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STIMULUS UPDATE: VP Harris Picks Fight With Own Party

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
February 1, 2021 12:00 pm

STIMULUS UPDATE: VP Harris Picks Fight With Own Party

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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February 1, 2021 12:00 pm

STIMULUS UPDATE: VP Harris Picks Fight With Own Party.

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Jay Sekulow VP Harris picks a fight with the wrong party on covert relief live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow we ran the we are American and we will eat as Americans.

The reason I am here in West Virginia talking with you is because everybody matters whether you voted for us and not phone lines are open for your questions right now called 1-800-684-3110. I saw no one called me to try to find a bipartisan pathway for I think we need to we need to work together.

That's not a way of working together what was done in the chief counsel for the justice Jay Sekulow is right.

Would you just together was not a Republican and Democrat doing it out over covert relief.

It was VP Harris and Democrat Joe mentioned doing it out over covert relief and as you heard the jobs we Joe mentions a significant boat.

He said he saw the interview. I can't believe it. So the vice President on states is in West Virginia going after a Democratic senator from West Virginia on an issue that should a bipartisan support called covert relief and you have to ask yourself what are the politics of this one when the American people need help and fan before one of the year I asked you what was going on here.

What is going on here was terrible politics today. I would say it's political incompetence. If you asked me because what you imagine someone that from the very beginning that says that he wants a covert package but yet he's talking reasonably about a J he's he wants the dollars that were already past and covert stimulus to actually reach the people that were needed.

So when they pass another package is the people that they get the help is needed to let me focus in really quickly J on the political calculation here because by pushing away one of the 50 votes that they need in the United States Senate is sending the message that they're going to have to have Republican votes and I will tell you J in a vacuum of Republican voters. Senators are willing to pass a covert stimulus package. But here's what's happening in the United States House of Representatives this week. J there beginning a budget reconciliation process to move covert stimulus with only 51 votes Outlook. The only way to look at this day as they don't want Republican votes there there using a strategy that doesn't plan to get Republican votes and yet they're chasing away one of the Democrat votes that we need J the only thing I can call that political incompetence in thinking about the course and that's is the site is preparing for an impeachment trial and instead of focusing on covert relief with the American people. People made their focusing on an impeachment trial that a person is not present anymore. Will commented on this several times J, I mean you got the present United States was being yet been paid by the house is no longer the President of the United States. The Senate does not have jurisdiction, but their revenue profile in the Senate is going to be at trial.

The house managers are coming over there working overtime to do the impossible and that is to impeach a President who is left office.

Instead of focusing on covert relief and then fighting with their own body with Kemal Harris going to West Virginia without even Joe mentioned knowing and disparaging his stated his presence telling people that their suffering that their hungry scavengers. One thing to say about the people in West Virginia. All this is everybody agrees Washington. We need to get the next covert relief package to Logan's by the way, and everybody agrees me furthers on your radio broadcast covert relief as necessary economic relief is necessary and there fighting with each other, not Republican, Democrat, this shows you the dysfunction that is already begun. 10 days into this fighting through the media.

Of course this seems to be a catalyst to take this to the right of the street which is all a Joe mansion of the same party coming on the line involving Joe mentions with the one they always did talk about is like you know he's like a Democrat like but we what you thought you were my rant about me last Friday. I feel the same way. This is weapon icing media still because you can take over the airwaves in certain areas and bypass local representation representatives who really know what's going on in your own home state, especially right now with those areas really could use the relief: zero table take a 430 with a lot of you watching and we want you to stay engaged.

So when I can think of audience watching the Facebook social media YouTube or stay alive when I can take a break on our radio network support will be taking a break so those of you that are watching right now, that's a lot and will take God calls well 100-684-3110 is the challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms and rights in courts in Congress and in the public exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about our life changing, member today. See only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn life will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the street and what Obama care means many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online/we know what you want to know you want to know whether the checks come so we get some economic relief. We know that's what you look at our social media numbers when you do broadcast like this numbers double triple because bipartisan people want to know when their relief is good, becoming Ed, I we all know that there was that $2000 attended the $600. That was back up and smell the table I had ever gone the site or the electric. A lot of people want to know what the genuine update. I think this is right were getting were getting.

It's all that's in it, and then I want to get the most current numbers in the current situation, but Andy's in her studio in Atlanta right now and any I know that you when you went out to dinner knives we going out to dinner from time to time these restaurants are still empty. I'm sure it's the same related to their third of the capacity where they work. These people up there I'll go find me pages for I know restaurants in Atlanta that a been around for 100 years to try to stay in business so people are trying to say we need PP you know relief.

We need the protection plan will be PPP we need the individual relief to those that are still struggling with employment and you're in a major city were in a major city and it's for real.

Only ask that you mention I like to mention the name of the restaurant business in Atlanta for 100 years continuously business classic southern fire classic Southern cuisine and yet are dying there literally dying there asking the go fund me for people to common people to come up with $100,000 to tide them over and they're doing take out there doing things like that.

But if you go to delis and restaurants in Atlanta. It's empty and people are suffering all masked people walking around in supermarkets and grocery stores, covert relief is something that is desperately needed.

I'm in the economy is seriously teetering and yet were fighting over things that we shouldn't find over and were doing things and Stan said why are you going one direction. When the Republicans are holding their hands out to you to try to come up with a united front and get some covert relief. Kemal Harris needs to talk to Joe Biden need to talk to each other and together they need to talk to the Senators cinema and mansion get on the same day.

Talk would be good because when Logan sits right there using basically the media as a weapon against the wrong people, easy you know it's like a sub tweeting somebody you talk about someone over here so then they come to talk to her here no direct communication. It's very, 20, 21, if you well. People don't directly communicate and the problem is when you access your vice President sure you have access to news media because your local affiliate says we have the VP would like to say some of your people course, they're going to say yes of course the airwaves are yours. That's just how it works. And now this is how it should be, but when there's these situations where the American people's livelihood is played at Yale is a piece of the game of chess to circumvent certain politicians because you may not agree with Mike that the same party.

We do know that Joe mentioned his head significantly feelings towards certain more liberal leaning Democrats so what's easy way to get around it go directly to his people, something she has the access to it again. I believe she should have the access to.

This is not to say the best way to do it because just like in your own home state what you are more likely watching. This is just 100% truth anymore watch likely watch a Presidential or vice Presidential address to your state or even your own state senators and congressmen your governor I would bet People don't even know who those people are so of course this is a very easy way to target a specific group of people and expect specific geographical location and say here's the message you need for the people you trust that your local representatives. I believe there needs to be some more respect for locals to go into the these highly contested Presidential elections where the vote split in half if I think yeah now the election the local level need to be really any really needed to dive it more deeply. If you're someone who just go to the Presidential start looking what's going on that control your neighborhoods okay sufficient. What where are we with the planet.

What is the plan right now. Well there competing plans out there. Pres. Biden has a plan out there, the cost about $1.9 trillion in there.

There's a lot in there J but the thing that's the centerpiece would be to direct payments to the American people and he's proposing a $1400 payment to every adult starting to phase out around $75,000 of income.

The proposal that's put forward by these 10 senators who are going down to the White House today J it it's it very similar in many regards, just a little bit smaller cost about $600 billion in the initial payment would only be $1000 would start to phase out a little bit sooner but here's really the thought process behind that J if they could pass a smaller bill like that with 75 or 80 or 85 votes in the United States Senate and then there was a need for additional stimulus. At that it would be very easy to accomplish because you would have a coalition of 80 senators ready to go along if they're going to push through something with only Democrat votes and by the way, if it's can have you know half $1 billion for state and local funding and then the American people come back and say were still suffering were still not all the way open. We need another payment where you can go for for votes, then J that sort of that that the lay of the land here. I think right now what has happened is a got a get a bill through. It's gotta be reasonable and nippy in the American people leave relief. I mean it it's it's that reality. But what works this interparty fighting is unreal to let me play for you Kemal hire VP Harris a beep beep light vice President Harris.

This is what she said in West Virginia aimed at Joe mansion, but Sen. Democrat from West Virginia we ran Democrats that we are Americans and we will eat as American as the reason I am here at last meeting and talking with you is because everybody matters. Let the press and not that's what she said Joe mansion happened here. It is what he said. I saw no one called me to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward. I think we need to we need to work together that's not a way of working together what was done, a bipartisan pathway, which is great. They're the same party that both Democrats are bad. I wondered, I'm beginning to wonder about Joe mansion because the center conservatively center moderate and some things that you know you would think that he is a Democrat but sometimes in many times he comes across as a reasonable guy, but in trough party disputes among the vice President and the senior senator from West Virginia should not be happening at this time would vice President Harris is trying to do when she is going after minutes also supposedly fan. I guess centers in Mattoon was well yeah doing doing media in Arizona and look let me just give a peek behind the curtain here when you played that sound from Joe mansion, one of the things he said was no one called me J when a President or a VP goes into a state or locality and does press in that state and some of the federal officials are from the same party. It is just manner of courtesy and also political expediency to reach out to that elected official and say look, come and I want I want us to be on the same page. So what are you thinking, how do you think is the best way to get help to the people of your state. I want to be on the same pages you. Let's talk. Let's get on the same page. The fact that that did not happen.

J I think puts in great jeopardy. The vote of Joe mansion and again I mean I know I sound like a broken record here, but if you don't get the vote of Joe mansion. You don't get the vote of Courson Cinema. That means you only have 48 votes from your party. You must get Republican votes to pass something through and while they're doing that in the House of Representatives there using a parliamentary tool that says we don't need any Republican votes for J. I naturally come up with about using that strategy. But there's a problem in the American people are suffering. Here are the American people that elected these people into office to get results. Now you may disagree with the way the election came out but here you got the vice President United States attacking her own party because they don't like what the part, the members of her own party are saying they're not on the same page. In other words, which means their legislative affairs people in the White House aren't getting it done. So it begs the next question here and that is this the only people suffering are not those senators and congressmen in Washington DC. It's the American people, and there using the media as a web saw Logan took take on a get this all fired up time for this clip from Jen Saki replay that this is what I was brought up in the press briefing at the other nice.

Let's take a listen and idea of what's coming out spreads coming out of the White House. Harris the interviews in the state of West Virginia and Arizona is concerned that the reconciliation may not be realistic or that you may lose some Democrats is that why Harris is making is keenness calls because we want to make the American people across the country and obviously she's not traveling to the states and holding big events or even events with not big crowds, but some crowd and said this is a way to do exactly that, a clear answer is that even me with a big events that I do it small. If it does not. That's crowds out of its with no crowds is not of itself, is that which is Joe mansion to see if we can embarrass him into embracing something that he doesn't want to do the complete guide to question everything she addressed it.

That was when you try to answer why should without having to answer you come up with a budget but you know she's not doing events big events in Aratus small events local theater is not doing so, like, let's go to presentation schoolchildren are just going on the news reaching as many people as she can through through social media.

Television broadcasting and circumventing the people who are actually on the and those are her party people not on the ground same party for said question was are you trying to charrette Democratic support. Well, if that was the goal from that now it fail fail fail to phone calls 100 684 31 to gifts, what are your thoughts 100-684-3110 only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the industry and what Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now stored constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ were talking about what is happening with this stimulus package and the fact that we got doing within the Democratic Party.

Fighting with each other. The vice President was present. Harris is gone after Joe mansion, the Democratic senator from West Virginia and also christened some of the Democratic senator from Arizona.

Why, because not that they're looking at the package a little bit differently than the other but I think the way to start the segment broadcast out is to let you know because you think about all this, by the way phone lines open 100 684-311-0800 684 30 went that we talk about the issues you want to give you some answers. So we need to look at the dueling packages lovingly go to bed and what family I want to go through the process of what's ahead you go through the Biden plan to sit, so the bowl points are calling it the American rescue plan expected to cost $1.9 trillion again this includes a $1400 direct stimulus check which would supplement the $600 checks that Artie pass late last year a individual earnings less than $75,000 a year will receive the sick will receive the full check married couples jointly filing of earnings a lesson hundred 50,000 also do the full amount as well. The payments will phase out entirely at $87,000 for single filers without children and hundred 74,000 was married joint filing and the new payment to go to adult dependents that were left out of the earlier rounds.

Some children over the age of 17 and also include households with different immigration status including the first room 1200 checks left out of spouses of undocumented immigrants who do not have a Social Security number is a bunch of different things as well.

Additional hundred $60 billion for national vaccine programs okay 20 billion for just a mission. We have allotted on your cell hundred 70 billion for K-12 schools okay because audit on on that what you're expected to get if this passes okay okay so when we got first of all forgo to process the vibe, Logan read it right fan, there's a minute to read things wrong. I asked her or descending taxpayer dollars to undocumented aliens that what it's saying, that's correct. J and and I think that's probably when I want the American able understand this your taxpayer dollars euro loan paying for this are going to people that are not legally in the United States. Go ahead and finish the that's just the start of it to. I mean there's another $350 billion in here that are essentially state bailouts in and looked at me.

I think you said it right, jamming the American people are hurting and they need direct assistance and quite frankly that's where Joe mansion is on this. He says I don't have any problem with that first party benefits $1400. Even if it's a lot upfront, maybe, maybe more than some Republicans are comfortable with.

I am okay with that. I just don't want to spend money that we don't have because we might need to come back and spend more on behalf of the American people so that's really the main difference between these two approaches do we want to expand the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars on things either unrelated to COBIT or J as you mentioned, spend them on people who aren't Americans so that again was the vines plan, which is the American rescue plan is an illegal immigrant rescue plan is also GOP plan a question that's it's out of here. The date you're guarding over $400. So it's hundred dollars check versus a thousand check is not lump.

This is the problem.

People see that there was a headline public. It will give you thousand dollars.

Democrats will $1400.

At some point plan politics with $400. Why think people are playing politics but by Logan I would answer your question in this way don't think there's any way of saying that this is the end of the line and we don't know exactly when the end of help from the federal government is needed in order to come back to the well to maybe pass an additional check what you need you need 75 or 80 senators in the United States Senate who are in this together and are willing to help the Biden administration get it done. If you force it through on a partisan basis. Yes, you might get $400 more now but Logan.

It basically leaves you with nowhere to go and next time you need to go back and provide more assistance comment related to this from YouTube Stephen on YouTube. Yes, it's a simple question is that the battle over covert bill actually is asked about covert relief or is this a fight for all of the add-on billions and trillions of dollars in port funding that he says that the Democrats what, but honestly, you can go either way when the other was packed yet, but there's $350 billion of relief to the states for their own issues. Includes California and others, but I it's amazing to him. The calling of the American rescue plan Andy while the funding is going to include people that are undocumented.

Which means are not legally in the United States.

That's part of this day, I find that very distasteful and wrong. You have persons, and now you know it's not politically correct to call people in the illegal aliens you have to call them undocumented persons or something like that.

The reality is, these people are in the continental United States or in Hawaiian Alaska within the borders of the United States. Contrary to the law of the United States, they shouldn't be here. They can live my immigrant grandparents and yours came in legally they came in through quota systems that came in through other means. During the time of immigration and immigration that is continued throughout the their continued throughout the 20th century. Why are we spending 350 million or whatever that figure is on covert relief for people who are not 50 billion is actually doesn't. That doesn't go to people that goes to states. Not that doesn't go to people. I understand look, there is economic relief is desperately needed here in our immigration system is a mess and I as you know, I've been one is called for immigration reform. I mean significant immigration reform include a pathway to citizenship should not be shipping they say 12 million 18 million that was 10 years ago is probably 40 million shipping 40 million people out of the United States also worked to side like I like to get work given paying taxes okay if they get they need the relief like everybody else would.

The problem with this whole thing is I think it is what Chuck Schumer himself said this is the problem and I told you on this broadcast where to fight these issues out. This is the problem. Listen to number 20. We hope that we can move forward in a bipartisan way with our Republican colleagues cooperating but we need bold action and if we can't move forward with all have to do with getting the job done. The old way is the number one priority should go and send your vice President to attack Democrats.

Yeah, some of it is. This is the ball but also the way there used to do immediately got us in the tubing.

The fact that they have the access where it was Republican vice President.

I'm sorry I will get on every new source in every late-night talkshow in a social media you know owned property. Just like it happened. So you do use the tools that you have and you gotta give it to him for that. I disagree with the method. I disagree with the concept of not evolving with people.

The local level.

However, they will get it done or talk about it today and should say something, something we get back for the break. I want people to what they can realistically look at getting. I think that's important numerically bunkmate and the timeframe of how this actually happens.

I think that's a bit good is you depend on how much they're willing to work together on this put this out there is a teaser J if if the Biden administration were to say okay will use that $350 billion, and instead of giving it to the states will plus up your plan to include $400 more for every American great gate that would pass almost unanimously in the United States Senate that spoke that's what were doing. We do this broadcast behind the politics to show you what the real issues going on within think that $350 billion in revenue, making $87,000 year or less hundred $67,000 the family are less that would be a good utilization of money by throwing it into the state coffers mean that the whole rollout with the states on the covert relief of the vaccine. Submit enough to say, do we really want to do that right support the work of the ACLJ knew that ACLJ data will be back in one minute with more on this topic ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms and rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member.

Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow were talking about this issue, covert relief and lack of this is usually the start talking about getting the economic relief through the stimulus package is because of covert that were having to do this and as the pandemic still unravels and still has its impact and and and we know there's a lot of pain a lot of loss all across the country's January was a terrible month for fatalities. This is, it's a terrible situation and people may relief the problem is the fighting in Washington is out of control out of control. The point we gotta get this the right network it because we know you need. We know people need it when we want to explain to you what's likely they're fighting over $350 billion that the Democrats want to go to the states so fan. What would that do for the states exactly in most cases, J it would bail them out for having budgets that were upside down, leading into this. States like California states like New York State like my home state of Illinois. J it's it's not covert specific dates dollars to bail them out in the argument. You can hear from the Democrats just to be a fair-minded here is that it's the it's been the covert pandemic. That is because their budgets to suffer. But what I would challenge anyone who believes that argument to go back and look at the state budgets of the three states that I mention from 2018 2017 2016.

These are state budgets that were already upside down and and by the way, I'll say this again if we spent $350 billion for that purpose.

Guess where that $350 billion can't be spent in direct payments to the people who are suffering because of the pandemic. It's with this right now that's just the truth. JII just like me don't understand why because the states can bail themselves out here.

Their problems predate covert. Let's be realistic here in Utah about $350 billion at the American people could get is a direct benefit. I would say that would be better use of funds a lot better use of funds.

That's not evidently that's not the plan so we need to look at a time frame of when this is going on how school work or talk about that in a moment. Come back in the break, but I want to take a quick phone call before the break. Let's go to one line to Texas. I want you good morning all morning about all the way. We are right prior little overlap so we have their waste to know that those checks were not we wait, there's a lot of love that I like. I doubt we don't need to check. Finally, and we both know water clean they needed so I don't bring up the point that is been a concern to everybody and that is Andy that the broad categories of the leaf they're being granted here need to be tailored to people that actually really need this, and there are people that really need this relief. And there's businesses that need these those loans again. All of those kind of things that need to happen and that the way the plans are, but it's just kind of a giveaway without any real thought as to who gets the relief and where it's needed.

I tried and I made. I sympathized and understand the caller particularly this is not a tailored program. This is not a program that is getting the money to the individual human beings who were standing behind the counter is that Dragon right delicatessens and grocery stores who are packing groceries who are at cashier stations who are pharmacies trying to work you know behind the counter and doing that this is just throwing money at states that you have pointed out correctly have for decades mismanaged their economic systems and who shouldn't be getting bailouts like California and so forth. Instead, we should be focusing on the individual human being and the plight of those particular persons as you have pointed out, it is the caller really correctly says and I sympathized with her entirely be back in just a moment before then give us a call 1-800-684-3110 2064 3110 phone lines are open right now. Would love to have you on the air. Also check out all of our work. custody posting brand-new stuff there, each and every day it's channel called Beagle program show. I do find it on YouTube described Logan Sekulow to Jay Sekulow challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to start constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines checking your freedoms and rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable voice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 Years Later Washington St. what Obama care means many ways your membership is empowering the right question mission life today online/fighting Congress over getting stimulus aid to you American people before we go back to that. I will let you know that our office are European Center for Law and Justice working with our Washington DC office and other offices have filed in the United Nations. Various reports on multiple countries, including Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Pakistan as well in Pakistan. Hundreds of families Christian families were forced to flee over a Facebook post as pastor was arrested zapping today Christians in India being forced to flee for refusing to not renounce their faith. We had those cases we had individuals in India that we had to get out.

We filed today. If you're watching on our television broadcast. We filed today a series of documents. Universal periodic reports with the human rights Council because even though I think that the human rights Council is is doesn't do what it's supposed to do 100 different levels we have to engage these international bodies on behalf of people that cannot speak for himself or just will get back to the patented situation with the relief package in a moment but then I think it's important for people understand the significance of going to these various international bodies to represent people that cannot represent themselves. J this is some of her most important work all around the world and is one of the main reasons that we pursued consultative status of the United Nations was to be able to speak for the persecuted when they're being persecuted when when nobody else really can speak for them. Jason did the filing that we made today in Nigeria did just a list of atrocities in the tens of thousands of Christians who are being slaughtered with wood by genocidal acts. We brought light to that situation today and you're right, this is something we think we regularly do. Through these universal periodic reviews the five that you mention were just filed J but look over the course of the next few years as it cycles through a we will file a report on every single country in the world is recognized by the United Nations, highlighting the various human rights. It happens inside the hoarders body to start with, and said, every in the next five years, every single country in the world. We will be filing reports on non-tomorrow broadcast the first up our to go through some of these was I think it's important to say is written along with us tomorrow be good because he obviously and in his work on these international issues knows this very well were to go back to what I was here at Sears for the ACLJ makes a huge difference in this is an example of what we do with the American Center for Law and Justice.

We got a total war going on in Washington DC right now while people really need assistance and what I want to do is offer some hope here Van because despite the media wars is logos been talk about people need relief. How do we get there and what is a realistic timeframe. 10. Republicans are going to meet with present buying today right and I and I actually think J that is cause for hope here.

Here's where I would start with that the votes to pass covert relief in the United States house and in the United States Senate J. They are there and very often on a large number of cases you cannot say that there are problems inside one caucus or the other and you can't get to the 60 vote you need in the United States Senate J that is conclusively not the case for covert stimulus relief in the meeting that you mentioned it's gonna take place at the White House is proof of that. Obviously, the Democrats control 50 seats in the United States Senate. There are 10 Republican senators going down to the White House with the message that says we are ready to pass covert stimulus relief.

In J it's not just words, they've actually put out a proposal that says we think this is what looks correct. However, we want to talk with you.

And if we can reach an agreement. We will give you the 10 votes you need to clear the filibuster in the United States Senate. So I think that's where you have to start with open just very briefly to your question about timing working in that kind of bipartisan fashion is also the quickest way to get it done because if you can't do it that way.

J you have to go through a reconciliation process which involves passing a budget.

First, plain and simple.

It would take longer I live, as well as question on that because next week. Supposed to be a impeachment trial week. So what can the Senate do when the impeachment trials going on nothing. I mean honestly, unless they come to some agreement which I don't see happening once they get to impeachment covert is to be put on the back burner if it's not done that's the truth that they believe that that's what the American people face.

Now here's what the fights really about is not the difference of $300 or $400 is the difference of about 350 million, 1,000,000,000/400,000,000,000 or so as relates to, as it relates specifically to bailing out the states. Take a listen to this. The question and answer from a reporter to Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader $600 million offer from the Republicans that they say is of the Washington Post says is a bipartisan path forward. Is that something you can take any doesn't have any state, local money and look at that. Okay, that they should negotiate with us, not give us a take it or leave it offer we would like to negotiate with some but there are lots of things in the President's plan, that are not in their plan okay in any one of those is the $350 billion for relief for the states that were already in trouble before Calvin hit the shores of the United States yeah which makes no sense whatsoever. Why would be bailing out skies who had troubles in their budgets and who were acting recklessly and not acting in an economic way prudent fashion before. Why should we do this for Illinois and for California, New York and other jurisdictions it should have been taking care of themselves that money should go to the individuals on the streets working in their homes working in factories working in grocery stores and pharmacies and in restaurants all over there. The ones you should be getting the relief and states have acted imprudently and economically and recklessly in the past Valerie Washington on line 5 Valerie was wondering $600. Is there anyway I can call you should've already see that you have been situations that come up where Teresa didn't get processed right the IRS website, There is a button at the top of the website for people who think they have missed their check the status clearly marked pride put into basic information and it'll tell you what the current status is your initial $600. We have a lot of questions initially examine the package first first came to get it. We did days and days and days helping people through that. But right now the best places Logan said, is to go to the IRS website and it that you start to figure out the text. I think that actually the rollout of both rounds of that stimulus was actually pretty pretty well done on your right. If you do think you're over Miss Logan's correct buttons at the top of the IRS website and by the way, if you were overlooked. They are reissuing no so it's not like it's just gone. I would definitely encourage them to fill out that information and check on their status very important.

They just said, it's not like the PPP money.

The payroll protection plan money for the businesses that you know they reached the max on that.

That was it. This is money that you are entitled to under the law. If you can get it for an administrative reason, which is what it is, then they will reissue the check out to the appropriate account so that you get it now. Is there PPP protection in these bills, businesses, there is paycheck protection program money in the Republican offer and there is not new money inside the Biden administration package. So again that's one of the things that you have to stay worked out. I think it is to J when II think that needs that need to be one of the conversations tonight because I will tell you there is common ground to find here if they want to talk to each other will find out tonight if they want to talk to look at small businesses in this country are the backbone of America.

That's how people make a living.

That's how people feed their families.

And there's a fundamental to see in this is that which concerns me here. Why would the Democrats not include a plan for PPP protection, payroll, payroll plan protection to protect payroll for businesses so they get loans that they keep people employed there discharged the ideas you keep your people on payroll businesses up right which is very difficult for a lot of small business tens of thousands of closed up why in the world with the Democrats not have that in there and here's the reason I think I think is because it rather have a Direct Way, Republican plan has both payroll protection and it and direct payments, but I think the Democrats want Andy a direct payment so everything comes from the government and the small businesses they don't really care so much about well as an apostolic bank like Democratic party jamming they got the whole idea of the party if for government handouts to individual people and failing to recognize what you said and that is that businesses, small businesses are the backbone of America. We are now a nation of small businesses really, but the Democrats make you do you the money directly so that you can be all be beholden to the government and say yes I got my check from the government.

But what about the small business with employees five and eight and 10 and 20 people. What about them you forgetting that you're making the individual beholden to the government and you're not really supporting and propping up the small business is nothing for something, anything in the Republic and the Democratic plan to protect small businesses will there's additional federal unemployment insurance protection so II don't believe J there is new money for paycheck protection.

I can current confirm that for sure, but is definitely not one of the things are highlighting. Yeah let's take that out because I think that is one of the Republicans going down there that's instead of $350 billion to state governments that are already out of whack. Get some of that money to businesses so they can keep people employed six of the states that were more liberal leaning starting to reopen say we have to reopen as you are an amazing label.

We also give people a choice of their doctor to help out some states that you all this on the reopening.

This is a conservative.

Interesting that both sides 164, 31 to take calls coming up in the next segment in 164, 31 to stay with us the answer you want to know right here only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice right to life. We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn gold life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the street and what Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now stored constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines injecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ Way trial, which it really kind isn't because justices in sitting President frump is no longer in office. It says impeach and remove which you can't do here and then it talks over the penalties are in addition to that would be borrowing from for life from running for office.

We think it's unconstitutional. We think it should go no further than that actually position were taking.

I hope to have available for you in the next couple of days a a will do a short version of it. We have a rather lengthy position paper. We probably share with the Senate. What we think just what we think the Constitution sets what the founders meant and there's not a lot of precedent here, but one of the issues we get into is the unconstitutionality of this kind of proceeding. We have a petition up about that because when we submit our brief to Congress and let them know what were thoughts are.

We want to limit how many people were speaking on behalf of the my understanding is right now we have 197,000. We are hoping to get to 250,000 just is a lot more to go.

50,000 more to go by the start of the impeachment trial next week, we can say this, there's thousands of you watching right now, in tens of thousands of you listening to those who we know are online regarding online there's a 7000 watching on Facebook another 3000 on you to share a couple thousand over on Twitter, there's a lot you watching right now you got or just look there is a paid post on Facebook or YouTube. Scott maybe paid post there as well and you can sign the petition. We can get over 200,000 probably for the show is over. If you did this in lieu of seven minutes. Go to that seven minutes to do it sticks phone calls and a lot of calls Coveted rod. It is very line for Rodney on the run folder on my name to lashon-hara about cause back on hold while we didn't know that John can't give you bad feelings around stay on hold will get back to you. Let's go to Ross is coming in West Virginia line 3 Rossi on the go you got a little on the mobile clip. We believe the same way. My biggest issue is all about the 350 billion date, the states don't think for their stuff.

That stuff happened long before they need to work though they can pay that back to taxes or whatever you don't have a price to somebody. I think Joe Maxson that's what he said and West Virginia is been hit hard, like other places, but you know you don't want your taxpayers dollars loss plan for California's mistakes and California businesses need relief and that's not apparently not much in the plan.

Either Eddie and this is where it's just this.

This is why we are going to call it straight and in push to get the right result. Here, which is direct aid to the American people and to continue and yes I would say this I know it's good to be politically correct prop up small business.

There's a will you propping up small business.

Why would you not prop up the state because I'm prop up a small business that employs a lot of people that the problem they have is directly related to the coronavirus depend project. This day we had that problem before going any while the reality is that the backbone of the United States, and of most countries are small businesses. Small businesses that are now seriously. I desperately struggling to exist and to have their employees being able to live literally live from paycheck to paycheck. If they even get a paycheck.

Why are we not focusing why is this administration not focusing on getting the money to those individual human beings who are suffering out there were making very small wages are making in some cases have lost their jobs instead of focusing on giving money to bail out large states will back it recklessly in the past.

That's wrong and it should not be the focus of the government bailouts that should be it's wrong to go to individual human beings to just come up in the press briefing is the most fun soundbite, not really this work. Gone are the days of your spices that you said there is a get back in Maddie's sleazy little more stale if you will, but I think you should hear what they have to say this is about the size of the proposed GOP bill.

I see you here? About answer budgets are dollars are now.

I think our statement last night made clear that the President believes that the risk is not being too soon going to small going going not big enough and that his view is that the size of the package is commensurate with the crisis were facing a swipe is financially there's a big difference. Drink 16, 618,000,000,001.9 trillion is that it did not answer this question because they're not. They don't well part of it is they don't know the answer. Part of it is they are sending their own officers including VP United States to Democratic-controlled states were Democratic Senators to go after the Democratic-controlled center. So here's what you want to know how do we get this done so let me go up and quickly were to take another call fan. These people were getting a lot of phone calls. A lot of people watch today.

Listen today. We need to give them a timeframe on relief. How do we get this push forward so the American people get these checks in these businesses get this relief quickest way to put it forward is for the 10 Republicans tonight and Joe mansion and Kiersten Cinema to say to the Biden administration, take that $350 billion to use as much of it as you have to to bring the direct payments to the American people up to the number that you proposed and all of us will vote for it okay if the Biden ministration would do that it could happen next week that here's my question on the sand and in this is, I want to answer this so it's a timing thing next week.

Going to the impeachment trial so that week is probably shot completely so that I think that weeks probably out-of-the-box for most most work so we really have this week were talking two more weeks from now at a bare minimum day and I don't want to be moved because here's why. If you don't come to an agreement like the one we just talked about. You have to first go through budget reconciliation, you have to first pass an entire budget and then go back through that process again so look it needs to be this week and if it's not this week and you have impeachment and then after that day, it still needs to be bipartisan. Otherwise, I hate to say it, you're talking more weeks down the road.

I listen to last call today Bob in Georgia line 6 Bobby on the air glorious.

I can recall was the time to get Bobby on their area but no in and out nearly wrinkle free yet I so in the area of the average income of around 35,000 so workers think like most people are making 15,000. So why are they talking about 1400. I mean the benefits of those continue and stand is also an increase in that unemployment insurance, and in both the plans there would be an increase in the federal size David look here. Here's what I would say to Bob is exactly correct that this might not be the end of the road so you need 70 or 80 Senators on board because just another another pass, that it might be necessary. Unfortunately, probably necessary. So here's work in an American sinful injustice. We have lawyers and repair staff like they had that understand the economics, law and economics professors here.

We are to work to get and move Congress to get this moving. But next week we move into impeachment which is ridiculous of the President is not serving an office to stop the work of the American people. That's how absurd all of this is working to stay on these issues will stay engaged. We want to support the work of the ACLJ you could do that by going to ACL data ACLJ.R, check out all of her doing their policy. All social Logan Sekulow reprogram that I showed you to was other podcast platforms want to show how to find ACLJ's been on the frontline protecting your freedoms and rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ