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BREAKING: Supreme Court Declines to Block Texas Abortion Ban

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
September 2, 2021 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Supreme Court Declines to Block Texas Abortion Ban

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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September 2, 2021 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Supreme Court Declines to Block Texas Abortion Ban.

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Secular was the US supreme declines to block the Texas abortion.

What does that mean for giving human form and now this is one 800-6843 11 Supreme Court watch is on Facebook periscope. By the way rubble. Now we are we've always been the shows are posted up at rubble on the ACLJ account but rubble is now lives to begin there. There should be three the secular broadcast today on their Whole page so if you utilize rubble if you're listening on radio that's an app you use work will be live streaming now other broadcast each day I do to 1 PM Eastern time Monday through Friday so I again hello everybody who's watching on rubble and encourage if you like using that out. That's another great place doubt not to just watch the show, which we were doing each day uploading it but actually to be the live show.

You can now see his rubble is lots live streaming so out of Texas we have this. I will call this it's a step forward kind of victory. It is not what it is been made out to be by the left. Listen, it's always good when a pro-life law is able to go into force. The question here is how long will this law survive the in the different tiers I wanted. By the way make the distinction right off the bat. This is different than the case at a Mississippi, which the US Supreme Court has agreed to here let me to write to CC how senior counsel with the ACL. Jake cc this case it's us it's basically a six week abortion ban or heart fetal heart beat band. The unique part about this is why the state is putting the band in place the enforcement is not done by any state actors that's correct style with decibel enforcement is with private citizens sell the ruling that the Supreme Court came down with yesterday denying the injunction really was on procedural basis because they didn't bring basically the right defendant. They came after a jagged and not the private citizens so it was a procedural ruling and not one substantively on abortion the right to life or the right to abortion. You know I would go to hear this too quickly because here I I just we will get into this, we come back from the break a little bit more but ever to talk to Rick you know that Afghanistan former active directory – intelligent TB birth.

The ACLJ so be talking Afghanistan as well, but Harry on this to it that there was the procedural issue here is key because in the 5 to 4 decision. It was a five conservative justices of the court judge, Chief Justice Roberts joined the liberals of the court in aid say that this injunction should have been granted, it is not. This law is brought into effect in Texas, on the left is going crazy but ultimately what the Supreme Court decided I was a technical issue absolutely so the left's response to this entirely procedural decision verges on the hysterical and so many individuals in the left including Michael Moore and Dan Rather suggests that this decision and similar decisions by the Supreme Court basically makes one point and one point only that evangelical Christians who support this particular bill have become America's Taliban. This is nonsense on stilts and then we have Pres. Biden suggesting that the Supreme Court in its procedural decision has engaged in what unconstitutional chaos and he fails to remember his own chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan Québec to break the step four on the life side of this house will affect force. The major case of the supreme at a Mississippi in this fault terms will talk about all of that these life issues coming to a head, and also get into Afghanistan as well live information that so I encourage you, as always, to utilize the resources that are available at the Americans or flawed justice arsenal should be the at again now live streaming the broadcast that he stay on rubble. So welcome to that audience is what will be right back on secular challenges facing Americans or substantial time and are now in our freedoms, our constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice as tech. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life and publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/2 secular summer break.

The static teleconference. What this is different. I just would make it clear right off the bat. This is different Mississippi law. The 20 week abortion Supreme Court has agreed to hear actual oral argument on this coming term so that that put that aside for a second and say it does not get related, but it is very different at what stage of the court. It is this sit this law in Texas is at the very early stage of state court, which is one of the issues that the Supreme Court justices who favored allowing the law going to affect they said sit the lawsuit. Here's against the judge who just did use their there they are able to make a decision whether or not they want to issued injunction or not. That is, I get so who is the defendant because this law is unique in order to CC. How about this cc. The difference here over well and it was a key to treatment. Mississippi is doing, not just the timing of this but also the it's the enforcement. The state has put this restriction in place, but has taken a hands-off approach to enforcement. The ended created and this is just opposite is all pretty unique. A civil action for private citizens to take against abortionist or abortion should provide the abortion providers and that is going. If this case ultimately does make its way through the courts that's going to be very unique for the courts to handle because it does present the question for the pro-abortion side of who who would they follow suit against to stop this law but it is but the creation of the law is so interesting that at the ACLJ were to getting phone calls from other states say hey we look at something similar.

If we think if this is more successful, long-term we don't know how that's going to work after the courts was a very narrow decision just out of the junction vanity was rightfully decided because it was about the rock that disfigured pursuing the wrong person here you're asking for the wrong injunction, but that is one of the keys to this and the way the Texas design. This that's right so they spell this law that was signed into law a private right of action so it's a private citizen that enforces this law, not the And that is the issue and it's very important to point out that the court did not rule on whether this law was constitutional or not. They simply stated that procedurally it was not brought correctly that they did not name the correct defendants and the five justices that rule that way. It was not about abortion. It was about. You did not follow procedural law.

Would we look at this case to be compared to two something like that.

The case coming Mississippi. What we do know is these are to be close. Here we have another five for audited junk should have the Chief Justice, who sided with the liberals that basically this was so unconstitutional have to stop. It doesn't really matter what the five somebody that should be person stop it, but I think a bigger picture take away from this is weird.

Were you verify that all these battles we know what the left will is going to utilize is already for which is the idea that this is a court that needs additional justices. Thus, we should pack the court absolutely so this will be call become a cause célèbre for the left. They will essentially emphasize this for two reasons. One bacon fundraiser off this particular procedural decision and then number two Joe Biden is happy to talk about this particular case, because it draws or distracts the American public from looking at his own failures in Afghanistan, but I would also suggest that what we are dealing with increasingly in the United States is a secular theocracy and basically they have elevated abortion to perhaps one of their sacraments.

Unfortunately, and so I think the American people, particularly those that believe in the pro-life cause. They should settle in for a long and difficult night and they should be prepared perhaps for some setbacks along the way, particularly in dealing with Justice Roberts, who was appointed by a Republican was allegedly a conservative, but increasingly leans to the left so I think the forecast going forward for pro-life legislation is very very tenuous at best. But we should also push back against the notion that this particular bill.

This particular lawsuit and this particular decision basically is grounded in the notion that it's procedural rather than an attack on Roe V Wade, but also we should note that Roe V Wade is not in the Constitution that Roe V Wade itself is questionable and that many people on the left when they were in their rational mind such as Lawrence tribe and John Hart Ely basically suggested that the Supreme Court decision in Roe V Wade was in defensible so at the end of the day.

The claim that Roe V Wade is quote on quote part of the Constitution makes no sense unless you are simply trying to advance that idea for political purposes to see what they are and I doubted I would you look at the makeup here to get it was procedural but you see that I Chief Justice Roberts was not able to convince the of the other conservatives to go along with this, even though this is be considered one of the more extreme examples of state action to to limit abortions. He was able to convince a Cavanaugh type to come along and beat the in the left on this in the in the of the court. They were, of course, if it's abortion. It's gotta be unconstitutional.

It doesn't matter about all these other procedural issues. It gets treated differently, it always has been taught that abortion distortion before but there is a major case that is set this one will take will quickly take much longer to get to the court. We already have one on 20 weeks that is going to be heard by the court. The Dobbs case out of Mississippi. I want to make sure people understand that whatever happens with this Texas case you what you can read some in between the lines, but I don't think too much. Not as much as the left is hoping you will try to read into the lines because the Dobbs case is the one that they are going to likely after hearing it have a vet opinion on the merits correct. So what you said exactly about abortion distortion. We can see that here because we see four justices that are willing to throw out procedural law which I believe they would have agreed with on any other case, however, because this case deals with abortion, they're willing to say it doesn't matter. Some of the dissenting opinions worst basically saying yes this was not brought properly by because it's abortion. We need to hear it.

So you see that that abortion distortion is at play here. However, just like he said this is not about this case was a procedural case and issue this is not like the Dobbs case, which actually addresses the issue of abortion and rowdy way. And just like Harry appropriately pointed out the judicially fabricated right to abortion that Roe V Wade created that's not an issue here again it was procedural.

It will be at issue in the Dobbs case. In that that case, that is, the state enforcement so the difference here. Texas is looking at understand whether states are to come to the ACLJ because of looking at, say, well, if the state is not the actor that's Roe versus Wade was all about state actors preventing abortion that potentially this could be a unique way it was.

The court hasn't made a final decision on what I do want to say that will work it. It is this is why it's so unique and I think why we see the Planned Parenthood's of the world and Lysistrata to affect so the Planned Parenthood's of the world. The abortion industry is is is up in arms. Absolutely. And so Planned Parenthood in taxes has basically sent out advice to its employees to stop doing these abortions because they don't know who will be held liable under the Texas law and louvered driver who drives a pregnant woman unto an abortion clinic could indeed be held liable and so at the end of the day.

I have to hand it to the state of Texas. Excuse me because they were very, very creative in crafting this law.

I think it also sends a signal to other states that they need to think outside of the box in order to limit the practice of abortion in the United States but keep in mind that the pro-abortion, pro-eugenics crowd. They will attack with full force. Any attempt to limit abortion even if it's provable that the fetus is indeed a human being and in some states already. We have an abortion practice that essentially allows abortion up to the moment of birth 265 a minute left in the segment by the way folks at record as regarding sex and related to some of Afghanistan as well forget this topic and second F at one 800 684 31 two if you got a question for us. That's what 100 or comment on this. What hundred 68431104 lights are now open cc what is important, I think, is that we see it state level there.

There are so be pro-life state legislators and governors and they are looking at creative ways to to fight back for the pro-life position. It's very encouraging, very encouraging and I think that is so important folks is that the states give these user states yes maybe this did work this will work and we can do this. What that means is that the people be elected are dedicated dedicated to fighting for the life of the board as we are at the ACLJ doesn't mean you get victories everywhere along the way right now in Texas.

This law is enforced. Don't know if that will be the case but from now, but I do know it is right now will be right back only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life and publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in emotion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are no freedoms or constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing from a member today ACLJ secular getting back into Afghanistan were joined by Rick Grenell, a senior advisor to the ACLJ on this. The policy Rick we this transcript that that leak that meatless I go through the first impeachment trials, attorney for the present guy and easily transcript.

Not always a fan of this happening by by the drug. She was world leaders though we talked about yesterday with our director of government affairs to admit that this kind transcript would be available to Lotta members of Congress who could have done it could do oversight on it without it being leaked to the public but it has been, and it's not being denied that this is not corrected. What we found in the here, the transcript is present by that I'll read it again for people in our audiences. He's talking to present Godey July 23 by August 15. By the way, present. Godey fled Afghanistan was God and in the cobble was falling at that point, but on this phone call, he says to present Godey from Pres. Biden.

I did not tell you the perception around the world and parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of fight against the Taliban and there is a need this. I think the key point whether it's true or not there is a need to project a different picture that was from a present by the general Billy followed up with a similar phone call as a joint chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and how he's concerned about the United States. The perception of the in the US and Europe, and the media is that there's Taliban momentum in the narrative of Taliban victory very different.

Rick did again so will get Rick reconnected.

But we want talk to Rick about this because when you look at this. Okay so you see again you got the present asking another present to mislead the people about the truth about what's going on the ground course that present wasn't willing to do it and have a general of the top general, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who says you know I would like again. Let's change the narrative. I'm worried about the media let me go to record on this, Rick.

I think we reconnected now at the idea that we have a world leader asking another world leader to ignore the facts on the ground and just try to play into a narrative that helps him in the in the media world and the same thing from the chair of the George step.

That's where their head was as we were. As we were.

I in the midst of the after the, the, that have a bad takeover of Afghanistan re-takeover of Afghanistan and a withdrawal of our troops, but I think the most troubling part of this whole leaked audio is that it just shows that this was a decision made for politics, not because the facts on the ground were telling us to do so we shouldn't of closed background. Obviously should've listened to the intelligence officers. The State Department officials, the Pentagon officials who started saying in March and April that the talent and were on the march and the warning signs were all given to the political people but Jake Sullivan and Joe Biden did not listen to the warnings even now we have this audio recording saying showing. Not only did they not listen to the warnings, but they ignore the warnings and tried to spin it a different way. They wanted everyone to be on the same page that somehow the talent and was defeated when the Taliban wasn't defeated. The Taliban was on the march and so I think this is a case where it shows the politics shamefully coming in as the priority rather than the safety of Americans the safety of our national security and listening to the experts on the ground. One thing apart your career you been a communications expert at the United Nations and and before serving as a bass and acting director of national intelligence is what I when I look at some of his talks to everybody every day I through this radio broadcast is that what was that the goal of these communications I mean short-term. Maybe you know maybe some but long-term. If you know as as Pres. Biden and Gen. Billy are telling present Godey that the facts on the ground are not what the narrative is going to be and what's the goal of that than to be ultimately if you know it's all going to crumble very soon.

I is was it to buy time. Was it just to placate our our media at home with the international media that was start to bear down on the bind team. It still is. I think the goal was to put a nice bow, his politics and to pretend like we defeated the Taliban and he I don't think you can come to any other conclusion.

Jordan other than Pres. Biden was caught on audio asking another leader, another world leader to lie and to live so that he could save face so that he could look like his politics were working and what's shameful about this is that we had general Millie going along with you know, I know general. Millie and I cannot believe that he didn't stand up and say something somehow in this administration general Millie has been afraid to stand up to Biden is playing the politics he's talking about. You know that the big crisis that they face is focus on men and white supremacists in the military.

I mean it's just where and what to give you narratives every wire is our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calling a President a foreign country about media narratives recommend that your cyclical wasted phone call from the chairman of the joint Chiefs, especially I got the present United States making the same pitch unless I be they thought that that was their last ditch effort as you said, put the bone. That's troubling that a military leader is is making phone calls on media media. How this is is playing out to be troubling very troubling because what they're trying to do is fix the politics of this and fix the perceptions rather than dig deep and do what they're supposed to do, which is give advice on the safety for Americans what's best for America.

We all know that by gumption enclosed. We all know now that the general Miller who was in charge of Vibram did not recommend closing background that's going to come out as soon as our senators call for hearings which hopefully is soon but also join. We gotta say one thing after hearing this audio and seeing the proof the Pres. Biden general Millie were asking Donnie to lie to cover up the reality on the ground to fix their politics are media in the United States are completely covering up for the ruling party.

I looked at the websites for the leading mainstream media outlets and it's shameful how they are not making this a bigger deal. And yet no one will be surprised that the DC media are covering up for the Democrats covering up for the ruling party. This is why first and second generation Americans are like the canary in the coal mines for us here in America. There, screaming. This is the slide to fascism. This is the slide to socialism and totalitarianism. The first and second generation Americans are screaming the loudest about what's happening in America and you know who's not listening.

All those people in Washington DC where fat and happy. They just think these issues and affects themselves live got news for them.

Ronald Reagan warned us that every single generation in the fight for their freedom and we better fight for freedom are can slip away. It does see Rick you left it that they have made a miscalculation lease. The short-term will have to see how it plays out the long-term. In the short term. The confidence level in from the American people has has dropped significantly. This administration since Afghanistan so what's every combine all these different things, but would that be an approval rating down to 43%.

That includes Democrats a drop of 10 points among independents down to 36% so there are some ramifications from the bind table just 1/42 the left ear. This Afghanistan issue.

They will try. They are trying to shift that it's kind of over for us. I think I that's my fears at this is just beginning again. As a hotbed for a safe haven for terrorists to attack us from overseas. On Tuesday I spent two hours of Pres. Trump and Pres. Trump was very clear about being concerned about the weapons that are now in the hands of our enemies. We've seen pictures of some of these weapons going into Iran.

This is going to get worse, they have our technology and our weapons reverse engineering by the Chinese is coming soon for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines of protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ keeping you informed and now, this is Jordan secular talk about Rick right there.

He's can be joining us again tomorrow, live on the broadcast as well as a former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They're both members of the American Center for Law adjuster said it's been incredible. This is as a host of the broadcast to have them throughout this entire process weighing in on that information, so they will be joining us again tomorrow live on secular let me. I get Henry set free to just joining us sort out the show.

We talked about at a Texas abortion case the six-week bands was because the heartbeat abortion bed, but how its unique is that what it's in state court right now being litigated. Of course all these end up getting litigated, but that it's not the state enforcing the law. It's created a private right of action where it's at civil at a civil action where a citizen would file against abortion provider for violating the law or or the abortions themselves. That is the very unique part about this and why did he state of Artie contacted the ACLJ because as of right now is what the Supreme Court did this law is in effect in Texas when it it's not like an idea it is, in effect, how long is a question because we don't wolf it will go through actual litigation, go through the trial court stages and then potentially find its way back to the federal courts and maybe ultimately the Supreme Court, but other states.

Artie single this industry model because of Roe versus Wade says state actors are the what's prohibited from from taking action. What about nonstate actors so that's it's one example of how I creative thinking.

I get it set to say that it will be 100% successful, but that you utilize creative thinking and we got great pro-life legislators, governors across the country willing to fight this. We also have Mississippi case, the Dobbs case at the Supreme Court this term on the 20 week apportionment I that's that's a more traditional state actors of their having to fight against Roe versus Wade. That case really puts Roe versus Wade at issue.

The left is going nuts over what's happening in Texas the abortion industry but what the Supreme Court ultimately said the 54 decision to to not grant the emergency injunction was that they don't believe that the right defendant was even an issue here so that they didn't have didn't have anyone to a joint because the state wasn't the one taking any action against the abortion provider so they tried to get these done these actors who said they were taking any action is the abortion provider want to watch is one to watch. Also, because it could be utilized in Artie is being utilized as a reason to pack the court from the left. So a lot of this will play into. Of course, what happens with the Mississippi case at the Supreme Court as well so I get with food because we got into that but I do want to get Breanna Andy and advantage, and the first I think you heard our discussion record out the in that discussion we now see how the fallout from Afghanistan and how it's affecting Joe Biden home the of the American people is he's only got a 43% approval rating and he is down to 36% amongst the key independent voter demographic. So while they have tried to shift the narrative say focus on this crisis.

Focus on the different prices after 20 year long war with 900,000+ veterans involved US men and women evolved at the American people do care. The American people very much do care, Jordan, and you're correct in the President's approval rating of 43% is reflective of a broad community that believes that what he did in the cut and run tactic I in Afghanistan was shameful, as I believe it was also but was really shameful was telling the President of Afghanistan.

Here let me cut a deal with you here the perception is in think you're winging it looks like you're losing things are going pretty bad so whether it's true or not, whether it's true or not I want to change that perception and I want you to make it look like everything is okay you go to Washington DC we get back from this writer for admin and I want to get his reaction to that his reaction as well to what we are learning about and what we are doing ACLJ through our FOIA on my prison by the band Americans kids who assisted Americans and religious minorities like Christians in Afghanistan got the boy on that whether Christ is positive that's been filed talk about that as well. If you want talk to us on their 2064 3110. We are back the challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our value freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you Knott's well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life support and publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership of the children is empowering the right to life question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/secular right if admitted in Washington DC for the numbers that are coming out about the President's approval in the wake of the Afghanistan withdrawal of the fact that we have admitted from the ministration.

They left Americans behind the were stranded started being used by the administration and it people like Herbie at the Pentagon and and of course just the optics of everything the Afghans.

We left behind is an new blog up-to-date ACLJ by me about that the Christians left behind these religious minorities left behind food for themselves. So the pole pulled numbers which which again it's this not a Republican approval number it's nationally site includes everybody its data 43% approval, but amongst the dependents, so we start looking at groups that are not as partisan. It's down to just 36% job approval. We know their key in election cycles, there's the midterms coming up so the buying team. I think they may think alike long-term for them. They can their whole strategy is been here take the hit. Now take it early and people forget so they are taking the hit.

There are midterm elections around the corner where these these Democrat rivers or Congress will II think to show if they care what the American people care about their gonna hold hearings there to hold the team to account it should.

They should be tough on the bind administration and if not, this may just be an issue that doesn't go away so quickly because of what we target 20 year war that means nearly a million Americans involved on the ground. I mean that's that's different than just a a one off event and tournament typically political memory is very short because of all of the layers involved in this one.

I'm not sure it's going to be because if you really go into some of those point number you start to peel away the layers and if you get started you know support for leaving Afghanistan. It's pretty strong right if there's no timetable set to it. But then if you go to the next layer and there is a fixed date set in. You tell your enemy you start to lose a little support among the American people then you go another layer deeper and you say what happens if we leave Afghanistan in a way that leaves Afghan allies behind. Then you start to lose some of his independence. And if you Democrat and then you go to the next layer Jordan. This is the one where the they support unknown the President's party really starts to crater what if we leave Afghanistan and we leave Americans behind Jordan. At that point at that layer.

The numbers just literally fall through the floor and that's where the American people are right now and I'll just tell you sitting here in Washington DC it is so unusual in this environment for an issue any issue, even one of this importance Jordan for it to happen. And for you not to see that the party of the President no matter which party it is a flocking to his defense that is not happening Jordan Outlook.

I can't assure you that later this month. When they returned to town. The oversight is going to be as vigorous as 13 dead Americans warrants but Jordan at this moment, you do not see his party a coming to his defense and the reason for that. When those senators when those members go back to that those their districts.

The numbers that you're talking about about VP Biden. Those become their numbers if they say yes, this was the proper plan to play out reporter asked Ajit Saki about the transcript about the focus that you are telling the Afghan Pres. about whether or not it's true or not. We got a project this certain a narrative to that, to the world with it was that asking the President to push a false narrative present with Job.

I was to take Alyssa by 13 I'll call think it's pretty good and I'm not going to go into details of a private conversation that what we saw. Over the course of the last two months is that a collapse in leadership and that was happening even before Connie left the country but the President has conveyed repeatedly, privately and publicly as you need to stand up and lead your country and not something he said in a press conference in July and public form as well. Maybe that's not what he said to the President, Afghanistan. He said whether it's true or not. He did say you need to leave your country, you just need to talk about immediate narrative narrative to the world hate talk to people whether it's true or not about the collapse. It wasn't about standing up be a leader. At that point it was just about a narrative LOL of course the paid mouthpiece of the President.

Jen Saki who came up through the Obama administration then rose to the top of the cesspool and is now you know mouthing off of the White House about the party line is going to take that approach, but when I read the language of the transcript that Reuters had it's very clear to me in reading the plain language as I was taught in the public schools that he was saying whether or not it's true. You need to give a perception that you're able to hang on and govern.

And that's really suborning perjury is what it's doing.

If this was in an American court of law that would be saying to somebody hey come over here. Let me tell you what you need to be saying whether it's true or not but you need to be saying this, so that they narrative comes out the way that I wanted to. But the real troubling thing is the military commander in a rather the German chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who, instead of being a military person apolitical nonpolitical there to advise on political, not there to advise on political matters, but rather to advise on military matters, says let's talk about how the media perceives this. What you doing that's not your job.

Maybe you ought to face a court-martial for that sort of thing. That's a serious infraction of stepping over the line that really means I can say what the President is talking about narratives that again it seems out of line, especially if he's asking another world leader to lie to the world about it, especially with with the lies about a radical Islamic group taking over our country.

He was mistaken, sliding his people, but she chose not to beat out whether not he was right around and flee, or that he could've led the country is all about does it is rearview beer. He didn't think it could happen that he left but unfortunately many Afghans could, but I think what Eddie said that is important on Capitol Hill. These members of Congress, Democrats especially have an opportunity here to hold your ability to account what were you thinking general, when you got on the phone and start talking about media narratives with the President of a foreign country. In the mist of the collapse of that government. You will first of all when it comes to the President's words to Gen. Millie and how else can you parse those words. Whether it's true or not. I don't know how you can come to the conclusion that that's not advancing a false narrative, but even Jordan. If somehow you do and you move on to sort of phase 2 of what he was saying he was saying that the perception is that things are not going well know, Jordan, in reality and were not going well. The Taliban was taking over in the commander-in-chief. Gotta be held accountable for that and again a part of why the American people see this so clearly Jordan is because of the President was given leave SEVIS to leave at the end of August, the American people expected on the date of that phone call July 23, five weeks in advance and that they expected him to be doing his job in bringing our men and women home and out of harms way. He did not do that so I think those are the areas where the oversight needs to happen it needs to involve the the political appointees and study ministration. It absolutely needs to involve Gen. Millie he needs to be one of the very first to testify and quite frankly Jordan. When that happens, I only think I only really have any confidence that will be effective is if we in the public sphere can put the information out in advance so the people who are good at that one have a political incentive to run away from it can't run away from it. In that hearing Jordan.

That's at the very core of the reason that were doing this where we want to put some of this information out in the public sphere to put the political pressure on so the Democrats can't run one away from it. In the weeks ahead. We keep a new kind of poll numbers feel for the American people are and 61% disapprove of how present by the handle the withdrawal. 71% of independents approved in a majority of Americans just disapprove the Ford policies by administration. In total I the question is not in politics, and I think the bite divide to my typist Ricky was communication experts recruit now type that with that. Is there hope is you'll we will all move along.

Edit people… Broadcasts with law. Even people that are really involved to focus on domestic issues at home and whether that stores etiquette. We pray for all people of this masses towards the Northeast came up through the Gulf pray for everybody there but but that the attention it doesn't matter that the poll numbers are like that when it comes to foreign policy or Afghanistan. That's true, Jordan. The political memory is the shortest memory. There is no memory shorter than political memory. But you got to keep it before the public in one of our duties and responsibilities at the ACLJ is to continue to keep this in the public eye and to keep this in the public perception and and knowledge I should say rather than perception because perception is what he was. The present Biden was trying to get the President of Afghanistan to gloss over by saying, look, you need to do this thing whether it's true or not but again what's troubling to me is I like to be on the committee that questions Gen. Millie – Kim Europe on a military leader, you're the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when you making statements regarding public perception and media perception rather and then being concerned about that is in your business to advise the President on military matters and not the new advise him on political issues. Are you in the political fence are you flying Republican and Democrat.

Now are you in a political military officer. I like to be questioning from she come back on secular.

There is like see any other committee but unfortunately, Gen. Billy would like to have Andy on that committee. We come back. There's more from the administration on this entire idea of messaging and what are you telling people who are straight in Afghanistan now because that's where the focus is now the US. The Americans are straight in Afghanistan and our allies were stranded in Afghanistan, the religious minorities got a blog about that ACLJ the will be right back only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable and is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally only support and publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists.

The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life many ways your membership views filtering is empowering the right to question your free copy mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines projecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom. We could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ2 secular I did get to tomorrow.

The broadcasts really enjoyed by again recruit now live and Mike Pompeo so you don't miss that as we see, of course, of the Ford policy taking center stage, whether the Biden team likes that or not people are not yet moving away from what happened in Afghanistan. That is because as Americans we know there are Americans on the ground that's with the Biden administration's tallest want to get out can't get out. There's the Afghan Afghans who worked with us who were left behind.

There are Christian minorities and other minorities left behind stranded that were they they could send first another using yelp Kirby is using.

How is America's friend all the time. Another not set Americans traded all over the world all the time.

There are those Those are high-profile Cases were weeping of all the lines ACLJ where there is Americans stranded where that's because of illegal imprisonment or persecution or even house arrest at not being able to leave the country at those in case we we get involved in the idea that something normal is just not the case of meticulous of this is Matt Lee from the AP he's at the State Department briefing here we go with Victoria knowledge. She's back now she's the under Sec. for political affairs.

Take a listen to this exchange of events in the United States is been shaken irrevocably by the fact that they were being told as recently as over the weekend where they were in the stranded. They were so what precisely are you telling them other than doing everything that we can try to get you out. Even though it's clear that you, the messages are being tailored depending upon who they are and I'm not going to get into the specifics of that that the first thing we have to do is ensure get Aronson Landman secured. That's what we're working on that what we mostly need to understand this is to continue to evaluate who is where they have Clinton said that we can on a case-by-case basis. Do what we can turn to tailor calculation rates for them unites it's hard to figure out what she's talking about their there is this pushback I heard in the also frigid sake.

Well really left two days ago, so none of this was planned. I made it on not coming out and telling the American people who are worried about American credibility who are worried about how the can their confidence of the United States. It is Matt leased from the Associated Press said edit.

There was a hope that okay if you're going to withdraw and you know some people are to be left behind or did and now the word we can use the word stranded because the administration uses it now, but it isn't there within a plant and it right now. Their plan is just haphazard. It's a baby.

This will happen to. Maybe we could do this at the airport. Maybe could do this over ground but I need it. It's not a real plane knowing knowing that the plan that should've been put in place by the President. Once he made the announcement of the day that we were going to withdraw.

He should have had a plan in place with his military leaders advised and he should have as the commander-in-chief. He was the one who was ultimately making the calls.

How many Americans are there. How do we get them out in the safe and orderly proper manner and not clinging to the wheel wells of aircraft or being shot at and fences and gates trying to get in.

13 lives were lost as a result of what Joe Biden did that's criminal negligence and I put those lives at his feet. I don't care what anybody says they can contest what I say or not, but he is responsible ultimately for the loss of lives of those 13 person persons in the military, and it is the same debacle that was that.

I happen to be in London at the time that this was occurring and let me tell you we have our allies and there in the credibility that we have of the British you are very close allies in the world is down to zero. It took him 40 hours to return a call from Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of Great Britain wanted to know what is going on. We join you there because you asked us to be there with you because you were attacked 20 years ago and where they are with you and now you don't even have the courtesy to call the British prime minister and talk to him with respect to the withdraw and you have people all over the place. This is not a commander-in-chief.

These kind of answers for the ministration. This is not going tents to I think the American marketing okay well that the other they got their kids they got control of this is such an infuriating answer door and it is difficult to sit here and listen to it out. It honestly, I mean that the part where she talks about are they talk about. We can get air routes and land routes secured Jordan those work air routes in land routes that we controlled two weeks ago. That is when we needed be using them to get these folks are not just folks. The Americans are Americans are fellow citizens and the people who stood by us in a 20 year work regardless of whether you feel we should of been there in the first place regardless of when you feel the exit date should have been those were air routes and ground roots that should've been used to evacuate the Americans before the security was lifted and Jordan at like I gotta take this is why we're doing this for you and I will tell you on the evacuations. I know it's a dire situation, but this is not over for the ACLJ you and I have continued to work other members of the team to continue to work. It was literally texting back and forth about impossibilities during the last break Jordan. We are not going to walk away from these American people even if our American government abandoned the best way to get them out until they're all home Jordan this is gonna be a focus for us whether to focus for Capitol Hill or whether to focus for the administration or not you absolutely then this is the American people are dedicated to Andy is that they that that there's a figure what miscalculation is admitted, but one by team may have made is that we Americans are left behind. It does capture the attention the hearts of the American people, especially when it's the US government is responsible for leaving the behind.

When people who helped fight alongside us are left behind.

Americans do care actually think this is opt out opportunity any for the American people to override the bite administration a bit when it comes to our credibility.

We need to show the world that that we are to hold our government to account to do something about this, not just to complain about it, but to do something about it because out to get our credibility back. Yes, if you put it very well.

Jordan, when you say that the restoration of credibility issue that is very near and dear to the hearts of the American people, but one of the things that we, as a matter know about the Afghanistan is I don't know about the Pakistanis. I don't know about the Turks or any other country, but we don't leave Americans behind, living or dead, we don't do that. That's not what Americans do.

We don't go in there with plans that are ramshackle put together without any thought process.

We don't go in and abandon those who are allies and been our friends, such as the British and the others, but especially do we not do this with respect to Americans, we have a plan and we execute that plan and we bring them back home.

The only people that are living in America, that all who are Americans in Europe right now Jordan are those dad lying in cemeteries gave their lives in World War II and World War I and were Americans and went to the aid of their allies in Europe at the time when fascism was rampant and we were fighting with their the battles win then that's the honor that Americans have and they're not going to forget it and with the ACLJ are not going to let Americans forget what Biden did absolutely not stay on this to try. Talk to Mark broadcast recruit now to be joining us again Mike Hotmail joining us as well. So, back to back with them on tomorrow's broadcast. You don't miss that. Let me to say thank you 600 people watch just on rubble loaded the first day we've been able to live stream there. So thank you. There were watching on rubble will encourage people to check that out to the place that you can watch live within updater uploading our shows there every day, but now you can watch live and take part just like on YouTube, Facebook, periscope Instagram, all those places. Let me converge to A new blog it as well. Entitled ACLJ files for you to find out why Pres. Biden has abated Christians and others in Afghanistan talk tomorrow for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ