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Biden’s Swamp Creature Picks for Potential Administration

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
November 23, 2020 12:00 pm

Biden’s Swamp Creature Picks for Potential Administration

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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November 23, 2020 12:00 pm

Biden’s Swamp Creature Picks for Potential Administration.

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Jay Sekulow why Job's creature pictures potential new administration and a victory for life in the circuit courts talk about that today on Jay Sekulow live live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow line phone lines are open for your questions right now we get to the potential by this ration fix over these would be picked two of the three to retire, but they have to be confirmed. What does not. Let me be actually one of the most troubling pics by Job either. That's the person who will serve as national security advisor to potential by the administration. He was one of the architects of the Iran nuclear deal or the JC POA which Joe Biden is indicated he wants to have the United States rejoin will talk about that later. The second half hour with West Smith owns a retired colonel and wrote a piece about it last week on about the dangers of a potential by the administration and Iran would so much progress is being made to really isolate a rod in that region of the world with peace deals with the UAE with Bahrain with even potentially more coming in the in the current crop administration potentially I so again I wanted take your phone calls 164 30 wanted that's what he hundred 64 3110 and also before we get deeper into that. Note that indicates the ACLJ was asked if I would by the Atty. Gen., Tennessee Tennessee put in place a a law restricting a sex-based abortions abortions based off kids having any kind like Down syndrome as to for reasons like that and if a law banning abortions for those reasons that law was of course immediately challenged by Planned Parenthood of the abortion industry and its made its way to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals with a victory at the six circuit Court of Appeals. The law is allowed to go into it to force that that will be appealed to the Supreme Court and were just talking about the procedural issues on this case so far. Ultimately, it will have to go to the on the merits and will be your briefing. This into 2020 W soda matching challenge about like the month of November. It's a key time to remember the ACLJ's work is already continually audited next year and a key victory for life Frank Manion, a senior counsel for that with the ACLJ he'll be joining us in this first half-hour. The broadcast to talk to us about this victory out of this said Tennessee abortion case which is so key again that with the distant term. I do the battles were gazed at the ACLJ. Do not stop and we also want to prepare you for what a potential Biden administration will look like.

We don't want anybody to be caught off guard.

Two of the three people are to be talk about today have to be confirmed.

Those confirmations will look very differently if Chuck Schumer is the Majority Leader or if Mitchell Cottle base Majority Leader and that comes out to those two runoff elections in Georgia which are all January 5 not too far away in a state that's had a lot of issues with its Presidential election, and accounting. There I the governor. Kip finally kind of coming out say there were issues there.

The truck campaign petitioning for a recount that actually looks the signature matching there specifically which wasn't done of the initial recount of daily ballots. They did look at whether or not the signatures on the outside of the ballots matched so they want that to be looked at but they better bring a new election there runoff on January 5 that will decide the balance of power, the US and I would like to for bid Washington DC because they what we see these first few individuals named with the Ford policy world is a return right back to the end of America. First, like America last again and what recruit L talks about all this compromise rejoin the all the international organizations with no changes at all like the WHO and and other UN entities and a kind of going back to putting people who will remove the State Department by the trust administration to put you right back into higher positions of power. Even cabinet level. Your personnel always has been. Policy Jordan and nowhere is that more true than in the area of foreign affairs and what we saw in the Obama administration what the appeasement strategy yielded it yielded you that terrible deal with Iran adored. If you put all of the same people or people with similar views back in the same places I got news for you. That's exactly the policy that you will get again America last appeasement first really go through these individuals with you. We come back talk about that pro-life victory and what it means moving for next remember he tied for the ACLJ November the matching challenge about your group daughters Ray to match all the donation comfortability online W impacted ACLJ.the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom detecting those persecuted covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous record in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and you forgive today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life, and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACL data/let's go through some of these names that we know about that.

We know that we haven't heard about where Bernie Sanders will fall yet as you get it is to get it up as secretary of labor and we get it that we have heard from the Biden team that the secretary of treasury, which has been announced and either will be announced it either. This potential secretary-treasurer would have to go forward you of these about to most of these have to go through Senate confirmation is some of that would appeal to moderates and progressives that would mean why think there's there taking Bernie Sanders out of the running for that and moving it may, but is that so like Elizabeth Ward we think about it, that could still be someone who's pretty radical to the left who they think is still someone who that mainstream Democrats and progressive Democrats would be which supports they did say moderate Republicans by the way, so abundant, but there is they are really tipping, there have more on Ford policy. Let's start with the highest ranking official that they've kind of let out of the bag that is Tony Blake and he's been around a long time. They want to put in for the Secretary of State. He was Deputy Secretary of State from 2015 to 2017 was the deputy national security advisor from 2013 to 2015 under Pres. Obama. I this is somewhat of a thin who is bid if you talk about the Washington swap. He's been there in the State Department but on the political side of it for a very long time is also work proceeded as a foreign affairs global affairs analyst so it kinda just tells you who you're getting there. He is not someone who is radical, it is real it is. It's that anti-Israel, so it may become an olive branch. There that he has said even on the record that that Joe Biden's policy and the security of Israel would not specifically be tied to whether it like they would not quote tie Israel military assistance to Israel to things like annexation or other decisions by the government which they might disagree.

So there are some good sides there with him. His Secretary of State when it comes to Israel. There's also some question marks though because he could be seas also signaled kind of a potential scuttling of these historic he steals the trump administration was able to put together between some of the Gulf states and the state of Israel, like the UA will be starting the issue of Israel, Jordan, I think it's incumbent on VP Joe Biden, and if he's gonna be name Secretary of State Tony blinking at to clarify that that would be the position and that they would not undermineDylan. I think everybody on both sides of the aisle. Jordan should agree that those were historical strides forward in a new administration certainly ought to honor them a bit more broadly speaking, Jordan, I, I, I, for if I look at the time of the Mr. blank and served in the Obama administration.

You're basically talking about the second term there.

He split his time between deputy national security advisor and Deputy Secretary of State Jordan, that was right in the throes.

As you know of the negotiations over the Iran deal and I just don't think there's any way you can look back on that. And think it was anything but a colossal failure. So is the Biden administration would potentially be setting up a path forward on on that and if Mr. blinking is gonna be at the at the head of the State Department adorned that is a time period that he should have to answer for Sophie goes before the United States Senate.

I would hope that those are the questions that they center on maybe maybe on the Israel front same look. Can you at least affirm that the strides that are been made forward in the last four years are positive ones for the United States and then the on the Iran deal do or not I really think he should be pressed very, very hard to point to a tangible benefit that came out of that deal because for my money. There wasn't one, and returning to it would be catastrophic. Gabby let let me just tell you, so it we talked about the, the Iran nuclear deal that ties directly fed to a somewhat that they've Artie announced Jake Sullivan this is someone who won't have to be confirmed. So it will not matter about the balance power. The Senate as national security advisor. He was actually one of the people who crafted an architect of that nuclear deal for an organ to give this more or less but it just tips the hat that that were going to be right back to where we were, which is a Ford policy disaster. But I think it's Joe Biden's biggest weakness is his Ford policy and he's bringing back the people who put together some of the worst foreign policy positions of the Obama administration like Jake Sullivan who will as an architect of the JC POA what is right back into this failed Iran nuclear deal at a time when we have see the trump administration isolate Iran as even a regional player yellow start at the staff level in the new mover way up. We talked about Mr. blinking being a deputy national security advisor. Now Jake Sullivan. Reportedly, Kennedy appointed his national security advisor George Knight. I think probably the reason he's getting that instead of something else, is exactly what you said he doesn't have to be confirmed by the United States Senate.

I view his previous role in in being the architect of the JC POA is disqualifying, and by the way, I think a Republican Senate would view it that way to now right we don't know exactly with the makeup of the Senate is gonna look like yet another reason to look forward to those January 5 runoffs, but Jordan I now just to raise it up a level. If Joe Biden says that Jake Sullivan is going to be his national security advisor and what people listen to me very quick clearly what is Joe Biden telling you he is telling you he wants to return to the posture where the JC POA is the leading edge of the of the foreign policy of the United States.

He doesn't have to come out and say it if he puts Jake Sullivan in this place Jordan, that is what he saying yet in order to get I want to get phone calls this way hundred 64 3110 Atlas. I do a lot of you've got questions about the legal challenges to that are to be still being filed, the Third Circuit, announcing that the Pennsylvania case from that the truck campaign is been fast-track but but I want to be honest with you about this nurse of type shakeup. There was Cindy Powell. You've all saw that I talked about a Georgia case being filed in and on Newsmax on Saturday. It looks like now. That's actually good to be in city Palace had a purview so outside the trump technical the campaign world which is not where we do outside of our roles. A seal, Jake.

We were opposite the President's personal capacity will represent the truck campaign and to add somebody ghetto think that would be coming through city Powell so I kind of now kind of passing that off to her to if that will be filed in Georgia because there was that shakeup that we had nothing to do with but I just do one address that for you. For those of you who saw that her saw that on the on online that would be likely be handled by city Palace stood still kit could be filed, but I will only want to present to you when it comes to the information like that the most accurate info as we get later to this process. I don't want to be speculating at all. I think we have to be as accurate as possible, as represented representatives of Pres. trump. It is for his personal capacity and subordinate do that and if there's if if if we can't be as accurate as possible. You feel like it's a day where we need to give it a day really do that because we want you to come away with the right information not just information but the right information so so I did one address that there ever to talk about these other issues because I think it's important that we go right back to you on this that as important as the Presidential election is these two Georgia runoffs cannot be pushed to the side event.

I think they need to be seated side you need is BC. This is side-by-side.

You don't like the way this election is been turning out the problems that we see to the states across the country.

There needs to be a massive turnout, Georgia for these two Republican Sen. Stan that is so big it can't be stolen that there will be any doubt to who want those elections and there've got a bit, but instead it looks like right now with pulling that there could be right on the line again with you to hundreds, maybe thousands, of a few thousand votes separate these two. We need to see something big to put those right those races to bed on all that I do January 5 to keep Republicans in control the U.S. Senate so that there is a check these potential nominees that we are talking about from Joe Biden. Yeah, a couple of reasons for that. Jordan number one we know that there gonna happen.

I mean we know come January 5.

Both of these races are to be on the ballot and I think there are a lot of folks that you not look on one of them. III think that Sen. produce race very well have may have gotten over the 50% threshold if he were allowed to pursue all of the challenges that I thought were available to him. I don't love the fact that it's heading to a recount during the look we gotta live in reality.

Both of those races are on the ballot come January 5 and the second point that I would make is it something that people who are listening who might be frustrated. Jordan they have a role to play. I mean, many of those folks are in Georgia and they get to go to the ballot box. They get to go into that booth and and and vote in each of these elections and and if there is going to be a a President Biden. If there's going to be a house that is in a Speaker Pelosi has the gavel.

If there's not a Senate that has a check on that. I gotta tell you the names that were talking about in these positions Jordan that will be the least of the concern for people listening you're talking green dune deal you're talking into the legislative filibuster you're talking court packing you're talking about that out right off the bat, so look, I just think January 5. Right now there's a lot of other dates that are important in the Presidential challenges that are going forward, and people should continue to pay attention to those Jordan, if January 5 falls off of the list of dates that people are paying attention to the consequences and the price is can be very heavy. Let me let me take as we got one of the top chatters on YouTube. You were on YouTube now live around Facebook live people or they are watching were up his periscope and of course you thousand plus radio stations. Live and on Sirius XM at Cimarron and are we now conceding the Bible will be the President is present from giving up no none of that is happened, no none of that is happened.

You haven't heard any speech like that from present trouble from his legal team. What we're doing at the ACLJ is taking what the Biden team is providing us the information and prepare because let's be honest folks I meet. You still want to be prepared not want to be caught off guard by what his team may be, especially if Republicans of sin are able to be a check on that team, because the confirmation process and the we also need to know what's coming. That's what were trying to provide for you. We got all the experts, the ACLJ to do that. The outfit, but because again it would be foolish, foolish not to talk about the Georgia Senate right races foolish not to focus it on who Joe Biden is talking about putting forward as his cabinet. You need to know that will be right back. Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life, and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of roofing weighing 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do.

Simply would not occur without your generous to Courtney and her matching challenge to make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow lives with Miss about the election chaos around this is a chaotic time and and was going to be present United States and it would Biden try to move forward with his picks were to focusing on the folks because were not to be caught flat footed radical should be caught off guard were to be prepared. The ACLJ were to be fully briefing senators were to be ready to go for those confirmation battles if they do occur. You cannot just imagine perfect world have to imagine the real world that we the other battle stopped. No, and I as I said before, I want to make sure after cut all these others scuttle over the weekend with different members and different kinds of trump legal team to remember in our representation. This aside for the ACLJ represent the President's individual capacity. We don't represent the Trump campaign and so that in that apparatus so I will bring information on that when I know it is 100% accurate but but I want to be very careful right now at this time. Either one building up expectations or or putting down expectations so on days like this when I cannot bring you 100% for accurate information about what is going to be filed and who is going to be arguing it were to be focusing on the real world as well on other parts of the real world and one of those other parts the real world is victories in court on the life issue fragmented senior counsel with the ACLJ is joining us right now Frank I want you to walk people through because you we had all the election we had a lot of focus on that and that the postelection controversy, but this is a case a big pro-life victory of the six circuit Court of Appeals, but is just getting started because were really a procedural stage to walk people through. I don't deter the Atty. Gen. of Tennessee asked us to get involved as the ACLJ walk people through this case, what it's about the legislature. A law that, among other things, restricted abortion based on gender, race, or down syndrome diagnosis. You would think that this would be viewed as a liberal progressive type law but here we have the abortion industry which immediately went to court to challenge this loving to put an upper tray itself is liberal and progressive fighting tooth and nail against the law that protects people from being kept from being killed. Based on their race, gender, or disability. So that's what happened here even before the law was officially enacted before the governor signed it takes to federal court and somehow miraculously the abortion industry always finds favorable judges who issue injunctions of the minute that the governor of Tennessee signed the law. They went to court and got it. Enjoy.

So the government of the Federal Ct. in Tennessee issued an injunction against the enforcement of the law state of Tennessee appealed, as you pointed out, they asked us to wail the case alongside them which we've done, we found our brief last week. In the meantime the state of Tennessee filed a motion with the appeals court saying the court should not have entered an injunction against the law. It should be allowed to be in effect. While the appeal is pending. Just this past Friday, a panel of the six circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the state of Tennessee issued a stay on the lower court's injunction that I note getting technical here, but that basically saying that this pull part of the law about Down syndrome, gender and race can go into effect can remain in effect. While the appeal is pending, which will be for quite a while. This is Frank with people today. ACLJ's work is Artie continuing into 2021. This example of one of those cases where got a great pro-life victory, one that makes sense. It makes since it if when it comes to abortion you not to be. You cannot have an abortion safe I'm doing this because I know I want another girl and this is a boy and so that's what do the abortion or down syndrome and it seems like that this is just good public policy and and yet yeah and this is a battle zone freight that will continue into the next year next year and beyond toward the water being kept around the country and struck down by lower federal court as we know, we now maybe have a better more level playing field in the appellate courts were hoping some good results over the next couple years in those courts and the reason why there I like to go backs. This is the time at present tropical legacy there, the courts, he made sure that there were no vacancies there sent 1/3 of those Court of Appeals and I'm a fan of this quickly, but then 1/3 of those Court of Appeals judges are trump nominees were nominated by Pres. Trump, yet not a single vacancy left to the deadline where you can get an in and and Jordan.

I mean even on some of the circuits where it wasn't switch that we talk about the Ninth Circuit a lot.

There are 10 Jordan 10 of the 29 judges that sit on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, of all places, were nominated by Pres. Trump. It's going to be I legacy Jordan that no matter, no matter when he transitions out of office.

That's gonna be a legacy that exist for generations to come in something that he deserves a lot of credit for something that leader McConnell deserves a lot of credit for, and then also watch a chairman Grassley and Sherman Graham of the Senate Judiciary Committee you let him. Let me ask you this Africa. What happens next.

In this case so people know so what what will they expect to happen next. What will the ACLJ be doing next court week so the case will proceed to a hearing argument on the merits of the appeal. Some several months down the road and I will wait for decision, but as fan pointed out. With these new appointments with his recent appointment. Finally, people like the ACLJ in organizations like ours are encouraged that we may have left a more level playing field in the courts of appeal, particularly abortion cases were for years of the deck is stacked against us and the legislators would pass sound commonsense humane laws that would just automatically get struck down a law that may still happen. As it happened here in the District Court, at least we have some hope going forward that we have a better chance of prevailing Court of Appeals in course of the Supreme Court, which we all know about this case, Frank that because the way it's moving right now.

The counselor would be the Supreme Court in China set the set the precedent for other states want to enact this kind of common sense, public policy when it comes to research restrictions on abortion that that can be found to be constitutional. Even under existing precedent over all other jurisdictions have filed similar law struck down by different Courts of Appeals so that hopefully will get a split in the circuits out of the six circuit and that you know that the current case expected in court. Eventually I just want to understand this is work that was pretty pretty unique here to extend speak the ACLJ's expertise that the Atty. Gen. of Tennessee actually came to us to meet we would obsolete likely be filing a case like this, we get the approval of file then execute proactively came to us and said please file in this with your brief because you guys are experts on this.

What happened here and what we do. That's why they turned some folks I get I think Frank for joining us and again just filed last week with the victory at Melissa pro-life victory in the federal courts of the Circuit Court level I this is something you see because of the nominees. The present trump is made and it was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

So to get it_supports the Senate races underscores course reports of who the President is what this President did with that with with the vacancies that he had even in a first her were so important that were seeing the difference and we have this is the as Frank said chance here to get these to the Supreme Court and the court has been changed also significantly set very different precedents for the kind of restrictions.

The Supreme Court that states can be put in place when it comes to abortion in here to seem so so obvious that you can't say I would do this abortion because I don't have another ride one of the girl or because this child may have down syndrome.

That's a pretty common sense, but again it gets to it used to be challenging the abortion industry which is when those carte blanche. Not anymore. The ACLJ is there for the fight there for the fight 2020.

Be there for the fight, 20, 21 York this day since he is Debbie asked to join these fights by states there covered us in sync. Please fight with us. That's because of your support of the mayor consider flawed justice we become those kind of expert support working ACLJ matching challenge about the November ACLJ.or the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in the world protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular is great to get that update from Frank may know that that major pro-life victory. The ACLJ will continue working on and I think she's the reason why this matching challenge month of November as we get towards the end of the month and of course close to Thanksgiving holiday. If you thought about supporting the work ACLJ financially or if you do this is a great month to do it a great time to do it because of matching challenge month. What that means we have a group of donors who say that we will match all of the donations that come through in the month of November. So if you donate $20 right now that that is really like $40 because it takes your initial action to get those donors to match what comes through in the month of November so great time to support our work at the ACLJ as we work in 2020.

And of course we work into 2021 as well. I donate now it daily breaking news report again. I think it's just important.

I know a lot of you are getting frustrated. I see it why we talk about these potential by dates because were not to be be caught off guard were to inform you that you there's a chance your body is voiding present United States folks, there is a likelihood the legal challenges are always the last resort.

In the later this gets, the tougher those legal challenges become so be prepared. Make sure that the Senate is it just to be carte blanche support for Joe Biden. You could do that by getting involved in Georgia. There's two races there. They had their going to determine the outcome of the Senate before we even go to these names because many of these have to be confirmed by the Senate.

If you go to be carte blanche confirmation for all these people. Joe Biden gets the presidency for a much tougher road for them. If Republicans remain a chart to grant the answer to a lot tougher questions yet to be hard enough Jordan if if it's 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats just to be quite honest him and all we have to do is look back over the last four years and realize that with a narrow majority. It was sometimes difficult to get nominees through in those who are opposing them also had a tough time a Jordan.

If the President has the Senate in his control. There is no check on the nominations of this will be a much different fight. Now we just maybe, maybe quickly, this might be a little bit trite but I I used to play basketball Jordan when you first caught the past. You are what, in what was called triple threat position. You could shoot, you could pass or you could dribble. That's where were at with the ACLJ right now I'm just last week Jordan we filed regulations in a furthering President trumps expansion of the Mexico City poly which a policy which advances a pro-life position. Why did we do that Jordan. Because if he is reelected and if he transitions in and continues to to be in office. We want that policy to BQ continue to experience. We continue doing that work but it, like you said were not gonna be caught flat-footed. If it goes the other direction we want to be in that triple threat threat position where is if it does go the other way we can be prepared when Jake Sullivan pushes us back towards the JCP way to the Iran deal. We will be ready to put forward credible, legitimate, substantive arguments why that would take America to a bad place.

We just very simply got an obligation to our members Jordan to be prepared for either eventuality you again. I want I want to go through. So let's go through some of that that the names that were just getting now.

So first of all we talked about Tony blinking as set in the perceived like to be Secretary of State. Let's go to the next person.

This should be and we talked at Jake Sullivan would be his national security advisor. He ordered time at that Northwest Smith on the Iran issue because he was an architect of the JCP away the sale.

The Iran nuclear deal and Joe Biden wants to rush America back into but also important is Linda Thomas Greenfield she's a as UN ambassador. That's you, Joe Biden wants interesting enough as she was the Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs of the State Department for 2013 to 27 teaches bid in you know Ford service had been in swamp of the State Department for four years.

In 2017 she was terminated by the trust administration because they wanted to get rid of the career professionals who were just there, and of course trying to undermine the trust administration policy.

These are the kind of deep state people together to go back to is what Ricardo talked about that same kind of compromise America last policies so that's Linda Thomas Greenfield or names have been announced will get to those we come back live West Smith during this on the Iran issue and how important it different this could be under potential by administration support the work ACLJ as you see were writing battles we have to be ready for these battles. Like it or not, let's get realistic. Let's be ready for war, 20, 21, the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do.

Simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms gift today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy mission life today online ACL data/Carolyn Texas online one because I think it is important to point this out. People are actually calling of theirs were here sure right now. Vertebrae West Smith to was written about a piece about does the Bible he planned to enable the enemy we had be prepared for Joe by dispersant right now. Look at the electoral map does that mean that of course you know that were part of the tropical illegal team and that their efforts underway.

Of course the integrity of the election makes the legal votes are counted. Illegal votes are counted. Maybe that will change. Six. Of course we spent a lot of time on that but now the Joe bites her to put out names. You better be prepared. Folks securely welcome to the broadcaster on the air about people talking about a lot and join the fray because of representing the President and knows you from right to talk about a field day in 18 there for 30 years. I know that listeners might not understand the outside more and is our voice no matter what happens.

Thanks thank you Carolyn for saying that. Please ACLJ if you are listed to come aboard because the Trump years involved with their inner continued involvement there. By the way, and I think regardless of how the election turns out we will still be involved with present Trump incident in his capacity with whatever he chooses to do.

If it doesn't turn out in his favor in the courts or the legislatures okay so what you all to know that that have joined a listing for the Trump row that we had to do probably still be part of that world. And so and we got a lot of legal work to redo it on behalf the President is it the stuff that's in the big news that we do on behalf the presence out so know that, but the second part is what Carolyn said the ACLJ has existed since 1990 okay we are a constitutional law and government affairs organization where your voice to aid in the courts in Washington DC. We represent clients at no cost.

In fact, we've we've held assisted about 2000 families so far during Cove. It who needed assistance because of you this at home blurting but they were have students with. This may be learning disabilities or individual education plans or the or they had a situation were they didn't have that they could afford to cut Internet speeds they would need to do for him at home blurting or the food delivery that was so important. You handled that at no cost for about 2000 families nationwide. We do that kind of work we represent cities and towns at no cost to represent individuals. We hit we have a long record at the US Supreme Court.

So our voice on matters of constitution and government affairs and foreign policy, with offices around the world. Of course, are our Europeans are flawed justices recognized Geo at the United Nations so so we been doing this for decades from Republican administrations to Democrat administrations to getting the job done. That's what we do to protecting your rights with its administration wants to go after the to protecting religious liberty to protecting freedom of speech to protecting your your your your your your rights again and fighting, of course, for the life of the unborn.

That's just some of what we've done and I can give you the entire by think Carolyn is right and what West Smith is a perfect example that West Georgia stallions policy expert with his former current retired colonel US military and you wrote a piece West about what the Bible he may do to enable the enemy like Iran. Tell people about it is you start seeing these names like Jake Sullivan who was is is Joe bites pick if he becomes President to be national security advisor. This a guy who wrote that I was an architect of the Iran nuclear deal, which is been highly criticized estate said he was likely chosen for this position because you don't have to be confirmed exactly and the Joe Biden's tipping his hand with people like him like a Ms. Hochstein who really tipped his hand is worth the geopolitical plans for the Middle Eastern for ran going forward. If Joe Biden assumes office in January is going back to the days of the Obama Biden administration.

Obama Biden 2.0 where are allies like Israel could not depend on us and our adversaries like North Korea and Iran did not fear or respect us in the most significant tipping of the hand. At this point, which came out last week is that Hochstein stated that in a Biden administration that they would do one of two things they would either immediately reenter the JC POA with around therein nuclear deal or what he referred to SJC PO A- where did this in it. If I had not read it and read the statement it would be hard to believe, and that is they might go in and lift all sanctions on her rent in exchange for ran not getting rid of the. The violations of the nuclear deal they've done over the last three years, but simply stopping some of them in exchange for lifting sanctions and reaching out diplomatically around you know it is a threat not just to the region is a threat to the world and yet in their coming in with this policy of reaching out to it. It is a throwback to remember when the Obama administration freed up billions of dollars in international assets from them delivered pallets of cash to rent in middle of the night. That simply enables terrorism.

So Hochstein is talking about either reentering it carte blanche or JC you JC PO A- where they actually live sanctions in a ran doesn't have to back off the progress they've made this simply have to stop a course in addition to that in the whole Middle East and the peace and progress. There is up in the air as well because Hochstein and others, and the Biden team are now talking about going back and in putting the Palestinian issue at the heart of all diplomacy in the Middle East.

There is a reason that the Arab nations have been lining up with the Abraham accords and making normal relations with Israel and that is because they are tired of sitting on the sidelines and having their own national security threatened because they they can't solve the Palestinian issue there detaching the Arab nations are under the trust administration. They've been detaching their safety and security and their economic interests in exchange for what is been for decades, placating Palestinian leaders who are involved in corruption and terrorism.

All of this is elections do have consequences. These are frightful potential consequences Jordan under the by administration.

It will impact negatively all the peace the progress this been made in the Middle East. It will embolden and enable a ran if they go through this got some new names to announce as well.

Also talked about that that Tony Blake and Jake Sullivan, Linda Thomas Greenfield was removed from the State Department by the Trump administration is a swamp creature now being back brought back to potentially buy Biden is the US ambassador to the UN, which is a can of cut confirmed has to be confirmed and can be a cabinet position that that's up to the President of the United States taken that they can decide that we got some new names as well that Alejandra Alejandra of Majorca's who was a deputy secretary of homeland security under Obama's negative Abby put forward as the Sec. of Homeland security that Adm. Haynes was the deputy national security advisor is now to be put forward as director of national intelligence. These are all on Obama people the deputy and just a deputy director of the CIA, so I get it's like and what I welcome everybody back on Facebook were down for a little bit adult if there was a political reason for that time, this time on Facebook and it was more of a tech issue but welcome back on Facebook share with your friends and family some more people seized, but it also seems to getting the Obama BT all the deputies their coming back now to get their job is the top level position. To me that's even more dangerous because they may not be household names like some of the Obama people became.

And yet they they are the they were the ones who are writing the policy for those top level Obama people.

They were the architects of the ideals and they want back in and we were in a geopolitical mess we are in a military mess by the time the Biden Obama ministration ended going back to the JC POA which they want to reenter Jordan. People need to keep in mind that the JC POA did not forbid a ran from getting nuclear weapons is simply postponed it for about 10 years and during that interim time as we inspected them to make sure they're complying with this this farce of a nuclear deal. We could not inspect the military facilities which is the logical place they would do research and development on nuclear weapons. You go down the list of the things that are on the on the face of them. They seem a little insane, but the real serious bottom line is that they are a threat to national security and to all the things we do in the future, not only for peace in the region of the Middle East in our Arab allies but for us as well make sure my seizure piece to us so it's it's up in Facebook and and Russell stay with us to the next segment broadcast will take your phone calls at 100-684-3110 list. If you have some question about the legal challenges you can ask him but again we want to be as accurate as possible, as representatives of the present in our other role and and I will tell you is I told other news outlets today that if I can't be hundred percent accurate right now. Not to say something that is that is potential or what I think is going to happen. I would be accurate. I think with that link the stage now where everything we say needs to be hundred percent accurate and there is some kind of turmoil over the weekend in that you saw use either the news. I know you've all seen and I don't want to really get into that or pick sides of that I because that is not what we do will represent the Trump campaign in their outside role outside role would represent the present, in his individual capacity present from his individual capacity will continue to do that as an inner outside role. I want all those new listeners. They seal Jake in our broadcast Jay Sekulow to understand that as well. Like I care would protect a set but I did check out Wes's blog. Make sure social unity. Let's make sure it gets tweeted out for our social media accounts and put up again on her Facebook doubts is it does the Biden team plan to enable the enemy is very straightforward, support the work of the ACLJ the sick little time to do it. We got all these experts always people ready to go work and be ready to go on day one of whoever's administration. It is folks only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists.

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This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ will encourage everybody back on Facebook and YouTube now welcome those kind of new people are interacting on YouTube. I think that's great parlor in places like periscope and twitter and of course the thousand plus radio stations run each day and I Sirius XM 228. Make sure that you understand part of your support for the ACLJ financial support ACLJ goes to this broadcast that wish I could turn the cameras around and show you the whole team that is here right now but I mean you know that there's there's 10 people in the control of this people taking your calls is people making sure that this goes up live in the videos going up live as our producers for the content together as people making sure this is going out audio wise in the right everything is working correctly with the team is there. Then of course we have a whole social media team that cuts up the show for you after sleep you get little pieces of it to share on social media little chunks of it as well were below people debris in the guest people that make sure we got the right connection to Washington DC and everything is working all of that is is because of your support for the ACLJ now the core support goes to those we go to our legal work. That's a secondary bear government affairs work in our international work, but then it also this broadcast every single day bringing you all this information, it's because of your financial support of the barracks are flawed justice of this a great month to financially support the ACLJ because the matching challenge month which meets whatever you donate to the ACLJ is effectively doubled because we have a group of donors at say will batch all of the donations they came through in the month of November but it's up to you to see how big that matches because you are the you are the reason why they batch a donation you have to make that initial donation. Do it today. ACLJ.or even if really wanted that your topic top the things you like about us is that the Jay Sekulow live radio broadcast and television broadcast, that's a great reason support it because it's on the air because of your financial support of the ACLJ donate fan you brought up something interesting in what he batch of goes in line with what Wes is talking about two which is that under the Trump administration we have. Fortunately got use to administration with Mike Pompeo and Trop and Pitts and their advisors who are very tough when it comes to religious persecution abroad, especially Americans, imprisoned abroad with these other administrations and with these other people.

The Joe Biden is talking about is like pulling teeth to get the State Department engaged and certainly you probably won't have Joe Biden tweeting out that he's about to sanction a NATO ally like Turkey to get American home in Jordan.

The difference, quite simply, has been Presidential level engagement.

I may look this is another example of an issue where we draw on decades of experience.

We worked on religious freedom issues across the globe, but specifically religious prisoners of conscious of people that are being held usually Americans toward her being held in other places of the world on account of their faith and look at going back through Democrat and Republican administrations. It has been like pulling teeth to get the bureaucracy and specifically to get the President to raise that to the level of their particular interest.

Their particular focus and so therefore the wheels of government did not engage as aggressively as they should have on this Jordan that turned on its face during the last four years, Pres. Trump. I think one of the things he did most effectively is say no. As the leader of the United States of America. When we have one of these issues. I am not gonna put it on the back burner because it might upset the economic applecart know I'm getting engage and as a result Jordan.

There is a long list of resounding success. Were these prisoners were returned home, they were released in their back home now because of that, and I will I will just tell you as we look forward to the next four years. I would hope no matter who is President that we would very simply look back at the last four years and then juxtapose that with them.

The last previous decades, and see that there has been a dramatic improvement in that track record, no matter whose President, Jordan, the model that Pres. Trump put forward. It is just plain and simple. It's the one that the that America should follow going forward will you let me just say folks to animate your notebook by Smith on assuming this is a model again that we've gotten use to but we know that we need to prepare for the potential of an administration comes in and goes right back to the same old way the Republicans and Democrats in the past it, which was going to go through all these levels, the State Department, all this diplomatic and the present won't say anything about it. If he does will be very will be a written statement. It's kind of blah and the hope to God that may be, get these people back home. Yeah yeah you know what what Pres. Trump is made very, very clear and and he's very candid he's very direct. You know, people criticize him of not being nice to our allies and provoking your enemies a he's actually done. Neither of those but he made it very very clear. Jordan that with people like Turkey who held you know Americans in Iran and other places.

It is in your best interest to support the United States as we try to look at our national security and personal interest as well. The same is true with our NATO allies. Yet it was very clear. We will support you. We have this common defense treaty, but it is in your best interest to help the United States with our national security and other interest as well. That message has been so consistent and so clear and it's that message in that policy that really hangs in the balance right now Donna is on YouTube – his super chatter should she donated to and I want to thank her for that and she said just thank you for all you do with ACL.

Jamie thank you Donna as well you know we haven't talked about yet to resurfacing from the Obama years in some way to deal with a lot on this Iran issue it. John Kerry is looking to make a comeback stand as this time. Climate czar then this goes back again to the Georgia Senate races in the green new deal. The green new deal could go right through Congress. If Chuck Schumer becomes the Majority Leader fan of the U.S. Senate. I don't have to be exactly everything people like AOC would want because there are some modern Democrats there that they'd have to get through and they'll be Republicans as well and and there's a fit legislative filibuster will see if they get try to get rid of that are want to get rid of that but that is why those two Georgia Senate races are so important because John carries gonna be down in part of this group as well. If Biden gets there and now it's covered is climate czar and nothing good can come out of this Jordanian we know where John Kerry is on this issue will look whether it's green new dealer green new deal light which would be bad enough. One thing we do know that he would do is is advised that the incoming President rejoin the Paris climate. Accordingly, Jordan if if that's not bad enough, you don't even have to get all the way to green new deal to know what John Kerry would say I think it's yet another example in this foreign affairs space where the this group of people. The names that were hearing coming out would use that sort of maximum latitude that our President has in the foreign affairs based not having to go through Senate to do an awful lot of damage, not Jordan, as you related to Georgia it if Democrats pick up those two seats and VP Biden transitions into the White House in the pie Paris climate accord is the least of your concerns when it comes to this issue right. That's what that's why were talking about this folks, you've got to be realistic to be a good warrior for for the causes you care about is for conservatism for the kind of policies that Pres. Trump put forward on the populism that America first kind of ideas. You gotta be a good warrior and that means you can do sometimes at the battle back against bad policies and bad Presidents and you won't have all the tools your disposal possible you could have Republican majority in the U.S. Senate that can again make the Paris climate, a quartet of the worst where they could go instead of as they had just said Ed Westrick that could be the least yours. If you agree new deal and economically. That could be disastrous for their I take very, very seriously. The hair stood up on my neck when I heard it when Chuck Schumer says. First we take Georgia and then change America chain. I'm not sure marijuana change America the way Chuck Schumer does know I don't think you do what that folks do, but he also got to be in this battle right now. Do not just assume that things are going to turn out the way you want them to us and how the world works. That's up with the Bible teaches either when it comes to worldly affairs instead of turn out the way you want. Prepare for battle. Always be ready always be ready support the work of ACLJ the joy you get live tomorrow… Jay Sekulow live in or dispatching talents month of November. Talking about the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the world protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ