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REVEALED: Biden Team’s Secret Meetings with Iran to Sabotage Trump Admin

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
February 23, 2021 12:00 pm

REVEALED: Biden Team’s Secret Meetings with Iran to Sabotage Trump Admin

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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February 23, 2021 12:00 pm

REVEALED: Biden Team’s Secret Meetings with Iran to Sabotage Trump Admin.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Jay Sekulow revealed volume team secret meetings with Iran purpose to sabotage the Trump administration line from Washington DC Jay Sekulow the good news is our policy in the Middle East successful. We built out a strong coalition to crush the regime in Iran The goal state set of goals and partners decide Abraham accords creating peace and stability throughout the Middle East policies work phone lines are open for your questions right now called 1-800-684-3110.

It's sad that Sec. carious so so unable to get off the stage at any point that he had to go try and undermine what present trumpet our team are trying to do and now chief counsel for the Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow. We talked about this, but the interference that is taken place on foreign policy to remember the whole situation when there would be Obama administration raised concerns about the incoming Trump administration with regard to members conversations with Lieut. Gen. Flynn well, how about this, so the trumpet refresh was looking to open some back channel communications after crippling sanctions had impacted Iran in a significant way. They saw the UN Gen. assembly. According to media reports as the vehicle to do it, which is common we go to the UN.

There are a lot of meetings there are a lot of get-togethers there's a lot of what we call side meetings.

That's what we were talking about here two months earlier. However, there was already going on in discussions with Iran in discussions in New York except it wasn't the Trump team. In fact, in this particular case it was Robert Malley who was present Obama's Middle East advisor and significantly involved in Iran and then John Kerry that this is coming to you from the same group met the same time the same group that when the Iran deal was being discussed. You remember all of the centroid pump AR senior counsel for global affairs set on the broadcast yesterday. The side deals that were going on with these Iranian deals going back always a hostage release and then going forward. What was taking place here. We had that whole situation with the clips in the videos.

The inexplicable clips and edits that were mistakes that were clearly edits.this is what does that past ministration that you saw them go and I specifically undermine what was going on. It just shows you and people throw out terms like shadow government and in the deep state what that actually means when there's proof and there's evidence and that is why honestly, this time around for the ACLJ were getting people like for best value beyond later on and Mike Pompeo because we have to be able to combat these things at the highest level elsewhere.

Don't put together an all-star team is an All-Star team and Barber also team is Ben Bennett, who is with us in Washington DC and we got a draft freedom of information act request already being prepared a memo holding the draft of her and as I reviewed it yet but it's been drafted by her team and this is serious stuff and shows an undermining of an administration foreign policy we said many times. David is critically important that we have one President at a time so that America speaks with one unified voice around the world. It sure looks like that did not happen with the Obama administration after they left office. It looks like John Kerry and others continue to try to undermine the Trump administration. A particularly rich J. Given that the accusations to the Trump administration as they were coming into office is that they were violating the Logan act by engaging in these conversations as they were coming in at office looks like they never cut those conversations off. But you're right Kate, we want to know if the conversations in the outgoing administration actually plan to do this before they left office. We can get into some of the details as we go along, but that's the bottom line over looking for in this way they were about to get into a guide that this is this is a serious situation. Logan you mentally and 50 seconds here we are building out our team on foreign policy, absolutely.

And you be a part of that team as well help us out. ACLJ we would hear your voice on the caregivers call right now.

1-800-684-3110 that's 1-800-684-3110 be on the air today comments as well share it. If you're on Facebook.

If your are Twitter retweet it what many voices to hear this. This news you can hearing some covered. I can hear that mainstream media and that's why were here in secular lesser here ACLJ make sure we are the voice you during these really different times are really difficult times and will be right back with more coming up real soon. Give us a call by hundred 684 31 challenges facing Americans as time went on. Now freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God, where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable voice is. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called life will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover many ways your membership is empowering the right question of mission in life today online/phone lines are completely full right now but you give us a call 1-800-684-3110 because you know what a lot of times make it on their exhibit get fired up. You say words should say on the radio so you know what, there will be some open lines.

I sure you want 100 684-3100 percent.

I did that job for many years that she did.

I took the Cosco I could get my frustrations out because I got to yell at people's fun people would call you very frustrated very mad so like my one hour a day where I could find in the nebulae because is Logan I like scholar so joining us right now is a former ambassador to Germany and former acting director of national intelligence and Senior advisor to the American Center for Law and Justice Rick Cornell, Rick. I ran more and I know you are involved in all of these issues with especially with Germany and the German relation with Iran in his DNI you got this report coming out now that John Kerry and apparently Robert Malley were in negotiations and discussions, I should say with the Iranian officials while we were trying to use crippling sanctions which worked were uniting the Middle East against this juggernaut of the Iranians.

It's just, I mean the duplicity number one of course is rich to begin with, but the fact that they were doing it harms our national interest really do not understand why John Kerry is a lot to do this, but others are not isn't because he's a Democrat and there's a Democrat in the White House.

His friend Joe Biden, but this is problematic because it's a slippery slope left.

Let's just say on the record that the whole bunch of envoys who have worked on issues in the past and they can't be freelancing one policy for John Kerry to go to his grand Foreign Minister is a rate and to have conversation because the trouble is, is that the Obama Biden team had a fundamentally different policy and arrived at the Trump administration and so having this back channel unapproved undermining US policy really creates a problem besides the it's illegal, which interest because John carries in it is this climate advisor to the Biden administration and Robert Malley is back playing a major role in US Iranian negotiations if they say they're willing to go back to the table. Now that was interesting. Yesterday Rick that they pulled back a bit. I mean when I say pull back, but they want to go to the table but they acknowledge, at least publicly, that the Iranians were nowhere near compliance with the agreement, which should be no shock to us, but also should be not no shock to the Europeans voluntarily went into the sink agreement and state little secret when the Trump administration of the Europeans and said, look, this deal is not working. Can we come up with some ideas that would improve it, the German, French, British, everybody. The agreements not great and it's pretty weak and we don't have any time anywhere inspections and we seen violations we've seen them widening, look no further than the Israeli locker full information showing that the Iranians and some of the Europeans. Now this here comes the problem.

They don't know what to do about it because they still want to engage in Trade. I think that when you make consensus when you make an agreement.

The goal then anything can happen and it's a weak agreement and certainly not beneficial to Americans. Lastly, I'll just say the we need to understand that America that the threat from Ron is more real for us and our allies than it is for the Europeans. Let's go ahead and take a call you, coming in from Sherry California. Share your on the air. Sherry McConnell, Katie Lee look good can come out of it is any good that comes out of it might my concert personal family for second inner government affairs office. My concern is not of the good coming out of it is that the harm that was done because I was in 2019. So we work the election was that the suffragist going on in the election for 2020. So this was during our active policy. As we were doing the Abraham accords with the goal state and the other Arab countries that come alongside and join with Israel.

A large part because of the Iranian threat days putting a partisan agenda or the interest of a political party over the interest of the United States and we talked about this briefly in the first segment of the broadcast night as I know that Rick could speak to an end in great depth here, but the importance of the United States state speaking with one voice.

It just absolutely has to happen in NJ when you have Americans speaking against the interest of American policy, which again can only be set by one President at a time. They did the American policy is set by the President. It's administered by people like Rick and then when you have Americans coming in and undermining that policy day it's gotta be so frustrating for those officials on the ground trying to carry out their constitutional oath and admit.

But more than that more than just being frustrating for the people charged with carrying out the oath J. It undermines the United States around the world because of their if the other countries in the world cannot look to the United States for a clear voice on where we stand in there's confusion. There's multiple voices. How in the world do you expect them to ally with us. There's there's no way that they can know I'm continuing the question she asked the course was wisely doing this part of the strengths they relevant and part of it is just that this is sounds better on politically say this is the Democrat playbook. This is what they do. It undermines whatever is going on for conservatives over the world for the country and for the world. It doesn't matter because it doesn't progress their agenda were saying the same thing all different states were saying governors being recalled to sail the seven habits because specifically the outsiders and regular people can look at the whole spectrum and go wait a second.

This is not for the good of the country.

This was just to undermine the Trump administration, which then eventually undermines the entire night since 1000 what I want to go to Rick on this because here's the thing that to me is the frustrating part of this is that the Iranian policy that you will implemented a nine and again I know you weren't everyone involved in this to really change the shape of the Middle East and is brought together all the five Arab countries now and I'm probably Muslim Arab countries and in the court. Historic Abraham accord with Israel but Iran was the focus of this very successful and we were clearly undermined by John Kerry. Let let's talk Mike Flynn came in as the incoming national security advisor after an election. He was tapped with the transition.

He had a phone call with the Russian ambassador and in that phone call.

The Democrats are now saying partially leaked documents that he undermined the current ministration of the ministration because he literally one administration at a time. Let's go slow and let's talk about the UN resolution later. Okay that's forward to John Kerry is not appointed at all. He did what Mike Flynn did, and worse because he wasn't the incoming he was just a citizen and he went and met with the Iranians.

I saw him meet with them at the Munich security conference. They met in Munich. They met in other places and the fact is, is why isn't the system coming in the media and the DOJ coming down on John Kerry like they did to Mike were doing.

Rick and I know you been a big advocate of this we have author today a draft freedom of information act request to the Department of State. It is filed on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice request seeks records pertaining is what we say pertaining to the US Department states knowledge and efforts surrounding the breaking story. The current government officials like former Sec. John Kerry took her stay. John Kerry conducted chattel diplomacy with Iran at surrogates or even advancing program causes all while these officials are not members or representatives of the nine states government and you just said that you are the Munich conference and you saw with your own eyes I saw John carry meeting with individuals I there's more information that I could say but the reality is is that John Kerry has been doing this because probably he would say they Iranians reach out to him, but that is absolutely no excuse. The undermining of the policy is unacceptable and it's illegal and either we enforce it on people like Mike Flynn and John Kerry. Or just cannot polish it in order to let people talk and try to undermine the policy. There's just no two ways about appreciate you being with us. As always, to send you a draft of this information act request get dry get your views on it as well face ring with us today for Cornell course as you know was former ambassador Germany more than a lot of relations with Iran and also the acting director of the night, so direct national intelligence so has tremendous expertise on this were thrilled. He's a major part of our team, especially on placed in intelligence and foreign policy but and and now we got our legal team so not just talking about everybody we got our legal team preparing documents right now to serve on the Department of State. That's what we do with the ACLJ we don't just talk about it. We engage it, bringing them to bring the best foreign policy team together of any organization. The country and heard a lot of that yesterday with the announcement of my company of joining the ACLJ team and more of that to come true beyond this weekly front of her next review later this week involved so much more information coming out about that work some ham works in Rick and we are creating exit great team we can do without the support of everyone who donates in this part of the illusion of this idea going to 20, 21, that would be ACL today more than ever and you were very generous to us in 2020 and are right now and 2021.

That's why we can retain these experts to advance the ball only when a society can agree the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when used with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you personally. Publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ so as we continue to discussions of the work today for the American Center for Law and Justice, of course, we got a major now abortion case in front of the Supreme Court with the hips because my concern here it's invited involving title Tamil ICC how to explain in a moment, but I'm concerned that the defenders of this United States department Justice under Joe Biden. So I think the court should either appoint an amicus curiae, which is a friend of the court argue is a possibility or I'll tell you this, we will be filing your behalf to go to cc what is at stake at the Supreme Court case explained to his works. Programs were not so ministration regulations that actually neared ministration just clarifying any organization you abortions and it's going to court and restaurant versus spring works is writing regulations were constitutional terms. Regulations are an should be deemed constitutional specials like conservative leaning Supreme Court.

My concern fan here, however, is there's already a move legislative lease and release within the combined ministration but also what DOJ's actually get to do your yeah you can't trust abiding ministration to defend this at all. Just looking at their own actions. Jamming cc correct. The law is very clear on this to Planned Parenthood is statutorily forbidden from getting these dollars and yet they got them to the tune of $60 million every year until the trumpet ministration came in and righted that wrong but Jay not only has Pres. Biden said he is planning to reverse course on that and restore access to title $10 for Planned Parenthood after they sued Jake.

He's using the COBIT stimulus legislation as we speak today in the House of Representatives.

The legislation this puts forward to try to backfill to try to restore the dollars that Planned Parenthood lost as a result of Pres. Trump proper application of statutory law.

So if you think that the administration is to reverse the rule and reach back and restore $50 million to Planned Parenthood is now gonna go to the Supreme Court and actively defend the regulation actively defend the statute. I think that is delusional. I think you're absolutely correct to not trust abiding DOJ to do that and try to figure out right now. Our best bet is to file a brief just on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice, or with members of Congress as well. Now here's the part that concerns me and and I'll get Logan at 2 AM on this because I think it's important for just everybody understand what Van just said to_is there talking about putting these dollars back in under a COBIT relief bill instead of money that could go to the American people who need it with her instead.

Can you give it to Planned Parenthood who doesn't need it. That's something that the they would use you said this before, always factoring it anyway they can has nothing to do with what's better for the country. It's is what's better for to further their political agenda and for their agenda because even the people who may be more moderate liberals on abortion.

Note that so much money comes in the lobbyist groups in the donors that Planned Parenthood packs all these different things they got keep her happy. What they do is a shove all this stuff when really the American people to want American people want to COBIT relief package get through already makes sense. Instead there loading it up with dollars for abortion clinics for Planned Parenthood now cc what does this really mean to me what's for people are watching the broadcaster listening to the broadcast. What is this mean as far as in the pro-life. I how do you view this strange 3% whole 50% people do not care dollars dollars finding abortion ministration is ministration changing regulations every step of the said email me last night and senior counsel does loaner telework.

Also, the ability sorry working on the brief. But here's the thing. The irony of all of this is that while this is his removal constitutional forum very competent, but I don't ever get overconfident that we will succeed again. I am really worried that the Department of Justice may mean I don't know this, but I could see them filing a brief actually on the other side of this, that could actually happen here fan yeah I absolutely think you could do it. Especially if you consider it in light of the context of what happened on Capitol Hill right now where Javier Becerra is having his confirmation hearing to be the next Sec. of HHS, the cabinet that is coming together in the Biden administration is to be the most hostile to life that we've ever seen. That's just the plain and simple truth.

I think you know once Mary Garland is confirmed with which it looks like you likely will be at the Department of Justice, you're gonna start to see how they will approach cases like this, but I would sales. I would tell you this, Jake.

We can't count on them because we know ideologically where they're coming from. We've got a turn of these 430,000 ACLJ members who stood with us all the way from the comet stage to the filing brief stage at this stage that were at now.

And J. The Supreme Court is going to have to hear the truth. In this case and now I we we just can't count on the DOJ to put that case forward cc correct the American people do not support taxpayer dollars for abortions, but the Supreme Court is good have to hear that from somebody, and I'm not so sure there can hear from the DOJ company convinced they won't mean guys kinda can't completely contrary to the position that the body ministration's advocate. So here's what we have to do we, the American Center for Law and Justice will prepare an amicus brief is a friend of the court brief.

Our briefs have been cited by the Supreme Court in their opinions so we get attention because we been doing this for I'm in my fourth Tecate are actually fifth decade of Supreme Court litigation in the belief that, but for four decades I have litigated and really five if you count right 80s 90s 2000 2010 and 2020. They know us where their neighbor in Washington DC. That doesn't mean there can agree with us but our briefs are serious and that is part of what were trying to establish with both issues today. Both the issue involving what's going on with John Kerry and Robert Malley in Iran while Pres. Trump was in office and defending the title 10 decisions when the administration will probably take a contrary position were not just where were letting you know what's going on because that's important, but were actually taking action and that's what this is all about and that's what we do here. The organizations we do here on secular and we also want to hear from you.

So right now as we head into the second half hour of the show we want to hear from you wanting hundred 684-3110 phone lines are open right now. Thousands of you watching right now on all of our social media platforms of that's on YouTube or Facebook. However, you get to show rivulets and on radio thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, millions are listening on radio this to type your voice to be heard not just good and support our work would hear from you directly to 100-684-3110. If you don't get the second half hour of the show on your local station. Head on over to find us on YouTube search ACLJ find us on Facebook on the Jay Sekulow page on my page.

Logan Sekulow Logan Sekulow reprogram on YouTube that shows a lot more ACLJ's been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC.

Jay Sekulow, counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow was the first 30. Mrs. broadcast me so that that scope of the ACLJ ministry of the broadcast. We had a new senior counsel for global affairs. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on today's broadcast. In addition to Vanden cc me Logan. We had our senior advisor for national security and international matters. Foreign policy Rick Cornell, former ambassador to Germany and director of national intelligence. I need to tell you this is members of the ACLJ. This is not haphazard. We are doing this for a very serious reason. We know what's coming were already seeing it regarding father first federal lawsuit against the body was already filed where I'm holding in my hands the beginning of the second suit. This is against the State Department because we want to find out what was going on with John Kerry and Robert Malley is a were trying to negotiate with the Iranians purportedly while the truck ministration was fully functioning in 2019. Then Rick Cornell told while he was on the air director Grinnell said while he was over Munich and saw that initiation is not to disclose to his office and what was said but that this was going on and Logan brought really good point. The beginning and that is this is the playbook of the left we see over and over and over again has nothing to do what's best for the American people. What's good for national interest or foreign relations.

It has to do with undermining whatever a opposition government looks like, so there was a trumpet ministration.

Whatever it is that they were there again you hear this term thrown around and you can often think of them as conspiracy.

Whether it's your deep state or are you know shadow government.

This is when it's true and that's why we have put together this team continue to put together a team that can combat this could but not to say we have to play hardball and play how they played but they did this during the trumpeters believe, guess what the open about. We have Mike Pompeo here we have a Grinnell here and you know it because we actually tell you the truth and were up front with what were doing. You were going to do is be your voice to fight back against all the publicly not in the shadows not in secret.

Not where four years later you find out why did this happen all because John Kerry was out there. Don't worry guys give it a few years. We got some stuff happening. Ridiculous. Yes, I mean again would do that by taking direct action. Then we had the title X situation and on the abortion funding and the department just is supposed to defend the title X restrictions likely not can happen in my view, I don't know that perfected, but they are likely not can happen when you look at both of those issues and what were doing building out the team.

Whitemore announcements in the days ahead. So I mean this this team is being built out and we have a great team in place already but were expanding why we expend because of you and incredible support.

I said this the other day I was yesterday. There is no doubt that God is blessed. The ACLJ and has allowed us to flourish and to grow but God uses people and I will tell you something in a pandemic in a pandemic support to the ACLJ was start how large it was and then in January and February. So far this month. Online only is 50% ahead of last year, which was like 35% a year ahead of the year before that. That's because of you and I want to thank you beginning the second half hour. The broadcast I don't speak for everybody to PPC others broadcast the people behind the screen.

None of us could do this without you. And it's not just talked and its action yet. Any additions were Grinnell and Sec. Bob Taylor certainly can inform this decision to like Logan said, J work and ask what for what we are entitled to under the law in this foyer involving the international issue J, we want to know all the way dating back to November 8, 2016 was Sec. Carey was in office and had a constitutional duty to fulfill his oath to us whether or not he was planning to undermine this. Here's the other thing we want to know J we want to know if people who stayed on at the State Department document made communications that undermined went contrary to the position of not just Donald Trump to the position J of the United States because guess who gets to set the position of the United States and comes before policy is the sitting President of the United States not the former President playfully we get back from the break. Some sound from Sec. Carey denying back channels and then really get into it, a segment of the new HHS Sec. We thought at the Supreme Court when applied with the swing pharmacy by those brief while we take a break don't go away. Stay tuned back to normal challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to soar. Constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms and rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable in voice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice defend the rights of life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/on the Iran discussion and I think about this, and Logan. I think about those for requests on the videos that were manipulated. Here's John Kerry everybody's comment, here's John Kerry being asked about back channel communications Nicholas since the decision was made to pull out of there at that time forward. This is a public issue that I don't engage in any diplomacy on that issue. Since the decision was made about for that. It was not a back channel will this according to the Washington times is is not the case. It looks like that there were multiple individuals, including Robert Malley Obama energy Sec. earnest money is as well as Secretary of State John Kerry who met with Mr. Sheriff a number of times during the Trump years and now just said hey I was in Germany at the Munich conference and there they were, so maybe they were just having tea. Where was that video clipping play from this, it sounds like the Thanksgiving day parade. The strangest interview ever.

Very serious value here is you know horns going outside outside of the parade. Okay not every operator present is very intense and I so let me go to. Let's go to read clips like this, the Supreme Court, and then I want to get into this McCarran nomination which is now the newest greatest hits of HHS by the way just wet your appetite for that discussion of holding in my hand are briefs including our petition for search right that was filed against Xavier Caribou was in the Atty. Gen., California on pro-life free-speech issue involving price of pregnancy centers that were being told force to say all abortions are available down the street and we could get to the Supreme Court United States.

The court was the Supreme Court granted the source repetition vacated the lower court decision got rid of it send it back in light of another case of the just been decided in our favor and said you can't decide it that way. There you go with two of them actually up at that time that were successfully concluded. So we do a call on the Supreme Court's I thought that be a good segue into that Catherine is calling in Connecticut on five Catherine a lot and thinks I'm wondering with the filing of these cases, it seems to me, and I'm no expert that John Robert Starling and blocking everything that comes and I'm wondering if perhaps we might have a bigger problem great just to be clear, agree to hear the case involving the title X abortion issue, the court granted certiorari yesterday so that was that means four justices lease of the Supreme Court wanted to hear the case in its golden rule for so those 44 justices agreed to hear the case.

There are now six conservative justices, including John Roberts on a case like this, I would expect them to go with the majority and expect to go with precedent. But there'd be five if he did not. The problem in that particular case. On the back panel that is got a.Justice Department thinks the policy is unconstitutional.

There's mostly depending yeah not sure the position is correct under the laws to be advocated by the Department of Justice. Therefore, in front of the Supreme Court. I'll tell this to Catherine knowing she certainly correct on the premise that judges matter. We say that all the time on this broadcaster. The makeup of the Supreme Court is is certainly important of a J on this particular case and you alluded to this when you're talking about Javier Becerra. A moment ago as this moved up through the courts of one of that one of the circuit courts that it work went through was the Ninth Circuit and went through the Ninth Circuit by design because typically the abortion industry has an automatic when in that circuit J because of the 10 justices judges 10 judges that Donald Trump nominated and were confirmed by the United States Senate that now sit on the court more than 1/3 of that quarter.

Trump nominees Planned Parenthood lost 33 times at the Ninth Circuit on this very issue soon as it comes up to the Supreme Court.

Catherine is absolutely right that judges and justices that will hear the case matter as does the law that underwrites it.

But J the changes that happened all the way through the federal judiciary mean that we have a fighting chance on all of these issues that we have a fighting chance they not just in some circuits in every single circuit in the United States.

So I think that that's absolutely correct.

But the interesting dynamic in this and that's that's no problem for us is the ACLJason Apollo major brief, a friend of the court brief on that because I don't what the department justices can actually advocate here that's just the way it is. So you got the Iran situation with filing a brief filing a premium information act request. Today they will not respond respond slowly will be in court about what is my prediction. We already filed one case are already involving what was going on and Eric swallow's office with apparently an alleged Chinese spy that was going on and we heard from Pike Mike Pompeo from thinkers to get their senior counsel for global affairs that China is a threat level IX/X that tells you something right there on top of that, and again not just talking about taking direct action. Now we got a nomination of Xavier McCarroll. Let's talk about that when fan because Mac I just held it up will hold up again for TV audience. We beat them. I think to maybe three times at the Supreme Court of the United States. But having said that he's being nominated for HHLS Health and Human Services you will hear the honest truth J for an administration that says they want to start with unity when it comes to this issue. The issue of life and there's no more important position for the issue of life than the Sec. of HHS.

He has nominated what would be the most pro-abortion Sec. of that department that we've ever seen.

And again I as I think I've said this on this broadcast. That would be something given that Kathleen Sibelius has been the secretary of that agency before Jay seemed like every time we fought one of these issues over the last decade it has been Javier Becerra on the other side.

Most notably, as he's been the Atty. Gen. of the state of California J.

Jordan recently wrote to the Senate health committee, which is having that confirmation hearing today for Mr. Becerra outlining our concerns outlining the fact that he's well outside of the mainstream, even in the pro-choice communities outside the mainstream on this issue anything but a unifying force were about ready to send a full letter a letter to the full Senate opposing his nomination look that there's no other way to put it confirming Javier for Sarah to it to the Department of HHS would be the opposite of unifying and more importantly than that, Jake. It would be detrimental in a big significant way to the cause of life. Let me ask you this, and you get your sense on this because getting blocked is good.

It appears to be really tough.

Now there was already a nominee that's going to probably be pulled back.

Is there any sense at mansion one of these others would say no to this. There is some sense JI.

There has been some political sense on the hill that that the Sen. mansion is can it pick one or two nominees to to opposing it is Artie come out against the nomination for OMB. Maybe this would be the second but I would tell you this, we need to broaden our horizons a little bit more than just Sen. mansion because even if he were to oppose Javier Becerra. There would be a the possibility that that Republican Sen. Jay would put him over the line you got a look at Lisa Murkowski.

You got a look at Susan Collins and you've got it asked them to tow the line on this because look, regardless of where they come down on the issue of life. If they want to have a unifying force in Pres. Biden's cabinet. This is not the way to accomplish that.

So I would look at Sen. mansion. I would look at Sen. Cinema. I would also look at Republican Senators Collins Murkowski and again on this one folks were not just talking about it on the radio broadcast is nothing wrong with this important were taken action with filing letters with the Senate were letting our positions, which represent your interests be heard and part of taking action means you got me nearly every one of these and this will be really tough. I think it's fair to say this will be top because of the makeup of the Senate, but when it comes to life. You got a fight and there's not an option on it yet. And this guy who's been nominated. We have gone to battle with at the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court of the United States, there you have it. So of course were to take action will be taken very, very seriously. But again, this is part of an overall strategy that we are outlining at the American Center for Law and Justice, and that's why you know Lotta groups right now are are are kind of tightening things and and I understand it, repositioning we weave a clear mandate.

We think we'll exactly what we've been through this dance before, so to speak. We've been through this rodeo is not the first time we been about we bid them in on-air or as an organization working when the party in power does not share your interest on issues like life and religious liberty on foreign policy and you don't just say what was me report for duty and that's exactly what things get done. I don't want you to feel disheartened you were here recently said ACLJ more than ever this year because that's her 2021 campaign as we are need more than ever. And guess what, during the Obama years as much as it was an uphill battle stuff got done. We took on the IRS. A lot of people sometimes it's a lot easier to rest on your laurels Billy. We got this when you have the situation at hand and you have to fight the fight against you. Specifically, people who are going against your core values and what you believe people show up and that's why it's important to have supported ACLJ phone lines are open as we had in to the last segment of the show Leslie because we, within reason in the yard phone screen as you heard it, loosen it up loosen up 100-684-3110 it out yet is all the topic. Just get a little bit on top. It would be nice 100-6431 10 can find us later on. If you live in Logan Sekulow reprogram subscribe to my YouTube Sekulow reprogram to search my name to find their Logan Sekulow reprogram's occasionally takes over takeovers find us on his you will be backed up with your questions. Only when a society can agree most vulnerable invoice.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question mission in life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to store constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ hello heading into the final segment will take as many calls as we can. We do the first call. I think we should take it to say this because I think what more people hear about people being undermined. Administration and there's nothing we can do is go to Sherman New Mexico online when you said any calls were taken in a call Sherman on the to my way and that clue they arrested for treason since they have done what they have done what they've done. You cannot arrest him for treason. The Logan act is what usually comes into play here. That is private citizen doing foreign policy. The promise people see the second impeachment trial. They see things like that. Well, there's fake. No issues when it comes to the way the utility people who are actually doing stuff to undermine the work of United government just could get away with it and we can show what we can say look what happened. There's nothing that can be done. Yeah. And the thing with the Logan act.

I was saying, which is you know it prohibits private citizens in English and foreign policy is unconstitutional.

I thought it was unconstitutional during previous ministrations and arrest them for treason and knocking try and convict. It's a question of undermining a policy that's the problem here and the prohibitions on that are questionable constitutionally. I'll be honest, I don't like that they put I think it goes beyond that, then, is the fact that they were doing it. Our lease allegedly doing it that undermines our foreign policy is the consequence of their action here. One is former Secretary of State's got an obligation to put the interest of the United States ahead of his personal agenda. Look, you know that in the clip you played a few minutes ago J he was making some excuse that well you know that the conversations were before we had technically pulled out of the JC POA and somehow that made it okay that's a joke.

I mean, the fact that the former Secretary of State thinks it's okay for him to engage in repeated conversations, the report says 2017, 2018 and 2019 and that that would somehow not be seen as as conducting US foreign policy and undermining the very different position of the day of the administration taken over a J that's just not believable. Here's just very quickly. The other thing that were asking for in this way that I think is very important to Logan's point, what can be done about it. J we want to know if there's still anybody inside government service who, during this same period help John Kerry accomplish this, we want to know if they undermined US policy in their official position because whether it's John Kerry or a desk officer. If you are not advancing the policy that is determined by the President of the United States a J you should have a job.

I agree I agree with equals nice back and he's got some kind of climates are role to be back on trouble. Tie that into Iran's amount itself mixes up a little bit with Abraham in New York there is a question that people have Abraham New York on some of the topics on the high think taking my call.

I hardened and I'm wondering how you went back to the fact that so many of our judges refused to hear anything about the election cases. Finally somebody to present some real fact that we can hear some truth than just rhetoric. Well, here's the problem number one. And I've said this before, I think those election cases have been brought before the election because the mail-in ballots in these lack of verifications could be subject to constitutional challenges and statutory challenges before and it just it wasn't any work they did.

They brought some really, but not that many is number one, number two look at the Supreme Court is not the place to lay out evidence spring court is a court of last review that was the evidence is been submitted, so the problem was that they were not successful in the lower courts in obtaining a sufficient body of law to work sufficient evidence to move it forward. Supreme Court denied a few cases yesterday. Obviously, because the election is over. So when the election is over, the case is moot now Justice Thomas. Justice Alito in justice courses, said that these are issues capable of repeating evading review so we should get some clarity to this issue about judges changing so what about judges changing the laws as it relates to balloting rather than the legislature's investment required under state laws. Unfortunately, those cases were not. There's couple of those that went very well. Remember don't forget some of those 115 but a vast majority did not because they were not brought up in a timely manner, or the lower court decision to not have sufficient evidence so that's my theory on that.

I then answer the question for you. Let's move on. Let's go to Patricia who is calling online for Patricia in California.

Welcome to my car I would like to bring you the Old Testament were not doing all the charger until his father-in-law intervened and following around. You have to get other people involved so that different not hiring a lot on a day-to-day or thereabouts.

I had it my own way. I would like you to please carry your listening audience that we can expect you to do all the work we do support you I support you that we need to do what we can do as a pocket who lacks the right thing to happen to call their Senators to contractor.

Packet contacted the White House, allowing only a little about the quality act we need to help hold your hold you up for court. You manner as well. We appreciate that you also is there a lot of people working behind the scenes at the ACLJ. Some may look like you see the TV show. You see it a listen on the radio you see five of the six of the seven of us there are so many people beyond the glass if you will be on the TV screen. There doing incredible amounts of work and yes, for sure.

I'm sure they would would want to say call your representative of that stuff is real, that can absolutely help. That's also why we've assembled a team and that team is amazing with just talking about. Obviously the new editions of of of Mike Pompeo or Rick Grenell mid last year. I'm talking about an incredible team of people who do production people who do your website lawyers assistance. People who make sure that the ACLJ is up and running in there on Capitol Hill that to make sure that everything is running as smoothly as possible. Especially during these times, yeah, and I would add to that people like Patricia members of the ACLJ1 of the things that makes us unique in Washington DC and gives us a lot of ability to impact issues is the fact that people like Patricia stand with us if we want to go to the United States Senate. Logan and tell them that there are legitimate reasons to oppose Javier Becerra for example, those senators want to know that their voters people like Patricia agree with us on that fact. So that's why work constantly asking people to stand with us on petitions is not just so that they can no sign their name to a fancy sheet of paper.

Locate it so that when we go to the hill on their behalf. We can actually make an impact it will be more than just words. It'll ask you make an impact. So I agree with you a full team at the ACLJ but it extends to people like Patricia as well know that I want to think I do this and think the ACLJ members right now again because let me tell you some of most truth of the matter is without you.

This doesn't happen and your generosity over this last year especially during the pandemic was just incredible.

I want to thank you for that and then on top of that this year is starting great and that's the reason were able to hire people retain people like Rick Grenell, former director of national intelligence investor to Germany former Secretary of State. Now the special senior counsel for global affairs for the emergence of law and justice might unveil that happens because of you and I want to thank you from all of us like Logan said that when you see what you don't support the ACLJ's, maybe, thank you for listening today. Look, as I said continue this conversation. Some of these topics and more on the Logan Sekulow reprogram I show later on today. All you need to do to watch that live is subscribed to my YouTube channel. Sekulow reprogram or just type in Logan Sekulow subscribe, and also later on all the amazing work were doing talk to you later today. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena is on justice is on your side you're already a member. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ