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Vaccines & Impeachments: Is the Media Force Feeding Chaos?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
January 29, 2021 12:00 pm

Vaccines & Impeachments: Is the Media Force Feeding Chaos?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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January 29, 2021 12:00 pm

Vaccines & Impeachments: Is the Media Force Feeding Chaos?

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Secular reprogram takeover in today. We talked about vaccines and impeachment all the stuff because his media force meeting you into chaos.

Jay Sekulow one 800 God trailblazing radio show/secular reprogram takeover Jay Sekulow tilapia. Friday we used to come on Fridays will pop it. They finally invited his back. They said Logan will finally deem it appropriate for your shenanigans to return off didn't know is a show that brings a better ruckus.

But we can we get those texts tease you had, you know, it said chaos the word chaos used it's because we kinda bring a little bit of chaos.

Sometimes people say loving you just to dog ruckus but you know where here ready to do the reprogram for you and that is what were talking about were not talking specifically and heard the headline sought on Facebook so it on YouTube. Vaccines in impeachments but in general that we are to break down some the news that came out of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that broke this morning and how I believe. With this in the impeachment trial looming and a lot of other issues that are happening right now that the media 24 hour news is so desperately trying to grab your eyeballs grab your attention. Grab your ears that they are putting out headlines that I feel are misleading.

In general, and are only there to cause you internal chaos into the lead you to the next thing. Now that's nothing new with media. Nothing new in news but I think we have a few very specific examples and one of them will today is on the Johnson & Johnson covert vaccine which their study broke this morning and if you were just to read the headlines after we know that the majority vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine are both in the 90s and percentile. The main headline the coming-out people like the Washington Post, politico, the New York Times, a lot of people are saying specifically what the Wall Street Journal are fixating on a number and that number is 66% effective, which is a interesting thing while yes that is the part of the data as it is 66% effective. The next line essentially meets it's it's buried in their data is that currently right now the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine they believe has a 100% effective rate for preventing death or preventing a severe hospitalization or customization in general due to covert, 19, and I don't care about here to talk to about whether you should take a backseat not to correct that's not it. You deal with that is not that show what I am saying is got a call out the media when something like this happens because the headline should be Johnson & Johnson about the Johnson & Johnson baby oil. Now the take away. That's not 100% effective against death and hospitalizations due to covert, 19 I don't think you can even be able to make up your mind or make do not get done. Vaccine didn't say I would like a ride. That's not an option right now you get what you get because of the way that the rollout happens the way that the theirs ordered the government is helping with shipping across the country. They you think the media would want to boost up confidence, but when they lead across the board were seeing these these headlines say 66% effective.

That's not to boost public confidence in something when most people as we know headline and move on to one not taken that one right now you know what people are going to watch what is this, it is a Johnson & Johnson and always cry creating chaos as your misleading the American people with the way that you present information in that's happening right now and I see my liberal friends that my conservative friends about the upcoming impeachment trial because as we all know much like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is almost 100% not good at It. There's no conviction that the numbers are the numbers don't lie folks but doesn't matter to drive. The drive ratings. I would hear your thoughts.

Give us a call right now. 1-800-684-3110 1-800-684-3110 again think it was for this LJ this month the challenges facing Americans as time went on, no more freedoms or constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the Americans overflowing justice for decades now ACLJ is on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. You are already a member. Thank you thoughts well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God will where you can learn more about our life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable in voice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you personally.

Publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, when Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question mission in life today online/secular reprogram takeover secular though but will secular reprogram when we do that on YouTube.

Also on all your favorite podcasts players make sure you subscribe. I gorge mainly to subscribe on YouTube's lot more fun to see us get so pretty level of fun to see us on YouTube. That's just search Logan Sekulow Sema channel or just Sekulow reprogram. I also want to again thank everyone who donated to the ACLJ to continue to support the work you were doing you find all the news we don't give a brand-new series rolling out very soon that I'm working with our team on about why the ACLJ is needed more than ever now or combating an administration that we saw recently well the last week. Not exactly friendly to a lot of our most core issues, whether that be life, whether that be a very sake, had a noncommittal conversation with the BDS movement against Israel.

She was like well were not even traveling versus a ship traveling right now but if we do we will see there I went out specifically, BDS is it anti-Semitic and I'll circle back with us or go to the stars. I think she knows that if she saw that YouTube video how many times she says circle back, no vocal tics right hers is circle back.

She did say something to be effective. If there's any more information I can get to. I will because that was it was raised in the confirmation hearing of the next ambassador to the UN and the master. The UN actually was stronger than I was expecting out of a nominee for Swiss trade balance.

We got one not doing this right is very pleased.

There are some issues because there is reports that one of the people hired her. I don't think it was a confirmed position. I think it's in the national Security Council like a deputy level which may be confirmed. I have to check on that. But is someone that was in his college years was very pro BDS was a part of some of those collegiate organizations that push that on college campuses, which we know is just anti-somatic and also anti-Israel and just something that we have spent years exposing here in the ACLJ so we get to keep a close eye on that as things go forward that so hopefully that's her deal with more than ever campaign were doing at the ACLJ can find out more about that new blogs, videos, holder series coming up very soon. Next couple weeks been working on that were also working on our kids gentle bald beagle if you seen that. But if you have kids, grandkids, Odyssey just a little refreshing yourself. We see what happened to American history, classrooms, and we've decided to take it upon ourselves to create other programming and other educational opportunities in a fun and exciting ways is really cool stuff coming on the bald beagle channel that's also on YouTube. Also, bald Take a look at all of that most recent video we did some for Martin Luther King Day organ have a new one coming out in the next week or so and then couple come up shortly on some of the Presidents because it's it's in the budget we celebrate Presidents' Day coming up in a few weeks I will have some fun with that but will this go back to what we talked about here to get if you have these thoughts or questions or comments, give us a call when he hundred 684-3110 about how the media seems to be sending you into chaos. Keeping in a depression, high amongst people. I know that there's a lot of studies will be on studies that say that while people are consuming strictly in those election years consuming way too much for your brain to be able to handle so whether the 24 hour news cycle is even healthy for you is one big question that we've asked ourselves here even as I provided our daily five additional content you can watch online. I'm throughout social media were not here running a 24 hour feet of chaos were tell you the truth when stuff happens. You needed up. That's why were here and I will go back to this Johnson & Johnson news get Johnson & Johnson release the findings this morning of their vaccine sort of the study and what one of my friends. She was part of the study. She doesn't know she had the placebo or not.

I mostly tell you now. I think she may know, maybe today you get results back. Now they had done. The study is they have to do it the synonymous repair it and vary the calling of triple blind where there is different layers of people that there's the ones that distribute them, then who decides who gets what and then the administrators so it's really hard to just really it's did try to stop faking data that's the whole purpose of it is so no one any step really knows which are police Ibos which are the actual vaccine so that they can't skew their data for a better result. So yeah she doesn't know whether she got it or not that's beside the point the set.

The study showed the big wide and there's other information to you want to go over the big line which is not the lead is Larry talk about this. You think the lead would be that this is 100% of his people is that we are going to die eventually that's what were talking about this COBIT related. It stops covert related death that's COBIT related hospitalizations, you may still get at a mild or moderate case know the headline is that it's only 66% effective, which again is misleading and disingenuous regardless of your pro back and have asked doesn't matter what I am is pro truth is a truth seeker or someone who wants you to be a Maria headline in it and know that it's real fishing. It's coming from legit sources like the Washington bug collision quotes, Washington Post, politico, CNBC, washed multi-turtle New York Times. Most people see those legitimate sources and you want to see these headlines. What they are well and I looked at those in most of the ones you mentioned are very straightforward headlines of COBIT 19 vaccine was 66% effective. That's Wall Street Journal.

I saw New York Times is headline I got a little bit of hope like maybe the New York Times and seen the light, nor can it be just your mongering here but it says this Johnson & Johnson's vaccine offer strong protection.

Okay that's better than only thing 66%, but you'll's concern about variance.

Okay, so they're already putting a little bit more fear and here we have all heard about this variant that was discovered in South Africa. It is starting to pop up in different places in the UK you heard another aggressive but then six paragraphs into that article. It reads this, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 85% effective in preventing severe disease, regardless of what variant caused the company said, while less effective than the maternal and Pfizer vaccines that would be overall percent. Johnson & Johnson is still considered strong vaccine by scientists annual flu vaccine. For example, typically 40 to 60% effective, but also it's one dose and it doesn't have to be frozen like those others, it's up In refrigerators. There's a lot of that is there some more ease to it.

Then some. The others example so it's not the same mRNA technology that was brand-new for these others that have caused some concerns about people. It's a brand-new technology.

We don't know too much about it. This is similar to an Ebola vaccine that Johnson & Johnson had previously provided and was effective in use against the Ebola vaccine so it's it's technology that is been used before. There's a lot of differences that could have been highlighted right up front that more people would be interested in then using the lower then genuine statistic that they should've go out there.

They buried the lead.

We saw this as well with a lot of the pricing the headlines for the double mask lobby. Bob suggested that whether you moved to double masking like Anthony Faucher, Dr. Felty has recommended this but really when you look at what he said he was. He was pushed to answer question a multiple times and his answer was essentially a habit but his answer was essentially just yeah of course if you where to layers. It's gonna be probably more protective order 90 like there are ways to be more so say we need to go do this and this is where people see those headlines now to says double mask for several of the other got a double mask. This is where it gets a little out of hand and we gotta be careful yet you have to read what her or listen to what you love to say I think we have that it will productive out a lot of folks that are here allow that double masking went to masks or try to get one of those and 95 medical grade masks do you believe that that's advisable and makes a difference.

You know it, it is likely does because I mean this is a physical covering to prevent droplets and virus to get in. So if you have a physical covering with one layer you put another layer on it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective yes or just saying we have. If I do this then I had another one sure is actually getting answer the do you believe it is wise so he just said it is marching like notaries that I would but I think that that is where a headline gets created, and then we wore protective well of course let's just go to logic.

Logically, if you put another barrier between you and some of is going to be more protect that's life.

You know anything is a barrier between me and you as a last chance that if you put the punch me if you get another layer. Then you scream or it could break your heart and are not nastily trying to defend Dr. Felty here were now pointing out that the media then ran with this incense pouch it says double mask are necessary and I see people who this entire which it should take a bit of suitable diversity is to be people who have gone into real depression over the constant change. I've seen it firsthand and see people I know and I love that had this problem and then they get this hope of the vaccine and then I start throwing in with it.

Now there's the district now there's a double masking. Now there's a vaccine. So 66% effective.

You thought it was really this is more effective than I thought it was. If you really look into it, but it's to create this dangerous chaotic ratings pull eyeball pulled click baked that really is controlling a lot of hunters news media just media in general. We've all seen it.

The problem is when that's the big players also playing into it. We have to really take a look at how media can be deliberate clear live were for merely seeing that we see all the fact checkers. If you will use a lot of go away, but by that call 800-684-3110 I would hear from you and 100-6431 zero only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn. It's called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, when Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/challenges facing Americans is freedom's or constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines projecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God will where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ Guillory program take over a second yellow radio now is her during the break and watch what's next. If you're watching on Facebook or YouTube. Some fresh meats and there will yeah remain. Jordan can pick some is now yeah you get it out.

Classic rock sounding 80s rock him.

You sound like your two current. It's just like that he picked up know that's that's what he thought the segment need to start with but if you don't know were talking about. It's over on the Jay Sekulow Facebook is where were live as well. If you're listening on radio. There was a break video it had Jordan and had I sent on I'm clarifying by mistake. I did say watch on Facebook or on YouTube will just like that because he's a radio person. I'm just saying it's better you get to see us and trust me I look exactly like what you think I look I'm sitting here in a suit and tie ready to take on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Well, I think you're wearing a uniform for the newest branch is what I am wearing United States 's officially licensed I think is officially officially licensed from the folks at Amazon. I'm not sure that I don't know this was a Christmas present them a big span right so hopefully we'll see the dismantling spy this current administration by demonstration calls for that even George decay. Mr. Star Trek was like I can't believe were saying the spaceports flag flying during the inauguration can you and have a career without space travel right you should be the one excited, but no. Because the trust administration. You know like even though there was already space command within the Air Force they know and I still love you know that the logo is the Delta, which is too close to Star Trek, which will Star Trek ripped off from our own military right in the Air Force. Whatever it is what it is I do like, what's that what I called the guardians right that's their other sick soldiers and their guardians. That sounds very futuristic to me.

I like more future, the better.

Okay, talk about my future, the better the vaccine.

Now let's talk about somebody on the phone about it. Well, I read the comments on hope it's going to rain in the New York online for your on the air. Thank you for listening. I wanted to comment about this Johnson & Johnson backing all of the beckoning you have to as the most of the bowl of all the backing to administer and even if it is only 85% effective. The fact that it is one injection.

The fact that the freezing requirements only require a moderate refrigerator… And being the most feasible to administer may be thinking that it should be. I am disheartened that the media does not consider that our goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible as speedily as possible to make it a game paper beneath our call screener that he's a doctor, so that's so Raven here be a practicing doctor, Dr. of education Dr. different, Dr. you know call screener. Maybe when you're different, but still Raymond, I appreciate your comment. I really do appreciate that. I think if you look like right now on twitter I just logged over twitter that's what you said Raymond just that headline is the number one trending thing twitter right now is Johnson & Johnson says it signals advising to 66% effective in preventing a moderate to severe pelvic 19.

However, the hundred percent effective from severe pelvic 19 and get in. Then he goes on to now comparing the modernity. That's a guess what I'm care what you think about that same educator, but this is that with the show is about the show is about how the media is moving things are also many things in terms I'm still laughing at the doctor education, a man I loved Raymond Gray called but I mean guys who eat when you put these doctors talk about vaccines by assumption would be wills assumption. I believe what he mentioned that some sort, MD right even if he said ghetto practices in your New Age medicine.

I don't know that's an MD logons. I think that's a medical doctor that they would pay without medicine, but was given all of the elders that's different.

I feel like the New Age. Now you talking Christmas stuff that Joe Rogan sells the bricks all right.

Let's set let's talk about this than the beyond the vaccination will move on, guys. I know I know I'm singer comes removal a limit order talk little more about the impeachment trial that is looming. What were couple weeks away yeah be that happy downtime very ninth is when it's supposed to begin in the Senate and that's after. There's briefing schedules and things.

There is this question of will. It even get to trial because in the Senate because Tim Kane, Sen. Kane has been pushing this move may be of us ensure that which means what it's basically a slap on the wrist. You did a really bad thing.

We can him your timeout yeah but the the fact that he's been talking to Susan Collins about this move. She has been on record saying that she would only go down that route. If it's in lieu of a trial not in addition to so there's there's a lot of still moving pieces that could happen but one thing we know is that the media loves this.

They are fixated on it. The fact that they are going to continue to run nearly constant coverage of Donald Trump. Even now that's what makes no sense why the bite administration is like cutting out but look at us look at us. We are doing and I think there is a notice that this may not drive the ratings that they think it may drive because we seen opposite are really stories like what happened with game stop stock market and that's it that's ongoing right now. We saw this thing about Cuomo and how that the deaths in nursing homes were significantly more than originally reported there's a lot of those things we are seeing the pavement to because there a lot more interesting than impeachment of a former President that we know is going to result in an acquittal that is just awake is what they don't want you to know is what you see is how much money they waste on stuff like this in time they waste on this. I don't know outside of Hollywood.

This druid outside of Washington DC.

I'm not met one of my real friends was a Democrat who thinks that this is the right thing to do right now. They may agree that if this had happened during the trumpet ministration that he should have been impeached, convicted and thrown out of office but they at least all believe a little bit in that speech that was given from Pres. Biden now to bring unity in think this has gone too far and they think that this is where were going, you're also saying so much backlash amongst not only people but amongst 10K people who are clearly Democrats. The guy was the vice Presidential nominee.

Technically it was, it will get a lot of outs. But it's going say, none of this could be feasible.

Seems like a waste of time and money here guys are up thing where DOC to make, but it doesn't matter if you have career politicians you have people like Nancy Pelosi that are up there yellow that's about all they want is airtime and they're gonna get you the consumer. The person of media gets to decide how much time you give them that's what encourage you all keep a notice on how much you watch and consume specifically, 24 hour news media but also news media on anything including here. Keep an eye on watch what you're doing. Make sure you're playing with your kids are spending time with Victor so much doom and gloom in the world.

There's only a few things that can bring you joy.

Maybe they are spending time with your family. So turn it off and enjoy time with your family look I wanted to say this. Speaking of which, as we know the times are different. Right now they would change the last few months. Your support of the work we do, we can use or help as well. You got is a great commentary great blogs great things to take in. There is video content, audio content, and not just about what's breaking news around you because of the things that are happening in your community that are important as a Christian as a conservative standup you and your values. We do that the ACLJ someone asking that it was good

Take a look. Click the donate button and give this month of January as we think you need the ACLJ in the world. If ACLJ now more than ever, reprogram takeover secular ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and the public of the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side you're already a member. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ my Washington DC Jay Sekulow and now your post Logan Sekulow flag-waving God and online good time radio show takeover Jay Sekulow live secular radio it's Logan Sekulow will things we are talking about how the media is securing you into chaos.

They are giving you the Air Force you chaos when really you look at the big picture. There's a lot of good happening in this world. A lot of good things going on. You need to keep delighted that you need look the positives that are happening. Don't focus exclusively on the negatives.

You know what they like that because I know you're going to click this morning to reset may have seen Johnson & Johnson's vaccine global study came out headline read Johnson & Johnson vaccines only 66% effective. You may think wow I've heard the dirt heard Pfizer these other companies are in the 90s. Why was this even approached why will this be approved. Why because he looked two steps down this one-shot vaccine get one shot provides the complete protection against COBIT related hospitalization and death. The company says complete protection, but that's not the headline they're giving you there giving you a headlight to scare you there giving you headline to try to censor you and to make things feel like the world is caving in and we have to see help. We have, to see the truth and that also happened obviously with the impeachment trial it's about to happen. It's all a ruse. It's all Sharad because we know at the end of the day Geico McCoy Sharad at the end of the day. We know the result of you already know the results in my report on the fantasy," from maybe the most egregious of egregious Don lemon like a lot of the folks at CNN. I really do I think about some of those the 90s and they should stick to that, like the 90s, the documentary standing 70 right. The egg is documentary Seawright rock 'n' roll President you like decades is what you're saying. I like documentaries like to look in the past give you a better better times with nostalgic felt like the leader did not let but as soon as they do the split screen with Cuomo and Don lemon I'm like okay I know this is just can become an insult match and I don't hate watch things like a lot of people on YouTube. I don't hate watch things I like to watch a be informed, if I know it's just going to anger me. It's just going to cause chaos. Inmate hard pass. Let's hear from Don lemon. This will is about the potential of just an acquittal, right of writing a picture and where the blade picture.

So now he says big picture.

Let's listen to the big picture and the fact is no one is held accountable on big picture level former President congresspeople as support of his big black Fox News right-wing media they'll get off Scott free then why would they see it that way. There are no consequences. Okay, let's start calling consequences. There's a lot to be broken down to it if you don't do this is why impeachment makes me nervous because we just get whatever President from here on out will be a beach they get it right.

It means nothing and you say there's no consequences in using the consequence that it's Fox News with the consequent is for you when you spout off all of your lies in your propaganda that we all know comes out of CNN.

We all know when watching Fox or CNN or MSNBC. The slant that were getting were not stupid. It's just who you agree with.

Now it's a sad state of affairs like I'd I think there is something to say about some of this being online drum up as well.

January 6 think we all know. Looking back on it was not going to do nothing was going to happen, but because of the media and I would include right-wing media in this left-wing media that date became a spiral got out of control and it did get out of control, but you look at it go. This is the big problem here. We all misled it very lobby will miss headline is right headline and then the world goes into chaos. The fact that non-women wouldn't look internally at CNN also insight. Maybe there's some problems here that affected it's only two so design is that Brian seltzer show. It's just right. What will rent on the reprogram we brought up that he tried to say to get a guest on said you know what we need to figure how to turn down conservative and answers them. I turned down the ball in general.

Just you know turn it down, spend time with family or friends more, reprogram the challenges facing Americans for substantial time with our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ is going on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you personally and the publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, when Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question mission in life today online/secular radios Logan Sekulow the reprogram takeover. You don't know about the Logan Sekulow reprogram the show. I do as well as you constantly put out to Livermore this little more fun. Maybe it's a little more casual little more every man you find that on Logan Sekulow every woman you find on my YouTube channel up a blog contents. Another just check in went to pick up takeout by those videos, those the most popular videos in just one just ordered yet that is what you get today is what it is that's true headline Logan Sekulow eats Mexican food for dinner and then follows it up with lunch also Mexican right, let's move on from I think we should add technical right.

Let's take a call. Let's go to Carolyn online one from Maine, Carolyn, you're on the air. Hey Carolyn, I'm great how are you will call you question her, thoughts well I just like it would be appropriate to lay in since you didn't know person… Impeachment was a good idea sure and I am someone who thinks that accountability for your job in office did not suddenly and with no consequences once you leave off and I feel infinitely better about unity in this country once the person who didn't. She didn't mind scaled and right. You know the question for as long question for you because you're saying you would feel better about unity of this country.

You think the people on the opposite side of your political opinion would also feel unity in this country were down for so long and scream a lot her up when Hillary was and so are on in saying that they believe people should be held to sponsor and I mean I think this impeachment goes through you feel good about Hillary Clinton for Benghazi in fast and furious and all these things coming back up because what you're realizing is it's a slippery slope if you're cool with that.

On one side you cannot be cool with the other side.

They will then go after Hillary Clinton. They will go after Eric Holder and all the people they will be accountable for actions that they had in these situations. Are you cool with that bond. Okay Carolyn not to give himself we know well and I just wanted to boil it down, because Carolyn actually took a bigger picture of what she thought the impeachment meant, but what they specifically, this article of impeachment is for incitement of a right now it's Vic. It's a very high threshold to meet for that to be something that would be actually something to convict on one.

We also know that the 45 senators don't believe it's a constitutional impeachment. Specifically, Rand Paul told the hill in a written interview that the argument about it not been constitutional was crystallized when the Chief Justice declined to be the presiding officer over that trial.

So were also looking at institutional things that that a lot of people on the left are saying they want to protect the institutions of our democracy, but yet they also want to change the institutions of our democracy to meet their political purposes.

So they're not having it both ways.

They need to decide also. Okay, are we wanting to protect the foundational processes that are within the Constitution or do we wanted kind of stick it to the man and and come back here and get some political retribution.

And that's really what this boils down to is that Carolyn's mentioning she wants to see accountability. Accountability in for what she's asking for it won't be had because he won't get convicted and vote in so it really is doing more to divide us and unfortunately well it's the slippery slope, then it can cause more of what she doesn't want to see with going back to going after people for other very real, legitimate scandals like the IRS scandal couldn't Pres. Obama be retroactively impeached for the targeting of political opponents because we know that IN agency because we want that right now just proven you know it's just fact Carolyn, when you see those kind of thing. So that's what I want to make sure you're okay, but also to to speak to wills point, do you not feel responsibility to the financial and the strain that may come up people when you know that the answer right now is that there is a very I would say almost 0% chance of acquittal. I'm sorry of conviction in 100% chance of acquittal at this point so it really is just to show that is meant to divide more people because at the end of the day. Who wins. Pres. Trump I don't know that for sure numbers don't know I don't talking about spending money.

You know, I don't think the pursuit of justice is ever a waste of money. I think building allows the border wall is a waste of money. I saying the state space was Carolyn. I believe I've come to the conversation is not that I want to cut you off I just would like to personally move on. I see different saying I think it's a waste of money for your security that that's fine. That's a fine position for her to hold. I disagree. There's millions of Americans who disagree with that but that also the pursuit of justice. This is it pursuing justice here. This isn't the Department of Justice or or some structural judiciary process. This is a political show trial that will not have the Chief Justice of the United States presiding over it as would be the case of a present untrue impeachment and work were looking at something that just is is legitimately a waste of money because the President Pres. Trump not President by the Pres. Trump won't be there in person, so it'll just be Democrat house managers and then Senate Democrats airing out whatever they want to say on television from the Senate floor trying to get more TV time for who knows how long the other one was three weeks I believe. I don't think this will be as long. Hopefully we not put through that for three weeks encourage you really to watch it. To be honest like what you will learn right now a whole lot.

This is the truth. It's just Eric's wall well and Ted Lou lecturing America on television about what I mean is that rhetorical non-Shaklee that I don't want to see that I do not. I'm not a big lumen now that his biggest fan right to call out top-five that that big fan of his up there he is, while well probably is top-five so I guess what would've present something a phone screen is going mad about them.

So to say right now listen, to be honest with you.

This is a Logan Sekulow reprogram takeover few less people: don't know what I don't know why they do but a few less people: here's the deal. I got some open lights. Haven't you ever watch it right now. One of the thousands and thousands of watching right now, you're one of the millions listening on radio. Haven't you always wanted to hear your voice. Have you always wanted your voice be amplified by 4 billion.

Guess what, this is the time and I'm giving you that opportunity.

1-800-664-3110, 1-800-684-3110.

Be nice. Don't curse don't do things that will cause our phone screen would have to block you forever if we can do that its new technology will but I want you call Ed 1-800-684-3110 684-3110 and the phone lines are light up as expected. Have fun. There phone screen like a Saturday. I want people to what 100 684 31 Ted a next segment coming up on the Logan Sekulow reprogram takeover of secular radio written calls will so maybe good so maybe bad so may make you happy so make you said some the connections maybe bad guy because I'm behind their little Susie and today Susie and yeah yeah Dr. Seuss will lab education yet.I think I should since you the cat that listen I wanted take because we hear about weaving about media were tried light up your Friday guys. It is Friday. I hope you have a great weekend hoping to go out to take on the world or maybe stay home either one but you know maybe virtually take all the of the world throw rubble this weekend. The Royal rumble is this Sunday. If you're wrestling bad happens to be the one year anniversary last time people were over to my house so it's been a God hear from you.

Celebrating milestones will I realize that was a year ago now to like but very odd because you know we're used to having friends and family over, but the last time we had a group of people over was the Royal rumble last year you could still fill your house with joy. I appreciate all your support of the ACLJ Delicate flights on here in studio helps us do incredible work around the world, not just the current particular international efforts. We do a lot with restrictions that this really comes in the place will go away.

You may enjoy the last 4 Years Is Way, way more fun to take on the 100 684 31 only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how to personally support the publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question Frank called mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial freedom and sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to the American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ on the frontlines checking your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

Here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. You are already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ program takeover strongly got to do this.

I know you probably see it's been one of the top stories if you don't know about it. Go watch the reprogram we did about two days ago will.

20 minute monologue on the enjoy the game stop draw. I did enjoy it was informative. It wasn't this that we would like to make a little bit, but that was that Michelle was more diving into the every man's version finding out about what happened with the drama with the stock market in game stop and how Reddit was involved go look at that this it is you probably still it's one of the top headlight I was in the game stop game stops stock part say what Christ because a bunch of people on Reddit decided to go and there's no reason why listen to the message to me because we don't have 20 more Mendelian a lot of calls to this is the headlight again when we say not only does the media miss Pres. Trump we know they do.

This is how much they do. This was sent to us by degrees degree citizenry. He said the Robin Hood get this is from Forbes form staff headlight from the Robin Hood game stop, would've absolutely delighted. Pres. Trump that is the headline she read. It would have absent it when united the country united the country.

But this is the news the news as if he was still the President he would like which you could also said that out for the Robin Hood game stop drama absolutely has delighted the media because it's been nonstop coverage on the network.

Yeah it's it's front the top of every website it's the glia stories. It's a crazy thing but why is that your headline goes back to the entire manipulative way that headlines are being written right now. It's always to get you to click instead that's putting a seed there that for some reason that's a really bad thing that the President would've been intrigued by this story. So let's take some Pocock. I think that does action tie into Jim in Wisconsin line 1 Jim earlier, I happy Friday what I wanted to say I wouldn't pay attention so much to the impeachment trial as I would what goes behind the scenes of the impeachment trial. The reason I'm saying that is if there is an opportune time or by what I refer to as full a clown to find some executive orders yeah point in time where no one else will be paid attention because everybody else came to the truck to gain attention of the trial time for that, to the point which is you always have to be watching Washington DC what is actually behind the scenes what's going on and in look not to be used by both political parties most certainly has you distractible over here because you doing this over here you drop something Friday at 5 o'clock is discovered.

Outside there is a lot of strategy that goes into this will I wouldn't doubt it, but there's also to tie back into coming with going on the game stop. I also would be surprised to look we saw this this summer.

We covered was the number one story, then the marches with number one store in COBIT went away for a while and then came back. Don't be surprised that if a bigger story breaks that the impeachment trial could disappear. It will look, Lord, I pray it doesn't dishonestly the impeachment trial is pretty much boring as you get because you have a quite a already known verdict trial real fun to watch. You know this is not the 90s is that OJ is not everyone going around what's going to happen.

Those of you who are younger, you may be a good, but it's always happens, washed, right and into Jim's point as well, though there have been in an unusual amount of executive orders. These first you were at the end of two now.

I think it was something I 33 and and and then they showed how many Osama is and how many present Trump that in all these these numbers and it's it's crazy how many but to his point yesterday Mexico City policy, something that conservatives, especially pro-life conservatives are very much against. That's where foreign aid, which is going to countries and goes to different organizations that perform abortions when he rescinded that policy that for a name so your taxpayer dollars a goes overseas can now go to organizations or perform abortions or morally against it, but also he decided this is the agenda we got to do right now.

There's a crisis at home.

It also shows you when you're not paying attention is usually day one verse of Republicans when they're not paying attention though that's what happens. Let's keep going let's go to Alex in North Carolina line 3 Alex quickly run a little bit of time only gets more calls.

All right there we your many Republicans angry about one years we need to start now not white got Congress back and do something about. Well it's okay to comment that also.

This is we don't endorse political party or candidate or letter, but I get to say that I think there is that big move that will happen in our lifetime we have never seen a other than Reagan to Bush which we are very young, for we've never seen back to back parties right as an executive or in the presence so I think we will see Quick's flip back.

He was good to bring up an interesting comment that was more like, should we want. The hat was part of the when he was saying if the Republicans take back control it. We can impeach Obama. I don't think we need to be weapon dicing or baking impeachment.

This goofy is this is not what they would we think the founders of the Constitution had in mind. This is the problem. But however if they go ahead with this and something like this happens, you better believe it's going to happen because that is what happens in Washington DC the party that is in control. The game is played right against them so you know what, I'm not saying that I agree with but once the gloves are off.

It's going to happen again.

It's the same reason I believe that eight years goblin with Ben now. Six years ago for whether it was that it was up the report nomination that did make it through Mayor garlic not Mayor Merrick that got right. It didn't happen that people were kind of pushing that back in the face with a McCauley Barrett say what you believe this then they said well with the Cavanaugh trial happened, all bets were off so you know what, you change the game. You better be able to deal with the consequences. So have blood but really wanted to do. It's gonna take impeachment to evaluate completely and if not a matter every presence could be a preacher lifetime.

We just can have to live with it because it not matter.

It said a fictional thing, let's go ahead take any one of these calls will give a preference. It was good. Anthony on line 6 in DC.

Anthony and her state of the demographic at the way that they are on their go ahead and run out of that one thing that I will make the most out of the country and in along with again. What thing over and over and over and become hardened and what we believe. We don't talk to one another and also Joe Biden unity you can't protect the community and use certain words that only consult the other people I completely agree with you love a call for unity. That's real it feels legitimate. Absolutely I be up to lead the charge with you because I think that is something the country in the world desperately needs but unfortunately when you have situations like this where the media creates chaos in your life is not to create unity is to create nerves scared to create division amongst you and your friends and family, and we can't let that be the case. Thank you again for all your calls.

Thank you for your support of the ACLJ begin to find out more information can donate there as well.

We really appreciate.

We supported it is a great organization part of us. What we do here. Check out ACL general checkup on Google checkout will not Logan Sekulow reprogram on YouTube until next time you see a storm brewing in your life. Don't worry ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and the public of the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ