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House GOP Wants FBI Briefing on Swalwell & Chinese Spy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
February 25, 2021 12:00 pm

House GOP Wants FBI Briefing on Swalwell & Chinese Spy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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February 25, 2021 12:00 pm

House GOP Wants FBI Briefing on Swalwell & Chinese Spy.

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Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

The house GOP is beyond her briefing on Eric swallow's relationship with the Chinese by Washington DC questions right now.

The rig of the house intelligence at home with a security committee and it's a draft letter to the FBI director Christopher rates as our nation faces a growing security threat from the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to infiltrate and undermine the United States government we write to request a full briefing regarding counterintelligence threats to members of Congress, including information related to representative Eric swallow's ties to a suspected Chinese intelligence operative. Now we know that Kevin McCarthy has received this briefing and that Nancy Pelosi received the briefing we know that after Nancy Pelosi received the briefing should really talk about Eric swallow will be no big deal about this abortion allowed to cup, house impeachment manager did put back all that that the Homeland security committee, but she's cut to stop defending that relationship and Carthy said it was really problematic. He was shocked what was there. While these members of Congress now or say what what we want to know more about swallow well since he's getting classified information, but to we also need to all be protected as well.

We need to know who's in our offices who the who the cool are you watching so that this is it repeated, not the people can have a personal relationship that he had, who's got to give these contacts whether it interred or inter-that's placed inside the office by one of these individuals. They want to know they want to get out ahead of this study. Christopher Ray is going to have to do this briefing and a lot more members of Congress ago to know about what Eric swallow's doing with this note. Chinese spy who fled the country. I will see any way in which the FBI cannot meet with the heads of the committee, the ranking members of these committees ought to make sure. But to make very sure that in fact this activity is being handled, but also that it's not going ongoing, or even in their offices. Now we have set forth because were concerned about this. We set forth a premium information act request to get more information about this.

I suspect Morgan get stonewalled on that and we will end up going to court. But then the reality is that this is something that's ongoing literally as we speak.

We don't know the scope and nature of this yet because our trouble. Interestingly, a month ago was a impeachment manager.

What we know a couple of things. Today we know that members of the intelligence community, as well as members of the United States house knew about this compromise situation for Eric swallow well long ago J and yet did not remove them off these committees of jurisdiction wanted to say a quick word about this look it's important for every member of Congress to not hat be compromised by foreign entities when you're talking about the intelligence committee in the Homeland security committee. The importance of not being compromise rises to another level.

So that's why. Previously we saw the members of the House intelligence committee expressed concern about you know is there more compromise insider committee. Clearly Eric swallow well kept this from us for a long time and now the members of the Homeland security committee are doing the same J what we want to know is on the other side of the ledger in the executive branch at the FBI who knew about it on that in and why didn't they tell the members of this committee and why did Speaker Pelosi leave Eric swallow on these committee variances are director, policy, and were about to go to prepare this issue of China, Sec. Pompeii or special art, senior counsel for far a global affairs said they are a serious serious threat China.

I think that's precisely correct for the past 30 years. J at least since the Clinton administration, the United States and the American people have face growing threats from Chinese spies and China has increasingly sought to dominate the world militarily and economically, and they've tried to infiltrate everything from schools to Congress for the school issue it'll caught a lot of people by surprise when to the secretary Pompeo said that Jordan last week that exam Monday that establishes institutes which are run by the Chinese government partnership with the five universities.

The United States colleges the United States it's going to it's increasingly it starts at that level. It worked its way on down through the education system because a lot of those hot institutions of higher learning that partner with schools to K-12, they start doing progress together to see this move to become a superpower, but also the question that Eric swallow get reappointed. The Homeland security we challenges facing Americans are substantial time with our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless concern. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/members of Congress or say listen, chemical Carthy, the GOP leader the house and Nancy Pelosi received this briefing back in December.

Kevin McCarthy said no way would you put Eric swallow back on the Homeland security committee.

After receiving the same briefing that Nancy Pelosi did, they received together, but now the ranking members of the committee on the Judiciary.

The House committee on Homeland security, which swallows on the Republican members are saying along with their colleagues.

We need this briefing we need to know why one what happened with Eric swallow while in this Chinese spy this undisputed now in the public record to. Why is Eric swallow back on the Homeland security committee. It is, it should he be on the committee which I think we all know the answers though, and that's what Kevin McCarthy says that after the briefing. There's no way you put someone like this on the been totally compromised within three again, which is what is happening inside Congress. What are the Chinese. What is the Chinese Communist Party doing inside the US Congress and have the infiltrated or suspected to infiltrate other areas that we need to be aware of as members of Congress. So what do we need to be on the lookout for it so I think there's no way the FBI gets around this. They Artie brief that the GOP leaders and and and as speaker of the house. These are all people, security clearances that have to brief them to, but it also is can shed more light on swallow well and the Democrats decision to continue to place it in a position where he has access to the nation's most classified information. So our first lawsuit of the of the year is a lawsuit that we have filed on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice means all of your members against the United States national security agency, the NSA, the director of national intelligence and Department of State. The irony of course is the former director of the national of national intelligence in the former head of the State Department adversely to both affiliated with the ACLJ secretary Pompeo R's are of course our senior counsel for foreign a global affairs and the Cornell is our our senior advisor and special advisor on international matters and national security. So that's the first lawsuit that we filed of the year.

The second whereby aids about the start, which is getting a premium information act out on the Iran issue.

Keep that separate for now just tells me that at the beginning of the year here foreign policy seems to be at the forefront of what a lot of what were to be dealing with in the in the months ahead this year didn't see much doubt about that. Typically China. I think there's been this renewed focus on what China is doing so. I think you for so long we've been focus on Islamic terror as a threat because it was a threat.

It was in this is you could see it, the violence, terror attacks, the threat of terror attacks with the threat of physical harm, bodily harm to citizens to individuals to our American forces overseas and that the threat is still there. Still, Islamic radicalism, but for the most you. It's been taken out certainly been it's a few pegs down on on the scope of what is the major threat to the US you talk to all the guys had Pompeo talk to Grenell and and a secretary. Pompeo will be joining us later on the broadcast today as our our senior counsel for global affairs stated this evening in Washington DC, at least on the Republicans are talking about it but II think that the Democrats know they just don't want to acknowledge especially the Biden family who is profited so much from the Chinese government at that that China is not Russia. It is not even this early.

Iran is the number one threat to the US there threat to the region and they are threat, but it is China who is the number one threat and it might not be physical violence, but it is spying. It is classified information and course the economic threat they pose during it's abundantly clear now, based on what we know that China is absolutely trying to infiltrate Congress in Jordan it's also abundantly clear that they've had at least some measure of success.

Now I think what's important to do is to find out how deep that success is been and where other penetration inside the United States Congress has been we do know a couple of places in your night. I don't know the answer to this but I'm really skeptical about the motivations of Speaker Pelosi and also Chairman chiffon House Intel committee on why they are not cooperating here and here.

Here's why I'm suspicious most of the infiltration that we know from Christine fang fang fang and her organization happened in the San Francisco area happened in the California area at Jordan, that is exactly where Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff operate and so look, my question is are they involved.

Do they have vulnerability to this and maybe is that why Eric swallow was not removed from these two committees work. If there's any shadow of a doubt Jordan on whether or not your compromise to a foreign actor. You should not be on these committees. It didn't necessarily mean you can automatically be removed from Congress instantly, but you should not be given special access to these committees and Speaker Pelosi can control that. And she with her leadership team, which by the way included Eric swallow Him on both of these committees after she knew about it.

You have asked the question Jordan.

Why did she do that in one of things I want to get into what I think it's important for our audience to understand was when I just talk about the issues I told with all federal lawsuit on this summer fully engaged on the issue, but there's an economic aspect.

Harry mentioned this briefly and when I was with the word secretary Pompeo on Mondays broadcast.

We talked about this kind of economic warfare that the Chinese are capable of. It did with their engagement at the economic level. Harry is so significant that it does pose a real threat absolutely said the United States is highly dependent on China for a number of products including rare earth, for instance, and the Chinese are quite willing to use our dependence upon them for rare earth and some time to explain people at rare-earth actually is rare earth is used largely in the tech industry it's used in terms of the production of chips for computers and so China's control of the rare earth access could, for instance, cripples certain industries in the United States. And so what China has done so quite successfully is to increase our dependence on China for essential goods and services. Meanwhile, they're trying to infiltrate the United States Congress.

So, for instance, in 2014 China, along with the Congressional Black Caucus sponsored school trip so call study abroad trips to China allegedly tied to historically black colleges, but I see this. Perhaps I'm too skeptical. I see this is simply an effort to ingratiate themselves with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and so while Democrats have been overly focused on Russia, and Russia collusion.

It turns out, of course, that the Democrats themselves, at least in my opinion have likely been compromised by infiltration and dependence on China that the Chinese issue. Jordan things with people interested, we are focusing on it like a laser beam here at the American Center for Law and Justice are global affiliates are in our office in Washington is always worth and is in our teams greatly scattered throughout the United States are are really looking at this because the potential risk here to the stability of the United States for generations is at stake why the problem is that so many American businesses are reliant on China, or that they play a big part of their business a big role in their business. Whether it's manufacturing in China and an tailor-made infection, selling it overseas for US businesses are doing that work overseas but but it goes to the social media companies. He goes to everything. What we are the movie companies that will put up movies that have anything that the Chinese censors would like the MBA you know the fact the MBA is like since are there players from calling saying anything that China was in the movie theaters have coalesced basically around this idea that they will placate the Chinese yes so that all the production you won't see anything negative on China. You will see China as the enemy will see anything that would go against their there either made core ideology. So here we have a country which is secretary Pompeo said is is in the act of genocide, which is the same. There was 11 by was calling out Sudan when it was a genocide in Darfur for and no one had a problem around the world condemning that tried to arrest its leader, but the Chinese government leaders. They travel freely and they are not, say, should that even though there is a declaration of genocide that they are responsible for their not worry about being picked up by the international criminal court. They should be.

That's the way China should be true.

They should be treated as a pariah of the world have become a world stage pariah is not just internal, where, how they mistreat their own people, but it stuck no longer just what's economically beneficial. So look the other way. There's plenty of other countries that have that you can that are economically beneficial for manufacturing of the things they are trying to supplant United States as the world superpower. By this they don't care how their own people. It's a group mentality so it's not about necessarily increasing their abilities.

It's a mostly impoverished country. But at the world stage the leadership of that country. And then it without you totally should prevent millions of people is the country over billion people that are very wealthy have a lot of power internationally start to flex his muscles. So that was virtually a China that flexes its muscles internationally get is it just take your money buying her dead incensed business. It is saying no, we are to be the superpower militarily have the same weapons written better weapons, better aircraft carriers, better fleets, better cars that were to create and work it to put this on the US market as well as bigger companies is interesting.

We have rail in the YouTube rights if swallows Republican how aggressively you think do you think the left would be trying to investigate what happened they bring back the ghost of Bob Muller was a Republican. That's what they do this if it was a Republican Republican frog would've Artie gotten rid of this that they can't initially get taken out to Congress, but they would certainly never have them on these committees, they would take them off any committees that had any kind of intelligence, which is probably most, they would they would have the plan for the Congress only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life casings were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing work, become a member today ACLJ hundred 6430 wanted it except are the broadcast secretary Pompeo be joining us live.

Use the ACLJ didn't catch the show on Monday.

He is now joined the ACLJ as senior counsel global affairs as part of the ACLJ team along with record now if you heard work cannot talk about this issue. He's been very clear and he said list.

This is not the only person who been compromised by China. Who's got pressure on them. He can't name names. Obviously, his former director of national intelligence, but the amount of leverage that they have over leaders in America would be shocking and so you might think. Eric swallow Congressman okay annoying congressman kind of a troll on Twitter so it gets more attention because he put himself out there is a presence candidate.

That was a have a joke, but he did that he was a house impeachment manager. The second time around at sagacity for Republicans not to vote for the impeachment by putting mother but then it's I think by and I think there's probably a per a problem in the bay area and it seems likely narrated in Northern California with a really because Nancy Pelosi didn't have to put Eric swallow back that he could put them a lot of the committees that had to put on the highway security committee could have the escalated this, but it's a safety would bide bide psychologist cultural that there there committing genocide gets most of the things it against Muslims and they will talk about that.

To me that's just beginning to show to the left.

It says, with xenophobic people, where the word where the where the problem right because of a travel ban, which by the way they put in place again. They put the kids back in cages.

These are called cages anymore that it at the New York Times detention centers right that other beautiful and wonderful that you read the X so it's a safety would China. There they got a population to the west is happy to be historically is a Muslim and is its own ethnic group and they are being cleansed in education camps. That's the definition of what the definition of genocide. Genocide of the UN. You don't have to be killing people just taking away their culture reeducation.

That's genocide alone does that to be a Holocaust does have to be torture in the in the physical sense but in the ab that the sit and Joe Biden as President played automatically so that soundbite where he says this is just part of their culture. That's what that is. You said to Augsburger cultures that you have to have a unified China that I think about that is when one is that America that I know you would never say that is like, except that is America's of what we all do have to be exact same etiquette you have to say religion which is no religion in all that we have that sound that when you get it yet. I wanted as carry a question because the issue of China removed Iran in the second and en bloc expedition of China is significant is not just leave for the United States.

The years you were mentioning during the break that the Canadians have taken a very different tack.

Absolutely. So they are threatening to boycott.

For instance, the 20 on 21, 20, 22, a Winter Olympics of the Canadian Parliament has issued a resolution condemning a China for genocide. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, who lacks the courage to take. I think real action is quite willing to provide cover for China. Meanwhile his son is still has an interest in China so it's possible that his son is continuing to profit from China and I think it's important to note that courage requires the willingness to take action. Even if you have to pay a price personally and I think Joe Biden and the Democrats have demonstrated conclusively that they are unwilling to pay that price it seems to me, Jordan and Diane that that what's happened is the influences gone so great and so deep on so many different levels, economic, political, cultural, as they call it that undoing. This is going to be difficult as well. We work you know the previous ministration.

Pres. Trump took a very aggressive and tough stance with the Chinese that upset business in America that said businesses in America. It is upset the Democrats and upset the left so you it is not just a medic, a political change.

We also limit cultural changes instead of seeing you would make this known as an issue of seeing Russians as an enemy. Even though they're really not enemy of Vietnam, that might be an adversary on an issue distantly spotting things like that. They don't pose a serious military or economic threat to the US there not a powerhouse we don't rely on them for a lot China. On the other hand, we need to see that the CCP the Communist Party of China Chinese cabbage party as the same way we saw the Soviet Union, and it might not be the six is the same kind of military interactions were not shooting at each other but you're off to get awfully close way more of a superpower way more resources headset disregard for its own people, like the Soviet Union and it is spending on milk taking the money that were giving them is spending another military taking silhouette and what we get.

One day we wake up so can we created a superpower, we United States let the economy the Chinese cabbage party stay in power and economically created this this this problem so we have to untangle ourselves like he said so you got to do it at the business level cultural level and if we saw them like the Soviet Union there would be no issue that the problems people votes. Note what to accept that because may have China simulated Moscow never was right examiners and there is there is an element of that the normalcy if you will update. I wanted to talk to about the.

The aspect up and in Washington, though not just with swallow minutes will that's one aspect of this, but this whole issue of China house being perceived right now.

While the economic factor the talk about Jamie. There's no doubt that it caused members of Congress elected officials to be slow to come to the table on this like a man be honest about the truth you talk about the comprehensive of the nature to undermine the United States that the Chinese government is engaged in the theft of intellectual property.

The surveillance in the infiltration of lawmakers in your Jordan brought up the extermination of the Uighurs, the human rights abuses at Jake. Normally he would take another country in the world and you would put together that package of abuses you would have bipartisan condemnation and sanctions coming down the pike galore. But you're right, the last administration.

Quite honestly, was the first one that took the scope of this threat seriously and we seen a pretty dramatic reversal and again I will. I want to beat a dead horse here about BJ. We know the infiltration of this network in the San Francisco Bay area is very deep. We need to take a closer look at that. This is not just Eric swallow his compromise. We know he's compromised. But Jake and if that's the end of the story. I would be shocked there are other members involved in this pipe from it was an innocent Cooper and Joe Biden.yet, take a listen to this. We can't want my comment to him was, and I know him well and he knows me well, where to our conversation, he talks about the student. I talked about this too, and that's not so much refugee right talk about us and look you know Chinese leaders who knowingly about Chinese history. It is always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven't been unified home so the central approach are vastly overstated. The central principle of decision thing is that there must be a United tightly controlled China and he uses his rationale for the things he does. Based on that at least 50 defending that you say that if they're not all they they get that that their beauty of it.

They get victimized so he genocide is being victimized is a political party right now that the Chinese Communist Party. Should we hope that they become their being victimized that they are being attacked, they fall apart. They have discord in their country that their people rise up those leaders are worried about threats to their life or can't travel overseas what we worry about the fitting Chinese victimization. Trinity settling statement from the President of the United States.

That's a rambling troubling statement saying that though this is the way the Chinese are Chinese government is that they this is how they react they just that you know they just this is how they see the family out on the payroll brother the sun and that's note this is speculation anymore. Don't censor this by the way, listen to it, but will be right back Mike from helping Joyce for decades now ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular helping Joyce a Dick signal broadcast largely by phone today is traveling a lot of leaders traveling I record a loss of travel because C pack this weekend, which is a sub that he will be talking about next week because it's the first major address by former Pres. Trump for it is the first address publicly by four present trouble has just been cognitively key,… Tiger Woods that it's the unities called to do a couple to Rush Limbaugh but is not made us a substantive speech yet since leaving office Cooper on verse one. Very friendly crowd obviously C pack.

We also couple bark of our newest additions to ACLJ art are traveling are on their way to begin traveling both recruit now in my pipe they'll be speaking at C pack this weekend with him of this tiny thing I did was take this call as I think this is the first the first yeah Jody and New Hampshire online what he Jody I think a guy like Brian decided to give monthly and I can think again one time gift that you guys need to make a budget.

Thank you. Encourage everyone I love you guys so Mike, I'm so glad you have Pompeii lingering outline while at 18. So my question today. The news that we don't know if it's true that if it is to that small well tipped off his Chinese sty friend being thinkable for that to really would think I don't know if that's true, there's a lot of speculation about what was going on or she's gone is my understanding she's left the country so she would be recalled by the Chinese government or left on her own accord, but these are things you would think that the FBI Harry would be investigating right now absolutely and so parenthetically we should note that even though she has left the country. To the extent that she is actually engaged in spines.

You can nonetheless be charged by the Department of Justice but I think it's very very important to look at the background and the record. One of the things that the Democrats have been consumed with with is this so-called focus on the Trump administration and Russia pollution.

We've heard this story since 2016, but nonetheless the mainstream media typically has downplayed evidence clear and unmistakable evidence that the Democrats have been compromise if not infiltrated by China and so I think it is very, very rich to look at Mr. swallow in his activity. He's accused the President. Pres. Trump of incitement is accused, then Pres. Trump of being a Russian asset when the evidence I think clearly gives rise to the following inference that swallow wall may indeed have been a Chinese agent himself and so I wonder if this attention on Pres. Trump is designed to deflect attention away from the Democrats own problems it weaned.

We know to speech. She fled after he was briefed so I think the colors onto something there. Certainly he was made aware and something something could have occurred, but it didn't happen. She didn't leave until he found out about it.

So think about that and think about the fact that he's got access to the most classified information in our country we come back ACLJ's new senior counsel for global affairs former Secretary of State for director.

The CIA and Congressman Mike Pompeo will be joining us live St. had this week and really the first time since the announced announcement was refocus a lot of these issues were talk around with him that you don't want to miss the share this with your friends and family as my company is about to do is live here on secular if you got questions because we hundred 64 3110 will get to the final segment of the broadcast is what hundred 684-3110 because the Obama administration by the ministration that is very similar because the same people. If it is not in a gated facet who are against opening their arms to Iran please Iran if you do this and that will come right back to the table will relieve that sanctions.

The body will start flowing back to you through talk about that with my company we come back.

Share this with you for the family of Facebook on YouTube that you don't want to miss it will be right back is always check out challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our value freedom and sword constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us and where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/secular 100-6312 that's what hundred 64 31104 former Secretary of State my pump have joined us before he doesn't want to switch gears on what we talk about here. We can relaunch on Facebook by the will of his word basement were relaunching we had it. We have an issue we want to clear up so were the relaunch of just the force again just a moment, but we could talk of a railing audience, obviously. And that is this Iran is also would be done by China will also that a freedom of information act request out on Iran. Why because apparently John Kerry, Robert Malley and others were in conversations with the Iranians while we were in fact a different lot volley different administration was in places during Pres. Trump supported the present United States term of office. Not during transition while he was actually Jordan in an office setting for foreign policy in that's right Sally that this is again one of the issues that we have seen time and time again with these Democrat administrations. If that is they have come in and they will completely undermine the incoming administration suicide on the front end of of the Trump administration and in the back. It of of the trumpet ministry so front of the Trump administration try to take out before he's even started.

Pres. Trump on the backend. They are, are they they are they are's they are already violating the rules. They've tried to apply to people like Mike Flint was all that was was Joe Biden himself in the river said what about that Logan can't we use that against Mike Flint.

That's what John Kerry technically I think that laws bogus, but that would be what John Kerry was violating we have Bob man my Pompeo joining us right now, so joining us on the phone, then I would have as part of the team here at the ACLJ.

Former Secretary of State who is also a senior counsel for global affairs here at the American Center for Law and Justice Sec. Pompeo, thanks for being with us.

Let me let me go right to the heart of this situation Iran.

This is happened since we were together earlier this week and that is reports coming out that Robert Malley and Sec. Kerry were in conversations with Iranian officials while you were serving a Secretary of State then the thing about Malley but I'll prefer that that happened with Sec. Kerry really deeply un-American to undermine the efforts that we were doing on behalf of the American people that elected them. They were either trying to keep their deal alive or trying to convince the radiant not to negotiate with us. I don't know precisely, but it's completely appropriate that it's tragic about the right thing to do and I regretted it now looks like that, headed out about of appeasement. The radiant well that's probably worse was the next thing I was going ask and that is theirs. The language comanaging sake about and I will be have. Despite we have the bite will display despite not get the secretary's comments on and this is basically setting up that by demonstrations willing to go back to the table.

This is after the success of the crippling sanctions were put in place. But then there's this hesitation.

Let's go and play it well, first the President lot around the longleaf and compliance. As you will know from covering this issue quite closely and the President has been clear that if Ryan comes back into full compliance with its obligations. We will do the same. And of course things that as a platform to build a longer and stronger agreement, including addressing ballistic missiles in many of the concerns that is united countries in the region. Our European partners have about the actions of Iran that we are not at that point point here is that the United States has expressed an openness to an invitation to have a diplomatic conversation. So this is the very state your chief diplomat, so let me ask you this Mike and this is what concerns me. They acknowledge that the Iranians are not in compliance, but it's not as if this agreement with the Iranians went away. It was just the US euro administration correctly pulled out of it so they were not in compliance while the Europeans were engaged in. At exactly right here that will I hear that all effective come back into compliance will will get what he really meant what she says spoke about what will give them a bunch of money will have been will create wealth for the Ayatollah and his kleptocratic bureaucrat better running the country. That's precisely what we did a big giveaway. All of the elaborately created everything that would can't be rated to potentially consider working to diminish that met the programmer constraining the militias in the chair against Israel and United States.

None of this can happen if they exceed to the radiant demand that I thought about what I thought that they think they're going straight nasty metrics for something near $1 trillion" reparation" that's crazy that the pressure campaign that we put in place with the right course of action. I hope that they'll come to see that that's the only way to get the register negotiated strength that that weakness Pompeo. It's that time $1 trillion reparation word like reparation used by the Iranians at the money that they are asking for the basis if you want us to come back into compliance with your bad nuclear deal you got to do this for us and then the idea that compliance. We never got inspect the inspections we wanted.

Even if you liked that deal which not many of us did this with it. Never it never they never were complying with yet. But most importantly, most broadly what it never did was never could convince the people that.

Most and have to live with it. Most article state partners study abroad develop Israeli that this was a deal that could protect and preserve stability in the middle. He collated that electric created a pathway to a nuclear weapon did more than that to a nuclear weapons program was never comprehensive. It was never completely never got what we needed to ensure that we could keep American safe sex is a follow-up question to that and that is the European so decided they want to stick in the program they wanted to stay in the program and so they did but now it's at least two united states government is now saying under the by administration that the Iranian I go back to the same point the Iranians are not in compliance to get back in compliance may be a little bit will get back to the table but you have to ask yourself.

I just want to reiterate this point some Mr. Sec., that is there not in compliance. They haven't been in compliance. Why do we think they will be in compliance day that. Dollars now question is no reasonable belief think that will come back into complete compliance with all of the requirement that they have, but we all know to the data they do, it's insufficient to protect the interest that we have not only in the region to make sure that we keep people safe and secure.

Now what is the best way you know we look at it. As you know is a Sunday party ACL Dana as our our senior counsel for global affairs. This is a global affair.

What should the policy position be right now and how do we counteract what's going on on the Obama administration side of this Appellate Division. We had right? Second out on that. I like the policy position. We had right. We built a coalition lead in the Abraham court secure a collective security apparatus that understood the threat from the rated regime. You continue to apply pressure. You support the rated people they don't like the leadership either and what it's doing is court. People you get that policy back to where we were and ultimately will force the rating regime to come into compliance with a wide range of commitments that actually preserve and protect definitely.

But we can all do as we can make sure that elected officials across the board. Democrats and Republicans on House of Representatives and those in the Senate will continue to communicate to the administration that appeasement and weakness in going back at all.

Crappy deal from 2015 is not the right thing securing American freedom is less costly accidents (that is, this I want to give people some hope year and that is despite what this administration's predilections may be, which is to try to get back into it and deal here what the American people can do to let it be known that we don't want to go back to where it was. And we know that the Iranian people. She said don't like this regime that they have in control either.

So how do we get their voices heard. While this is going on little ability to do it. The reason that we all need to work so are now more than ever. Part of this organization and others that are working to make sure that we get this policy right.

Let your voice be heard. Weapons elected no write letters to get all the things that we do sign petition all the things we need to communicate that week. We can't go back to where we were with respect to Iran back in 2015 very good job for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, now a senior counsel for the ACLJane global affair safely with us like we appreciated all think you will quickly do you with the secretary just sent only the government in the segment number over the phone lines and eight, 600-1800 684-3110. We are on top of this Iran situation.

We've already got a freedom of information act letter out working to get to the bottom of sure that we litigation, but we need to let you know to within let history be our guide here. If I am a Ron right now and I got pallets full of cash from the Obama administration I'd be asking more from this administration to we've got to make the case, the United States Congress that they need to tie the hands of this administration. Quite frankly got a lead from strength that worked for the last four years. It will work again. If we choose to follow that strategy I felt we come back and take your phone calls 164, 31, two, that's what hundred six 843-110-1800 684-3110 is always stay up to speed sure that again with my compare joining is now a senior counsel for global affairs. The ACLJ not just a guess of the broadcast, a member of our team.

That's because your support. Okay only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable and is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for you mission life today online/challenges facing Americans as time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ securely articular calls at one 800 684 31 two that's what hundred 64 3110 and Catherine is riddled on South Dakota Café for Holland's bid of Mike Pompeo joyous live by phone at picture holding on your own there member for quite a while and early here. My question is, since Biden played off a cultural thing with the training regarding the reeducation camps for life on it seems that so there's a coalition between that orthotic portal is collation between that and the left talking about reeducating the people that don't believe the way they do it first. Conservative groups are concerned that a way of softening that possibility in our country policy here since it's the cancellation culture, absolutely. It's all part of the reeducation program and I would like to call it an indoctrination program. In other words, deprive the American people of hearing from alternative voices.

In other words, the government ensures that there is only one voice left wing voice and it's very very important for the American people to know that a willing collaborator with the Democrats effort to eliminate conservative media willing collaborator simply is corporations. Many of these corporations refused to take a stance in favor of the First Amendment. They refused to take a stance in favor of the United States Constitution.

I think it's very very important for the American people to be engaged because what the Democrats are pushing essentially is a one-party government and you would only hear one voice. This is indistinguishable, I think, in principle from what went on during the Soviet era. I think this is this the entire problem facing China is that it's executed. It's made in Moscow was never an issue here like Russian goods right thing in the United States. We became relied on a week China that was a massive amount of people we utilize their market. We also but by doing that we brought up there there there in kind of I think we we put in place to a greater extent and gave more power to that Chinese communist power party which has utilized the power it's received to bases become a dictatorship is usually pit is been there in 1520, 15 years now there to be a decade, and you know it, but it's a very easy transition of power because you got this core group of people even joining the party is hard to do their society would be part of the Chinese Congress party you just you fire hammer and sickle. It's a it's a power structure. It's like joining a board of business yeah and to be part of that now is to be wealthy, and so they have something to protect the military is a real threat with real money to spend the industry.

We that we built there is now be used against us in a classic have a classic story, but we've all got to realize it. You gotta cut off those relationships add to do that could take a lot of education because businesses are good do that was to force them to not think that's right. And, and the concern that I have both with China and Iran right now up from the Washington standpoint than is I don't see may see their concern in that Republicans are concerned.

Derek's wall issue, which is a microcosm if you will about the bigger issue with which is Chinese influence. The influence of the Chinese in the United States in our government and our economic economy in our local communities is much more significant than the Chinese communist party that we've ever imagined. And now the question is God buying basically say well that's their culture. I want to hear what the other leaders of the Democratic Party have to say about this yesterday IJ I mean look when it comes to China. Specifically, there's just no doubt that the economic hurdles the Jordan has talked about their real factor they have in and infiltrated decision-making Washington East DC. That's what made the designation of genocide of the week or so significant that in the final days of the trump administration J here's here's the way I look at it we look at the rest of the world and we say how in the world can you not condemn the Chinese government for the genocide it's going on for the intellectual property theft at J that's never going to happen unless the United States leads the way. It's just the way that works where were the other economic superpower of the world and the Trump administration took that just significance right at the end of the J if this administration starts to roll it back. There is no way that we can look at the rest of the world and accidentally. It's not the way it works. The United States has to go first, but I think it's it's you look at right now, where we are politically massive issues in New York facing of their governor. There doesn't get reported by two thirds of the media and at the same time, members of Congress.

What are putting forward hosting hearings yesterday on taking the one third of the media that does talk about the scandals playing governor New York not just his personal life but also the thousand plus people who died because of his decisions as governor is a leader of the state to put people with covert back in nursing homes. But 1/3 the third of the media that is talking about it. Democrats are bold enough they outright tell you they want to cancel that they they would tell the cable companies it said how how dare you, how can you even justify Fox News or Newsmax or away in are you going to are you going to break your contract now, or at least not renew it. If not, why not you that this is again this is where we are. We are steps away from from this information not even being available that would be just like what happened to China just like what happens in these countries be criticized just like what happens when your present start say well that's just the way they do things China. They just do genocide because you have been victimized by me quickly mention that we were trying to fall apart. It wouldn't be the American dream is that the Chinese Congress party as a map it falls apart. The countries goes into chaos, the people brought protest in the streets of a good thing for America to complete dissolution of the government there without us having regular anything that causing your American bloodshed or or it hard to American cottages, they fall apart is its structure, but instead were saying that they got into some genocide stay united. You understand this, but that's not us paraphrasing it. He said it's their culture. They feel like they're attacked when by themselves. Harry date so so they have to do these things in order to stay in existence and Joe binds acting like that's okay. Absolutely.

And he is unwilling to do anything.

I think it's very important to note that the American people, particularly as consumers have inadvertently subsidized the rise of the Chinese Communist Party. Now the Chinese Communist Party is prepared to take over Hong Kong that's in process. Ultimately, they seek to take control of the Democratic Party. They've already taken control or lease major they are major influence with respect to the National basketball Association and major US corporations, including major US media companies to some extent our lot highly influenced by China.

This is a very dangerous situation for the American people. I think the American people need to rise up and understand fully the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party. The question is really, certainly are.

Our government started to force that this administration we have to start putting out the real threat they pose, and I think by bringing on but why having recurrent LRT by having my compounds if they see okay to do that at a level that that you can't do without those kind of individuals and we have those kind of individuals on the ACLJ team because of your support for the American Center for Law and Justice I can to support us financially. how we can bring on Mike Pompeo as a member of our staff and how we can bring on the canal is a member of our staff because your support? For decades.

ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ