DC. Lines are open for your questions right now called one 800-6843 1-101-800-6841 10 ML chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow broadcasts. What a time to have gridlock I made.

This is hard for me to believe they work through the weekend trying to come up with a package which would be part of the staging of relief or companies. Small businesses, American citizens, whether through this virus attack that we have which I think is what you have to call it now and at the same time that are trying to, whether through it and trying were trying to get through it. The country, the Senate can get there now. Someone that spent three weeks on the floor. The Senate oftentimes till way past midnight. I don't understand. It's must be part of the culture of grassland benefit slogan.

Is it just part of the culture. This is the way they do it because it is mind-boggling. I know the answer that J is yes and it's got a change and we set on the broadcast last week that that was not to be the case this time. It looked like there was gonna be some bipartisanship to look like the negotiations were going well in jail just tell you, there were smaller groups of Republicans and Democrats that put together various parts of this package and went to the floor of the Senate last night again with Republican and Democrat Brian and then that partisanship fell apart giving getting this on the details, let me just say this for now. I think part of the reason that happened was because Speaker Pelosi of all people, interjected herself into the Senate business you don't want to point fingers at this time. I hope it will get done by the end of the day but just to simply answer your question, yes, unfortunately I think the culture of Washington DC one out last night that needs to be fixed today we are some issues on Facebook sit here watching alive know the streams a little bit different might run the very specific camera shots and angles such as deal with this. It was this or not, we live, we decided that it rely for all of you. We are take your calls right now. 1-800-684-3110. That's what hundred 684-3110 if you want to be on the air. This is the time to do it. Give us a call with her best to get to you today. Thanks for watching again online's office of the technical issues.

Alright, so let me let me take it a step further. Here 90.

We have to get into some particulars because there's the Supreme Court issued opinions tapering since none of the cases that we were involved in the following, but let me take what they did not do.

They did not meet as the court not is traditionally how they've always done it.

They met, they sit the bench you been there long and they read the lecture for the opinion today. They decided not to do that. They just issued the opinions online which is good, that they're kinda getting into the technology of the 21st century harasser, but that they were forced to do it obscene with the age of the justices. It looks like we know that the more I'm supposed be arguing next week.

It's record that's off the question. The April calendar. I'm sure they'll issue an order in the next day or two that's can be off and technically that is the end of the argument term. Now they made old arguments in the summer or maybe early fall on some of these cases, we don't know, but obviously things are in a state of flux. You also have the economics of this in the stock market dropped one palms down thousand point now it's been about 700 as were talking to you watching us live but then the lack of getting this bill through is really hurting us. It really is and look at you Sec. Maneesh and leader McConnell and leader Schumer were very very close to an agreement. J and I would tell you, there still close right now. All appearances are the secretary munition just left leader Schumer's office and that they're very close to an agreement but here's the problem honey over in the House of Representatives right now.

Speaker Pelosi just introduced a brand-new bill that nobody's rat it's more than 1100 pages long. J what we've got to do is get the bill that is on the 5 yard line into the end zone not start over on a thousand page bill that everyone has to reread night and I saw that 1100 1164 pages that look easy bill for both sides are complaining and angry about this issue is not the time that this is that this is not the time to be dealing with politics under any circumstance, but we are right folks.

Let me encourage you support the work of ACLJ. Let me ask another special request. As you can imagine, it's a little bit difficult right now processing actual mail because equivalent medical staff serrated.

Some offices no steps in it all online contributions are automatically process so please go ahead if you want to get to the ACLJ. We support you doing that online right now supports the work here. It's also still are Marge Magic Johnson go to ACLJ and talk about that is the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Rejecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly protect. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the pro-life in many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow live you're taking your calls and comments we did want to specifically say his receiver headed to the break right now. If you are wanting together we always encourage you to give here to the American civil justice to the ACLJ right now you have the opportunity to know a lot of you still use the mail you still get our direct mail. It said in Jackson that can think that's excellent. We appreciate it. But right now with every think shutting down and having all the issues that are going on and limited staff.

We encourage you please just visit Donate. That way it's acute still secure way to do it and we appreciate as we start to head towards the end of our matching challenge at the end of March 20 say some event that verse. I appreciate everybody's continuing support of the work of the American Center for Law and Justice. I would really appreciate that. But we are reducing our steps in place and I mean honestly here at our our media center we have. But even here is minimal compared what we are easily would have been same thing in our processing.

So, online contributions are automatically processed. Much easier is much more efficient. It's much, much more cost-efficient for us as well. So any of you that are supporting the ACLJ may be getting eat it in a letter from us. If you could go online and donate that way. It's just gonna be a lot easier to go benevolently to move to everything being online at that ultimately that so that would be an excellent life. You are new to online giving this a great way to start a genre for about You had on your broadcast yes election on you will be on the air tomorrow morning okay on the Logan is a show called Logan Sekulow reprogram reprogram the Logan Sekulow report as our block everyone so I want to submit bit more alleged in Aries on Florida made radio in Orlando Florida in the morning, 5:55 AM the next prime time and that's what we air and tomorrow morning. If you've Artie done it, wouldn't you post online share from your Pedro because anything that sounded that's fine is with an interview with actually an mayor of Longwood, Florida which is Orlando at you're right outside our leading representative of like a regular community yes and use it as a great story mixing up on Fox and friends past week professional wrestler who turned politician really good guy, a good family guy who is doing something First Community. We just wanted to talk to him a kind of break down how things were going in and really what they're doing is encouraging is still very much encouraging social distancing that the mayor and the governor has is that we start putting rules in Florida. I what should be done and you can hear that will post on here but ill be on our podcast feed tomorrow morning at 6 AM Eastern that is Logan Sekulow,, or you could just find it on a heavier podcast Apple podcast, modify, and is also Facebook group you can be a part of. I we will have him on in the morning.

I guess Abbott will post the video could do I get the most up-to-date information out as quick as possible to those local communities that we Aaron so will share that hump coming up hopefully the next few hours I will have that available to anyone who cares to watch but it's actually interview even if you not living in the Orlando management it at this point there there hunkered down he is.

He was in his driveway in his car doing during the interview we want to make sure people knew he wasn't driving around.

He was just in his car doing and in trying to keep the city going try to get the economy going hit specific restaurants. He is promoting these little towns after doing that too is a go about it and just say hey go to McDonald's whatever is finding the drive-through service open.

He is naming specific locally owned companies. I think that's all you really need to start really looking at supporting as well as the other ones that would support your locally owned companies and ones that they're not running very high margins this there. The people who really need that tech to support as well as you can while still being careful and in I think people see the last few days in the idea going to get takeout and start to throw people off a little so we have distilled out keep the economy going.

You encouraged it was Vietnam.

The President tweeted out this morning and make sure that the cure is not in the picture is not more dangerous than disease. That's the balancing that they have to go through. Here is an interesting comment screen right now yeah yeah there is an interesting coupling. I say several interesting Facebook got questions came in on what I tackle one and let's dance back back will think that one went on Facebook, said consummate please explain to me what the states stay-at-home orders Maine so sometimes or by the state governments and are all a little different. Sometimes it's county by county, so it's not always just what your state says it's can be what your county says, and in this particular case, and most of them.

It means you couldn't go to the grocery store to the pharmacy, but other than that, really stay-at-home. Yeah, I think that units of other like big-box retailers.

Walmart does not just exclusively grocery stores and retail market are open, you can but it is mainly the big box stores like your Walmart or your Cosco.

I think those the ones that are staying okay in the wiki where you consent to go get anything you need, plus your grocery stores, but the other that a lot of them are putting in. Stay in place where you are there some the grocery stores the same feeling when certain people in the story particular time letting seniors come in early. Those are things that make sense of the sometimes it's better for the county commissioner or the mayor or the rather than leaving the state made a statewide matter. Don't take her family out to designate a person to go out for you to be the person your family that is running these errands when absolutely necessary to go in limited hours. Obviously this is a question for thin economy put Diane's and traces together is that I think this is one is how to Speaker Pelosi come up with 1164 page bill in a matter of days, and this bill should've already been in place. How can Congress continue to mess this up there very good questions Jan, I know this is not a time for partisanship on the make my answer not partisan, but the answer honestly, I'm looking through this pitiless bill on my phone as we speak. J it's a laundry list of policy wishes from Speaker Pelosi and Inc. I'm getting reports from the hill that includes things like expanded collective-bargaining fuel admission standards, wind and solar tax credits at J they're just not relevant to this debate and let me let me go back to asserted more the common ground that maybe Teresa was asking about the bill was in place. It was negotiated by Republicans and Democrats.

There were small working groups in the Senate that put this bill forward and that Bill was on the 5 yard line.

J it's still on the 5 yard line. I would suggest to leader Schumer and leader McConnell. They need to ignore Speaker Pelosi. At this point she is not a part of their chamber.

They can come together with Sec. Minasian and get this over the line and last thing I'll say here J were about 15 minutes from the Senate trying again to get on this bill, it would not be final passage they have to take three votes, but if they can get through those three votes, they will be on this bill that has bipartisan buy-in. I quite frankly J that's the only game in town. That's the bill needs to move forward. I would take her calls at 800 684 30 went in love when we tried to go ahead. Let's go to Michelle Scullion Ohio Michelle El Camino line 1 hi Michelle how are you guys in question is understanding that on several occasion, Pelosi had earth (not knowing how to stay in her lane. How can she constitutionally interjected herself this way to the Senate is what can be done is a great question because this should be a Senate problem.

What she does when they have to reconcile the bills. She gets to redo it again and is they just said, rather than focusing on what's needed for the American people right now and I don't want to make. I don't really want partisan fights right and I think this is destructive to our Republic.

We need to be focusing on on answers but that is a Michelle's question fan is an excellent one. It is spot on and quite frankly she can't do it unless the members of both parties in the Senate let her JI mean that they can negotiate this on their own, they can send it to the House of Representatives after Speaker Pelosi's chamber to do as they wish. But she does not get to draft part of the Senate bill unless they let her in jail would say this. Remember when she sent her bill over to the Senate.

What did Senate Republicans tell leader McConnell.

They said we don't want to pass this.

He told them to be quiet and pass it anyway because that's what happened. They passed her bill on change. They should not let her into this drafting process and frankly I think leader Schumer is the one that needs to stand up in this moment. No sick cake state with a sentence can proceed without the speaker the house, you know it's interesting, there's a lot of debate going on right now in Washington and this is where the debate should be within the administration is to do you continue the claimant been on for week two of the two week plan 15 day to try to flatten the curve and then at the end of that you try to return to, at least in some industries and some people that are less to be less exposed to a more traditional work environment without new safety measures in place, but in him may be limited gatherings not met and that nothing have events with 50 or hundred thousand people, but you say okay work establishments can come back online in two weeks but I think all of this depends folks on how this looks in a couple week I did it work did his social distancing side effects another 800 and where I think you understand it's going to take a minute to lead to people who are, you were exposed in their stocking the symptoms it's coming back around so hopefully by the time that were talking to you next week. Things are starting to improvement in my kids school. Specifically, they said that all systems go there planning on still there at least going to try to get back to school a couple weeks.

I said I know that may or may not happen there operating. That is not happier operating with the idea of yeah of let's try to get through these next couple weeks and reevaluate where we are in two weeks yet.

I understand why they're doing that because you got a kind of plan is a two weeks out of the time you don't have should be planning this out six months in advance but to blossom until the false expectation that yet in two weeks were to have everybody back in school and things can be normal unless they know something that neither the CDC or anybody else knows, lunges and people trying to land taking let you do it. So even lot easier to plan for two weeks and it is for two months. I will talk more about the connection rate 164 3110 is 800-6881 10. It was interesting. It was nonstop working Planned Parenthood with everything that's going on lately at National abortion Federation just released. Don't worry, our clinics remain open so if any shoulder replacement you can get it if you want abortion evidently you can. That's why were fighting these issues out and legislatures and courts on the airwaves continue to bring it to support the work of the ACLJ Nestlé sport organization is going to to donate the perfect conduit and start your online donation. Also check out our new secular community Facebook page of your only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question for you, mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ Jay Sekulow live music or watching online to the applicable joint is in the last half hour.

We are technical issues so the reason early C1 cameras because we have to deal with right now.

So sit back and enjoy the show but know this is and how to be permanently this just with the deal with right now so it's even more behind-the-scenes look to see if look it's can quickly reach over to grab a drink very clearly, but welcome back to the show we are to be taken some phone calls and some comets shall reference share with your friends maybe let them know some technical issues but you did want to talk about the situation on all services are closing down elective surgeries are going when offices are closed. In most states, yet allow places California has a shutdown order meatless is because most places in major metropolitan areas are on lockdown of some sort and that is the case over certain industries. While in California.

Planned Parenthood operates seven affiliates in the state of California. Gavin Newsom put in a very aggressive and understandably by stay-at-home order in California and the office. They also have about 100 facilities total in California and all appear to be open at this time. Despite the governor's order Planned Parenthood set out in Los Angeles said they are continuing to serve patients. Reproductive health care needs and mates asserted that they talk about the procedures and includes abortion. So then I think to myself that it needed to go for a shoulder replacement are not getting it, which is understandable. I got medical professionals in my family are family alumni doing and we understand you know what they're having to deal with right now which is intense but it's amazing to me that with all the seriousness of an edit is serious that these abortion providers again get a pass.

It's always the abortion distortion factor every time Jason James just indicative of the primary paramount importance that the Washington DC puts on this issue and I would tell you it's not just at the issue at that you outline. One of the provisions that was causing the most angst inside this bill was the Democrats did not want to be a one of the small business loans that were available to also be available to NGOs who receive Medicaid reimbursement.

What does that mean Jake say that means Planned Parenthood so the issue that came and ended in a play last week and Speaker Pelosi's bill.

It's a little bit of a different spin on it but it's essentially the same one money that was intended to be loan to small businesses who cannot meet payroll.

Though the left in Washington DC, NARAL and Planned Parenthood wanted that to be able to flow to the abortion industry and to their allies. So Jake, even in a time like this.

This seems to be the issue that just absolutely cannot be set aside for the greater good of those I frankly this 1100 page bill. That's why were pouring through it. I bet you there's probably more provisions in here that are just like okay to keep the camera on Pam because I'm going try to help you here level the technical issues. Those watching on Facebook the keep on thinkers. Here's a question that's exactly what we just talk about Tim on Facebook says is Pelosi still trying to push abortion through this 1164 pages. The answer is I can't tell you that today, but then we are working through that bill yet. I mean I got pull up on life phone right now and texting back and forth with that the staffers were going through it from the hill level because J this was one of their objections to the Senate bill.

The Senate bill said a couple of things one if monies can go through Medicaid to reimburse healthcare professionals. All of the current restrictions including the Hyde amendment are going to attach and then a separate section of the bill, which gives out small business loans, it said that we have to make sure those go to actually small businesses who are trying to make payroll and NGOs who get Medicaid money Jake. They don't need this.

It's not for that purpose. So of course they would be excluded and that was one of the objections to the Senate bill now does this 1100 page bill, the Speaker Pelosi introduced does it change those provisions. My guess is that it probably does. But it was literally dropped just a few minutes ago while the Senate is trying to finish their bill so that is one of the specific issues are trying to get an answer to, but I can guess where you J with quite a bit of certainty think there's a very high probability that at least one of those provisions is in their I think a lot of people also make a misunderstanding of how all this works where it's not like you're just yet.

Skimming through and could do a little. I find it type it abortion and it's gonna come up. It is very cleverly written. These are politicians who are writing, it's up to you to go through these thousand pages. This is something where again he disliked an Apple F. Search Hyde amendment. You have to go really deep dive into what the language is actually saying fan support for people to know that it's not because they hear about this.

It's not as simple as it sounds are working to have our people in the country of event were to have our people that are working remotely go through this bill fan is working with folks on their working remotely on Capitol Hill to staffers in the House and Senate to find out what's in it. So the work of the American Center for Law and Justice. Even during this time moves forward, especially as we don't trust the process that experience on this man obviously were concerned about. This is a very very good point for a couple of reasons. One, I do not think you will find the words Planned Parenthood in their I do not think you will find the word abortion in their I do not think you will find the words Hyde amendment in there what you will see in the small business loan section are definitions that mean the spending are mandatory which essentially means high does not apply.

The other thing Logan that I would tell you it that makes it especially in this chaotic situation wherein the point that you're making so important. I know this is gonna be hard to believe but these bills get drafted with things scribbled into the margins that are the official legislative text as introduced now. Did that happen in this bill I don't know but it happened two weeks ago one of the bills that was introducing you literally have to go through every single page and some of the stuff is not searchable.

You have to look for things that are actually written into the margin. Eventually Logan of course it would be filed into the legislative record or but not today.

It's just introduced as is okay only when you start some changes here in general it were talking about the virtual voting at all the different options they have. Maybe one of them basically kept scribbling notes world at 2200 changes. This is a bit insane you. This is where you do have a look at what's going on the DC ago is it to archaic that they are running things like we are living in 2020, where a lot of these things can be handling that we have our own facility year old media Center. A lot of people are working from home and guess what you the viewer on the technical issue which was vapid either way it did nothing seems like it's changed doesn't feel like anything different like Adam is still in your emails every day you're still getting everything we write content wise. Maybe it's time for DC also take a hard look at themselves ago.

I may, we should be scribbling in the margins delaying it's hurting people overall.

For instance, magma versus Supreme Court case I have argument obviously can have 800 people in the room acting like sardines. Basically, your podium where I stand is no. I think 12 feet from where the justices are and it's for this. Note that the timing down that with a little thing you do it to him always to love yes that was turned me down. But here's the thing. They can't sit in chambers. I don't really want to go there with people so either about this. The Timoteo have the say we are going to conduct the argument over teleconferencing.

The justices don't even have to leave their home which probably a lot of us are not because of their age. Some of the advocates to my essay and we it's it's a one hour argument rightly not get through an hour by saying Mr. Chief Justice in May it please the court. Make your argument. Justice Ginsburg has a question adjusted a little.

Just based on timing and delay in that kind of thing but I think it could be can be done things to be done for a lot of people and a lot of services that are just to give living a little bit in the past and you have to the time like that like a passing 1868 standard tradition. I do understand the tradition of but there maybe is a test. I had that were the impeachment okay will the President is I'm thinking the President from 18 things are little different. Can I do this, ask folks to give us a helping hand here in this life. Are you being very generous with you for the ACLJ for which we thank you. Love you mailing your gift right now. Opening those is not an easy task. Taking time and it may be that continue to do that we may be that we cannot but I'll tell you what we know we can do with the process online.

Get support for matching challenge, but Logan let folks know online giving will really help us out both cost-effectiveness and the ability to get it right. That's right we get right to use, so if you do have the ability to do it. Please differ watching online school to get the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be managed $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow right over Logan Sekulow because he's explained to you that are by radio unit having a difficulty five Facebook looks a little different as a little different rodeo one camera wide shot zooms into a TV screen. We'll see if they are different than electrical difficult where the technical problem we are carefully stacked things are good like that. Like there were were scaled back at Woodward scale back general but we are the ability to or is having an actual technical problem that will address we said it was worth to go live, talk to all of you on social media because of the extra 10,000 or so if you live usually that may been 100,000 throughout the whole broadcast.

We want to leave you guys hang itself or here just deal with it understand certain issues work at hand. We give a lot of phone calls, and energy would take some of the enzyme NFS and one thing that will grab we will try to grandma, keep the phones moving and we got Sen. Rand Paul tested positive. Sen. Romney and Sen. Lee of self quarantine self quarantine.

I think another one may have now how is that can affect everything because of course I can't vote long distance because are operating under the rules of 1827 that also. Also Sen. Scott also.

Sen. Garden and Gardner and also Sen. Claude Bashar's husband has now tested positive. So here because I'll probably within your right within an hour Jay, there's 96 senators that literally cannot attend votes like that. I understand all of the tradition of the Senate. I actually kind of like it, but J it's ridiculous in a time of emergency that we can get all 100 senators to vote when they are capable of doing so, at least for now. J it is time to go to remote voting so you have the Senators able to do their job in article 1, section 5 gives in every authority to do it J if they get to the end of today. Without that being in place.

It's a mistake understand. Also it comes to the tradition of and affected from the things you do what your representative there to make handy, but in a time of emergency. Maybe we can alleviate that jalapeno. I come from a culture of tradition, we know, my background is tradition.

Examination for M roof and asked Michael if it is my heritage and I get it, but my goodness, we are dealing with a pandemic.

So let's a little flexible, a little flexibility in the joints here I think would be called political debacle before the break. All right, let's go to Janice calling and George is been out for a long time. Janet sorry took so long but we appreciate UAB on the IJ alter ego. Thank you and I Janice a good question. So then they have to change their rules which they can do this. The Constitution says the sense that you know that Gitmo chambers set their rules so they could just simply check the by unanimous consent. If that was something this important necessary for stepping on either daily.

Article 1, section 5 gives both chambers. The ability to do that they would have to change the rules in the Senate.

It would quite require a super majority vote. The look the Senators who are still in the chamber. I mean I see Sen. Collins right now pleading for passage of this bill date. They are the ones that are at risk if the Senators who are vulnerable keep coming into the chamber so they would have to vote to change their own rules to allow for a certain amount of time for remote voting, NJ. I cannot for the life of me think of a good reason why they should not. That should not take place in this moment otherwise were knocking to be able to get a quorum in the United States Senate. Before long, this is not how you you know this is not how we should be operating to be quite lengthier and it is what it is and is nothing we can do about it today, but we can point out the issue, which we are having thesis at Susan Collins who is probably a think little older than me couple years older than me. I'm 63 I'll be 64 in the summer. She's probably having maybe 70 were like the most at risk right for us to came in the floor. Other people of art event as deposit makes no sense whatsoever. I will get really backward. Laura Jay Sekulow live in phone lines open coupling 71 800-684-3110 can support the work of the ACLJ we are in the matching challenge implicating the work we have going on right now it will get to that. The next segment a little bit specifically in the specific times or things are a little rough things a little different, how the work of the ACLJ continues because it is very important for all people who are watching on Facebook who are watching on Twitter or they are following us on thousands of different radio options you have. We appreciate your support to keep us on the air.

Give us to check around ACLJ how dark support what we do in their American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms gift today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership abused is empowering the right question for you, mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow lives Logan Sekulow watching login policies for some of the technical issues to deal with the organ.

Hope you enjoy the show we give up the line "slandering upward of 101 800 684 30 so there is there is a bill right now that is the proposed solution to this is about 1164 pages, roughly, give or take.

That I'm making sure that our team is reviewing line by line to make sure there's not any surprises fan as we found in the previous bill so I'm sure our teams in Washington and offices in Kentucky are looking at this legislation right now and as they said they could still scribble things in the margin, which again to talk about like you know if the modern age to make sure there's no surprises in this including the but we caught last time which was a big bonus for the abortion industry.

Yet the builders drop literally right before he went on air.

More than hundred 1100 pages and yes our teams in Washington and Kentucky are looking at it as we speak. I was actually texting back and forth to them just now. J we were in the here here's the thing, and Logan alluded to this on a minute ago is not as simple as looking for keywords it's looking at these massive loan provisions that are in the bill and making sure that they're not routed in a way that the status quo restrictions on abortion facilities are alluded J so I mean the least the status quo on this is that that federal taxpayer dollars cannot be mused to be paid to be paid for directly for abortions, but there have been multiple efforts. Just this week to circumvent that through these emergency packages.

We have attorneys and to avert locations looking through it right now. Again, this is the Pelosi bill J that the bill that was negotiated by the White House that the Senate is and he is debating right now we know that that bill is okay the White House and specifically Sec. Minasian identified that change he made that change in the bill that is in the Senate right now. If that's the one that prevails were good on that on those provisions in that bill. So I just wear the consisting reversing her councils coming through the bill works with fan and has also sent it over as the answer to other senior lawyers and settlers of the ACLJ because I was we got to get all hands on deck and the skiff move very quickly right. That's why support to continue supporting the ACLJ during the sort of uncertain times. His make sure that your your rights are protected. Make sure that your values are protected away and easily stuff can slip through right now is the time we have people working on your behalf, and that is why we are in our March matching challenge means you give $10. Some of the other. It will match that $10 or $10 from $20 2040 so on and so on. And we appreciate that that's throughout the month of March. You could please do that online you know there's a lot of people who give through the mail. We have really appreciate that the majority but we are trying to move people online because of not only the issues that are at hand and the processes are in the process taking time window sure that we had keep everything going in and keep you broadcast going.

She was well at NTP by density here. They're coming through. Like you said the bill to see if there's anything that is troubling, similarly say this because adapting to our donors personal you think you are online giving is been great in these trying times. We appreciate it.

But for those of you that listing the broadcast may be you get when you get the newsletter will you get the direct mail package from us what's going on. We would really appreciate you using our online capabilities ACLJ Donald that is the easiest way it's the most effective.

It's most cost-effective is the most critical. It is the easiest on our staff to encourage you to do that it had taken a phone call I was go to Scott and Colorado Scottsville about half an hour. We appreciate it.

Scott, thanks for home. Scott okay guy you like all appreciate a couple comments I want to make you want to make a political issue either. But I feel that humor Pelosi and the Democratic leadership denying that, to leave bill done at the 5 yard line advanced that reinforces the partisan nature of their motive. I mean it's all over social media.

The means post that exceeded the universal sentiment that humor denying that this bill in the Senate to sacrifice the nation on the altar of his hatred for Trump, and more importantly for the people that voted for him me instead of write to Dan Bennett on this because then what is their excuse on all of this hundred and 50 pages, yet they don't they don't have one J, I mean look on disk in Atlanta. Couple of facts. First of all, the net Pelosi bill came over the Senate.

It passed by a vote of 90 to 8, even though there were plenty of Senate Republicans who didn't like what was in it last night when this bill that was negotiated between leader Schumer leader McConnell and Sec. Minasian came to the floor of the Senate.

It was filibustered without a single Democrat voting in favor of it.

What is their excuse J. Their excuse is mainly that they wanted to be longer-lasting or in some cases permanent wherever possible. Look, I don't think there's any denying that there might be a second pass I needed that this this is the third pass already, but you cannot let the immediate relief that has to go out the door I stall it because the minutes matter J I'm getting this out the door is incredibly important. So maybe in the end at some of the extensions that they would want would eventually get enacted but delaying the ones that need to go out the door. That is not a legitimate excuse. In my mind and it's time for Sen. Schumer. This is mainly on him. In my view, that's it did to speak to his own party and say what leader McConnell said to his own party. You may not like everything in this but it's time to vote for it anyway.

Chuck Schumer spoke yesterday. I guess on some of the floors and at the floor. The Senate this what he said he was an addict which is can happen because caucus is united in trying to deliver a bill that addresses this health and economic crisis quickly and were committed to working in a bipartisan way to get it done both sides of the aisle.

Voting for a bill you know what to say this like that's a shocking thing should be a shocking thing to both sides of the aisle actually voting for bill you want welcome to email politics of that did exist, but two years ago when there she would work together. This is ridiculous that he has to grandstanding you would say that I want you to think about for a moment what this country been through over the last say three years for formal we had the mall report to have your investigation and attempt to distract the President and his lawyers for 2 1/2 years to come up with. There was no rush or collusion. No rush conspiracy.

Then we had the Ukraine impeachment. And of course that turned into an acquittal, but we spent a month and 1/2 preparing for and then three weeks on the floor. The United States Senate when I was 3 feet for most of these people are less thinking about now that the politics of all of this and that's all.

This was was political moments and all that was going on. We didn't finish up the proceedings until February 6, you realize that when you get the equipment by the group at the February session about a month and half ago. Five. Six weeks ago and here we are now facing a pandemic and then I'm supposed to go to the Supreme Court in United States next Monday which I'm not now because the arguments been postponed were working on the brakes were doing the brace and it's as if the government cranks to a halt and can't figure out how to operate like I said, these cases that the Supreme Court has it, the Supreme Court says were taking a case that music case has a significant constitutional or statutory issue. They cannot figure out a way to do these arguments with technology impossible or which is not to do that because we haven't done that since 1791. So what I can start it now or maybe say that you realize that important scale. This may be not be the number one most important.

What is into the American people. That's what I mean you think it is whether whether ADA in New York were a congressional committee gets the President's tax returns is a issue that is on the front forefront of the American people's minds. I doubt it. Having said that, if we want to get the cases moving there are ways to do it. It's just getting them talking again about not being critical, just that I know they've got this process in there, and I respect that the institutions report a lot of been practicing before their backcourt for 40 years and four decades rather not big. I guess you know maybe get into 1/5 decade of occasional like that.

So having said that, let's just pray for our country. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the courts.

Pray for Susan Collins is speaking right now I'm looking at their people. Next to each other. This is look at this right and you can't see it right. We can switch to what can I discussed Susan Collins is up talking passionately behind her, which is what made 2 feet or two other US senators.

I mean note this is not social distancing plan and they can fix that later loyal to their institutional practice and there others that are part way to minute five senators that are now in quarantine about that now find the recording and the number is increasing and includes an article Bashar's husband and JI would I would just tell you this is why the hospital right and I need to get bogged down in the details here but the vote that they're literally blocking right now is just to allow debate on this J this is not final passage and you said that this is the cases of the Supreme Court are not a paramount interest to the American people will guess what, is that the assistance that is behind this bill. This bill includes direct checks to people who are losing their jobs. We can figure out the rest of it later, but that J, I would tell you that is of paramount interest to the American people and I got a little bit of unique perspective on this was that is someone that spent three weeks on the floor. The Senate and I remember staying up till 3 o'clock in the morning, which I do know don't like doing on a regular basis to be quite frank arguing on a motion to determine if we could have a motion to have witnesses not the motion on the witnesses, but a motion to determine if we can have a motion on we had agreed at the 3 o'clock in the morning member Chuck Schumer said it wasn't Chuck Schumer. It was Adam Schiff, said, I think we should postpone tomorrow's proceedings and I got up and said with all due respect manager shift today is tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the morning and it seems like the same games in Washington.

We need to get this bill through easily done right are lawyers of the ACLJ are going through it right now. That's right, you can support the work of the ACLJ, like you said, right now in the to give your donation today) final segment of Jay Sekulow life.

Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant right to life.

We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do.

Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ Jay Sekulow for Monday. We appreciate you spending the last hour with us you will color question gives current 100 684 30 were to be a few lines open 1-800-684-3110 would start as good a kid was going online forget And a lot of people have weight log. We appreciate the long wait. You're on the air take him all agreement on the funding order for the needed funding so this is an interesting question could under the defense protection act or others you funding really is the role of the house and the Senate plan. I mean there's some probably some discretionary funding but not to the will not to the trillion dollar level of $1.3 trillion level $II trillion now. Not this kind of direct spending.

Remember last week. The President did tap a lot of authority that were available to him emergency spending from other programming some reprogramming authority on even some small business loans but nothing attend this magnitude.

The Constitution is pretty clear. This funding has to originate in the Congress and NJ. There's just no reason it shouldn't. I mean I think with the President and last week bought us a little bit of time, but now we know essentially what this bill has to look like it is essentially drafted. The politicians just have to decide to quit arguing with it right with each other over details. I mean really that's really as simple as it is day after I you know they got a get together and I got a get together quick. I would take her calls and 800 684 31 to tell people what we did with our community page 2 which is really best timely is not help. We wants to do paid to the secular community and we are sharing a lot of great content on there it is content. You may not see typically from the ACLJ some of it is we have our our broadcast going alive will be posting the interview I did with Mayor Matt Morgan of London, Florida, a professional wrestler who started a mayor of small town in central Florida how they're dealing with the coveted 19 outbreak about also reassure inspirational words a lot of church services going over the weekend.

A lot of concerts live streams will be post your own content as well. I sent to secular community or to search the secular community to come right up other sounds of people over there were hoping to get even more more this millions on our page.

We know that we have a platform God give us a great platform to share our content.

We also feel I can support you if given the opportunity share other people's content as well. The way Facebook works. You can't just posted all on our main page because I think you stop getting our content. It's a weird algorithm with a workaround. So just go secular community page I'm about to soon as the shows over to share the interview we did. I guess at this morning on the Logan Sekulow reprogrammed little beyond tomorrow morning show with Mayor Matt Morgan who is a small town mayor of the central Florida town to be small, small, big 23,000 government target actually played them to go through to make sure that you think you could play here.

What people time is important here and amendment hello Mayor's handling this orgasm like that as well and he gets a unique story in general be. He's a family man dealing with a child at home just like a lot of us are in and get through these days. So is pretty interesting, but will sure a lot of that on the secular community page is about emerging yesterday about which you did and I know you spent a lot of time doing it to. It's a page which were it's not the ACLJ page does we will occasionally share ACLJ knowing there is watch party right now. Say hello to everyone watching a secular community try to do this so that we can put other messages that we limit ministries, organizations, groups, individuals that we are inspired by.

We like because we have the platform give them a platform and what we did yesterday, which I thought was great as long. People can go to church services. Tons of people on Facebook we put on. We had an Episcopal service Baptist service and a nondenominational nondenominational Harris. We had a prayer we had praise and worship by very well-known people and some not as well-known exactly we just shared a lot of really good content and I really continue to do that with their watchwords even on stuff that I just tried to watch party every night at, more lighthearted things even though I stabbed the passing of Kenny Rogers added a Dell watch party to Kenny Rogers video sprinkle in some inspirational videos in between. I let people talk and communicate there's autos is watch parties. You can accommodate kind of have some party right now it on the page. We are okay. So how do people sign up for that page you do is go to the secular community on Facebook and click like and you'll get all the content. Make sure you lose weight also get alerts we post stuff so you can check that check that out. But again, it is either directly if you're not on Facebook ready secular community or just click. Just type it into the search bar is you want to know about Logan's radio broadcast is the Logan Sekulow reprogrammed it is Logan Sekulow reprogrammed we do a new show every day. It's just like this were not content every morning. So if you're watching on online right now you can subscribe podcast feed you get it locally. Right now, early on in Orlando and Gainesville Florida that's are two primary outlets on one of fine I say hello tomorrow community. I just wanted to the sale community page and he could say hello. About 50 people watching Mathers about 8000 nights out, probably 2 million. Listening are warm on 5 million in writing whatever it is, again, you can find my radio show out. We put up utility for new content every morning at 6 AM new podcast ratchet right over there at 9 AM. I would try to keep things lighthearted, but we also are putting out content like somebody asked you to bring your frequent guest. I we are putting our content like our interview today with local mayors to come and talk about how things are going in the areas of submits localized Orlando, but to be in Orlando. It is a great show for you. If you're in central Florida in general because I think where we deftly hit that all I think even if you're not in Florida it's great that is illicitly if you are committed to its I we love our local listeners. So let's go take a phone call before we wrap up with go to Melanie Texas on line 3 with a bit of a DC question. I hear there are in the answer that we know we go ahead, not not for this one to sit it that would be studying this package back the answer here is to pass this one send it to the President for his signature. Which by the way, that's not the hold up secretary munition wants this bill to be passed so I understand what the caller saying and I think in many instances, I would certainly agree with her but on this one is just time to get to the President for his signature. He would happily sign it right are ACLJ. Legal team is going through this right now and got multiple offices working I should say opposite right number of people working remotely. We also have a newsletter I email out to you right now because, while a lot of industries are close. A lot of even medical services are close gets is not Planned Parenthood's working to continue our battles with Planned Parenthood working to continue our battles on making sure these bills are appropriate, and there's no surprises inside we are still filing briefs on be working on briefs this afternoon, we have analyzed upwards of 31 briefs were filed at the international criminal Court at The Hague involving Israel. Although the I will say the ICC is now close your eyes with the impact of all this is about when things are coming to a with having a real impact on like the legal systems here now oligarch briefs in the Supreme Court are the ones I'm planning to have a prisoner do the I think the end of this that week, or maybe Monday of next week, but I was mostly arguing the case week from today.

Yeah, and it's not can happen so we'll see what the court ends up deciding to be by order will see what they decide. But hopefully those cases will get resolved this term.

If not I guess will be next term, but whatever it is I will be prepared so your support of the ACLJ makes use different now. Logan mentioned earlier, it's important the importance of online giving right now absolutely right now as I see a lot of you give them in the mail that's great you respond to our mailers or you send a check the mail that's excellent. We want to deter you from doing them right now. If you are looking to donate to the ACLJ just to the fact were on a limited staff and it's just taking time to get through all of the mail when it comes to curating social distancing, and in trying to abide by the rules here. We really would encourage you to please donate on that's directly to our website easier. It's faster effective. It's actually a more but where your money goes directly to the support is no processing time and all that citizen again. Take a look at it as a shelter that organ general because her so much great content we post everyday five stagnant page news blogs course the show every day.

Again, that the support the work. We appreciate you watching the technical problems with the sicknesses. We can make it talk tomorrow Jay Sekulow the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in solutions at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate will be managed $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family.

You forgive today online LJ